The prescribed-productional department of a drugstore carries out such functions:

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Unit 5 . THE ORGANIZATION OF PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMEN PHARMACY. RULES OF EXCERPTION AND RECEPTION OF RECIPE. The prescribed-productional department of a drugstore carries out such functions:  1) reception of prescriptions on ex-temporal medical products - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The prescribed-productional department of a drugstore carries out such functions:




The prescribed-productional department of a drugstore carries out such functions:

 1) reception of prescriptions on ex-temporal medical products

 2) manufacturing and veneering of medicines 3) quality assurance of the medicines made in a

drugstore 4) leaving of medical products.

The basic and auxiliary premises of department.

 1) a hall of service of the population (the area is not less 18 m2)

 2) material rooms for medical products (the area is not less 15 m2); Material rooms for medicinal vegetative raw materials (the

area is not less 4 m2) 3) a premise for manufacturing of

unsterile medical products (20 m2) (In this premise the organisation of a workplace for monitoring procedure of quality and

packing of medicines is supposed)

 4) a premise for reception of cleared water. Reception of water for injections is spent in a separate room of the aseptic block, where categorically forbidden to perform any works which have been not bound to reception of water for injections. 5) Service-household premises (an office of the manager (8 m2), accounts department, a personnel room (8 m2), wardrobe, WC (6 m2), a room for storage of subjects of cleaning (2 m2) Room for storage of  medicins is equipped with racks, cases, refrigeration cabinets, safes.

The list of premises of PPD: 

    industrial rooms (assistant, the aseptic block); 

    auxiliary (an office of the pharmaceutist-analyst, washing,

rooms for reception of water cleared and waters for injections,

a hall of service of the population).


 It is registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on July, 20th, 2005 for N


Rules of a discharging of prescriptions and demands-orders on

medical agents and products of medical appointment


1.7. Prescriptions leave on the prescription form of the form N 1 (F-1) (Addition 1) and to the special prescription form of the form  N  3 (F-3), which sample confirmed by the decision of Cabinet of

Ministries of Ukraine from 18.01.2003 N 58 "About the statement of the Procedure of the control over the reference of narcotic (psychotropic) medical agents" (with changes), also are produced in the

printing way. 

     1.8. Drawings on the prescription form any advertising information is forbidden

1.12. All specific indicatings, marks of the medical worker ("chronically sick", "On special

appointment", etc.) are in addition assured by its signature and the press.

      1.13. Prescriptions on medical agents, except

narcotic (psychotropic) medical agents and a medical agent tramadol (irrespective of its trading

name and the medical form, further - tramadol), and products of medical appointment leave on

prescription forms F-1. 

Prescriptions on narcotic (psychotropic) medical agents in the pure state or in an admixture with

indifferent substances and tramadol are leaved on special prescription forms F-3.

      The prescription F-3 in addition subscribes the principal of establishment of public health services or its assistant from medical work (and in case of their absence - the signature the manager of unit of this establishment, on which put responsibility

for appointment of narcotic (psychotropic) medical agents and tramadol) and it  is assured by the

press of the subject of health care. 

1.14. On prescription forms F-1 it is authorised to write out no more than three names of medical


     On prescription forms F-1 which remain in a drugstore and the special prescription form F-3 is

authorised to write out only one name of the medical agents.

      1.15. Prescriptions on medical agents which are subject to the in detail-quantitative account

(addition 3), whether which are released on favourable terms or gratuitously, except narcotic

(psychotropic) medical agents and tramadol, leave in 2 copies on the form F-1.


1.16. Whether in case of a discharging it is gratuitous or on favourable terms narcotic

(psychotropic) medical agents and tramadol near to the Prescription discharging on the form

F-3 Prescriptions on the form F-1 leave in addition.

      1.17. To preferential categories of patients

which spend injections outside the limits of treatment-and-prophylactic establishments, it is

authorised to write out to 100 g ethyl alcohol gratuitously for a month.


1.18. In case of need (business trip, holiday, etc.) to the patient, including that

who has the right to gratuitous or preferential maintenance, is authorised to write out on one prescription form medical

agents in the quantities, provided for trimensual course of treatment, considering norms of distribution of the medical agents.      At a discharging of such Prescriptions

the doctor should make the indicating "chronically sick".

1.20. For patients with fixing and chronic diseases prescriptions on medical agents

which contain fenobarbitalum in an admixture with other medical agents and belongs to prescription, can leave on the

prescription form F-1 on course of treatment about one month with the obligatory indicating of the doctor "On special


1.22.2 It is forbidden to write out in one Prescription F-1 the narcotic (psychotropic) combined medical agents in larger quantity

that specified in the table:

The name of a narcotic, psychotropic substance

As much as possible admissible quantity for distribution as a part of a narcotic (psychotropic) medical agent for 1 prescription

Codeinum 0,2 г 

Dextropropoxifenum            0,6 г

Phenobarbituralum                   1 г

Ephedrine hydrochloride            0,6 г

pseudoephedrine                   0,6 г

Phenylpropanolaminum              0,6 г

Ergotaminum                  0,02 г

Ergometrinum                     0,002 г (in recalculation on an anhydrous basis)

2.3. At a discharging of narcotic (psychotropic), poisoning and strong

medical agents in doses which exceed the higher single doses, the medical worker is obliged to write a dose of this agent words

and to put an exclamation mark.

2.5. In need of immediate distribution to the patient of a medicine in the top part of the Prescription the

mark “cito" (Quickly) or "statim" (Immediately) is puted down.


3. Prescription period of validity 

     3.1. Prescriptions on the medical agents which have been written out

on prescription forms F-1 valid throughout 1 month from the date of

an extract, and on special prescription forms F-3 - throughout 5

days from the date of an extract.


4.2. Demand-order for reception from drugstores and chemist's structures (bases) of medical agents, products of medical appointment  is assured by an

angle die, round stamp of treatment-and-prophylactic establishment or research

establishment, the signature of the principal of establishment (research establishment) or its

assistant from a medical part. 

     4.3. In the demand-order specify names of a medical agent, dosage, the release form (tablets,

ampoules, etc.), a packing kind (boxes, vials, tubas, etc.), total.


4.4. The Demand-order of medical agents which are subject to the in

detail-quantitative account, medical anaesthetic drugs, medical agents

which belongs to the pharmacological groups, which resulted in addition 5,

and the medical agents resulted in the table of item 1.22 of these Rules,

leave on separate forms of demands-orders for each group of preparations.


4.5. The Demand-order leave in triplicate, and on medical agents which are subject to the in detail-quantitative account, the

demand-order leave in four copies. 

     In a drugstore (chemist's structure/base) there is one copy of the

demand-order, except the demand-order of medical agents which are subject to the in detail-quantitative account and remain

in duplicate.