The Rainbow Junction Gazette - Amazon S3 · solutions. I become overwhelmed with insecurity. I get...

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The Rainbow Junction Gazette

Volume 27, Number 2 May 2009

Rainbows To You!

Hello Walk to Emmaus brothers and sisters! You may be surprised to receive

this issue of your Rainbow Gazette. There is no upcoming Walk weekend so

you won’t find pilgrim lists or team members. Since it seemed like such a

long time between February and July, we simply wanted to keep in touch and deliver extra

news about the Community. Inside, you’ll find an updated Walk schedule, a new Ultreya list,

guidelines for pilgrim selection, duties of sponsors, as well as information related to the

budget, web site, and upcoming nominations. We hope this newsletter finds you well and

trusting Jesus. Your WTE Board

Walk to Emmaus Statement of Faith

We believe in the inspired Word of God, the Holy Scriptures as our authority of faith

and practice.

We believe in the Holy Trinity, One God manifested in three persons: Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit. God is our Father, Creator and Sustainer of all life. Jesus Christ is true God

and true man. He is the only way to the Father because of his unique birth, life, death,

resurrection, and ascension. The Holy Spirit is equally God, whose ministry is to

convict, indwell, and empower every Christian.

We believe man (Genesis 5:1-2) was created in God's image, but through Adam's fall,

we inherit a sinful nature. Personal salvation is attained only through acceptance of

Jesus Christ as personal Savior. Discipleship, growth, and accountability in Christ and

the Church are necessary for every believer.

We believe in God's prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace which draws us into

divine relationship, must be claimed as an act of faith, and is perfected through the

power of the Holy Spirit. Baptism and Holy Communion are the outward and visible

signs of this inward and spiritual grace.

We believe in the local church. We believe in the local church as Christ's witness to the

world. We believe the Emmaus Movement supports the local church by nurturing and

encouraging dedicated Christian leaders by promoting unity, inspiration, and fellowship

in Christ.


Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Revised flood bill ―a disaster‖

$9.3 billion state deficit

Media group files for bankruptcy

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

Stress takes a toll on heart

Teenager arrested over soldier’s killing

Arrest of major drug suspect

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present


requests to God.

Shopping centers failing nationwide

HIV infections soar

Lay off 20% of staff

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in

Christ Jesus.

This week I was feeling anxiety over local, national, and global headlines. In light of so much

uncertainty I am so easily drawn to worry and discouragement. Listening to descriptions and

predictions made by analysts, governors, legislators, even presidents, I find myself questioning their

solutions. I become overwhelmed with insecurity. I get distracted.

Then from midst of confusion Jesus reminds me that HE IS the Creator of the universe, the Savior of

mankind, our Redeemer, our Father, our Comfort, our Refuge, our Healer, our Hope, our Joy.

I am brought back to Philippians 4:4-7. Then the contrast between the world today and God’s Word

forever becomes clear. I am awed by His incredible promise to us…His Peace that transcends all under-


I am reminded of His Agape Love and the words to the song we sing:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus

Look full in His wonderful face

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim

In the light of His glory and grace.

As the community of believers in the world today, as members of the family of God, let us turn our eyes

upon Jesus. Let us look full in His wonderful face. Let us know the light of His Glory and Grace.

Peace to you my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Marilynn Chintella



The Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus is seeking qualified candidates to fill Board positions for

the following year (2010). The positions open are President– Elect (women only), Secretary,

Men’s Walk Coordinator, and Treasurer. Only lay persons are eligible to hold office on the

Emmaus Board, with the exception of the Spiritual Advisors.

The purpose of the Emmaus Board is to monitor and maintain the quality of the program and

select new members. To ensure that the program continues to perform efficiently for both the

men’s and women’s Walks, a balance of both genders on the Board will be maintained. The

president-elect position will have opposite gender in alternate years. The president-elect is a

three year commitment. All other positions are a two year commitment.

The nominees must have attended a Walk to Emmaus or other similar three day spiritual ex-

perience, show leadership and understanding of the Emmaus movement, be living a Christ-

centered, Bible based lifestyle, and be an active member in their church fellowship. Specific

skill requirements for some Board position must be met. Also specific experiences within the

Emmaus Community are required for different positions.

Lay Directors are also being sought for the summer and fall Walks in 2010. In addition to the

general qualifications listed above they must have worked on the two background teams,

served at a Pilgrim table, given a talk, and served on a core team.

If you have a person that you would like to nominate you should do the following:

Go to and download a nomination form

Go to the by-law section and read the specific details for the position for which you

would like to nominate the person

send the application to the address on the nomination form.

We would like to have the nominations in by May 30th so the Board can evaluate the candi-

dates and make decisions for the upcoming year.

The Walk to Emmaus Board encourages everyone to take part in the nomination. If there are

any questions or concerns feel free to call or e-mail President-Elect Roger Nelson. (Phone):

253-582-2085 (e-mail):

Getting to Know Your PSWTE Board Members (continued from January 2009)

Bill Gwyn, Men’s Walk Coordinator

Greetings to all. My name is Bill Gwyn, and I have been the Men’s Walk Coordinator for the past three years.

What a joy it is to serve the Lord in this capacity. I am responsible for training the Core Team for each of the

men’s walks and to provide assistance wherever needed on each of the walks. I began my walk with the Lord

through PSWTE Walk #48 in July of 1994 at Christ Lutheran Church, Lakewood. I have a great love for the

PSWTE and the people who serve and sponsor others on walks. What a privilege it is to be associated with this

family of Believers in Christ.

Carl Gay, President Emeritus

Grace and peace to all my sisters and brothers in Christ who make up the Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus

community. My name is Carl Gay and I currently serve as the 2009 "president emeritus" of the PSWTE board of

directors. My wife Robin and I live in Port Angeles where we raised our five children and I have practiced law

for 30 years. We worship at Lighthouse Christian Center which is affiliated with the Assembly of God denomi-


My pilgrim walk was #30 in October of 1991 and it was indeed a mountain-top experience for me. One

of the many memorable aspects during the weekend was my "conscription" into service on the song team. I had

not played a guitar in at least a decade and had never been exposed to contemporary praise music, but due to the

absence of three of the song team members for much of the weekend, I was called into service (along with fellow

pilgrims Bob Short and Scott Marshall, who have both gone on to be song team leaders and remain active in the

Emmaus ministry). My faith was re-ignited by my three day weekend and I quickly became very active in my

local church leadership as well as helping to introduce contemporary music into the worship services.

Following my pilgrim Walk, I couldn't wait to serve on a team and I had the privilege of being a member

of the song team on Walk #31, the next men's weekend, which was led by lay director Dave Rorem. Today, I

host my reunion group which meets every Monday evening from 5:30 to 7:00 in my office waiting room. Since

1992, I have also served at least twice a year on a Walk, a Chrysalis, or a Kairos, and I had the blessed opportu-

nity to serve as the lay director on Walk #106 in October of 1999.

I served as "president-elect" of the PSWTE board in 2007 and as "president" during 2008. The primary

role of the "president emeritus" is to provide continuity by virtue of having a historical perspective on the work of

the board and all Emmaus committees during the preceding two years. My responsibilities include oversight of

financial records and reports as well as assistance to the upcoming lay directors in selecting their teams, ensuring

they maintain a balance between experienced workers and new pilgrims. I know my involvement in the Emmaus

ministry will always remain a major part of my life and an enduring blessing as I continue "counting on Christ"

for my daily walk with Him.

Sherm Baldwin, Treasurer

I took my walk at First United Methodist Church, Olympia, Oct 30 to Nov 2, 1997. The theme of the

weekend was ―Keys to the Kingdom.‖

I am in the office of Treasurer for the third year. I am responsible for the safekeeping and disbursing of

funds as required and keeping accurate records of such dealings. During 2008 we expended $32,000.00 of which

$6700.00 are fixed costs; insurance and the like. If we divide our annual costs by number of walks, we need to

collect $ 5,333.00 per walk.

To that end we all need to be good stewards of our funds, staying within our budgets, and remitting our

fee when we serve. Receipts returned in a timely manner receive prompt


Puget Sound Chrysalis Summer Flight , July 16-19, 2009

This summer, a joint flight will be offered at Des Moines UMC, a facility that can provide enough

space for two concurrent Flights. These combined Flights do not mix the boys with girls, but take

advantage of a single kitchen and dining facility to serve a large gathering.

Chrysalis is a program of Walk To Emmaus designed to offer an experience similar to a Walk for

young people aged 16 to 24. Puget Sound Chrysalis has already conducted a very successful Boys

Flight this year at Snohomish UMC and is enthusiastic to offer its first Girls Flight of the

year. We are looking for at least 12 young women and 12 young men to make this undertaking a

whopping success!

If you are interested in offering a ―Walk-like‖ experience to a son, daughter, grandson, grand-

daughter, niece, nephew, or even a neighbor, here’s how you do it. Check out Caterpillar Applications (for sponsors to complete) are available for

download and printing, and Servant Applications can be completed online (and yes, we need vol-

unteer help, too!).

There is information on the website concerning this Flight and contact information if you have

questions. Alternately, please contact Joe Garrett at

Puget Sound Chrysalis is now on Facebook as PSChrysalis. We also have a Yahoogroups list at You can join the Chrysalis Yahoogroup by sending a

blank email to

It Costs

Everything costs something. Walk to Emmaus weekends have expenses. THANK YOU for tak-

ing your fiscal responsibility seriously by paying when you sponsor and serve. Going forward

with weekends depends entirely on your faithful financial commitment.

Designate your Donation

As you are well aware, not everyone who wants to sponsor a pilgrim or serve on a walk has the

financial means to do so. Emmaus has never denied participation to anyone due to lack of re-

sources. That being said, it still takes dollars to put on our weekends. This has always been made

possible by the incredible generosity of community members who give above and beyond the

―suggested‖ amounts. We could never do this without their donations.

Now, the Board would like to offer a specific category of donation – a ―scholarship‖. This would

allow donors to know that their money would be directly designated towards those who need assis-

tance in sponsoring or serving. How to do this? Simply write ―scholarship‖ on the memo line of

your check.

Apply for a Scholarship

If you find yourself needing some assistance, we ask that you let us know. Simply submit your

written request to the Treasurer, or any Board member. This is not intended to be snoopy, but

rather to keep an accurate accounting of our balance. By the way, this is always confidential.

Statement of Leadership Commitment

Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus (PSWTE) is an ecumenical community of faith and is guided by God’s word. With

many denominations represented, PSWTE leaders are called to maintain a healthy accountability to our sponsoring body

and are guided by two essential principles: (1) that every person is created in the image of God, loved by God, and a

person of sacred worth and (2) we affirm God’s grace is available to all.

Therefore, we commit ourselves to be in ministry for, and with, all persons; serving ―as Christ’s hands and feet‖. Each

person involved in the leadership of a Walk for PSWTE must (1) have their own belief in Christ and accepted Him as

personal Lord and Savior; (2) active in their local church; and (3) living a life that glorifies God and points others to a

personal relationship with Christ.

As such, we must respect the privacy of individuals that may be struggling with issues of the world. We must maintain

the integrity of the ministry and refuse to let it become a platform for those who might want to use it as a venue for their

own personal or denominational views. Every effort must be taken to ensure that matters will not be brought forward

that could become divisive. Christians have differing views on a number of important issues such as baptism, Holy

Communion, birth control, religious experiences, worship practices, and lifestyles. When any person is unable to lay

aside their own views on these, or any other topics that would divide the Emmaus community, it creates a problem that

impacts the integrity of the ministry. Those persons who are so passionate in pursuing their concerns and their issues

that they can not set aside those concerns and issues at any time should excuse themselves from participation in Em-

maus. Anyone who continues to pursue personal agendas will be counseled in grace and given chances to set them

aside when serving PSWTE. If situations continue to occur, individuals will be asked to step down from serving the


The focus of the Emmaus ministry must remain on Jesus Christ and the essential theology and practices of the Christian

church in support of pilgrims. All leaders on a Walk to Emmaus weekend are asked to commit to this purpose and to

ensure all personal beliefs, theology, and agendas are left out of the weekend. All clergy are asked to hold to their

ordination vows and follow the guidelines of the Walk to Emmaus ministry. All PSWTE leaders and members

(including Board and Committee members, core team, worship team, clergy, cha chas, speakers and back-ups, palanca,

kitchen and love & agape team charis) are asked to read and commit to the PSWTE Assurance of Faith (see below or web site) to ensure that the Walk to Emmaus continues to provide an environment of grace, love, prayer, and

acceptance which accurately represents God’s commandments.

Assurance of Faith

Statement of Faith as provided by the International Walk to Emmaus office.

We believe in the inspired Word of God, the Holy Scriptures as our authority of faith and practice.

We believe in the Holy Trinity, One God manifested in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is our Father,

Creator, and Sustainer of all life. Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He is the only way to the Father because of his

unique birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. The Holy Spirit is equally God, whose ministry is to convict, in-

dwell, and empower every Christian.

We believe man (Genesis 5:1-2) was created in God’s image, but through Adam’s fall, we inherit a sinful nature. Per-

sonal salvation is attained only through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Savior. Discipleship, growth, and

accountability in Christ and the Church are necessary for every believer.

We believe in God’s prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace which draws us into divine relationship, must be

claimed as an act of faith, and is perfected through the power of the Holy Spirit. Baptism and Holy Communion are the

outward and visible signs of this inward and spiritual grace.

We believe in the local church. We believe in the local Church as Christ’s witness to the world. We believe the Em-

maus Movement supports the local Church by nurturing and encouraging dedicated Christian leaders by promoting unity, inspiration, and fellowship in Christ.

Signature:__________________________________________ Date:______________________ By signing, I commit to following this Statement of Leadership and the PSWTE Assurance of Faith.

Request to Serve on a Walk To Emmaus Weekend Pilgrims are encouraged to work one walk a year. The service commitment is from the opening Reception on

Thursday evening to the end of Closura on Sunday evening. There is no set fee for those willing to work but a

suggested donation of $80.00 per person to help cover Walk expenses would be a blessing.

Date:__________________ Month Day Year

Name:_________________________________________________ Age:_______

Preferred Name: _______________________________ Gender: __ Female __ Male Nickname, etc.: how you would like to be addressed

Address:____________________________________ Phone (Home):__________________

City: _____________ State:_____ Zip:________ Work/Cell: _____________________

Email:______________________________ Alt. Email: _____________________________

Church you attend:______________________________________________________________ Include City

Date you made your walk:_______________ Where: _________________________ Month Year Church, City

Date of last walk you served on: (m/d/y)_______________

Time of year preference: Winter (Feb) ___ Summer (Jul/Aug) ___ Fall (Oct/Nov) ___ Indicate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices.

When choosing a team, the Lay Director strives for a balance of new and experienced team members. You may be

asked to serve other than your first choice to achieve this balance.

Team experience: ___________________________________________________________

Team position you would like to fill:_____________________________________________

Special skills or talents (cooking, music, etc.): ______________________________________

If you are unable to work the entire weekend (Thurs. to Sun.), would you be willing to work on either:

(circle choice) Love Team: Yes or No or the Agape Team: Yes or No

Will you be sponsoring a pilgrim on the Walk on which you want to serve: (circle choice) Yes or No

Return application to:

Puget Sound Walk To Emmaus

Attn: Team Selection Committee or email application to:

P. O. Box 77314

Seattle, WA 98133

Do you commit to the Statement of Leadership Commitment and the Assurance of Faith on

page 2 of this application? ______ Yes _________ No please sign page 2 of this application

Guidelines for Pilgrim Selection

Please prayerfully consider the following questions when considering someone as a potential

pilgrim. There is no ―perfect‖ pilgrim, but these questions will help you decide if a person is

prepared for the Walk to Emmaus and will persevere in their Fourth Day discipleship:

Is the person a (baptized) Christian?

Can you talk to this person about Jesus Christ?

Is the person in good health? (If a pregnant woman, not more than seven months preg-


Is the person a mature, responsible adult of at least 21 years of age?

Is the person mentally and emotionally stable? Is there stress evident, e.g. a recent di-

vorce, that might interfere with their Walk experience?

Is the person someone who is respected and has a positive impact on those around


Is the person someone who will work to improve their environment by bringing Christ

into their work, home, church, and society-at-large?

Is the person open to living in Christian community and fellowship?

Pilgrim Applications

Hi! My name is Joan Pierce and I am the Emmaus Pre-Walk Chairperson. I receive all the

pilgrim applications for both men and women. Pilgrim attendance is increasing and that’s a

wonderful thing. To make the Pre-Walk job less stressful, I am asking you to please follow

some simple guidelines for pilgrim sponsorship:

Upon receipt of a pilgrim application, the pilgrim is tentatively scheduled for the next

available walk. As Pre-Walk Chair, I call the Sponsor to confirm receipt of the application

and date of the Walk. One must not assume that his/her pilgrim is attending the requested

walk until you have this confirmation.

Once confirmation has been received a check for $80 for each pilgrim sponsored should be

mailed to the Pre-Walk Chairperson.

Sponsors, it’s best to confirm pilgrim attendance before having your pilgrim request time

off from work. It is a lot easier to attend another walk than to get time off from work.

If a married pilgrim is attending and his/her spouse is not, please include a letter from the

pilgrim’s pastor. The application will not be processed until this letter is received.

All applications must be in a letter postmarked or emailed to the Pre-Walk Chairperson no

less than 4 weeks before the date of the requested Walk. Please be considerate of the Lay Director and his/her team as they prepare for the Walk and

before the Walk weekend.

Sponsor’s Pre-Walk to Emmaus Responsibilities

A sponsor should 1) be an active part of the Emmaus or Cursillo communities; hopefully this includes a

reunion group, 2) know the pilgrim on a one-to-one basis; it is recommended that you have known the pil-

grim for at least six months, 3) talk to God about the pilgrim before you talk to the pilgrim about attending

a walk, 4) consider the ―Guidelines for Pilgrim Selection‖ as part of your prayers 5) discuss the pilgrim

with your reunion group.

Be very careful about your selection of pilgrims; "Sponsorship can be unwise or wise. Unwise sponsorship

results from unbridled enthusiasm that wants everyone to have the same experience. Sponsors with unbri-

dled enthusiasm approach anybody and everybody with the admonition that "you need to go on The Walk,"

and that open invitation is the primary (sometimes the only) emphasis. This approach lacks discernment

and will result in a burden for the church. Such efforts in sponsorship frequently result in religious fringe

groups within the church or possibly a parachurch of "Emmausites." While the individual being sponsored

may benefit, that individual does not go back into the church to foster growth and renewal. The lack of

commitment at this point is contrary to the purpose of Emmaus.‖* The pilgrims should also be comfort-

able with the idea of living out their faith in Christian community, especially in a small group setting. The

weekend is intended for both members of a married couple: speak with each of them; do not rely on one

spouse to recruit the other. While there have been situations where only one spouse has made his/her walk;

please consider such a sponsorship an exception to be entered into with prayerful reluctance and in consul-

tation with his/her pastor or the president of the Walk to Emmaus Board.

Explain to the pilgrim the purpose of the movement which is:

To provide an environment in which the pilgrim may experience a new or renewed encounter

with the living and personal God, reappraise priorities, and make a deeper commitment to

Christian discipleship.

To provide the nurture, support, and fellowship of a New Testament Christian community by

way of worship, instruction, small group sharing, spiritual guidance, and selfless service.

To equip Christians to be effective and intentional about proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and

living the Christian life daily in their homes, churches, places of work, and communities.

Tell the pilgrim, as much as you can about the weekend, not as little as you can. You may describe the

talks, experiences of communion, prayer, singing, fellowship, good food, and just plain fun, but leave the

Palanca, Agape, Mananitas, Closura, and other surprises to be discovered on the pilgrim’s weekend.

Have the pilgrim fill out an application and return it to you. Take personal responsibility for getting the

pastor’s signature, and then mail the application to the Pre-Walk Chair. Pilgrims are scheduled for walks

solely on the date that their completed applications are received by the Pre-Walk Chair (or later according

to the pilgrims preference).

Anticipate their Fourth Day and your responsibilities; specifically, 1) plan to take your pilgrim to the next

Fourth Day Celebration, 2) accompany them to Ultreya, and 3) help place them in a reunion group.

Conscientiously check off the responsibilities indicated on the ―Sponsorship Checklist‖ as you fulfill them.

These details are critical to your pilgrim’s Emmaus experience. Finally, remember that sponsorship contin-

ues into your pilgrim’s Fourth Day. Sponsorship is an exciting adventure; God bless you as you accept the


* quoted from the The Upper Room, How to become a sponsor

rev 01-2008

Address Changes Please note: now that the majority of newsletters are received electronically, it is even more important

that we have your current email address.

For those of you receiving the print Gazette, please remember to keep your mailing address current. You

may send in changes the following ways:

Send note to: Puget Sound Walk To Emmaus or

P. O. Box 77314

Seattle, WA 98133 -indicate PSWTE Address Change in

the subject line


New Address_______________________________________________________

City__________________ State__________ Zip____

Home Phone: ( )________________ Work Phone: ( )__________________


Email: _________________________

Check here if you’d like to receive the Gazette electronically ______

Have you visited?

Pilgrim application




Statement of faith


Request to serve

Contact Board members

You’ll find it here!


First Friday @ 7:00pm

Silverdale UMC

Ariel Aguilar

North Olympic

First Friday

Call for time and location

Carl Gay 360-457-6478

North Seattle

2nd Friday in March, June, Sept.

@6:30. Begins with a faith pot-


Calvin Presbyterian

Warren & Janet Hewitt


Ultreyas Ultreyas meet monthly in the following locations. If you are in our area, please drop in and

share the spirit with us. These Ultreyas are open to all who wish to follow Jesus!

North Snohomish/South Skagit

Third Sunday of every month

5:30—8:00 pm

Potluck, Communion, Worship

Snohomish UMC

Anne Hayes, pastor-

Oak Harbor

Third Friday @ 7:00 pm

Oak Harbor UMC

Ginger Opdyke



Third Friday @ 7:30

Call for location

2009 PSWTE Board Members President Marilynn Chintella

President-Emeritus Carl Gay

President Elect Roger Nelson

Secretary Nina Buma

Treasurer Sherm Baldwin

Spiritual Director Brad Beeman

Spiritual Director Fred Gregory

Women’s Walk Coord. Marian Anderson

Men’s Walk Coord. Bill Gwyn

2009 Selected Committees Contact Information

Fourth Day Eric & Mary Villesvik Gazette Editors Cheryl & Paul Goodwin Historian Gary & Nina Buma Music Chair Steve Quant Kitchen Connie Botello Notebooks Nancy Case Pre-Walk Joan Pierce Supplies Karl Brackmann Web Site Robin Carlstrom

Board Meeting May 16, 2009

Edmonds UMC July 11, 2009

Men’s/Women’s Walks #188-189

Oak Harbor UMC

Men’s #188 Jul 23-26, 2009

Lance Calisch

Women’s #189 Jul 30-Aug 1, 2009

Erin Buckley-Noonan

Team Meeting June 20, 2009

Newsletter Deadline June 15, 2009

Board Meeting Sept 19, 2009

Edmonds UMC

Men’s/Women’s Walks #190-191

Immanuel Lutheran, Centralia

Men’s #190 Oct 8-11, 2009

Ernie Baldwin

Women’s #191 Oct 15-28, 2009

Ann Coffinger

Team Meeting Aug 29, 2009

Newsletter Deadline Sept 3, 2009

Board Meetings Nov 21, 2009

Edmonds UMC

Upcoming Walks & Activities

The Rainbow Junction Gazette Puget Sound Walk To Emmaus

PO 77314

Seattle, WA 98133

Address Service Requested

Non-Profit ORG

U.S. Postage Paid

Permit No. 484

Bellevue, WA

Request to Serve

a Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus

Requests to serve on a

Walk to Emmaus weekend

can be found on the PSWTE website at:

The form can be printed, downloaded,

or filled out online.

Be sure to read and sign the

Statement of Leadership Commitment

on page 2 of the form.

Men’s/Women’s Walks #192-193

Everett First UMC

Men’s #192 Feb 25-28, 2010

David Richards

Women’s #193 Mar 4-7, 2010

Lynn Lurvey

Team Meeting Jan 16, 2010

Newsletter Deadline Jan 21, 2010