The QAT Event Management menu allows the user to add or ...  · Web viewThe event name in Column A...

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Transcript of The QAT Event Management menu allows the user to add or ...  · Web viewThe event name in Column A...

Tool User Functions Event Management


This option allows you to add a group of participants and/or respondents to a specific event using an Excel spreadsheet that can be downloaded. You can prepare event lists ahead of time, or get them from others and eliminate the need to type in everything manually!

This is the Participant Upload screen: There are three variations depending upon which type of upload you are selecting: The screen shot below shows one variation.

Participant Upload - online projects

Participant/Respondent Upload - online projects

Participant Upload - paper with online projects

Clicking on the word Click here brings up a step-by-step process of how to perform a Participant Upload-online project.

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Tool User Functions Event Management

Clicking on the word Click here brings up the following message to enable you to download a spreadsheet.

This is a standard internet message – you do not have to be concerned about this file! You can either open the file, enter the information, and then save it to your computer, or save it immediately to your computer. It is probably easier to save the file immediately as a template and then add participant or participant/respondent information.

Either way, when you DO open the file, you will get an Excel spreadsheet that looks like this: Again, there are three variations. We are including a screen shot for each spreadsheet.

Participant Upload - online projects

1. [required] Complete the information in each required column A, B, C, and D. Important: The event name in Column A must match exactly the name of the new event that you will set-up in Event Management/Add Event function. Columns E, F, and G are optional. DO NOT DELETE the title row!

Participant/Respondent Upload

1. [required] Complete the information in each required column A, B, C, D, G, and H. The event name in

Column A must match exactly the name of the new event that you will set-up in Event Management/Add Event function. [Note: Two sample rows are completed for you. Be sure to delete them before you save your group, or they will be loaded into the system. But DO NOT DELETE the title row!]

A, B, C, and D: Event name, Last name, First name, and Respondent e-mail (the e-mail address of the person you just entered).

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Tool User Functions Event Management

G: Perspective – it is VERY IMPORTANT that these match the perspectives for the project/event to which you are adding this group of people. If you have customized your perspectives, you must use the proper terminology or the spreadsheet will not load properly.

H: Participant e-mail – this tells the system who each person is rating. Participants are rating themselves, so the Respondent e-mail and the Participant e-Mail addresses are the same.

If you are including raters other than participants on this list (e.g., boss, direct reports), be sure the person they are rating is listed. Raters must be loaded at the same time as their participant, or you will get an error message.

Participant Upload - paper with online projects

1. [required] Complete the information in each required column A, B, C, and G. Important: The event name in Column A must match exactly the name of the new event that you will set-up in Event Management/Add Event function. Columns D, E, F, & H are optional. DO NOT DELETE the title row!Now save the spreadsheet on your computer.2. Return to QAT and select your company name from the drop-down list.

Now the rest of the screen will open up:

3. Select the Project to which you are adding the list of names.4. Tell the system where your spreadsheet is located by either: 1) typing in the path name; or 2) clicking on

“Browse” and locating the file on your computer.5. Click on “Upload File.”

6. A new page appears with the upload ID and message. You will be sent an Upload Notification email informing you if there were any errors in the upload.

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Select project

Enter spreadsheet location

Upload file

Tool User Functions Event Management

The following email will be sent to you when the upload is complete.

Subject Line: Upload Notification

The upload you submitted on [date] is now complete. There were [number] rows with errors. Any records without errors were loaded successfully.

Here are your upload details:

Upload ID: [Upload ID]Client: [Client Name]Project: [Project Name]

If there were no errors, you can now send invitations to your participants or raters.

If there were errors with your upload in the Quick Access Tools (QAT), follow these steps to correct the errors and load the updates:

1. Click on “Quick Search” link in the QAT system:

2. Click on “Upload Status”

3. In the search page, enter your Upload ID: [Upload ID] and press the “Search” button

4. Click the “View” link under the Upload Details column to see the specifics about your spreadsheet or,

5. Click the “Download” link under the Download column to get a spreadsheet of just the rows that contained errors on your spreadsheet.

6. Using the printout or the Upload Details page, you can correct the failed records on the downloaded spreadsheet and re-load it, starting at step #2 above.

7. Click the “Event Management/Status” link and then select “Upload from file” link to select the Excel file with the corrected records.

Please contact your PDI Project Manager if you need assistance. If you are unsure who to contact, call:

Support for Europe, Middle East, and AfricaPhone: 32.2.777.70.50

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Tool User Functions Event Management

Fax: 32.2.777.70.55

Support for All Other Locations800.783.6492+1 651.688.1988

7. Click on the Upload ID link. This takes you to the Upload Status Quick Search page. Click the Search button (Your client & upload ID are already filled in.) Your upload will appear. Check the Upload Status column to see where your upload is in the four-step process. Continue to click the Search button until fourth status appears.

8. Once the upload reaches the fourth status (Upload Complete Step 4 of 4) you can do two thing:a. Click the View link under the Upload Details column to see the specifics about your spreadsheet, orb. Click the Download link under the Download column to get a spreadsheet of just the failed rows from

your spreadsheet.

9. Clicking the View link brings you to Upload Details page showing each row in your spreadsheet. The Status column shows whether that row loaded successfully.

10. If a row didn’t load successfully, you can click the View link and see an error description. Or you can choose the Print button and get the whole list including the error descriptions for each failed record.

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Tool User Functions Event Management

11. Using the printout or the Upload Details page, you can correct the failed records on the download spreadsheet and re-load it, starting at step #3

You can verify that your group has been loaded properly to your event by going to the Event Quick Search screen.

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