The primary responsibility of the Governing Council is to ...- Identifying and reviewing risk...

Post on 27-Mar-2018

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Transcript of The primary responsibility of the Governing Council is to ...- Identifying and reviewing risk...

Governing Council


The primary responsibility of the Governing Council is to preside over the Association’s affairs andprovide efficient governance for the benefit of all stakeholders. It comprises of 16 non-executiveautonomous members whoa re either elected by the members of the Association or nominated by variousbodies or persons. All Council Members serve in an independent capacity and do not receive anyremuneration for their services. Other Responsibilities of the Governing Council: - Approving strategies, objectives and financial plans - Monitoring these plans and compliance with regulatory requirements - Reviewing and approving policies ad procedures across the Association - Formulating strategies for short and long term operational plans -  Identifying and reviewing risk management term operational plans - Appraising operational procedures and maintaining the quality of examination -  Overseeing the financial conduct of the Association and ensuring that effective internalcontrol systems are in place

Ensuring compliance of governance requirements, procedures and practices.

M.J. Magdon Ismail


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Governing Council

* Fellow Member of the AAT Sri Lanka * Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka * Certified Management Accountant (Australia) * Financial Consultant - Ramada Colombo * Independent Director - Amana Bank * AAT Council

Sarathchandra Ilayperuma

Vice President


Sunil Wanigabadu


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Governing Council

* Fellow Member of the AAT Sri Lanka * Fellow Member of the Institute of Financial Accountants * Member of the Institute of Certified Professional Managers * Financial Controller - Sino Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. * AAT Council Member 1996-1997 & since 2002

J.M.U.B. Jayasekera

Immediate Past President

*Fellow Member of the AAT Sri Lanka *Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka * Fellow Member of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka * Fellow Member of the Institute of Public Finance & Development Accountancy * Bachelor of Science (Mgt) Special - University of Sri Jayewardenepura * Member of the Governing Council - CA Sri Lanka * Partner - Udaya Jayasekera & Company (Chartered Accountants) * Chairman & Managing Director – JMC Jayasekera Management Center * Group Principal - JMC College International * AAT Council Member since 1996 *Secretary - AAT Sri Lanka 2008-2011

Indraka P. Liyanage

Council Member

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Governing Council

* Member of the AAT Sri Lanka * Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers * Vocational Member of the Institute of Credit Management (UK)* Vocational Member of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (UK) * Fellow Member of the Institute of Certified Professional Managers * Associate Member of the Institute of Credit Management of Sri Lanka * Commonwealth Executive Master of Business Administration * Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (CA Sri Lanka) * Treasure of the CEMBA Alumni * Senior Manager - Credit Risk, Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC *  Secretary to the Board Credit Committee and Board Integrated Risk Management Committee - Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC

   Lakshman Abeysekera

Council Member

* Fellow Member of the AAT Sri Lanka * Fellow Member  of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka * Master of Business Administration – University of Sri Jayewardenepura * Director / Chief Executive Officer - JanRich (Pvt) Ltd. * AAT Council Member 2004-2009

H.L.P. Dayal Abhayasinghe

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Governing Council

Council Member


J.A. Choliya De Silva

Council Member


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Governing Council

A. Naleen Dhammika De SilvaCouncil MemberGroup Chief Finance Officer /Finance Director NAVARA CAPITAL GROUP..

P. JayasekaraCouncil MemberSAT, FITSL, FAPFA, ACPA

Ms. F.S. Naayila MarikkarCouncil MemberFCA

Somasiri MunaweeraCouncil Member*Fellow Member of the AAT Sri Lanka * Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka * Fellow Member of the Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka,*Bachelor of Commerce (Special), University of Colombo *Master of Business Administration, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, *Managing Director - Southern Management & Corporate Services (PVT) Ltd. *Managing Partner, S.Munaweera & Co., (Chartered Accountants), *Independent Director - Alumex Plc, Alufab Plc

K.L. Jagath Nandana PereraCouncil MemberFCA, B.B.(Mgt) Acc Sp.

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Governing Council

Rajesh Harsha RajanCouncil Member

W.M.N.J. PushpakumaraCouncil Member

Ms. J.K.N. SamanmalieCouncil MemberBSc. Mgt. (Public) Sp. (USJ), MPA(PIM), MA (Economics) (IUJ, Japan)

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