The Rainbow Junction Gazette - Amazon S3tain how we were going to do financially. We started going...

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Transcript of The Rainbow Junction Gazette - Amazon S3tain how we were going to do financially. We started going...

I have read the story of a fellow who worked at the port with his brothers and a few friends. They didn’t get out

much or travel very far. They had little education and were not politically correct; in fact, they hated those that

were different. Yet when they felt the tug of the Holy Spirit, they said…yes. Their willingness had an affect upon

me and I’m sure, it has affected you. You may have read about these men also—their names by the way, include

Peter, James, John…etc. Jesus didn’t call the rich, the educated, the politically and socially correct. He called

ordinary people. As Max Lucado puts it in his book Out Live Your Life,” Jesus’ last commission may be expanded

to “you hillbillies will be my witnesses, you uneducated and simple folk will be my witnesses, you who once

called me crazy, who shouted at me in the boat and doubted me in the upper room, you temperamental, parochial

net casters and tax collectors…you will be my witnesses.”

Remember the gathering that long ago day in Jerusalem during the Festival of Weeks, Shavu’ot as the Jews knew

it. The festival commemorated the time when the first fruits were harvested and brought to the Temple. The

festival also celebrated the giving of the Torah which symbolically redeemed the Jews from idolatry and

immorality after the Passover freed them from physical bondage. It is into this time that God sent His Holy Spirit

to reside in individuals….Pentecost as we now know it today. The disciples had no knowledge He was coming,

He was not expected or planned for. All the disciples knew was that there was a roar throughout the whole house

of what sounded like wind after which little tongues of fire sat on each of them…..and they began telling the

wonders of God in languages understood by those gathered in the city. The disciples didn’t get qualified to speak

first, yet because the select few were willing to tell others how much God loved them, people understood and

thousands accepted His love and believed that day. Just as the disciples may not have felt qualified, you may not

feel qualified. But God doesn’t care that you feel that way as He qualifies those He calls and will qualify you in

your sphere of life whether you are a teenager, homeless, government official, business leader, your family. Who

surrounds you frequently in your life? Trust God as you seize the opportunities He gives you to show His love for


This then brings me to a question I must then ask, where do I fit in, where do you fit in? You who are sitting

reading this letter in the PSWTE Gazette, where do you fit in?

PSWTE was designed as a tool to help encourage lay leadership not for a fun weekend, not for a feel good

weekend, not for a cure all your problems weekend, but for a weekend of service and training to strengthen the

local church body, to develop leadership, to become the hands and feet of Jesus. What is Jesus calling you to do

today? Remember, He doesn’t always call the qualified but He qualifies those He calls. Say yes to His nudge

today and see what Jesus can do with you.

As you consider where you fit in, I want to challenge you to make one, yes just one, more resolution for this new

year. Make it your personal goal that you not only get through scripture this year, but that the scripture gets

through you. Use your growing knowledge of scripture, limited though it may be, to affect someone else’s life at

work through your work ethics, at church through your involvement, at Emmaus by signing up as a servant on a

Walk or as a sponsor (check your Fourth Day book for good pointers as sponsoring begins long before you invite

someone, continues after you have gotten them involved in Emmaus several times, and then….it doesn’t end as

you continue to pray for them.) Doing just these four activities will be challenging and at times difficult, but next

Christmas as you look back at the year you just finished, you will be amazed at the blessings God has given you

through these efforts.

May God’s grace and peace surround you as you move forward in His kingdom this year.

Remember always that you are…..

Loved by Him!

Gary Buma, PSWTE President

Volume 30, Number 1 Updated March 5 (Women’s Pilgrims) January 2012

The Rainbow Junction



Lay Director Thoughts — Walk #204

Seven years ago I was sitting in the Chapel at Edmonds First United Methodist Church as a pilgrim on Walk #144. Of course I didn’t know the time, but I’m guessing it was about 8:15 pm on Thursday night when I realized that I wanted to lead a walk. I had no idea the amount of time, effort, and sacrifice that it took to put on a weekend but I knew I wanted to be a part of it. As the weekend progressed I was hooked. I felt God’s love and grace flowing through His servants and I couldn’t wait to give to others the same way people were giving to me.

Now, several years later I find myself with the distinct honor of leading Walk #204. The theme for the weekend is Nothing is Impossible, which happens to be the key to the first scripture I ever learned; Mat-thew 17:20. The theme song for the weekend is also “Nothing is Impossible” by the group The Planet-shakers. I mention them because I believe that is what God intends to do again during this walk-- Shake our planet. Guided by an amazing, talented, dynamic and energetic group of servants I believe that God will literally rock the socks off of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Centralia!

I encourage you to sign up God’s pilgrims and fill these weekends! Reach out to those that you may have had discussions with previously or those that are hearing about it for the first time and see if God plans for them to be there this spring. Please pray for all that will be attending this weekend. Whether it is as a team member or a new pilgrim, please pray that God touches all of our lives and shows that with Him, Nothing is Impossible.

God Bless!! Jeff Klein

Lay Director Thoughts — Walk #205

When I received a call from Gary Buma and he said, “You have been selected to be a Lay Director

for 2012” I was quiet, thinking “Oh no, now what”? Gary asked if I had dropped the phone, and I said,

that, no, I just was shocked at what I had just heard. I prayed about it and said, “Yes, I would be honored

to do this for the Lord”. As many of you know, I love to serve and that is my passion. “His Everlasting

Love” came to mind as my theme. God has been there for me through thick and thin and with His grace

and love, and I thought that this theme was perfect for what I feel about God.

The verse I picked is 1Peter 5:7. “Cast all your anxieties on to Him as He cares for you”. That

verse comes with history. When I was in high school (a couple years ago) I was going through some

tough stuff and my boyfriend at that time circled in my Bible 1Peter 5:7 and said, “This will help.”

In 2007, Geoff and I moved to Marysville. He had just started with a new job and we were uncer-

tain how we were going to do financially. We started going to LifePoint in Lake Stevens. During the

first year I was invited to a woman’s retreat. I thought that would be great, I can get to know the women

from LifePoint. During the weekend, we were asked to pick a verse, write it down with our name and

put it on a flower. We then randomly picked a flower. When I read the verse on the flower I picked it

was 1Peter 5:7. God is continually reminding me that He is there for me. That He loves me so much

and I should let Him take care of me. The theme and the verse come together nicely. I am reminded

daily how much He loves us and He is there for us no matter what. I pray that you all feel His grace and

love daily and trust in Him to take care of you. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to serve in

March. It’s all for the glory of the Lord.

Dayna Culbertson

His Everlasting Love

1Peter 5:7


Pilgrim Lists Men’s Walk #204

March 1 - 4, 2012

Women’s Walk #205

March 8 - 11, 2012

Women’s Theme, Song and Verse Theme: His Everlasting Love

Song: You Are My King

Verse: “Cast all your anxiety on him

because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

Walk #204 Walk #205 Church Sponsor(s)

Updated January 27 February 1 February 8 February 12 February 16 March 5

Anderson, Marilyn First Baptist, Chehalis Marilynn Chintella

Baer, Lorna Church of Nazarene, Cent. Cindy Tarbet

Belson, Sandy Voice of Christ Kevin & Jean Dragon

Bodenhorn, Ray Temple Baptist Ray Ching & Carl Gay

Boulton, Chelsea Arlington Free Methodist Ron Taylor

Dunham, Charla Immanuel Lutheran Everett Dunham

Forrester, Caleb Gather Church Cole Meckle

Gordon, Justine Gateway Church Kathy Cooley-Smith

Hussey, Shawn Gather Church Cole Meckle

McMichael, Rick McMichael, Karen Southminster Presbyterian Bill & Georgia Gwyn

Middaugh, Debbie Life Center Jeff Klein

Miller, Garner First UMC Olympia Matt Conklin

Morris, Todd Gather Church Cole Meckle

Patton, Matt Gather Church Cole Meckle

Perry, John Perry, Lisa First UMC Olympia Jeff Klein

Renner, Holly Gather Church Cole Meckle

Ring, Jennifer Cedar Cross UMC Missy Peterson & Mollie Hoare

Rogers, Michael Rogers, Emily Capitol Christian Jenny Baxter

Rousseau, Sandy Arlington Free Methodist Ron Taylor

Samson, Jaye Trinity Church Kathy Cooley-Smith

Sandvig, Morris First UMC Olympia Jeff Klein

Saunders, Scott Growe, Dagmar First UMC Olympia L. Calisch/Charlene Rodgers

Schwartz, Jamie Schwartz, Charlene New Life Foursquare Allan/Michelle Yotty

Smith, Shirley Chapel Hill Presbyterian Peg Seaton

Staudinger, Linda St. Paul Lutheran Bob Sinclair

Tiderman, Jerrie First Christian Church Helen Miller & Carl Gay

Vaniman, Curt Vaniman, Julie First UMC Olympia Kevin & Jean Dragon

Whitinger, Michael Immanuel Lutheran Scott Hess

Willis, Steve Willis, Jessalyn Gather Church Cole Meckle

Wilson, Barb Independent Bible Church Helen Miller & Carl Gay

Men’s Theme, Song and Verse Theme: Nothing is Impossible

Song: “Nothing is Impossible” by

the Planetshakers Verse: “...Nothing will be

impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20


Walks 204 & 205 Team Lists

Jesus Christ Director Jesus Christ

Jeff Klein Lay Director Dayna Culbertson

Kevin Dragon Asst. Lay Director Kathi Van Pelt

Cole Meckle Spiritual Director Don West

Sam Hochstatter, Gail Irving, Spiritual Team Paul Hermanson, Kristi Kreamer,

Tom Peterson Sylvia Peterson

Devin Bjorn Worship Team Lead Cheryl Dyson

Neil Angst, Mark Bunda, Matt Conklin, Worship Team Georgia Gwyn, Missy Peterson,

Carl Gay, David Rorem Paige Rath, Angi Swan

Bill Howard Steve Hewitt, George Hollingberry Head Cha Kathy Hawkes

Bob Berndt, Bill Gwyn, Cha Chas Jenny Martinez, Erin McBrien,

Phil Stutzman Lyndi Reed, Mary Villesvik

Ron Taylor, Scott Coffinger Chef, Assistant Kathy Cooley Smith, Jeanne Harshbarger

Neil Angst, Tim Drury, Joe Finke, Kitchen Team Debbie Banks-Shaffner, Fatima Battle,

Jeff Hollingberry, Bill Pasich, Mark Perry, Connie Best, Jean Dragon,

Bruce Raine, Rick Snyder, Peggy Driesen, Chris Ellertson,

Terry Turner, Ken Wick Laurie Grimes, Sharlene Klein,

Debbie Rouse, Jeri Wentland

Wes Neeley, Lance Calisch Palanca Boss, Assistant Tracy Canfield, Sue McWilliams

Ted Dale, Rob Haugen, Palanca Team Cheryl Brinkley-Harmon,

George Hollingberry, Steve King, Rocky Dowrey, Joan Hewitt, Deb Hoheisel, ,

Don Kohlenberger, Lew Linington, Rob Lowe Mary Jaquish, Michelle Juarez, Lyn Madison, ,

Wayne Lurvey, Roger Nelson, Bill Zimmerman Tammie Pennington, Charlene Rodgers,

Darrin Canfield (computer) Jackie Thompson, Cheryl Wilpone

Sherm Baldwin (inventory) Paula Dana (Inventory)

Speaker Backup Talk Room Speaker Backup Nick Roy Bob Short Priorities Angi Swan (worship) Mary Villesvik (cha)

Vince Ivelia Phil Stutzman Priesthood Amy Kliskey Betty Kohlenberger

Nate Blaschka Steve Hewitt Life in Piety Mollie Hoare Nancy Case

Steve Hawk Bob Berndt Growth/Study Jean Harris Cheryl Goodwin

Ariel Aguilar Paul Arms Christian Action Joyce Atkinson Joan Pierce

Greg Flatmo Bob Harshbarger Discipleship Deb Sinclair Sandy Reed

Steve Quant Bubba Nagel Changing Our World Dawn Danielson Irene Wilkerson

Ray Eikhoff Mike Hoheisel Body of Christ Jessica Berg Carol Decker

Paula Dana Love Team Chairs Darrin Canfield

Jackie Linington, Erin Neeley Agape Bosses Geoff Culbertson, Rick Van Pelt

Wes Neeley Send Palanca to: Tracy Canfield

1716 6th St SW 5011 194th Ln SW

Puyallup WA 98371 Rochester, WA 98579

Updated February 12 February 24



Ultreyas meet monthly in the following locations.

If you are in our area, please drop in and share the

spirit with us. These Ultreyas are open to all who

wish to follow Jesus!

Kitsap First Friday at 7:00 p.m.

Silverdale UMC

Ariel Aguilar

North Snohomish/South Skagit

Third Sunday at 5:30 p.m.

Snohomish UMC

Anne Hayes

Oak Harbor

Third Friday at 7:00 p.m.

Oak Harbor FUMC

Ginger Opdyke


South Sound

Third Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Christ Lutheran,


Lee Chaffee-Birnbaum


Third Friday at 7:30 p.m.

Gail Sullivan

2012 PSWTE Board Members

President Gary Buma

President-Emeritus Jodi Wittrock

President Elect Carol Decker

Secretary Ann Coffinger

Treasurer Cheryl Goodwin

Spiritual Directors Fred Gregory

Paul Kuhn

Women’s Walk Coord. Paula Wood

Men’s Walk Coord. Bill Gwyn

2012 Committee Chairs

Facilities North, Central Andy & Joan Pierce

Facilities South Karen Claussen

Fourth Day Lance Calisch & Charlene


Gazette Editor Joyce Atkinson

Historian Scott Coffinger

Kitchen Scott Coffinger

Music Chair John Decker

National/Int’l Palanca Georgia Gwyn

Notebooks Nina Buma

Pre-Walk Joan Pierce

Supplies Karl Brackmann

Team Selection Jodi Wittrock

Web Site Darrin Canfield

Chrysalis Representative

A Gentle Reminder

Please remember that there is an $80 cost for

each pilgrim you sponsor and for yourself when

serving on a team. Checks can be given to the

Palanca Boss at the team meeting, on the walk

or mailed to the PSWTE post office box.

Please indicate the walk number on your check.

A note from the Music Committee - If you make song sheets to use at Emmaus events, there are copyright

notices that must be printed on all copies or transparencies. The requirements can be found in the Song Team

Leader notebook or you can contact me. Thanks for helping to keep us legal. John Decker, Music Chairman


Directions to Walks #205-206 Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1209 N Scheuber Rd, Centralia

An Important Message for Sponsors

Maybe it happens at the cross ceremony? Maybe it happens at Closura? It happens to all of us. You know -

that flood of names you think should also experience this incredible weekend. You have just lived in the grace and

love of Jesus for three days and you desperately want to share. This is a natural response and it allows Walk to

Emmaus to continue its ministry. This is good.

What follows now is the difficult part – choice of a pilgrim. Consider the purpose of Emmaus – “to develop

leaders for the church.” In other words, the weekend is designed to inspire, challenge, and develop servant-

leadership skills for Christian action. While Emmaus is open to every Christian denomination, it is not for

everyone. This is where your “prayerful discernment” is required.

“The aim of a sponsor should not be "to get all my friends to go," to fill up the weekend, to fix

people's problems, or to reproduce one's own religious experience in others. Rather, the aim of

the sponsor is to bring spiritual revitalization to Christians who will, in turn, bring new life and

vision to the work of the church in the congregation, home, workplace, and community. The aim

of sponsorship is to build up the body of Christ.” —Excerpted with permission from The Upper

Room Handbook on Emmaus by Stephen D. Bryant. Copyright © 1989 by The Upper Room.

Not every potential pilgrim is able to receive the benefits of an Emmaus weekend. Inconsistent church

attendance, feelings that God is not important and especially severe life crisis such as divorce, illness or job loss

probably indicate that the time is not right. Pastors on the clergy team do a marvelous job of serving. However,

these three days are not designed to provide an extended counseling session for these extreme emotional, mental or

spiritual needs.

Be certain that your pilgrim has a mature faith that will allow them to go deeper with Christ. Do they seek and

depend on Him daily? Are they involved in regular fellowship and community? Are they an active part of the life

and welfare of the church? Do they attend adult classes, retreats, group activities or outreach? If you can answer

“Yes” to these questions, you can safely assume that this person is good candidate.

Use wisdom, patience and, above all, prayer as you consider sponsorship. Make sure your choice is guided by

God’s leading and not your personal desire. This is an awesome responsibility and a precious gift.

--The Board of Directors of Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus

Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments related to pilgrim selection.


Dear friends, we come together to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus and the weekends are held for the experience

of the pilgrim. Sponsorship is what keeps our organization growing and alive. I encourage you to spend some

prayer time asking and listening for who God would want you to sponsor on a WTE weekend. It may even be some-

one you don’t know other than through a common faith, which is what we all share in PSWTE. Read the article be-

low for sponsorship guidelines. I challenge you to cause a crisis. Let’s see our weekends be at capacity and have

waiting lists.

--Gary Buma

PSWTE Board President

Take I-5 to Exit 82, take ramp (WEST) for Harrison Ave.

Turn LEFT onto Harrison Ave.

Turn LEFT onto Russell Rd..

Turn LEFT onto Scheuber Rd. N, church will be on the right


Request to Serve on a Walk To Emmaus Weekend

Pilgrims are encouraged to serve on one walk a year. The service commitment is from the opening Reception on

Thursday evening to the end of Closura on Sunday evening. There is no set fee for those willing to work but a

suggested donation of $80.00 per person to help cover Walk expenses would be a blessing.

Date:__________________ Month Day Year

Name:_________________________________________________ Age:_______

Preferred Name: _______________________________ Gender: __ Female __ Male Nickname, etc.: how you would like to be addressed

Address:____________________________________ Phone (Home):__________________

City: _____________ State:_____ Zip:________ Work/Cell: _____________________

Email:______________________________ Alt. Email: _____________________________

Church you attend:______________________________________________________________ Include City

Date you made your walk:_______________ Where: _________________________ Month Year Church, City

When did you last serve on a walk: (m/d/y)_______________

Time of year preference: Winter (Jan/Feb) ___ Summer (Jul/Aug) ___ Fall (Oct/Nov) ___ Indicate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices.

When choosing a team, the Lay Director strives for a balance of new and experienced team members. You may be

asked to serve other than your first choice to achieve this balance.

Team experience: ___________________________________________________________

Team position you would like to fill:_____________________________________________

Special skills or talents (cooking, music, etc.): ______________________________________

If you are unable to work the entire weekend (Thurs. to Sun.), would you be willing to work on either:

(circle choice) Love Team: Yes or No or the Agape Team: Yes or No

Will you be sponsoring a pilgrim on the Walk on which you want to serve: (circle choice) Yes or No

Please see the PSWTE web site for correct mailing address for submitting your service request or

or email your service request to:

Do you commit to the Statement of Leadership Commitment on page 2 of this application?

______ Yes _________ No please sign page 2 of this application


Statement of Leadership Commitment

Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus (PSWTE) is an ecumenical community of faith and is guided by God’s

Word. With many denominations represented, PSWTE leaders are called to maintain a healthy

accountability to our sponsoring body and are guided by two essential principles: (1) that every person

is created in the image of God, loved by God, and a person of sacred worth and (2) we affirm God’s

grace is available to all.

Therefore, we commit ourselves to be in ministry for, and with, all persons; serving “as Christ’s hands

and feet.” Each person involved in the leadership of a Walk for PSWTE must (1) have their own belief

in Christ and accepted Him as personal Lord and Savior; (2) be active in their local church; and (3) be

living a life that glorifies God and points others to a personal relationship with Christ.

As such, we must respect the privacy of individuals that may be struggling with issues of the world. We

must maintain the integrity of the ministry and refuse to let it become a platform for those who might

want to use it as a venue for their own personal or denominational views. Every effort must be taken to

ensure that matters will not be brought forward that could become divisive. Christians have differing

views on a number of important issues such as baptism, Holy Communion, birth control, religious ex-

periences, worship practices, and lifestyles. When any person is unable to lay aside their own views on

these, or any other topics that would divide the Emmaus community, it creates a problem that impacts

the integrity of the ministry. Those persons who are so passionate in pursuing their concerns and their

issues that they can not set aside those concerns and issues at any time should excuse themselves from

participation in Emmaus. Anyone who continues to pursue personal agendas will be counseled in grace

and given chances to set them aside when serving PSWTE. If situations continue to occur, individuals

will be asked to step down from serving the PSWTE.

The focus of the Emmaus ministry must remain on Jesus Christ and the essential theology and practices

of the Christian church in support of pilgrims. All leaders on a Walk to Emmaus weekend are asked to

commit to this purpose and to ensure all personal beliefs, theology, and agendas are left out of the week-

end. All clergy are asked to hold to their ordination vows and follow the guidelines of the Walk to Em-

maus ministry. All PSWTE leaders and members (including Board and Committee members, core

team, worship team, clergy, cha chas, speakers and back-ups, palanca, kitchen and love & agape team

chairs) are asked to read and commit to the PSWTE Assurance of Faith (see below or web

site) to ensure that the Walk to Emmaus continues to provide an environment of grace, love, prayer, and

acceptance which accurately represents God’s commandments.

Signature:______________________________________ Date:______________________

By signing, I commit to following this Statement of Leadership and the PSWTE Assurance of Faith. If submitting

electronically, my typed name here is the same as my signed signature.


Address Changes

Please note: now that the majority of newsletters are received electronically, it

is even more important that we have your current email address.

For those of you receiving the print Gazette, please remember to keep your

mailing address current. You may send in changes the following ways:

Send note to: Puget Sound Walk To Emmaus OR

P. O. Box 77314 (indicate PSWTE Address

Seattle, WA 98133 Change in the subject line)

Name _______________________________________________________

New Address _________________________________________________

City ______________________________ State ________ Zip __________

Home Phone: ( )___________________ Work Phone: ( ) __________

Church ______________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________

Check here if you’d like to receive the Gazette electronically

Board Meeting Highlights

Welcome to the New Year, 2012! With the New Year under way, the "changing of the President” (and others) occurs in January. Many thanks to Roger Nelson for his three years of service in the President rotation. Jodi Wittrock moves into the President Emeritus role. Gary Buma is President for 2012. Welcome to Carol Decker as President Elect. Next Board Meeting: Saturday, January 28,9:00 am

Elim Baptist Church 2410 North 46th St Seattle 98103

No report right now, but you can

keep up by checking the Puget

Sound Chrysalis website at


To help protect the privacy and se-

curity of all persons, the PSWTE

Board has opted to password-

protect the 4th Day information on

the web site.

When you click on 4th Day, you

will be prompted to enter a pass-

word. That password is decolores.

Note: no spaces, no capitalization.

From the Music Chairman:

The music committee is mak-ing a list of musicians to assist Lay Directors in team selection. I sent an e-mail to those who were listed in the Walk To Emmaus data base as having served on Music Teams. If you didn't get this email, would you drop me an e-note (or other communication) with your specialty (voice, guitar, keyboard, or other instrument) so I can include you on the list? Also, if you haven't served on a Music Team and would like to, please let me know, along with your spe-cialty, and I will include you on the list.

John Decker, Music Committee Chairman


Men’s/Women’s Walks #204-205

Fourth Day April 28, 2012

Men's /Women’s Walks #206-207

Edmonds UMC, Edmonds

Men’s: #205 August 2 - 5, 2012

LD Bob Short

Women’s #207 August 9 - 12, 2012

LD Bette Kohlenberger

Team Meeting: June 30, 2012

Newsletter Deadline June 28, 2012

Fourth Day November 17, 2012

(Christ Lutheran, Lakewood)

Men's /Women’s Walks #208-209

Christ Lutheran, Lakewood

Men’s: #208 October 11 - 14, 2012

LD Kevin Dragon

Women’s #209 October 18 - 21, 2012

LD Lyndi Reed

Team Meeting: September 15, 2012

Newsletter Deadline September 17, 2012

Fourth Day November 17, 2012

Upcoming Walks & Activities

The Rainbow Junction Gazette Puget Sound Walk To Emmaus

PO Box 77314

Seattle, WA 98133

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Permit No. 484

Bellevue, WA

Request to Serve

on a Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus

Requests to serve on a Walk to Emmaus weekend

can be found in the Gazette and on the PSWTE

website at Click on the “4th Day”

link. The form can be printed, downloaded, or

filled out online, saved and e-mailed.

Be sure to read and sign the Statement of Leader-

ship Commitment on page 2 of the form.