The Report of the University Librarian to The Senate 47th ... · edge-punched card. The advantage...

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Transcript of The Report of the University Librarian to The Senate 47th ... · edge-punched card. The advantage...


The Report

of the University IiLbrarian

to the Senate

b7th Year

September 1961 fo August 1962


November 1962


Standing squarely between the University of Bri t ish Columbia

and the exCollence we a l l desire f o r her i s the matter of a research

library, In breadth of academic program and i n number of students, we

are CQmparable t o the University of Toronto and the major i n s t i t u t ions


i n the United States; but despite marked gains i n recent years, the

Library s t i l l lags.

book collections, both only from one half t o one t h i r d those of Our

s i s t e r un ivers i t ies i n Toronto and Seat t le , a r e not equal t o the task;

annual book purchases of less than $240,000 take us fa r ther from,

ra ther than closer to, our goal. On a scale i n which the s i z e of

Harvard's collections equals 100, Yale is 66, I l l i n o i s 50, Toronto

25, and the University of Brit ish Columbia 8.

resources a l so restrict the development of a strong faculty.

Our expenditures for l i b ra ry purposes and OUT

Inadequate l i b ra ry


scholars are reluctant t o come to, and t o remain at , a campus lacking

the book col lect ions f o r effect ive work. Unfortunately a lack of

books is not our only library deficiency-both number of staff and

physical f a c i l i t i e s need to be strengthened considerably, A brief

review of the past ten years a t t he University of Br i t i sh Columbia my

help t o place our present l i b ra ry problems i n proper perspective,

Decade i n Review

Few l i b r a r i e s on the American continent can match the splendid

record of growth of the University of B r i t i s h Columbia during the past


ten years. Book collections have doubled-from 250,000 VOlUmeS to Over

500,000; books charged out t o readers have tripled-from 219,262 t o

594,240; expenditures for books and periodicals have tripled-from

$80,000 t o $240,000; the Library staff hag more than doubled i n sise--

from 49 t o 113; and, finally, a handsome and spacious new wing has

been added t o the building,

is doubtful whether the Library serves its users as well today as it

did ten years ago4

But despite th i s extraordinary growth, it

Unfinished work and unfilled requests f o r service exist

throughout the Library. Almost b,OOO books ordered by members of the

faculty l a s t year were not purchased because of lack of funds; for the

same reason, subscriptions were placed f o r fewer than half of the

periodicals recommended. As th&a report is being written--m€dway i n

the current f i s c a l period-many departments have already expended

the i r entire book allotments, By the end of the year, the Library

dl1 have 6,000 unhonored requests f o r books.

The need for additional staff and more space is equally

pressing. Our book and periodical ordering processes are i n arrears;

4,000 recently acquired books and several. major collections are

awaiting cataloguing; unconscionably long queues of readers are daily

i n evidence a t most of our service counters; and, during many hours

of the day, students seek i n vain for a seat i n the Library.

‘lb,OOO students, the University can provide but 1,800 seats-less

than one half the recommended number.

For its

The reasons for the present inadequacy of the Ubrary are

familiar to a l l . During the same period that the Ubrary was increas-

ing a t an unprecedented rate, the University as a whole was experienc-

ing a comparable growth. Enrollment tripled-from 5,500 students to

. 3

13,000; the humber of full-time faculty more than doubled-from 325

t o 701; several entire faculties, numerous departments, and countless

courses were added; new buildings rose on every side.

While increases i n the size of the University were neutralis-

ing gains made within the Library, a second development-the emergence

of research and graduate study-was creating the need for a much more

extensive form of l ibrary service which we were poorly equipped to Pro-


offered the doctoral!.degree and fewer yet granted it, Research i n the

sciences was only beginning and, for the other disciplines, it was yet

to comer Today, most of the sciences have active graduate programs,

and the social sciences and the humanities are ini t ia t ing them.

serious impediment t o the development of many of these programs, how-

ever, i s the lack of books i n the 'Library. Two or three new graduate

programs, particularly i n the social sciences and the humanitfes,

frequently require more books than are needed for an entire under-

graduate program.

w i l l require the expenditure of large sums of moneyI

Ten years ago only a handful of departments within the University


Providing the necessary books and periodicals

During the past several years, a time i n which proportionately

more f'unds were needed for library purposes, proportionately fewer

funds were actually spent. Between 1956 and 1961, the percentage of

the University's expenditures that went for the Library dropped from

5.1 t o b.17. The annual expenditure per student for l ibrary purposes

furnishes additional evidence of insufficient support. During the

past decade, this figure remained between $50 and$60--a reduction, in

effect, f o r both the prices of books and the salaries of librarians

had risen sharply. It i t s significant t o note that i n 1960/61 the

University of Toronto spent $137 per student f o r library purposes,

4 Stanford $l&9, California $152, Cornell $154, and UCLA $160.

Williams Report

The University of British Columbia shares with her s i s t e r

Canadian insti tutions the problem of inadequate l ibrary resources.

Recognizing that a scarcity of library holdings is one of the limiting

factors i n the development of graduate study i n Canada, the National

Conference of Canadian Universities and Colleges invited k. Edwin E.

Williams of fEarvard University to survey Canadian Library collections

i n the humanities and social sciences, Mr. Williams' findings and

recommendations, published as Resources of CanadSan Universit;ll

Ubraries for Research i n the Humanities and Social Sciences (Ottawa,

1962), deserve the careful reading of a l l concerned with higher

education i n Canada.

Mr. W l l l i a m s presents his case simply and directly.

University ;libraries i n Canada are ill-equipped t o support advanced

research i n the humanities and social sciences, except i n a few

subjects, notably Canadfan,

universities and outstanding subject departments cannot confine their

As Plr. Williams points out, llgreat

attention to a single nation, and there are few scholarly investiga-

tions that do not a t l ea s t t o some extent cross both national and

subject To those who argue &at Canadian libraries are

start ing too la te , Mr, Williams replies that "if the universities of

California have not allowed a la te s t a r t t o deter them from spiri ted

competition with their elders i n the East, there surely is no reason

why Canada should do less.,' The fa i lure of Canadian universities to

develop their libraries, I&. Williams continues, Itwould demonstrate

that Canada aspires t o be no more than a dependency of other countries

h 5 i n graduate study and research i n the humanities and social sciencesr"

He concludes his report by stating that "Canadian universities, for the

most part, are only beginaing to face the cost of providing l ibrary

resources genuinely adequate fo r advanced work i n the humanities and

social sciences. It w i l l not be easy to advance on a l l fronts, neglect-

ing neither the new research l ibraries that must be created nor the

existing collections that ought t o be improved; but books are the

soundest long-term investment a university can make, and many of those

that are acquired now may serve Canadian scholars for

The Year 1961/62

Last year the Ubrary once again s e t new record8 i n the

provision of services; and, regrettably, once again the services

answered a s t i l l smaller percentage of the need, A larger sum was

wended on books than ever before, but more requests fo r book pur-

chases went unfilled than i n any previous year; more books were

charged out to readers, but readers experienced more trouble i n

securing the books they needed; more reference questions were answered,

but more faculty and students l e f t the Library without the assistance

they sought; more students used the Ubrary, but seats were never more

difffcul t ta find,

the Library less adequate for its tasks is not good enough.

Progress which, a t the end of each year, leaves

Growth of Collections .--Substantial additions were again made

to the Library's book callectfons, $240,930 from a l l sources was

expended for l ibrary materials-an increase of $l1,046 over the

previous year. Desplte this larger expedaftum, only 35,235 volumes

were t~dded-2~321 fewer than i n 1%0/6'1, A t the end of the year, the


Library contained 525,161 ful ly catalogued rnlumes, arad many thousand

government publications, maps, manuscripts, and other library materials.

As i n past years, a significant portion of the Library's

growth was the direct result of the interest arrd concern of i t s friends.

Renewed grants for the purchase of books were received from Mrs. E, T.

Rogers who created the Tucker Memorial Fund (historical cartography)

i n memory of her husband and the l a t e Professor Norman Tucker.

H. R. MacHillan Foundation (forestry), Men's Canadian Club of Vancouver

(Canadiana), &on and Thea Koerner Foundation (French history), Otto

Koerner Memorial FUd (art , music, theatre), F. W. Horner Ltd.

(pharmacology), Inst i tute of Chartered Accountants (accounting) , and

the Canadian Society of Radiological Technicians.

also the fortunate recipient of several new grants: the Walter C.

Koerner Slavonic Collection i n Memory of Chancellor A. E. Grauer, the

The Ubrary was

Frank De Bruyn Memorial Fund (general reading), and the Clgnada Council

( Slavonic Studies ) , Several significant collections of books were also received.

The most notable acquisition of the year was the A, M. Donaldson

Collection of Burnsiana, purchased by the Friends of the Library i n

honor of President and Mrs. N. A. M, MacKenaie.

came to the Library from H, R. H. the Prinaess Royal (biography of

Queen Mary by James Pope-Hennessy), Dr. H, R, MacMillan (rare books on

Other important g i f t s

voyages and natural history), Nr. Walter C, Koerner (humanities), Dr,

W. C. Gibson (rare early medical works), Mr. and Ws, Lester *Lemon

(books on Oxford and Cambridge University), and Mr. Harry Wearne (early

works on natural history). h n y of the Ubrary's strengths are

attributable t o the generous benefactions of i t s friends i n recent years.


Circulation Services,--The record use made of the Library

during the past year was most encouraging.

materials reached almost 600,000 volumes-an increase i n one year of

almost 25 per cent,

89 per cent-from 78,760 to %8,732. Significant increases were also

noted i n other l ibrary services. The number of inter-library loan and

photocopy transactions rose sharply, So, too, did the number of books

sent to faculty members through the Campus Delivery Service--2,879

volumes-an increase of 40 per cent.

The circulation o f library

Circulation i n the College Ubrary alone rose

Toward the end of the year, the Circulation Division replaced

its two-card system for charging out books with one employing a single

edge-punched card. The advantage of the edge-punched card i s tha t it

can be coded and sorted into various groupings, thus enabling it t o

perform the tasks that required two cards under the former system.

Reference Services.--When the w i n g was added to the Lilkary

building two years ago, the Central Reference Department, which had

served faculty and students long and well, was discontinued,

it was a series of subject divisions--Social Sciences, Bio-Medicine,

Sciences, Humanities, Mne Arts, and Asian Studies-which it was hoped

would be better able t o cope with the larger numbers of students and

the increasing complexity of the aoademic program, If use i s any index

of success, the Divisions came into their own this past year. The

Social Sciences Division, for example, reported that reference queries

roe6 from 7,843 t o 10,399-an increase of 33 per cent.


Technical Services .--The ordering, cataloguing, and binding

of l ibrary materials proceeded under difficulty.

effor t and a record performance, the backlog of uncompleted work grew

Despite a maximum


dur ing the year. Although amearages of work anywhere within the

Wbrary are disturbing, they are particularly noticeable when they

occur i n the ordering and processing of materials. Orders for 'books

requested by faculty do not get placedj the books students need for

their courses do not get to the shelves; books awaiting cataloguing

and binding are available on only a limited basis; and the task of the

reference librarian, try5ng t o bring user and book together, becomes

more difficult.

addition of a professional librarian t o the Pre-Bindery staff has cut

i n half the litngth of time materials sent to the Bindery are absent

from the shelves,

Improvement i n one area of work can be reported. The

- Staff .-With the establishment of the School of Ubrarian-

ship, professionally trained librarians are now available i n the region.

The quality of the first graduating class was excellent, and we can be

assured that we shall. have to compete with American l ibrar ies and with

other Canadian insti tutions f o r the School's graduates.

beginning salary of $4,800 is lower than that offered by some Canadian

l ibraries, and it is substantially lower than the average salary

received by graduates of accredited American l ibrary schools last year-

85,365. The problem of retaining our professional staff once they have

gained experience, is sti l l very much w i t h us. The salary schedule

for senior librarians and fo r Division Heads i s i n need of substantial


Our present

One of the Library's serious and long-standing probZems is

acquiring and retaining a good non-professional staff ,

best efforts of the Personnel Office and the Ubrary, turnover among

this group l a s t year was 80 per cent, Non-professional employees make

Despite the


up two-thirds of our t o t a l staff and as long as most of them are in-

experienced recruits, it w i l l be diff icul t to maintain an acceptable

level of public service.


In the coming months, the Senate Ubrary Committee plane t o

give serious and extended thought t o the needs of the Library during

the next few years. Without further study, however, it is apparent

that substantial sums both for graduate research and for the sharing

up of existing services are needed immediately.

Books qnd Periodicala. - 4 n building up i ts collections of

books and periodicals, the Ubrary is confronted w i t h a double


needed by faculty and students but it must also build up i ts f i l e s

of older works which were not purchased a t the time of their original

publication. It is recommended t h a t the Ubrary's book fund be

increased by $40,000, that the Graduate Studies n n d for the purchase

of older materials be increased by $25,000, and tha t additional book

monies be provided f a r the new Biomedical Library. Only part of th i s

proposed increase is real. The devaluation of the Canadian dollar and

It not only m u s t acquire the currently published materials

the continued r i s e i n the price of books have reduced the buying power

of our book Funds by about 46 20,000 during the past year.

- Staff.--Repeated reference has been made t o backlogs of

The arrearages are rather evenly spreaad throughout the Ubrary work.

and l i t t l e can be done to alleviate one without further aggravating

the others. As a service unit, the Library unfortunately is unable to

control i t 6 service load, We cannot limit the number of faculty and

students who

of reference

out. We can


come t o the Ubrary, and we cannot r e s t r i c t the number

questions they ask and the number of books they charge

only spread ourselves more th in ly and give increasingly

unsatisfactory service, but t o do th i s impedes the whole academic

program of the University.

s t a n t i a l additions to the s t a f f be made during the coming year.

Accordingly, it i s recommended tha t sub-

It i s also recommended that the beginning salary for

l fbrar ians be raised to $5.200 and tha t comparable adjustments be

made i n the remainder of the professional salary schedule and

throughout the c l e r i c a l sahedule,


Since the wri ter joined the Library s t a f f a few months

ago, many peop1.e have extended much needed assistance.

ness t o one individual, however, considerably predates my a r r i v a l

on campus.

Samuel Rothstein served ably both as University Librarian and as

Director of the School of Librarianship.

have suffered,reither job did. Regrettably, the Library can no

lonEer lay claim to D r . Rothstein fo r its day t o day onerations;

but as Honorary Associate Librarian, he i s s t i l l available to us for

counsel and support.

does not need t o be reminded by a new Ubrar ian of Dr, Rothstein's

many and s ignif icant contributions, I should l i k e t o express publicly

my appreciation to him for the unique assistance he has provided

during the past few months,

My indebted-

During the longer and busier par t of the year, Dr,

Although the man may

Although the University of Br i t i sh Columbia

I n the development of the Library, the University has

incurred a similar debt t o D r , I. McT. Cowan, As a long-time member


of the Senate Litbrary Committee and as i ts Chairman for many years, he

bas vigorously and effectively supported the Ubrary,

fronted with what must be for him a routine task-the breaking i n of

his four th University Idbrarim.

He is now COP-

Record should also be made of the contributions of Mias Anne

Smith and Mr. Roland Lanning and their colleagues on the Library staff ,

of members of the University faculty and administrative staff, of the

University Senate and Board of Governors, and, finally, of both a

re t i r ing and a raw President.

Jim Ranz

University Ubrarian

. 12

Report Upon Library Divisions

Acquisitions Division, (Miss Eleanor Nercer )

Basic t o any research library i s the prompt and efficient acquisition of needed books and ?)6urnals. The Division was hampered during the past year by insufficient funds and by an inexperienced and inadequate staff. Although monies for the purchase of materials rose by $l1,046,18 to $240,930.38, the increment hardly covered the rise i n the cost of books and, of course, did nothing fo r the expanding needs of our graduate and research programs. Requests for 33,756 book orders were verified (compared w i t h 26,887 l a s t year), 23,708 items were ordered (22,979), and 29,691 volume8 were received (32,943). The staff was poorly equipped to handle this heavier work laad, Librarians and l ibrary assistan+s with a broad knowledge of foreign languages, bibliographgcal sources , and the book trade are needed; needed, too, are c le r ica l assistants familiar with the typing, f i l i n g and bookkeeping routines. These qualities are d i f f icu l t to develop in a staff which experienced twelve resignations i n fourteen positions during the past year,

Asian Studies. (Miss Tung King Ng)

The Asian Studies Division, created t o process and service materials i n the Asian langua es, celebrated its first f u l l year of operation with a record of I, Q 74 book orders placed, 3,007 received, 1,321 volumes catalogued, 1,317 volumes circulated, and checking f i l e s established for 663 Japanese government publications and 179 Chinese and Japanese periodicals These significant accomplishments

‘%were realized despite r is ing book prices, cramped physical quarters, and inadequate s taff . Prospects f o r 1962/63 are brighter, thanks t o a 9b5,OOO grant f r o m the Canada-Council, and a &OO donation from the proceeds of Far b s t Week.

Since Hr, Fryer assumed direction of the Bindery some ten years ago, he has never failed t o produce annual increases i n output while holding the sise of the s taff constant. This amazing record was once again maintained. 12,876 volumes were given f u l l binding, an increase of 8 4 over the previous year. Despite Mr. F’ryer’s best efforts, however, a backlog of binding is accumulating. We shall shortly either have t o enlarge the area of the Bindery t o permit the employment of additional. personnel or introduce a second shift.

Biomedical Library, (Miss Doreen Fraser)

The Biomedical Ubrary, serving faculty and students on the University campus and a t the Branch i n Vancouver General Hospital, experienced a notable year. In January the beginning of a new Dental School was announced. A month la te r the Association of Canadian


Medical Colleges devoted a meeting t o the problems of medical school libraries. Medical Science Libraries, i t s Brief t o the Royal Commission on Health Services, and, f inally, a survey of medical school l ibrar ies i n Canada. Library would continue t o encompass both the health sciences and the biological sciences. Finally, the building plans for the new Woodward Library were brought; closer t o completion.

preparing Briefs f o r submiasioa t o the Royal Society on Health Services, helped i n the formation of the new Health Council, and aided i n the establishment of the B, C. Medical Library Services on a permanent basis

staffing problems arising from the lack of one librarian, ten c le r ica l resignations, and a general shorta$e of staff,

Catalogue Division,


From th is came the appointment of a new Committee on

In August, the firm decision was reached that the new

I n addition, the Biomedical Ubrary assisted various groups

The day-to-day operation of the Ubrary was marred by acute

(Mr. G. (3, Turner)

The Catalogue Division catalogued and classified 36,099 vo1umes (41,a'l l a s t year), of which 10,122 were bound serials (10,423). Including volumes withdrawn, recatalogued, rebound and replaced, t o t a l production reached 43,949 volumes. The Division substantially completed the work, begun l a s t year, of preparing a catalogue for the Special Collections Division, and made a small start on the cataloguing of the collection of the Inst i tute of Pacific Relations, Even with the loss of a senior member of the Professional staff a t the end of l a s t year, the backlog of unprocessed current receipts (3,403 volumes) increased by only 421 volumes. Additional professional s taff are urgently needed to eliminate the backlog, t o complete the cataloguing of the Murray and Inst i tute of Pacific Relations collections, and t o commence the cataloguing of the B u r n s collection.

Circulation Division, (W, Inglis Bell)

Total book circulation rose sharply-from 391,355 volumes i n 1960/61 to 484,541 i n 1961/62--an increase of almost twenty-five per cent, I n an d f o r t t o cope with the expanded work load, the Divirrion a t the end of the year adopted a new circtulation system €?mplQying edge-punched cards, It 3.8 hoped the new rrystem w i l l result i n b e t b r service, increased efficiency, and the saving of approxi- mately f i f t y stdf hours per week.

The major problem facing the Mvision i s the continufng large turnover of staff (87 per cent this year). No satisfactory level of public service aan be achieved when the staff i s composed largely of inexperienced recruits.

College Librarx. (MB Eleanor Hoeg)

Established principally for the use of students i n their first two years, the College Library is st i l l engaged i n buildings its basic book collections which w i l l ultimately n W e r from forty t o

4 Ik f i f t y thousand volumes. Nevertheless, the Library made a r'emarkable showing i n i t s aecgnd f u l l year of operation. The oollections grew by 5,921 volumes to 22,5303 circulation almost doubled, rising from 78,760 i n 1960/61 $0 &8,732 las t year; and reference use of the collectiorrs increased correspondingly, the most us& t i t l e s , it was s t i l l nedessary t o plaoe over 1,100 volumes on reserve.

Despite heavy duplication of

Curriculum Laboratory. (Mrs. Emily Woodward)

Students and staff w i l l remeniber 1961/62 as the year of the double move--from the old Faculty Club t o the basement of the Education building and thence t o handsome and spacious quarters on the top floor of the new Education building. Despite the interrup- tions occasioned by these moves, the Curriculum Laboratory still reported an increase i n the use of their materials. 'phe collection of ,462 textbooks, supplemented by 18,000 selected pictures, provided faculty and students i n Education w i t h 61 309 items needed i n the preparation of lesson plans. Unsolved probiems are staff shortages , book losses, and the cataloguing of supplementary text- books.

Extension Libraq. (Miss Edith Stewart)

into three categories. Selected books of general reading are mailed, for an annual fee of two dollars, t o people i n the country withoyt l ib rar ies or those who are physically unable t o use existing libnary fac i l i t i es . Plays and books on theatre are mailed t o individualq and groups i n any part of the Province who wish to read plays with a dew t o production. Required reading is mailed without charge t o students registered i n Credit Correspondence Courses. In addition t o these, books are sent t o anyone registered i n non-credit evening or correspondence courses sponsored by the Ektension Department. Reference questions are answered by telephone or mA1 only on any- thing pertaining t o theatre or plays. One parcel of books is sent without charge to non members i n the country requesting infQ!l&fiOn on a specific subject. The Library is not to be used by students, faculty o r staff w i t h the one exception a a t students registered i n theatre courses may we the plays, since, t h e Btension Library contains a comprehensive collection of plays both classic and modern.

The Extension Ubrary proddes maiUng service fall ing

n n e Arts Room.

architecture, music, and p lanning , experienced a heartening increase i n the use of its materials, Circulation rose to 15,789 'Irrplumes, an increase of 2,354 over the previous year. The first master's degree candidates i n Fine Arts and the first fourth-year Music students made heavy use of the research collections, as d id the graduate students i n City and Regional Planning. There was also a marked increase in t h e use of the collections by the expanded enrollments i n the lower years of both Music and Fine Arts.

(Miss Melva Dwyer)

The fine Arta Room, serving faculty and students i n a r t ,

The staff, because

o f shkneas and imdeqtiake murdjers, was pressed to cope with the enlarged work load, and had to delay ~lana f o r expanded and i m p P o W services , Humanities Division. (Mrs, Joan Selby)

In servfng the needs of faculty and students i n philosophy, history, l i terature, religion, and language, the Humanities Mvision last year answered more than 9,000 personal and telephone inquiries, The f i rs t publicatfon t o bear the Division's imprint was published i n 196l--Ref&ence Books i n English Uterature, Revised edition. This pamphlet is t o be a required text i n English 200, The Division also became responsible for -selecting books i n two of the important collections i n the ary, that of Canadiana (both i n English and French) and of Aus ma, There was 4 considerable increase (391 over last year) i n tba pwt@er o f ipterl4brary loans sent t o other institutiofls, Faculty and graba te students of t u s university borrowed 898 item, 50 more l a s t year.

Science Division. ( a s s Anna Is i th)

The Science Division provides reference services t o faculty and students i n a variety of areas-mathematfcs, physics, chemistry, geology, engineering, Mtany, agr$cultuh , forestry, and home economlcse Because of the rapid rate of publication i n many of these areas and the need for recent &$srial, the staff concentrates upon keeping users informed of Sndexes, abstracts, bibliographies, and other available keys to the l i terature. A t the same time, individual assistance i s given t o those expresaing a need, During the past year special lectures were given t o the students i n agriculture, chemical engineering, mechanioal ' engineering, home economics , and plant science. Special problems of the Division are inadequate work space and a shortage of s ta f f t o handle the almost overwhelming volume of s e r i a l publications.

Serials Division. (Mr, Roland Laming)

As t h e unit responsible for the ordering, checking, binding, and completing of paqLQ.#$oal files, the Serials a d s i o n plays a major role i n the modern uh$.%Witp library, During the past year, the Division received thousands of periodical iserues, placed many new subscriptions, located and acquired a large number of periodical back f i les , checked hundreds of exchange lists, and prepared 8ome l2,OOO volumes for the bindery,

a result, much work wgnt undone, A bright spot was the addition of a l ibrarian to the Pre-Bindery s ta f f and the consequent speeding up of periodicals through the binding process,

The size of the ataf'f Wa6 not adequate for the task and, as

Social Sciences Divisionr (Mirrs Joan OtRourke)

to student8 and faculty i n the social sciences, The Division agsrin supplied specialil;ed reference service

The University's

rapidly advancing graduate program i n the social sciences was re- flected i n the work of the DivisOon. Reference queries rose i n a single year by one th i rd , use of the microfilm collection increased sharply, and many more government publications and maps were con- sulted. I n addition, service was provided for the first time for the new School of Ubrarianslnip, The Division was handicapped i n performing i t s duties by apace problems, the usual shortage of staff, and an ever-growing volume of processing work.

Special. Collections Division, (MI-. Basil Stuart-Stubbs)

The Special Collections DZvlsion provides f ac i l i t i e s for the preservation and use of rare and valuable books, manuscripts, and special collections. The etrength of the collection, supplemented by over 250 t i t l e s this past year, lies i n the field of pre-2Oth century Canadian history, travel and exploration, With the establish- ment of B collection of early maps relating t o Canada another aspect O f t h i s general area wa8 developed, A completely new f i e ld of specialisation was created with the gi f t by the Friends of the Iilbrwy of the A, M, Donaldrson Burns Collection, honouring Dr. and Mr. N, A. M, MacKensie, Locked faculty carrells , h e r i n items from the collections receive Intensive use, have been i n oonstant demand, a t tes t ing t o the growltrng Importance of the Divj,sion on this CB~PUS.

j l ) Expenditures f o r Books, P e r i o d i c a l s , and Binding ( A p r i l 1, 1961 - March 31, 1962)

Tota l - Books and P e r i o d i c a l s Binding Books-Periodicals-’B%nding

1960/61 1961/62 1960/6 1 1961/62 196 0/6 1 1961/62

Library Budget $131,791.19 813C9169.52 $30,974 m49 826 9 066.93 $1629765.68 $156 236 .45

Research Special 8 9 256 e41 16 521.53 8,256.41 16 521.53

Graduate Stud ies 5 000.00 5,000.00

Col lege Library 23 492 042 20,078.86 23 ,492.42 20,078.86

F a c u l t y of Education 13 9 388.97 5 , 515.92 13, 388.97 5 515 92

Facu l ty of Law 12,217047 13,694 093 2,000 .oo 2,000.00 14 217.47 15 694 l 93

Faculty of Medicine 26 380.44 27 114.81 5,oO0.00 5,OOOoOO 31 380 44 32,114 -81

Non-University Funds 14 3 57 3 0 22 834 . 81 14 357 030 22 834 .%l

8229, 884 20 $2409930.38 $37 974.49 $33,066 093 $267 9 858.69 9273,997.31

(23 Volumes Added t o C o l l e c t i o n s (Net) 1960/61 1961/62

Bo oks 27,133 25 113 S e r4al s 10,423 10,122

To ta l Volumes 37,556 35,235 S i z e o f Library 489,926 525 161


New Periodical Ti t lea Received

Aota gcsologica poloxkca Acta nenzropathologica Acta palaeontologica polonica Acts physica polonfca Acta scientiarum mathematicarum Advances i n immunology Advances i n pharmacology Africans nova Akademfia nauk SSSR. Gelhintologicheskaia laboratoriia. Osnovy

Akademiia nauk SSSR. Isvestiia. Serifa matematicheskaia. Akademiia nauk SSSR,

Akademiia muk SSSR, Sibirskoe otdelenie, Iavestiia, Akusticheskii &iurnal Alberta poetry yearbook America indigena American Catholic sociological revlew American journal of EM3 technology American Mathematical Society, New York, Translation American Philological Association, Philological monographs American Universities Field Staff. Reports Angewandte Chanie; international edition i n English. Annals of science Archaeologia polona Archives Archives internationales dc histoire deer sciences Art and oraf t education Assistant l ibrar ian Bibliografie ‘Eeskoslovenskh historie Bibliographic l i terature and their current values Bibliographie des ausUndischen forst- und holzwLrtschaftUchen

Biblio t hec a ana tomica Biochemical t i t l e index Biochemistry Black art B l a t t ; bul le t in of the Ubrary Association of Winidad and Tobago* Botanische JahrbUcher fUr Systematik, Pflansengeschichte und

British Stanclwds Institution, Yearbook Bulletin de correspondance hsllbnique California. University. Inst i tute of IndustrialRelat&ons. West

CalifornSa agriculture California. University, Studies i n the history of a r t Cambridge Philological W l e t y , Cambridge, Eng. &oceedings Canada month C a n a d i a n adminfstrator Carinthia I Carleton miscellany

menat odologii

Matematicheskii i n s t i t u t imeni V. A. Steklova. WUdY



coast collective bargaining systeans.

Appendix B (cont. )

Central Asian revlew; also, its supplement, Bibliography of recent Soviet source material on Soviet Central Asia and its borderlands

Chiffrea Child education Chinese bulletin3 a bilingual national paper Chinese medical Journal Chirigah-Hyoron (Geographhal review of Japan) Chromosorna Church h is tory Clinical endocrinology Clinical orthopaedics Colby l ibrary quarterly Columbia j ournalism review Comment Commonwealth Nycological Institute, Kew, Eng. Bibliography of

Conference on Genetics, Transactions Council of Planning Librarians.

Creative draw,: Current lj-terature i n t raff ic and transportation Current pziychiatric therapies Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereini~g. Jahresbericht Deutsches ArcMologisches Institut. Jahrbuch Developrrm ts i n industrial microbiology Direct cwrent XVIIe (i.h Dix-septi&me) s i ih le Eduoation -to-day Educational review Elektr iclic 3 tvo Enseignemoli-b secondaire au Canada Enzymologia, bfologica e t clinica Ethnology Experirnen-hal a d molecular pathology Experimei-;td EYC research Fichero bibl iqyafico hispanoamericano Financial post survey of industrials Financial pcsr,l; survey of markets and business yearbook Flora e t veySatFo mndi Gerontologis t Globe and rr,?.fl GlUchuf j berpXnnische Zeitschrif t Great Basin naturalist Great Britain, General Registry. Office Of Births, Deaths, and

Marriages, Scotland, Annual reports. Great Britain, Stationery Office, Consolidated l ist of government

public ations Heine Jahrblzch History of religions Horticultural research Improving college and university teaching Index t o L a t h American periodioals Indian journal of philosophy Industrial ar,d engineering psychology Inorganic chemistry Ins t i tu t nus Erforschung der UdSSR,

systematic mycology

Exchange bibliographies (Latin *, 1 - -\*, series)



Appendix B (cant.)

Ins t i tu t iur Erforschung der UdSSR, Vestnik. Journal Intercom, an information service for ci0ir;sn education and ac t iv iw

International Acadew of Pathology. Monographs i n pathology International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Dooumgntalists.

Quarterly bulletin International economic review International journal of machine too l design and research International journal of neurology International ophthalmology clinics kternationales Jahrbuch iXr Kartographie Investigative ophthalmology InvEtational Conference on Testing Problems. Italian studies Japanese journal of physiology Jewish Journal of sociology Journal of auditory research Journal of biochemistry Journal ef Bri t ish qtudies Journal of broadcasting Journal of business education Journal of Canadian petroleum technology Journal of catalysis Journal of Commonwealth pol i t ical studies Journal of Indian history Journal of oriental studies Journal of secondary education- Journal of sport medicine and physical f i tness Jugoslavenska akademfja !manosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, Rad, JuEnoslovenski .'f ilolog Kztlner Zeitschrift f U r Soiiologie und Soeialpsychologfe Korsakov journal of neurology and psychiatry Kunst und Lciteratur Lava1 thbologique e t philosophiye hningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Serlia matematiki, nrekhaniki, i

W e sciences Iiinschoten-Verenniging, The Hague. Werken Wteraturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch im Auftrage der Wrres-

Gesellschaf t Uvres e t auteurs canadiens Lagos; the bulletin of the National Hospital for Speech Disorders bndon. University. Inst i tute of Education, Studies i n education Mathematics magazine Malayan economic review Metropolitan transportation MOSCOW. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriia I. Matemtika, rn&hanika Moscow. Universitet, Vestnik, Seriia V, oeograffia Musical theorists i n translation Musicological 8 tudies Nas Je i ik New era i n home and school New York University. Inst i tute of Philosophy. Proceedings. Nihon Keizai Shimbun Shuku Satsu Ban Osterreichische Ost-Hefte Ophthalmolotzical Society of Aua tralia.

i n world affairs



"ransac tionS

Appendix B (cont,)

Pacific profile P a m i e W lfteracki Papeles de son armadans Paperback trade news Performing arts i n Canada Phycologia Physica status solidi physics l e t t e r s m a t and c e l l physiology Poetry d i a l Practical anthropology Pravda Printer's ink monthly Progress i n medical genetics Progress i n surgery Psychological record Public works i n Canada Publications of mediaeval musical manuscripts Quarterly journal of experimental psychology Radiation botany Renaissance papers Review of reUgious research Revis t a ib6rica de parasitologia Revue biblique Royal Musical Association, London, Royal Society of Edinburgh, Transactions School guidance worker Shaw review Sibirski i matematicheskii shurnal Slavica Socikt6 ghlogique de Fkance. Bulletin Soci&ti! g6ologique de France, Speech pathology and therapy

Studfa historica Studia theologica Studia arodloznawcze. Commentatfones Studies i n librarianship Studies on the U,S,S,R, Synthese Teachers world. R?&mary education Teachers world, Secondary education Technical education and industrial training Terre e l a vie Texas quarterly Textbooks i n pr int Tokyo. University, Earthquake Research Institute.

Ukrainskir matematicheskiY shurnal University boolaan Vision research Weimarer Beitrlge Western bird bander W i r eles s wor Id Yale economic essays Yorkshire bulletin of sconoxnic and social research Zgodovfnski casopis

Research chrodcle

Compte rendu sommaire des S h C e S

S tif ter-JahrbUch



Selected Ust of Notable Acquisitions

Par t I t Serials

a d e n & nauk SSSR, Leningrad. Aktion, vrr 1-4, 1911-19?.4

American Insti tute of Electrical Engineers. Transactions, Y. l"10,

American lfterature, V. 9-12, 1939-1942 Anciens poetes de l a France, V. 1-9, 1859-70 Angewandte Chemie, V. 54-66, 19bl-1954 Annarles de biologie liacustre, V. leu, 1906-26 Annales phamceutiques franpaises , V. 148, 19&3-1960 Annals of science, v, 1-17, 1936-1957 Archaiologike ephemeris , 1953-61 Archiv C'ese, V. 1-37, 1840-1941 Archiv fUr Frotistenkunde, V. 1-104, 1902-1960 (microcard) Archivum Europae centro-orientalis vr 1-8, 1935-42 Bibliographie der deutschen Zeitschriftenlfteratur, V. 2047, 1907-

Bibliographie der fremdsprachigen Zeitschriftenliteratur, N. F,,

Botanische Jahrbtitcher fW Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pi'lanl;en-

Burlington magaeine, vI 7-52 , 80-94 3 1905-1928, 1942-1952 Cambridge Philological Society. Proceedings, no. 7-181, 1884rl951 Carinthia I, 1891-94, 1956-61 CathoUc library wor?d, V. 10-31 Child development abstracts and bibliography, v. 1-10, 192'7-1936 Church history, V. 10-30, 1941-61 Colby l ibrary quarterly, 1943-61 Commonwealth lQrcologica1 Institute, Kew, Eng,

sys tena t i c mycology , 1955-1961 Contributions to Qmadian minerology, 1921-1947 Deutsche Rundschau, v. 109-182 Deutsches Arch~ologisches Ins t i t u t , XVIIe (i,e. Dix-septi5me) s i h l e , no, 11-50, 1951-1960 Germanistische S tudicn, v. 1-235 Globe and mail, 1850-1857, 1866-1869, 1896-1939 Great Basin naturalist, vo 1-21, 1939-1961 Great Britain. General Registry. Office of Births, D e a t h s , and

Marriages, Annual reports. Scotland, 1951-1961 Great Britain,

publications * 1955-1960 Is tor isM glasnik, 1948-1957 I ta l ian studies V. 1-16, 1937-1961 Jahresberichte der deutschen Geschichte, vD 1-7, 1920-26 Japanese journal of medical sciences, 13 sectiona i n 75 vOhms Jenaer germanistische Forschungen, V b 2-35 Journal of ecclesiastical history, V, 2-11, 1951-1960 Journal of Indian history, va 25-34, 1947-1956 Journal of marketing, V. 1-6, 1936-1940 ~ 0 ~ r n a 1 of theological, studies, vI 3 2 4 0 , 1931-19493 new sera,

Commentarii, v, 1-&, 1726-1746

-Ch, V. lob139 American Catholic sociological review, v. 12-22 1951=1961



V. 1-25;, 1925-1943

geographie, V. 71-80, 19hO-1960

Bibliography of

Jahrbuch, V. 53-75, 19384960

Stationery Office, Conrsolidated l i s t of government

Ve 3-11, 1952-1961


Journalism quarterly, V. 8-25, 1929-1948 KUlner Zeitschrif ti flfr Sosiologie und Soztalpsychologie,

19L 8-1%1

C (cont.)

v. 1-12,

Uterarhis tor ische Forschungen, v.. 1-16, 1897-1901 h t i c a srpskas N o d Sad,

Medical Library Association. Mental hospitals, V. 1-8, 1950-1957 Merkur; deutsche Zei t schr i f t fptr europtfisches Denken, vE 1-9, 1947-

Migne, J, P, Patrologiae cursus completus Series Graeca. V. 1-166;

Monetary times, t rade review and insurance chronicle, V. 1-39, 1867-

Momenta chartae papyraceae historiam i l l u s t r an t i a , V. 1, 3-8j

National Fwebel Foundation. National Reading Conference for Colleges and Adults.

Nebraska Ornithologists I Union. Neudrucke deutscher Icltteraturwerke des XVI und XVII Jahrhunderts,

no. 31-235 New York history, vo llP 28-41; 1930, 19474960 New York timcs, 1925-29 New Zealand Ecological, Society. Pamietnik l i t c rack1 V. 42-46, 48-51; 1951-1960 Papeles uo scm arrradms, no* 1-71 Pr i loz i za kqj iacvxs t , V. 20-25, 19a-1959 Psychological record, vc 5-11, 1942-1961 Quarterly journa!. of experimental psychology, v. 1-13, 1948-1960 Renaissance lbe t ing i n the Southeastern States. Renaissance papers , Revista de ai*chit.oS, bibliotecas y museos. Revista iber ica de parasitologia, v, 1-19 Revue celt ique, ve 5-51 Romanische bibliotijzek9 -r0 1-24 Russkoe i s t o r i d v s k o o obshchestvo, Leningrad. Shakespeare qcartcc i n collotype facsimile, no. 1-43 Srpski di,-j,z2.ektol:osZ.1 zbornik, V. 3-13, 1927-1958 Studia thcologica, va 3, 6-15 Suomalalnm Liodezlcatcmnie, Helsingfora.

Tierreich. v1 45-'i 6 Wen hsien chum k 'm. v. 6-12 Wiener Studien. vs 1-60, 1879-1942 Winnipeg f r ee presse 1901-1943 Yale Judaica s e d e s , no, 1-6, 8 4 4

Zbornik za drustvene nauk%,v. 1-28, 1950- 1960

Bulletin, v. 145, 1902-1957


Series .tatina, 20 volumes


1950-1960 Bulletin, v. 1-133

Yearbwk, V. !blO, 1956-1961

Proceedings, v.. 1-6, 1899-191s

Proceedings, no. 1-8

12% -1960 V. 2-68

Sbornik, 12 volumes

Toimituksia, s e r i e s B, v. 25-x*3

Sdsadok, V* 11-94, 1877-1960

Appendix C (cont. )

Par% 11: Books

Austria. Laws, Statute#, etc. Co$icds atistriaci mdhe alphabetic0 cornpilati pars ptima d t pars sjerdutadar Viedab 1704, 2 v. (The Walter (2. Koerner Slqronlc CoZl@ctiori i n Memory of Chancellor A. E. Grauer.)

Bagehot, Walter. The works and Life of Walter Bagehot. Ed, by Ws* Russell Rarring$op,

Bellefarest, Francoiq de, L' du monde ... Paris, 1572, (Thg Gilb&t'T

Berlin. KO Museen. Museum fuer Veelkerkpnde. Ethnologische Abteilung. The North-vest; coast of Americar being results of recent ethnological researqheq , museums a t Berlin. tr he Gsrmi;?.' New York, 1883.

tbe collCections of the Royal

Bible, Latin. Biblia sacra. . Qutenberg, cI.450. (Facsimile,

Bible. Nanuscripts, Latin. qpels (Codex Durmachus). Evangeliorum guattuor npchensis Auctaritate Collegii sacrosanc tae 6 t 'indiviqupe Trinitatis juxta Dublin. Olten, Switrterland, 1960, 2 v. #'acsimih edition, (The Walter C. Koerner Grant for the Numanities and Social Sciences.)

11 v.

N o Y o , 1961) 2 V.

Bratislava, casopis Ucenpt spolecnosti Safarikovy. Prague, 1927-37.

Cahier, Charles, Mbnges d' archblogie df histoire e t de littbrature. . Ir V. and atlas.

p a w m6langes dtw hblogie, d'histoire e t de l e twyen Qge .., Par is , 1874-77. 4 v.

Centlivre, Susanna. %s,works crf the celebrated Mrs. Centlime W i t h a new accotantkof her l i fe . London, 176061. 3 v

Chapman, Edmund. A t r ea t i s improvement of midwifery, $hiefly with regard t o the o n, to which are added f i f typeven cases, selected. fxo ds of" twenty-seven years' pr@ctice. 2d. ed. Londpn, 1735. (The Estate of Anne S. Campbell.)

Cheng i ttang tstung s .Azchw, 1866. 63 t i t l e s i n 160 V. Depping, Georg Bwnhar ontp, Correspondence administrative sou8 l e

r a p e de Inuis entre l e cabin t du rot, les Secr6t rim dfetat , 1s Chancelier de F'raIIce, f e t a l l Pa r i s , 1850-!$. 4 VB

(The Leon and ?hea Xoerner Foundation.)

(The Canada Council F'und toy S;Lavonic Studies.)

( G i f t of Dr. W. N. Sage,) t

Florence. Bibli naiana. Catalogus cocicum manuscript-

Forbush, Edward states. Norwood, Mass., 1925-29. 3 V.

FTancisb Francis. A book OD angling, being a complete treatise on the art ... London, 1867 (Harry Hawthorn Faundation for the Inculca- tion & Fropagation of the Principles & Ethics of Fly-Plfshing.)

Oeoffroy, Etienne b a a . Histoire abrbg6e dss imectes, dans laquelle ces animaux sont ranges auivant un ordre m6thodique; nouvelle

Grevllle, Robert Kaye. Scottish cryptagamic flora ... intended t o serve as a continuation of English botow. EdinWa$, 1823.27.

Haebler, Konrad. Oe3rman incunabula: 110 Original-leaves. Tr. from the German by Andre Barbey. Mmich, 1927.

laurbatianae lab] Anpelo Maria Bandini. mile &tion.

of Massachusetts and other New England

&d. Paris, 1799. 2 VI

6 V.

Appendix C (uont. )

Haebler, Konrad, I ta l ian incunabula: 110 original-leaves. Tr. from the German by Andre Barbey,

Hall, Basil, lucide, i n North America, i n 1827 and 1828, Edinburgh, 1829. (Men's Canadian Club.)

Hamilton, S i r W i l l i a m . mostly of pure Greek workmanship discovered i n sepulchres i n the kingdom of the Two Sici l ies .., Maples, 1791-95.

Hanway, Jonas. Caspian sea

Heath, John Benjamin, grocers of the c i t y of fiondon, 3d ed. London, 1869, (Gift of Dr, H, R e MacYLIkm, )

Kaperling, Ifeyer ,, Biblioteca espanola-portugueea-judaica. Nieuwkoop, Holland, 1961. Re-issue of 1890 ed, (The Canadian Jewish Bicentenary Collection; g i f t of ?he Canadian Jewish Congress.)

Xemoisne, Paul h d r 6 . Degas e t son oeuvre. Paris, 1947-48. 4 v. (The IBtto Koerner Memorial Fwnd.)

Inndon. University, Warburg Institute. Library. Catalog. Boaton,

Mercator, Gerardus, A t l a s micor. Amsterdam, 1610. (The Gilbert Tucker Memorial Fund.)

Moore, George. Canada and the United States ... London, 1845. Canadian Club. )

New York. Public Library, Reference Division. Dictionary catalogue of the his tory of the Americas. Boston, 1961. 7 V.

Nordenskiold, A. E, Facsimile-atlas t o the early history of carto- graphy with reproductions of the most important maps printed i n the XV and XVI csnturies,

Paris. Registres des d6lib6rations du bureau de la vi l le de Paris. Paris, 1883-1958, 19 ve (The Leon and Thea Koerner Founda- tion, )

Percy, Algernon Heber. West Territory of North America, 1877 & 1878, F@ke9 Drayton, Shropshire, 1880, (Gift of Dr, Ian McTaggart Cowan.)

Sabatier, W i l l i a m , Robinson . B e on the subject of the proposed duties on colonial timber kcdon, 1821. (Men's Canadian Club.)

Vivaldi, Antonio. Opera. EE-hn, 1947- 305 parts. (The Otto Koerner Memorial l;Zzr,dn

Wemel, Gusetav, Arpad!:w5 uj okmmytar, Budapest, 1860-74. 12 v. and index.

Yale University. Lib~my, C a b l o g of the Yale Collection of Western Americana, Boston, 1961, 4 vo

Y u h a n m ibn Masawaih. Dr , W. C, Gibson.)

Munich, 1927, Forty etchings, from sketches made with the camera

Collection of engravings from ancient vases

3 v. An historical account of the British trade over the

London, 1753. (Gift of Dr. H. R, MacMillsm.) Some a~ctsu:?.t of the Worshipful company of

1961. 2 vo

Journal of a voyage across the Atlantic: with nates on (Men's

Stockholm, 1889.

Journal of two excursions i n the Bri t ish North

A le'cte=. t o tho Right Honorable Frederiek J,

(The Canada Council Fund for Slavonic Studies.)

Opore Ionnia Mesue ,.. Basle, &!11. ( G i f t of

Par t 111: Manuscripts

Henry Doyle Papers,

Robert Ailison Hood Papers.

Alice Ravenhill Papers. 2 boxes, (Gift of Stanley Read,)

10 boxes, dealing with early history of b C,

22 boxes, l i terary and personal manu- f ishing industry,

scripts .. (Gift of Henry Doyle.)


CIRCULATION STATISTICS -- September 1, 1961 - Aumst 31. 1942

Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr, May June July Aug. Total 11,372 28,016 25,984 16,821 28,957 28,000 28,812 14,095 7,067 5,184 30,689 13,557 238,554

4,324 13,272 15,076

6,661 21,147 20,853

2,887 2,656 2,610

710 1,576 1,682

265 577 532

195 231 246

472 775 1,124

103 108 173

21 155 139

7,553 10,339 10,458 14,726 8,803

9,280 23,915 22,137 21,358 10,826

1,589 2,139 2,121 2,370 1,678

1,054 1,763 1,922 2,436 2,075

266 641 654 617 264

157 242 220 190 148

594 969 967 1,372 651

235 143 289 294 283

62 95 97 139 209

200 186

274 249

1,606 1,335

148 230

103 96

152 169

290 172

142 90

66 210










4,450 97,255

3,572 148,963

1,491 22,990 M

792 15,789

174 4,651

195 2,354

431 8,571

242 2,067

77 1,317

1,616 8,370 10,247 1,985 5,751 11,138 4,135 7,536 40 91 790 50 51,729 P( lr

:Total 27,626 76,883 78,666 39,596 74,954 78,003 76,429 46,568 10,088 8,012 52,484 24,931 594,240

-*- Included for the first t i m e t h i s year. Extension Library 22,220 Interlibrary Loan S t a t i s t i c s

1960/61 1961/62 From Other Inst i tut ions

Volumes Borrowed 643 650 Photocopies Purchased 205 248

To Other Inst i tut ions Volumes Loaned 2,220 2,417 Photocopies Supplied 75 272




Ranz , J i m Rothatein, Samuel

Smith, Anne M. Maclean, Hilda Fukuyama, Mrs. Margaret Traff, Vera


Mercer, Eloanor B. Butterfield, Rita Shields, Dorothy Pavri, Mrs. Rhoda Seepesi, Mrs. Jane

Mirvis, GwendoUne Dew, Mrs. Patricia Benyovitz, Gyula Forsythe, Mrs. Yvonne Lavalle6, Mrs. Joyce LaRoy, Mrs. Janet Price, Rhoda


%Y Tung King?


Fraser, M. Doreen

Haydock, Eleanor Harding, &so Siupatie Mat thews , Michael Mitchell, Deirdre Sheppard, Dorothy Nielsen, Mss. Roswittm Ramsey, Lois

9 Allan, Helen


Turner, George Go Dobbin, Geraldine Little, Mrs. Margaret Bewer, Lore Elliston, Graham Msher, Mrs. Robyn Sampson, Islay

Pike, Mary

University Librarian Honorary Associate Ubrarian Associate University Librarian Arssistant University Librarian Secretary Stenographer 11 Clerk I1

Head Ubrarian I Librarian I Library Assistant Librapy Assistant Library Assistant Library Assistant Clerk I f Clerk If Clerk I1 Clerk I Clerk 1 Clerk I Clerk I

Head Senior Library Assistant

Head Librarian I Librarian I Ubrary Assistant Ubrary Assistant Library Assistant Stenographer I1 Clerk I Clerk I

Head Librarian I11 Librarian I11 Ubrasian 11 Ubrarian I Ubrarian I Ubrarian I Librarian I Senior Ubrary Assistant

June 1962- Sept. 1947-

Sept. 1930

Dec. 1956-

AUgo 1959- AUgr 1959-

Oct, 1938-

July 1961- July 1961- Oct. 1961-

June 1962-

A p r o 1961- Mar. 1962- Apr. 1961- July 1948- Sept. 1952- June 1962- Aug. 1962-

Dec. 1960-

July 1947- Sept. 1958- July 1962- July 1962- Aug. 1962- Sept. 1959- &t. 1961- May 1961- July 1962-

June 1956- June 1954- Sept. 1956- Sept. 1960- Sept. 1961- July 1962- June 1962-

Mar. 1958-

Fukueawa, Kay Hay, Marion Ricardo, Valerie Hanson, Linda Ooossen, Lorna Beaumont, Carol Garrard , Sharon Peters, Elizabeth Rose, Mrs. Bessie Ross, EUeabeth


Bell, Inglis Harris, Robert Ho, Berching Erickson, Ture Iagies, Mary Haughian, Helen T, Kuipers, Mrs. Marian

Rolfe, Dorothy W i l U a m s , Leonard Ellis, Nancy Herbert, M e r l e E, Rosebrough, Diane Towers, Inuise Wheatlsy, Caroline

DeRuyZ;m, & S O A n i t a


Hoeg, Eleanor

Ibbach, I,.ra_ia Mcbllan, Plarie Ro€jini$&i, Janet Roth, &a. Evelyn


Woodward, Mrs. Emily

Bertsch, Mrs. Anneke


Stewart , Edith Dobydalamon, Mrs. C s i l l a


Pwyer, Melva Hozwth, w8. M i a Siggers, Mrs. Iylda

Ubrary Assistant Ubrary Assistant Library A8SiStatlt Clerk I1 Clerk XI Clerk I Clerk I Clerk I Clerk I Clerk I Clerk I

Head Librarian J: Senior Ubrag-y Assistant Library Assis'tant Library Assistant Iilbrary Assistant Clerk IX Clerk IX Clerk IE Stack Attendant Clerk E Clerk I Clerk I Clerk I Clerk I Clerk f

HBad Ubrarian 1 Ubrary Assistant Clerk I Clerk I Clerk I Clerk I

Ubrarian I Senior Ubrary Assistant Clerk I1

%ad Stenographer If

Head Clerk I1 Clerk I

May 1962- Aug. 1962- Aug. 1962- June 1962- June 1960- Aug, 1962- Apr. 1961- May 1962- Jan, 1957- AUg. 1560-

June 1952- June 1962- June 1962- ~ug. 1962- June 1962- D~c. 1960- Oct, 1956- Mar. 1960- S ept ,1944- Nar, 1958- J ~ n e 1962- July 1962- June 1962- Aug. 1962- July 1959-

Sept. 1960-

July 1957-

July 19~8- July 1959-

July 1953- Feb, 1961- May 1961-

Appendix E (Cont.)


Selby, Mrs, Joan

Potter, Pr i sc i l la Forbes, Theresa ldhittingham, Irene

- Murphy, E m c.- b u d , Doreen


Leith, Anna Johnson, Mrs. Marion Thorntofi, Patr ic ia Soomet, U l i a n Esakin, Mrs. Helen


Laming, Roland J, Johnson, Stephen Edmonds, &s. Barbara Chikamori, Mrs. Eiko Medveczsky, Louis Wallace, Maureen Carroll, Jeanne Dahl, Mrs. Eleanor Morton, Mks. Seraphine

Bindery Section

Fkyer, Percy Fryer, Percy, Jr. Harrison, Roger Brewer, Nrs. Elizabeth Jamieson, Margaret


0 ‘Rourke, Joan *1 Anderson, Susan * Malin, Audrey tl. Wilson, hureen

H u n t , Marlene

Blusson, Sandra Boyd, Barbara


Stuart-Stubbs , Basil

PaCArthur, Mrs. Pamela Blazicevlc, Branko

t.c Carson, Anne

Head Librarian I

‘Ubrarian I Ubrary Assistant Clerk I Clerk I

Head Ubrarian I1 Librarian I Lrlbrary Assistant Clerk I Clerk I

Head Librarian X I Librarian I Ubrary Assistant Ubrary Assistant Ubrary Assistant Clerk I1 Clerk I1 Clerk I Clerk I

For eman Journeyman Journeyman Jour nepopaan Journegwomm

Head Ubrarian I Librarian I Ubrarian I Librsry Assistant Iilbrary Assistant Clerk I Clerk I Clerk I

Head Ubrarian I Ubrary Assistant Clerk I

Sept. 1959- Sept. 1961- July 1961- May 1962- AUg. 1960- June 1962-

Sept, 19S9- June 1958-

June 1962- Sept. 1960-

July 1961-

Sew. 1926- July 1957- July 1962- July 1960- AUg. 1961- Aug. 1962- Sept. 1960- Feb, 1961- July 1962-

D ~ c . 1951- Apr. 1952- Mar, 1957- Feb. 1952- Oct. 1960-

May 19%- July 1961- Sept. 1961- Sept. 1960-

Anpendix E (Cont.2



Rothstein, Samuel Acting University Ubrarian Sept, 1947-pIay 1962


Esselmann, Mrs. Alexandra Clerk I1 May 1958-Wo 1962 Girard, Peter Library Assistant NoV, 1H1-AUg0 1962 Keddie, Vicki Clerk I July l96l-AUga 1962 soot%, Prisci l la Ubrarian X I July 19s?-NO~. 1961 Stuck, Rudolf Clerk I1 June 1961-0ct. 1961 V i t a l i s , Mrs. Esther Clerk I1 Feb, 1961June 1962 Young, Nancy Clerk I Aug. 1961-IYay 1962


Fukuyama, P'ujio S d a r Isbra?y Assistant l%l-AU& 1962


Dournwo, Tanya Stenographer 11 Killeen, Mrs. Phyllis Ubrary Assistant hdgerwoodt Mrs, IJnyl Ubrary Aersisfiant Parker, William E. Ukary B s s w t


Barr, Wendy Buckle, Rex W. Chute, Mrs, Mane Hornosty, Ers. k e l i a Kruger, Joyce ROSS, &se Wilma Selth, Geoffrey P, Thompson, Mrs. Marilyn Weinberg, Iks. Flareace


Bath, Bonnie Blair, Diane Bottinga, Ws, Gsrtie Chase, Arlena debtbiniere-Hsrwoodwood, Arm Jasper, b r i Kirkoff, Christopher Kurmey, W i l l i a m J, MeaUng, Ifark Mossop, Helen Seboek, Iajos Zack, Marilyn Z-, Betty b~

.brary Assistant

.brary Assistant krk I .erk I terk I Lerk I1 .bra;rian I .brary Assistant ;brary Assistant

Clerk I Clerk I Clerk X Clerk I Ubrerry Assistant Clerk X Ubrary Assistant UbraPian I Iiibrary A8s i s t -O Ubrary Assistant IiLbrary Aaaistant Clerk I Clerk I

July 1959-Sept, 1961 Aug&61*July 1962 J~rre 1959-lky 1942 S W L E%l-Aug, 1962

July 1 9 6 1 w A w o 1962 Aug, 1961dune 1962 Dec. 19601Apr. 1962 Sept, 1961June 1962

Jan, 1959Sepf. 1961 June 19fj9-July 1962 Mar, 1960-Sept. 1962 Sept, 1961-Apr* 1962

Octr 196l-Auge 1962

Jan, 1962-Apr. 1962 June 1960- Dee. 1961 Jum 1961-Jan. 1962 Jan, 19624%~ 1962 Jan. 1962-Aug. 1962 Den, 196l-I'ky 1962 Sept. 1961-lYay 1962 Jan, 1962-Aplrt. 1962 Sept. 1961-Rec. 1961 July 1962-Augo 1962 Sept, 1961June 1962 June l%l-Nov, 1961 I'ky 1962-Aug. 1962

Appendb E (Conto)


Beattie, Patricia Brown, Anne Coe, Ngaire Davidson, Ruth Hempell, Mrs. Lettice Robertson, Kristine


Cpbal, HaUna G i l l , Patricia Hodkinson, Kenneth


Ingram, Andree Kannawin, Jane King, &so Lorna Williams, Mrs. Elizabeth


Hall, Mrs. Anne Jones, Ronald Vanry, Judith


Edmonds, Mrs. Barbara Gerwing , Howard Thomas, Sonia Wiseman, Barbara


Deeming, Diane Hanander, Gail MacInnis, Glenda Sirnpson, Sally


Atherton, James

Clerk I: Oct. 1961-Apr. 1962 Clerk I Sept, 1961-Apr . 1962 Library Assistant Feb. 1961-Sept. 1961 Library Assistant Sept. 1961-Aug. 1962 Ubrarian X May 1960-Aug. 1962 Clerk I Sept. 19604 ept . 1961

Clerk I ~ e p t , 196O-Sep.t. 1961 Library Assistant Nov, 1961-July 1962 Library Assistant Sept. 1961-Nov. 1961

Library Assistant NOV. 1961-Apr. 1962 Ubrarian I Sept, 19604ct. 1961 Clerk I1 Sept. 1959-May 1962 Ubrary Assistant Sept , 1960-Apr. 1962

Library Assistant Nov. 1960-Feb. 1962 Ubrary Assistant Feb. 1962-June 1962 Clerk I July 1961-A~go 1962

Library Assistant Mar. 196Q-Sept. 1961 Ubrary Assistant J u m 1960-Apr. 1962 Ubraxy Assistant May 1962-Aug. I962 Clerk I July 1962-AUgo 1962

Clerk 1 Mar. 1962-Aug. 1962 Clerk 1 S ept . 1961-Feb . 1962 Library Assistant Sept, l%l-Aug, 1962 Library Assistant Sept. 1960-Sept. 1961

Library Assistant June 196bSept. 1961


BELL, Inglis Fa Member: B.CILA.; C;Xt*A,; A.L.A.j Bibliographical Society o f B a 3 U.B,C, A l u m n i Chronicle (Editorial Committee)$ Canadian Lit era tu r emi to r ia l Committ ee, &ornotion Manager) 3


Without a hce", Canadian Literatur 71-72; Canadian Editors, Annual Bib Language and Uterature, Vniversity Press, 1962 0

kre. Meinberr BoCYLoA. (Secretarv: Public Relations Comtvdttee _ _ .

A t t e n d n C . L.A. Conference, Vikioria. b c tures and Papers s Mah;tlfZictures on bibliomaphy to students I n Ewli Sh 200. h6licat ions : Review of"0ffikal Guide to Pacific Northwest and Century 2 1 Exposition, by the Editorial Staffs of Sunset hoke and Sunset kgaaine, Briush Columbia Ubrary - Qua - r t e r u ,

!Spond8nt, B.C.L.A. Reporter.

EUTTEBFIELD, Rita, Member: B.C,L,A, (Membership Committee); C.L.A.t U.B.C. School"ol7nbrarianship A l u m n i Associa~on (Executive Member). Attendedt B.C,LA* Fal l Meeting, Vancouver.

CARSON, Anne, Member: B.C,LA. (Bursary-In Committee); C*L,Ae

DOBBIN, Geraldine F, Member: B,C.L.A, (Indexring Committee); C O L A . (Membership Co-); P.N,L,A.; A,LA. Attended: P.N.L.A. Conflerence, Vancouver.


DOWD, Doreen, Member: B,C.L,A,; C.L.A.; A,L.A.

UWYER, Melva J. Member: B,C,L.A,; C , L A , j A.LA.3 P.N,L.A, (Conference Committee)-dian Music Library Association (Council); C o m l l of Planning Librarians (Secretary); %sic IiLbrary Association; International Association of Music Libraries. Attended: B.C.L.A. Conference, Victoria; C.L.A. Conference, O t h w a m A , Conference, Vancou~~r. Lectures and Papers t Seven lectures t o students i n architecture, communi t Y and regional planning, music, and librarianship; participation i n meting of Canadian Collegiate Schools of Architecture,

Appendix F (cont.)

EDMONDS, Mrs. Barbara. - Member: BoCoLoAm3 COLA.; A.L,A.

EUISTON, Graham. Member : B.C. L A , (Publications Committee);

FISHER, ms. Robyn. Member: BwC.LA,; A.L.A.3 U.BIC, School of Ubrarianship A-Assocfation (Executive MabSr)m - Attended: PoN LO A. Conference , Vancouver.

FRASER, L Doreen E. pllember: BmCoLAa (Vice-President, PresidBnt Elec t ; Chairman,-am Committee; Chairman, Hospital Ubraries Committee); C.L*A. (Secretary, Committee on Medical Science Libraries); Medical Ubrary Association (also Pacific Northwest Regional Group); P.N.L.A. ; Special Ubraries Association (also Puget Sound Chapter, B. C m Reporter); B.C. Medical Ltbrary Service (Advisory Panel, Ekecufive Conmdttee, Conference and Workshop Cormnfttea)j Greater Vamouver Health Iaague (Cha.irman, Ubrary Committee; Ekecutive Committee; Board; Health Council Amalgamation Committee)j C o d t y Chest Health Council; Library Consultant for B. C. Mdical LSbrary SerVIce. Attended: B.C. Hospital Association Auxiliary Division - m e t i n g , Vancouver; Association of Canadian Medical Colleges, Medical School Libraries meeting, Ottawa; B,C.L.A. conference, Victoria; Medical Library Association Conference, Chicago; C O L A m conference, Ottawa; University of Montreal Ubrary Committee Day Session, Montreal3 PoNoLoA. conference, Vancouver. Lectures and Papers L Twentpthree lectures on medical bibllography and Ute rature t o students i n medicine, nursing, pharmacy, physical education, and librarian- ship; one lecture to Vancouver General Hospital residents4 two lectures to BoCoMmL&, workshop; W.braries i n Hoerpitals", B.C.H.A. Auxiliary Division; What Now?" BmCoLcAo Conference. Publications: m m A o Reporter d (July, 1962), 1-2.

HARRIS, Robert, Member: BoCmLoA.3 A&A.; U.B.C. A l u m n i Association (Board of &=merit; C h a i r m a n , Iibrarianship Division); President of Mrs t Class of the UoB-Cm School of Ubrarianship. A t t e n d e d : EiZZZr.

"A Comni ty of Librarians Within the Community",

B.C.L.A. Conference, Victoria; B.C.L.A. Fall Meeting,

HAXDOCK, Eleanor. Nember: B.C.L.A.; COLA.; AmLoAo Attended8 - BoC . L A . Conference, Victoria.

HOEG, Mrs. Eleanor F. Member: B,C.L.A*; C.L.A.; A.L.A. Attended: B.C. L A . C o n f e r e n m a t o r i a ; B.C.L.Ao Fall Meetin-ww.

one to students i n the School of Ubrarianship; prepared basic book lists for library of new Adult Centre a t King Edward High School. Publications : %pecific Devices fm Encouraging Immigrant Use of the Ubrarylt, Edmonton Public Ubrary, Newrpnotes, V I (October, 1961).

Eight lectures on bibliography to English cture to students i n the SumPner Session and



Appendix F (oant.)

JO?WSON, Mrs. Marion, Members B,C,L.A+ (Social CammrLtte8; Publie Relatiom C o r r a n i t $ w & . A . j A.LAIj Beta Phi Mu, Attended: P,M.LA, Conferenoe, Vancouver. Lectures and Paws= lectures to Summer Session ~ tudenb.

JOHNISON, Stephen, - Member: C.L.Aa3 A.L.A.

UNNINO, Roland J. Mernber: B.C.LA.j C.LA.8 P.N.LoA.) A.L.A. A t t e n d e d : B.CxConference, Victoria; P.N.L.A. Conferernne, Plsncouvenr.

IEITH, Anna R. Mder: B,C,LA. (Committee on Recmritmenf)j C&A.; P.N.L.A. (C0l;iffsrence Committee) 3 A. LA.3 Medical Library Association; Special liibraries As80ciationo Attended8 B*C&AI Conference, Vi,ctoria; P.N,L,A, Conference, Vancouv8r0 b0-96

Two lectures to Swmnsr Session rtudentsj r3nli;i""" !%%% students i n agriculture, home wonoIldcs, meohanical engineering, chemical engineering, and plant science; lecture t o Studenter Division of the Canadian Chemical Society.

LITTZE, Mrs. Margaret L. Member: B*C.L.A. (Archives Committee); C.LA.3 P,N.L.A,; A . r A t t e n d e d : P.N,L.L Confereme, Vanco~er.

MAIZN, Audrey, - Member: B.C.L.A. (Social Committee); CoLL

MERCER, Eleanor* Member: B,C,L.A. f C O L A . f A&A. 3 P.N.L.A. (Confereme -tee)$ Attended: B.C,L.A, Conference, Victoria3 PONOLA. Conference, lfGZiiSr.

Bibliographical Society of Canada,

MURPKY, Ens. Member: B.C,L;A.; C,L.A. Attended; B*C.LA. Conferemce, victor i a 7 Z ~ . Conference , o t tawa,

W , Tung King. Member: B,C.L.A.; (British) Ubrary Aarswiation; H o KO L A *

O'ROURKE, Joan. Member: BaC,LA+ (Chairman, Reference Setrtionj , Representatdve to B.C. Muoation Conference); PoN,LA. (Confereme ConrmftteejCbirman, College Section) 1; C.L.A.3 AILFA.; Insti tute of Social and Economic Research. Attended3 B.C.L.A. Fall Meeting, Vancouver3 B.C.L.A. Conference, Victoria; P,N,L,A. Conference, Vancouver; BoC Education Conferenas. Lectures and Papers: Three hbrary introductory lectures t o Summer Session students; seven lectures to students i n commerce$ social work, and education. Reference Guide to Commerce Literature, rev. ed,, Vancouver: bniversity of Britf eh Columbi a Ubrary, 1961,

RANZ, J i b Member: B.C.L.A.; C.L.A.; A.L.A. (CouncSl; Statist ics C0mmit-r College and University Libraries, Chairman3 Statist ics Coordinating Committee 3 Recruitment Committee); Wyoming Library Association (Various Committees )3 Mountain- Plains Ubrary Association (Vice-President, President-Elect, Various Committees ) J Bibliographical Society of the Univeraiv of Virginia;


Bibliogrsphical Society of Canada; University of

Appendix F (Conte)

Wyoming (Various Committees); University of Brit ish Columbia (Various Committees). Attended: C.L,A, Conference, Ot t awa ; A*LA. Mid;Wintec C o n f e m h i c a g o J M.P,L.A. Conference, Cheyenne; W.L.A. Conference: P.N.L.A. Conference, Vancouver. hbhca t ions t "Alexander J; Rudolph and His tll& Method eafialoguingt ," Ubrary Resources and Technical Services, V (Fall, 1961)s 29-66.

ROTHSTEIN, Samuel, Members B.C,LA, (Rrogramme Committee; R e c r u i t - m a t Commit te6mLA. (College and University Standards Committee); P,N.L.A,; A.L.A. (Reference Standards Committee; Catalog Code Revision Committee); Canada (Council); University Committee on the University Bookstore (Chairman); University Committee on Audio-Visual Services; Faculty Association (Special Salaries Committee); College of Education (Curriculum Laboratory Committee); Senate Library Committee (Vice-chairman); Friends of the University Ubrary (Council); National Research Council Associate Comn5ttee on Scientific Information. Attended: B.C.L.A, Conference, Victoria; B.C.L.A. Fal l Meetf-ouver (Chairman, Panel Discussion); C.L.A. Conference, Ottawa. (Panel Discussion on the Canadian Centenary); A,L,A, Conference, Miami; P.N.LoAI Conference, Vancouver (Panel Discussion on Information Retrieval); Inst i tute of Professional Ubrarians (Director, WoPkshop on Personnel Administration); Conference on the Future of Lsbrary Education (Recorder); Workshop on Educational TelevLsion. Lectures and Papers: School of Ubrarianship: courses on Melds and Fun ctions of Iifbrary Service and on College, University and Research Ubraries Publications: Vhould Library Schools Produce Specialists or Generalists? Generalists", American Library Association Bulletin, LVI (April, 1962), 3 W h e school of Ub rarianship a t U.B.C.]", College and Research Ubraries, XXIZ (November, 1961), 472-73; Review of The Origins f r i c a n Library School, by C a r l ?&%tee New Yorkr h r e c r o w Press, 1961, UbrarJr Quarterly, XllXXI (January, 1%2), 101-02.

Bibliographical Society of

SAMPSON, Islay M. Member.: B.C.L.A.; A.L.A.; U.B.C. School of Ubrarianship Association (Ekecutive Member). bttendedt P*N.LeAe Conference, Vancouver,

SELBY Mrs. Joan. Member: B,C,L.A, (Bursary-Loan Committee); C.LA.3 A.L.A. (Selection Committee of the Essay and General Literature Index). Attended: B,C,L,A, Conference, Victoria; P.N.L.A. ?!%i?&ence, Vancouver. Lectures and Papers: Two introductory l ibrary lectures; e igh t lectures on bib1 iography for English 200 students, Publications: %iste des meilleurs ouvrages Canadiens anglals pour 1' annhe 1 9 6 ~ ~ ?(traduit par Lhandre Bergeron) Uwes e t auteurs Canadiens 1961, I (1961), 96-9'73 Reference Books m g l i s h Ut erature, rev. ed., by Inglis F. B e l l , Joan Selby and Eli sabeth Vogel, Vancouver: Humanities Division, University of British Columbia Ubrary, 1961: ''The Creation of Fantasy3 the Fiction of Catherine Anthoh$ C l a r k I t , Canadian Uterature, No, 11 (Winter, 1962), 39-45; ''Legends of the Coast,ft Review of Sketco the Raven, by Robert Ayre, Canadian Uteiature, No, 13 (Summer, 1-082 Tamarack Review for Twentieth Century Uterature.

Abstracted Culture, Canadian Uterature, and

App~fiazx F (cont.)

SELTH, Geoffrey P, Member: B,C.L,A, (Constitution and Legislatl.on Committee); ( B ? ) Ubrary AssociaUon, Lectures and Papers8

lecture on tUbraries and Wbrarianship i n Australia" to U+B,C. School of Librarianship, Publications: Peace, Santa Clytxa,

Calif,: HOG, Tovey, 1961; ItLibrary Assoch-s i n Canada," Litbsary Journal, wlxof (November 1, 1961), 3751-53, 37%3

tterature Canadienne-Franr;aisett, Canadian Literature, 'x1 (Winter, 1962), 96-103* Assistant fibrarian, Unton Coilege.

Eight lectures on bibliography t o students i n -!Ti sh 200 3

SHIEIDS, Dorothy P, - Member: B,C.L.A, Attended: BICoL.A. Fa l l Meeting, Vancouver; BsC .L,A. Conference, Victoria.

SMITH, Anne M, Member: B.C.L,A,; C.LA. (Chairman, Committee on Uaison wi-an and African Ubraries I Certification Committee); P.N.L,A,; A.L,A, Connittee); Humanities Association of Canada; U,B&, School

(SubscripGon Books Bulbt in

of Social- Work (Council); Bibliographical Society of Canada. Attended: Vancouver. Lectures and PaFers: I Lectureto students i n physical education and Wurarianship; lecture for B,CoLA. Short Course for Public Library Association Personnel. Publicationst Vancouverr Universitv of British Columbia Ubrary, 1962,

B,C.L,AI Conference, Victoria; P.N.L.A. Conferewe,

Guide t o Reference Works i n the Aquatic Sciences,

(Reference Publicat& No. 17); "Mabel Lanning Retirestt,-U.B.C. A l u m n i Chronicle, (Winter, 1961), 12-13 , P L z b l i c a t i o n s T Paculty and Staff:* 'September 1, 1960 t o August 31, 1961 t fJancouver : University of British Columbia, 1962 a

STUART-STUBBSJ Basil, Member: R.C,L,A, (Associate Editcrr British - Colmbia Library Quarterlx); C,L,A. ; P.N.L.A, (Chairman,

ibliography Committee; Conference Committee); A.L.A.1 Biblio- graphical Society of Canada. Attended: P.N.L.A. Conferewe, Vancouver, Publications: E d i m c k l i s t of Books and Pamphlets Relating t o the Pacific Northwest Published i n 1961, Parts I and 11," P.N,L,A, Quarterly, XXVI (April, July, 1962), 163-169, 2121220; "New Faces a t a New Library Schooltt, British Columbia Ubrary Q uarterlx, 'XXV (October, 1961), 23-283 Eirculation Manager, Canadian Uterature. Term Grant i n the S o c m n c e s , 1962,

Canada Council Short

THORNTON, Patricia, Member: B,C,L.A, (Social CommittW)i C.L.A. ; AIL. A, Attended-. L. A. Conference , Vancouver

TURNER, George Godfrey. Member: B,C.hA. (Chairman, Constitution and Legislation Corn-; Nominating Committee); C, LrA. (Chaimnan, Ubrarians Committee; Canadian Comight Coln&t*4t Cataloguing Section Planning and Action Committee); P.N.L.A. (Chsirman, Conference h c a l Arrangements Committee; Legislation Committee); A. L, A. (Cataloguing and Classification Section, Subject Headings Committee); American Association of h w Ubraries; Inst i tute of Professional Librarians; Beta Phi Mu; U.B.CI President's Committee on Accident Prevention. #.Attended: B,C*LA. Conference, Victoria; P.N,L.A. Conference, Vancouver (Parliamentarian); lectures and Papers : Eight lectures on

Appendbs F (cont.)

bibliography to students i n English 200, Columbia: The Mainland", Canadian L i b r m m (N ovember,


1961) 95-96,

WIfsoN, Maween F. Member: B.C.L.A. (Chairman, Social Committee). Attended: B . C . m l l Meeting, Vancouver; B.C.LA. Conference, v33zF!x*

WOODWARD, Mrs. Emtly A. Member: B.C,LA. Attended: B,C.LA, Fall - - Eaeeting, Vancouver.

Agriculture Anplied Science Arts and Science

Commerce Education Forestry Graduate Studlee Law Medicine m-CY


Senate Ubrary Cb,mittee,

Appointed by President



Dr* C. A. ROwleS

D r o I% A, OrnnSby W. S. Upson

Dr. P. Remnant Dr, Ross Stewart Nr, W. 0. Perkett Dr. 3. K a t E Dr , R. W. Wellwood Mr. W, Opechowski I@. E, C. E. Todd Dr. W. C. Gibson Dr, A. M. Goodeve

Dr, I. McT, Cowan, Chairman Dr, M, F, MoGregor &. Stanley Read

Chancellor FhylUs 0. Rosa President N. A. I% MdlcKemie

(Retired 30 June 1962) President John B. Macdonald

(Appointed 1 July 1962) Dean G. C, Andrew

Dr, Samuel Rothstein, ViceYC-n M e J o El A m PaSnall

(Resigned 31 May 1962)

(Appointed 1 June 1962) D r o 3 i m R ~ ~ .

Terms of Reference:

The Ubrary Comndttee shall adviee and assist the Ljtbrarian in:

Formulating a l ibrary policy i n relation to the development of r*esources for iristruction an8 reseaz'ch.

Advising in the allocation of book funds to the f ie lds of Instruction and research.

Developing a general program of l ibrary service for a l l the interests of the University,

Keeping the Ubrerrian informed concerning the l ibrary needs of instructional and research staffs, and assisting the Ubrarian i n interpreting the Ubrary t o the University,

The Friends of the Library

of the Udveresity of British Columbia


To develop the Ubrary resources of the Univerdty and to provide opwrtunity fur persons interested i n the University Ubrary to keep informed about its grmth and needs and t o express their own interests more effectively.


The following persons are menrbers of Friends of the Library:

Mr* Kenneth Caple, President Dr. Wallace Wilson Dr. Ethel Wilson Mr. Ikon J, Ladner, Q.C.

Dr, H. R, Macmillan

W. Walter C, Koerner Mr. Harold S, Foley Dr. Reginald H. Tunner, Q.C. Dr. Leon J. Koerner Hon. J. V. Clyne Hon. Mr. Justice J. 0, Wilson Mrs. E. T. Rogers

D r a E t h l ~ Trapp

N r s o Frank ROSS

Dr. Dr. nr. Mr, Mr* *. Dr.

the C o u n c i l of the

W. Kaye tudr, hther Evans Leslie Dunlap Ieater M&Lennan Willard Ireland Peter Grossman N, A. M, MacKen;tie

Dean Geoffrey Andrew Idr. Aubrey F, Roberts

Dean F, H. Soward Dean S, N. F. Chant Dr, Ssmel Rothstein Mr. Neal Harlow Mr. Stanley Read, Secretary

I ) r a f a WT, COW=


Th$'CourW,il w i l l be thrs governing body of the organbation, The Ekecutive of the Council w i l l consist of a President,

Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer , and tihe President of the U ~ v e r s i t y .

The menhership fee w i l l be five dollars and upward a year, the Funds t o be used for ths purchase of' Ubrary materials. Special metinge and publications for the group will be provided, and reports upon needs and accomplishments. Other activit ies w i l l be determined by the advice of the caunci1,