The rogues

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The rogues

The Rogues

written byNathan Rawlings

Int.Police station

Figure sitting in a police interrogation room. He appears very anxious as he taps his hands on the desk and the clock ticks. His nerves build up until the interviewer presses the record button. There is a brief moment of silence. The figure stops what he is doing. We discover that he is being recorded.


It started with a car

(Music begins- Yanez Films presents)

Ext. Car Park

We see three criminals rushing towards a car that is transporting illegal products. One of the three is holding a baseball bat. The man sitting within the car spots the three as he looks over his shoulder but he is too late. The three drag him out of the car an hit him with the baseball bat. They drive off, leaving the man injured on the floor. We see the group leaving in the car from another angle but we see that Will has been taking photos of the act. We see him pull a polaroid out of the camera.

Int. Police Station

The Interrogator slides forward the polaroids that had previously been taken. We hang on the images for a moment before cutting away. We see

Will’s eyes as he looks up at the interrogator.


The car was full of more drugs and money than they knew what to do with. And they sold it all.

EXT. Street

We see the three with their masks removed as they open the boot of the car. The expression on their face indicates that they had just found something extraordinary.

EXT. Bus Stop

We see one of the criminals as they are walking down the street. They appear very shady as they look over their shoulders in order to ensure that no one is looking. We see that some one has stashed a bag of money on the roof of the bus stop and the character switches the bag of money for a bag of drugs. He stashes the money in his pockets and continues to walk away.


Well, they didn't know it then.(Brief pause) But they were about to learn what happens when you

steal from the wrong person.

Int. House

The three boys are playing poker as they celebrate their recent earnings. We see the lock on the front door being picked as this takes place. During this we continuously cut between the boys playing poker and shuffling cards. The door is pushed open gently to reveal three men standing in the foot of the door. We see the boys as they continue to play poker but quickly look up as they discover three masked men standing with weapons and a bag. The person in the centre throws a bag over the boys heads. Cuts to black.

Int. Hall

George has a bag taken off of his head revealing that his face has been bruised. He attempts to move but he is tied up. He is squinting from the brightness but as he regains his vision he notices his two friends have been beaten and remain unconscious. He then realises the gravity of his situation.



We see a series of action shots of the three being punched. They are hit with bats, punched and guns are aimed at their heads. (In rhythm with each beat of music). We then see a shot of the three boys walking in unison one of them will be holding the duffel bag of weapons.


The deal was simple. They either payed back the debt or would die in the process.

Int. House

We see one of the boys on his knees placing guns into a duffel bag in preparation for a heist.


We see Will looking at the boys as they get into the car holding the duffel bag. One of the boys stops and looks directly at Will. Will lowers his camera in panic as he is spotted.

Int. Hall

We see Will as he regains consciousness after being captured. As he opens his eyes we see he has a bloody nose and his mouth duct taped. We slowly realize that will is the only one who is tied up and a fight has broken out between the henchmen and the boys. The tension builds as we see someone about to pull the trigger on the gun that is pressed to one of the boy’s head. Cut to black.

(Music build up)

Action shots follow. One of the boys can be seen running from the henchmen. We can see one of the

boys’ hands shaking as they are covered with blood. We see exterior of a car as it drives. He takes a step back as we see him back away from the body. We can see someone pulling the slide back on a gun. A scene where one of the henchmen hold jumper cables and we see the lights flicker as the electricity surges. Will can be seen holding a gun up to one of the boys heads as he holds him as a shield. Will backs away, panicked as the other members and henchmen approach him, stepping into frame one by one.

Int. Police Station

We see will sitting there recalling the story and shifting the polaroids on the desk.


you couldn't trust anyone…

Before cutting we get our best look at Will with his arm bandaged and bruises on his face. We see one of the boys in the background as a mysterious figure pulls the hammer back on his gun as the other person turns around.


It was fucked


The credits of the trailer are played over the top of a shot of a polaroid burning.