THE RIGHT WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER...It's one of the most momentous days of your life and you'll want to...

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Transcript of THE RIGHT WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER...It's one of the most momentous days of your life and you'll want to...

Helen Partridgewww. l ivebythe

Live by the lensPHOTOGRAPHY






Live by the lensPHOTOGRAPHY

Does the Personality of the Photographer suit YOU as a COUPLE and are they a People's person?

Will the photographer 'get you' and will they listen to your needs?

Will they realize if you're a shy couple that you'd really like a 'low key affair'

but at the same time you do want some lovely photos.

It's a common problem that everyone seems to dread having their photograph taken, It's understandable as not everyone likes the attention but when it comes to your big day it's even more important that you get it right! With so many choices of photographers out there, the challenge really is to find one who's right for you, who you connect with, who makes you feel comfortable and makes you look fabulous, especially on your wedding day.

Your wedding day was beautiful, it took months of planning, but couldn't have gone any better, everyone had an amazing time. With those wonderful memories still fresh in your mind, filling your honeymoon days with laughter and stories you arrive back bursting to see some of your images.

The bridesmaids giggling over a glass of fizz; running for the tissues to wipe away mums tears; dad taking a deep breath as he handed you over to the man of your dreams; and that nervous moment when the best man looked up from his speech wondering if he'd gone a touch too far and everyone fell about laughing!

It's one of the most momentous days of your life and you'll want to be happy with your wedding photos. Your photographer will either capture those special, quirky moments perfectly or mess them up. You might regret not choosing the right photographer for your big day.

‘Do you want your images to have the energy and sparkle, showing your happiest day in amazing images' or 'Do you worry your images will be shadowy, lack emotion and not show the true essence of your special day or even look like you!'

Are you juggling with too many photographer choices, feeling overwhelmed?

Can your photographer capture your story and emotions, while being relaxed and unobtrusive?

Will your wedding pictures of family and friends be lasting in a timeless, beautiful style?

Live by the lensPHOTOGRAPHY

Your wedding day is a special time in your lives

and you'll want the photographs to show these memories

coming back every time you look at them.

“Photography for me

is not looking, it's feeling.

If you can't feel what you're looking at,

then you're never going

to get others to feel anything

when they look at your pictures.”

- Don McCullin

The most precious moment of your life

deserves to be captured…..

Live by the lensPHOTOGRAPHY

'The camera is an excuse to be someplace you otherwise don't belong.

It gives me both a point of connection and a point of separation'- Susan Meiselas

Your photographer will spend the whole day with you

- you need to make sure you get along

• You don't want your wedding photographer to rush you, be demanding, upset your guests or even get bored!

You want someone who is relaxed but in control, pleasant to be around, smiley who keeps the energy going and is genuinely interested in everyone.

• You don't want someone who's irresponsible and doesn't care!

You want someone you can trust, who has your best interests at heart, wants you to have the most magical day ever.

Investing in the right wedding photographer

for your special day is important.

You will be able to relive those memories forever!

Live by the lensPHOTOGRAPHY

Some photographers can be bossy or insensitive and make you feel uncomfortable to have around. It's a job, they do what they feel is necessary, then move on.

Some photographers don't like people and find it difficult to mix with many personalities at a wedding! They don't mind the odd person, but don't love them and certainly don't want to spend the whole day with them!

Are you juggling with too many photographer

choices, feeling overwhelmed?

CASE STUDY: One bride said, “I suppose it's like buying a pair of shoes, different styles suit different people and some are comfy and some aren't”. Her first thoughts were “I want great pictures that capture the day and want to make sure the person is reliable and trustworthy”. e.g going to turn up and do what they say they will. “Then you've got to have some kind of rapport as speaking for myself, I'm not a great one for having photos done as not that confident to pose. So, I didn't want someone so fixed in the way they do things that I had to go along with it and feel uncomfortable. I wanted to just get on with my day but at the same time have great pics. I suppose in some ways I didn't know what I wanted but now I do and that is someone who moulds into the background and becomes a part of your day and shows a real interest in what they are doing. I wouldn't have liked a bossy person taking my wedding pictures but it's good to have someone that can influence confidently to get the shots they know will work”.

Fraction of a second!

Making amazing

memories for You.Live by the lens


Here are some expert tips for you and your partner when booking the right photographer:

1. Paying for the best so you can have amazing pictures. Trusting the wedding photographer to deliver what they said they would.

Top Tip: Get a few quotes by interviewing local photographers, get a sense of what kind of photographer they are.

2. Set a budget. Most brides want the best but as it's one of the biggest expenses in your lifetime, decide what you want to spend.

Top Tip: Find out what you can afford and what you want, choose the person that fits your budget.

3. Choose the style of wedding photography you like–Traditional, contemporary or natural reportage (documentary) style.

Top Tip: Find a creative photographer to take different shots and make your day special.

4. Will they be able to offer you black and white shots of your wedding?

Top Tip: Look at their past work and if you want something different ask them to show you what they have done before.

5. What kind of packages they offer and does it suit your needs.

Top Tip: Find out if there is any room for manoeuvre with their packages.

Live by the lensPHOTOGRAPHY

Some photographers are amateur and unreliable! They may or may not turn up, may or may not do what they say they will. They maybe ill-prepared,have done no planning and think a few nice pictures will do. But what if it rains? that's not your fault and leaves you, the bride flapping!

Some photographers get bored easily, might be on their phone a lot, have more important issues to be getting on with like planning their NEXT JOB! They will look at the list that day, take the shots and think that the day is done then go home at the first opportunity, thinking well that was easy money!

Can your photographer capture the story and

emotions, while being relaxed and unobtrusive?

CASE STUDY: “We were looking for someone friendly who we could trust. We'd booked a magician for later in the day to keep the children entertained and we had a lot more guests coming in the evening so it was essential to find someone who liked children and plenty of stamina to go on into the night!

It was also important for us that we didn't feel ripped off, we wanted value for money with no hidden extra surprises. We wanted to find a photographer who could interact with our crazy, lovable family, who would bring the best out of everyone without being bossy. We didn’t want someone who was miserable and didn't care how they looked. We wanted to feel 100% certain that once we'd ticked 'the photographer' off our list, were assured that we were in safe hands and that we could carry on with our plans until the Big Day came when we could just relax and enjoy ourselves.” xx

Fraction of a second!

Making amazing

memories for You.Live by the lens


Here are some expert tips for you and your partner when booking the right photographer:

1. Make a detailed wedding photography plan, so you know what happens and when.

Top Tip: Ask if you will get a pre-wedding shoot, get to know your photographer and will they make the wedding go efficiently.

2. Cost and value benefit- what are you looking for and what do they offer.

Top Tip: Ask the photographer: what am I getting for my money, find out if there are any hidden extras.

3. Do your research and see what their past work is like or look up their previous clients.

Top Tip: Ask for testimonials, look at their portfolio and ask to see samples of their past work.

4. Are they familiar with your wedding venue, if not go and see it with your photographer so everyone is familiar with the layout.

Top Tip: Get to know what pictures you want and what background shots will make a beautiful setting.

5. Ask what their favourite wedding shot is, what they like about their work and what they like to do?

Top Tip: Getting a gist of the photographer's true vision and feel about their work is a great way to sense their passion.

Live by the lensPHOTOGRAPHY

Some photographers will capture all 'those' special moments. Some will disappear for what seems like hours when all the magic's happening.

Some will feel your emotion and happiness and even shed a tear or two and some will just see it as another day another dollar.

Will your wedding pictures of family and friends

be lasting in a timeless, beautiful style?

CASE STUDY: “I wanted someone I could bond with and someone who captured every special moment (which you did) nothing was staged with you, which is what I was dreading. I also feared a photographer who was there for the whole day would get bored but what I found was the reverse, you were professional from the very start sharing our nerves and laughter and making it all feel quite normal and then you continued to throw yourself into the whole occasion without us feeling you were in our faces. You were fun to be around, smiley and polite but at the same time being you, sharing laughter with the oldies making them feel young again and getting down with the kids, we had the best day of our lives, thank you for all your hard work and lasting memories”x

Fraction of a second!

Making amazing

memories for You.

Live by the lensPHOTOGRAPHY

Here are some expert tips for you and your partner when booking the right photographer:

1. Photographers personality: are they rushed, calm and efficient, as you are putting a lot of trust and faith in them for your big day.

Top Tip: Have a few meetings and call them out of the blue and see what they are like in real life.

2. What experience they have had? How long they have worked as a photographer and how many weddings have they done?

Top Tip: Write down your do's and don'ts what you like and share it with your photographer.

3. Word of mouth and recommendations: what do your friends/family say about who are the best photographers in the area.

Top Tip: Does the photographer back up their work?

4. What happens if you are ill or the photographer is ill. And what if the wedding is postponed.

Top Tip: Does the photographer have insurance?

5. Will the photos be colour balanced and retouched after you get them Top Tip: Can I see what you have done with your past images and what type of

photographs will I get?

Live by the lensPHOTOGRAPHY

MOST OF ALL YOU DON'T WANT images that are rubbish, lifeless, blurry,

with no imagination, no warmth, that don't even look like the person and have no story to tell!

So, that all the Stress and Nerves on the day will fade to nothing!

Book your 'Bespoke Wedding Photography Package'

If you find that any or all of these tips answer your burning questions, then you need not feel Overwhelmed anymore. Your wedding day will be one you will remember and reflect as the best day in your entire life.

Together we can make timeless memories that will be remembered by your family and guests for years to come.

Feeling calm and stress free on your wedding day, so you and your partner enjoy every minute.

There Is NO NEED for you to Worry and Panic Any Longer

Act Now and Enjoy Your Fun & Relaxed Wedding!

Book a 10- minute Phone call with me 07789 503 960 or email me

Best Wishes

Helen PartridgeProfessional PhotographerLive By The