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E-7.22 Reg 2 The Electronic Information and Documents (Public Emergencies) Regulations .............................................. 161F-13.4 Reg 43 The New Home Construction Rebate (Provincial Sales Tax) Remission Regulations ................................................................ 162P-20.3 Reg 2 The Powers of Attorney (Public Emergencies) Regulations .......... 167SR 29/2020 The Pension Benefits Amendment Regulations, 2020 ................... 168SR 30/2020 The Land Titles (Public Emergencies) Amendment Regulations, 2020 ........................................................................ 169SR 31/2020 The Summary Offences Procedure (Emergency Planning) Amendment Regulations, 2020 ................................................... 171SR 32/2020 The Revenue Collection Administration Amendment Regulations, 2020 ........................................................................ 173SR 33/2020 The Provincial Sales Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Regulations, 2020 ........................................................................ 178SR 34/2020 The Wildlife Amendment Regulations, 2020 ................................. 185SR 35/2020 The Fisheries Amendment Regulations, 2020 ............................... 191



Volume 116 REGINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2020/REGINA, VENDREDI 3 AVRIL 2020 No. 14/nº 14

160 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, APRIL 3, 2020Revised Regulations of Saskatchewan 2020/

Règlements Révisés de la Saskatchewan 2020April 3, 2020The Electronic Information and Documents (Public Emergencies) Regulations ................................................................. E-7.22 Reg 2The New Home Construction Rebate (Provincial Sales Tax) Remission Regulations ......................................................... F-13.4 Reg 43The Powers of Attorney (Public Emergencies) Regulations ................................................................................................... P-20.3 Reg 2The Pension Benefits Amendment Regulations, 2020............................................................................................................ SR 29/2020The Land Titles (Public Emergencies) Amendment Regulations, 2020 ................................................................................ SR 30/2020The Summary Offences Procedure (Emergency Planning) Amendment Regulations, 2020 ................................................ SR 31/2020The Revenue Collection Administration Amendment Regulations, 2020 ............................................................................. SR 32/2020The Provincial Sales Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Regulations, 2020 .......................................................................... SR 33/2020The Wildlife Amendment Regulations, 2020 ......................................................................................................................... SR 34/2020The Fisheries Amendment Regulations, 2020 ........................................................................................................................ SR 35/2020


CHAPTER E-7.22 REG 2The Electronic Information and Documents Act, 2000

Section 24Order in Council 130/2020, dated March 25, 2020

(Filed March 26, 2020)Title

1 These regulations may be cited as The Electronic Information and Documents (Public Emergencies) Regulations.

Definitions2 In these regulations:

“Act” means The Electronic Information and Documents Act, 2000;“electronic means of communication” means an electronic means by which a lawyer is able, at all times, to see and hear the person providing a document;“public emergency period” means the period during which an emergency declaration ordered pursuant to The Emergency Planning Act, or an order of the chief medical health officer pursuant to The Public Health Act, 1994 respecting quarantines, travel restrictions or another forms of isolation, is in force.

Interpretation of section 10 of Act3(1) For the purposes of section 10 of the Act, during a public emergency period, “to provide any information or document to another person in a specified non-electronic form” includes any requirement pursuant to any law to provide a document to a person for signature that includes any of the following or similar words:

(a) while in the presence of;(b) before me.

(2) During a public emergency period, a document mentioned in subsection (1) that is otherwise required to be provided in a non-electronic form may be provided through an electronic means of communication if all of the following conditions are met:

(a) the person receiving, witnessing or commissioning the document is a lawyer;(b) either:

(i) the emergency declaration is in effect in the location where the lawyer mentioned in clause (a) or the person providing the document is located; or(ii) the lawyer mentioned in clause (a) or the person providing the document is subject to a quarantine, travel restriction or other form of isolation in accordance with an order issued by the chief medical health officer pursuant to The Public Health Act, 1994;

(c) the lawyer mentioned in clause (a) takes all reasonable steps to verify the identity of the person providing the document and, if applicable, to confirm the authenticity of the document through the electronic means of communication and complies with any requirement established by the Law Society of Saskatchewan;


(d) the lawyer mentioned in clause (a) complies with any requirement established by the Law Society of Saskatchewan related to the receipt, swearing, affirming and witnessing of documents through the electronic means of communication.

Extension of application of these regulations4(1) The minister may, by order, extend the application of these regulations for a further period, not to exceed 30 days, after the date on which the public emergency period or the order of the chief medical health officer ends.(2) If the minister issues an order pursuant to subsection (1), the minister shall cause the order:

(a) to be published in the Gazette; and(b) to be made public in any other manner the minister considers necessary, including publishing it on the Government of Saskatchewan’s website.

Coming into force5 These regulations come into force on the day on which they are filed with the Registrar of Regulations.

CHAPTER F-13.4 REG 43The Financial Administration Act, 1993

Sections 24 and 71Order in Council 132/2020, dated March 25, 2020

(Filed March 26, 2020)Title

1 These regulations may be cited as The New Home Construction Rebate (Provincial Sales Tax) Remission Regulations.

Definitions and Interpretation2(1) In these regulations:

“Act” means The Provincial Sales Tax Act;“builder” means a contractor who is a builder of a residential building intended for resale but not rental purposes;“mobile home” means a structure, whether ordinarily equipped with wheels or not, that:

(a) is designed, constructed or manufactured to be moved from one place to another by being towed or carried; and(b) is used or designed to be used as a permanent residence;

and includes a modular home;“modular home” means a home that is constructed from a number of pre-assembled units that are intended for delivery to and assembly at a residential site;


“new housing start” means, subject to subsection (3), the beginning of construction work on a residential building, usually when the concrete has been poured for the whole of the footing around the structure or, in the case where a basement is not part of the structure, an equivalent stage;“newly-constructed home” includes, subject to clause (3)(c), any of the following that results from a new housing start:

(a) a detached or semi-detached single-unit house;(b) a duplex;(c) a condominium unit;(d) a townhouse;(e) a unit in a cooperative housing corporation;(f) a mobile home;(g) a floating home;

“owner-built home” means a newly-constructed home for which an individual has acted as the individual’s own general contractor rather than purchasing the newly-constructed home from a builder;“purchaser” means:

(a) a person who purchases from a builder a newly-constructed home that:

(i) is the result of a new housing start; and(ii) has not been previously occupied; or

(b) in the case of an owner-built home, the individual who has acted as the individual’s own general contractor with respect to the newly-constructed home;

“remission” means a remission of tax pursuant to these regulations;“tax” means the tax payable pursuant to the Act, but does not include any tax with respect to the land on which the newly-constructed home is situated;“total price” means:

(a) with respect to the purchase of a newly-constructed home, the total contract price before taxes, but does not include:

(i) the value of the land on which the newly-constructed home is situated; or(ii) subject to subsection (5), the price of any furniture, furnishings and appliances that accompany the newly-constructed home; or


(b) with respect to the purchase of an owner-built home, the total value of the owner-built home before taxes, but does not include:

(i) the value of the land on which the owner-built home is situated; or(ii) subject to subsection (6), the price of any furniture, furnishings and appliances that accompany the owner-built home.

(2) The definitions set out in the Act and the regulations made pursuant to the Act apply for the purposes of these regulations.(3) The definition of “new housing start” in subsection (1) does not apply to the beginning of construction on any of the following:

(a) a personal care home as defined in The Personal Care Homes Act;(b) a special-care home designated pursuant to The Provincial Health Authority Act;(c) a home described in the definition of “newly-constructed home” in subsection (1) that is intended to be a rental unit.

(4) For the purposes of these regulations:(a) subject to clause (b), a purchaser is considered to have taken possession of a newly-constructed home if the purchaser:

(i) holds, controls or occupies the newly-constructed home;(ii) is responsible for paying the property taxes with respect to the newly-constructed home; and(iii) has the right to alter the land, to control entry or access to the newly-constructed home and to pay insurance premiums with respect to the newly-constructed home;

(b) in the case of an owner-built home, a purchaser is considered to have taken possession of the owner-built home if the purchaser:

(i) occupies the owner-built home after March 31, 2020 and before April 1, 2023;(ii) is responsible for paying the property taxes with respect to the owner-built home; and(iii) has the right to alter the land, to control entry or access to the owner-built home and to pay insurance premiums with respect to the owner-built home.

(5) The definition of “total price” in the circumstances described in clause (1)(a) includes appliances only if:

(a) they form part of an all-inclusive single consideration and are not stated separately on the invoice or statement provided by the builder;(b) they are of the type of appliances normally provided by the builder for similar newly-constructed homes; and(c) the purchaser did not, according to the agreement with the builder, have the option to take a discount on the total contract price in lieu of the appliances.


(6) The definition of “total price” in the circumstances described in clause (1)(b) includes appliances only if those appliances are of a type and value that would normally be provided by a builder for a newly-constructed home of similar value.

Remission3(1) Subject to subsection (2) and section 5, every purchaser who has taken possession of a newly-constructed home on which tax is payable during the period commencing on April 1, 2020 and ending on March 31, 2023 is granted a remission:

(a) if the total price is less than $350,000, in an amount equal to 42% of the tax;(b) if the total price is at least $350,000, in the positive amount R, if any, calculated in accordance with the following formula:

R = x $8,820($450,000 — P)$100,000[ ]

where P is the total price.(2) The newly-constructed home mentioned in subsection (1) must be used by the purchaser or a relation of the purchaser as the primary residence of the purchaser or the purchaser’s relation.

Application for remission4(1) Subject to subsection (2), a purchaser who wishes to obtain a remission pursuant to section 3 shall apply to the minister in a form satisfactory to the minister.(2) An application mentioned in subsection (1) may be made by the builder if the purchaser has assigned the entitlement to the remission to the builder.(3) An application pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) must be made within 1 year after the date on which:

(a) the purchaser took possession of the newly-constructed home; or(b) in the case of an owner-built home, the purchaser commenced occupation of the owner-built home.

(4) Together with an application pursuant to this section, the purchaser or builder, as the case may be, must provide the minister with evidence to establish to the minister’s satisfaction:

(a) that the purchaser or the builder, as the case may be, is entitled to the remission; and(b) the amount of the remission.

(5) Without limiting the generality of subsection (4), the purchaser or builder, as the case may be, must provide to the minister a statement or invoice that sets out the portion of the contract price or, if applicable, the value of the owner-built home, that is attributable to the land on which the newly-constructed home is situated.(6) If the builder has taken an assignment of the purchaser’s entitlement to a remission, the builder is deemed to be liable for the payment of tax pursuant to the Act relating to the remission, and The Revenue and Financial Services Act applies, with any necessary modification.


Eligibility for remission re owner-built homes5 In the case of an owner-built home, in order for the purchaser to be eligible for a remission, the purchaser must have paid the tax, as required, on the construction materials and taxable services related to the construction of the owner-built home.

No recourse by builder against purchaser after assignment6 If the builder has taken an assignment of the purchaser’s entitlement to a remission, the builder has no recourse against the purchaser with respect to the application for the remission.

No remission payable if application made after one year7 Notwithstanding any other provision of these regulations, no remission is payable in the circumstances set out in section 3 if the purchaser or builder fails to apply to the minister within the period mentioned in subsection 4(3).

Payment of remission8 If the minister grants a remission pursuant to section 3, the minister may:

(a) pay the amount of the remission to the purchaser;(b) if the builder has taken an assignment of the entitlement to the remission from the purchaser and in accordance with the builder’s application:

(i) pay the amount of the remission to the builder; or(ii) credit the amount of the remission to the builder to the extent that the builder has tax otherwise payable.

Overpayment9(1) The minister may declare any or all remissions granted to a purchaser pursuant to these regulations to be an overpayment if, in the minister’s opinion, the purchaser or builder, as the case may be:

(a) has knowingly made a false or misleading statement with respect to a material fact on any form or in any information or record provided to the minister pursuant to these regulations;(b) has omitted to make a statement to the minister or to provide any information or record to the minister, and that omission results in a statement with respect to a material fact being misleading; or(c) has failed to comply with these regulations.

(2) If the minister declares a remission of tax to be an overpayment, the amount of the overpayment is deemed to be a debt due and owing to the Crown in right of Saskatchewan and may be recovered from the purchaser in any manner authorized pursuant to The Financial Administration Act, 1993, The Revenue and Financial Services Act or in any other manner authorized by law.

Coming into force10 These regulations come into force on the day on which they are filed with the Registrar of Regulations.


CHAPTER P-20.3 REG 2The Powers of Attorney Act, 2002

Section 22Order in Council 129/2020, dated March 25, 2020

(Filed March 26, 2020)Title

1 These regulations may be cited as The Powers of Attorney (Public Emergencies) Regulations.

Definitions2 In these regulations:

“Act” means The Powers of Attorney Act, 2002;“electronic means of communication” means an electronic means by which a lawyer is able, at all times, to see and hear the grantor of an enduring power of attorney;“public emergency period” means the period during which an emergency declaration ordered pursuant to The Emergency Planning Act, or an order of the chief medical health officer pursuant to The Public Health Act, 1994 respecting quarantines, travel restrictions or another forms of isolation, is in force.

Interpretation of section 12 of Act3 For the purposes of clause 12(1)(a) of the Act, during a public emergency period, “witnessed by a lawyer” includes witnessing through an electronic means of communication if all of the following conditions are met:

(a) either:(i) the emergency declaration is in effect in the location where the lawyer who is witnessing the enduring power of attorney or the grantor of the enduring power of attorney is located; or(ii) the lawyer who is witnessing the enduring power of attorney or the grantor of the enduring power of attorney is subject to a quarantine, travel restriction or other form of isolation in accordance with an order issued by the chief medical health officer pursuant to The Public Health Act, 1994;

(b) the lawyer who is witnessing the enduring power of attorney takes all reasonable steps to verify the identity of the grantor and confirm the contents of the enduring power of attorney through the electronic means of communication and complies with any requirement established by the Law Society of Saskatchewan;(c) the lawyer who is witnessing the enduring power of attorney complies with any requirement established by the Law Society of Saskatchewan related to the witnessing of documents through the electronic means of communication.


Form D applies4 Form D as set out in The Powers of Attorney Regulations is the form of legal advice and witness certificate to be used by a witness to an enduring power of attorney who is a lawyer who is witnessing pursuant to these regulations.

Extension of application of these regulations5(1) The minister may, by order, extend the application of these regulations for a further period, not to exceed 30 days, after the date on which the public emergency period or the order of the chief medical health officer ends.(2) If the minister issues an order pursuant to subsection (1), the minister shall cause the order:

(a) to be published in the Gazette; and(b) to be made public in any other manner the minister considers necessary, including publishing it on the Government of Saskatchewan’s website.

Coming into force6 These regulations come into force on the day on which they are filed with the Registrar of Regulations.

SASKATCHEWAN REGULATIONS 29/2020The Pension Benefits Act, 1992

Section 69Order in Council 126/2020, dated March 25, 2020

(Filed March 26, 2020)Title

1 These regulations may be cited as The Pension Benefits Amendment Regulations, 2020.

RRS c P-6.001 Reg 1, section 27 amended2 Clause 27(3)(b) of The Pension Benefits Regulations, 1993 is repealed and the following substituted:

“(b) the rate of interest calculated on the basis of the average of the yields of the five-year personal fixed term chartered bank deposit rates, determined by reference to the last weekly rate of each month as published by the Bank of Canada in CANSIM series V80691336, with an averaging period equal to the number of months in the period for which interest is to be applied to a maximum of 12 months, rounded downwards to the next full 1/10 of 1% if that calculation would result in a fraction of 1% that is expressed other than as a multiple of a full 1/10 of 1%”.

Coming into force3 These regulations come into force on the day on which they are filed with the Registrar of Regulations.


SASKATCHEWAN REGULATIONS 30/2020The Land Titles Act, 2000

Section 187Order in Council 127/2020, dated March 25, 2020

(Filed March 26, 2020)Title

1 These regulations may be cited as The Land Titles (Public Emergencies) Amendment Regulations, 2020.

RRS c L-5.1 Reg 1 amended2 The Land Titles Regulations, 2001 are amended in the manner set forth in these regulations.

Section 2 amended3 The following clause is added after clause 2(j.1):

“(j.2) ‘public emergency period’ means the period during which an order of the chief medical health officer mentioned in subsection 2-59.1(2) of The Employment Standards Act, or an emergency declaration ordered pursuant to The Emergency Planning Act, is in force”.

Section 27 amended4 Section 27 is amended in the portion preceding clause (a) by adding “but subject to sections 27.1 to 27.4” after “Notwithstanding section 24”.

New sections 27.1 to 27.45 The following sections are added after section 27:

“Documents witnessed by a lawyer during public emergency period27.1(1) During a public emergency period, if an application is witnessed by a lawyer who is licensed to practise in Saskatchewan pursuant to The Legal Profession Act, 1990, an affidavit of execution is not required if:

(a) the requirements in section 27 are complied with; or (b) the requirements for witnessing as set out in sections 27.2 to 27.4 are complied with.

(2) The minister may, by order, extend the application of this section and sections 27.2 to 27.4 for a further period, not to exceed 30 days, after the date the public emergency period ends.(3) If the minister issues an order pursuant to subsection (2), the minister shall cause the order:

(a) to be published in the Gazette; and(b) to be made public in any other manner the minister considers necessary, including publishing it in the Government of Saskatchewan’s website.


“Witness process27.2(1) Subject to subsection (2), if a lawyer acts as a witness for the purposes of clause 27.1(1)(b), the lawyer must do all of the following:

(a) confirm that the person executing the application:(i) is personally known to the lawyer or be satisfied that the person is who the person purports to be;(ii) is the person named in the application and whose name is subscribed to the application; and(iii) is 18 years of age or more;

(b) observe the person signing the application;(c) require the person signing the application to immediately transmit to the lawyer, by electronic means, an image of the authorization signed by the person; (d) print the signed authorization and sign the authorization as the witness; (e) identify under the lawyer’s signature the lawyer’s:

(i) name; and (ii) status as a lawyer in Saskatchewan.

(2) The acts done pursuant to subsection (1) must all be done in a single session during which the lawyer is able, at all times, to see and hear the person signing the application either:

(a) in person; or(b) by any electronic means.

(3) On completion of the acts mentioned in subsection (1), the lawyer must electronically transmit a copy of the witnessed authorization to the registered owner or interest holder.

“Compliance with Law Society requirements 27.3 A lawyer performing the responsibilities set out in clause 27.1(1)(b) and section 27.2 must also comply with any requirement established by the Law Society of Saskatchewan with respect to this type of witnessing.

“Certificate of lawyer27.4 An application authorized and witnessed pursuant to clause 27.1(1)(b) and sections 27.2 and 27.3 must include a certificate of the lawyer who witnessed the application certifying that:

(a) clause 27.1(1)(b) and sections 27.2 and 27.3 have been complied with; and (b) the lawyer:

(i) has maintained in the lawyer’s files the signed authorization with the signature of the lawyer as witness; and (ii) has requested that the registered owner or interest holder provide to the lawyer the authorization containing the owner’s or interest holder’s original signature”.


New section 104.066 The following section is added after section 104.05:

“Section 104.06 - no compensation payable for complying with 104.06 No compensation is payable pursuant to section 84(2) of the Act in circumstances where an authorization was executed and witnessed pursuant to clause 27.1(1)(b) and sections 27.2 to 27.4 of these regulations”.

Coming into force7 These regulations come into force on the day on which they are filed with the Registrar of Regulations.

SASKATCHEWAN REGULATIONS 31/2020The Summary Offences Procedure Act, 1990

Section 55Order in Council 128/2020, dated March 25, 2020

(Filed March 26, 2020)Title

1 These regulations may be cited as The Summary Offences Procedure (Emergency Planning) Amendment Regulations, 2020.

RRS c S-63.1 Reg 2 amended2 The Summary Offences Procedure Regulations, 1991 are amended in the manner set forth in these regulations.

Section 4 amended3 The following clause is added after clause 4(w):

“(x) public health officers as defined in The Public Health Act, 1994, while enforcing the provisions of that Act and the regulations”.

Section 5 amended4 The following clauses are added after clause 5(rr):

“(ss) The Emergency Planning Act;“(tt) The Public Health Act, 1994”.

Section 8 amended5 Clause 8(a) is amended:

(a) in the portion preceding subclause (i) by striking out “Tables 1 to 60” and substituting “Tables 1 to 62”; and(b) by adding the following subclauses after subclause (lx):

“(lxi) the offences pursuant to The Emergency Planning Act set out in Table 61;“(lxii) the offences pursuant to The Public Health Act, 1994 set out in Table 62”.


Section 13 amended6 Clause 13(2)(b) is amended by striking out “55 to 60” and substituting “55 to 62”.

Appendix, Part 2, new Tables 61 and 627 The following Tables are added after Table 60 in Part 2 of the Appendix:

“TABLE 61The Emergency Planning Act

The provisions set out in Column 3 are the provisions of The Emergency Planning Act that impose the prohibitions or requirements described in Column 2. Section 16 of that Act provides that a contravention of any of the provisions referred to in Column 3 is an offence.

Column 1Item Number

Column 2Description of Offence

Column 3Provision

Column 4Penalty Sum in Dollars

1 Failing to comply with Act, regulations or order made under the Act

16(a) $ 2,000 for individuals;10,000 for corporations

2 Interfering with or obstructing person exercising power or duty under Act, regulations or order made under the Act

16(b) 2,000 for individuals;10,000 for corporations

3 Failing to comply with directions of minister

18(4) 2,000 for individuals;10,000 for corporations

“TABLE 62The Public Health Act, 1994

The provisions set out in Column 3 are the provisions of The Public Health Act, 1994 that impose the prohibitions or requirements described in Column 2. Section 61 of that Act provides that a contravention of the provision referred to in Column 3 is an offence. The provision in Column 3 that is marked with an asterisk is the provision for which a peace officer may withdraw the specified penalty sum option and require the defendant to appear in court.

Column 1Item Number

Column 2Description of Offence

Column 3Provision

Column 4Penalty Sum in Dollars

1 Failing to comply with order 61* $ 2,000 for individuals;10,000 for corporations

Coming into force8 These regulations come into force on the day on which they are filed with the Registrar of Regulations.



SASKATCHEWAN REGULATIONS 32/2020The Revenue and Financial Services Act

Section 85Order in Council 131/2020, dated March 25, 2020

(Filed March 26, 2020)Title

1 These regulations may be cited as The Revenue Collection Administration Amendment Regulations, 2020.

RRS c R-22.01 Reg 2 amended2 The Revenue Collection Administration Regulations are amended in the manner set forth in these regulations.

Section 6 amended3 Section 6 is amended by striking out “department’s” and substituting “ministry’s”.

Section 15 amended4(1) Subsection 15(2) is repealed and the following substituted:“(2) Returns are to be filed:

(a) if not filed in an electronic format, on or before:(i) April 20, with respect to the first quarter of the year;(ii) July 20, with respect to the second quarter of the year;(iii) October 20, with respect to the third quarter of the year;(iv) January 20, in the following year, with respect to the fourth quarter of the year;

(b) if filed in an electronic format, on or before:(i) April 30, with respect to the first quarter of the year;(ii) July 31, with respect to the second quarter of the year;(iii) October 31, with respect to the third quarter of the year;(iv) January 31, in the following year, with respect to the fourth quarter of the year”.

(2) Subsection 15(3) is amended by striking out “$7,200” and substituting “$12,000” in each of the following provisions:

(a) clause (a);(b) clause (b);(c) clause (c).


(3) Subsection 15(5) is repealed and the following substituted:“(5) Any monthly return required pursuant to this section is to be filed:

(a) if not filed in an electronic format, on or before the 20th day of the month following the month to which the return relates;(b) if filed in an electronic format, on or before the last day of the month following the month to which the return relates”.

(4) Subsection 15(8) is repealed and the following substituted:“(8) A vendor who is required pursuant to subsection (7) to file an annual return shall file the vendor’s annual return:

(a) if not filed in an electronic format, on or before January 20 in the year following the year to which the return relates;(b) if filed in an electronic format, on or before January 31 in the year following the year to which the return relates.

“(9) A vendor who files a return in an electronic format shall make the vendor’s remittance in accordance with subsection 21(3)”.

New section 16.15 The following section is added after section 16:

“Filing of returns – remittance not made by electronic transfer of funds16.1 Notwithstanding that a vendor or registered consumer, as the case may be, files a return in an electronic format, if that vendor or registered consumer makes a remittance pursuant to section 21 by any means other than electronic transfer of funds, the vendor or registered consumer must file returns on or before the dates set out in clause 15(2)(a), (5)(a) or (8)(a), as applicable”.

Section 17 amended6 Subsection 17(1) is amended by striking out “subsections 5(5), (6), (9)” and substituting “subsections 5(5), (6), (6.3), (9)”.

Section 21 amended7(1) Subsection 21(2) is amended:

(a) in the portion preceding clause (a) by striking out “A vendor” and substituting “Subject to subsections (3) and (4), a vendor”; and(b) in clause (d) by striking out “certified”.

(2) The following subsections are added after subsection 21(2):“(3) A vendor who files a return in an electronic format pursuant to clause 15(2) (b), (5)(b) or (8)(b), as the case may be, shall make the vendor’s remittance required by this section by electronic transfer of funds.“(4) A registered consumer who files a return in electronic format pursuant to section 16 shall make the registered consumer’s remittance required by this section by electronic transfer of funds”.

Section 23 amended8 Section 23 is amended by striking out “department’s” and substituting “ministry’s”.


Section 36 amended9 Section 36 is amended:

(a) in subclause (a)(i) by striking out “section 29 of The Fire Prevention Act, 1992” and substituting “section 52 of The Fire Safety Act”; and(b) in subclause (b)(i) by striking out “section 29 of The Fire Prevention Act, 1992” and substituting “section 52 of The Fire Safety Act”.

Section 37 amended10 Section 37 is amended by striking out “The Fire Prevention Act, 1992” and substituting “The Fire Safety Act”.

Section 38 amended11 Subsection 38(2) is amended by striking out “department’s” and substituting “ministry’s”.

Section 40 amended12 Subsection 40(1) is amended by striking out “The Fire Prevention Act, 1992” and substituting “The Fire Safety Act”.

Section 47 amended13(1) Subsection 47(2) is repealed and the following substituted:“(2) Returns are to be filed:

(a) if not filed in an electronic format, on or before:(i) April 20, with respect to the first quarter of the year;(ii) July 20, with respect to the second quarter of the year;(iii) October 20, with respect to the third quarter of the year;(iv) January 20, in the following year, with respect to the fourth quarter of the year;

(b) if filed in an electronic format, on or before:(i) April 30, with respect to the first quarter of the year;(ii) July 31, with respect to the second quarter of the year;(iii) October 31, with respect to the third quarter of the year;(iv) January 31, in the following year, with respect to the fourth quarter of the year”.

(2) Subsection 47(3) is amended by striking out “$7,200” and substituting “$12,000” in each of the following provisions:

(a) clause (a);(b) clause (b);(c) clause (c).


(3) Subsection 47(5) is repealed and the following substituted:“(5) Any monthly return required pursuant to this section is to be filed:

(a) if not filed in an electronic format, on or before the 20th day of the month following the month to which the return relates;(b) if filed in an electronic format, on or before the last day of the month following the month to which the return relates”.

(4) Subsection 47(8) is repealed and the following substituted:“(8) A collector who is required pursuant to subsection (7) to file an annual return shall file the collector’s annual return:

(a) if not filed in an electronic format, on or before January 20 in the year following the year to which the return relates;(b) if filed in an electronic format, on or before January 31 in the year following the year to which the return relates”.

(5) The following subsections are added after subsection 47(12):“(13) A collector who files a return in an electronic format shall make the collector’s remittance in accordance with subsection 48(2).“(14) Notwithstanding that a collector files a return in an electronic format, if that collector makes a remittance pursuant to section 48 by any means other than electronic transfer of funds, the collector must file returns on or before the dates set out in clause (2)(a), (5)(a) or (8)(a), as applicable”.

Section 48 amended14 Section 48 is amended:

(a) by renumbering it as subsection 48(1); and(b) by adding the following subsection after subsection (1):

“(2) A collector who files a return in electronic format pursuant to section 47 shall make the collector’s remittance required by this section by electronic transfer of funds”.

Section 49 amended15 Section 49 is amended by striking out “department’s” and substituting “ministry’s”.

Section 58.06 amended16 Subsection 58.06(8) is amended by striking out “department’s” and substituting “ministry’s”.

Section 58.5 amended17(1) Subsection 58.5(1) is repealed and the following substituted:“(1) A collector shall file with the minister a return in the form required by the minister:

(a) if not filed in an electronic format, on or before the 20th day of each month following the month to which the return relates;(b) if filed in an electronic format, on or before the last day of the month following the month to which the return relates”.


(2) The following subsections are added after subsection 58.5(3):“(4) A collector who files a return in an electronic format shall make the collector’s remittance in accordance with subsection 58.6(2).“(5) Notwithstanding that a collector files a return in an electronic format, if that collector makes a remittance pursuant to section 58.6 by any means other than electronic transfer of funds, the collector must file returns on or before the dates set out in clause (1)(a)”.

Section 58.6 amended18 Section 58.6 is amended:

(a) by renumbering it as subsection 58.6(1); and(b) by adding the following subsection after subsection (1):

“(2) A collector who files a return in electronic format pursuant to section 58.5 shall make the collector’s remittance required by this section by electronic transfer of funds”.

Section 58.7 amended19 Section 58.7 is amended by striking out “department’s” and substituting “ministry’s”.

Coming into force20(1) Subject to subsection (2), these regulations come into force on April 1, 2020.(2) If these regulations are filed with the Registrar of Regulations after April 1, 2020, these regulations come into force on the day on which they are filed with the Registrar of Regulations, but are retroactive and are deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2020.


SASKATCHEWAN REGULATIONS 33/2020The Provincial Sales Tax Act

Section 44Order in Council 133/2020, dated March 25, 2020

(Filed March 26, 2020)Title

1 These regulations may be cited as The Provincial Sales Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Regulations, 2020.

RRS c E-3 Reg 1 amended2 The Provincial Sales Tax Regulations are amended in the manner set forth in these regulations.

Section 2 amended3 The following clause is added after clause 2(1)(e):

“(e.1) ‘hard rock’ means rock containing minerals or metals, including but not limited to any of the following:

(i) gold;(ii) silver;(iii) iron;(iv) copper;(v) zinc;(vi) nickel;(vii) tin;(viii) lead;(ix) uranium;(x) diamonds or gems;(xi) rare earth elements;(xii) cobalt;(xiii) platinum group metals or elements”.

Section 3 amended4(1) Subsection 3(7.1) is amended:

(a) by striking out “and” after clause (m);(b) by adding “and” after clause (n); and(c) by adding the following clause after clause (n):“(o) services for the installation of exempt farm production equipment and machines”.

(2) Subsection 3(7.2) is amended by striking out “clauses (e) to (n)” and substituting “clauses (e) to (o)”.


Section 7.29 amended5(1) Subsection 7.29(1) is amended:

(a) in the portion preceding clause (a) by adding “, with respect to well drilling and well servicing,” before “includes”;(b) by striking out “and” after clause (l); and(c) by repealing clause (m) and substituting the following:“(l.1) the drilling of wells for helium or other non-hydrocarbon gases; and“(m) downhole servicing and downhole repairs directly related to the activities mentioned in clause (l) or (l.1) or to production activity”.

(2) Subsection 7.29(2) is amended by striking out “clauses (l) and (m)” and substituting “clauses (l), (l.1) and (m)”.(3) The following subsection is added after subsection 7.29(2):“(3) The invoice with respect to the performing of a service mentioned in clause (1) (l), (l.1) or (m) that provides tangible personal property in performing that service must include a reasonable valuation of the use or consumption, whether directly or indirectly, of that tangible personal property by the person for whom the service was performed”.

New section 7.2916 The following section is added after subsection 7.29:

“Tangible personal property provided alongside certain services not exempt7.291 No tangible personal property is exempt from the tax imposed by the Act by reason of the fact that the tangible personal property is provided alongside any of the following services:

(a) the drilling of oil and natural gas wells;(b) downhole servicing and downhole repairs directly related to oil and gas production activity”.

New section 7.2917 Section 7.291 is repealed and the following substituted:

“Tangible personal property provided alongside certain services not exempt7.291 No tangible personal property is exempt from the tax imposed by the Act by reason of the fact that the tangible personal property is provided alongside a service mentioned in clause 7.29(1)(l), (l.1) or (m)”.

New section 7.2928(1) The following section is added after section 7.291:

“Taxable services – hard rock, potash and coal7.292(1) Without limiting the generality of subsection 3(7.1), for the purposes of subclause 3(1)(k)(xix) of the Act and this section, ‘services performed by one person for another person for consideration’, with respect to hard rock, potash and coal exploration and mining, includes:

(a) water well drilling;(b) geothermal drilling;


(c) drilling for blasting;(d) shaft excavation drilling;(e) bulk mining methods, including the excavation of ore;(f) drilling for the purpose of creating storage caverns; and(g) other non-drilling services related to water inflow and remediation;but does not include:(h) exploration hole drilling;(i) specified mine site drilling, including:

(i) disposal well drilling;(ii) geotechnical or observation hole drilling;(iii) shaft or surface freeze-hole drilling;(iv) potash solution drilling or uranium solution drilling;(v) water inflow-related drilling; and(vi) surface and underground drilling for the purposes of delineating an ore deposit; and

(j) downhole servicing and downhole repairs directly related to the activities described in clauses (h) and (i).

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the services described in clauses (1)(h), (i) and (j) must be included in determining the total amount to be paid under a contract for the purposes of calculating the security to be provided by a contractor pursuant to subsection 29(1) of the Act.(3) No tangible personal property is exempt from the tax imposed by the Act by reason of the fact that the tangible personal property is provided alongside a service mentioned in clause (1)(h), (i) or (j)”.(2) The following subsection is added after subsection 7.292(3):“(4) The invoice with respect to the performing of a service mentioned in clause (1)(h), (i) or (j) that provides tangible personal property in performing that service must include a reasonable valuation of the use or consumption, whether directly or indirectly, of that tangible personal property by the person for whom the service was performed”.

Heading preceding section 7.3 amended9 The heading preceding section 7.3 is amended by adding “AND PARTNERSHIPS” after “CORPORATIONS”.

Section 7.3 amended10(1) The following clauses are added after clause 7.3(1)(a):

“(a.1) ‘parent partnership’ means a partnership that beneficially owns at least 95% of the partnership interest of another partnership;


“(a.2) ‘related’, with respect to two partnerships, means:(i) either:

(A) one partnership controls the other partnership, and its interest in the other partnership entitles it to be allocated at least 95% of the income or loss of that other partnership and has a fair market value that is not less than 95% of the fair market value of all of the interests in that partnership; or(B) the same person or group of persons controls each partnership, and the interest of the person or group in each partnership entitles it to be allocated at least 95% of the income or loss of that partnership and has a fair market value that is not less than 95% of the fair market value of all of the interests in that partnership; and

(ii) there exists no right or option that, if exercised, would result in any condition mentioned in paragraph (i)(A) or (B), as the case may be, not being satisfied”.

(2) Subsections 7.3(3) and (4) are repealed and the following substituted:“(3) If tangible personal property or a taxable service is leased by a corporation from a related corporation, or by a partnership from a related partnership, and tax was paid on the tangible personal property or taxable service by a related corporation or a related partnership, as the case may be, of either the lessee or the lessor, no tax is payable by the lessee with respect to the lease if the lessor and the lessee continue to be related corporations or related partnerships, as the case may be, during the period of the lease.“(4) If tangible personal property or a taxable service is purchased by a corporation from a related corporation, or by a partnership from a related partnership, and tax was paid on the tangible personal property or taxable service by a related corporation or a related partnership, as the case may be, of either the purchaser or the vendor, no tax is payable by the purchaser with respect to the purchase if:

(a) the vendor and purchaser continue to be related corporations or related partnerships, as the case may be, for a period of not less than eight months after the date of the purchase; or(b) at or after the time of the purchase, the vendor is dissolved or wound up pursuant to an Act and:

(i) the vendor and the purchaser were related corporations or related partnerships, as the case may be, for a period of not less than eight months immediately before the date of purchase; and(ii) the vendor and the purchaser remain related corporations or related partnerships, as the case may be, until the vendor is dissolved or wound up”.


Section 7.4 amended11(1) Subsection 7.4(1) is amended:

(a) by striking out “and” after clause (a); and(b) by adding the following after clause (a):“(a.1) a person wholly owns and controls a partnership if that person beneficially owns at least 95% of the partnership; and”.

(2) Subsection 7.4(2) is repealed and the following substituted:“(2) If a corporation or partnership, on or before the day it commences carrying on business, purchases tangible personal property or a taxable service from a vendor that wholly owns and controls the corporation or partnership, as the case may be, and one of the conditions mentioned in subsection (3) exists, no tax is payable by the purchasing corporation or partnership, as the case may be, with respect to that purchase if the vendor continues to wholly own and control the purchasing corporation or partnership, as the case may be, for a period of not less than eight months after the date of the purchase”.(3) Subsection 7.4(4) is repealed and the following substituted:“(4) If a corporation or partnership, on or before the day it commences carrying on business, purchases tangible personal property or a taxable service from a person that does not wholly own and control the corporation or partnership and one of the conditions mentioned in subsection (3) exists, the purchaser is exempt from tax as set out in subsection (5) if:

(a) in the case of a purchasing corporation:(i) the consideration for the purchase of the tangible personal property or taxable service by that corporation is the concurrent issue or transfer of its own shares to the vendor; and(ii) the vendor beneficially owns and holds legal title to all the shares acquired for a period of not less than eight months after the date of their issue or transfer; or

(b) in the case of a purchasing partnership:(i) the consideration for the purchase of the tangible personal property or taxable service by that partnership is the concurrent issue or transfer of its own partnership interest to the vendor; and(ii) the vendor beneficially owns and holds legal title to all of the partnership interest acquired for a period of not less than eight months after the date of its issue or transfer”.

(4) Subsection 7.4(5) is amended:(a) in the portion preceding clause (a) by striking out “If” and substituting “In the circumstances described in clause (4)(a), if”; and(b) in clause (b) by striking out “property purchased” and substituting “property or taxable service purchased”.


(5) The following subsection is added after subsection 7.4(5):“(6) In the circumstances described in clause (4)(b), if the actual value of the partnership interest issued or transferred in consideration of the purchase is:

(a) at least equal to the actual value of the tangible personal property or taxable service purchased, all of the purchase price is exempt from tax; or(b) less than the actual value of the tangible personal property or taxable service purchased, the difference between the actual value of the tangible personal property or taxable service purchased and the actual value of the partnership interest issued or transferred is subject to tax”.

Section 18.61 amended12(1) Subsection 18.61(1) is amended:

(a) in clause (a) in the portion preceding subclause (i) by striking out “or oil and gas production drilling” and substituting “, oil and gas production drilling, exploration drilling for helium or other non-hydrocarbon gases, production drilling for helium or other non-hydrocarbon gases, exploration drilling for hard rock, potash or coal or specified mine site drilling for hard rock, potash or coal”; and(b) in clause (c) in the portion preceding subclause (i) by striking out “oil and gas”.

(2) Clause 18.61(5)(a) is repealed and the following substituted:“(a) be used substantially in any or all of the following:

(i) with respect to oil and gas:(A) the drilling of wells; and(B) downhole servicing and downhole repairs directly related to the activities described in paragraph (A) or to production activity;

(ii) with respect to helium or other non-hydrocarbon gases:(A) the drilling of wells; and(B) downhole servicing and downhole repairs directly related to the activities described in paragraph (A) or to production activity;

(iii) with respect to potash, hard rock and coal:(A) exploration hole drilling;(B) specified mine site drilling, including:

(I) disposal well drilling;(II) geotechnical or observation hole drilling;(III) shaft or surface freeze-hole drilling;(IV) potash solution drilling or uranium solution drilling;


(V) water inflow-related drilling; and(VI) surface and underground drilling for the purposes of delineating an ore deposit; and

(C) downhole servicing and downhole repairs directly related to the activities described in paragraphs (A) and (B)”.

Coming into force13(1) Subject to subsections (2) to (5), these regulations come into force on April 1, 2020.(2) Sections 3, 6 and 12 come into force on the day on which these regulations are filed with the Registrar of Regulations, but are retroactive and are deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2017.(3) Subsections 5(1) and (2), section 7 and subsection 8(1) come into force on the day on which these regulations are filed with the Registrar of Regulations, but are retroactive and are deemed to have been in force on and from December 1, 2019.(4) Sections 9, 10 and 11 come into force on the day on which these regulations are filed with the Registrar of Regulations, but are retroactive and are deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2013.


SASKATCHEWAN REGULATIONS 34/2020The Wildlife Act, 1998

Section 83Order in Council 134/2020, dated March 25, 2020

(Filed March 26, 2020)Title

1 These regulations may be cited as The Wildlife Amendment Regulations, 2020.RRS c W-13.1 Reg 1 amended

2 The Wildlife Regulations, 1981 are amended in the manner set forth in these regulations.

Section 2 amended3 The following clause is added after clause 2(1)(x.1):

“(x.11) ‘hunter harvest survey’ means a document that is associated with a licence in which a person is required pursuant to section 31.4 to record and submit to the minister information related to hunting activity and the taking or killing of wildlife”.

Section 6.2 amended4 Subsection 6.2(4) is repealed and the following substituted:“(4) Subject to subsection (9), for the purpose of protecting the owner’s or occupant’s property, including livestock, the owner or occupant of any land, or a designate, may, without a licence:

(a) kill, on that land, any raven, rattlesnake, carnivore, badger, black bear, beaver or muskrat, but may not kill a swift fox or black-footed ferret; and(b) destroy or remove any beaver house or dam found on the land”.

Section 24 amended5 Clause 24(2)(i) is repealed and the following substituted:

“(i) use a foot-hold trap, on land, for the live-capture and restraint of a fur animal unless:

(i) the trap is a certified restraining trap; or(ii) in the case where no trap has been certified for the species, the trap has been modified to improve humaneness”.

Section 25 amended6 Subsection 25(2) is repealed and the following substituted:“(2) Except as may be otherwise expressly authorized by these regulations, no person shall shoot or attempt to shoot any beaver in the southern fur conservation area on any land without the permission of the owner or occupant of the land”.


New section 31.47 The following section is added after section 31.3:

“Hunter harvest surveys31.4(1) As a condition of issuing a licence pursuant to the Act, the minister may require the holder of the licence:

(a) to complete a hunter harvest survey for the purpose of collecting information related to hunting activity and the taking or killing of wildlife as authorized by these regulations; and(b) to return the hunter harvest survey by a date specified by the minister.

(2) No person who holds a licence issued pursuant to the Act or these regulations and who is required to fill out and return a hunter harvest survey pursuant to subsection (1) shall fail to fill out and return a hunter harvest survey by the date the minister has specified”.

New section 37.28 Section 37.2 is repealed and the following substituted:

“Saskatchewan Resident youth licences37.2(1) Subject to subsection (2), no person other than a Saskatchewan resident who is 12 years of age or more but not more than 19 years of age may apply for or hold a Saskatchewan Resident Youth Game Bird Licence, a Saskatchewan Resident Youth White-tailed Deer Licence or a Saskatchewan Resident Youth Fur Licence.(2) A person does not contravene subsection (1) if the person:

(a) applies for or holds a Saskatchewan Resident Youth Game Bird Licence, a Saskatchewan Resident White-tailed Deer Licence or a Saskatchewan Resident Youth Fur Licence before the person’s nineteenth birthday; and(b) hunts during the year after that birthday in which the licence mentioned in clause (a) is valid.

(3) Each of a Saskatchewan Resident Youth Game Bird Licence and a Saskatchewan Resident Youth White-tailed Deer Licence provide the same rights, privileges, restrictions and duties given by the Act and these regulations to:

(a) a Saskatchewan Resident First White-tailed Deer Licence; and(b) a Saskatchewan Resident Game Bird Licence.

(4) A Saskatchewan Resident Youth Fur Licence provides the same rights, privileges, restrictions and duties pursuant to the Act and these regulations as a Southern Fur Conservation Area Fur Licence or Northern Fur Conservation Area Fur Licence”.

Section 38 amended9 Subsection 38(1) is repealed and the following substituted:“(1) No person shall purchase or hold more than one, or be eligible to have the person’s name drawn for in the computer draw pursuant to section 63.01 for more than one, of each of the following licences for the open seasons for big game in each year, and any licence purchased, held or drawn for in contravention of this section is void:

(a) first elk licence;(b) second elk licence;


(c) first barren ground caribou licence;(d) second barren ground caribou licence;(e) first white-tailed deer licence;(f) second white-tailed deer licence;(g) first antlerless white-tailed deer licence;(h) second antlerless white-tailed deer licence;(i) mule deer licence;(j) first antlerless mule deer licence;(k) second antlerless mule deer licence;(l) third antlerless mule deer licence;(m) fourth antlerless mule deer licence;(n) moose licence;(o) first black bear licence;(p) second black bear licence;(q) antelope licence;(r) wolf licence;(s) Saskatchewan Resident Youth White-tailed Deer Licence”.

Section 48 amended10 Subsection 48(1) is repealed and the following substituted:“(1) Unless authorized by the director, during an open season for big game other than the wolf season, no person shall carry a firearm on any all-terrain vehicle:

(a) within Wildlife Management Zones 1 to 19, 21 to 47, 52 and 54, Regina- Moose Jaw, Saskatoon and Prince Albert Wildlife Management Zones, Fort a la Corne Wildlife Management Unit, and Duck Mountain, Saskatchewan Landing, Cypress Hills (West Block), Douglas and Moose Mountain Provincial Parks; or(b) within Wildlife Management Zones 48, 49, 50, 53 and 55 to 76, Horsehide Lake Wildlife Management Unit, Bronson Forest and Round Lake Recreation sites, and Greenwater Lake Great Blue Heron, Clarence-Steepbank Lakes, Narrow Hills, Meadow Lake, Porcupine Hills, Wildcat Hill and Lac La Ronge Provincial Parks, unless the firearm is encased”.

New section 5411 Section 54 is repealed and the following substituted:

“Records54 Every person who, for payment, possesses wildlife for the purpose of butchering, skinning, dressing or plucking the wildlife and every wildlife dealer, tanner and taxidermist shall:

(a) immediately on receipt of wildlife, label or mark the item showing the contents;


(b) maintain, for at least one year after returning the wildlife, records listing the following:

(i) the name and address of the person from whom the wildlife was received;(ii) the date the wildlife was received;(iii) the date the wildlife was returned;(iv) the licence number under which the wildlife was taken or the special permit number that authorizes the possession of the wildlife;(v) the species and quantity of wildlife stored; and

(c) on the request of a wildlife officer, produce for inspection the records described in clause (b)”.

Appendix amended12 The Appendix is amended:

(a) by repealing Table 1 and substituting the following:

“TABLE 1[Section 37]

Game Bird Licence FeesIncludes GST

Type of Licence Fee ($)Saskatchewan Resident Game Bird Licence 20Saskatchewan Resident Youth Game Bird Licence 10Canadian Resident Game Bird Licence 80Non-resident Game Bird Licence 160Saskatchewan Resident Veteran Game Bird Licence No feeCanadian Resident Veteran Game Bird Licence No fee ”; and


(b) by repealing Table 2 and substituting the following:

“TABLE 2[Subsection 38(4)]

Big Game Licence FeesIncludes GST

Type of Licence Fee ($)First Saskatchewan Resident White-tailed Deer Licence 40Second Saskatchewan Resident White-tailed Deer Licence 40First Saskatchewan Antlerless White-tailed Deer Licence 30Second Saskatchewan Antlerless White-tailed Deer Licence 30First Canadian Resident White-tailed Deer Licence 160Second Canadian Resident White-tailed Deer Licence 160Guided First White-tailed Deer Licence 330Guided Second White-tailed Deer Licence 330Saskatchewan Resident Elk Licence 40Saskatchewan Resident Moose Licence 40Guided Moose Licence 375First Saskatchewan Resident Barren-ground Caribou Licence 30Second Saskatchewan Resident Barren-ground Caribou Licence 30First Saskatchewan Resident Black Bear Licence 25Second Saskatchewan Resident Black Bear Licence 25Canadian Resident Black Bear Licence 100Guided Black Bear Licence 200Saskatchewan Resident Wolf Licence 50Saskatchewan Resident Mule Deer Archery Licence 45Saskatchewan Resident Special Antelope Licence 45Saskatchewan Big Game Management Licence 30Saskatchewan Resident Youth White-tailed Deer Licence 10Saskatchewan Resident Special First Elk Licence 65Saskatchewan Resident Special Second Elk Licence 65Saskatchewan Resident Special Moose Licence 65Saskatchewan Resident Special Mule Deer Licence 45Saskatchewan Resident Special First Antlerless Mule Deer Licence 30Saskatchewan Resident Special Second Antlerless Mule Deer Licence 30Saskatchewan Resident Special Third Antlerless Mule Deer Licence 30Saskatchewan Resident Special Fourth Antlerless Mule Deer Licence 30First Saskatchewan Resident Veteran White-tailed Deer Licence No feeSecond Saskatchewan Resident Veteran White-tailed Deer Licence No fee


Type of Licence Fee ($)First Saskatchewan Resident Veteran Antlerless White-tailed Deer Licence

No fee

Second Saskatchewan Resident Veteran Antlerless White-tailed Deer Licence

No fee

Saskatchewan Resident Veteran Moose Licence No feeSaskatchewan Resident Veteran Elk Licence No feeSaskatchewan Resident Veteran First Black Bear Licence No feeSaskatchewan Resident Veteran Second Black Bear Licence No feeCanadian Resident Veteran Black Bear Licence No fee

Saskatchewan Resident Veteran Wolf Licence No feeSaskatchewan Resident Veteran Archery Mule Deer Licence No fee

Coming into force13(1) Subject to subsection (2), these regulations come into force on April 1, 2020.(2) If these regulations are filed with the Registrar of Regulations after April 1, 2020, these regulations come into force on the day on which they are filed with the Registrar of Regulations.



SASKATCHEWAN REGULATIONS 35/2020The Fisheries Act (Saskatchewan), 1994

Section 37Order in Council 135/2020, dated March 25, 2020

(Filed March 26, 2020)Title

1 These regulations may be cited as The Fisheries Amendment Regulations, 2020.RRS c F-16.1 Reg 1 amended

2 The Fisheries Regulations are amended in the manner set forth in these regulations.

Section 2 amended3 Clause 2(d) is repealed and the following substituted:

“(d) ‘bait fishing’ means commercial fishing for bait fish or the commercial fishing of leeches or other aquatic invertebrates for use as bait”.

Section 19 amended4(1) Subsection 19(2) is amended:

(a) in the portion preceding clause (a) by striking out “crayfish,”; and(b) in subclause (b)(i) by striking out “crayfish,”.

(2) Subsection 19(3) is repealed and the following substituted:“(3) No person other than the following shall collect, for the person’s own use as bait, live leeches or other aquatic invertebrates:

(a) a resident who has a valid angling licence;(b) a resident who is under 16 years of age;(c) a resident who is 65 years of age or older”.

(3) Subsection 19(4) is repealed and the following substituted:“(4) A resident who has a valid angling licence, is under 16 years of age or is 65 years of age or older and who collects, for the resident’s own use as bait, live leeches or other aquatic invertebrates shall:

(a) legibly mark the resident’s angling licence number, if the resident is required to hold an angling licence, and the resident’s name, on any unattended gear that is used to take leeches or other aquatic invertebrates;(b) check any gear that impounds or entraps leeches or other aquatic invertebrates, and remove all leeches and other aquatic invertebrates, at least once every 48 hours; and(c) return unharmed to the water from which they were taken all fish other than leeches or other aquatic invertebrates”.


(4) Subsection 19(5) is repealed and the following substituted:“(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of these regulations, no person shall possess for use as bait, or use as bait, any crayfish, frog or salamander, whether alive or dead, or any part of any crayfish, frog or salamander”.

Section 39 amended5 Subsection 39(2) is amended by striking out “crayfish, leeches or” and substituting “leeches or other”.

Section 41 amended6 Section 41 is amended:

(a) by repealing clause (b) and substituting the following:“(b) if the person is licensed to engage in commercial fishing for bait fish, leeches or other aquatic invertebrates, return unharmed to the water from which they were taken all fish other than bait fish, leeches or other aquatic invertebrates”; and(b) by repealing clause (d) and substituting the following:“(d) check any gear that impounds or entraps bait fish, leeches or other aquatic invertebrates, and remove all bait fish, leeches and other aquatic invertebrates, at least once every 48 hours”.

Section 42 amended7 Clause 42(a) is repealed and the following substituted:

“(a) take or possess any species of fish other than bait fish, leeches or other aquatic invertebrates;“(a.1) take or possess any species of crayfish”.

Section 88 amended8 Clause 88(2)(b) is repealed and the following substituted:

“(b) transport any live freshwater fish, other than leeches or other aquatic invertebrates, within Saskatchewan”.



Appendix, new Table 109 Table 10 of the Appendix is repealed and the following substituted:

“TABLE 10[Section 88.1]

Prohibited Species of Fish in Saskatchewan

Common Name Species NameNorthern snakehead Channa argusRound goby Neogobius melanostomusSilver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrixChinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinenesisFishhook water flea Cercopagis pengoiChanneled applesnail Pomacea canaliculataZebra mussel Dreissena polymorphaAsian clam Corbicula flumineaAsian tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathiConrad’s false mussel Mytilopsis leucophaeataSpiny water flea Bythotrephes longimanusNew Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarumQuagga mussel Dreissena bugensisRusty crayfish Orconectes rusticusMarbled crayfish Procambarus virginalisFaucet snail Bithynia tentaculataFreshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbyiBighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilisBlack carp Mylopharyngodon piceusGrass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella

Coming into force10(1) Subject to subsection (2), these regulations come into force on April 1, 2020.(2) If these regulations are filed with the Registrar of Regulations after April 1, 2020, these regulations come into force on the day on which they are filed with the Registrar of Regulations.


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