The Rock: Geology and Physics of Hydrocarbon Production or the Top Ten Reasons We are Really in the...

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Transcript of The Rock: Geology and Physics of Hydrocarbon Production or the Top Ten Reasons We are Really in the...

Pumps & Pipes 1November 12, 2007

William E. Kline ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company

The Rock: Geology and Physics of Hydrocarbon Production


The Top Ten Reasons We are Really in the

Same Business!

Pumps & Pipes 1

November 12, 2007

Reason #10 It All Starts with Biological Processes

•Life flourishes, capturing solar energy

•Generates piles of organic and earth sediment

•Sediment is naturally buried

•Sediment cooks for millions of years

•Organic sediment forms hydrocarbons

• Inorganic sediment forms rock

•Jed Clampett shoots at some food

•Energy is re-extracted

•Civilization flourishes

•Driving the need for air conditioners and medical care

•Pumps & Pipes symposium organized

So We Study

Hydrocarbon Systems

•How was a potential deposit formed?

•Did it migrate from its source?

• Is it oil or gas?

•How is it embedded in the rock?

Pumps & Pipes 1

November 12, 2007

Reason #9 Just Seeing our Work Is Half the Battle

Borehole Televiewer


So We Study


•From orbital mapping to the bottom of wellbores

•Where are the sediments?

•What are the structures?

•How do we get to them?

Pumps & Pipes 1

November 12, 2007

Reason #8 Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys



Our Office Your Office

So We Study

‘Makin’ Hole

•Keeping it stable

•Steering to an objective

•Rate of penetration

•Bit wear and longevity

Pumps & Pipes 1

November 12, 2007

Reason #7

We Both Work Through Long, Thin Tubes

Piping Systems Vascular Systems

So We Study

Through Tubing Operations



•Tensile stresses

•Mechanical Manipulation

Well sketch

Pumps & Pipes 1

November 12, 2007

Reason #6

Those Tubes Can Get Clogged Up!

So We Study

Flow Assurance


•Mineral Scale


•Gas HydratesMineral Scale in Tubing String

Coronary Artery Deposits

Pumps & Pipes 1

November 12, 2007

Reason #5

Samples Tell Us a Lot

So We Study

Rock Coring and Fluid Sampling





Rock Coring Tissue Sampling

Pumps & Pipes 1

November 12, 2007

Reason #4

Where There Are Pipes, There Are Pumps

So We Study

Artificial Lift


•Drive Mechanisms


•Control SystemsHorsehead Pumping Unit

Heart Pump

Pumps & Pipes 1

November 12, 2007

Reason #3

Plumbing Requires Connections

So We Study

Connections and Junctions

•Threaded Connections

•Seals of all types


•Remote Testing

Threaded connections

Arterial Grafts

Pumps & Pipes 1

November 12, 2007

Reason #2

Yes, Even Molecular Engineering

So We Study

Product Optimization

•Better energy intensity

•Safer handling and transport

•Fewer pollutants

Petroleomics Genomics

Pumps & Pipes 1

November 12, 2007

Reason #1

We Both Have Really Cool Uniforms