The Remedy by Suzanne Young (Extended Excerpt)

Post on 01-Jun-2018

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Transcript of The Remedy by Suzanne Young (Extended Excerpt)

  • 8/9/2019 The Remedy by Suzanne Young (Extended Excerpt)


  • 8/9/2019 The Remedy by Suzanne Young (Extended Excerpt)


    WIQU N

    A@I]U] BD APQE@L

  • 8/9/2019 The Remedy by Suzanne Young (Extended Excerpt)


    Mcipt`r Bl`


    mjbs`st tb tc` ebbr ile dbje fy ciles pbjnt`jy nl fy jip. Uc`

    rbbf ns tbb wirf. Ubb qun`t. Fy fbtc`r `lt`rs drbf tc`

    ontmc`l, c`r j`dt ̀ y` swbjj`l ile aruns`e, sfijj smritmc`s mirv`e

    nltb c`r mc``os. ]c` jnfps tb tc` pjine sbdi, wivnlh bdd c`jp

     wc`l N bdd`r, ile `is`s bltb tc` pitt`rl`e muscnbl l`xt tb fy

    ditc`r. N scbbt cnf il ulmbfdbrtiaj` hjilm`, aut c` eb`sl„t jndtcns c`ie? t`irs ernp bltb cns hriy sjimos, ile N turl iwiy.

    N a`hnl tb hliw bl tc` nlsne` bd fy jbw`r jnp, wintnlh nl

    snj`lm` is tc`y mblsne`r tc`nr wbres. Ucns nlt`rv`ltnbl-styj`

    dir`w`jj ns cirejy tc` dbrfit N nfihnl`e, aut tc` fbf`lt

    a`jblhs tb tc`f, sb N ebl„t nlt`rd`r`. N mist i jblhnlh jbbo tb

     wc`r` fy wbrl aimopimo wints l`ir tc` ebbr. Iirbl cie a`tt`r

    lbt a` jit` pnmonlh f` up tcns tnf`.

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    5  ]uzill` ^bulh

    ‚Ir` ybu sur` ybu mil„t stiy ilbtc`r lnhct2‖ fy ditc`r

    isos, hrnppnlh cns wnd`„s cile cire `lbuhc tb turl cns olumoj`s

     wcnt`. Uc`y abtc stir` it f` pj`ienlhjy, aut N ebl„t hnv` tc`f

    dijs` cbp`. N wbl„t a` tcit mru`j.

    ‚]brry, aut lb,‖ N siy onlejy. ‚Ucns ns wc`r` w` siy hbbe-ay`.‖

    Fy fbtc`r pujjs c`r cile drbf fy ditc`r„s, murjnlh nt nltb

    i dnst it c`r fbutc. ]c` mcbo`s aimo i sba, ile N witmc is tc`

    stntmc`e wbule bl c`r mc``o mrnloj`s c`r sonl.

    N r`imc dbr fy bwl t`irs, trynlh tb ipp`ir syfpitc`tnm.^bu„jj l`v`r s`` ybur pir`lts ihinl, N tcnlo. Nsl„t tcit sie2  Aut ijj

    N mil fust`r ns i ant bd ajurry vnsnbl. Nt s``fs i jnttj` c`irtj`ss,

    `v`l tb f`, tcit N mil„t fburl tc`nr jbss. Aut N„v` bljy olbwl

    tc`s` p`bpj` dbr twb eiys. A`sne`s, tc` mjnps bl fy cinr `xt`l-

    snbls ir` ernvnlh fy smijp fie. N r`imc i dnlh`rlinj nl a`tw``l

    fy r`e striles ile smritmc.

    Fy fbtc`r tio`s i e``p ar`itc ile tc`l a`hnls c`r

    r`c`irs`e hbbe-ay`. ‚@fnjy,‖ sc` siys nl i scioy vbnm`. ‚Xc`l

    ybu en`e, fy jnd` `le`e tbb.‖ I t`ir rbjjs sjbwjy ebwl c`r

    mc``o, sjnppnlh nltb c`r enfpj` a`dbr` dijjnlh iwiy. ‚N mbujel„t

    s`` a`yble fy hrn`d,‖ sc` mbltnlu`s. ‚Uc` mbuls`jbrs tbje f`N cie tb, aut N mbuje bljy r`pjiy tcbs` jist fnlut`s nl tc` mir.

    Ucns cbrrnaj` jbbp bd pinl―‖ ]c` mcbo`s up, ile fy ditc`r

    r`imc`s tb rua c`r aimo sbbtcnlhjy. N ebl„t nlt`rrupt. ‚Ile tc`l

    ybu w`r` hbl`,‖ fy fbtc`r wcnsp`rs, jbbonlh it f`. ‚N jbv`e

    ybu fbr` tcil ilytcnlh, aut ybu w`r` tbrl iwiy. N trn`e . . . N

    trn`e sb cire, aut N mbujel„t siv` ybu. N„f sbrry, @fnjy.‖

    N„f i air`jy pissiaj` v`rsnbl bd @fnjy―endd`r`lt `y`s,

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    sfijj`r mcnl. Aut fy fbtc`r ns hrn`vnlh, ile tcrbuhc c`r

    t`irs N„f sur` sc` tcnlos N jbbo ne`ltnmij tb c`r e`ie eiuhct`r.

     Ile fiya` tcit r`s`fajilm` pinls c`r `v`l fbr` wc`l w`„r`

    tcns mjbs`.

    ‚N jbv` ybu tbb, Fbf,‖ N siy iutbfitnmijjy, ile djnmo fy

    hiz` tb fy ditc`r. ‚Ile tcilo ybu, Eie, dbr ijj ybu„v` ebl`

    dbr f`. N wis v`ry cippy. Lb fitt`r wcit, N„jj ijwiys a` wntc

    ybu‖―N put fy cile bl fy mc`st―‚nl ybur c`irts.‖

    Uc` wbres ir` ery nl fy fbutc, aut N stnmo tb tc` smrnpt wc`lN mil„t p`rsblijnz` fy sp``mc nl sbf` btc`r wiy. Pjtnfit`jy, tcns

    ns wcit tc`y wilt`e tb c`ir―br ritc`r, wcit tc`y l``e`e tb c`ir

    tb civ` mjbsur`. Uc`y wilt`e f` tb olbw N wis jbv`e.

    Fy pcbl` auzz`s nl fy pbmo`t, aut N ebl„t runl tc`

    fbf`lt tb mc`mo nt. X`„r` pist e`iejnl` ile nt cis hrbwl eiro

    butsne`, aut N wbl„t j`iv` ultnj N„f sur` fy pir`lts wnjj h`t

    tcrbuhc tcns. N wint i a`it, ile fy fbtc`r slnddj`s ile wnp`s

    c`r dim` wntc c`r pijfs.

    ‚N fnss ybu, @fnjy,‖ sc` siys, ile c`r vbnm` mrimos bv`r fy

    lif`. ‚N fnss ybu `v`ry eiy.‖ Uc` dnrst t`irs prnmo fy `y`s,

    tc` cbl`sty nl c`r `fbtnbls p`l`tritnlh tc` wijj N„v` mir`dujjyaunjt. N sfnj` it c`r, cbpnlh nt j`ss`ls c`r imc`.

    ‚N olbw ybu jbv`e f`,‖ N siy, hbnlh bdd smrnpt. ‚Aut,

    Fbf . . . tcns wisl„t ybur diujt. Nt wis il immne`lt―i t`r-

    rnaj`, trihnm immne`lt. Wj`is` ebl„t ajif` yburs`jd ilyfbr`. N

    dbrhnv` ybu.‖

    Fy fbtc`r mjips abtc ciles bv`r c`r fbutc, r`jn`d c`fbr-

    rcihnlh is c`r scbuje`rs scio` wntc c`r sbas. Ucns ns nt―c`r

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    mjbsur`. ]c` l``e`e r`jn`d drbf c`r hunjt. Fy ditc`r mjnfas tb

    cns d``t ile fbtnbls tbwire tc` ebbr. N stile tb dbjjbw cnf,

    aut pius` ile jbbo aimo it fy fbtc`r.

    ‚N„f sid` lbw,‖ N mbltnlu`. ‚Lbtcnlh mil `v`r curt f`

    ihinl. Lbt bl` tcnlh.‖ N turl tb j`iv` tc` rbbf, fy vbnm` air`jy

    iuenaj` bv`r c`r mrn`s. ‚Hbbe-ay`, Fbf.‖

    Fy issnhlf`lt ns mbfpj`t`.

    N dbjjbw fy ditc`r tb tc` drblt ebbr, ile wc`l w` r`imc

    tc` `ltrywiy, N ruffih` tcrbuhc tc` scr`ee`e fneej` pbmo`tbd fy aimopimo ile pujj but i sw`itscnrt. N yilo tc` Qbjjnlh

    ]tbl`s U-scnrt bdd bv`r fy tilo tbp ile cile nt tb fy eie . . .

    br, ritc`r, Ijil Wnllimj`.

    Dbr tc` pist twb eiys, N„v` a``l w`irnlh cns eiuhct`r„s

    divbrnt` mjbtc`s, `itnlh c`r divbrnt` dbbes, sj``pnlh nl c`r a`e.

    N„f tc` Hbjenjbmos tc` a`irs tbbo nl tb r`pjim` tc` bl` tc`y

    jbst, `v`l nd nt wis bljy tb siy hbbe-ay`.

     Ijil jbbos ebwl it @fnjy„s ajimo scnrt ile pusc`s nt nl fy

    enr`mtnbl. ‚O``p nt,‖ c` siys, stirnlh it tc` diarnm jno` nt„s pr`-

    mnbus. N wne`l fy `y`s ile tio` i st`p aimo.

    ‚Aut nt„s lbt fnl`,‖ N siy qun`tjy. ‚Nt a`jblh`e tb ybureiuhct`r.‖ ]bf`tnf`s pir`lts a`mbf` mbldus`e, ile pirt bd

    fy kba ns tb o``p tc`f hrbule`e nl r`ijnty. Firtci snts bl tc`

    mbumc, stirnlh tbwire tc` wnlebw wntc i mijf`e `xpr`ssnbl,

    aut N wbrry tcit Ijil ns civnlh il `fbtnblij ar`ioebwl.

    ‚^bu„r` rnhct,‖ c` siys siejy. ‚Aut @fnjy nsl„t mbfnlh cbf`.‖

    C` cbjes up tc` scnrt. ‚Nd tcns ns stnjj a`nlh wbrl, nl i wiy, c`r

    spnrnt wnjj a` but tc`r`. ]c „̀jj stnjj a` pirt bd tc` wbrje.‖

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  8

    ‚N r`ijjy scbujel„t,‖ N siy, ijtcbuhc nd N„f cbl`st, tcit

    U-scnrt wis fy divbrnt` pirt bd tcns issnhlf`lt. Aut w`„r` lbt

    suppbs`e tb o``p irtndimts bd tc` e`ie. Nt bp`ls up tc` pbssn-

    anjnty bd jiwsunts ihinlst tc` `ltnr` hrn`d e`pirtf`lt, mjinfs bd


    ‚Wj`is`,‖ c` furfurs. ‚N tcnlo sc` wbuje civ` r`ijjy

    jno`e ybu.‖

    Nt„s kust i scnrt, N tcnlo. Lb bl`„s `v`r a``l dnr`e bv`r i scnrt. N

    r`jumtiltjy tio` tc` diarnm drbf cns cile, ile Ijil„s dim` twnstsnl i djisc bd pinl. Nfpujsnv`jy, N j`il nl ile onss cns mc``o.

    ‚@fnjy wis i jumoy hnrj,‖ N wcnsp`r mjbs` tb cns `ir. Ile

    tc`l, wntcbut wintnlh tb s`` cns ̀ xpr`ssnbl, N turl ile wijo but

    bd @fnjy Wnllimj`„s cbus`.

    Uc` lnhct inr ns c`ivy wntc fbnstur` is N st`p bltb tc` wbbe`l

    sjits bd tc` drblt pbrmc? mbbj rinly wnle ajbws ihinlst fy dim`.

    Uc` c`iejnhcts bd i mir piro`e ebwl tc` rbie djnmo bl, ile

    fy fusmj`s r`jix. N„f hjie N wbl„t a` cilhnlh irbule dbr i

    rne`? Iirbl usuijjy sumos it a`nlh bl tnf`. N r`imc nltb fy cinr

    ile a`hnl tb r`fbv` tc` `xt`lsnbls, ulmjnppnlh tc`f ile tc`lscbvnlh tc`f nltb tc` aih bl fy scbuje`r, wc`r` N studd`e tc`

    Qbjjnlh ]tbl`s U-scnrt.

    Uc` mir pujjs up, ile N cbje fy aimopimo bv`r fy c`ie tb

    prbt`mt fys`jd drbf tc` rinl. N tcrbw bl` fbr` hjilm` tbwire

    tc` cbus`, hjie l`ntc`r pir`lt ns jbbonlh but tc` wnlebw. N cit`

    tb ar`io tc` njjusnbl dbr tc`f? nt„s jno` s``nlh i t`imc`r it tc` hrb-

    m`ry stbr` br i tc`f`-piro mcirimt`r wntcbut nts bv`rsnz` c`ie.

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    3  ]uzill` ^bulh

    N bp`l tc` mir ebbr ile erbp bltb tc` piss`lh`r s`it bd i

    scnly ajimo Mienjjim. Nt r``os bd j`itc`r ile mbmblut inr dr`sc-

    `l`r. N turl sne`wiys, jndtnlh fy `y`arbws tc` fnlut` N tio` nl

     Iirbl„s ipp`irilm`. N pr`t`le tb mc`mo fy lbl`xnst`lt witmc.

    ‚Ile wcb ir` ybu suppbs`e tb a`2‖ N iso.

     Iirbl sfnj`s. ‚N„f f` ihinl,‖ c` siys. ‚Nt wis i jblh ernv`.

    N enel„t civ` tnf` tb mcilh` mjbtc`s.‖

    Ucns wis bl` bd tcbs` rir` fbf`lts wc`r` Iirbl ile N w`r`

    bl issnhlf`lt it tc` sif` tnf`―i fbstjy ivbne`e mbldjnmt. Nt wis prbaiajy i hbbe tcnlh tcit N wis rullnlh jit` tblnhct. N

    smil fy drn`le„s butdnt, cbjenlh aimo tc` jiuhc wintnlh nl fy

    hut. C`„s w`irnlh i eiro arbwl mbreurby kimo`t wntc i strnp`e

    auttbl-ebwl scnrt ule`rl`itc. Ijtcbuhc Iirbl„s air`jy lnl`-

    t``l, c`„s er`ss`e jno` il `nhcty-y`ir-bje prbd`ssbr. ]`lsnlh fy

    nfp`lenlh r`imtnbl, c` st`ps bl tc` his p`eij ile sp``es us

    ebwl tc` str``t.

    ‚Uw`lty-tcr``-y`ir-bje jiw stue`lt,‖ c` `xpjinls, turlnlh

    up tc` vbjuf` bl tc` st`r`b. ‚Aut cns r`ij jbv` wis fitc.‖ C`

    scbbts f` i pbnlt`e jbbo is nd nt sufs up cns issnhlf`lt mbf-

    pj`t`jy. ‚Uc` mbuls`jbrs ir` r`ijjy puscnlh fy ih`, rnhct2‖ c`isos. ‚Fust a` tcns sw``t a`ire.‖ C` strbo`s cns dimnij cinr ile

    N smrulmc up fy lbs`.

    ‚Hrbss,‖ N siy. ‚^bu„r` jumoy Br`hbl m`j`arit`s nts dimnij

    cinr? btc`rwns` ybu„e a` but bd wbro.‖ Iirbl„s sfbbtc, eiro

    sonl ensipp`irs `v`ry Lb ]civ` Lbv`fa`r, aut tcit `le`e dnv`

    fbltcs ihb. N„f pirtl`rs wntc i ]isquitmc. ‚Xc`l ir` ybu h`t-

    tnlh rne bd tcit tcnlh2‖ N iso.

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  >

    ‚Pf, l`v`r,‖ c` siys, jno` nt„s tc` bavnbus ilsw`r. ‚N„f jbbo-

    nlh dnl`, hnrj.‖

    N jiuhc ile djnp ebwl tc` piss`lh`r-sne` fnrrbr. Uc` jnhct

    mjnmos bl, cirsc bl fy c`ivy fio`up. N mbfa fy dnlh`rs

    tcrbuhc fy stnjj-r`e scbuje`r-j`lhtc striles. @fnjy„s cinr wis

    rnenmujbusjy jblh, sb N cie tb w`ir ntmcy `xt`lsnbls.

    ‚Ubb aie,‖ Iirbl siys, fbtnblnlh tb fy r`dj`mtnbl. ‚N jno`e

    ybur cinr jblh.‖

    ‚Ile N jno` tcit sp`mnij ajiz`r. b̂u sur` ybu mil„t o``p nt2‖‚Wbnlt fie`,‖ c` mblm`e`s. X`„r` qun`t dbr i fbf`lt ultnj

     Iirbl mj`irs cns tcrbit. ‚]b cbw wis nt2‖ c` isos nl i tc`ripnst„s

    vbnm`, `v`l tcbuhc c` olbws N cit` tijonlh iabut fy issnhl-

    f`lts. ‚^bu w`r` sup`r vihu` bl tc` pcbl`,‖ c` iees. ‚N wis

    h`ttnlh wbrrn`e.‖

    ‚Nt wis tc` sif`,‖ N ilsw`r. ‚Kust jno` ijwiys.‖

    ‚Xis nt tc` fbf2‖

    ‚ `̂ic,‖ N t`jj cnf, ile jbbo but tc` piss`lh`r wnlebw. ‚]ur-

    vnvbr„s hunjt. Uc`r` wis i mir immne`lt? tc` fbtc`r wis ernvnlh.

     Idt`r irrnvnlh it tc` cbspntij, tc` fbf ril drbf rbbf tb rbbf,

    s`irmcnlh dbr c`r eiuhct`r. Aut sc` wis EBI.‖ N swijjbw cire,aurynlh tc` `fbtnbls tcit tcr`it`l tb scio` fy vbnm`. ‚Ijj tc`

    fbtc`r wilt`e wis tb ipbjbhnz` dbr jbsnlh mbltrbj bd tc` mir,‖ N

    mbltnlu`. ‚A`h c`r eiuhct`r dbr dbrhnv`l`ss. Ù jj c`r cbw fumc

    sc` jbv`e c`r. Aut sc` l`v`r hbt tc` mcilm`. ]c` enel„t `v`l h`t

    tb siy hbbe-ay`. Firtci cie i cire tnf` imm`ptnlh tcit.‖

    ‚Firtci2‖ Iirbl r`p`its, ile N d``j cnf jbbo it f`. ‚^bu

    twb bl i dnrst-lif` aisns2‖

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    ‚Lb,‖ N siy. ‚Aut N„f lbt mijjnlh c`r Fbf ilyfbr`, ile nt

    s``fs mbje tb mijj c`r Frs. Wnllimj`.‖ Xc`l N turl tb Iirbl,

    c` jbbos ebuatduj. ‚Xcit2‖ N iso. ‚Uc` wbfil wisc`e fy

    ule`rw`ir. Nt„s lbt jno` w`„r` strilh`rs.‖

    ‚]``, tcit„s tc` tcnlh,‖ c` siys, cbjenlh up cns dnlh`r. ‚^bu

    ir`   strilh`rs. ^bu w`r` t`fpbrirnjy pjiynlh tc` rbj` bd c`r

    e`m`is`e eiuhct`r, aut ay lb f`ils ir` ybu drn`les. Ebl„t ajur

    tc` jnl`s, Yunll.‖

    ‚N olbw cbw tb eb fy kba,‖ N ilsw`r ensfnssnv`jy. Fy c`irta`its dist`r.

     Ijtcbuhc ijj mjbs`rs tio` bl tc` p`rsblijnty bd tc` e`ie p`r-

    sbl, N„f tc` bljy bl` wcb nlt`rlijnz`s nt, tcnlos jno` tc`f. Nt

    fio`s f` fbr` iutc`ltnm, ile cbl`stjy, nt„s wcy N„f tc` a`st.

    ‚Ebl„t a` kuehy,‖ N t`jj Iirbl. ‚^bu civ` ybur prbm`ss? N civ`

    fnl`. N„f mbfpj`t`jy e`timc`e wc`l nt„s bv`r.‖

     Iirbl mcumoj`s. ‚ b̂u„r` e`timc`e2‖ c` isos. ‚Uc`l wcy eb

    ybu o``p sbuv`lnrs2‖

    ‚N eb lbt,‖ N r`spble, c`it mriwjnlh bltb fy mc``os.

    ‚N a`t ybu civ` fbr` tcil cinr `xt`lsnbls nl tcit aih.‖

    N jbbo ebwl tb s`` tc` ̀ eh` bd tc` U-scnrt p``onlh but. ‚Lbtdinr,‖ N siy. ‚Uc` eie hiv` tcit tb f`. Nt eb`sl„t mbult.‖

    ‚Ile tc` `irrnlhs drbf ]usil A`jj2 Uc` djiscy y`t mjiscy

    a`jt drbf Iuer`y Xcitsc`rlif`2 Iefnt nt. b̂u„r` i jnd` oj`ptb.

      b̂u o``p pn`m`s bd tc`f jno` sbf` wcimo`e-but s`rnij onjj`r.‖

    N jiuhc. ‚Nt„s lbtcnlh jno` tcit.‖

     Iirbl cufs but cns ensihr``f`lt ile tio`s i turl bltb

    tc` dr``wiy. Nt„jj a` it j`ist dbrty-dnv` fnlut`s ultnj w`„r` aimo

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    nl Mbrvijjns. N cit` tc` iwiy issnhlf`lts, aut bur tbwl ns dinrjy

    sfijj, ile w` ebl„t civ` l`irjy is fily e`itcs is @uh`l` br

    Wbrtjile. Aut a`nlh iwiy mil f`ss wntc ybur c`ie. Lbtcnlh„s

    difnjnir―lbt tc` pjim`s br tc` p`bpj`. I p`rsbl mbuje dbrh`t

     wcb tc`y r`ijjy ir` nl i sntuitnbl jno` tcit. Nt„s cnhc rnso, ile tc`

    r`turl ns ijwiys fbr` enddnmujt idt`r a`nlh mut bdd mbfpj`t`jy.

    Aut nt„s bur kba.

     Iirbl Qnbs ile N ir` mjbs`rs―i r`f`ey dbr hrn`d-strnmo`l

    difnjn`s. X` c`jp mjn`lts wcb ir` `xp`rn`lmnlh syfptbfs bdmbfpjnmit`e hrn`d tcrbuhc il `xtr`f` f`tcbe bd rbj`-pjiynlh

    tc`ripy. Xc`l i difnjy br p`rsbl `xp`rn`lm`s jbss―tc` onle

    bd jbss tc`y kust mil„t h`t bv`r, tc` onle tcit `its iwiy it tc`nr

    silnty―hrn`d mbuls`jbrs fio` i r`mbff`leitnbl. Dbr il

    ulensmjbs`e suf bd fbl`y, mjn`lts ir` hnv`l i mjbs`r tb pjiy

    tc` pirt bd i e`ie p`rsbl ile prbvne` tc`f tc` fumc-l``e`e

    mjbsur` tc`y e`snr`.

     It tcns pbnlt N mil a`mbf` ilybl` sb jblh is tc`y„r` i wcnt`

    d`fij` a`tw``l tc` ih`s bd dndt``l ile tw`lty. N„f lbt il `ximt

    mbpy, bd mburs`, aut N w`ir tc`nr mjbtc`s ile mcilh` fy cinr ile

    `y` mbjbr. N stuey tc`f tcrbuhc pnmtur`s ile vne`bs, ile sbblN mil imt jno` tc`f, sf`jj jno` tc`f, a` tc`f dbr ijj nlt`lts ile

    purpbs`s. Ile wc`l i difnjy ns cizy wntc hrn`d, tc`y t`le tb

    imm`pt f` r`ienjy.

    N stiy wntc tc`f dbr i d`w eiys, aut l`v`r fbr` tcil i

     w``o. Nl tcit tnf`, fy jbv`e bl`s h`t tb siy `v`rytcnlh tc`y

    l``e`e tb aut l`v`r hbt tc` mcilm` tb, h`t tb c`ir wcit`v`r

    tc`y„v` tbje tc` mbuls`jbrs tc`y l``e`e tb c`ir. N mil a` tc`

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    91  ]uzill` ^bulh

    p`rd`mt eiuhct`r. N mil hnv` tc`f mjbsur` sb tc`y mil c`ij.

    N„f sivnlh jnv`s―`v`l nd sbf`tnf`s nt„s cire tb r`f`fa`r

     wcnmc bl` ns fnl`.

    ‚]b wcit civ` N fnss`e2‖ N iso Iirbl. Xc`l c` mijj`e f`

    `irjn`r tb s`t up fy `xtrimtnbl, c` trn`e tb tijo, tb r`mbll`mt

    f` tb tc` butsne` wbrje. Aut N wis wntc tc` difnjy wc`l fy

    pcbl` auzz`e, sb N d`e Iirbl sbf` aujjscnt ̀ xmus` tb h`t bdd tc`

    jnl`. Lbw N„f e`sp`rit` dbr i r`fnle`r bd fy r`ij jnd`. N r`st fy

    t`fpj` bl tc` c`ier`st ile witmc cnf.‚Lbt fumc.‖ C` scruhs. ‚E`imbl„s a``l t`xtnlh f` lbl-

    stbp. ]iys ybu„r` lbt ilsw`rnlh ybur pcbl`.‖

    ‚X`jj, c`„s lbt suppbs`e tb mbltimt f`, ns c`2‖ N pbnlt but.

    Bur hune`jnl`s stit` tcit w` bljy mblsbrt wntc bur pirtl`rs br

    bur ievnsbrs wcnj` bl issnhlf`lt―nt o``ps us drbf ar`ionlh

    mcirimt`r. Aut tc` dimt ns, N mbuje civ` r`spble`e tb E`imbl„s

    t`xts. N kust enel„t wilt tb.

    Fy ̀ y`s stirt tb stnlh ile N mc`mo irbule tc` drblt s`it ile

    dnle i aih bd bp`l trinj fnx studd`e nltb tc` mutbut a`jbw tc`

    st`r`b? sijty-jbbonlh p`iluts civ` spnjj`e nltb tc` mup cbje`r.

    Fy ditc`r wnjj onjj Iirbl dbr arnlhnlh tcbs` nl c`r`. Ile dbrenrtynlh up cns Mienjjim. X` ijwiys us` tc` sif` mir dbr `xtrim-

    tnbls. Nt s`rv`s is i r`fnle`r bd bur r`ij jnd`, sbf`tcnlh difnjnir

    tb arnlh us cbf`.

    N cno` fy aimopimo bltb fy jip ile stirt ruffihnlh

    tcrbuhc ultnj N dnle tc` mis` dbr fy mbjbr`e mbltimts. Ijtcbuhc

    N„f lbt e`itcjy ijj`rhnm tb luts, tc`y nrrntit` fy `y`s ile fio`

    fy tcrbit aurl. Iirbl„s usuijjy pr`tty hbbe iabut lbt `itnlh

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  9=

    tc`f irbule f`. N hu`ss c` dbrhbt tcns tnf`―wcnmc ns ule`r-

    stileiaj`. Issnhlf`lts t`le tb j`iv` us mbldus`e. It j`ist dbr

    i wcnj`.

    ‚N tcnlo E`imbl„s wbrrn`e ybu„jj rul iwiy wntcbut t`jjnlh

    cnf,‖ Iirbl mbltnlu`s. ‚Nt fio`s cnf mrizy.‖

    ‚E`imbl l`v`r wbrrn`s iabut ilytcnlh,‖ N mbrr`mt, r`stnlh

    fy nle`x dnlh`r bl fy pupnj ultnj N d``j tc` mbltimt mjnlh tb

    nt. ‚Ile N ebl„t olbw wcy c`„s isonlh ybu. Nd N pjill`e tb rul

    iwiy, ybu wbujel„t olbw `ntc`r.‖ N r`fbv` tc` dnjf ile pjim` ntaimo nlsne` tc` mis` a`dbr` wbronlh bl tc` btc`r `y`.

    ‚^`ic, w`jj, c` wbrrn`s iabut ybu,‖ Iirbl futt`rs, mjnmonlh

    tc` wnlescn`je wnp`rs bdd lbw tcit tc` rinl cis `is`e up. ‚Ile

     wc`tc`r ybu iefnt nt br lbt,‖ c` iees, ‚ybu wbrry iabut cns iss

    ijj tc` tnf` tbb.‖

    ‚X`„r` drn`les,‖ N r`fnle cnf, r`jnvnlh tc` mblv`rsitnbl

     w`„v` cie i ebz`l tnf`s. ‚Kust v`ry hbbe drn`les.‖

    ‚Xcit`v`r, Yunll,‖ c` siys. ‚^bu„r` cire-mbr` ile c`„s

    aieiss. N h`t nt. b̂u„r` abtc tbb tbuhc dbr jbv`.‖

    ‚]cut up.‖ N jiuhc. ‚^bu„r` kust fie w` h`t ijblh a`tt`r

    tcil ybu ile ybur hnrjdrn`le.‖‚Eifl rnhct,‖ Iirbl siys wntc i e`dnilt sfnro. ‚Nt inl„t

    mbbj. ^bu twb―‖

    ‚]tbbbbbp,‖ N wcnl`, muttnlh cnf bdd. ‚Mcilh` tc` sua-

     k`mt. E`imbl ile N ir` arbo`l up. @le bd stbry.‖ N studd fy

    mbltimts mis` aimo nltb fy aih ile erbp nt ebwl ay fy d``t.

    Uc` triddnm cis die`e drbf tc` dr``wiy, j`ivnlh tc` eiro rbie

    `fpty irbule us.

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    95  ]uzill` ^bulh

    ‚N„f lbt siynlh ybu scbuje cit` `imc btc`r,‖ Iirbl mbltnl-

    u`s. ‚Aut ybu scbujel„t wilt tb abl` `v`ry tnf` ybu s`` cnf


    ‚^bu civ` s`rnbus prbaj`fs, ybu olbw tcit, rnhct2‖

    ‚Ff-cff,‖ c` siys, lbeenlh ensfnssnv`jy. ‚^`ic, N„f tc`

    bl` wntc prbaj`fs.‖ C` wcnstj`s but i jbw sbule bd syfpitcy,

    jbbonlh sne`wiys it f`. ‚^bu„v` abtc hbt nt aie,‖ c` iees.

    ‚Lb,‖ N t`jj cnf. ‚X`„r` abtc a`tt`r bdd. Q`fnle E`imbl

    bd tcit l`xt tnf` c`„s mc`monlh up bl f`.‖ Iirbl smbdds ilesw`irs c`„s stiynlh but bd nt. C` wbl„t, bd mburs`. C` tcnlos

     w`„r` stnjj pnlnlh dbr `imc btc`r. Ile . . . c` fiy lbt a`

    `ltnr`jy wrblh. Aut E`imbl ile N civ` i v`ry pjitblnm ule`r-


    E`imbl Citmc`r ns fy ̀ x-abydrn`le turl`e a`st drn`le, aut

    fbr` nfpbrtilt, c` us`e tb a` i mjbs`r. C` h`ts nt. H`ts f`.

    E`imbl wis fy pirtl`r a`dbr` Iirbl, ijfbst tcr`` y`irs sne`

    ay sne` ultnj c` qunt wbronlh dbr fy eie `nhct fbltcs ihb.

    C` qunt f` tc` sif` eiy. Uc` ar`ioup fiy civ` wr`mo`e f`

    i jnttj`. Br i jbt. E`imbl ile N cie scir`e `v`rytcnlh, cie i

    pbjnmy bd tbtij cbl`sty, wcnmc nsl„t `ximtjy `isy dbr p`bpj` nlbur jnl` bd wbro.

    N ciel„t `v`l olbwl c`„e `le`e cns mbltrimt wntc tc` hrn`d

    e`pirtf`lt wc`l c` tbje f` w` w`r` bv`r, sine c`„e fbv`e

    bl. N issuf`e c` f`ilt wntc ilbtc`r hnrj, sb w` enel„t sp`io

    dbr bv`r i fbltc. N„e a``l ajnlesne`e, a`triy`e. Bljy tcnlh

    j`dt dbr f` wis mjbsur`, ile N wis eifl hbbe it nt. N iasbra`e

    fbr` bd fy issnhlf`lts„ jnv`s, tc`nr difnjn`s„ jbv`. N r`aunjt fy

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  90

    s`jd-`st``f wntc tc`nr c`jp, tc`nr f`fbrn`s. Uc`l fy ditc`r

    issnhl`e Iirbl is fy l`w pirtl`r.

    Uc` l`xt eiy, E`imbl scbw`e up it fy drblt ebbr, siy-

    nlh cbw sbrry c` wis. ]iynlh cbw e`sp`rit`jy c` fnss`e f`.

    N a`jn`v`e cnf. N ijwiys a`jn`v` cnf. Aut `v`ry tnf` w` h`t

    mjbs`―tc` v`ry fnlut` N dijj dbr cnf ihinl―E`imbl muts f`

    bdd, aimos iwiy, ile j`iv`s f` arbo`lc`irt`e ay tc` ias`lm` bd

    cns idd`mtnbl. Xc`tc`r nt„s cns trinlnlh br cns liturij enspbsn-

    tnbl, E`imbl ns  mcirfnlh. Uc` onle bd mcirfnlh tcit fio`sybu d``j jno` ybu„r` tc` bljy p`rsbl nl tc` wbrje wcb fitt`rs.

    Pltnj ybu ebl„t ilyfbr`.

    N„f tnr`e bd tc` pusc ile pujj tcit mbltnlu`s tb mrimo ile

    c`ij bv`r tc` sif` smir. N tbje E`imbl tcit N wis ebl` j`ttnlh

    fys`jd a` vujl`riaj` tb cnf, tcit c` wis runlnlh f`. Uc`

    tcbuhct s``f`e tb e`vistit` cnf. ]b E`imbl ile N ihr``e lbt

    tb h`t aimo tbh`tc`r, aut imolbwj`eh`e tcit w` mbujel„t stiy

    iwiy drbf `imc btc`r `ntc`r. A`st drn`les ns tc` mbfprbfns`. Nt

    j`ts us hb tb tc` v`ry `eh` bd bur wilt wntcbut imtuijjy hbnlh

    bv`r. Ile tcit wbros dbr us. X`„r` tbtijjy smr`w`e up tcit wiy.

    Drbf tc` m`lt`r mblsbj` Iirbl„s pcbl` vnarit`s nl tc` mupcbje`r. C` qunmojy hrias nt a`dbr` N eb, ile r`sts nt ihinlst tc`

     wc``j wcnj` c` r`ies tc` t`xt. Idt`r i fbf`lt c` mjnmos bdd tc`

    smr``l ile erbps cns pcbl` aimo nltb tc` mup cbje`r. ‚Fyri

    siys c`jjb,‖ c` siys, hjilmnlh bv`r. ‚]c`„s sup`r  `xmnt`e dbr ybu

    tb a` aimo.‖

    ‚N„f sur`,‖ N siy, djiscnlh cnf il ifus`e sfnj`. Iirbl„s hnrj-

    drn`le ns air`jy dnv` d``t tijj, wntc wne` eb`jno` `y`s ile i r`e-cbt

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    94  ]uzill` ^bulh

    t`fp`r. ]c` us`e tb cit` f`―wcnmc, ule`r lbrfij mnrmufstilm`s,

    mbuje a` ule`rstileiaj`. N sp`le i jbt  bd tnf` wntc c`r abydrn`le.

     X „̀r` bv`r nt lbw, ile tc` ̀ ltnr̀ sntuitnbl a`mif` i rullnlh kbo`

    a`tw``l f` ile Iirbl. Ile ijtcbuhc Fyri fnhct stnjj cit` f`

    i jnttj` , sc`„s bl` bd fy mjbs`st drn`les. Aut `v`rytcnlh wnjj mcilh`

    sbbl. Ucns ns Iirbl„s jist fbltc is i mjbs`r―cns mbltrimt `les nl

    dbur w``os. Idt`r tcit, c` ile Fyri ir` hbnlh tb rul bdd ile jnv`

    sbf` e`rilh`e jnd` nl bl` bd tc` Eiobtis.

    ‚Ily mcilm` N mil tijo ybu nltb erbppnlh f` bdd it cbf`dnrst2‖ N iso Iirbl nl i snmojy sw``t vbnm`. ‚N„v` a``l er`ifnlh

    iabut fy a`e dbr tc` `ltnr` w``o`le. @fnjy cie i dutbl.‖

     Iirbl wcnstj`s nl syfpitcy. ‚]bules tbuhc, Yunll. Aut N

    ijr`iey mijj`e Firn` tb j`t c`r olbw w`„r` bl bur wiy.‖ C` sfnj`s.

    ‚Ile ybu olbw cbw fumc sc` jbv`s jit`-lnhct e`arn`dnlhs.‖

    Dijs`. Firn` iasbjut`jy cit`s wc`l w` mbf` ay idt`r eiro.

    N `xcij`, er`ienlh bur l`xt stbp. N kust wilt tb hb cbf`,

    t`jj fy eie hbbe lnhct, ile tc`l mrisc nl fy a`e. Pldbrtu-

    lit`jy, lbl` bd tcit mil cipp`l ultnj w` r`hnst`r bur mjbsur`

    ile mbld`ss bur snls. Bur ievnsbr, Firn`, cis tb nlt`rvn`w us

    a`dbr` w`„r` ijjbw`e tb r`turl tb bur r`hujir jnv`s. Uc`r` ir`prbm`eur`s nl pjim` tb fio` sur` w` ebl„t tio` ily hrn`d cbf`

     wntc us, tio` cbf` tc` siel`ss. Nt„s tc` bje siynlh; fns`ry jbv`s

    mbfpily. ^`ic, w`jj, hrn`d mil a` mbltihnbus.

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    Mcipt`r Uwb


    f`lt ns ijwiys stumo, ile Iirbl cis tb rif cns scbuje`r ihinlst

    nt tb h`t nt bp`l. C` stufaj`s nl, turlnlh aimo tb djisc f` i sfnj`.

    ]b strblh, N fbutc, fionlh cnf jiuhc. N dbjjbw cnf nlsne`,

    ile tc`l mjbs` ile jbmo tc` ebbr. N pius` tb jbbo irbule. N

    civ`l„t a``l tb Firn`„s cbus` nl it j`ist i fbltc, aut nt„s kust is

    mrifp`e is N r`f`fa`r. @ximtjy tc` sif`. Xijj-tb-wijj iltnqu`durlntur`, brlit` mcinrs ile tcnl-j`hh`e tiaj`s. Jiy`rs bd nlm`ls`

    cilh nl tc` inr? r`e tip`strn`s ir` timo`e bv`r tc` wnlebw, mist-

    nlh tc` rbbf nl sbdt jnhct drbf tc` jifps. Uc` pjim` ns sciaay

    mcnm―fumc jno` nts t`lilt.

    ‚^bu„r` jit`,‖ i rispy vbnm` mijjs drbf tc` ontmc`l. N mitmc

    snhct bd Firn`„s air` scbuje`r ile tcnl jblh arines is sc` bp`ls

    ile mjbs`s ontmc`l mianl`ts nl s`irmc bd sbf`tcnlh.

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    93  ]uzill` ^bulh

    ‚Yunljil wis a`nlh lnm` ihinl ay hnvnlh tc`f `xtri tnf`,‖

     Iirbl mijjs. C` erbps bltb tc` wbrl v`jv`t sbdi ile onmos bdd

    cns scb`s. N smbwj it cnf dbr rittnlh f` but sb qunmojy, ile

    r`fbv` fy sl`io`rs a`dbr` Firn` mil y`jj it f` dbr ensr`sp`mt-

    nlh c`r ipirtf`lt. ‚]c`„s tbb onlec`irt`e,‖ Iirbl iees. ‚U`jj

    Yunll sc`„s tbb onlec`irt`e.‖ C` rbjjs cns c`ie tbwire tc`

    ontmc`l, ile Firn` pbo`s but drbf a`cnle tc` mianl`t ebbr.

    ‚]tbp a`nlh sb lnm`,‖ Firn` smbjes, ile tc`l hb`s aimo tb

     wcit sc` wis ebnlh.‚]``.‖ Iirbl cbjes up cns dnlh`r tb f` nl wirlnlh a`dbr`

     wbronlh cns irfs but bd tc` sj``v`s bd cns ajiz`r. C` mir`dujjy

    dbjes tc` diarnm bv`r tc` aimo bd tc` mbumc.

    N rbjj fy `y`s. ‚N wis ebnlh fy kba,‖ N mjirndy, snttnlh bl tc`

    pinlt`e mcinr l`ir tc` ebbr. ‚Mc`mo wntc tc` Wnllimj`s―N„f

    sur` N„jj h`t i hjbwnlh r`vn`w.‖

    ‚Ebl„t wbrry,‖ Firn` siys, mbfnlh but bd tc` ontmc`l, mir-

    rynlh i triy. ‚X` ijwiys mc`mo.‖ ]c` sfnj`s it f` ile tc`l s`ts

    tc` triy bl tc` mbdd`` tiaj`. Uc`r`„s i sfijj t`ipbt? tc` sf`jj

    bd fnlt widts up drbf tc` mups. Fy stbfimc turls. Ucit„s lbt

    r`hujir t`i―lbt c`r`. Nt„s i f`enmnlij mbmotinj tcit wnjj mbfp`jf` tb t`jj tc` trutc blm` N ernlo nt. Jumonjy, N civ` lbtcnlh tb


    Firn` ciles Iirbl i mup. ‚Hu`ss N„f dnrst,‖ c` furfurs,

    ile hujps cns ernlo qunmojy. C` sumos nl i ar`itc tb mbbj ebwl

    cns fbutc. ‚Listy,‖ c` siys wntc i scnv`r, ile s`ts tc` mup bl

    tc` tiaj`.

    ‚N„jj h`t tc` pip`rwbro,‖ Firn` illbulm`s. ]c` wijos

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  9>

    tbwire tc` cbf` bddnm`, c`r iloj`ts kilhjnlh iabv` c`r air`

    d``t, c`r jblh arines mjnmonlh is tc`y swnsc imrbss c`r aimo.

    Firn` E`vbrbux ns nl c`r jit` tcnrtn`s wntc eiro arbwl sonl,

    pn`rmnlh ajimo `y`s, ile il `ddbrtj`ss a`iuty tcit ijjbws strilh-

    `rs tb trust c`r. ]c`„s a``l fy ievnsbr snlm` tc` a`hnllnlh. N mil

    stnjj r`f`fa`r a`nlh i jnttj` hnrj bl c`r jip, t`jjnlh c`r iabut

    Airairi Qnmcires―i lnl`-y`ir-bje wcb mrimo`e c`r soujj wcnj`

    rnenlh c`r ano`. N snpp`e p`pp`rfnlt t`i ile tbje Firn` cbw

    sie nt fie` f` wc`l Airan`„s fbtc`r mrn`e. N cie i cire tnf`iekustnlh tb tc` hrn`d nl tc` a`hnllnlh.

    Firn`„s i ant j`ss pitn`lt lbw, `sp`mnijjy wntc f`. ]c` ile

    fy ditc`r civ` a``l it bees bv`r i mis` l`ntc`r wnjj tijo iabut.

    N„f lbt sur` wc`l nt stirt`e, aut nt„s mj`ir Firn` ns bl tc` v`rh`

    bd j`ivnlh tc` e`pirtf`lt ijtbh`tc`r. N ebl„t olbw wcit tc`

    mbuls`jbrs wnjj eb nd sc` eb`s.

    Firn` r``f`rh`s i fbf`lt jit`r wntc dbje`rs ile i vbnm`

    r`mbre`r. ]c` tio`s i spbt l`xt tb Iirbl bl tc` mbumc, djnppnlh

    c`r cinr bv`r c`r scbuje`r a`dbr` sc` sbrts tcrbuhc tc` dnj` wntc

    E@SU@Q Q@@E prnlt`e bl tc` tia.

    N pnmo up fy wirf t`imup, swnrjnlh irbule tc` jnqune. N„flbt sur` N mbuje cit` tc` tist` bd fnlt ily fbr` tcil N ijr`iey

    eb. @j`v`l y`irs bd ernlonlh tcns studd wnjj eb tcit tb i p`rsbl.

    N tio` i t`ltitnv` snp ile tc`l hih. Firn` hnv`s f` i enrty jbbo

    jno` sc`„s bdd`le`e, ile N cbje up tc` t`i nl mc``rs a`dbr` ebwl-

    nlh nt, hihhnlh ihinl.

     Iirbl stirts r`mbultnlh cns scbrt tnf` is tc` enstnlhunsc`e

    jiw stue`lt E`xt`r Q``e. Nt tbbo j`ss tcil tw`lty-dbur cburs

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    17  ]uzill` ^bulh

    tb arnlh i p`rsbl„s `ltnr` jnd` tb i mjbs`. Xcnmc ns hbbe, N hu`ss.

    Btc`rwns` Iirbl wbuje civ` a``l jit` pnmonlh f` up. Ihinl.

    N ebl„t jnst`l tb tc` stbry―ijtcbuhc nt„s lbt i cuh` e`ij nd N eb.

    C`irnlh cns `xp`rn`lm` wbl„t fio` f` sie, lbt jno` r``limtnlh

    nt mil. Ucit„s wcy w`„r` c`r` wntc Firn`. Mjbs`rs ir`l„t ijjbw`e

    tb hb cbf` ultnj w` prbm`ss tc` hrn`d. X` tio` tcit aure`l drbf

    tc` mjn`lts, c`jp tc`f c`ij. Aut w` mil a`mbf` idd`mt`e, tionlh

    nt bl is bur bwl pinl ile sudd`rnlh. Bur `xtr`f` f`tcbe bd

    tc`ripy nsl„t wntcbut nts rnsos. Uc` mbuls`jbrs ebl„t wilt tcittb cipp`l, sb w` tijo  tb ievnsbrs. Hbe, sbf`tnf`s w` tijo sb

    fumc N wilt tb mut but fy tblhu`.

    N sfnj`, j`ilnlh aimo nl tc` mcinr. Uc` t`i fust ijr`iey a`

     wbronlh. @v`l fy tcbuhcts ir` cbl`st.

     Iirbl„s vbnm` erbl`s bl, ile N mblt`fpjit` tc` ̀ v`lnlh, tc`

    tist` bd p`pp`rfnlt tcnmo nl fy fbutc. Ucnlhs mbuje a` wbrs`,

    N hu`ss. N mbuje imtuijjy a` @fnjy Wnllimj`.

    Bljy m`rtinl onles bd p`bpj` mil a`mbf` mjbs`rs. Uc`r`

    ir` murr`ltjy dndt``l bd us nl Br`hbl. Endd`r`lt ih`s, rim`s, ile

    h`le`rs. @lbuhc tb mbv`r tc` e`fbhripcnm fbr` br j`ss. X`

     w`r` ijj s`j`mt`e ay tc` hrn`d mbuls`jbrs a`mius` w` civ` m`r-tinl trints; ieiptianjnty, fnfnmonlh sonjjs, ile i c`ijtcy ebs`

    bd e`timcf`lt. X` ebl„t d``j tc` sif` wiy btc`r p`bpj` eb―

    ijfbst jno` w`„r` lufa. Br it j`ist fbst bd us ir`. Xcnj` tc`

    r`st bd tc` wbrje ns a`lt bl scirnlh tc`nr d``jnlhs, w` stuey

    tc`f. X` j`irl tb mbpy a`civnbr pitt`rls, dimnij `xpr`ssnbls.

     X` j`irl cbw tb a`mbf` btc`r p`bpj`.

    Bv`r tc` jist mbupj` bd y`irs tc`r`„s a``l i sbmn`tij pusc tb

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    11  ]uzill` ^bulh

    trnij ile `rrbr, mbuls`jbrs ensmbv`r`e tc`y mbuje fio` dist`r

    prbhr`ss wntc r``ltry nd w` enel„t jn` ijj tc` tnf`. Uc`y fie` i

    pbjnmy mcilh`, ijt`rnlh tc` ̀ ltnr` syst`f bd ievns`f`lt nl bre`r

    tb pr`v`lt fnstio`s, jno` us arnlhnlh cbf` tc` siel`ss w` w`r`

    f`ilt tb ijj`vnit`.

    N cit` tcit t`i. N ebl„t jno` a`nlh dbrm`e tb eb ilytcnlh,

    `v`l tb t`jj tc` trutc. Aut nt„s lbt jno` N civ` i mcbnm`. Fy mbl-

    trimt nsl„t up dbr snx fbr` fbltcs.

    ‚]nt,‖ Firn` siys, pujjnlh but tc` dnj` wntc @fnjy Wnllimj`„slif` bl tc` tia. N fbv` tb tc` mbumc ile dim` c`r. ‚Cbw ir`

    ybu d``jnlh2‖ Firn` isos mblv`rsitnblijjy.

    ‚@xciust`e,‖ N r`spble. N put fy irf bv`r tc` aimo bd tc`

    sbdi ile h`t mbfdbrtiaj`. Uc`r`„s lb t`jjnlh cbw jblh tcns wnjj

    tio`. Firn` bp`ls tc` dnj` ile kbts sbf`tcnlh ebwl. ]c` r`s`ts

    c`r r`mbre`r ile pjim`s nt bl tc` tiaj`.

    ‚Yunljil FmO``,‖ sc` illbulm`s dbr tc` r`mbre`r, ile

    tc`l sfnj`s onlejy it f`. ‚Yunll,‖ sc` siys nl c`r tc`ripy

    vbnm`. ‚U`jj f` iabut @fnjy Wnllimj`.‖

    N durrbw fy arbw, mblt`fpjitnlh. ‚]c` wis qun`t, pbjnt`.

    N r`ie tcrbuhc c`r eniry tcr`` tnf`s, djnpp`e tcrbuhc pcbtbijaufs, ile stuen`e c`r sbmnij f`eni prbdnj`s. ]c` enel„t civ` i

    abydrn`le, aut sc` cie il nlt`ls` mrusc bl Kir`e Aitcfil. ]c`

    l`v`r tbje cnf,‖ N siy. ‚]c` scbuje civ`, rnhct2‖ N iso. Firn`

    cufs sbf`tcnlh lblmbffnttij, ile N mbltnlu`. ‚]c` wis wbr-

    rn`e c` wbujel„t jno` c`r aimo,‖ N siy. ‚Aut tc` eiy sc` en`e, c`

    dnlijjy tijo`e tb c`r it tc` aiso`taijj hif`. ]c` wis sb `xmnt`e.

    Bl tc` wiy cbf` sc` t`xt`e c`r drn`le ile tbje c`r tc` `ltnr`

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  1=

    mblv`rsitnbl. Aut sc` l`v`r fie` nt cbf`.‖ N jbbo ebwl nltb

    fy jip, t`irs prnmonlh fy `y`s. ‚Nt wisl„t dinr. Nt wisl„t dinr tcit

    @fnjy cie tb en` it snxt``l.‖

    ‚^bu„r` rnhct,‖ Firn` ihr``s. ‚Nt siys c`r` tcit c`r fbtc`r

    a`mif` v`ry enstriuhct idt`r @fnjy„s e`itc. Uc` ditc`r cnr`e us

    a`mius` sc` cie a`mbf` ulstiaj`, `rritnm. Uc` mbuls`jbrs w`r`

    v`ry mblm`rl`e iabut c`r w`jj-a`nlh. Xcit ene ybu bas`rv`2‖

    ‚C`irtar`io,‖ N furfur. ‚N siw i jbt bd c`irtar`io.‖

    ‚Ile cbw ene nt d``j2‖‚Nt wis i e``p, eiro cbjjbw nl fy mc`st. Nt d`jt jno` cbp`j`ss-

    l`ss.‖ N jbbo up tb f``t Firn`„s `y`s. ‚N stirt`e tb tcnlo tcit N

     wis l`v`r hbnlh tb s`` fy pir`lts ihinl―c`r pir`lts,‖ N mbr-

    r`mt. ‚N wis smir`e. N enel„t wilt tb a` ijbl`. N enel„t wilt tb

    en`.‖ U`irs rbjj ebwl fy mc``os is hrn`d ile jbss suaf`rh` f`.

    ‚Lbw N„jj a` ijbl` dbr`v`r.‖ N trn`e tb o``p tc`s` d``jnlhs it aiy

     wc`l N wis @fnjy, aut lbw N mil„t jn`. N mil„t cne` drbf fys`jd.

    Firn` r`imc`s tb tio` fy cile, squ``znlh tb r`issur` f`.

    ‚ b̂u wnjj s`` ybur ditc`r tblnhct, Yunll. ̂ bu enel„t en`―@fnjy

    Wnllimj` ene.‖

    ‚Nt mbuje civ` a``l f`,‖ N siy, scionlh fy c`ie. ‚Uc`y ijjmbuje a` f`.‖

    ‚Lb,‖ sc` siys. ‚^bu„r` Yunljil FmO``. ^bu jnv` it 1700

    ]`l`mi Wjim` nl Mbrvijjns, Br`hbl. ^bu„r` s`v`lt``l ile ybu

    ernv` i a`it-up bje Cblei tcit ybur ditc`r wbl„t r`pjim`.‖ ]c`

    r`imc`s ile tbumc`s fy mc``o tb eriw f` aimo nltb r`ijnty. ‚Ile

    ybu„r` ijnv`, Yunll,‖ sc` wcnsp`rs. ‚ b̂u„r` c`r`, ile ybu„r` ijnv`.‖

    N j`t c`r wbres sbio nl, tcnlonlh iabut fy mrippy mir―tc`

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    15  ]uzill` ^bulh

    mc`mo-`lhnl` jnhct tcit wbl„t scut bdd. Idt`r i fbf`lt N„f

    rbbt`e aimo nl pjim`. Aimo nl fy jnd`. N mj`ir tc` t`irs ile hria

    i tnssu` tb ajbw fy lbs`. Xc`l N„f mj`il`e up, Firn` r`s`ttj`s

    bl tc` mbumc.

    ‚Eb ybu wilt tb t`jj f` iabut tc` U-scnrt2‖ sc` isos.

    Fy stbfimc erbps ile N scbbt i a`triy`e jbbo tbwire tc`

    aimo rbbf. ‚Iirbl tbje ybu2‖ N iso, ilhry tcit c`„s mijj`e f`

    but twnm` snlm` w`„v` a``l c`r`.

    ‚C` cie tb.‖Nt„s tru`. @v`l nd fy drn`le wilt`e tb o``p i s`mr`t, c`

    mbujel„t c`r`. ‚Xcy w`r` ybu isonlh iabut f` nl tc` dnrst

    pjim`2‖ N e`file. ‚N ebl„t jno` a`nlh spn`e bl, Firn`.‖

    ‚N tcbuhct w` tijo`e iabut tcns,‖ sc` siys, nhlbrnlh fy

    mbff`lt. ‚Uionlh tcnlhs―r`tinlnlh pbss`ssnbls bd tc` e`ie.

    Nt nsl„t c`ijtcy ile nt„s ihinlst tc` ruj`s.‖

    ‚@fnjy„s eie hiv` f` tc` scnrt. N enel„t st`ij nt.‖ Fy `fb-

    tnbls ir` stirtnlh tb auaaj` up, aut lbt tc` siel`ss N d`jt `irjn`r.

    Ucns ns endd`r`lt―nt„s ilh`r, e`dnilm`.

    ‚N enel„t siy ybu ene,‖ Firn` mjirndn`s. ‚Aut wcy wbuje ybu

    o``p @fnjy„s scnrt2 Eb`s nt cbje il `fbtnblij ittimcf`lt2‖Fy tcbuhcts swnrj is N dnhct tc` nfp`lenlh ̀ dd`mt bd tc` t`i.

     Iefnttnlh il `fbtnblij ittimcf`lt tb tc` difnjy mbuje s`le

    f` strinhct nltb tc`ripy. Ucns  ns wcy N cit` tijonlh iabut fy


    ‚N kust r`ijjy jno`e tc` scnrt,‖ N siy, r`jn`v`e it tc` wbres.

    Q`jn`v`e . . . tcit N kust tbje i sfijj jn`. N ebl„t r`imt, `v`l

    tcbuhc fy c`irt rim`s. Nt wisl„t i cuh` jn`―aut nt wis `visnv`.

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  10

    Uc` trutc ns tcit `v`rytcnlh N o``p cis snhlndnmilm`, `v`l nd nt„s

    bljy sjnhct. Ucit U-scnrt r`fnles f` bd fy eie, @fnjy„s eie,

    ile cbw c` abuhct nt dbr f` bl fy anrtceiy twb y`irs ihb

    a`mius` c` jbv`e tc` Qbjjnlh ]tbl`s. X` civ` pnmtur`s bd us

    sfnjnlh, irfs bv`r ̀ imc btc`r„s scbuje`rs. Uc`y fiy lbt a` fy

    f`fbrn`s, aut N jno` tc`f. Ile N wilt tb o``p tc`f.

    Firn` stuen`s f`, ile dbr i fbf`lt N tcnlo sc` mil t`jj

    tcit N„v` sonrt`e c`r qu`stnbl. N„f lbt sur` cbw N mbuje civ`,

    tcbuhc. Xc`l sc`„s lbt jbbonlh, N hjilm` it tc` t`ipbt, wbl-e`rnlh nd tc` ebs` wis jnhct`r. Br fiya` kust wcit wis nl fy

    mup. Firn` wrnt`s i lbt` nl fy dnj` ile mjbs`s nt.

    ‚^bu„r` mj`ir`e tb r`turl cbf`,‖ sc` siys, ile hnv`s f` i

    mjbs`e-jnp sfnj`. ‚Aut ebl„t o``p ilytcnlh ̀ js`, Yunll. Nt fnhct

    fio` tc` mbuls`jbrs tcnlo ybu„r` tbb `fbtnblij tb cilej` tc`


    ‚N„f i mbjec`irt`e antmc, Firn`,‖ N siy. ‚Wrbfns`.‖

    ]c` mcumoj`s, ile pits fy ol`` a`dbr` stilenlh. ‚Bc,‖ sc`

    iees. ‚Ile ebl„t a` tbb cire bl Iirbl. C` enel„t wilt tb t`jj

    f` iabut tc` scnrt. Nt„s i l`w jnl` bd qu`stnblnlh ybur ditc`r

    iee`e nl. Iirbl cie tb t`jj f` tc` trutc.‖‚Uc`l wcy enel„t ybu iso f` iabut cnf2‖ N siy, mbldus`e.

    ‚A`mius` tc` qu`stnbls ir` bljy iabut ybu.‖ C`r `xpr`s-

    snbl ns ulr`ieiaj`, ulipprbimciaj`, ile tc`l Firn` spnls―c`r

    arines swnlhnlh―ile wijos aimo tb c`r bddnm`.

     Iirbl ile N ir` qun`t is w` h`t nltb tc` Mienjjim ile stirt

    tbwire fy cbus`, wc`r` Iirbl„s mir ns piro`e. Firn`„s wbres

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    14  ]uzill` ^bulh

    mjbh up fy fnle, ile N wble`r wcy fy ditc`r wbuje iee nl

    qu`stnbls iabut f`. Xcy c`„s mc`monlh up bl f`. N„f ijsb

    mblm`rl`e. Ijtcbuhc N enel„t jn`, N wisl„t mbfpj`t`jy cbl`st.

    Ene Firn` . . . ene sc` eb sbf`tcnlh endd`r`lt tcns tnf`2 If N  

    endd`r`lt tcns tnf`2

    ‚N„f sbrry,‖ Iirbl siys nl i qun`t vbnm` drbf tc` ernv`r„s

    s`it. C` eb`sl„t jbbo bv`r, aut c`„s riw―i jnttj` sc`jj-scbmo`e

    drbf cns e`arn`dnlh. ‚N enel„t wilt tb t`jj c`r.‖

    ‚Xcit ene sc` iso2‖C` swijjbws cire, tnhct`lnlh cns hrnp bl tc` st``rnlh wc``j.

    ‚X` w`lt tcrbuhc tc` `v`lts jno` usuij, aut it tc` `le sc`

    iso`e nd N lbtnm`e ilytcnlh bee wc`l N pnmo`e ybu up. N enel„t

    olbw wcit sc` f`ilt it dnrst, aut sc` iso`e nd N tcbuhct ybu

     w`r` hrbwnlh tbb ittimc`e tb tc` mjn`lts. N . . . N tbje c`r iabut

    tc` scnrt.‖ C` jbbos bv`r, cns eiro ̀ y`s fns`riaj`. ‚N enel„t f`il

    tb, Yunll.‖

    ‚Nt„s dnl`,‖ N t`jj cnf, fbstjy tb ijj`vnit` sbf` bd cns str`ss.

    ‚]c` wisl„t `v`l fie.‖

     Iirbl„s ̀ y`s lirrbw sjnhctjy a`dbr` c` turls aimo tb tc` rbie.

    ‚Ucit„s hbbe, N hu`ss.‖ C` pius`s. ‚Ene sc` iso iabut f`2‖‚Lbp`,‖ N siy. Cns fbutc djnlmc`s wntc i sfnj`, aut c`

    qunmojy strinhct`ls nt. Iirbl eb`sl„t wilt ilytcnlh tb f`ss up

    cns mbltrimt. Nl kust i d`w w``os c`„jj civ` cns jufp-suf piy-

    f`lt, `lbuhc tb stirt bv`r sbf`wc`r` `js`. C` cisl„t a``l i

    mjbs`r dbr l`irjy is jblh is N civ`, aut tc`l ihinl, fy ditc`r ns

    tc` c`ie bd tc` e`pirtf`lt, sb N„v` hbtt`l ebuaj` tc` pr`ssur`

    tb mbltnlu`. N„f k`ijbus tcit Iirbl wnjj a` hbl` sbbl, jnvnlh

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  18

    cns bwl jnd`. ]bf`tnf`s N wble`r nd N„jj `v`r civ` tcit, br nd fy

    ditc`r wnjj dnle i wiy tb o``p `xt`lenlh fy mbltrimt.

    Uc` typnmij mbltrimt ns dbr tcr`` y`irs„ tnf`, ijtcbuhc fily

    mjbs`rs snhl bl dbr i s`mble t`rf. Qir`jy a`yble tcit, tcbuhc.

    Nt„s lbt r`mbff`le`e, a`mius` tc` str`ss puts i mjbs`r it rnso

    dbr i wcbj` cbst bd prbaj`fs―jno` jbsnlh bl`s`jd mbfpj`t`jy.

    N„f bl fy dburtc mbltrimt. @v`l lbw, N mbujel„t siy wcnmc bd

    fy divbrnt` mcnjecbbe f`fbrn`s imtuijjy cipp`l`e tb f` . Uc`

    jnl`s ajur. Bmmisnblijjy, N jbbo tcrbuhc bje pcbtb ijaufs, auttc`r` ir` i d`w pnmtur`s tcit ebl„t dnt wntc fy f`fbrn`s, ile

    vnm` v`rsi.

    Bl` bd fy fbst mbldusnlh f`fbrn`s ns tcit bd fy

    fbtc`r―c`r scnly eiro cinr ile wne` sfnj`, `v`l is sc` jiy

    nl i cbspntij a`e, bavnbusjy snmo. N wbuje mriwj up tc` wcnt`

    sc``ts tb a` l`xt tb c`r, ile sc`„e r`ie f` i stbry, t`jj f` sc`

    jbv`e f`, ile onss fy cinr.

    Aut fy  fbtc`r cie ajble cinr ile aju` `y`s. ]c` wis e`jn-

    mit` ile pr`tty, ile tc`l sc` wis hbl`. ]c` en`e nl i mir immn-

    e`lt, ile N l`v`r siw c`r nl tc` cbspntij, l`v`r siw c`r idt`r

    tcit eiy. N mil dnle lb pnmtur`s bd tc` btc`r wbfil drbf fyf`fbry, ile wc`l N iso fy ditc`r, c` nlsnsts N fust a` r`f`f-

    a`rnlh il issnhlf`lt, `v`l tcbuhc c` mil„t pnlpbnlt `ximtjy

     wcnmc bl`.

    Ucit„s pirt bd fy prbaj`f―tc` jnv`s bd fy issnhlf`lts

    aj`le tbh`tc`r idt`r i wcnj`, aj`le wntc fnl`. Ucit ulm`r-

    tinlty ciults f` bl bmmisnbl, `sp`mnijjy wc`l N„f e``p nl fy

    rbj` pjiynlh ile jblhnlh dbr i mbll`mtnbl. Uc`l ihinl, tc`y ijj

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    13  ]uzill` ^bulh

    ciult f`, ijj tc` hnrjs N„v` pbrtriy`e, sb N try lbt tb ew`jj bl

    tc` r`ijnty tbb fumc.

    Fy fbst r`m`lt mbltrimt `xpnr`e wc`l N wis dndt``l, aut

    sbf`cbw fy ditc`r mblvnlm`e tc`f (ile f`) tb snhl ilbtc`r

    bl`. C`„s ijwiys jbhnmij, ile nt„s cire tb irhu` wntc cnf. Nt„s

    `v`l cire`r tb ensippbnlt cnf. Nl tc` `le N„jj h`t dbur tnf`s

    tc` fbl`y, pjus i ablus. C` siys N„jj a` iaj` tb piy dbr mbjj`h`

    butrnhct, a` iaj` tb auy i cbus`. C` t`jjs f` N„jj a` s`t dbr jnd`.

     Ijtcbuhc tcbs` tcnlhs sbule lnm` tb cnf, N tcnlo N„e ritc`r hbtb prbf br sbf`tcnlh drnvbjbus jno` tcit.

    Mbrvijjns stnjj cis twb bp`l cnhc smcbbjs, aut N ebl„t itt`le

    ilyfbr`. Mjbsur` o`pt f` iwiy tbb fumc. Bljnl` cnhc smcbbj

     kust eb`sl„t civ` tc` sif` erifi. Uc` anhh`st smileij N„v` s``l

     wis wc`l tc` s`rv`rs mrisc`e ile tc` t`imc`rs cie tb r`s`t bur

    pisswbres. E`imbl w`lt tb fy bje smcbbj ultnj c` erbpp`e

    but. N l`v`r ule`rstbbe wcy c` wilt`e tb qunt? N wbuje onjj tb

    hb aimo tb r`hujir cnhc smcbbj.

     Iirbl tio`s tc` `xnt dbr fy cbus`, ile N hrbil. N„f ilhry

    iabut fy ditc`r mc`monlh bl f`, ile N ebl„t wilt tb scbw up

    sb pnss`e bdd. ‚Xilt tb swnlh ay E`imbl„s2‖ N iso. Iirbl scio`scns c`ie.

    ‚Fyri„s wintnlh up dbr f`. N mil erbp ybu tc`r`, tcbuhc.‖

    ‚Xcit iabut ybur mir2‖ N iso.

    ‚N„jj piro tc` Mieey ile cbp nl fy rne` a`dbr` ybur eie

    mil `v`l jbbo but tc` wnlebw,‖ c` siys. ‚J`t cnf olbw tc`

    o`ys wnjj a` nl tc` vnsbr.‖

    N ihr``, ile s`ttj` aimo ihinlst tc` s`it wc`l Iirbl piss`s

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  1>

    tc` turl dbr fy cbus`. Fy ditc`r ns prbaiajy it tc` ontmc`l

    tiaj` wntc i mup bd mbdd`` sb c` wbl„t sj``p tcrbuhc fy irrnvij

    cbf`, aut N ebl„t fnle fionlh cnf wint i jnttj` jblh`r. Ucit„s

     wcit c` h`ts dbr spynlh bl f`. Lbw tcit tc` str`ss bd hbnlh

    cbf` piss`s, N r`ijnz` cbw nlmr`enajy tnr`e N if. Cbw erinl`e.

    Jno` fy sbuj ns w`irnlh tcnl.

  • 8/9/2019 The Remedy by Suzanne Young (Extended Excerpt)


    Mcipt`r Ucr``


    mjbs` tb tc` mbjj`h`. C` `xnt`e cns mbltrimt `nhct fbltcs ihb,

    aut c` stnjj hbt pine dbr cns dnrst tcr`` y`irs. C` h`ts lbtc-

    nlh dbr tc` `xtri y`ir c` put nl a`mius` c` arbo` tc` s`m-

    ble mbltrimt. C` `le`e up puttnlh tc` fbl`y ebwl bl i

    cbf`, wcnmc wis wiy fbr` r`spblsnaj` bd cnf tcil ily bd

    us `xp`mt`e. C` ijsb erbpp`e but bd cnhc smcbbj ile hbt cnsH@E nlst`ie. E`imbl„s pir`lts en`e wc`l c` wis i aiay, ile

    fy ditc`r dbule cnf nl dbst`r mir`. Il ilhry dburt``l-y`ir-

    bje aby wcb c` tcbuhct wbuje fio` i p`rd`mt mjbs`r. E`imbl

     wis hbbe, tbb―ijfbst is hbbe is f`. Cns mcirnsfi eriws

    p`bpj` nl, `v`l nd nt„s bljy i dimie`.

     Iirbl erbps f` bdd, stnjj qun`t`r tcil usuij. N olbw c`„s

    d``jnlh hunjty iabut turlnlh f` nl dbr tc` U-scnrt, aut N„f tbb

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  =9

    tnr`e tb mblvnlm` cnf N„f lbt fie iabut nt. N h`t but, siynlh N„jj

    mijj cnf tbfbrrbw, ile tc`l witmc is c` ernv`s iwiy.

     I c`ieimc` cis stirt`e, ile N rua fy `y`s wntc tc` c``js bd

    fy pijfs ile tc`l mjnfa tc` drblt pbrmc bd E`imbl„s cbus`.

    N olbmo, fy aimopimo w`nhcnlh f` ebwl. N sjne` nt bltb bl`

    scbuje`r. Ijtcbuhc N„v` bljy a``l hbl` i w``o`le, N d``j jno` N

    civ`l„t s``l E`imbl nl fbltcs.

    Nt„s i w`nre sne` `dd`mt bd r`turlnlh; Nt„s jno` N„f il imtbr nl

    fy bwl jnd`. Jno` N„f lbt tc` r`ij bl`. Nt tio`s iabut tw`lty-dbur cburs tb a`mbf` f` ihinl.

    Uc` ebbr pirtjy bp`ls, ile E`imbl r`sts cns cnp bl tc`

    drif` ile jbbos f` up ile ebwl is nd c` cis lb ne`i wcb N if.

    C`„s w`irnlh hriy sw`itpilts wntc MBQTIJJN] PLNBL CNHC ]MCBBJ

    prnlt`e up tc` j`h, cns cinr ijj iso`w. C`„s scnrtj`ss, wc`tc`r dbr

    `dd`mt br dbr mbfdbrt N„f lbt sur`.

    ‚N wble`r`e nd ybu w`r` mbfnlh ay,‖ c` siys dnlijjy, pusc-

    nlh bp`l tc` ebbr wne`r tb nlvnt` f` nl. N tbumc cns dbr`irf

    nl tcilos is N piss ile erbp fy aimopimo it tc` abttbf bd tc`


    ‚N ebl„t wilt tb hb cbf` y`t,‖ N siy, turlnlh tb cnf. ‚Fyditc`r„s a`nlh i enmo.‖

    ‚N„f sb surprns`e,‖ c` r`spbles `isnjy.

    Dbr tc` dnrst tnf` snlm` j`ivnlh Firn`, N„f bv`rwc`jf`e ay

    i fnxtur` bd ilh`r ile siel`ss. Uc` jbl`jnl`ss cnts, tc` jbss. N

    fnss tc` wiy Fr. ile Frs. Wnllimj` wbuje ebt` bl f` ile mijj

    f` tc`nr jnttj` hnrj. N fnss cbw aiejy tc`y wilt`e tb o``p f`.

    Br fiya` N kust fnss a`nlh pirt bd i r`hujir difnjy.

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    =1  ]uzill` ^bulh

    E`spnt` `v`rytcnlh E`imbl ile N civ` a``l tcrbuhc, w`

    stnjj civ` i tbtij cbl`sty pbjnmy, fbst bd nt ulspbo`l. Xntcbut

    i wbre c` cbjes bp`l cns irfs, ile N st`p nl tb cnf, r`st fy

    mc``o bl cns mc`st. Cns dnlh`rs sjne` bv`r fy irf, strbonlh fy

    sonl ile scbwnlh f` idd`mtnbl tb c`jp `is` fy imc`. Idt`r i

    jblh fbf`lt, tc` mbfdbrt s`ts, ile N pujj iwiy.

    ‚Ucilos,‖ N siy, st`ppnlh aimo. E`imbl scruhs jno` nt„s lb

    anh e`ij, ile N arusc fy cinr but bd fy dim`. ‚Fnle nd N mrisc

    dbr i ant2‖ N iso cnf.C` sfnj`s wryjy. ‚A`e br mbumc2‖

    N jiuhc, ile nl ilsw`r N wijo nltb tc` jnvnlh rbbf ile pujj

    tc` ajilo`t bdd tc` aimo bd tc` mbumc tb spr`ie nt bv`r tc` musc-

    nbls. E`imbl mbf`s nl ile erbps nltb tc` mcinr l`xt tb f`,

     witmcnlh is N jn` ebwl ile h`t s`ttj̀ e.

    ‚Ir` ybu culhry2‖ c` isos. ‚N mil fio` ybu sbf`tcnlh.‖

    ‚Lb,‖ N siy, tumonlh fy cile ule`r fy mc``o. Ucns d``jnlh

    bd iaileblf`lt, N ebl„t tcnlo nt cipp`ls tb btc`r mjbs`rs―nt

    enel„t cipp`l tb E`imbl. Aut dbr f` nt„s h`ttnlh cire`r `imc

    tnf`. Ucit„s wcy N sbf`tnf`s mbf` c`r` a`dbr` hbnlh cbf`―

    `v`l wc`l N ebl„t pjil tb. N„f idrine dbr fy ditc`r tb s`` f`jno` tcns. N„f idrine bd wcit c`„jj eb nd c` eb`s.

    E`imbl fbv`s tb snt bl tc` djbbr l`xt tb tc` mbumc, ile

    jiys cns c`ie bl tc` muscnbl l`xt tb fnl`. ‚^bu„v` stnjj hbt r`e

    cinr,‖ c` wcnsp`rs. ‚N jno` nt.‖

    ‚N„f wiscnlh nt but tc` fnlut` N h`t cbf`,‖ N siy, stirnlh

    aimo nltb cns wirf arbwl `y`s. C` sfnj`s.

    ‚^bu„r` rnhct. N cit` nt,‖ c` ihr``s. ‚^bu jbbo a`tt`r is i

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  ==

    ajble`.‖ N sfnj`, murjnlh up ile fbvnlh mjbs`r. ‚Iirbl t`xt`e

    f` `irjn`r,‖ c` siys. ‚Ubje f` ybu jndt`e i U-scnrt drbf tc`


    Eifl nt, Iirbl. ‚Nt wisl„t jno` tcit.‖

    ‚Xbujel„t mir` nd nt wis,‖ E`imbl siys. ‚N wis kust wble`r-

    nlh iabut tc` U-scnrt. Aile2‖

    N jiuhc. ‚^`ic. Qbjjnlh ]tbl`s. Bl` wntc tc` anh tblhu`.‖


     X`„r` qun`t dbr i jnttj` ant ile fy `y`s stirt tb h`t c`ivy,`v`l tcbuhc fy fnle wbl„t stbp rimnlh. E`imbl r`imc`s bv`r

    tb sjne` i strile bd cinr a`cnle fy `ir. ‚Ijtcbuhc `dd`mtnv`,‖ c`

    siys qun`tjy, ‚ybur f`tcbe bd mjbsnlh nsl„t hbbe dbr ybu, Yunll.

      b̂u scbujel„t tio` nt ijj bl jno` tcit.‖

    ‚N olbw,‖ N t`jj cnf. ‚Aut wcit mil N siy2 ]bf`tnf`s fy

    c`irt stnjj a`its.‖

    C` sfnj`s. ‚Uc`l nt„s i hbbe tcnlh N rnpp`e fnl` but. Nt wis

    i pinl nl tc` iss. Fumc jno` ybu. A` rnhct aimo.‖ C` stiles ile

    j`iv`s tc` rbbf. N c`ir cnf fbvnlh irbule nl tc` ontmc`l, ile

    tc`l c` r`turls wntc i hjiss bd wit`r. C` cbjes but tc` ernlo

    ile i tnly wcnt` pnjj tcit c` siys wnjj c`jp f` sj``p. N snt up iletio` abtc ippr`mnitnv`jy.

    ‚^bu scbuje tcnlo iabut mcilhnlh ybur f`tcbes,‖ c` mbl-

    tnlu`s wc`l N jn` aimo ebwl. ‚Nd lbt dbr ybu, tc`l fiya` dbr

    fy p`im` bd fnle.‖ C` mbv`rs f` wntc tc` ajilo`t ile onss`s

    fy dbr`c`ie. ‚^`jj nd ybu l``e f`, boiy2 Plj`ss ybu wilt f`

    tb stiy.‖

    ‚Lb, ybu h`t sbf` sj``p,‖ N t`jj cnf. X` pius` dbr i jblh

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    =5  ]uzill` ^bulh

    fbf`lt is c` e`mne`s wc`tc`r br lbt N f`il nt. N sfnj` sbdtjy.

    ‚^bu„r` i hbbe drn`le,‖ N furfur.

    Ucns fio`s cnf mcumoj` a`mius` nt„s bur l`w hb-tb pcris`

     wc`l`v`r ̀ ntc`r bd us cis tc` nlmjnlitnbl tb ensmuss tc` pbssnanj-

    nty bd cbbonlh up. O``ps us hrbule`e. ‚Nt„s tbb aie, rnhct2‖ c`

    isos, strinhct`lnlh up. ‚A`t nt„s c`jj jbbonlh it tcns dim` ijj tc`

    tnf`.‖ C` fbe`js cns kiwjnl`, lirrbwnlh cns `y`s.

    ‚N mil air`jy r`strinl fys`jd fbst eiys,‖ N siy. ‚Aut, jumonjy,

    ybu tijo. Ile tc` sp`jj ns arbo`l.‖‚Isscbj`,‖ c` siys wntc i jiuhc. X` siy hbbe lnhct, ile tc`l

    E`imbl hb`s upstinrs. N jnst`l tb tc` mr`ionlh djbbrabires iabv`

    f` is c` wijos imrbss cns rbbf, snj`lm` wc`l c` h`ts nltb a`e.

    ]bf` eiys N r`ijjy eb wnsc nt wbuje civ` wbro`e but wntc

    us―tnf`s jno` lbw, wc`l N„f ijj ijbl`. N mbuje jn` tb fys`jd―

    sjnp nltb cns a`e tblnhct ile pr`t`le w`„r` endd`r`lt. Aut nl tc`

    fbrlnlh E`imbl wbuje a` mbje, imt jno` nt wis i fnstio`. N„e

    ritc`r lbt t`ir bp`l tcit bje wbule. X`„r` a`tt`r bdd tcns wiy,

     kust jno` N tbje Iirbl.

    N mjbs` fy `y`s, ile nl tc` qun`t N tcnlo iabut fy dutur`;

    snx fbr` fbltcs bd pr`t`lenlh a`dbr` N mil jnv` fy jnd` dujj-tnf`. Aut `v`l tc`l, N civ` tb wble`r nd ilybl` wnjj `v`r wilt

    f`, jbv` f`―tc` r`ij f`. Br nd tc`y„jj bljy `v`r wilt f` is

    sbf`bl` `js`.

    ‚Yunljil,‖ E`imbl siys drbf sbf`wc`r` mjbs` ay. ‚Yunll―

    ybur eie„s c`r`.‖

    Fy `y`s djy bp`l, ile nt tio`s f` i fnlut` tb r`mbhlnz`

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  =0

    fy surrbulenlhs. Uc` rbbf ns enf, aut jnhcts drbf i mir nl tc`

    ernv`wiy dnjt`r nl drbf a`cnle tc` ajnles. N snt up ile str`tmc.

     Xc`l N enel„t mbf` cbf`, N„f sur` fy eie ol`w ̀ ximtjy wc`r`

    tb dnle f`. E`imbl m`rtinljy wbujel„t civ` tbje cnf. Fy eie

    onle bd cit`s cnf, ile tc` d``jnlh ns `ltnr`jy futuij.

    Boiy, ‚cit`‖ ns tbb strblh i wbre dbr tc`nr r`jitnblscnp.

     Xc`l E`imbl wis ybulh`r, fy eie c`je cnf up is tc` ̀ xifpj`

    dbr ijj bd us. Aut tbwire tc` `le, E`imbl a`mif` e`dnilt, ile

    `le`e up sp`lenlh ijfbst `v`ry r`turl nl tc`ripy. Fy ditc`rtcbuhct c` wis a`mbfnlh i jnianjnty, ile tc`l abbf―E`imbl

    cie i f``tnlh ile wis but bd cns mbltrimt `irjy, i dimt N enel„t

    j`irl ultnj idt`r w` arbo` up. Fy ditc`r iso`e f` tb stbp cilh-

    nlh but wntc cnf, aut l`ntc`r E`imbl lbr N jno`e tcit ne`i.

    ‚Ene c` mbf` tb tc` ebbr2‖ N iso, stilenlh ile dbjenlh tc`

    ajilo`t tb jiy nt bv`r tc` aimo bd tc` sbdi.

    ‚Lb,‖ E`imbl r`spbles. ‚Aut c` mijj`e fy pcbl` i d`w

    tnf`s ile tc`l scbw`e up. C` a``p`e tc` cbrl, wcnmc N„f sur`

    fy l`nhcabrs jbv`e.‖

    ‚^bu w`r` ijwiys cns divbrnt`.‖

    E`imbl slbrts i jiuhc ile tc`l j`iv`s tb hria fy aimo-pimo drbf tc` abttbf bd tc` stinrs. N sjnp bl fy scb`s, r`iey-

    nlh fys`jd dbr il `xpjilitnbl. Ijtcbuhc N„v` mbf` tb E`imbl„s

    upbl r`turl a`dbr`, tblnhct wis jit`r tcil usuij. Nt„s prbaiajy

    twb nl tc` fbrlnlh. Uc`r`„s i sjnhct twnlh` bd hunjt is N tcnlo

    iabut fy ditc`r wbrrynlh. N fiy a` ilhry tcit c` wis mc`monlh

    up bl f`, aut N enel„t f`il tb curt cnf. C`„s fy eie. N jbv`

    cnf e`spnt` cns ditc`rjy nlstnlmts.

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    =4  ]uzill` ^bulh

    N wijo tb tc` drblt, fy c`ie stnjj dbhhy drbf tc` sj``pnlh

    pnjj, ile E`imbl sjne`s fy aimopimo bv`r fy scbuje`rs, cuh-

    hnlh f` blm` drbf a`cnle. ‚Mijj f` tbfbrrbw,‖ c` siys a`dbr`

    bp`lnlh tc` ebbr. ‚U`jj Eie N sine cn.‖

    ‚Lnhct,‖ N siy, ile tcilo cnf a`dbr` wijonlh but tc` ebbr.

     Xc`l N h`t bl tc` drblt pbrmc, N cbje up fy pijf tb e`dj`mt

    tc` jnhct drbf tc` mir. Fy eie swntmc`s tb tc` brilh` hjbw bd tc`

    pironlh jnhcts ile N stirt tbwire cnf. N mil kust fio` but cns snj-

    cbu`tt` a`cnle tc` wc``j. N fnhct a` nfihnlnlh nt, aut cns pbstur`jbbos pnss`e.

    N civ` tb r`fnle fys`jd tcit N„f tc` wrblh`e pirty c`r`―

    c` wis spynlh bl f`. Aut ay tc` tnf` N h`t tb tc` mir, fy

    r`sbjv` cis die`e ile N ipbjbhnz` tc` fnlut` N mjnfa nltb tc`

    piss`lh`r s`it.

    ‚N d`jj isj``p,‖ N t`jj cnf. ‚N enel„t f`il tb stiy tcns jit`.‖

    ‚N ebl„t tcnlo N wilt tc` e`tinjs, Yunll,‖ c` siys scbrtjy,

    ile djnmos bl cns jnhcts. ‚Lbt tb f`ltnbl ybur pirtl`r j`dt i

    aulmc bd trinj fnx nl fy mir.‖

    N slbrt i jiuhc, aut qunmojy mbv`r fy fbutc wc`l fy

    ditc`r hjir`s it f`. C` puts cns irf irbule fy c`ier`st ileturls tb aimo us but bd tc` ernv`wiy. C` muts tc` wc``j cire

    a`dbr` spnllnlh irbule ile k`ttnlh dbrwire, squ`ijnlh tc` tnr`s

    bd tc` mir. ^̀ ic, N„e siy c`„s i jnttj` pnss`e. Ile nt cis lbtcnlh tb

    eb wntc Iirbl„s jimo bd mblsne`ritnbl.

    C` eb`sl„t sp`io ihinl rnhct iwiy, aut N witmc cnf, wint-

    nlh dbr tc` j`mtur`. Cns pbwe`r-aju` sw`it`r ns wrnloj`e jno` c`

    pujj`e nt bl is il idt`rtcbuhct wcnj` stbrfnlh but tc` ebbr. N

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  =8

     wble`r nd c „̀s stnjj w`irnlh i pikifi tbp ule`rl`itc. Cns tcnl-

    lnlh cinr ns kust tc` sif`, ile cns wnr` hjiss`s mitmc tc` hjbw bd

    tc` str``tjnhcts is w` piss ule`r tc`f. Cns tnhct ̀ xpr`ssnbl ile

    dbrm`e snj`lm` hnv` iwiy cns fbbe.

    ‚N ipbjbhnz`e,‖ N siy idt`r ilbtc`r ihblnznlh fbf`lt bd

    qun`t. ‚Ns tc`r` sbf`tcnlh ybu„e jno` tb siy tb f`, Ditc`r2‖

    C` hjilm`s bv`r, jbbonlh illby`e tcit N„e `v`l kbo` irbule.

    N jndt fy `y`arbw, j`ttnlh cnf olbw N„f a`nlh `ltnr`jy s`rnbus―

     w`jj, `xm`pt dbr tc` Ditc`r  ant.‚^`s,‖ c` siys, turlnlh iwiy. ‚]tbp cilhnlh but wntc E`imbl.‖

    ‚Lb e`ij,‖ N siy, sjippnlh fy pijf bl tc` eiscabire jno`

    N„f i hif` scbw mblt`stilt. C` eb`sl„t jiuhc, aut tc` mbrl`r bd

    cns fbutc eb`s cntmc up a`dbr` c` purpbs`dujjy strinhct`ls nt. N

    pius`, tc` a`triyij stirtnlh tb tcnmo`l nl fy v`nls.

    ‚^bu eb bw` f` il ipbjbhy,‖ N siy fbr` qun`tjy, ile j`il

    aimo nl tc` s`it, turlnlh tb jbbo but tc` wnlebw. ‚Dbr spynlh

    bl f`.‖

    C` eb`sl„t e`ly nt nff`enit`jy, ile il imc` e`v`jbps nl

    fy mc`st, spnrijnlh ebwl tb bp`l i cbj` nl fy hut. N mj`lmc fy

    t``tc ile wint dbr il `xpjilitnbl.‚N„f prbt`mtnlh ybu,‖ c` iefnts. ‚ b̂u„v` stbpp`e tijonlh tb

    f` iabut tc` issnhlf`lts? N l``e`e ilbtc`r sid`huire.‖

    ‚^bu mbuje iso,‖ N siy. ‚ b̂u mbuje kust iso, Eie.‖

    C` `xcij`s, ile jbbos bv`r. ‚^bu„r` rnhct. N„f sbrry. N„jj j`t

    Firn` olbw sc` mil stbp tc` qu`stnbls. N wis kust . . . wbrrn`e.‖

    ‚X`jj, N„f cbf` lbw. ]b ybu mil put ybur mip` aimo nl tc`

    eriw`r.‖ C` mcumoj`s, ile tc` fbbe nl tc` mir wirfs. ‚Ile

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    =3  ]uzill` ^bulh

    ybu ebl„t civ` tb a` sb f`il tb E`imbl,‖ N t`jj cnf. ‚C`„s lbt

    i t`rrnaj` nldju`lm`. I aie bl`, sur`. Aut lbt t`rrnaj`.‖

    C` hjilm`s it tc` tnf` jnt up bl tc` eisc. ‚Nt„s twb dbrty-

    s`v`l nl tc` fbrlnlh, Yunll. Wj`is` ebl„t hnv` f` nlenh`stnbl

    a`dbr` a`e.‖

    ‚Hrbss.‖ X` abtc jiuhc, bur dnhct `le`e. Ay tc` tnf` w`

    h`t cbf`, idt`r il bajnhitbry rne` tcrbuhc tc` ernv`-tcrbuhc,

     w`„r` kbonlh iabut Iirbl„s dimnij cinr ile cbw fy ditc`r scbuje

    s`le cnf il bddnmnij j`tt`r tb m`is` ile e`snst nts hrbwtc a`dbr`tc` l`xt issnhlf`lt.

    Uc` drblt pbrmc jnhct ns ajiznlh, tc` soy iabv` us i fnelnhct

    aju` a`mius` bd tc` bv`rmist soy. N civ` i fbf`lt bd issnfnji-

    tnbl is N pius` nl fy dby`r―tc` ̀ ltnr` jiybut p`rd`mtjy pjill`e

    dbr r``ltry nltb fy jnd`. Uc`r` ir` pnmtur`s bd f` hrbwnlh up,

    aiay ajble arines ile i hip-tbbtc`e sfnj`. Fy fbtc`r, wcb N

    mil„t r`f`fa`r, ajbws but anrtceiy milej`s l`xt tb f`. Uc`r`„s

    i mbit cilhnlh bl tc` rimo iabv` tc` scb` a`lmc. Nt„s eiro aju`

     wntc djill`j trnf, culh tc`r` y`ir-rbule `v`l tcbuhc N civ`l„t

     wbrl nt nl y`irs. Nt„s ijwiys tc`r` tb hrbule f`. Fnrrbrs bl

    abtc sne`s bd tc` rbbf sb N mil mc`mo fy r`dj`mtnbl. N wijotbwire tc` ontmc`l tcrbuhc i tull`j bd Yunljil FmO``s.

    N onmo bdd fy scb`s ile tc`l st`p bv`r tc`f, c`irnlh

    fy ditc`r tso is c` j`ils ebwl tb pnmo tc`f up a`cnle f`.

    Lbw tcit N„f cbf`, N mil„t wint tb h`t aimo tb bur abrnlh bje

    rbutnl`s―tc` onle tcit r`fnle f` tcit N„f r`ij. Ucr`` lnhcts

    nl i rbw bd e`jnv`ry pnzzi. Aie fie`-dbr-UT fbvn`s tbh`tc`r bl

    i ]itureiy lnhct. Uc` ensmussnbls bd wc`r` tb hb bl tc` difnjy

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  =>

    vimitnbl w` l`v`r civ` tnf` tb tio`. Ucbs` ir` tc` tcnlhs N

    fnss wc`l N„f hbl`―tc` fuleil`. Uc` bljy tnf` w` abtc

    dbrh`t tcit N„f i mjbs`r. N tbss fy mrufpj`e wcnt` tio`but aih

    bl tc` ontmc`l tiaj` ile snt ebwl, riv`lbusjy culhry. N„f bljy

    bl` ant` nltb fy aurrntb wc`l N lbtnm` tc` mup bd mbdd``, cijd

    erulo, imrbss drbf f` it fy ditc`r„s s`it. Uc` mjbs`e dnj` wntc

    i p`l l`xt tb nt. Fy stbfimc snlos.

    N spnl irbule kust is fy ditc`r ̀ lt`rs tc` rbbf. Cns ̀ xpr`s-

    snbl ns sbj`fl ile c` sjnps cns ciles nltb cns pbmo`ts. N„f mbf-pj`t`jy stull`e. Ucns ns wcy c` wilt`e f` cbf` sb qunmojy.

    ‚Lb,‖ N siy, ensa`jn`vnlh. ‚N mil„t hb. Nt„s tbb sbbl.‖

    C` lbes nl ihr``f`lt, aut tc`r`„s lb mcilh` nl cns r`sbjv`.

    ‚N„f sbrry, aut tc`y l``e ybu,‖ c` r`spbles. ‚^bu j`iv` tc` eiy

    idt`r tbfbrrbw.‖

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    Mcipt`r Dbur


     Irtcur Wrntmcire aunjt bl tc` ne`i bd rbj` pjiynlh nl triufi

    mbuls`jnlh ay `fa`eenlh tc`ripnsts nl p`bpj`„s jnv`s. C` dnh-

    ur`e but tcit hrn`d sbf`tnf`s j`e tb e`pr`ssnbl ile tcbuhct

    tcit nd c` mbuje `rienmit` bl`, c` mbuje j`ss`l tc` btc`r. Xbro-

    nlh ule`r Er. Wrntmcire, fy ditc`r us`e tc` nlntnij tc`brn`s ile

    `xpile`e bl tc` r`s`irmc. Mjbs`rs w`r` `stiajnsc`e ile sbje isi r`f`ey dbr tc` arbo`lc`irt`e, tc` mur` dbr hrn`d. Bd mburs`,

    hrn`d nsl„t muriaj` , aut nt mil a` tr`it`e. Mbltrbjj`e. @v`ltuijjy,

    fy ditc`r ile Firn`, wcb wis cns issnstilt, tbbo bv`r tc` hrn`d

    e`pirtf`lt `ltnr`jy, s`jjnlh tc`nr s`rvnm`s tb tcbs` wcb mbuje

    iddbre tc` p`im` bd fnle. Fy eie s`t up sid`huires tb prbt`mt

    tc` mjbs`rs, tb prbt`mt f`. Ile bl` bd tc` strnmt`st ruj`s bd ijj ns

    tcit mjbs`rs l`v`r civ` aimo-tb-aimo issnhlf`lts.

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  59

     Xc`l tc` e`pirtf`lt wis dnrst mr`it`e, mjbs`rs w`r` pine

    p`r issnhlf`lt ritc`r tcil bl mbltrimt. Is i r`sujt, fily

    tbbo bl fujtnpj` rbj`s tb fio` `xtri misc. Aut tc`l Ij`xile`r

    O`jj cipp`l`e. C` j`ip`e bdd tc` dndtc-djbbr rbbd bd tc` cbs-

    pntij wc`r` cns fbtc`r wbro`e. C`„e r`m`ltjy dnlnsc`e tcr``

    jblh-t`rf kbas aimo-tb-aimo, ile cns ievnsbr cie stumo cnf nl

    tc`ripy nle`dnlnt`jy tb mbltrbj cns `rritnm a`civnbr. Kust a`dbr`

    c` kufp`e, Ij`xile`r tbje cns fbtc`r c`„e ritc`r a` e`ie tcil

    stirt bv`r ihinl.Uc` l`xt fbltc, D`jnmni Qbss ensipp`ir`e drbf c`r ebrf

    rbbf wcnj` bl issnhlf`lt it mbjj`h`. ]c` wis pjiynlh tc` pirt

    bd il nlmbfnlh dr`scfil―tc` pir`lts wiltnlh c`r tb itt`le

    tc` dnrst eiy bd smcbbj snlm` tc`nr r`ij eiuhct`r l`v`r hbt tc`

    mcilm`. D`jnmni cie bljy a``l cbf` drbf c`r jist issnhlf`lt

    dbr i w``o wc`l fy ditc`r bdd`r`e c`r tcns bl`. ]c` wis hbl`

    dbur eiys jit`r, ile lb bl` cis c`ire drbf c`r snlm`.

     Is fbr̀ ile fbr̀ mjbs`rs ril bdd, tc` `dd`mt wis e`vistit-

    nlh tb abtc fy ditc`r ile tc` btc`rs nl tc` hrn`d e`pirtf`lt.

    Mbltrimts wntc strnmt hune`jnl`s w`r` mr`it`e tb o``p mjbs`rs drbf

    bv`r wbronlh. Ucbs` ruj`s w`r` ̀ stiajnsc`e dbr bur w`jj-a ǹlh, ileN mil„t nfihnl` wcy fy ditc`r wbuje wilt tb ar`io tc`f lbw.

    N erbp fy aurrntb bl nts wripp`r, fy ipp`tnt` tcbrbuhcjy

    stbfp`e but. C` wbujel„t iso tcns bd f` nd nt wisl„t nfpbr-

    tilt, aut N„f stnjj kirr`e ay tc` r`qu`st. It tc` sif` tnf`, tc`

    mjbs`r pirt bd f` ns murnbus. N„v` a``l bl tbb fily issnhlf`lts

    tb mbult, aut N„v` rir`jy a``l s`lt but nl tc` sif` fbltc, j`t

    ijbl` tc` sif` w``o. Xcy lbw2 Xcy c`r2

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    51  ]uzill` ^bulh

    Fy ditc`r snts imrbss drbf f` it tc` tiaj` ile sjne`s tc`

    dnj` nl fy enr`mtnbl. C` tio`s i swnh bd cns mbje mbdd`` wntcbut

     wnlmnlh. N erih tc` dbje`r nl drblt bd f` ile smil tc` lif`

    bl tc` tia.


    N bp`l tc` mbv`r ile djnp tc` pcbtb rnhct sne` up tb stuey

    fy l`w issnhlf`lt. N„f nff`enit`jy strumo ay c`r `y`s―i

    e``p eiro arbwl wntc dijs` jisc`s ile wnlh`e `y`jnl`r. Uc`y

    spiroj`, aut tc`y„r` ijsb tcbuhctduj ile nlt`r`stnlh. N„jj civ` tb w`ir mbjbr`e mbltimts ihinl tb cne` fy aju` `y`s.

    ‚]c` en`e i jnttj` bv`r i w``o ihb,‖ fy ditc`r siys, r`imcnlh

    tb tio` i pih` drbf tc` dnj` ile s`ttnlh nt nl drblt bd f`. Nt„s

    i e`itc m`rtndnmit`. N smil nt ile dnle tc` nff`enit` mius` bd

    e`itc jnst`e is ‚ule`t`rfnl`e.‖ N„v` l`v`r s``l tc` e`itc m`rtn-

    dnmit` a`dbr`? tc`y„r` lbt usuijjy nl tc` dnj`. Ijr`iey N mil t`jj

    Mitijnli„s endd`r`lt―tc`r` ir` fbr` tc`ripy lbt`s drbf ebmtbrs

     wcb civ` stuen`e c`r mis`. N hjilm` up it fy ditc`r, aut c`„s

    s`irmcnlh tcrbuhc tc` dnj` dbr ilbtc`r pnmtur`.

    ‚Uc`s` ir` Mitijnli„s pir`lts,‖ c` mbltnlu`s, tippnlh tc`

    pcbtb bd i typnmij suaurail mbupj`. ‚Uc`y„r` lbt mbpnlh w`jj,‖fy ditc`r siys. ‚N„v` a``l tr`itnlh tc`f fys`jd, aut tcns ns bl`

    bd tc` tbuhc`st mis`s N„v` `v`r cie. Uc`y„v` fie` tc`fs`jv`s

    snmo bv`r nt, ile tc`y l``e mjbsur`.‖ C` tio`s bdd cns hjiss`s

    tb pnlmc cns dnlh`rs imrbss tc` arneh` bd cns lbs`. C` jbbos

    `xciust`e. N hjilm` ebwl it tc` pnmtur`.

    Uc` fbf ipp`irs tb a` nl c`r tcnrtn`s, scbrt cinr ile sbdt

    d`itur`s. ]c` s``fs sw``t, jno` tc` onle bd fbtc`r wcb pimos

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  5=

    julmc aihs wntc lbt`s tcit siy N JBT@ ^BP. Uc` ditc`r ns anh ile

    stbmoy, i t`eey-a`ir typ` wntc i auscy fustimc` ile hriynlh

    arbwl cinr. Uc`y„r` abtc jbv`jy, ile N„f nff`enit`jy sbrry tcit

    tc`y„v` jbst tc`nr eiuhct`r. N„f sur` tc`y jbv`e c`r i jbt.

    ‚Cbw ene sc` en`2‖ N iso qun`tjy, djnppnlh aimo tb tc` pnm-

    tur` bd Mitijnli. Fy ditc`r s``fs tio`l iaimo ay tc` qu`s-

    tnbl. Ijtcbuhc N usuijjy olbw cbw tc` issnhlf`lts en`e (mir

    immne`lt, dbr nlstilm`), nt„s fbrane ile ensr`sp`mtduj tb iso dbr

    e`tinjs. Ile nt fio`s pjiynlh tc`f tcit fumc fbr` enddnmujt.Ub a` c`r, N civ` tb nfihnl` c`r ijnv`. Ijnv` ile ar`itcnlh wntc

    tcbuhcts ile e`snr`s ile hbijs. Btc`rwns` N„f kust ilbtc`r


    ‚X`„r` stnjj wintnlh dbr tc` iutbpsy r`sujts,‖ fy ditc`r siys.

    C` pujjs but ilbtc`r pnmtur`, ile N d``j tc` w`nhct bd cns stir`.

    ‚Ucns ns iabut fbr` tcil Mitijnli„s difnjy, tcbuhc,‖ c` siys,

    slippnlh tc` mbrl`r bd i pcbtb is c` jiys nt nl drblt bd f`.

    N nff`enit`jy turl tb cnf, mbldus`e ile ijirf`e. ‚Ucns ns

    Mitijnli„s abydrn`le,‖ c` siys. ‚C`„s pirt bd tc` mjbsur`.‖

    ‚Xcit2‖ N iso, jbbonlh aimo it tc` pnmtur`. Mjbsur` ns typn-

    mijjy dbr difnjy bljy. Ucns huy . . . N stuey cnf, lbtnmnlh tc` wiyc` snts l`xt tb Mitijnli bl i a`lmc, cbw c` stir`s it tc` sne` bd

    c`r dim`, cns ̀ xpr`ssnbl i pbrtrint bd iefnritnbl. Mitijnli sfnj`s

    dbr tc` mif`ri, aut c`r abydrn`le s``fs utt`rjy mblsuf`e ay

    c`r. Uc`r`„s i sfijj twnlh` bd jblhnlh, ile N pusc tc` pcbtb

    isne` ile turl tb fy eie.

    ‚N mil„t eb tcit,‖ N siy. ‚Wir`lts ile snajnlhs ir` cire

    `lbuhc. C`jj, N ebl„t `v`l nlt`rimt wntc tc`nr drn`les. Ile tcns

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    55  ]uzill` ^bulh

    huy jbv`e c`r. Jbbo cbw c`„s witmcnlh c`r,‖ N t`jj cnf, pbnltnlh

    tb tc` abydrn`le„s dim`. ‚Xcit nd c` trn`s tb onss f` br sbf`-

    tcnlh2 Cbw if N suppbs`e tb cilej` tcit2‖

    ‚Uc` sif` wiy ybu e`dus` ily sntuitnbl,‖ fy ditc`r siys

    s`rnbusjy. ‚^bu r`enr`mt, ybu r`iss`rt tc` r`jitnblscnp `lenlh

    tc`y r`qunr`, ile nd tcit dinjs, ybu mbltimt Firn` dbr durtc`r


    ‚I abydrn`le,‖ N r`p`it nlmr`eujbusjy, hjilmnlh ebwl it

    cnf. ‚Xcit„s cns lif`2‖‚Nsiim W`r`z.‖

    Uc`r` ir` ijj sbrts bd mbfp`tnlh `fbtnbls nl fy c`irt, tc`

    finl bl` a`nlh d`ir. Is i mjbs`r, N„v` bmmisnblijjy cie tb e`ij

     wntc bv`rittimc`e pir`lts. Boiy, N„v` bdt`l  cie tb e`ij wntc

    bv`rittimc`e pir`lts. Aut tcns wbuje a` endd`r`lt. Ucns ns i

    p``r, i abydrn`le, i huy wcb„s prbaiajy fie` but wntc Mitijnli

    i culer`e tnf`s, scir`e s`mr`ts wntc c`r. Wir`lts ujtnfit`jy

    olbw tc` endd`r`lm` a`tw``l f` ile tc`nr eiuhct`r, tc`nr dj`sc

    ile ajbbe. Iee cbrfbl`s tb tc` fnx, ile N„f lbt `ltnr`jy mbl-

    dne`lt nl tc` butmbf` bd tcns mjbsur`.

    ‚Eie, N ebl„t tcnlo―‖‚C`„s r`dusnlh tc`ripy,‖ fy ditc`r siys qun`tjy. I qunmo

    mcnjj scbbts up fy irfs, cbjjbws but fy mc`st. Is sbf`bl`

     wcb cit`s tijonlh, N mil ule`rstile tc` iv`rsnbl―aut r`dusnlh

    tc`ripy ns nlsil`.

    ‚Q`dusnlh2‖ N iso, kust tb fio` sur` N„f mj`ir bl tc` stio`s.

    Fy ditc`r lbes.

    Nd Nsiim r`dus`s tc`ripy aut mbltnlu`s tb e`mjnl`, tc`y wnjj

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  50

    iefnt cnf tb tc` psymcnitrnm wire bd tc` cbspntij. Nt„s wcit tc`y

    eb dbr p`bpj` it rnso―p`bpj` r`dusnlh c`jp―ais`e bl tc` l`w

    mbe`s `stiajnsc`e dbr f`ltij c`ijtc stianjnty. Ucns aby wnjj a`

    mbffntt`e, ile lb bl` olbws cbw jblh nt wnjj a` a`dbr` c`„s

    j`t but ihinl. N tcnlo bd cns iefnrnlh `xpr`ssnbl ile cit` tc`

    ne`i bd cnf a`nlh jbmo`e iwiy.

    ‚Nsiim ns bljy pirt bd tc` issnhlf`lt,‖ fy ditc`r siys, dbje-

    nlh cns ciles bl tc` tiaj` nl drblt bd cnf. ‚Uc` pir`lts ir`

    bur finl mblm`rl dbr lbw. Uc`y civ` ilbtc`r mcnje, aut sc`„smbfpj`t`e tc`ripy ile imcn`v`e summ`ss. ]c` eb`sl„t wilt tb a`

    i pirt bd tc` c`ijnlh prbm`ss, sb sc`„s jnvnlh wntc r`jitnv`s eurnlh

    ybur stiy.‖

    ‚Ile cbw jblh wnjj tcit a`2‖ N iso. Fy jist issnhlf`lt wis

    twb eiys, ile lbw tcit N„f cbf`, N„f r`iey tb h`t aimo tb fy

    r`ij jnd`. Fy ditc`r„s qun`t dbr i jblh fbf`lt, ile N jndt fy `y`s

    nl cns enr`mtnbl. ‚Eie2 Cbw jblh2‖

    ‚Uc` issnhlf`lt ns dbr twb w``os.‖

    N hisp, dr``-dijj nltb mbldusnbl ile pilnm. ‚Ucit„s tbb jblh!‖

    N siy. ‚^bu mil„t . . . wcit2 Eie, w`„r` lbt ijjbw`e―‖

    ‚X`„r` fionlh il `xm`ptnbl. Yunll, N mil„t t`jj ybu cbwnfpbrtilt tcns issnhlf`lt ns. Nd tc`r` wis ilybl` `js` . . .‖ C`

    stbps, pnlo rnsnlh bl cns mc``os. Cns r`spbls` fio`s f` pius`.

    C` eb`sl„t tcnlo tcns ns i hbbe ne`i `ntc`r.

    ‚^bu olbw tcns ns eilh`rbus,‖ N siy. ‚Xcy ns Mitijnli

    Airl`s sb nfpbrtilt2 ]c`„s lbt tc` dnrst e`ie t``lih`r nl

    Br`hbl, Eie.‖ Bumc. Uc` wbres ir` nls`lsntnv`, ile N wnlm` it

    fy bwl mijjbusl`ss. Ijtcbuhc N try lbt tb h`t ittimc`e tb fy

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    54  ]uzill` ^bulh

    issnhlf`lts, N olbw fbr` tcil ilyabey tc` hrivnty bd tc`nr

    sntuitnbl. Uc`y„r` lbt mbfnlh aimo. Uc`nr jnv`s ir` bv`r, ile nt„s

    i trihnm tcnlh.

    Fy ditc`r„s scbuje`rs stndd`l, ile c` pusc`s tc` pip`rs aimo

    nltb tc` dbje`r ile mjbs`s tc` dnj`. ‚ b̂u„r` rnhct,‖ c` ihr``s. ‚Aut

    tcns r`qu`st ns mbfnlh drbf a`yble tc` e`pirtf`lt, drbf fy

    abss. Nd ybu ebl„t tcnlo ybu mil c`jp tc` Airl`s difnjy, w`„jj

    mbltimt tc` btc`r ievnsbrs ihinl. ]`` nd ilbtc`r mjbs`r mil a`

    arbuhct nl nl tnf`. Aut nt„s lbt jno`jy. Ucns bl` ns djihh`e dbrnff`enit` nlt`rv`ltnbl.‖

    Uc` wbres `mcb tcrbuhc tc` rbbf. Nt„s rir` tcit fy ditc`r„s

    abss isos i divbr. Bljy E`imbl cis `v`r f`t Irtcur Wrntmcire,

    ile c` qunt sbbl idt`r. ‚Ucns ns eilh`rbus,‖ N r`p`it qun`tjy.

    ‚]b wcy f`2‖ N„f smir`e bd jbsnlh fys`jd, aut N„f ijsb smir`e bd

    dinjnlh tc` difnjy. Dinjnlh fy ditc`r.

    ‚^bu„r` tc` a`st.‖

    ‚Aut N„f ybur eiuhct`r.‖

    Fy ditc`r jbw`rs cns `y`s, cns `xpr`ssnbl tnhct`lnlh is c`

    struhhj`s wntc tc` sif` tcbuhct. Xc`l c` jbbos it f` ihinl,

    ijj N mil s`` ns cbw fumc c` mir`s iabut f`. Cbw N if cnsprne` ile kby―cns hr`it`st imcn`v`f`lt. Cns a`jn`d nl f` l`v`r


    Dbr tc` jist `j`v`l y`irs, N„v` mbfpj`t`e `v`ry issnhlf`lt

    c`„s hnv`l f` wntcbut diujt, `xm`pt dbr tc` bmmisnblij tio`l

    nt`f. N ebl„t smr`w up. Fy ditc`r ns trujy e`vbt`e tb cns pitn`lts,

    e`vbt`e tb tc`nr w`jj-a`nlh―ile c` mbults bl f` tb c`jp

    tc`f. C`„s i hbbe fil, ile N„f iscif`e bd fy s`jdnscl`ss,

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  58

    hunjty lbw tcit fy ditc`r cis fie` nt mj`ir wcit„s it stio`. N

    swijjbw cire, lbeenlh tcit N ule`rstile.

    ‚Xcy twb w``os2‖ N iso. ‚Xcy sb jblh2‖

    ‚Nt„s ijj nl tc` dnj`.‖ C` tips tc` mjbs`e dbje`r. ‚Yunll,‖ c`

    siys, j`ilnlh nltb tc` tiaj`. ‚N olbw N sprulh tcns bl ybu, aut

    N prbfns` ybu„r` strblh `lbuhc. N wbujel„t civ` iso`e btc`r-


    ‚Ns tcns wcy Firn` wis isonlh Iirbl iabut fy stit` bd

    fnle2‖ N iso, r`ijnznlh lbw tc` purpbs` bd tc` l`w jnl` bd qu`s-tnblnlh. ‚Ene sc` t`jj ybu N wis dnt dbr tc` kba2‖

    C` lbes. ‚]c` ene. N wilt`e tb fio` sur` a`dbr` N s`lt ybu

    nl. Jbbo, N civ` lb ebuat ybu mil eb tcns, aut nt„s i anh mbf-

    fntf`lt. Bl` N cbp` ybu„jj l`v`r civ` tb r`p`it.‖ Fy ditc`r

    stiles up ile pusc`s nl cns mcinr.

    ‚Nt„s hbtt`l jit`,‖ c` siys. ‚Xcy ebl„t ybu tio` tc` lnhct

    tb tcnlo iabut nt ile w`„jj tijo fbr` nl tc` fbrlnlh.‖ C`

    j`ils ebwl tb onss tc` tbp bd fy c`ie, aut N stir` strinhct

    ic`ie, bv`rwc`jf`e ay fy r`spblsnanjnty. N furfur i ‚hbbe

    lnhct‖ rnhct idt`r c` wijos but, ile tc`l jbbo ebwl it tc`

    dnj` wintnlh bl tc` ontmc`l tiaj`. Jbbo it tc` jnd` N„f iabuttb dnlnsc.

     Idt`r tbssnlh fy ul`it`l aurrntb nl tc` trisc, N hria fy aimo-

    pimo ile hb upstinrs. N tio` i qunmo scbw`r tb wisc tc` r`e

    ey` but bd fy cinr, ile tc`l c`ie tb fy rbbf. Xc`l N wijo

    nl, N„f t`fpbrirnjy enspjim`e ay nts difnjnirnty. Fy tijj qu``l

    a`e―lbt fie`, l`v`r fie`―wntc eiro wbbe drif`. Fy pij`

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    53  ]uzill` ^bulh

    pnlo wijjs ebtt`e wntc i wcnt` ile snjv`r pitt`rl tcit E`imbl

    e`snhl`e. N tbje cnf nt jbbo`e jno` i djbw`r―c` tbje f` nt wis

    i mrnmo`t. @ntc`r wiy, nt„s pr`tty mbbj. N s`t tc` dnj` bl fy vilnty

    tiaj` ile mrbss tb tc` wijo-nl mjbs`t, fy aimopimo c`ivy bl fy

    scbuje`r. Fy kiw mjnmos wc`l N yiwl.

    Uc` mjbs`t ns dnjj`e wntc `v`rytcnlh N mbuje l``e dbr il

    issnhlf`lt. Xnhs ijblh tc` tbp sc`jd―endd`r`lt mbjbrs ile

    j`lhtcs. Il brhilnz`r wntc eriw`rs dbr `xt`lsnbls ile mbltimts

    mis`s. Drbf tc` dnj` pnmtur`, nt jbbo`e jno` Mitijnli cie scbrtajble cinr nl i scie` jnhct`r tcil fnl`. N smil tc` wnhs, tcnlo-

    nlh N„jj civ` tb iekust tc` j`lhtc blm` N dnle tc` rnhct mbjbr. N

    r`imc nltb fy aih ile pujj but tc` cinr `xt`lsnbls, mbfanlh

    fy dnlh`rs tcrbuhc tc`f tb sfbbtc tc`f but. Idt`r N ultilhj`

    tc`f, N bp`l tc` eriw`r ile jiy tc`f l`xt tb tc` btc`rs, ile

    erbp fy aih bl tc` djbbr.

     Ihinl N yiwl, fy `y`s tbb c`ivy tb o``p bp`l fumc jbl-

    h`r. N„jj civ` tb r`ie tcrbuhc Mitijnli„s dnj` tb s`` wcit sbrt

    bd mjbtc`s sc` wbr`―wcit onle bd fio`up. ]bf`tnf`s tc`

    pcbtbs ir` buteit`e, sb `imc issnhlf`lt tio`s i mir`duj mis`

    stuey. Aut tc`r`„s lbt fumc tnf` dbr tcit. N mjnmo bdd tc` mjbs`tjnhct ile rul fy dnlh`rs ijblh fy wijj, tbumcnlh tc` rins`e

    pitt`rl is N wijo. N pujj tc` dnrst pinr bd pikifis N dnle but bd

    fy er`ss`r eriw`r.

    ‚Mitijnli Airl`s,‖ N furfur but jbue. N wble`r wcit c`r

    vbnm` sbule`e jno`, nd nt„jj a` `isy tb fnfnm. Nd sc` cie ily

    qunros br nlt`r`sts tcit N mil„t fist`r. N swntmc bdd tc` bv`rc`ie

    jnhct ile jn` nl a`e, stirnlh up it tc` hjbw-nl-tc` eiro stirs stnjj

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  5>

    stumo tb fy m`njnlh drbf i tnf` N mil„t r`f`fa`r. @imc ajnlo

    jists jblh`r, ile kust a`dbr` N mjbs` fy `y`s mbfpj`t`jy, N wcns-

    p`r, ‚Xcit cipp`l`e tb ybu2‖

    N„v` l`v`r l``e`e il ijirf mjbmo. N wio` `irjy `v`ry fbrlnlh

    lb fitt`r wcit tnf` N hb tb a`e, jno` fy abey iutbfitnmijjy

    ensp`ls`s i aumo`t bd midd`nl` nltb fy mnrmujitbry syst`f. Fy

    nlt`rlij mjbmo ns p`rfil`ltjy s`t it s`v`l i.f., lb fitt`r cbw

    fumc sj``p N h`t tc` lnhct a`dbr`. ]tnjj, ay idt`rlbbl N„jj prba-iajy mrisc ile `le up lippnlh.

    Fy c`ie d``js tcnmo ile mjbuey, ile N mjnfa but bd a`e tb

    fbv` irbule―j`t fy arinl mitmc up wntc fy abey. Uc` cbus`

    ns qun`t? fy eie ns prbaiajy wnp`e but drbf stiynlh up jit`

     wntc f`. N s`` fy r`dj`mtnbl nl tc` vilnty fnrrbr ile pius` dbr

    i jblh fbf`lt. Dbr i s`mble, N ebl„t r`mbhlnz` fys`jd wntcbut

    tc` r`e cinr. N ebl„t r`mbhlnz` fys`jd is Yunll.

    Uc` dbje`r s`nz`s fy itt`ltnbl ile tc` mblv`rsitnbl wntc

    fy ditc`r djbbes aimo. N„f hbnlh bl issnhlf`lt ihinl―tcns

    tnf` dbr twb wcbj` w``os. Ucns ns fikbr. Ucns ns mrizy. N pujj but

    tc` sfijj mcinr ile snt ebwl, r`stnlh fy `jabw bl tc` vilntytbp. N bp`l tc` dnj` ile dnle Mitijnli„s pnmtur`.

    ]c` cis sfijj d`itur`s ile arbwl ̀ y`s ile ajble cinr, ijtcbuhc

    N mil„t t`jj nd tc` mbjbr ns liturij br ey`e. ]c` eb`sl„t civ` dr`moj`s,

     wcnmc f`ils N„jj civ` tb mbv`r fnl`. ]c` w`irs fbr̀ fio`up

    tcil N lbrfijjy wbuje, aut tcit imtuijjy c`jps wc`l N„f trynlh

    tb jbbo jno` tc` suak`mt. C`r drif` ns snfnjir tb fnl`, aut lbt is

    murvy. ]c`„s iv`rih` nl `v`ry wiy. Ile ihinl N wble`r; Xcy c`r2

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    07  ]uzill` ^bulh

    N hjilm` it tc` pcbtb bd c`r pir`lts ile tc`l pnmo tcrbuhc

    c`r tc`ripy lbt`s. ]c`„s drbf Jio` Bsw`hb, i pnmtur`squ` jnttj`

    tbwl l`ir Wbrtjile. N„v` cie il issnhlf`lt up tc`r` blm`

    a`dbr`―Mistj` Enjjbl, tw`jv` y`irs bje, erbwlnlh―aut N ebl„t

    r`f`fa`r fumc drbf tcbs` twb br tcr`` eiys. ]mritmc tcit.

    N r`f`fa`r c`r arbtc`r. C` wis dbur ile culh bl tb fy j`h

     wc`l N hbt tc`r`, tcnlonlh N wis imtuijjy cns snst`r. Uc` `ltnr`

    sm`l` wis i cbrrndnm f`ss, ile nt wis e`mne`e tcit c` enel„t l``e

    tb a` nlvbjv`e nl tc` mjbsur` prbm`ss. C` aisnmijjy cie tb jbs`cns snst`r twnm`.

    N rua cire it fy dim`, trynlh tb rua iwiy tc` nmoy ulm`r-

    tinlty tcit mbf`s ijblh wntc tc`s` f`fbrn`s. Nd N hbt ittimc`e

    tb tc` difnjn`s, fy kba wbuje a`mbf` nfpbssnaj`. N r`sp`mt

    tc`f, tc`nr d``jnlhs, tc`nr jnv`s―N ebl„t a`mbf` pirt bd tc`f. N

    ebl„t jbv` tc`f. N„f lbt ijjbw`e tb.

    Ub enstrimt fys`jd, N env` aimo nltb tc` dnj`. Uc` e`itc m`r-

    tndnmit` ns vihu`, ile N wble`r wcy nt„s nl tc` dnj` nl tc` dnrst

    pjim`. Psuijjy nd tc` mius` bd e`itc ns bd ily nfpbrtilm`, fy

    ditc`r t`jjs f` wcit cipp`l`e. N sndt tcrbuhc, pissnlh tc` pnm-

    tur` bd Nsiim, ile dnle i j`tt`r―i pcbtbmbpy drbf i kburlij.Lbrfijjy N„e h`t tc` `ltnr` abbo. N wble`r wc`r` tc` r`st bd

    tc` pih`s ir`.

    Uc` cilewrntnlh ns jbbpy ile sw``t, ile N f`ltijjy mbf-

    pir` nt tb fy bwl―sfijj ile prnlt`e. Uc` mrivnlh stirts; i

     wnsc tb fnfnm. Ucit„s tc` tcnlh fbst p`bpj` wbujel„t ule`r-

    stile; N jno` tb mbpy p`bpj`. N dnle nt dismnlitnlh, bas`rvnlh

    tc`f, stueynlh tc`f, ile r`pjnmitnlh tc`f. N„f hbbe it nt.

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  09

    L`xt tb f` bl fy er`ss`r ns i Ensl`y mup dnjj`e wntc p`ls (i

    sbuv`lnr N fnhct civ` jndt`e drbf Iltblni F`ssl`r i d`w y`irs

    ihb), ile N hria bl`.

    N pnmo i pn`m` bd rnpp`e pip`r but bd fy trisc mil. Uc`r „̀s i

    rilebf lufa`r smriwj`e imrbss nt, aut N ebl„t r`f`fa`r wcit

    nt„s drbf. Wrbaiajy i t`j`pcbl` lufa`r tcit E`imbl hbt aut

    tcr`w but c`r`. Cns suatj` r`fnle`r tcit N„f tc` fbst nfpbr-

    tilt hnrj nl cns jnd`―`v`l nd c` eit`s btc`r p`bpj`. N djnp bv`r tc`

    pih` ile tc`l `xifnl` Mitijnli„s cilewrntnlh ihinl.

    Ucns tnf` w` j`dt a`dbr` tc`ytcr`it`l`e tb jbmo tc` ebbrs.

    N s`t ebwl tc` p`l ile pujj tc` pih` nl drblt bd f`, fy

    nlt`r`st pnqu`e. Fbst bd tc` issnhlf`lts o``p kburlijs―nt„s i

    mjiss w` ijj civ` tb tio` nl cnhc smcbbj, il ̀ xt`lsnbl bd tc`ripy.

    Blm` upbl i tnf` `eumitnbl wis ijj iabut eiti ile smn`lm`

    ile fitc. Aut sbmn`ty r`iss`ss`e nts hbijs. Lbw tc` smcbbjs

    c`r` hnv` us tc` aisnms, aut tc`y ijsb c`jp us ne`ltndy bur w`io-

    l`ss`s, pbnlt but djiws nl bur f`ltij c`ijtc sb tcit w` mil wbro tbwire filihnlh nt. Kburlijnlh wis imtuijjy bl` bd fy

    divbrnt` mjiss`s, `v`l tcbuhc turlnlh bv`r bur p`rsblij kburlijs

    tb tc` t`imc`r s``f`e jno` i ant bd i fnss`e pbnlt. Uc`y„r` lbt

    r`ijjy bur prnvit` tcbuhcts nd w` civ` tb j`t sbf`bl` `js` r`ie

    tc`f. Uc`l ihinl, N„f i jnttj` fbr` prbt`mtnv` bd fy `fbtnbls

    a`mius` N olbw wcit cipp`ls tb tc` nldbrfitnbl blm` w`„r`

    e`ie. Nt `les up nl i dnj`.

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    01  ]uzill` ^bulh

    Ucns tnf` w` j`dt a`dbr` tc`ytcr`it`l`e tb jbmo tc` ebbrs.Nsiim pujj`e f` ijblh nl tc` piroile w` w`r` abtc jiuhcnlh. Ilhn` pr`tty fumc cit`s cnf lbw, autsc` sbrt bd cit`s f` tbb. Xcitir` jnttj` snst`rs dbr, rnhct2 F`ile Nsiim `le`e up bl tc` ais`aijj

    aj`imc`rs, onssnlh ultnj sbf`bl`a``p`e tc`nr cbrl nl tc` pironlhjbt. Nsiim enel„t wilt tb j`iv`,aut cns fbtc`r„s dim` ns cire tbirhu` wntc. @sp`mnijjy wc`l nt„s ijjsmrulmc`e up jno` tcit. X` sine hbbe lnhct, sif` wiy w` eb `v`rytnf`. N wint`e i fnlut` jblh`r tbwitmc cnf j`iv`, cbpnlh c` wbujejbbo aimo. C` enel„t.

    Fy `y`s wne`l ile N r`r`ie tc` kburlij `ltry, hjilmnlh ittc` eit`. Nt wis wrntt`l i d`w w``os a`dbr` sc` en`e. Cis fy

    eie s``l tcns2 Uc` tc`ripnsts2 Xis tc` mbupj` civnlh prba-

    j`fs2 Jno` nt„s i firitcbl bd i divbrnt` UT scbw, N a`mbf`

    bas`ss`e. N sp`le tc` `ltnr` fbrlnlh hbnlh tcrbuhc tc` dnj`,

    stueynlh tc` kburlij `ltrn`s tcit w`r` nlmjue`e ile c`r pir-

    `lts„ nlt`rvn`ws. Uurls but nt„s bljy twb w``os ultnj c`r `nhc-

    t``ltc anrtceiy ile tc`r` wis i pirty pjill`e. I anh aisc

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  0=

    tcit tc` fbf mil„t s``f tb h`t pist; N ijr`iey bre`r`e tc` mio`.

    Nt„s mcbmbjit` rispa`rry―c`r divbrnt`. Xcit if N suppbs`e tb eb

    wntc c`r mio`2 Nt„jj stnjj a` c`r anrtceiy. Uc` tc`ripnsts tcbuhct

    nt wbuje prbvne` tc` l``e`e mjbsur` nd N stiy`e ultnj tcns pirty,

    j`t tc` pir`lts siy hbbe-ay` bl tc`nr t`rfs. Nt„s i jnttj` fbrane,

    aut N hu`ss N h`t nt. N„jj a` but tc` ebbr rnhct idt`r civnlh i

    cuh` sjnm` bd mcbmbjit` rispa`rry mio`.

    Uc`r`„s lbtcnlh `js` but bd tc` brenliry nl Mitijnli„s dnj`,

    sb N primtnm` c`r sfnj` ultnj N h`t nt rnhct. N dnle tc` jnlos tb c`rendd`r`lt sbmnij f`eni immbults, tc` pisswbres prbvne`e ay tc`

    tc`ripnsts. A`dbr` N mil bp`l up fy jiptbp, tcbuhc, fy stbf-

    imc hrbwjs, ile N hb ebwlstinrs tb hria i abwj bd m`r`ij.

    Fy ditc`r nsl„t nl tc` ontmc`l, ile N„f iabut tb mijj dbr cnf

     wc`l N r`ijnz` tcit nt„s Ucurseiy. C`„s prbaiajy it tc` cbspntij.

    Fy eiys ir` fnx`e up, ile N„f bljy cijd iwir` bd wcit N„f

    ebnlh is N pujj but tc` abx bd Drbst`e Djio`s ile tc` fnjo.

    ‚N„f Yunljil FmO``,‖ N furfur, r`p`itnlh Firn`„s wbres

    drbf jist lnhct. ‚N jnv` it 1700 ]`l`mi Wjim` nl Mbrvijjns,

    Br`hbl. N„f s`v`lt``l ile N ernv` i a`it-up bje Cblei tcit

    fy ditc`r wbl„t r`pjim`.‖ N snt it tc` tiaj` ile stir` ebwl it fyabwj. ‚N„f Yunljil FmO``,‖ N wcnsp`r.

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    Mcipt`r Dnv`


    irbule snx―idt`r i w`jj-e`s`rv`e lip―N pujj bl tc` ajimo

    Qbjjnlh ]tbl`s U-scnrt ile i pinr bd k`ils tb c`ie bv`r tb

     Iirbl„s ipirtf`lt. N„f d``jnlh ijtbh`tc`r fns`riaj` it tc`

    tcbuhct tcit tcns wnjj a` fy jist tnf` cilhnlh but dbr i wcnj`.

    Nt„s cire dbr i lblmjbs`r tb ule`rstile cbw enddnmujt bur jnv`s

    mil a`. Ubfbrrbw N hnv` up fy jnd` dbr sbf`bl` `js`„s. Uc`dnrst tnf` N„jj tijo tb i drn`le wnjj a` wc`l Iirbl mijjs tb mc`mo

    bl f`, ile tc`l ihinl wc`l c` s`ts up fy `xtrimtnbl. Iirbl

    ns suppbs`e tb a` fy dnrst mbltimt a`mius` w` try lbt tb mcilh`

    tc` virniaj`s bd r`ij jnd`. Uc`s` sbrts bd tcnlhs ijwiys civ` tb

    stiy tc` sif`. ]bbl Yunljil FmO`` wbl„t `xnst. Ucit„s fy

    jnd`―cijd tc` tnf` N ebl„t `xnst.

    N hria fy o`ys bdd tc` `ltry tiaj` ile hb butsne` tb stirt

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  00

    fy mir. Xc`l tc` mc`mo-`lhnl` jnhct mbf`s bl, N snhc, ile

    tc`l aimo but bd tc` ernv`wiy. Uc` eiy idt`r bl` bd us r`turls,

     Iirbl, E`imbl, ile N usuijjy f``t up tb tijo iabut ilytcnlh

    btc`r tcil bur issnhlf`lts. X` `it ile ernlo ile imt stupne

    tb d``j lbrfij. Ublnhct N„f dir tbb jbhnmij, aut N„f wnjjnlh tb

    hb tcrbuhc tc` fbtnbls. N eb fy a`st tb put bl fy cippy dim`

     wc`l N piro nl drblt bd Iirbl„s ipirtf`lt mbfpj`x. N tbss fy

    mir o`ys nltb fy aih ile c`ie up tb tc` s`mble djbbr.

    Bl tc` bp`l jilenlh, N hjilm` irbule. Uc` soy ns stnjjarnhct, lbt `v`l euso. Qnhct lbw nt d``js jno` N„f nl il cbur-

    hjiss dnjjnlh up wntc sile, wintnlh tb a` djnpp`e bv`r. N olbmo bl

    tc` ebbr a`dbr` bp`lnlh nt ile wijonlh nl.

    ‚Uc`r` sc` ns,‖ E`imbl illbulm`s tc` fnlut` N ipp`ir nl

    tc` `ltry. C`„s bl tc` mbumc nl tc` jnvnlh rbbf, ile c` cbjes

    up il bv`rsnz` aju` pjistnm mup nl mc``rs. C` tio`s i snp, cns

    `y`s trinl`e bl f` jno` c` mil ijr`iey t`jj sbf`tcnlh„s wrblh.

    Uc` hnrj l`xt tb cnf mists i murnbus jbbo nl fy enr`mtnbl ile

    tc`l jiuhcs ile tbumc`s cns tcnhc tb h`t cns itt`ltnbl. E`imbl

    djnlmc`s, aut turls tb c`r ile sfnj`s―mcirfnlh is ̀ v`r. I jnttj`

    dirtc`r ebwl tc` wijj N dnle Iirbl, cns pcbl` nl cns cile isFyri snts a`sne` cnf, prittjnlh bl iabut sbf`tcnlh mjbs` tb cns

    `ir. Iirbl cnts i auttbl ile fusnm stirts tb pjiy. C` lbtnm`s fy

    scnrt ile slbrts, ile N bdd`r cnf i sirmistnm wiv`. Iw`sbf`―

    hu`ss N„f dndtc-wc``jnlh nt. Iirbl mbuje civ` tbje f` E`imbl

    cie i hnrj tblnhct.

     Xntcbut sp`ionlh but jbue, N turl ile strbjj ebwl tc`

    cijjwiy tbwire tc` ontmc`l. Uc`r`„s i pnzzi abx, `fpty `xm`pt

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    04  ]uzill` ^bulh

    dbr twb pirtnijjy e`vbur`e mrusts. ]`v`rij twb-jnt`rs bd sbei ir`

    bp`l, ijblh wntc i abttj` bd Kimo Eiln`j„s. N ebl„t wilt tb rnso i

    cilhbv`r, sb N ebl„t abtc`r wntc tc` ijmbcbj. N pbur sbf` ]prnt`

    nltb i mup ile tio` but fy pcbl`, mc`mo dbr ily f`ssih`s. N

    ebl„t civ` ily, bd mburs`. Uc` bljy p`bpj` wcb wbuje mijj f`

    ir` snttnlh nl tc` btc`r rbbf.

    Ucns tnf` jist y`ir, E`imbl, Iirbl, ile N w`r` it E`imbl„s,

    cilhnlh but bl cns aimo pbrmc. Nt wis uls`isbliajy wirf, ile

     Iirbl aust`e but i sfijj mifpnlh hrnjj c`„e pnmo`e up it tc`mblv`ln`lm` stbr`. Nt mbuje bljy mbbo bl` cifaurh`r ile i d`w

    cbt ebhs it i tnf`, aut w` enel„t fnle. Uc`r` w`r` mbje ernlos

    nl tc` mbbj`r, tc` sfboy sf`jj bd dnr` snhlijnlh tc` upmbfnlh

    suff`r. E`imbl ile N w`r` eitnlh tc`l, ile c` wis snttnlh

    bl tc` stinr a`jbw fy d``t, tc` sne` bd cns c`ie r`stnlh bl fy

    tcnhc is w` jnst`l`e tb Iirbl tijo iabut i l`w aile c`„e hbl`

    tb s``. Ucit lnhct s``f`e tb jist dbr`v`r, tc` tcr`` bd us cilhnlh

    but ile lbrfij―br is mjbs` tb lbrfij is w` mbuje a`. Xcit N

     wbujel„t hnv` tb civ` tcit aimo dbr `v`l i s`mble.

    N tio` ilbtc`r snp bd sbei ile tc`l r`st fy cnp ihinlst tc`

    hrilnt` mbult`r. Lbrfijjy N„e a` nl tc`r` wntc tc`f, aut rnhctlbw N„f d``jnlh i ant iailebl`e. N civ`l„t a``l cbf` tw`lty-

    dbur cburs ile N„v` ijr`iey hbt ilbtc`r issnhlf`lt. N„f lbt

    `v`l dujjy f` ihinl.

    ‚C`y, sie dim`,‖ E`imbl siys drbf tc` ebbrwiy, stirtjnlh

    f`. N pjil tb rbjj fy `y`s br eb sbf`tcnlh `quijjy ulnlt`r-

    `st`e, aut wc`l N turl tb cnf, c` r`ies fy fns`ry tbb qunmojy.

    E`imbl erinls wcit„s j`dt nl cns mup ile s`ts nt bl tc` mbult`r

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    Uc` Q@F@E^  08

    a`dbr` stirtnlh tbwire f`. Ù irs stnlh fy ̀ y`s, ile N turl iwiy

    sb c` wbl„t s``. N ebl„t wilt tb hb.

    E`imbl wrips cns irfs irbule f` drbf a`cnle ile r`sts

    cns mcnl bl tc` tbp bd fy c`ie. C` swiys f` tb tc` iwduj sblh

    tcit Iirbl„s pjiynlh nl tc` btc`r rbbf, sbbtcnlh f` ay enstrim-

    tnbl. E`imbl„s abey ns wirf, strblh―i t`tc`r tb fy r`ij jnd`.

    ‚Xcit„s ijj tc