The Reginald Mitchell News

Post on 30-Jan-2022

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Transcript of The Reginald Mitchell News

The Reginald Mitchell News

“work together...learn together...reach for the sky”

01782 973835

15th October 2021

Diary Dates

For Parents

18th October

Parents evening - Y1 &


19th October

Parents evening - EYFS

20th October

Parents evening- Y3 &


21st October

Parents evening—Y5 &


(Parents evening letter

sent home today)

20th October

Year 5 Forest School

25th October–

29th October

Half Term

1st November

School re-opens

11th November

Flu vaccinations R-Y6

All term dates can be

found on our website.

Another week has passed so quickly! We have been thinking this week about people less fortunate than ourselves and how we can draw inspiration from how they overcome difficulties. The children have worked hard to collaborate and have sang beautifully to put together a harvest celebration (which can be viewed on the schools you tube channel ).

Thank you so much for all your kind food donations, which have been passed on to the local foodbank and will help to support many families.

Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe from Mr Anderson-Pugh and the Reginald Mitchell Team.

Flu Vaccination 11th November

A letter has been emailed this week for consent for the Flu nasal vaccination please complete consent by 9th November.

Please use the following link to give consent-

School Code is SS124090

Thank you to the parents that attended our Parent Engagement session to round of the Year 6 Forest Schools sessions. We hope you enjoyed it!

The next year group to take part in Forest Schools will be Year 5. A letter has been sent home this week detailing the dates of sessions and any kit needed.

Parent Evening

If you haven't already

made an appointment for

parents evening.

Please email the homework

email address. Thank you.

Academy Photos

Please ensure all orders are

returned by Wednesday

20th October.

ParentPay Reminder

Please could you check your Parentpay accounts and make sure any outstanding amounts are cleared as soon as possible for dinners, Spitfires Club and Nursery sessions.

Thank you.

We’re looking for an enthusiastic catering assistant to

come and join the team!

Hours to suit and fits in with parents who want to work

around dropping off and picking up children from


No experience necessary but great if you have worked in

a catering environment before.

Please see contact details below to find out more:

Telephone Judith Rowe 07800880948 or Email:


Relationships and Health Education (RHE)

From September 2020, it is a statutory requirement that all schools in England are teaching Relationship and Health Education as a fundamental part of the curriculum.

As part of implementing the RHE curriculum, schools must consult with stakeholders to ensure there is a general consensus on our approaches to policy and the curriculum content.

We are asking parents to read through the following documents:

PSHRE Policy

Year group overviews

Both of these documents can be found on the curriculum page under PSHRE on the school website.

We have also provided the following leaflet below to support you with your understanding for the requirements of Relationship and Health Education.

DfE Guide for Parents

Please email any questions or comments by the 10th of December 2021 to:

Your comments and questions will be reviewed as part of the consultation.

Thank You Mrs Smith

Do you follow us on twitter?

We share lots of information

via tweets!! @ReginaldMitch

We start week 2 of the school dinner menu next week.

Caught Being Good Award

EYFS: Truly Mae Staley

KS1: Mia Washington

KS2: Kian Watts

Head boy & Head Girl : Madison Moore


Winners for this week —

Year 4 Fantastic!

Class attendance for this week

Reception 94.1%

Y1 95.7%

Y2 92.7%

Y3 97.4%

Y4 100%

Y5 98.3%

Y6 97.6%

Whole school 96.4%

School target 96.5%

Curriculum Stars of the Week

Reception: Jack Evans

Year 1: Isabelle Barratt

Year 2: Bobby Wintle

Year 3: Emmie Sterling

Year 4: Madison Moore

Year 5: Amy Parker

Year 6: Kal Griffiths

Rainbow Readers

Reception: Oliver Cooney

Year 1: Joseph Moss

Year 2 : Charlie Hobson

Year 3: Layla Owen

Year 4: Brendon Hitchcock

Year 5 : Poppy Bennett

Year 6: Alexis Rigby

Y3– Rossi Slezak Walker

Y4– Aleah Darlington

Y5– Jacob Baxter

Y6– Oliver Salmon

This weeks battle winners are

Year 4 & Year 5

Well done!

Yellow Team 285 points

Red Team 241 points

Blue Team 184 points

Green Team 309 points

Well done Green Team this weeks winners!