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Thematic Certificate



This Independent Study has been approved as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of

International Master of Business Administration in International Business Management

Advisor: Date: / /

(Title. Name:XXXXXXXX 教授的职称及姓名)

(Associate Professor Dr. Jomphong Mongkhonvanit)

Acting Dean, Graduate School of Business Administration

Date: / /

Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand





The main objective of this paper is to find the critical problem facing by the employees

while working in organizations and find out the ways of increasing employees’ loyalty to

their organization. This paper aims to investigate how employee perceptions of their

workplace environment, reward and recognition, teamwork, training and development can

determine their job satisfaction, help organization manager to better understand what

employees feeling on their job and what they need, therefore better manage organization and

enhance employee’s positive job attitude and their motivation to their job. This paper is based

on theoretical considerations, on this basis developing the previous related researches. The

data was collected through disproportional stratified sampling technique of 200 employees

who currently working in any branches of City Comfort Inn in Nanning China and analyzed

using Ordinal Least Squares (OLS) regression. For the key factors predicted to influence

employee’s job satisfaction, the analysis found that reward, recognition and teamwork those

factors has positive relationship with employee job satisfaction. Reward is the most important

factor which means organization offer employee better reward or pay will brings significant

effect on employee job satisfaction. Moreover, this author found that education also has

important influence on employee job satisfaction. Analysis of OLS regression reveals that

employee who has higher education level will have more job satisfaction than employees

who has lower education level. Overall, the evidence suggests that organization should

establish well-function reward and recognition system and need to take attention to encourage

teamwork among employees, raise their teamwork spirit and let them better collaborate with

each other in order to increase employee job satisfaction and stimulate their motivation

toward their job.

Keywords: Human resource management, Employee job satisfaction, Workplace environment,

Reward and recognition, Teamwork, Training and development






Over the past ten years, what people think about and expectation for the company is

usually depend on the company’s financial data and company’s earning. Nowadays, with the

development of globalization, extensive of information technology and increasing

international trade competition and customer demand, those affecting how people define of a

good company as well. Especially social responsibility, governance, quality of work life

(QWL), and employee job satisfaction, those are the important indicators to define the

organization whether good governance, whether well-functioning and whether suitable for


Moreover, employees are the key resources of any organization. Organizing training and

developing seminar those are the meaningful channels which organization invests lots of

capital on employees, helping employees increase their skills, working experience and ability.

Under this kind of training, employees can increase their working efficiency and

effectiveness, which will caused the organization productivity increased.

However, organizations are difficult to adapt for the fast trend of information technology,

more and more intensive competition among different industries and global economy expand

after financial crisis caused increasing demand of labor market. It is very common in any

organizations that push too much working pressure to their employees and setting the KPI

and measure employee’s job performance. Nevertheless the employee rewards and

punishment system lack of standardization. These all will result in significant influence on

employee’s job satisfaction and their working attitude. Employee’s attitude will affects their

work performance as well. Workplace environment, reward and recognition, training and

development and team work those are the mostly concerned by the employees.

In the past, there are many research of human resource management which studied about

key factors affecting employee job satisfaction and what relationship they have with

employee job satisfaction. This research will focus more based on the reality of City Comfort

Inn, a hotel chains which emerging in recent years in China under the fast-developing hotel

industry, and this research is studying about the key factors such as workplace environment,

reward and recognition, training and development and team work, how are those factors

influence on employee’s satisfaction. And through this evidence, how organization can

manage their employee well in order to strengthen company’s human resource management

and improve organization productivity.

City Comfort Inn:

City Comfort Inn was established in year 2006, as one of brands under the world’s top

100 hotels group−Eastern Crown. Eastern Crown is the first hotels group in China that

specialize select-service hotel development. The group insisted in its corporate value of

“Passion, Focus, and Share” and has kept updating its products through its strategic

development. With their exquisite and highly cost-effective service, Eastern Crown is

committed to upgrading the quality of customer’s travel life. Under the hotels group, City

Comfort Inn is the leading quality express inn in China which has many branches in different

provinces and cities. At the beginning, City Comfort Inn chooses “boutique hotel” as their

product positioning and planning, designed more spacious guest rooms compare to other

hotels, in order to meet customer requirements. Effective sound insulation of casement

window makes customers fully enjoy sunshine and wide field of vision. And diversified

buffet breakfast offered to customers. Besides, City Comfort Inn provide customers

aromatherapy, background music, book bar and self-service laundry those kinds of services

and facilities which more competitive than other traditional economy hotels.

With the fast developing of tourist industry in China and economic growth, people go

out travel or business trip become more common. City Comfort Inn focus on their exquisite

and highly cost-effective service satisfied more and more customer’s needs. Within high

competition among hotels, people as the key issue in service process, so that’s why

organization emphasizes on establishing employee training programs in order to add more

value to their service. As the most typical and successful example, City Comfort Inn also pay

attention to their employee’s training and development. This research will study employees of

City Comfort Inn, how their job satisfaction relative to their company workplace environment,

reward and recognition, training and development and team work.


2.1 Human Resource Management

According to Armstrong (1987), Human resource management is a specialized

functional area of business that attempts to develop programs, policies, and activities to

promote the job satisfaction of both individual and organizational needs, goods and


Rao (2000) indicated that for any organization, Human Resource Management is

considered to be the most valuable asset, which comprise of capable and talent employees

with their ability, knowledge and skills. It should be understand that human resources

management should care and support employee’s quality of work life, in order to maximize

organization wealth and achieve organizational goals. More deeply, it should be understand

that employee’s performance determine and achieve organization goals. Rao (2000) also

indicated that employee performance influenced by motivation and job satisfaction to a great


The motivations of people work in organization are varied such as earn money for daily

life, personal development in the future, and attain social experience and social recognition.

And different person has different needs for their job, so that’s why recognize and understand

employee’s job satisfaction is very important for management, which to build a good working

environment and personal development opportunities to employees. In next section will

explain what Job Satisfaction is and definition of factors which are related.

2.2 The importance of Job Satisfaction

Rao (2000) indicated that job satisfaction is not self satisfaction, happiness or self

fulfillment, it is personal feeling only regarding to their job, and act as a motivation to their

job. According to Barbara (2004), job satisfaction is personal feeling regarding to their work,

and it can be affected by multiple factors. It indicates that overall relationship between

employee and their employer. More specifically, satisfaction not only means the feeling

accompany with attain the goal, it also means the impulse of attain the goal. As previous

researchers explain what is job satisfaction, Reilly (1991) give a definition of job satisfaction

as the feeling that a worker has about his job or a general attitude towards work or a job and it

is influenced by the perception of one’s job.

There are many aspects of job satisfaction, satisfaction on their job, salary, respect and

recognition, good relationship between employee and employer, chance of promotion those

are the general aspects of job satisfaction. Each aspect will has significant influence and

contributes to the personal overall feeling of satisfaction on their job.

Study of job satisfaction strengthen management of a series of job related information,

employee development and improve working environment. Regarding to the previous study,

Shah (1990) summarized that there are many significant influences of studying job

satisfaction. First it brings the positive influence on decision making and guideline to set up

organization policy and behaviors. Second, it is a useful tool to diagnose employee’s problem

and understand their needs so that employees can produce best outcome. Third, job

satisfaction facilitates communication between employee and employer and build the better

communication system, which result as common goal for future development. Fourth, it helps

to improve employee’s attitude to their job, stimulate the sense of belonging and their

participation, better to form team work so that increase their job productivity. Fifth, it allows

established unions to know exactly what employees needs and what management is doing;

therefore, it makes it possible for shared negotiation of grievances as well as other

undesirable situation. Last, job satisfaction helps organization to establish better training and

development program for both employees in the future.

2.3 Factors affecting job satisfaction

After explaining the definition of job satisfaction the importance of job satisfaction, this

section will study the factors affecting job satisfaction and hypothesis related to each factor.

Most previous research has studies job satisfaction focus on the influence of quality of work

life, organizational culture and organizational commitment. According to Igalens et al.,

(1999), employee’s behavior in any organization is affected by job satisfaction, environment,

work place, pay and change in technology. Moreover, employee satisfaction relays on work

place, pay, promotions, interpersonal skills and relations with co-worker. To better understand

the roles of related factors above-mentioned, this research will study focus on four major

factors that have impact on employee job satisfaction, which are (1) Workplace environment,

(2) Reward and recognition, (3) Teamwork, and (4) Training and development. Following

will be the definitions of each factor and discussion of how they influence on employee job


2.3.1 Workplace environment

Workplace is the place people doing their job; complete the task and deal with various

matters. According to Stallworth et al., (1996), workplace environment contains two different

components which are physical working environment and behavioral working environment.

The physical working environment should include the office occupier’s ability to physically

connect with their office environment. Ceylan (1998) also indicated that physical working

environment should include good location, airing, illuminating, comfortable temperature and

neater work place or office.

Workplace environment involve the geographical location. More specifically, it involves

building and equipments related to the working places, such as office building, equipment,

restroom, and so on. Workplace environment also include the environment surrounding the

location as well, such as quality of air, environment health and clean, noise level. Additional

subsidies of employee’s daily life are also included in workplace environment, such as free

drink and food offer, parking area, apartment provides and staff loan offer.

Workplace environment is very important for employees in any organizations.

Employees prefer good workplace environment to relax and reduce their working stress.

Comfortable working place, perfect and complete equipments, good quality of air, less noise

and appropriate temperature inside the office etc, all contribute to employee’s better feeling to

their job and which might indicate their high degree of job satisfaction. Managers should

attach importance to employee’s workplace environment; concern about what employee’s

need and improve the working conditions as much as they can. Employee who has good

feeling about their workplace environment will have more motivation into their job, high

productivity and capabilities as result. Communication and collaboration will be improved

among different departments within an organization.

Hypothesis 1: There is a positive relationship between workplace environment and

employees’ job satisfaction.

2.3.2 Reward and recognition

In any organization, reward and recognition is the most important things to employees.

Reward is one kind of employee incentives which means any form of payment according to

employee’s good performance for reaching the predetermined goals. Reward can be tangible

such as cash or bonus, or it can be intangible such as more development opportunities.

Recognition is the acknowledging of employee performance or contributions related to their

job, display of thankful for individual or teamwork efforts. According to Pascoe et al., (2002),

reward and recognition on employees’ work is important for system moral excellence,

recognition on a good job will extend to encouragement honor, which is the main predict in

rules and principals by supervisors.

Nowadays, competitions among organizations are more and more intense. Business

owners want to increase productivity and reduce costs, so they push employees to do more

job or overtime. However, employees cannot work more without getting extra paid, they

looking for getting more benefit from employer as well. According to Maurer (2001),

employee satisfaction contributes to success of organization, honor and respect these factors

plays important roles on employee job satisfaction. Less employees job satisfaction due to

absence of reward and recognition. To getting more employees job satisfaction, it is necessary

that manager of organization establish reward and recognition system to employees who have

good performance. Flynn (1998) also indicated that well-function of reward and recognition

system can raise employee’s team spirit, functioning and motivation. From these evidences,

this research anticipates that employee reward and recognition system can stimulate

employees’ working motivation and increase their productivity and performance.

Organization with well-function reward and recognition system will increase employees’ job

satisfaction as well. It is necessary for employer to offer reward and recognition on

employee’s good working performance, which stimulates motivation among employee, raise

their teamwork spirit so better collaborate between employees related to their job and bring

more profits to organization eventually.

Hypothesis 2: There is a positive relationship between reward and recognition and

employees’ job satisfaction.

2.3.3 Teamwork

The concept of team often refers to several person meet together and form a group to

complete a certain project or task, or staff they join as one group to discuss or helping each

other to solve problem. In organization, teamwork is another term used for improving

employees’ performance and completes work task. As one team, team member must define

scope of work, find out the way to deal with problem, divide the work and help each other to

attain the team goal. Successful and high efficiency teamwork depending on several

conditions, including personal capacity of each team member, integrity of team, financial

capacity, education background and working experience. According to Daulatram (2003),

execution and self-power, personal liberty, collaborate with team members and satisfaction

through team work those are the origin to raise employees self-power and motive through


The value of teamwork in achievement of organizational goal and enlargement in

organizational productivity are undoubted. Teamwork as the important factor in any

organization, which let employees complete their work task faster and easier, get the better

outcome compare to only done by one person. Teamwork also brings many benefits for

employees as well as organization. Firstly, it increases sense of employees’ ownership.

Employee be in one group will place them in the position same as organization. As a part of

whole, employee feel them like a valuable member of the team and encourage the sense of

ownership to their work. So they are not only work for themselves but also work for the

company. Secondly, it increases employee learning. Employee can learn the methods or

experience from other team members. And employee who has more experience can help

others to learn more and deal with problem faster. It also helps to stimulate working

motivation and build expectations. Thirdly, it increases synergy among employees. Teamwork

will increase the efficiency of department, extend and inspire other departments as well.

Helping employees to better understand the company structure and speed up their work and

establish common sense of responsibility for all different departments so that work better as a


Understand the benefits of teamwork, this research pay attention to study the relation

between teamwork and employee job satisfaction. Gladstein et al., (2007) indicated that

teamwork as a motive of job satisfaction as almost works on job satisfaction and team

performance matters, convinced that job satisfaction as an outcome of team effectiveness.

This research anticipates that team work can stimulate motivation of employee and brings

positive influence on employee’s job satisfaction.

Hypothesis 3: There is a positive relationship between teamwork and employees’ job


2.3.4 Training and development

According to Jun et al., (2006), Training provides chances to employees’ enhance their

knowledge and skills for effective development. Jun et al., (2006) also indicated that

employees are able to get self-affirmation, evolution of career, and have positive feeling on

their organizations through training programs. The purpose of training and development for

employees are to improve employees’ skill and excite personal potentiality. With better

employees’ training and development programs, organizations benefit from professional skill

and high capability employees so that improve whole company development.

According to Saks (1996), trained employees are more satisfy to their job as compared

to untrained employees. Khawaja et al., (2013) also indicated that employee training is not

only benefit to improved business results but is also a powerful factor in shaping employee’s

attitudes. He explained that employee training created a motivation for increased

discretionary behavior and a satisfaction with career development that leads to increase

employee’s job satisfaction ultimate. According to the evidence from previous studies, this

research anticipates that training and development for employees will bring positively feeling

on their job so that increase their job satisfaction.

Hypothesis 4: There is a positive relationship between training and development and

employees’ job satisfaction.


3.1 Sample and data collection

This research use probability sampling technique which is disproportional stratified

sampling. The researcher obtains and collects data from simple random sub-samples that are

according to their position or stratum of the population. By using this disproportional

stratified sampling technique, the sample size for each stratum is allocated according to

researcher’s analytical consideration. It allows researcher to avoid sampling bias and make

sure sample are the accurate representative of the population. To collect the necessary data,

this research conduct self-administered questionnaire survey. The target population of this

research are the staff or workers who currently working in any branches of City Comfort Inn

in Nanning city China. The purpose of study and questions in questionnaire survey were

explained to respondents, make sure they can fill in questions easily and comprehensibly.

Both English and Chinese languages for questionnaire surveys were designed as well. Data

was collected from February 2015 to April 2015. Total 300 of questionnaires was distributed

and 200 successfully completed surveys were returned back to researcher, which response

rate is 66.67 percent. Demographic and job characteristics of respondents were report as

Table 1.

Table 1: Descriptive statistics report

Demographic factor Descriptive statistics

Age Mean: 33.95

Standard deviation: 7.281

Gender Male: 44 (22%)

Female: 156 (78%)

Martial Status Married: 158 (79%)

Single: 42 (21%)


Below Bachelor's degree: 119


Bachelor's degree: 78 (39%)

Master's degree: 3 (1.5%)


Food and beverage department: 19


Room department: 53 (26.5%)

Personnel department: 14 (7%)

Front office department: 37


Engineering department: 19 (9.5%)

Financial department: 22 (11%)

Security department: 7 (3.5%)

Cleaning department: 10 (5%)

Head office: 19 (9.5%)

Job Title President: 1 (0.5%)

General Manager: 4 (2%)

Hotel Manager: 14 (7%)

Hotel assistant manager: 14 (7%)

Room department manager: 6 (3%)

Room department supervisor: 7


Room department shift leader: 4


Room department attendant: 31


Chef: 5 (2.5%)

Food and beverage department

attendant: 14 (7%)

Engineering department staff: 19


Front office Manager: 13 (6.5%)

PA: 10 (5%)

Receptionist: 24 (12%)

Finance staff: 22 (11%)

Warehouse keeper: 5 (2.5%)

Security staff: 7 (3.5%)

Job Tenure Less than 1 year: 5 (2.5%)

1 - 2 years: 144 (72%)

3 - 4 years: 50 (25%)

5 - 6 years: 1 (0.5%)

3.2 Measures

As the main dependent variable, Employee job satisfaction showed on the first part of

questionnaire survey which is measured using a scale developed by Cammann et al., (1983)

by asking the respondents to indicate their level of satisfaction about their job. More

specifically, it contains 13 different statements and total 6 different aspects related to

employee’s job. Specifically, “Salary and benefit” and “Frequency and amount of bonuses”

are measuring employee’s job satisfaction on their pay. “Workload” and “Flexibility of work

hours” are measuring employee’s job satisfaction on their workload and working hours.

“Opportunity for advancement” and “Access to company-sponsored training and seminars”

are measuring employee’s job satisfaction related to their promotions and career prospect.

“Communication with your supervisor”, “Your supervisor’s management capabilities” and

“Your overall relationship with your supervisor” is measuring employee’s job satisfaction

related to their supervisor. “Your overall relationship with your co-workers” is measuring

employee’s job satisfaction related to their colleagues. “Your understanding of the business

mission” and “Your overall satisfaction with your company” is measuring employee’s job

satisfaction on their company, and final statement of “Overall satisfaction with your job” is

measuring employee’s job satisfaction in general. All the questions are measured by using

ordinal scale, which measurement ranging from 1 to 5 values; 1 stands for very dissatisfied to

5 stands for very satisfied.

As for the main independent variables for this research, this research study about the

roles of key factors correlated to the dependent variable. In questionnaire survey it contains

two sections. Section 1 including latent independent variables which may have significant

impact on employee’s job satisfaction, those are Workplace environment, Reward and

recognition, Teamwork, Training and development. Section 2 are control variables those are

respondents’ demographic and job characteristics. Including respondent’s Gender, Age,

Marital status, Education, Working department, Job title and Job Tenure.

The scales of study were developed from the previous studies. In section 1, Workplace

environment is measured using four items and these scales was developed by Lee (2006). The

next variable is Reward which developed by Shagufta and James (2013). It contains seven

items. Recognition has four items which is developed by Rizwan and Ali (2010), Teamwork

has seven items which taken from Parvin and Kabir (2011). The last latent independent

variable is Training and development; develop by Muhammad et al. (2012), which were

scored on a five items. All these four latent independent variables are using ordinal scale, all

the statements within each independent variables are according to employee their job’s actual

condition, scored ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

In section 2 control variables, Gender as a dummy variable, which 0 stands for female, 1

stands for male. Age is measured in years. Marital status as a dummy variable uses nominal

scale which 0 stands for single, 1 stands for married. Education measured respondent’s

educational level by using ordinal scale which 1 stands for below bachelor’s degree, 2 stands

for bachelor’s degree, 3 stands for master’s degree and 4 stands for doctoral degree. Working

department measured as a nominal scale which divides into 10 parts, including Food and

beverage department (Stands for 1), Sales department (Stands for 2), Room department

(Stands for 3), Personnel department (Stands for 4), Front office department (Stands for 5),

Engineering department (Stands for 6), Financial department (Stands for 7), Security

department (Stands for 8), Cleaning department (Stands for 9) and Head office (Stands for

10). Job title is measured by using ordinal scale which 1 stands for President, 2 stands for

General manager, 3 stands for Hotel manager, 4 stands for Hotel assistant manager, 5 stands

for Room department manager, 6 stands for Room department supervisor, 7 stands for Room

department shift leader, 8 stands for Room department attendant, 9 stands for Chef, 10 stands

for Food and beverage department attendant, 11 stands for Engineering department staff, 12

stands for Front office manager, 13 stands for PA, 14 stands for Receptionist, 15 stands for

Finance staff, 16 stands for Warehouse keeper, lastly 17 stands for Security staff. Job tenure is

measured as how many years does respondent work in their current company. By using

ordinal scale which 1 stands for less than 1 year, 2 stands for 1 to 2 years, 3 stands for 3 to 4

years, 4 stands for 5 to 6 years, 5 stands for 7 to 8 years, 6 stands for 9 to 10 years and 7

stands for more than 10 years.

3.3 Estimating technique

After collecting the completed questionnaire survey, then researcher enter these data into

IBM SPSS Statistics version 19 for further analysis. To test the hypothesized relationships as

previous stated, this research used Ordinal Least Squares (OLS) regression to analyze. OLS

regression analysis is a statistical technique for testing and checking the relationships

between independent variable and dependent variable, which can helps the researcher to

understand how typically changes the value of the dependent variable when one of the

independent variables changes while the other independent variables remain unchanged.


This author conducts the reliability test before testing the hypothesized relationships by

using OLS regression analysis. Cronbach’s alpha as the measurement to determine the

reliability of multiple items scale of each concept, which can indicate the internal consistency

of each concept’s multiple items scale and degree of reliability of measurement. Table 2

shows the results of all concepts’ multiple items scales’ degree of reliability as score of

Cronbach’s alpha. From the results which indicates that most of the concepts’ multiple items

scale has the satisfactory score of Cronbach’s alpha. Employee job satisfaction, workplace

environment, reward, and teamwork those score exceed what Nunnally (1967) recommended

the minimum value of 0.7. Recognition, Training and development has lower Cronbach’s

alpha score which are 0.677 and 0.645, however they still acceptable. Then this author

computed the summated scale for each concept’s multiple items scales’ average score for

further OLS regression analysis.

Table 2: Reliability test report






environment Reward Recognition Teamwork

Training and



alpha (α) 0.719 0.821 0.722 0.677 0.856 0.645


consistency Good Good Good Acceptable Good Acceptable

After computed the summated scale for each concept’s multiple items scale, this author

used Pearson correlation coefficients to analyze the bivariate correlations between the

independent variable and dependent variable. The bivariate Pearson correlation evaluates

whether there has a one-on-one statistically significant linear relationship between the

variables, and how closes the relationship between the pairs of variables being a perfectly

straight line as well. Result of Pearson correlation coefficient of one-on-one relationship

analysis reported as Table 3.

Table 3: Pearson correlation coefficient among variables







JS Pearson


1 .359**





Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

N 200 200 200 200 200 200






1 .175* .340

** .586

** .235


Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .013 .000 .000 .001

N 200 200 200 200 200 200

RW Pearson



.175* 1 .360

** .086 .269


Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .013 .000 .223 .000

N 200 200 200 200 200 200

RCNT Pearson





1 .310**


Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

N 200 200 200 200 200 200

TW Pearson




.086 .310**

1 .331**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .223 .000 .000

N 200 200 200 200 200 200











Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .001 .000 .000 .000

N 200 200 200 200 200 200

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Next step for analysis is testing the hypothesized relationships between the factors and

employee job satisfaction and understand its roles of factors which affecting employee job


According to the result, Hypothesis 1 indicates that Workplace environment as one of the

main independent variables which has positively relationship with employee job satisfaction

but it is not statistically significant (β=0.054; P=0.477). As a result, hypothesis 1 is not

statistically supported.

Hypothesis 2 indicates that there has positive relationship between reward and employee

job satisfaction (β=0.338) and it is statistically significant (P-value significant below 0.01).

Recognition also has positive relationship with employee job satisfaction (β=0.136) and this

variable is statistically significant (P=0.044). As a result, hypothesis 2 is supported.

Hypothesis 3 indicates that there has positive relationship between teamwork and

employee job satisfaction and its variable is statistically significant (β=0.160; P=0.029). As a

result, hypothesis 3 is statistically supported.

As for hypothesis 4, training and development also has positive relationship with

employee job satisfaction (β=0.064), but it is not statistically significant (P=0.318). Therefore,

hypothesis 4 is not statistically supported.

As for the control variables, the result shows that male tends to have higher job

satisfaction than female which male used as benchmark (β=0.034). However its employee job

satisfaction difference is not statistically significant (p=0.562). Older employees have more

job satisfaction than younger employees but this result is not statistically supported (β=0.039;

p=0.649). Employees who are married will have more job satisfaction than who are single

(β=0.029), which married as the benchmark. And its employee job satisfaction difference is

not statistically significant (p=0.709). Employees who has higher education level will have

more job satisfaction than employees who has lower education level and this result is

statistically supported (β=0.248; P-value significant below 0.01). As for the job title,

employees who have lower position will have more job satisfaction which job title in

questionnaire order are from high to low and its employee job satisfaction difference is not

statistically significant (β=0.110; p=0.091). And employees who works for long time in their

company will have more job satisfaction (β=0.111) however this variable is not statistically

supported (p=0.098). Overall OLS regression analysis reported as Table 4 and summarize of

regression analysis results will shown in Figure 1.

The last step is to check the multicollinearity of all the variables, in case two or more

variables are highly correlated. The variance inflation factor (VIF) as an indicator of

multicollinearity, from Table 5 the results shows that all variables have no highly correlated

and those VIF values are lower than 10 as suggested by Hair et al. (1995).

Table 4: OLS regression analysis report

Variables Coefficients

Constant 1.381**

Main independent variables

Workplace environment 0.054

Reward 0.338**

Recognition 0.136*

Teamwork 0.160*

Training and

development 0.064

Control variables

Gender (Male=1) 0.034

Age 0.039

Marital status

(Married=1) 0.029

Education 0.248**

Job title 0.110

Job tenure 0.111

R square 0.415

Adjusted R-square 0.378

Note: ** p<0.01; * p<0.05

Table 5: Multicollinearity test report

Variables Tolerance VIF



.538 1.860


.758 1.319


.696 1.436


.591 1.693

Training and


.774 1.291

Gender (Male)

.910 1.099


.430 2.324

Marital status


.518 1.929


.531 1.883

Job title

.750 1.334

Job tenure

.694 1.441

Main independent



*** p <0.001, ** p<0.01, *p<0.05;

Solid lines stand for significant coefficients

Dotted lines stand for insignificant coefficients

Figure 1: Summarize of regression

analysis results

Control variables

R2 = 0.415

Adj. R2 = 0.378

















Training and


Employee job


Marital status






Job title

Job tenure


The main purpose of this research is to study and analysis the key factors which will

affect employee job satisfaction and how the roles of these factors influence on employee job

satisfaction, in order to help organization manager to better understand what employees

feeling on their job and what they need, therefore better manage organization and enhance

employee’s positive job attitude and their motivation to their job. After analyze the results

from OLS regression, this author found the evidence that from the key factors which affect

employee job satisfaction, Reward, Recognition and Teamwork those factors has positive

relationship with employee job satisfaction and this result is statistically supported. Reward is

the most important factor with the weight of 0.338 and p value is significant below 0.01.

More specifically, it means organization offer employee better reward or pay will significant

increase employee job satisfaction. And the result is supported through the questionnaire

answered by the employee who working in City Comfort Inn. Therefore, it can say that

employee work in City Comfort Inn who received better reward or pay will have high level of

job satisfaction. Recognition also considered as important factor to effect employee job

satisfaction, which being weight 0.136 and p value is below 0.05. So it can be proved that

through this study employee work in City Comfort Inn who received more honor and

acknowledgement will have high level of job satisfaction. This result is quite consistent with

the results from Jun et al. (2006). Teamwork as another important factor influence employee

job satisfaction, which being weight 0.160 and p value is below 0.05, verified that more

teamwork and mutual cooperation opportunities among employees will effectively enhance

employee their positive feeling on their job which can stimulate their job motivation and

increase their job satisfaction. This result is quite consistent with the results from Gladstein

and Bresman (2007). Moreover, this author found that education also has important roles of

impact on employee job satisfaction. Analysis of OLS regression reveals that employee who

has higher education level will have more job satisfaction than employees who has lower

education level and this result is statistically supported, with being weight 0.248 and p value

is significant below 0.01.

However, this study has some restriction and weakness. First, this research aim at study

factors which might influence on employee job satisfaction and how the roles of these factors

influence on employee job satisfaction. As a result, data analysis might not reveal the

relationship between those factors and employee job performance and employee’s loyalty to

their job. Second, key factors which influence on employee job satisfaction might not

comprehensive, there might have more important factors which have significant impact on

employee job satisfaction as well. Third, self-administered questionnaire survey might lead to

inaccuracy in data collect. Respondents may unable to understand question well so filled in

the wrong answer or respondents who have extreme emotions might also gave the incorrect

answer. Fourth, the scope of study only focus on the staff or workers who currently working

in any branches of City Comfort Inn in Nanning city China, which cannot be used to make

generalizations result. Expand and enrich the target population is required for future study in

order to get more reliable and generalizations result.

Besides the restriction and weakness, this study has some meaningful implication.

Regarding to the result of analysis, this author suggest that in order to increase employee job

satisfaction and stimulate their motivation toward their job, organization should establish

well-function reward and recognition system for employee, acknowledging of employee who

have good performance. Organizations also need to take attention to encourage teamwork

among employees, raise their teamwork spirit so better collaborate between employees

related to their job. With high level of employee job satisfaction, manager can understand

their employee well in order to strengthen company’s human resource management and

improve organization productivity.


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