The Royite - Raja RamMohan Roy ·...

Post on 23-Jul-2020

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Transcript of The Royite - Raja RamMohan Roy ·...


Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with

Vision is making a positive difference.

–Joel Baeker

Welcome to our first newsletter for the session 2019-2020.We present in this edition stories, poems,

debates and news about various curricular and extra-curricular activities held in the Academy. I am sure

as you surf through the newsletter it will make you wonder at the creativity of the Royites. I take this

opportunity to thank the students who have contributed in this edition.

1st April, 2019School reopened for the new Academic Session.


April, 2019

The result of the competition was as follows:

Position Name Class

First Rohini VI-D

Second Priyanshu



Third Nupur VI-B

Fourth Swastika




April, 2019


Position Name Class

First Dhairya VI-D

Second Tanesha VI-D

Third Pari VI-D



Declamation is the best way to exhibit one‟s

speech and expressions. It lays emphasis on the

art of fluent speech and pronunciation. All the

participants were excited and confident, and they

put up a splendid show.

The result of the competition was as follows:

21st April,2019

The competition was organized on the occasion


The result of the competition was as follows:

Position Name

First Avantika Kotnala

Second Aditi Chaudhary

Third Shambhavi Bisht

The Royite Newsletter, Vol. No.1 April 2019 to July 2019



Inter class English Declamation

Competition for class VIII

Inter class Draw and Colour Competition

for class VI.

Inter Class English Solo Recitation.

Inter House Poster Making




April, 2019

The result of the competition was as follows:

Class VI

Position Name House

First Swastika Sharma Satpura

Second Shreyasee Negi Vindhya

Third Antra Sharma Aravali

Class VII

Position Name House

First Varun Khatri Satpura

Second Misty Chaurasia Vindhya

Third Gungun Johri Satpura

Class VIII

Position Name House

First Ishita Dimri Satpura

Second Rudra Pratap Vindhya

Third Divya Rana Satpura

Class IX

Position Name House

First Vaani Bhatnagar Aravali

Second Jaspreet Singh Aravali

Class X

Position Name House

First Khushi Thapa Satpura

Second Nirmal Thapa Aravali

Third Harshita Kamboj Shivalik

Class XII



Theme: Earth Day

Sub Theme: 1.Energy Conservation

2. Pollution in the ocean

3. Depletion Of Ozone Layer

4. Soil Pollution

The result of the competition was as follows:

Position House

First Shivalik House

Second Vindhya House

Third Aravali House




Class VI

Position Name Class

First Swastika Sharma VI-B

Second Anas Ahmad VI-D

Third Jabmeet Singh VI-C

Class VII

Position Name Class

First Shambhavi Bisht VII-B

Second Urvashi Chauhan VII-C

Third Varun Khatri VII-A

Position Name House

First Mehak Arora Shivalik House

Second Sneha Kamboj Shivalik House

Third Rudra Pratap Vindhya House

Position Name House

First Kashika Kandwal Vindhya

Second Sagar Kandwal Shivalik

Third Riya Yadav Shivalik

Inter House Bulletin Board


Inter Class Hindi Story

Writing for Class VI to VIII

Inter House Poster Making



Class VIII

Position Name Class

First Lavish Anand VIII-B

Second Divya Rana VIII-D

Third Kanishka Bhandari VIII-B



First Satpura House

Second Vindhya House

Third Aravali House



The result of the competition was as follows:

Class VI

Position Name

First Tanisha Gulati

Second Dev Singh, Tejasvi Chauhan

Third Shreaynshi Negi


Position Name

First Tanu Negi

Second Avantika Kotnala

Third Shambhavi Bisht


11th July, 2019

Raja Rammohan Roy Academy hosted the first

round (Preliminary) of the prestigious Frank

Anthony Memorial All India Inter School

Debate Competition – 2019 , Category II –

Stage I for classes X and below on 11th July

2019. Various schools participated in the debate

with two speakers from each school. The

Principal, Mrs Bina Varma welcomed the

Chairperson Mr. M.D. Bhoumik and the

participating schools. The debate was judged by

Ms. Priyanka Bhattacharya, Ms. Varsha Sharma

and Ms. Jaya Aggarwal. The topic under fire

was “ Education fosters Democracy” The topic

was debated over very strongly by all the

participants who did not leave any stone

unturned to prove their mettle. After a long and

rigorous battle of words, Aditya Swami of Shri

Ram Centennial School and Ashok Bhatt of St.

Joseph‟s Academy were awarded the Best

Speakers and Saksham Goyal of St. Joseph‟s

Academy as the Runner-up Speaker. St.

Joseph‟s Academy emerged as the Winning

team and Shri Ram Centennial School as the

Runner-up team of the Frank Anthony Memorial

All India Inter School Debate Competition. The

School Director, Mr. A.K. Deb and the Principal

gave away the certificates to the winners. The

event concluded giving a strong message

of `self-confidence and self-reliance‟ in the


Position Name

First Ridhi Gurung

Second Ridhi Thapa

Third Shambhavi Saxena

Frank Anthony Memorial All India

Inter-school English Debate

Inter House Science Quiz (Class VI-

XII) Results:

Inter Class English Debate

Competition for VI to VIII


The English department of the school organised

Intra – Class English Dramatization from

29thJuly 2019 to 31

st July 2019. All the classes

participated with great enthusiasm and high

spirits. The performance left the judge and the

audience spell bound.


Class Winner

VI VI C and VI D



All the students of class XII went to visit

O.N.G.C for an educational trip. It is a

famous Oil Museum named after one of its

ex-chairman and M.D Subir Raha.

The following sections went on the following

dates respectively:

29th of July – Class XII-A and B

30th of July – Class XII-C

31st of July – Class XII- D

Back in the days of authoritarian parenting in the fifties, obedience and propriety were high values. Digressions from good manners, respect and good behavior were often met with punishment. But then in the sixties and seventies things changed. Parents wanted higher self-esteem for their kids and closer relationships with them. Fear-based, power coercive relationships went the way of the rod in classrooms.

So it’s no wonder that today’s teens feel much more free to apt out than their predecessors ever hoped. Just ask any parent or teacher of a teenager, who will likely complain about rudeness, ill manners, constant criticism and even being yelled at by the teenagers. Fighting with your son over car privileges? Can’t get your daughter to log off Facebook and finish her

Shame and Blame works to change teenage behavior



Inter Class English Dramatization for

classes VI TO VIII


July, 2019 to 31st July, 2019

Educational Trip to O.N.G.C


algebra homework? Is a common scenario everywhere? The dilemma is pretty typical but I feel the only solution to change the teenage behaviour is shame and blame. Shame and blame is the only time tested tool left with our parents and teachers to bring about a desirable change in the teenage behaviour. Shame and blame pushes you to excel, to take that one extra mile which will proof that you have it in you. If we compare suicide or gun case I the west with that in India we will find that we are better off. Why? Because I am sure each and every student present here in this august house would agree with me that they had been shame and blames in the school and the positive thing is that this has prepared us to bear the worst criticism and emerge as a winner. The world is world is beyond your class, your school and your home and the competition is really killing. So I feel the more you have been shamed and blamed the better prepared you would be competing in the modern rat race with everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose. ‘Only if you have been in the deepest valley can you ever how magnificent is it to be in the highest mountain’, rightly said Richard Nixon. If life of a teenager would have been bed of roses and all praises, I feel no achievement would have given him or her the happiness which one gets by proving the whole world wrong. – Aditi Pant

Shame is like everything else, live with it for long enough and it becomes a part of the furniture said eminent author Salman Rushdie.The debate on how to raise one’s child is something that has been argued over a long period of time and most recently due to sudden increase in child birth and better medical facilities around the world what has really been brought into the discussion though is the type

of parenting styles that are out there. There are the lenient parents who give their children room to grow and freedom to do what they please because they believe that is what is best for them. On the other side there are tiger parents.

Tiger parents are defined as strict or demanding parents who push their children to be successful academically by obtaining high levels of scholastic and academic achievement and if they are not able to do so, the last resort of parents and teachers is shame and blame.

Such tactics of parenting and schooling are deterring mental `/detrimental to the future mental ability of the child. It can cause inferiority problems or make the child become defensive as well as negative. shame and blame is no longer a tool to demonstrate socialistic values and rules, shame in today’ society is no longer effective because it has a destructive effect on human lives especially teens who are in their growing age. It leads to suicides, gun culture and many times the teenager turn to drugs. Shaming children can sometimes even turn the child against the parents and teachers. If you just let them do what they want, they will learn from their mistakes either then or later. Also if you shame them when they tell you what happened, it will make them feel worse when they just wanted to sit, talk, get guidance and help from you. If you shame and blame a child every now and then, there’s a possibility that the child will go into a shell and anything with you at all. He may develop a low self-esteem.

Recently in Chandigarh a mature lady tried to shame a girl who was wearing short dress. The lady didn’t even think that the girl is of her daughter’s age. The temperature was over 40°C. The lady ultimately had to apologies

because in the era of social networking you can’t escape from your Karma’s. I strongly feel shame and blame is like a scar, eventually the pain from the initial injury will subside, but once the damage is inflicted it can’t be undone and will remain there for the rest of life. Adults should educate the



children more and judge them less.-Prakriti Dabral

When I reach the beautiful beach, I feel like getting ready and steady to dive into the sea. Sprinkle, squish between my toes, the smell of ocean to my nose. As I lay on the sand and look up at the sky I can see the sun shining like a diamond up high. The whooshing waves wash endlessly upon the shore, It’s a day when the ocean waves whisper to the sun,” warm me up sunshine!”, and they try to throw their rays right at me, painting my skin into a golden tan. The clouds try very much hard not to move, But I see them moving inch by inch. I can feel each grain of sand, falling from the air into my hand. I walk along the tip of the sea, that’s where my feet leave prints to be. -by Chhavi kamboj VIII – C

My mother’s perfume resembles her nature. It is as strong and powerful as her And as soft as her heart. It is refreshing like her smiles and as a garden of roses spread over miles. While it recollects me of her teachings, sometimes it is a great treasure of memories of that great time. The nice fragrance of my mother’s perfume, keeps me strengthened and awakened. It also reminds me of that real beauty of a person is in thought and the behavior meted out to others. My mother’s perfume is just as she is- too overwhelming, too fragrant but beautiful in the end.

-by Kaushiki Dhoundiyal






A very special day to all, The thrill and excitement of the wedding was full on. The glowing bride and the shy groom, looked together very beautiful. The dazzling decorations and shehnai are a great way of enjoying. The beautiful clothes and sparkling jewellery, added some more enjoyment to the wedding party. All looked awesome in their dresses, dancing and shouting for the wedding bells. Then at night, all the people had their eyes on the groom and bride. The dance performance of groom and bride made the night more beautiful and nice. At last, the wedding dinner completed the night. Then the dessert time – Gulab jamuns, pipping hot Kesari jalebis, and a scoop of ice cream.

A night never to forget, and a memorable day to all, a wedding day we will always look forward as how many years will be gone.

-by Shailja VIII-C

Life is the sum of all your choices.

Change is constant in life. Life changes every

day for every person in some way. We expect

the seasons to change, children to grow taller,

birthdays to keep piling on, we expect to grow

older. We all face changes every day whether it

is a simple change of the weather, our schedule

or what we choose to eat that day. Sometimes

there is change that jumps out of nowhere and

totally shakes you to the core. It is not difficult

to forget that life will always be changing. We

face something new every moment of the day.

We need embrace the changes that life has in

store for us. They will make things flow more

smoothly and we can bounce back from the

major changes hopefully a little easier. We just

have to always keep in mind that life truly is

what we make of it. If we are always living in

negativity then life will always seem like doom

and gloom. “Change is not pleasant sometimes,

but change is constant. Only when we change

and grow, we will see a world we never know “

Choice is another constant in life. We always

have a choice over things in every situation

same as the choice of food we eat, the choice of

clothes we want to wear. Same as that, we have

our own choices in life also. It is us who choose

which path is to be followed in our lives. The

right or wrong. Opting the wrong choice once

can affect your life drastically.” Be miserable or

motivate yourself, whatever has to be done, it

always your choice “Your choice decides the life

you will be living. „Life is a matter of choices,

and every choice you make makes you‟.

Principles are the norms which an individual

create follows to make his life meaningful and

helps in to be a better individual in the long run.

Creating principles for your life is not difficult

but following those and ensuring that nothing

There are three constants in

life… Change, choice and





overpowers them is a million-dollar task. “It is

easier to fight for one‟s principles than to live up

to them.” It is easier to tell 20 people what is

wrong and what is right than to be one of those

20 people to follow my own teachings.-Prakriti


“There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not

possible for a bird to fly only on one wing.”

- Swami Vivekananda

Performing multiple roles every day, women are

– without any doubt – the backbone of every

society. Daughters, sisters, mothers, and a wide

range of jobs are being performed by women

flawlessly. They work tirelessly 24X7 for the

fulfilment of the needs of their families. Their

job is the one without vacation, one without rest.

Unfortunately, they are also one of the most

ignored and under-estimated fractions of the

society in many parts of the world. They face

oppression, violence and many other social evils

now and then. For centuries now, they have been

living under the captivity that restricts them

from achieving their personal as well as

professional dreams and goals. It‟s kind of

ironical that a country, which has acclaimed the

status of first Asian country to land on Martian

orbit on its maiden attempt, has a rank of 142

out of 149 on gender inequality index, as of


Women constitute around 50% of India‟s

population. They are the other half which is as

competent and talented as men. But females are

not educated, not allowed to choose their

careers. Their dreams are no dreams, their goals

are no goals. Some, who fight these norms and

land jobs, are discriminated and harassed in their

workplace. They are not provided with an equal

pay as men. They are not even treated with equal


Even after 7 decades of independence, women

are not independent. Women empowerment

refers to the upliftment of women and giving

them power to get the freedom to choose what is

good for them.

Empowerment is giving women the choices,

they want to make. It is the dreams they want to

fulfil. It is the career choices that they want to

make. Empowerment can‟t be the answer to the

Women Empowerment


upliftment of women, but it is what the country

currently requires.

The condition of women in India has slightly

improved. The current condition of women in

India is far better than the 60s. They now

participate in various fields such as, sports,

politics, science and technology, etc. Nowadays,

women are being educated; they are given the

chance to fulfil their dreams. They are now far

more independent than they were in the past.

New acts and laws are made daily, but the real

change will come when the mentality of the

Indian society will be changed.

Empowerment of women is indispensable for

the society. We are a generation raised and

nurtured by women, and the time has come

when we realise their true value.

Women should also consider their strengths and

move forward to unfold their true potential.

They need to achieve their goals through self-

development. Because, empowerment cannot be

brought and given, it needs to originate from


-by Devansh Dhayni XI-A

“Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, and

knowledge makes you great.”

-by A.P.J Abdul Kalam

“It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very hard to win someone.”

-by A.P.J Abdul Kalam

“To climb steep hills require a slow pace at first.”

-by William Shakespeare

“A Winner is a dreamer who never give up.”

-Nelson Mandela

The school prefectorial body for the senior section of Raja Rammohan Roy

Academy was appointed for the session 2019-20 on 29th July, 2019. Badges and

ties were given to the members of the prefectorial body by the Chairman, Principal,

Mentors and House Incharges.

Quotes of Wisdom



The council was sworn in by the Chairman of the Academy Mr. A.K Deb. After

the oath ceremony, the Head Girl, the Head Boy and the House Captains were

given the School and House banners. Master Neeraj Sharma was appointed as the

Head Boy while Miss Aditi Pant was sworn in as the Head Girl of the Academy.

They pledged to be responsible in making the school exemplary not only in

academics but also in extracurricular activities; upholding the school motto „We

learn to serve‟.

Head Girl Aditi Pant

Head Boy Neeraj Sharma

Discipline Captain

Vidisha Pokhriyal

Vasudev Prajapati

Activity Captain Prakriti Dabral

Sanidhya Sharma

Sports Captain

Sakshi Bansal

Preet Zaveri

Satpura Anchal Khatri

Lucky Choudhary

Vindhya Shubra Saini

Aarsh Negi

Aravali Urvashi Thapa

Aseem Sharma

Shivalik Diya Goyal

Sagar Kandwal



Editorial Board

Student Representatives: Stuti Gusain

Printing and Technical Assistance: Vidisha Pokhriyal, Yash Dhiman