the saint mark messenger€¦ · the saint mark messenger the newsletter of Saint Mark Presbyterian...

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the saint mark messenger

the newsletter of Saint Mark Presbyterian Church March 2011

Worship 9:30 and 11:00 AM Church School for all ages 9:30 AM

Saying Grace… ….from Roy

When Jim Macdonell, Pastor Emeritus, started inviting people to a new Presbyterian congregation forming fifty years ago in Montgomery County it was an act of bold faith in the future of God’s providence. He along with seminary interns simply invited people to join this fledgling community of Presbyterians seeking to be an outpost of God’s kingdom proclaiming the gospel with acts of social ministry lifting up the poor and advocating for a more fair and just community. In his inaugural sermon Jesus said he was sent to proclaim good news to the poor. This emerging congregation of Presbyterian Christians under Jim’s leadership sought to do the same. It was an exciting venture during turbulent times filled with risk taking. They were not alone; at least three other Presbyterian congregations came into being at the same time in much the same manner. (Geneva, Saint Matthew and Immanuel.) While some have questioned the wisdom of establishing so many congregations close together their continuing existence is a testimony to the God’s providence. The original leaders and many of the original members have gone but the congregations are thriving fifty years later. But much has changed during those fifty years in ways few people imagined. The congregations are being challenged to proclaim the gospel in world of social networking, a multi-cultural and multi-religious context, where consumption is the driving force of the economy. Jesus once spoke of the need for new wineskins to hold the new wine of the gospel. This is one of the challenges facing contemporary congregations: how shall we form communities of faith that provide a sense of belonging, nurture the core Christian faith and send people forth as committed disciples of Jesus to love their neighbors in a increasingly diverse neighborhood? On the one hand there is nothing new about this challenge, it has been there since the first century resurrection communities. On the other hand, the context in which we face that challenge has dramatically changed. The Presbyterian Church (USA) is now debating among the presbyteries a new form of government that will intend to make our polity more missional, giving more freedom to local

communities to respond pastorally to their unique situations. The new form of government is a response to the growing perception that we must change our way of “doing church” to be more responsive to the current context. Presbyteries are also debating whether to include a new confession into a Book of Confessions: the Belhar Confession from the South African church. If it is approved, it will be the first confession from the Southern Hemisphere. These are all indications of the changes that will be coming to our life together as Presbyterians. Saint Mark, along with the other congregations of its era, was founded on a bold vision of the Presbyterian Church embraced by its founder pastor and members. That original vision to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in deeds of service and acts of praise and thanksgiving to a generous God remains as we embrace the future trusting in God’s providence. The legacy contines.

Worship and Lectionary for March

March 6: Exod. 24:12-18: Ps. 99;

2 Peter 1:16-21; Matt. 17:1-9 Holy Communion

Spirit and Service Sunday: One Service of Worship at 9:30 AM

March 9: Ash Wednesday Worship with Holy Communion 7:30 PM

March 13: Gen. 2:15-17, 3:1-7; Ps. 32;

Rom. 5:12-19; Matt. 4:1-11

March 20: Gen. 12:1-4a; Ps. 121; Rom. 4:1-5,13-17; John 3:1-17

March 27: Exod. 17:1-7; Rom. 5:1-11; John 4:5-42

March 2011 Saint Mark Messenger


Lent Evening Study Series begins Wednesday,

March 16, through to April 13 at 7:00 PM

Free of Charge – Giving and Forgiving in a Culture

Stripped of Grace: In an increasingly graceless culture, how do we learn to forgive when forgiving seems so counterintuitive or even futile? When incivility reigns, where can we find the motivation to give? These are deeply personal questions of Christian faith and practice which Miroslav Volf, one of the most celebrated and respected theologians of our day, raises in light of God’s generosity and Christ’s sacrifice for us. This is a fresh examination of two practices at the heart of the Christian faith – giving and forgiving – that will launch our Lenten discussions led by Pastor Roy Howard. This particular book offers a compelling invitation to Christian faith as a way of life through personal stories, reflection and sheer celebration of the giving God.

This will be a wonderful occasion for you to enter more deeply into faith during this season of Lent 2011. Books are available for $13 in the church office. Make your checks payable to: Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, with the memo portion noting: Volf book for Lent Study. Put the check in Tom Hudson’s box #21.

Parish Life Once again Parish Life will sponsor Soup and Salad Suppers on Wednesday evenings during Lent. Join us at 6:30 PM for dinner March 16 through April 13 and stay for the Lenten Study at 7:00 PM. Cost for supper will be $6.00. Contact Lyn Hill at if you would like to make soup, or help with set up or clean up for one week.

Adult Education

Sunday Morning Adult Class Five Week Lenten Series March 13 through April 17 (no class on April 3)

Spreading a Table in the Wilderness: Practicing

the Presence and Absence of God

Leader: The Rev. Maggie Hayward, Minister Member- at-Large of National Capital Presbytery

The Saint Mark Adult Education Team is very pleased to welcome our former Christian Educator, Maggie

Hayward, as the leader of our Sunday Morning Adult Class Lenten series this year. Using the biblical themes of the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites as they made their way toward a promised land and of Jesus' 40 days of temptation in the desert immediately following his baptism, Maggie will explore with us how we might relate these passages to our own lives when we too find ourselves in a wilderness of one kind or another. What spiritual practices might we learn from them to help us better cope in times of turmoil when we sense the absence of God? During this series, through story, discussion, and hands-on learning we will explore the biblical theme of wilderness and discover the feast to which God invites us, a table fully spread even in the difficult seasons of our lives. Plan to join us for all or as many sessions of this series as you can and deepen your own spiritual experience of God's presence in your life!

Books on Islam now Available

Visit our Saint Mark library to view and perhaps check out a book on the timely topic of Understanding Islam. For information of specific titles available, go to the Saint Mark web page and click on What's New. Books on this topic may be checked out for three weeks.

Saint Mark Book Lovers 2010-2011

Book Lovers, the Saint Mark book discussion group, meets the 3rd Monday evening of the month at 7:30 in the parlor. Our list of books to discuss for the coming year is below and is also on our website. Join us! March 21: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot April 18: Sarah’s Key by Tatiana De Rosnay May 16: Triumph & Hope: Golden Years With The Peace Corps in Honduras by Barbara E. Joe

March 2011 Saint Mark Messenger


Youth News

Annual Lenten/Mardi Gras Pancake Feed

Sunday, March 6 at 10:30 AM

Listen to Dixie-land music! Feast on scrumptious breakfast fare! Enjoy the colorful Mardi Gras décor! Support the Saint Mark Youth Group!

Be sure to mark your calendars for this fun event! Organized, cooked and staffed by Middle School/High School Youth; free-will offering for 2011 Youth Group Mission Trips

Electronics recycling program starts March 1

The youth of Saint Mark will be collecting small electronics for recycling again this year. It's a win-win for everyone. You can get rid of old electronics in a convenient, environmentally responsible way, Saint Mark renews its commitment to stewardship care of the earth and the you earn money for mission trips. The range of items to be collected has expanded this year. In addition to cell phones, PDAs and inkjet cartridges, you can also donate laptops, iPods, digital cameras, laser toner cartridges, GPS devices, DVDs and video games and consoles. There's a theme here. Everything listed is relatively small. Larger electronics cannot be accepted for this program. Drop off boxes are located in the atrium and coat closet of the education building. Any questions should be directed to Carol Henig, program coordinator. Call Carol or email at

Youth Group

• March 6: Lenten/Mardi Gras Pancake Feed following

9:30 AM service • March 13: “A Big Sing: John Bell” Concert at Arlington

Presbyterian Church: carpool from SMPC, 6:00-9:30 PM • March 20: YG Get-Together @SMPC, 5:00-7:00 PM

• March 27: Presbytery-Wide Youth Event in Northern

Virginia (location: TBD) carpool from SMPC 4:15-7:30 PM $5 per person for meal Additional information is provided via e-mail. To be added to the YG email list, please contact Sharon Shoemaker –

Cherub Choir

The children (K-3rd) of Saint Mark lift their voices in praise every Sunday during the last 15-20 minutes of Sunday School, and sing during worship services once a month. They sing next: • March 27: during 11:00 AM worship

• April 17: during 11:00 AM worship (Palm Sunday -

sing with Choristers and Chancel Choir) For more information or to be added to the email list for updates, please contact Teresa Larson -

Maggie Sansone Concert March 12 at 7:30 PM

In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, Maggie Sansone & Friends will perform at Saint Mark. Maggie’s Music Celtic Concert includes award winning performers featuring: Maggie

Sansone, hammered dulcimer, Robin Bullock, guitar, cittern, mandolin, Matt Bell, Irish bodhrán, Shannon

Dunne, concertina, vocals, and Regan Riley, Irish step dancer.

Tickets are $20 minimum donation. For tickets, please email: or call 301-530-2613. You may also use the bulletin insert and the tear off request form and leave in offering plate or in office mailbox #51 with your check. Please make check payable to Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, with memo noting: Sansone Concert. On the night of the event, all tickets will be available at Will Call.

Maggie’s Music Celtic Concert Saturday, March 12, 2011, 7:30 PM

Saint Mark’s 50th Anniversary Celebration

Save the date!

September 24 and 25 mark the culmination of

Saint Mark’s 50th anniversary celebration.

You won’t want to miss the dinner on Saturday night featuring highlights of the last five

decades at Saint Mark followed by Sunday Services with a sermon by General Assembly

Moderator Elder Cindy Bolbach, and wrapping up with Fellowship on the lawn.

March 2011 Saint Mark Messenger


Local Mission

Rebuilding Together Project

Day is April 30: Volunteer!

Contact Tom Hudson at Saint Mark has had a long involvement with Rebuilding Together Montgomery County (RTMC). For those of us unfamiliar with the organization’s work, a brief description is in order: Basically a bunch of people swoop down on a neighbor’s house early in the morning , bringing all the supplies, tools, muscle and spirit needed to transform it into a more attractive, comfortable and safer that afternoon! RTMC, working with the County, selects the house and the scope of work to be performed. Contributions from businesses, non-profits and County services are coordinated and leveraged by RTMC. Saint Mark provides the volunteers (along with financial support). Questions potential volunteers might have:

What types of jobs are involved? Typically, a broad range: brush and debris clearing; landscaping; painting; caulking; plumbing; fence building; drainage management; catering; carpentry; rescreening a door; window replacement; hanging a door…Things many of us do (or don’t get around to) at our own homes. Who volunteers? Again a broad range of people: from professional contractors (so far we have at least one on board for April) to people who want to learn the difference between a Phillips head and a flathead. The key thing is a willingness to get dirty, work hard, play nice and open themselves to others. Having said that, people with some experience (and their own tools) act as the cadre at the site and are decidedly sought after. All of you veterans…please save the date! Who has more info? There are a lot of Rebuilding alumni at Saint Mark. To name just a few: Gordon Hawk,

Tom Fleisher, Joe Piff, Jim Caskey, Richard

Chandler, June Colilla, Beth Irons, Tom and Lucy

Leuchtenburg, Carl Shea and many others. How do I volunteer? Contact Tom Hudson at

Want to Make a Difference in the Life of a

Scotland High School Senior?

Then please consider donating to the Saint Mark Scotland Scholarship Program! This program, active for over a decade, makes a huge difference in the lives of deserving college-bound seniors who live in the Scotland Community. Most of these students would not be able to afford college without our help, and many go on to thrive in the college environment! Elder Kay Haynes recently heard from a scholarship recipient who is now at Temple University in Philadelphia: “Kay, How are you? I have not talked to you in a long time. I am still enrolled at Temple University as a junior. I will graduate next year. I am still in the honors program and last semester, I had a GPA of 3.6 :) (best GPA since I've been here). I am president and founder of Temple University's chapter of the ACLU. I would just like to thank you and the St. Marks Presbyterian Church for investing in my education. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Samantha Wiggins, Temple University, Class of 2012 Political Science and Philosophy Major Diamond Leader, Office of Leadership Development President, Temple University American Civil Liberties Union, Member, Temple Gospel Ministries” We currently have 34 students actively working on their scholarship applications. One with aspirations of becoming a nurse has been accepted to the University of Maryland. All will need a lot of funding to meet their goals. They are all hard working, good students with achievable goals. Please help us help them! But the hard reality is that our scholarship fund is so depleted that we don't even have sufficient funds to help all four students with a minimum of $1,000 each. If you are interested in making a contribution, please do so soon, made out to Saint Mark and earmarked for the Scotland Scholarship fund. Please see Caroline Touchton or Barbara Welsh if you have any questions.

Friends in Action “Adopts” a New Family

Saint Mark’s Friends in Action Team recently linked with its new family, a single working mother with three active boys ages 8, 5, and 2. They live across from the church and we would love to have more people, especially male role models or people with children similar ages to interact with them on weekends. They'd love to go to a park and play! If interested, please call Jon Davol, team leader.

March 2011 Saint Mark Messenger


“50 Years of Spirit & Service The Legacy Continues”

The Saint Mark Capital Campaign Team is in the final stages of preparation to launch the campaign to secure pledges of $1.5 million over a 3-year period to fund

sanctuary improvements.

Current Team members include Gerald Aldridge; Kari Aldridge; Emmett Barkley; Teddy Ferguson; John Hagner; Whet Hutton; Jerry Lowrie; Wayne Miller; Odonna Simpson; Walla Dempsey, Elder; Roy Howard, Pastor; Jon Spargur and Teresa Larson, Co-Chairs.

To be successful, the campaign will need all Saint Markers to pitch in in a variety of ways. You will be contacted over the next several weeks to participate in the Campaign.

Important dates to remember: • March 13: Campaign leadership team commissioned during 11:00 AM worship. • April 10: Campaign Kick-Off

• May 15: Celebration Sunday

We look forward to working together to make this campaign a success and be able to worship in our restored and renovated sanctuary around this time next year.

Quill of the Clerk

At our meeting this month, the Session: • Considered the Westminster Confession of Faith at its

worship time • Met with Rachel Zutshi, Saint Mark’s new treasurer,

concerning Finance Ministry’s planned outreach to the various Saint Mark ministries. • Received an update from the Capital Campaign

Committee. The campaign will kick off in March. • Learned of several places where help from enthusiastic

members would be most welcome: someone to serve on the Sanctuary Renovation Team, someone to oversee and reduce our energy consumption, someone to be a House Ambassador for this year’s Rebuilding Together project. • Discussed hosting periodic events to which congregants

are invited to exchange ideas and information about what is happening at Saint Mark. Further details will be developed at the March meeting. Sara Coe, Clerk of Session

Coming to a Fellowship Hall near you!

The Annual Saint Mark Rummage Sale

Saturday, April 30 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

The Rummage Sale is one of the biggest fundraisers for the Youth to support their mission and ministry trips in the summer. Plans are already underway to make this year’s sale one of the biggest and best. We are going to try some new things this year: • We will be advertising the sale on Craig’s List as well as

in the Washington Post and Gazette. • We are encouraging you to think of donating “higher

price” items this year in addition to our usual requests for clothes, household and decorative items. Think of things that might sell on EBay for $50 or more (e.g., antiques, collectables, designer items, etc.). • Tentative plans are to advertise these “higher price”

items on Craig’s List and allow buyers who request a “viewing time” to come on Friday night before the Sale to buy these items. Anything not sold then will be available on Saturday. We may take some unsold items to the “ISold It on Ebay” store if they don’t sell on Saturday.

We are always looking for willing volunteers to help with the sale, its preparation and cleanup. If you can help in any way, or if you have any questions, contact Phyllis

Norrie ( or Sharon Shoemaker ( Remember - It’s never too early to start your Spring Cleaning and decluttering!

Presbyterians for Earth Care

March 25-28 Ecumenical Advocacy Days in Washington, D.C. The theme for 2011 is Development, Security & Economic Justice: What’s Gender Got to Do with It? Learn about the Eco-Justice track. Compassion, Peace, and Justice Ministries will hold a training day on the morning and afternoon of March 25.

March 2011 Saint Mark Messenger


Planned Giving and Capital Campaign

With the launch of the Sanctuary Enhancement Capital Campaign, the question may arise as to how and whether Planned Giving ties in with the campaign.

In one sense, they are separate areas. The Planned Giving Committee is concerned with the Saint Mark Endowment Trust. The Trust comprises four endowment funds. The main source of funding for the endowment is bequests (as well as the sharing of inheritances) and capital gifts, along with other types of “planned gifts” – often, but not always, gifts of accumulated assets. In this sense, planned giving is separate from current pledging, as well as special periodic capital campaigns.

On the other hand, there are planned giving techniques and various types of planned gifts that can also apply to both regular pledging and special capital campaigns.

For example, the recent tax law changes reinstated the provision (for people over 70-1/2) allowing “Qualified Charitable Distributions” (QCD’s) to be made from IRA accounts. These QCD’s may be counted toward required minimum distributions, but are not counted as part of adjusted gross income, and thus exempt from income tax.

Another example is the gift of appreciated securities or mutual funds. The full current value would be available to the church, but you may be able to avoid capital gains taxes, while taking a tax deduction based on the cost of the securities. (Even a gift of depreciated securities might provide you a tax benefit, by giving you a capital loss to offset other gains, or to be carried forward.)

Other techniques that provide tax benefits and facilitate giving might include establishing a charitable foundation, or setting up a charitable trust.

Members of the Planned Giving Committee are available to discuss this (Laura Brouse-Long, Tom Champion,

Joe Piff, Lee LaRoche). But any decisions should be taken in consultation with your professional financial, tax, and legal advisors.

“The Big Sing” March 13!

Everyone is invited to attend the JOHN BELL "A Big Sing" on March 13, 2011 at Arlington Presbyterian Church, Arlington, VA. This FREE EVENT is an opportunity for EVERYONE to join with others in a variety of songs spanning centuries, traditions and cultures. No need to be able to read music. John Bell is known world-wide as an expert in congregational singing. He has an amazing ability to teach those who can't read music to sing in parts, unaccompanied. Members of the staff and choir are planning to carpool; please contact Jeff Doenges

if you'd like to join us.

World Day of Prayer Friday, March 4, 2011

10:00 AM Coffee and Homemade Bread Trinity Lutheran Church

11200 Old Georgetown Road, North Bethesda The women of Chile invite us to join them Friday, March 4, 2011 for World Day of Prayer. In their opening procession, they will carry a “panera”, the name Chileans give to their everyday bread basket. Bread is central to Chilean’s daily life; sharing it is a universal sign of hospitality. The women of Chile invite us to reflect on the meaning of the theme, “How Many Loaves have You?” We will be asked to ponder the questions, “What are our gifts?” and “What can you share?” World Day of Prayer is sponsored by Church Women United in Western Montgomery County. If you have any questions, call Page Hawk or Helen Hathaway.

Reminder: Spirit and Service

Sunday Is March 6!

We hope that all of you will find an opportunity to serve on one of Saint Mark's

many ministries at 11:00, following the 9:30 service and fellowship time, on the

first Sunday of the month. There are other activities, including a Christian Education class, occurring at the same time. Please

join us!

March 2011 Saint Mark Messenger


Finance Ministry

Per Capita Questions and Answers

Q. What is Per Capita? How much is it? A. Per Capita is an amount of money that each church pays to the Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly for each active member of its church. The 2011 Per Capita Amount in NCP is $34.00 per member.

Q: What is Per Capita? A: Per Capita is the designated dollar amount that is asked of each member of the Presbytery Church (USA) as a yearly voluntary contribution. Per Capita is collected by the Presbyteries.

Q: What is the basis for your church’s Per Capita contribution? A: Per Capita is based on your church’s membership. The membership is reported on your church’s annual statistical report, which is filed yearly.

Q: Why is our membership different than the current year members? A: Per Capita membership numbers are two years behind. Example: 2011 membership is filed in 2010, therefore the last reported membership is 2009.

Q: How is Per Capita used? A: Per Capita is used to pay for the essential administrative operation of the three governing bodies of the Presbytery Church (USA): Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly.

Q: Who determines and approves how much money is needed to run the governing bodies? A: The Councils of the three governing bodies determine the amount of money needed to run their own regional office for the given year, and these amounts are authorized by each governing body’s constituency.

Q: How is the Per Capita figure calculated? A: The total budgeted amount for each of the three governing bodies is divided by the number of members in that governing body’s domain. Those sums are then added together. Q: What is the total Per Capita dollar amount needed for each church member of National Capital Presbytery to support the three governing bodies in 2011? A: The 2011 Per Capita dollar amount is $34.00 per member. Q: How is Per Capita divided between the governing bodies? A: $6.50 by the General Assembly; $0.725 by the Synod of the Mid Atlantic, and $26.775 by National Capital Presbytery. Each body will receive that amount per member from the Per Capita paid by each congregation.

Q: What Does National Capital Presbytery’s share of Per Capita Pay for? A: Committee on Preparation for Ministry, Committee on Ministry, Presbytery Resources, Presbytery Operation and staff salaries expenses (see Operating Budget for more detail).

Q: What does the Synod of the Mid Atlantic Per Capita pay for? A: Support the Office of the Synod Executive/ Stated Clerk, Administrative staff , the annual Synod Assembly, Ecclesiastical committees and Synod Council.

Q: What does the General Assembly’s Per Capita pay for? A: The General Assembly’s biannual meeting, moderator expenses, committee and commission expenses, membership and participation in national and international ecumenical groups, administrative and personnel expenses and building operations.

Q: Is Per Capita the same as Mission Giving? A: Per Capita is NOT MISSION GIVING. Per Capita is distinguished from mission giving in that it is operational money needed to keep the three governing bodies of our church functional.

Souper Bowl Certificate for our Youth

All proceeds go to Manna!

March 2011 Saint Mark Messenger


Board of Deacons Deacons are organized in five teams. Who is your Deacon? The Deacons are organized in five teams and Saint Mark members are assigned to Deacons alphabetically. To find who is your Deacon, find your place in the Member Families as indicated below. Class of 2012 Class of 2013 Class of 2014

Anna Ellenbogen Dan Blum Angeline Butler Suzanne Lofhjelm Ellen Kiel Dana Johnson Ray Mountain Teresa Larson Tanya Keller Cecilia Nunez Ward Tietz Karen Prelovsky Rob Temps Diane Wirono Joela Ranaivo Deacons, Member Families Team A Cecilia Nunez Ahianyo - Beamon Ahi-Cot Tanya Keller Bennett - Brown Dan Blum Burr - Cota Team B Suzanne Lofhjelm Dacosta - Eaton Dac-Hod Joela Ranaivo Edoh – Gibson; Greenan Ellen Kiel Glenner; Griffith - Hodges Team C Karen Prelovsky Hooker - Johnson Hoo-Low Ray Mountain Jones - Larson Diane Wirono Lawson - Lowrie Team D Anna Ellenbogen Lugenbeel - Miller Lug-Sal Dana Johnson Milne - Pavlin Ward Tietz Persaud - Salganik Team E Rob Temps Sandoval - Stevens San-Zut Angeline Butler Stucky - Warren Teresa Larson Weingarten – Zutshi

Thanks to the Youth who Volunteered to Work on the Children’s Library!

2011 Reformed Institute Programs Dear NCP Churches, We hope you will join us for

these 2011 Reformed Institute programs:

• Friday, March 4-Sunday, March 6 - A retreat for

confirmands and their leaders at Bishop Claggett Center in Buckeystown, MD. "Storming the Sanctuary" is the theme with presentations by Matt Boulton of Harvard Divinity School, worship, recreation, fellowship and an opportunity to make new friends. Registration deadline is soon; don't miss out! • Saturday, March 26 - Dr. John Burgess of Pittsburgh

seminary will explore the Belhar Confession, the theology that undergirds it and a consideration of its inclusion in the PCUSA's Book of Confessions. Elders who are voting in National Capital Presbytery at the June meeting will find this to be particularly helpful. Come to Potomac Presbyterian in Potomac, MD for this event, 9:30 AM to Noon. • Saturday, April 9 - The third Education Roundtable will

take place at Immanuel Presbyterian in McLean, VA from 9:30 AM to Noon. Dr. Joyce Mercer of Virginia Theological Seminary and an ordained Presbyterian pastor will help us tackle the topic "Christian Education in a Commitment-Challenged Culture." Mark the date and watch for more information. This is one not to miss. Would you like to receive regular updates on Reformed Institute programs? Reply to this message and your email will be added to our e-list. Questions about programs? Please contact:

Mary Hill, Program Coordinator

Help Saint Mark Bloom Although winter may still have a few gasps left requiring snow shovels, May promises a more certain forecast. With that in mind your scoops will be needed for geranium planting on Saturday morning, May 7. Please reserve that date to assure A “blooming” summer for our beautiful property.

Harv Long

March 2011 Saint Mark Messenger


Saint Mark People Special Friends Service Project: We give a generous thank you to our special friends who put the labels on the newsletter envelops. They did a spectacular job! Our prayers are with the family of Bea Powell who died at Asbury recently…..a memorial service was held at Saint Mark on February 12…….. News from Lisa Eden via Page Hawk…..”I am living in Las Vegas, completing my master’s degree at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.....I finish in May but don’t know where I’ll be next. I may move to Italy, I’m applying for a conservatory program in Milan. I’ve been fortunate to sing two major lead roles in Milan last summer. I’d like to continue my language studies there, and with a student visa, I can stay over there longer, do more auditions etc. This isn’t definite but the likelihood is good that come September, I’ll be enrolled in the Scuola Civica Musica a Milano. I have only the fondest memories of my time there singing in the choir. Say hello to everyone for me. Ciao! Lisa

Thank you to the members of Saint Mark for the opportunity to serve as your treasurer (twice). I have enjoyed the role of "spending" your monies for the mission and day-to-day operation of our church. I thank you too for the lovely parting gifts--beautiful matching necklace and earrings from As Kindred Spirits and a gift certificate to Strathmore. I now feel a sense of freedom as I continue to enjoy life with my children, grandchildren and friends.

Sandi Beabout

We welcome everyone to our community

Regardless of race, class, marital status, sexual orientation, ability or disability.

Here you can find a home for your heart and an opportunity to serve.

The next Messenger deadline is Thursday, February 17. Please send articles to or put in mailbox #11 in the office.

The Messenger is on the web! If you are still receiving a hard copy and would like to “go green” please contact Susan in the church office!

2011 Phone Directory: Have you moved, changed your home phone number, changed your email address, or added little ones to your family since the 2010 phone directory was published? Please send an email to Susan

Victor, by Sunday, February 27 that includes your new information. We would like to include your new information in the 2011 phone directory. If we don’t hear from you, then we understand there are no changes for your family and your 2010 phone directory info will be printed in the new directory.

Saint Mark Presbyterian Church

10701 Old Georgetown Road, Rockville, MD 20852

301-530-0600 office

The Rev. Dr. Roy W. Howard, Pastor;

301-530-8141 direct dial

The Rev. LeAnn Hodges, Associate Pastor;

301-530-8143 direct dial

Susan L. Victor, Administrator

301-530-8142 direct dial;

Jeffrey J. Doenges, Director of Music,

Ellie Hagner, Editor and Webminder

March 2011 Saint Mark Presbyterian ChurchSun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1Office Care

7:30 AM Men's Breakf, offsite

9:30 AM Lent brochure info due

7:00 PM -9:00PM NCP Listening session for new form of governmt 1 of 2, FH

7:00 PM NIH Choir, MR

8:00 PM AA3, 105

21:00 PM Parkinson, MR


7:00 PM Girls Scouts, 110

7:00 PM NIH Orchestra, FH

37:00 PM AA4, 105

7:00 PM NAMI, 109

7:30 PM Choir

4World Day of Prayer

Office Care

10:00 AM Ch Women Untd, offsite

11:00 AM AA5, 105

1:00 PM Parkinson, MR

59:00 AM Tax Clinic w-Dickinson, Library

10:00 AM -12:00PM NCPListening session for new form of governmt 2of 2, FH

10:30 AM Recovery, Inc., 109

7:30 PM LSC Band, 107

6Transfiguration of the Lord

Food First Sunday

9:30 AM One Worship Service w-Communion

10:30 AM TENTA PancakeBrunch, FH

11:00 AM All Ministries Mtg

11:00 AM Child Enrichmt

7Office Care

9:00 AM Print Phone Dir

11:00 AM AA1, 105

1:00 PM Parkinson, MR

6:00 PM IMT, FH, MR

8:00 PM AA2, 110

8Office Care

9:30 AM Lent brochure print

7:00 PM Deacons, 110

8:00 PM AA3, 105

9Lent Officially Begins

1:00 PM Clergy, 109

1:00 PM Parkinson, MR

6:00 PM Confirmation, 109




7:30 PM Ash Wednesday COMM Worship

109:00 AM Presbytery and Source, 105-106

10:30 AM Parkinson, 109

7:00 PM AA4, 105

7:30 PM Choir

11Office Care

11:00 AM AA5, 105

1:00 PM Parkinson, MR

1210:30 AM Recovery, Inc., 109

7:30 PM 50th Anniv Celebr - Sansone Concert, FH, Kit

7:30 PM LSC Band, 107

13L 1

14Offi C

15Offi C

161 00 PM P ki MR

17S P i k' D


199 00 AM T Cli i

Feb 2011


1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28


Clarinet: Feb 16, 23, Mar 2, 9, 16, 23

Flute Jr and Sr: Feb 2, 9, 16, Mar 9, 23

13Lent 1

Daylight Saving Time begins

9:30 AM and 11:00 AM Worship Service

9:30 AM Lent brochure distribution

9:30 AM SS and CE

14Office Care

10:00 AM Office Care set up for Wagner event

11:00 AM AA1, 105

1:00 PM Parkinson, MR

4:00 PM Becky Wagner Interfaith Works, FH, Kit

6:30 PM Session, 105

8:00 PM AA2, 110

15Office Care

7:30 AM Men's Breakf, offsite

10:00 AM Office Care clean up after Wagner event, set up for lent supper

6:00 PM Presby Mtg, offsite

7:00 PM Parkinson support, FH

8:00 PM AA3, 105

161:00 PM Parkinson, MR

6:30 PM Lent SupperFH, 7:00 PM Study FH



17St. Patrick's Day

10:00 AM Newsltr Deadline

1:30 PM Coalition Mental Health, 110

7:00 PM AA4, 105

7:00 PM NAMI, 109

7:30 PM Choir

18Office Care

11:00 AM AA5, 105

1:00 PM Parkinson, MR

199:00 AM Tax Clinic w-Dickinson, Library

10:30 AM Recovery, Inc., 109

7:30 PM LSC Band, 107

20Lent 2

9:30 AM and 11:00 AM Worship Service

9:30 AM SS and CE

21Office Care

9:00 AM Prt Newslr

11:00 AM AA1, 105

1:00 PM Parkinson, MR

6:00 PM IMT, FH, MR

7:30 PM Book Lovers, Parlor

8:00 PM AA2, 110

22Office Care

7:00 PM Nominting, 109

8:00 PM AA3, 105

231:00 PM Parkinson, MR

6:00 PM Confirmation, 109

6:30 PM Lent Supper FH, 7:00 PM Study FH




2410:30 AM Parkinson, 109

7:00 PM AA4, 105

7:30 PM Choir

25Office Care

11:00 AM AA5, 105

1:00 PM Parkinson, MR

2610:30 AM Recovery, Inc., 109

7:30 PM LSC Band, 107

27Lent 3

9:30 AM and 11:00 AM Worship Service

9:30 AM SS and CE

28Office Care

11:00 AM AA1, 105

1:00 PM Parkinson, MR

6:00 PM IMT, FH, MR

8:00 PM AA2, 110

29Office Care

8:00 PM AA3, 105

301:00 PM Parkinson, MR

6:30 PM Lent SupperFH, 7:00 PM Study FH

317:00 PM AA4, 105

7:30 PM Choir

Apr 2011S M T W T F S

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Month: March 2011 LSCC: 1:30-5pm Printed 2/17/2011, 2:09 PM