The Reasoning and Optimization Theme - The …korovink/AR_O_intro_2014.pdfThe Reasoning and...

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The Reasoning and Optimization Theme

Joshua Knowles, Konstantin Korovin and Renate Schmidt

School of Computer ScienceThe University of Manchester

September 18, 2014

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1 Why Automated Reasoning?

2 Why Optimization?

3 General practical remarks

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Reasoning is the main ingredient of any intellectual activity.

The main challenge: how to automate the reasoning process.

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Reasoning is the main ingredient of any intellectual activity.

The main challenge: how to automate the reasoning process.

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Automated Reasoning

What is Reasoning? Solving problems by syntactic manipulations.

Hardware: Are these two hardware designs equivalent?

Software: Does your program accesses unallocated memory?

Math: Does this equation (xy)−1 = y−1x−1 hold in all groups?

Knowledge management:Can we represent and analyse all available knowledge about human body ?

Automated reasoning: can we solve all these problems automatically ?

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Automated Reasoning

What is Reasoning? Solving problems by syntactic manipulations.

Hardware: Are these two hardware designs equivalent?

Software: Does your program accesses unallocated memory?

Math: Does this equation (xy)−1 = y−1x−1 hold in all groups?

Knowledge management:Can we represent and analyse all available knowledge about human body ?

Automated reasoning: can we solve all these problems automatically ?

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Automated Reasoning

What is Reasoning? Solving problems by syntactic manipulations.

Hardware: Are these two hardware designs equivalent?

Software: Does your program accesses unallocated memory?

Math: Does this equation (xy)−1 = y−1x−1 hold in all groups?

Knowledge management:Can we represent and analyse all available knowledge about human body ?

Automated reasoning: can we solve all these problems automatically ?

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Automated Reasoning

What is Reasoning? Solving problems by syntactic manipulations.

Hardware: Are these two hardware designs equivalent?

Software: Does your program accesses unallocated memory?

Math: Does this equation (xy)−1 = y−1x−1 hold in all groups?

Knowledge management:Can we represent and analyse all available knowledge about human body ?

Automated reasoning: can we solve all these problems automatically ?

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Automated Reasoning

What is Reasoning? Solving problems by syntactic manipulations.

Hardware: Are these two hardware designs equivalent?

Software: Does your program accesses unallocated memory?

Math: Does this equation (xy)−1 = y−1x−1 hold in all groups?

Knowledge management:Can we represent and analyse all available knowledge about human body ?

Automated reasoning: can we solve all these problems automatically ?

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Automated Reasoning

What is Reasoning? Solving problems by syntactic manipulations.

Hardware: Are these two hardware designs equivalent?

Software: Does your program accesses unallocated memory?

Math: Does this equation (xy)−1 = y−1x−1 hold in all groups?

Knowledge management:Can we represent and analyse all available knowledge about human body ?

Automated reasoning: can we solve all these problems automatically ?

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Applications of automated reasoning


software and hardwareverification: Intel, Microsoftinformation management:biomedical ontologies,semantic Web, databasescombinatorial reasoning:constraint satisfaction, planning,schedulingInternet securityTheorem proving inmathematics

John McCarthy

“It is reasonable to hope that the

relationship between computation and

mathematical logic will be as fruitful

in the next century as that between

analysis and physics in the past.”

McCarthy, 1963.

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Manchester: world leading in logic and reasoning


first-order reasoningresolution, superposition, instantiation, tableaux, linear arithmeticontology reasoning


software/hardware verificationsemantic Web, bio-healthmulti-agent systems

Reasoning systems developed in our School:iProver – an instantiation-based reasoner for first-orderlogic won major of awards at CASC championships.Vampire – a superposition-based reasoner for first-orderlogic, won major awards at CASC championships.MSPASS – a resolution/superposition based reasoner SPASS extendedwith reasoning with modal logics.Fact++ an ontology reasoner: OWL DL.Pellet an ontology reasoner: OWL DL.

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Manchester: world leading in logic and reasoning


first-order reasoningresolution, superposition, instantiation, tableaux, linear arithmeticontology reasoning


software/hardware verificationsemantic Web, bio-healthmulti-agent systems

Reasoning systems developed in our School:iProver – an instantiation-based reasoner for first-orderlogic won major of awards at CASC championships.Vampire – a superposition-based reasoner for first-orderlogic, won major awards at CASC championships.MSPASS – a resolution/superposition based reasoner SPASS extendedwith reasoning with modal logics.Fact++ an ontology reasoner: OWL DL.Pellet an ontology reasoner: OWL DL.

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Manchester: world leading in logic and reasoning


first-order reasoningresolution, superposition, instantiation, tableaux, linear arithmeticontology reasoning


software/hardware verificationsemantic Web, bio-healthmulti-agent systems

Reasoning systems developed in our School:iProver – an instantiation-based reasoner for first-orderlogic won major of awards at CASC championships.Vampire – a superposition-based reasoner for first-orderlogic, won major awards at CASC championships.MSPASS – a resolution/superposition based reasoner SPASS extendedwith reasoning with modal logics.Fact++ an ontology reasoner: OWL DL.Pellet an ontology reasoner: OWL DL.

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COMP60332 – Automated Reasoning and Verification

This course is focused on efficient automated reasoning.This course is self-contained but assumes that students are comfortablewith mathematical notions.


Propositional logic: syntax, semantics, CNF transformationDPLL algorithm: unit propagation, backjumping, lemma learning

First-order logic: syntax, semantics, Skolemization, resolution,Bachmair-Ganzinger model construction, redundancy elimination

How to prove all mathematical theorems using only two rules?How to make reasoning efficient: redundancy elimination ?What is inside a theorem prover ?

Applications: verification of transition systems, LTL,bounded model checking

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COMP60332 – Automated Reasoning and Verification

This course is focused on efficient automated reasoning.This course is self-contained but assumes that students are comfortablewith mathematical notions.


Propositional logic: syntax, semantics, CNF transformationDPLL algorithm: unit propagation, backjumping, lemma learning

First-order logic: syntax, semantics, Skolemization, resolution,Bachmair-Ganzinger model construction, redundancy elimination

How to prove all mathematical theorems using only two rules?How to make reasoning efficient: redundancy elimination ?What is inside a theorem prover ?

Applications: verification of transition systems, LTL,bounded model checking

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COMP60332 – Automated Reasoning and Verification

This course is focused on efficient automated reasoning.This course is self-contained but assumes that students are comfortablewith mathematical notions.


Propositional logic: syntax, semantics, CNF transformationDPLL algorithm: unit propagation, backjumping, lemma learning

First-order logic: syntax, semantics, Skolemization, resolution,Bachmair-Ganzinger model construction, redundancy elimination

How to prove all mathematical theorems using only two rules?How to make reasoning efficient: redundancy elimination ?What is inside a theorem prover ?

Applications: verification of transition systems, LTL,bounded model checking

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COMP60332 – Automated Reasoning and Verification

This course is focused on efficient automated reasoning.This course is self-contained but assumes that students are comfortablewith mathematical notions.


Propositional logic: syntax, semantics, CNF transformationDPLL algorithm: unit propagation, backjumping, lemma learning

First-order logic: syntax, semantics, Skolemization, resolution,Bachmair-Ganzinger model construction, redundancy elimination

How to prove all mathematical theorems using only two rules?How to make reasoning efficient: redundancy elimination ?What is inside a theorem prover ?

Applications: verification of transition systems, LTL,bounded model checking

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COMP60332 – Automated Reasoning and Verification

This course is focused on efficient automated reasoning.This course is self-contained but assumes that students are comfortablewith mathematical notions.


Propositional logic: syntax, semantics, CNF transformationDPLL algorithm: unit propagation, backjumping, lemma learning

First-order logic: syntax, semantics, Skolemization, resolution,Bachmair-Ganzinger model construction, redundancy elimination

How to prove all mathematical theorems using only two rules?How to make reasoning efficient: redundancy elimination ?What is inside a theorem prover ?

Applications: verification of transition systems, LTL,bounded model checking

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Exam: 50%Closed book, 2 hours, choose 3 out of 4 questions

Coursework and lab: 50%Assessed and unassessed exercises: pen and paperLabwork involving

SAT solversfirst-order reasoning systems

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Why Optimization?

...we recognize efficiency, strength, compactness in these designs. Howcan we mechanize the design process?

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Why Optimization?

It means finding the best; a fundamental aim in all human endeavour

Optimization saves and makes money; underpins engineering; helpsorganize, manage and plan; supports machine learning; solvesproblems

Computers can do it fast

It is deeply linked with Reasoning by the structure of problems

It is philosophically linked with mathematics, intelligence,computation, e.g., through the theory of NP-completeness

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Optimization in Machine Learning

Hamiltonian of a double pendulum

discovered by computer

Computer Derives Physical Laws by ItelfIn 2009, Cornell researchers, Schmidt andLipson, used an optimization method based onadvanced symbolic regression to “discover”physical laws automatically from motion data.(Science, 2009)

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Optimization in Machine Learning

Researchers at Manchester in 2011, developed optimization techniquesto discover combination therapies to treat brain inflammation, a majorfactor in Alzheimer’s and other diseases. (Nature Chemical Biology, 2011)

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Optimization in Planning

The Hubble Space Telescope is a scarceresource.

Advanced optimization algorithms are used toschedule time on the telescope, sharing theresource between different groups and takingaccount of constraints

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Optimization Saves Money

IcoSystem (a US optimization andcomplexity science company) set outto improve drug developmentprocesses at Eli Lilly.

‘Compared to a standard 40 months androughly £25 million, ...[we] reached thesame amount of technical success in a yearand a day with a total expenditure on theorder of £2.7 million.’ –Neil Bodick, COO,Eli Lilly Chorus

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Optimization in Problem Solving

What is the minimum number ofmoves (from here) to obtain asolved cube?

What about from ANYconfiguration?

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COMP60342 – What You Will Learn

The course aims to give you a practical grounding

You will learn

How to approach a wide variety of problems, and how to developyour own code to solve them

You will understand some of the most general and flexible optimizationalgorithms, and how and why they work

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What You Will Learn 2

Some important and interesting mathematical theory behind the practice

This links optimization fundamentally to computation and the notion ofcomplexity

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How You Will Learn It

Answering thought-provoking questions (often not assessed)

Doing LAB work, where YOU MUST CODE for yourself

Running experiments in LABs where you test and compare methods


I don’t mind what programming language you use. Common choices are C, Java,C++. Python is OK, but it can be slow. MATLAB is not so suitable.

Some code is given to you in C, so it is best if you can at least read C.

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Structure of the Course

Week 1: Introduction to OptimizationProblems: from MAX-SAT to TSP to Optimal BettingBasic exact methods: Enumeration and Greedy

Week 2: Branch-and-BoundComplexity/NP-Completeness

Week 3: Dynamic ProgrammingStochastic DP Problems

Week 4: Evolutionary Algorithms and Local SearchWeek 5: Multiobjective Optimization


1st Lab (two weeks) Packing a Knapsack with Applications in Finance 10%2nd Lab (one week) Hospital Resource Management, Stochastic Games 10%3rd Lab (one week) Assigning Students to Projects (Project ‘Dating’) 10%4th Lab (one week) Multiobjective Maximum Satisfiability (MAXSAT-ONE) 10%Examination Multiple Choice plus 2 Questions from 4 (2 hours) 60%

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The Course Text

Costs about £14. Copies available inSchool and University Library.

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Theme outline

Semester 2

Period Course units

P3 COMP60332 – Automated Reasoning and Verification

Konstantin Korovin, Renate Schmidt

P4 COMP60342 – Optimization for learning, planning andproblem-solving

Joshua Knowles

Teaching day: FridayLectures: 2.15

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Some advice on choosing themes

The R&O theme can be combined with any other theme

Has no prerequisites, no pre/co-requisite to any theme

It goes well with these themes

Advanced Web TechnologiesData EngineeringLearning from DataManaging DataParallel Computing in the Multi-Core EraSecuritySoftware Engineering 1-2

Core theme in: Semantic Technologies, Data and Knowledge Managementand Artificial Intelligence pathways

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Finally. . .

Contacting usIf you are unsure about your theme selection do contact us, either inour offices or send us an email

Joshua Knowles Room G13, Korovin Room 2.40, Schmidt Room 2.42,

Up-to-date detailsSee timetable and course unit descriptions on the webSee also separate webpages for individual course units andBlackboard: contain additional material such as slides, links to tools,etc.

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