The Power and Problem of Forgiveness

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Transcript of The Power and Problem of Forgiveness

  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    The Power&Problem



    Trevor Chandler

    Sovereign World

  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness



    Introduction 5

    Chapter 1 Foundation of Forgiveness 7

    Chapter 2 What Happened in Old Testament? 36

    Chapter 3 Forgiveness and Judgment 61

    Chapter 4 Forgiveness in New Testament 93

    Chapter 5 Sowing and Reaping 14

    Chapter 6 What is Happening? 15

    Chapter 7 How to Forgive 19!

  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness



    This boo" is dedi#a$ed $o all $hose who long $o befree from $he b%rden of %nforgiveness and al$ho%gh$he' have wres$led wi$h $he (roblem have been%nable $o find a (ra#$i#al answer $o gen%inel'forgiving from $he hear$)

    Trevor Chandler

  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness



    * have alwa's been ama+ed and $hrilled b' $he gra#eof ,od -is mer#' forgiveness and (ardon) * haveno$ f%ll' %nders$ood how ,od wo%ld be so

    benefi#en$ in s(i$e of man.s sin and #ons$an$ fail%reb%$ * have a##e($ed -is wonderf%l (rovisions wi$h agra$ef%l hear$)

    Some (eo(le find i$ hard $o a##e($ $ha$ ,od #o%ld sofreel' forgive sin and fail%re and so $he' remainwi$h a sense of g%il$ and #ondemna$ion) /r if $he'do a##e($ $ha$ ,od has forgiven $hem $he' find i$hard $o forgive $hemselves) 0e#a%se of $his (eo(lelive wi$ho%$ $he o' and (ea#e $ha$ $he' sho%ld have)

    /$hers live a life of self (leasing and ind%lgen#ewi$h $he idea $ha$ $he' need onl' as" ,od $o forgive$hem and -e will immedia$el' do so and $he#onse2%en#es of an' viola$ion or sin will be#an#elled)

    *$ has been m' #onvi#$ion for several 'ears $ha$

    man' of o%r beliefs and #on#e($s abo%$ forgivenesshave been inade2%a$e and fa%l$' and $ha$ (eo(lehave $rea$ed $he ma$$er of forgiveness ei$her $ooligh$l' or #onsidered $ha$ $he im(li#a$ions offorgiveness were be'ond $heir #a(a#i$' $o mee$)

    ' e(erien#e has shown $ha$ $he maori$' of

    (eo(le #an a##e($ ,od.s forgiveness of $hem b%$$he' la#" $he "nowledge and %nders$anding $ogen%inel' forgive o$hers who have wronged or h%r$$hem) The' "now $ha$ es%s said $ha$ if we do no$forgive o$hers ,od will no$ forgive %s b%$ $his

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    "nowledge ra$her $han solving $he (roblemin#reases $heir b%rden of g%il$)

    This boo" is an endeavor $o $hrow ligh$ %(on $he(roblems $ha$ man' (eo(le have wi$h %nders$andingand im(lemen$ing forgiveness) When we do%nders$and how $o forgive we will be in a (osi$ion$o re#eive $he (osi$ive benefi$s whi#h #ome as ares%l$ of forgiving o$hers as ,od has forgiven %s)

    Trevor Chandler

  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    Chapter 1

    The Foundation of Forgiveness

    We had $al"ed for abo%$ $wen$' min%$es) -er s$or'was one of hear$brea" and des(air a 'o%ng wife and

    mo$her s%ddenl' deser$ed b' her h%sband) Therewas a loo" of ho(elessness on her fa#e She said8re 'o% $elling me $ha$ * m%s$ forgive a man who

    wal"ed o%$ on o%r #hild and me $o be wi$h ano$herwoman: -ow #an * do $ha$: ;o 'o% "now wha$ i$means $o wa$#h $he las$ #en$ ever' wee" and #r''o%rself $o slee( be#a%se of loneliness:age aori girl) *did no$ as" an' de$ails abo%$ her (roblem b%$ as *

    (la#ed m' hand on her head * fo%nd m'self (ra'ingin an %n%s%al wa') * said 8Eo% are a da%gh$er of,od Eo% are a #hild of $he ingbelievers be#a%se we #anno$ do wha$ $he

    0ible sa's b%$ (re$end $o do i$) es%s said 8Forgiveone ano$her)< We are h%r$ We are wo%nded0e#a%se we are h%r$ i$ seems im(ossible $o forgive

    b%$ be#a%se $he 0ible sa's we sho%ld we (re$end$ha$ we have obe'ed $his #ommand b%$ bi$$ernessremains wi$hin and we have be#ome ma"e>

    believers) The se#ond $hing $ha$ #an ha((en is $ha$we #ome %nder #ondemna$ion be#a%se we are$r'ing $o be hones$ and "now we sho%ld forgive 'e$find o%rselves failing $o do i$ and so have a sense ofg%il$ as a res%l$)

    The s%be#$ of gen%ine forgiveness has man'sin#ere Chris$ians in #onf%sion) *n $he le$$er $o $he-ebrew Ch%r#h we read

    See to it that no one misses the grace of God andthat no bitter root grows up to cause trouble anddefile many. (/ebrews 0!%

    an' (eo(le are s%ffering be#a%se of bi$$erness

    whi#h has en$ered $heir lives $hro%gh %nforgiveness)Forgiveness #an lif$ b%rdens and res$ore friendshi(s)*$ #an bring (ea#e and o' $o a (erson.s life whereas%nforgiveness #an #a%se bi$$erness ha$red dis#ord$%rmoil and si#"ness) The grea$es$ (er#en$age of $he


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    (roblems $ha$ we go $hro%gh are o%r own fa%l$ Weare rea(ing wha$ we have sown)

    The subect of genuine forgiveness hasmany sincere hristians in confusion.

    The (rin#i(le of sowing and rea(ing is rela$ed $oforgiveness and al$ho%gh we are eno'ingfellowshi( wi$h ,od we ma' s$ill be rea(ing from

    $he seeds of sin and disobedien#e we have sown)/ne of $he $r%$hs we will #over in some de$ail la$eris $ha$ i$ is (ossible $o be forgiven $o eno'fellowshi( wi$h ,od and 'e$ s$ill be %nder $hedis#i(line of ,od We need $o %nders$and $hes%be#$ of forgiveness in all i$s as(e#$s so $ha$ we

    ma' "now how $o gen%inel' obe' $he Word of ,odand find a (la#e of freedom as we live o%r dail'lives)

    Forgiveness is no$ a sim(le s%be#$ *$ has no$ beenf%ll' %nders$ood b' man' (eo(le and onl' a gen%ine"nowledge of wha$ i$ is how i$ o(era$es and how

    ,od sees i$ will enable %s $o a((ro(ria$e $hebenefi$s of $r%e forgiveness) Time m%s$ be $a"en $ola' so%nd fo%nda$ions $o bring %s $o a #lear%nders$anding of $he s%be#$ and $o allow $he

    (rin#i(les $o be absorbed and es$ablished in o%rlives)

    The essential starting point is to understandthe meaning of the three words

    which have been mentioned"mercy, forgiveness, and pardon.


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    These words are of$en $ho%gh$ of s'non'mo%sl'and of #o%rse $he' #an be rela$ed b%$ $he' are

    essen$iall' differen$) *n #onsidering $hese $erms in as(iri$%al sense * wan$ $o define ea#h one)

    The essen$ial s$ar$ing (oin$ is $o %nders$and $hemeaning of $he $hree words whi#h have beenmen$ioned= mer#' forgiveness and (ardon)

    What Do They ean?er#' is $he eer#ise of less severi$' $han onedeserves or i$ is $he gran$ing of "indness and favor

    be'ond wha$ one ma' righ$l' #laim)

    Forgiveness dismisses resen$men$ or dis(leas%refrom $he hear$ of $he one offended and in (ar$i#%lar

    i$ has referen#e $o feelings and fellowshi()

    Pardon #om(le$el' remi$s $he o%$ward (enal$'whi#h $he offender deserves) *$ is $he a#$ of as%(erior $oward an inferior im(l'ing $he righ$ $o

    (%nish) *$ deals wi$h $he #onse2%en#es of an a#$ion)Pardon is an ee#%$ive res(onsibili$' whi#h mos$

    (eo(le do no$ have $he righ$ $o eer#ise)

    These $hree a$$rib%$es of mer#' forgiveness and(ardon are in#l%ded in $he #hara#$er of ,od) The0ible sa's -e is a ,od who shows mer#' whoforgives and who will ab%ndan$l' (ardon)

    ?e$ me #onfirm $his from s#ri($%re

    &he Lord, the compassionate (merciful% andgracious God, slow to anger, abounding in loveand faithfulness. (12odus 34!"%


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    Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy onhim, and to our God for he will freely pardon.

    (Isaiah !$%er#' forgiveness and (ardon are all (ar$ of $hena$%re and a$$rib%$es of ,od b%$ we m%s$ also%nders$and $ha$ ,od.s #hara#$er in#l%des righ$>eo%sness $r%$h and %s$i#e)

    There are #ondi$ions and res(onses whi#h ,od

    re2%ires when we are dealing wi$h $hese ma$$ers ofmer#' forgiveness and (ardon) Perha(s i$ is #orre#$$o sa' $ha$ $here is no$hing $ha$ we re#eive from ,od$ha$ is %n#ondi$ional a(ar$ from -is gra#e) ,odshowers -is gra#e %(on (eo(le b%$ from $ha$ (oin$on all $he dealings of ,od $owards %s are in

    res(onse $o a#$ions or a$$i$%des $a"en or made b' %s)er#' and forgiveness on $heir own wi$ho%$ $hein#l%sion of (ardon do no$ a%$oma$i#all' remove all$he #onse2%en#es of sin and fail%re)

    * "now $ha$ some (eo(le reason li"e $his 8*f ,odhas been mer#if%l $o me $he (roblem is over)< Tha$

    is no$ #orre#$ The' $hin" 8*f ,od has forgiven me$hen $he re#ord is wi(ed #lean)< Tha$ is no$ #orre#$There wo%ld have $o be $he in#l%sion of (ardon

    before a #om(le$e res%l$ was a#hieved so we #anhave a gen%ine o(era$ion of mer#' and forgivenessand 'e$ no$ have $he removal of $he #onse2%en#es of#er$ain sins)

    Mercy and forgiveness on their own,without the inclusion of pardon, do not

    automatically remove all the conse#uencesof sin and failure.


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    ll of $hese a$$rib%$es of ,od.s mer#' forgivenessand (ardon m%s$ be $a"en in$o #onsidera$ion no$

    %s$ some of $hem) /%r a#$ions are going $o bringfor$h #er$ain res%l$s so we need $o "now how ,odin -is $o$al #hara#$er will res(ond $o wha$ we havedone and even $o o%r re2%es$ for forgiveness)

    Why Should I !et "i# $ff?

    Perha(s we have been %nwilling $o be mer#if%l andforgiving be#a%se we $hin" $ha$ a serio%s re(ea$edoffender will be le$ off and so we will allow somein%s$i#e $o #on$in%e if someone has re(ea$edl'offended %s we migh$ $hin" $o o%rselves if * do no$$a"e some (osi$ive a#$ion agains$ him b%$ ammer#if%l and forgiving $hen he will go on doing

    $his) * #anno$ forgive him be#a%se $his wo%ld meane#%sing his a#$ion)

    We m%s$ reali+e $ha$ $his is a wrong a$$i$%debe#a%se we do no$ have $he righ$ $o $a"e over $heee#%$ive res(onsibili$ies $ha$ go wi$h (ardon)er#' and forgiveness do no$ a%$oma$i#all' in#l%de

    (ardon so i$ is no$ o%r res(onsibili$' $o $a"e (%ni$ivea#$ion agains$ an offender) Tha$ is ,od.sres(onsibili$' (erson #an re#eive mer#' andforgiveness b' ,od b%$ s$ill s%ffer effe#$s in his life

    be#a%se he has no$ me$ $he re2%iremen$s for f%ll(ardon) /ne of $he vi$al re2%iremen$s $o re#eive

    forgiveness and (ardon from ,od is $ha$ we forgive$hose who have wrongf%ll' $rea$ed %s) *f we don.$forgive we #an #on$in%e $o s%ffer in o%r ownrela$ionshi( wi$h ,od)


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    0e#a%se an %nders$anding of $hese (rin#i(les is a$$he hear$ of $his boo" le$ me ma"e #lear $ha$

    showing mer#' and gran$ing forgiveness are o%rres(onsibili$ies when (roblems arise wi$h o$her

    (eo(le b%$ (ardoning is ,od.s res(onsibili$')

    'o%ng man gave me $his $es$imon'

    -t the age of nine years I sat in the ba& of a

    bs waving goodbye to my mother andbrother$ I loved my brother deeply! bt there

    was a deep hatred within me towards my

    mother who had arranged for me to live with

    foster parents$ I de&ided as I sat in that bs

    that I wold never forgive her! no matter what


    -s I grew older my hatred grew( I did not

    have what the other boys arond me had$ I

    hated my foster parents be&ase they had

    been party to my being separated from my

    brother$ I be&ame a rebel in so&iety$ I was

    taen to different psy&hiatrists and they wold

    tal to me abot my attitde toward mymother$ I had no power to &hange my hatred

    and those interviews seemed to in&rease my

    bitter feelings$

    When I was si"teen years of age my brother

    &ame to visit me$ From him I obtained my

    mother*s address and wrote several lettersasing her to visit me$ I had a deep motive of

    hatred in writing to her$ When she &ame I

    said! 'I hate yo and will never forgive yo(,


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    4ine years later I a&&epted ess Christ as my

    avior and was bapti/ed in water and with the

    0oly pirit$ It was a revoltionary e"perien&e!bt my Christian life fl&tated and there

    were days of #oy and vi&tory! bt also days of

    defeat and despair$ omething was wrong$

    %ne night I listened to a visiting prea&her

    speaing on the sb#e&t of forgiveness$ 0e

    said! 'We mst pt away all hatred! we mstforgive or mother if ne&essary$, I new that

    the 0oly pirit was speaing to me( I felt that

    the .ord was saying! 'I will not open yor life

    &ompletely to me ntil yo learn to forgive$,

    I determined to pt things right and traveled

    over a thosand miles to the &ity where mymother lived to tell her that I forgave her and

    loved her$ I was released from what seemed

    lie &hains binding me! and fond a new

    prpose and &onsisten&y in my Christian life$

    Toda' $he man who gave $his $es$imon' is an elder

    in one of $he #h%r#hes belonging $o $he gro%( of#h%r#hes wi$h whi#h * am asso#ia$ed) *$ has been ablessing for me $o see $he #on$in%ed grow$h in hislife his #heerf%l Chris$ian +eal and $o see $he wa'$ha$ he and his wife have es$ablished a fine famil')

    $ne of the vital re#uirements to receive

    forgiveness and pardon from %od is thatwe forgive those who have wrongfully

    treated us.


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    Wha$ * am sa'ing in $his #ha($er ma' be a new#on#e($ $o some Chris$ians b%$ we m%s$ fa#e $he

    reali$' of $hese iss%es and e$end mer#' andforgiveness $o o$hers and leave $he (ardoning $o,od o$herwise $he dealings of ,od #an #on$in%e ina %dgmen$al wa' %(on o%r lives al$ho%gh ,od has

    been mer#if%l and has forgiven %s)

    *f we do no$ %nders$and wha$ ha((ens when ,od

    forgives %s $hen we will be #onf%sed) Peo(le havesaid $o me 8* "now m' hear$ is righ$ wi$h ,od) *have as"ed -im $o forgive me b%$ * do no$%nders$and wh' $hese (roblems are #on$in%ing inm' life)Chris$ians were affe#$ed) * saw Chris$ianswee( as $he' re(or$ed how $heir (re#io%s

    (ossessions were #arried o%$ of $heir homes asodden mess b%$ * did no$ do%b$ ,od.s abili$' $os%(erna$%rall' s%s$ain $hem in $heir sorrow and loss

    and la$er $o ma"e o$her (rovisions $o re>es$ablish$hem in life)

    We #anno$ however g%aran$ee $ha$ (ro$e#$ion andgood will alwa's be $he lo$ of $he Chris$ian while$he non>Chris$ian s%ffers) We need $o %nders$and

  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    $ha$ in addi$ion $o $he $em(oral mer#' of ,od $hereis also an e$ernal mer#') G$ernal mer#' is s%be#$ $o

    righ$ res(onses on o%r (ar$ $o ,od) The Psalmsre#ord $his s$a$emen$

    9*ut from everlasting to everlasting the Lord5s loveis with those who fear him, and his righteousnesswith their children5s children # with those who keephis covenant and remember to obey his precepts.+

    (:salm 83!$#%There is a $em(oral mer#' of ,od available $o all

    b%$ $here is an everlas$ing mer#' as well) Thiseverlas$ing mer#' is for those who fear him ))) whoeep his &ovenant and remember to obey his

    pre&epts$ (erson ma' eno' $he mer#' of ,od in

    $his na$%ral life b%$ we #an also ma"e s%re $ha$ weeno' $he mer#' of ,od from everlasting toeverlasting(

    We cannot, however, guaranteethat protection and good will always be thelot of the hristian, while the non'hristian


    emember ver' #aref%ll' $ha$ mer#' is no$ $he sameas forgiveness) er#' is $he eer#ise of less severi$'$han a (erson deserves or i$ is $he gran$ing of a"indness be'ond wha$ one ma' #laim) en and

    women are #ommanded $o be mer#if%l and $o beforgiving) The' are no$ #ommanded $o (ardon) *n as(iri$%al sense and in mos$ of $he even$s of life wedo no$ have $he righ$ or (rivilege $o (ardon) *$ is,od no$ men and women who deals wi$h#onse2%en#es


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    $ea#hing in bo$h /ld and Bew Tes$amen$s ver'#learl' shows $ha$ s%#h rela$ionshi(s are sinf%l)

    Those involved in $hese rela$ionshi(s however willalwa's be read' $o %s$if' $hem) 8* needed a roofover m' head< 8This was m' onl' #han#e forha((iness< 8We love ea#h o$her< 8 (ie#e of (a(erdoes no$ ma"e o%r love an' more real)doers $o be

    (%nished for ,od is %s$ b%$ $he %dgmen$ wasnever $o be made or $he (enal$' infli#$ed b' $he onewho had been wronged) This is a ver' im(or$an$

    (rin#i(le $o remember when we have been h%r$ b'$he a#$ions or words of ano$her (erson) Gver' one of%s has been h%r$ a$ some $ime b%$ $he (rin#i(le of,od is $ha$ none of %s has $he righ$ $o si$ in

    %dgmen$ or infli#$ $he (%nishmen$ on $he one whohas offended %s)

    %od never made provision for a private

    individual to demand his own retribution.

    The vario%s (%nishmen$s (rovided b' $he law wereno$ alwa's (erformed li$erall' b%$ $he in%r' wasassessed a$ i$s mone$ar' val%e) *$ was based on $he

    (ain and s%ffering loss of $ime $he indigni$' $ha$had been s%ffered and $hese fa#$ors are s$ill $he

    basis of $he law of damages and #om(ensa$ion inmodern $imes) *f a (erson is in%red $oda' $hen $helaw does no$ allow for $he same in%r' $o beinfli#$ed on $he assailan$ b%$ im(oses a (enal$'e2%ivalen$ in val%e $o $he in%r' and $he amo%n$ is

    (aid $o $he one who has been h%r$) The /ld

    Tes$amen$ is a boo" of mer#') We read o not hate your brother in your heart. 7ebukeyour neighbor frankly so you will not share in hisguilt.


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    o not seek revenge or bear a grudge against oneof your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.

    I am the Lord (Leviticus -!$#%*n $he 0oo" of Proverbs a s$a$emen$ is made $ha$also #on$radi#$s wha$ $he s#ribes and Pharisees said

    If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if heis thirsty, give him water to drink. (:roverbs 0!0 %

    So of$en $he religio%s leaders did no$ sa' wha$ $he?aw of ,od said) The' gave $heir ownin$er(re$a$ions) 0e#a%se ,od said 8.ove yorneighbor< H?evi$i#%s 191@I $he' inferred $ha$ $heo((osi$e was $o a((l' and so an enem' was $o beha$ed) ,od does sa' $ha$ -e ha$es some (ar$i#%lar$hings and also $he a#$ions of some (eo(le b%$ -e

    does no$ sa' $ha$ we are $o ha$e o%r enemies) *$ is soeas' $o %m( $o #on#l%sions and $hen find $ha$ o%rideas are no$ in line wi$h wha$ $he 0ible a#$%all'sa's) *n $he 0oo" of Proverbs we find a re#ord ofseven $hings $ha$ ,od sa's -e ha$es

    &here are si2 things that the Lord hates, seven that

    are detestable to him; haughty eyes, a lyingtongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heartthat devises wicked schemes, feet that are 6uick torush into evil, a false witness who pours out liesand a man who stirs up dissension amongbrothers.+ (:roverbs "!"#-%

    Bowhere does ,od sa' $ha$ we are $o ha$e (eo(le

    ercy and &ustice

    Gamina$ion of $he vario%s s#ri($%res in $he /ldTes$amen$ $ha$ deal wi$h forgiveness no$ onl'


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    reveal a ,od who is mer#if%l #om(assiona$e andforgiving b%$ also a ,od of %s$i#e and

    righ$eo%sness) Tr%e mer#' is based on %s$i#e Wem%s$ learn $o balan#e $hese differen$ a$$rib%$es)Where $here has been an infringemen$ ma"ing a

    (enal$' ne#essar' ,od does no$ (re$end $he offen#edid no$ ha((en for -e is a ,od of $r%$h andrigh$eo%sness) When a wrong has been done $hen a

    %s$ (enal$' m%s$ be im(osed)

    We do no$ have eno%gh de$ail in $he 0ible $o show%s wh' ,od #ommanded #er$ain severe (%nishmen$s$o be #arried o%$) For eam(le when $he (eo(le of*srael wen$ in$o $he land of Canaan ,od#ommanded $ha$ $he' were $o %$$erl' des$ro' all $heinhabi$an$s of $he land) * %nders$and from $he

    reading $ha$ * have done $ha$ $he evil in $he land ofCanaan was grea$) There were h%man sa#rifi#es andever' "ind of immoral a#$ whi#h was a #om(le$eaffron$ $o all of ,od.s s$andards) The 0ible de#lares$ha$ 8Will not the dge of all the earth do right7$o>(ersonforgiveness) The firs$ eam(le is fo%nd in ,enesis#ha($er 58$ We find $ha$ a#ob $he fa$her of ose(has"ed ose(h s(e#ifi#all' $o forgive his bro$hers for$he wrong $he' had done $o him) The message $ha$$he bro$hers bro%gh$ $o ose(h was a dire#$ re2%es$from $heir fa$her) The bro$hers said 2%o$ing $heirfa$her

    I ask you to forgive your brothers the sins andwrongs they committed in treating you so badly.


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    How please forgive the sins of the servants of theGod of your father. (Genesis 8!$%

    -ere was a re2%es$ for forgiveness) ose(h.s re(l'was ver' signifi#an$) -e said

    on5t be afraid. )m I in the place of God= (Genesis8!-%

    ose(h reali+ed $ha$ al$ho%gh he was no$ in a

    (osi$ion ei$her $o %dge or (ardon be was beinggiven $he (rivilege of forgiving) n' %dgmen$ for$he %n%s$ $rea$men$ b' his bro$hers was a ma$$er$ha$ #on#erned ,od no$ ose(h

    Bo$i#e $ha$ $he bro$hers f%lfilled $he $wo vi$al#ondi$ions for gen%ine forgiveness= $he'

    a#"nowledged $heir sin b' #onfession and re(en$edof $he wrong $he' had done) /n $hose #ondi$ionsose(h forgave $hem) -e de#lared $ha$ al$ho%gh his

    bro$hers had mean$ harm agains$ him ,od had %sed$he even$s for good and as a res%l$ an en$ire na$ionhad been saved)

    ose(h forgave b%$ $he righ$ #ondi$ions had beenme$) *$ is signifi#an$ $ha$ ose(h said 8m * in $he

    (la#e of ,od:. for he reali+ed $ha$ i$ was no$ his(reroga$ive $o %dge or (ardon) Wha$ ,od ma' havedone in %dging his bro$hers $he 0ible does no$ $ell%s) 0%$ ose(h however had eer#ised gra#e$owards $hem no$ $he (rovisions of $he law)

    Joseph realized that although he was not ina position either to udge or pardon, he was

    being given the privilege of forgiving.


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    ;avid reali+ed $ha$ $he a#$ion $a"en b' bigail wasreall' $he in$erven$ion of ,od s$o((ing him from

    doing some$hing $ha$ wo%ld have viola$ed $he law of,od) ;avid ma' have $ried $o %s$if' $he a#$ion hein$ended b%$ he was reall' see"ing $o $a"e (ersonalrevenge and also $o infli#$ a (%nishmen$ whi#h wasfar above $he re$rib%$ion allowed b' $he law of ,od);avid obvio%sl' reali+ed $ha$ his in$ended a#$ionwo%ld have #on$ravened $he (rin#i(les of ,odwhi#h he relied %(on for his own (ro$e#$ion)

    %od was intervening to prevent him fromtaking an action that he had no right to take

    + to seek personal revenge.

    The s$or' ends in a drama$i# wa') bigail re$%rnedhome and $he ne$ da' she $old her h%sband wha$had ha((ened) We read

    &hen in the morning, when Habal was sober, hiswife told him all these things, and his heart failedhim and he became like a stone. )bout ten days

    later, the Lord struck Habal and he died. ( Samuel0!3$#3 %

    ;avid had e$ended bo$h mer#' and forgiveness$owards Babal b%$ $he %dgmen$ of ,od on Babal#on$in%ed Babal had wronged ;avid) ;avid se$ o%$$o ea#$ re$rib%$ion $o whi#h he was no$ en$i$led b%$

    ,od gra#io%sl' in$ervened $hro%gh bigail) ;avidsaw $he error of his in$ended a#$ion and $ho%gh hegran$ed $he mer#' and forgiveness re2%es$ed b'bigail ;avid did no$ have $o a#$ in %dgmen$

    be#a%se i$ was ,od who did $ha$ ,od movedagains$ $he %ngra$ef%l man Babal and he died)


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    ;avid "e($ his rela$ionshi( wi$h ,od in harmon'be#a%se of $he mer#' and forgiveness $ha$ he had

    e$ended) *f ;avid had no$ forgiven and had ins$eadea#$ed $he vengean#e he in$ended he ma' havehad an e(erien#e similar $o $ha$ of a la$er o##asionwhen he $oo" ano$her man.s wife and ,od.s

    %dgmen$ #ame %(on him)

    We need $o re#ogni+e $ha$ $he forgiveness gran$ed

    b' ;avid did no$ remove ,od.s righ$ $o infli#$%dgmen$ and (%nishmen$ on $he offender)

    avid kept his fellowship with %od inharmony because of the mercy andforgiveness that he had e(tended.

    Choosing !a. or +race

    The /ld Tes$amen$ reveals a ,od of mer#'forgiveness and (ardon) *$ deals wi$h a (eo(le%nder $he law who were obliged $o obe' $he law) *$limi$ed (ersonal revenge b%$ allowed %s$re$rib%$ion) *$ allowed a man $he (rivilege offorgiving b%$ did no$ demand i$ from him) *$ merel'demanded %s$ $rea$men$) The /ld Tes$amen$ #learl'gave $he righ$ $o forgive $o $he individ%al b%$ a$ $hesame $ime showed $ha$ ,od.s %dgmen$ #o%ld s$illa((l' $o $he offender even when forgiveness had

    been gran$ed)

    The (rin#i(le we m%s$ %nders$and is $ha$ if we live%nder law $hen we re#eive i$s (ro$e#$ion b%$ wealso re#eive i$s %s$ (enal$') *$ is s$range $ha$ born>again believers who are re#eiving $he benefi$s of,od.s gra#e of$en wan$ $o im(ose $he (enal$ies of


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    $he law agains$ $hose who have offended $hem and$he' $hen wonder a$ $he res%l$s $ha$ follow in $heir

    own lives)an' sin#ere Chris$ians are de$ermined $ha$

    believers in Chris$ sho%ld be %nder a Sabba$h ?aw)*$ is righ$ $o "ee( a da' for ,od b%$ if we demandone (ar$ of $he law we are obliga$ed $o all $he law)-ow ama+ing $ha$ now $ha$ we are %nder gra#e we

    sho%ld wan$ $o be %nder law) ,od has se$ %s free$hro%gh fai$h in $he ?ord es%s Chris$ b%$ if we live%nder gra#e $hen we m%s$ also give i$s (rovisions $oo$hers whom we mee$ da'>b'>da') ,ra#e demands ahigher res(onse b%$ i$ gives grea$er benefi$s) We are%nder gra#e= we are no$ %nder $he law ,od remains

    %s$ righ$eo%s mer#if%l forgiving and (ardoning

    b%$ -e re2%ires $ha$ $he righ$ #ondi$ions be me$ ifwe are $o re#eive -is gra#e wi$h all i$s benefi$s)

    &ow ama-ing that now we are under grace,we should want to be under law.

    *$ is eas' $o be %dgmen$al of o$hers and den' $hemgra#io%s hel( or res$ora$ion b%$ we #an (la#eo%rselves in danger b' s%#h an a$$i$%de)

    *mmorali$' is a $raged' and a snare wi$hin $he#h%r#h and es(e#iall' amongs$ $hose in minis$r' orleadershi() * "now of a (ar$i#%lar in#iden$ where $he

    moral fail%re had been a serio%s one) The s$ri#$es$dis#i(line was needed and was eer#ised) Several'ears (assed before $ha$ man was allowed $o again$a"e a (la#e on a #h%r#h (la$form and (rea#h) The$ime of dis#i(line had been mar"ed b' a #om(le$e


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    famil' re#on#ilia$ion a willingness $o fa#e $he(roblem and a s(iri$%al #onsis$en#')

    When $he man #on#erned was res$ored $o minis$r' afellow minis$er said 8 man wi$h $ha$ "ind of

    (roblem sho%ld never be allowed ba#" in $heminis$r'< Wi$hin a shor$ $ime $he minis$er who hadmade $his %dgmen$al s$a$emen$ was himselfe(osed for ad%l$er' This man wo%ld no$ $hen fa#e

    %( $o $he dis#i(line he had demanded for o$hers)/ne of $he o$her errors in$o whi#h we #an fall is $oforgive o%rselves when forgiveness m%s$ firs$ beso%gh$ from $hose whom we have offended) Perha(sin an endeavor $o save (eo(le from self>#ondemna$ion we have s$ressed $he need $o forgive

    o%rselves b%$ $his #an onl' (ro(erl' be done af$erwe have as"ed o$hers $o forgive %s for o%r fail%re)This means $ha$ we have a res(onsibili$' $o (%$ righ$an' wrongs $ha$ we ma' have #ommi$$ed agains$ano$her and no$ %s$ (re$end $ha$ $he offen#e did no$o##%r) *f we have fai$hf%ll' done o%r (ar$ in (%$$ingrigh$ $ha$ whi#h was wrong $hen we have f%lfilled

    o%r (ar$ even if $he o$her (erson ref%ses $o a##e($o%r re2%es$ for forgiveness)

    s an eam(le * read of a (rea#her who wass#hed%led $o #ond%#$ a series of mee$ings in a $own

    b%$ s%ddenl' $he organi+ers of $he mee$ingsdis#overed his involvemen$ in a re(ea$ed ad%l$ero%s

    si$%a$ion) When #onfron$ed wi$h $he allega$ion $heman o(enl' #onfessed his g%il$ offered $o #onfess $ohis wife and said 8Bow le$ %s ge$ on wi$h $hemee$ings)hoose one of them for

    me to carry out against you+So Gad went to avid and said to him, 9Shall therecome upon you three years of famine in your land='r three months of fleeing from your enemies whilethey pursue you= 'r three days of plague in yourland= How then, think it over and decide how I

    should answer the one who sent me.+avid said to Gad, 9I am in deep distress. Let usfall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy isgreat; but do not let me fall into the hands of men.+

    So the Lord sent a plague on Israel from thatmorning until the end of the time designated, and

    seventy thousand of the people from an to*eersheba died. (0 Samuel 04! 0# %

    ome offences in the sight of %od are soserious that although %od will forgive if

    there is repentance and confession, there is

    a continuing udicial result.

    ;avid had re(en$ed and #onfessed his sin b%$ ,ods$ill sen$ %dgmen$ The f%ll im(li#a$ions of ;$ion in n%mbering $he (eo(le is no$ #lear in $hes#ri($%re) There is a (rovision made in $he /ldTes$amen$ for n%mbering $he (eo(le b%$ i$ wo%ld

    seem be#a%se of $he (enal$' whi#h ,od im(osed$ha$ behind ;avid.s a#$ion in n%mbering $he (eo(lewas (ride in wha$ he had a#hieved) *$ wo%ld a((ear$ha$ ;avid m%s$ have had self>sa$isfa#$ion be#a%seof $he n%mber of (eo(le he had ga$hered aro%nd


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    him) ;avid had failed $o a#"nowledge $ha$ i$ was,od who had given him (ower and vi#$or')

    ;avid.s generals oab and o$hers had (leaded wi$hhim no$ $o n%mber $he (eo(le b%$ he had goneahead willf%ll') Bow reali+ing $he enormi$' of hisa#$ion he #ried o%$ $o ,od in re(en$an#e) 0%$ i$ was$oo la$e

    ;avid was res$ored $o fellowshi( wi$h ,od as a

    res%l$ of his re(en$an#e b%$ (ardon for $he#onse2%en#es of his sin was no$ gran$ed) 0e#a%se of;avid.s a#$ion %dgmen$ fell on $he whole na$ion)There was a #on$in%ing %di#ial res%l$ from ;avid.sfail%re)

    Perha(s $his sho%ld be a sal%$ar' lesson for some

    Chris$ian leaders $oda' who (%$ grea$ s$ress on $hen%mbers of (eo(le who a$$end $heir mee$ings) Weneed $o #ons$an$l' remember $ha$ an' s%##ess $ha$we eno' is be#a%se of ,od.s gra#e and -is S(iri$ra$her $han on o%r own energies or abili$ies)

    more serio%s ill%s$ra$ion is $he one dealing wi$h

    ;avid.s ad%l$er' wi$h 0a$hsbeba and $he arrangeddea$h of her h%sband Kriah) These %ndo%b$edl'were $he dar"es$ even$s in ;avid.s life) The s$or' isre#orded in Sam%el 11) ?a$er ;avid was#onfron$ed wi$h $hese $wo sins his ad%l$er' and $hem%rder of one of $he men who had $r%s$ed him)

    Some #ommen$a$ors sa' $ha$ i$ ma' have been %( $ofo%r 'ears before ;avid gen%inel' re(en$ed andas"ed ,od.s forgiveness even $ho%gh ;avid didimmedia$el' re#ogni+e wha$ he had done b%$ was%nwilling $o fa#e %( $o his a#$ions) We #an a##e($


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    $ha$ we have done wrong b%$ no$ gen%inel' re(en$);avid ins$an$l' a#"nowledged his sin b%$ #o%ld no$

    have been gen%inel' re(en$an$ be#a%se he was no$immedia$el' res$ored $o fellowshi( wi$h ,od HPsalm33>4I) *f we wan$ $o %nders$and $he inner ba$$le$ha$ ;avid e(erien#ed in see"ing $o be res$ored inhis rela$ionshi( wi$h $he ?ord we #an read his owna##o%n$ in Psalm 3) This (salm reveals a (eriod ofgrea$ (ersonal s$r%ggle before ;avid finall' andsin#erel' #onfessed and re(en$ed of $he enormi$' ofhis sin) The living 0ible (ara(hrases $he e(erien#eof ;avid in $his gra(hi# manner

    ?hat happiness for those whose guilt has beenforgivenE


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    re(en$ed and #onfessed and ,od res$ored him $ofellowshi( wi$h -im) /ne #anno$ read Psalm 3

    wi$ho%$ sensing $he grea$ weigh$ $ha$ had been lif$edfrom ;avid and $he o' $ha$ was now wi$hin himeven $ho%gh dis#i(line and %dgmen$ were no$removed) This is #onfirmed as we read ;avid.swords in Psalm 51) ;avid was obvio%sl' aware of$he #on$in%ing effe#$ his sin had on ,od.s highes$

    (%r(ose for his life) *$ is sobering $o read $he versesof $his (salm again in $he ligh$ of wha$ has been

    (resen$ed in $his s$%d'

    /ave mercy upon me, 8 God, according to yourunfailing love; according to your great compassionblot out my transgression.

    ?ash away all my ini6uity and cleanse me from mysin.

    or I know my transgressions, and my sin isalways before me.

    )gainst you, you only, have I sinned and donewhat is evil in your sight, so that you are proved

    right when you speak and

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    &hen I will teach transgressors your ways, andsinners will turn back to you. (:salm !-# 3%

    Cou do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.

    &he sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a brokenand contrite heart, 8 God you will not despise.(:salm ! "#$%

    Continuing &udg#ent

    an' Chris$ians have been %nwilling $o fa#e $hefa#$ $ha$ $here #an be #on$in%ing %dgmen$ af$erforgiveness has been given) *$ is eas' $o sa' 8-s faras the east is from the west! so far has 0e removed

    or transgressions from s

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    his hear$ $%rned awa' from ,od) ;avid.s ho%seholddid s%ffer be#a%se of his sins)

    We live $oda' in a (ermissive so#ie$' wheread%l$er' and forni#a$ion have be#ome#ommon(la#e) * $hin" i$ is sobering $o remember$ha$ %nder $he law of oses ad%l$er' re#eived $he

    (enal$' of dea$h b' s$oning) ,od (ar$i#%larl' said $o;avid

    9Cou are not going to die+ (0 Samuel 0!3%.

    ;avid sho%ld have died %nder $he $erms of $he lawb%$ ,od however showed mer#' %(on him and didno$ demand $he f%ll (enal$' of $he law) -owever$he #onse2%en#es of ;avid.s sin #on$in%ed $o affe#$him and his famil')

    !a. or 0rinciple?

    * s%((ose some (eo(le wo%ld sa' 8*sn.$ $ha$ onl'/ld Tes$amen$ (%nishmen$:< This wo%ld leave %swi$h $he 2%es$ion $o answer as $o whe$her we aredealing wi$h an /ld Tes$amen$ s$or' or wi$h a

    (rin#i(le of ,od) *f i$ is a (rin#i(le of ,od $hen i$does no$ #hange)

    *n 1 ohn 5916 $he a(os$le ohn wri$es abo%$ a sin$ha$ is no$ %n$o dea$h and a sin $ha$ is %n$o dea$h) *na$$hew -enr'.s 0ible Commen$ar' on $his

    (ar$i#%lar verse he sa's

    &he gospel does not positively threaten death forthe more visible sins of the members of >hrist, butonly some chastisement. &here is room left fordivine wisdom or goodness or even severity, to


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    determine how far the chastisement or the scourgeshall proceed.

    The conse#uences of avids sincontinued to affect him and his family.

    There is also a Bew Tes$amen$ (a$$ern for $he#on$in%ing dealings of ,od as $o #onse2%en#eseven when fellowshi( has been res$ored $o ,od

    $hro%gh mer#' and forgiveness) n eam(le of a$em(oral or ear$hl' %dgmen$ (ro#eeding even$ho%gh $here has been (rior forgiveness is fo%nd in-ebrews 6$ This #ha($er begins wi$h s$a$emen$s of$he grea$ fo%nda$ional do#$rines of o%r fai$h andgoes on $o ma"e $his de#lara$ion

    It is impossible for those who have once beenenlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift,who have shared in the /oly Spirit, who havetasted the goodness of the word of God and thepowers of the coming age, if they shall fall away, tobe brought back to repentance, because to their

    loss they are crucifying the Son of God all overagain and sub

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    awa' from $heir fai$h $he s#ri($%re is ver' final= i$ isim(ossible $o bring $hem ba#" $o re(en$an#e

    ;oes $his mean a loss of salva$ion: Salva$ion is no$los$ be#a%se of some fail%re or indis#re$ion al$ho%ghi$ is (ossible for one $o lose his salva$ion) G$ernalse#%ri$' #omes from a #on$in%ing rela$ionshi( wi$hes%s Chris$ so we need $o be #aref%l in see"ing $o%nders$and $his (ar$i#%lar (ar$ of ,od.s Word)

    Perha(s when ,od has blessed %s wi$h -isgoodness has filled %s wi$h $he -ol' S(iri$ and hasgiven gif$s of $he S(iri$ and we re(%dia$e $hese b'word or a#$ion i$ be#omes im(ossible $o bring %s

    ba#" $o $he same (la#e of rela$ionshi( wi$h $he ?ord)* have seen $his ha((en $o (eo(le The' have never

    been res$ored $o a vi$al (la#e in ,od af$er den'ingor $rea$ing ligh$l' a (owerf%l e(erien#e of ,od.sgra#e and (ower)

    There are however $hose who wo%ld (la#e a m%#hs$ri#$er in$er(re$a$ion on $hese verses) The' wo%ldsee $hese s#ri($%res as referring $o a (erson who has

    had a dee( (ersonal e(erien#e of ,od and $hendelibera$el' and #om(le$el' $%rns his ba#" on $he?ord and $he $r%$h of $he 0ible) This wo%ld bein$er(re$ed as a 8sin %n$o dea$h< from whi#h $here isno (la#e of res$ora$ion) Bo do%b$ $his #an ha((en

    b%$ in general $his s#ri($%re (ossibl' refers $o a#on$in%ing $em(oral %dgmen$ ra$her $han loss of


    There are dealings of ,od $ha$ begin in $his (resen$life and even if $here is gen%ine #onfession andre(en$an#e $here is no wa' $ha$ we are able $oes#a(e $he %di#ial hand of ,od)


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    The s$or' of Gsa% is ano$her eam(le) *$ wo%ldseem $ha$ when he sold his bir$hrigh$ $o his bro$her

    a#ob for $he (ri#e of a meal $ha$ he did so wi$ho%$#onsidering all $he im(li#a$ions of his a#$ion) Thewri$er $o $he -ebrews refers $o $his in#iden$ andsa's

    See that noDone is se2ually immoral, or is godlesslike 1sau, who for a single meal sold his

    inheritance rights as the oldest son. )fterwards, asyou know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing,he was re

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    in $he fa#e and sa' 8:es! i$ ha((ened and * amres(onsible)will #an ma"e i$ne#essar' for %s $o h%mble o%rselves in order $o beres$ored $o $he righ$ (la#e of fellowshi( $ha$ ,odwan$s %s $o have wi$h -im)

    *$ is signifi#an$ $ha$ when #han disobe'ed ,od.s#ommand and $he na$ion of *srael s%ffered defea$ a$$he #i$' of i $he (eo(le had $o go ba#" $o $he (la#eof defea$ and #on2%er $ha$ #i$' before $he' #o%ld

    (ro#eed an' f%r$her in $heir #on2%es$ of $he


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    Promised ?and of Canaan) This is a goodill%s$ra$ion of how we m%s$ go ba#" $o $he (la#e of

    defea$ and deal wi$h $he fail%re if we are $o grow ino%r s(iri$%al lives)

    )t is hard to be humble enough to ask forforgiveness when we have thought that wewere right but found that we were wrong.


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    Three inds of &udg#ent

    %dgmen$ #an be a (ar$ of gen%ine forgivenessThere are $hree "inds of %dgmen$ $ha$ a((l'

    1) Self>%dgmen$

    &herefore let us stop passing orinthians!0%

    The ?ord re2%ires a gen%ine hones$ self>eamina$ion) To 2%o$e f%r$her from $he same

    #ha($er of Pa%l.s le$$er

    *ut if we

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    ) %dgmen$ b' $he Ch%r#h

    This migh$ be a new as(e#$ $o some be#a%se we

    seldom do $his in (ra#$i#e) es%s was however ver'#lear abo%$ i$ and gave s(e#ifi# ins$r%#$ions abo%$$he (ro#ed%re $o be followed when $here was adis(%$e be$ween believers

    If your brother sins against you, go and show himhis fault,

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    has said, 9>retans are always liars, evil brutes,laJy gluttons.+ &his testimony is true. &herefore

    rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound inthe faith. (&itus !8#3%

    The reb%"e and (enal$' are no$ for $he (%r(ose ofridding $he #h%r#h of %ndesirable (eo(le b%$ $odis#i(line $hem in $he Chris$ian fai$h) The #h%r#hhas a (owerf%l %di#ial a%$hori$' %nder ,od)

    ,enerall' s(ea"ing we have failed $o eer#ise $hisres(onsibili$' b%$ i$ is (rovided for in s#ri($%re)

    3) The %dgmen$ of ,od -imself

    We have seen b' $he ill%s$ra$ions $ha$ have beengiven $ha$ ,od.s dealings #an #on$in%e even af$erforgiveness has been gran$ed) We read $his in


    or we know him who said, 9It is mine to avenge; Iwill repay,+ and again, 9&he Lord will

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    Wha$ has been said in $he (re#eding (aragra(h m%s$be em(hasi+ed be#a%se i$ is alwa's ,od.s desire $o

    res$ore (eo(le $o righ$ rela$ionshi( wi$h one ano$herand also wi$h -im)

    The a(os$le Pa%l $a%gh$ #learl' $ha$ $here was $o beres$ora$ion af$er %dgmen$) * am glad we have a ,odli"e $his be#a%se who of %s wo%ld wan$ $o (%nisho%r #hild wee" af$er wee" or mon$h af$er mon$h:

    P%nishmen$ of a #hild ma' be ne#essar' be#a%se ofa rebellio%s a$$i$%de disobedien#e or #arelessness

    b%$ * am s%re $ha$ loving (eo(le wo%ld wan$res$ora$ion) ,od does no$ wan$ $o be alwa'sinfli#$ing dis#i(line) ,od does no$ wan$ $o have -isfamil' %nder a heav' hand of %dgmen$ -is desireis $ha$ we sho%ld wal" in o'o%s fellowshi( wi$h

    -im) We #an do $ha$ b' living in $he ligh$ of ,od.sWord)

    (estoration after &udg#ent

    Consider $wo (assages in $he le$$er $o $heCorin$hians

    It is actually reported that there is se2ualimmorality among you, and of a kind that does notoccur even among pagans! ) man has his father5swife.

    )nd you are proudE Shouldn5t you rather have been

    filled with grief and have put out of your fellowshipthe man who did this=

    1ven though I am not physically present, I am withyou in spirit. )nd I have already passed

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    Chapter 2

    Forgiveness in 'e. Testa#ent

    We #ome now $o $he words of $he as$er Tea#her-imself $he ?ord es%s Chris$)

    Forgiven 3s We Forgive?

    Wha$ es%s $a%gh$ is fo%nd in $he Sermon on $heo%n$ a$$hew 5M7 and also in $he differen$

    (arables -e $old) We have shown in $he #o%rse of$his s$%d' $ha$ ,od is forgiving) There is no 2%es$ion

    abo%$ $ha$ We do have a wonderf%l ,od whoforgives b%$ i$ is (ossible for #er$ain #onse2%en#es$o #on$in%e even af$er we have been forgiven) Thewa' $o deal wi$h $hese #onse2%en#es is b' h%mblingo%rselves %dging o%rselves allowing $he %dgmen$of $he #h%r#h as (rovided for in s#ri($%re if $ha$ isne#essar' and re#ogni+ing ,od.s righ$ $o %dge and

    dis#i(line %s $hro%gh $he dire#$ion of $he -ol'S(iri$) Some #onse2%en#es ma' #on$in%e b%$ b'mee$ing $he bibli#al re2%iremen$s we #an lessen $he

    (enal$ies whi#h o$herwise migh$ a((l')

    /%r -eavenl' Fa$her has a righ$ $o eer#ise adis#i(linar' hand %(on $hose who belong $o -is

    famil' so even af$er ,od has res$ored %s $ofellowshi( wi$h -im -e ma' #on$in%e $o $a"eres$ri#$ive a#$ion agains$ %s %n$il s%#h $ime as wehave (roved o%rselves b' obedien#e $o -is Word)


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    ,od alone is $he %dge of $his so we m%s$ main$aina s%bmissive a$$i$%de a$ all $imes)

    Perha(s $he mos$ #hallenging as(e#$ of $his s%be#$is $he a((li#a$ion of forgiveness be$weenindivid%als) s Chris$ians we are #alled %(on $oforgive o$hers so $he 2%es$ion arises #on#erning $heeffe#$ $ha$ o%r forgiving or fail%re $o forgive has%(on ,od.s forgiveness of %s) *n o$her words $o

    wha$ e$en$ does o%r res(onse $o $he #ommand $oforgive o$hers refle#$ on $he forgiveness we re#eivefrom ,od:

    There are some im(or$an$ #om(ara$ive s#ri($%res$ha$ need $o be eamined) The firs$ is fo%nd in $heSermon on $he o%n$ where es%s said

    9or if you forgive men when they sin against you,your heavenly ather will also forgive you.

    9*ut if you do not forgive men their sins, yourather will not forgive your sins.+ (atthew "!4#%

    This is a ver' s$rong s$a$emen$ b' es%s and we need$o %nders$and $he f%ll im(li#a$ion of $hese words)The se#ond referen#e is fo%nd in ar".s gos(el

    )nd when you stand praying, if you hold anythingagainst anyone, forgive him, so that your ather inheaven may forgive you your sins. (ark !0#0"%

    The $hird referen#e is fo%nd in ?%"e*s gos(el

    orgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyonewho sins against us. )nd lead us not intotemptation. (Luke !4%


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    $a"en advan$age of $hem when $he' were #hildren)Serio%s #ases of #hild ab%se are now reg%larl' being

    e(osed) arriages ma' have bro"en down orfriends ma' have be$ra'ed $he $r%s$ (%$ in $hem)Peo(le have been in a (osi$ion emo$ionall' where$he' have been so h%r$ $ha$ $he' did no$ "now how$o forgive) s a res%l$ $he' have been %nder a grea$sense of g%il$ and fear) Wi$h man' s%#h (eo(le $hereis also a dee( inner bi$$erness)

    The 0ible warns $ha$ we m%s$ be #aref%l les$ a roo$of bi$$erness s(rings %( and defiles %s and%nforgiveness is $he #a%se of $his roo$ of bi$$erness)*$ #an #lo%d reali$' dis$or$ $hin"ing and lead $osevere emo$ional ins$abili$') ;ee( wi$hin $hese

    (eo(le who wan$ed $o love and serve ,od were

    h%r$s $ha$ #rea$ed anger fear resen$men$ and g%il$)Knresolved (ain and %nforgiveness #an lead $odo%b$s as $o whe$her $he' were in righ$ rela$ionshi(wi$h ,od in regard $o $heir salva$ion)

    Many people live with guilt and under

    condemnation because they cannot forgive.

    Prior $o $he divor#e (ro#eedings of $he afore>men$ioned #o%(le man' vindi#$ive a#$ions had been$a"en b' $he h%sband $owards his es$ranged wife)Fa#$s were dis$or$ed and informa$ion was given $oo$her (eo(le who sho%ld no$ have been involved)

    The wife was dee(l' h%r$ and * #an %nders$and howhard i$ m%s$ have been for her $o fa#e falsea##%sa$ions) *$ is eas' $o si$ in an *vor' Tower anddemand wha$ sho%ld be done in (ar$i#%lar#ir#%ms$an#es b%$ when one is in $he mids$ of a


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    (roblem li"e $his i$ is e$remel' diffi#%l$ $ogen%inel' forgive) The home life was r%ined

    ll $his $ime $he woman had main$ained her#h%r#h fellowshi( and * have no do%b$ $ha$her e$ernal salva$ion was se#%re in s(i$e of$he $remendo%s inner ba$$le she wasend%ring) * now 2%o$e from a wri$$en$es$imon' whi#h she gave $o me Forgive

    'o%r h%sband)< The words seemed so #learal$ho%gh $here was no a%dible voi#e) *$ was a$ime when * was see"ing $he ?ord for ananswer $o false a##%sa$ions being madeagains$ me) * had los$ some of m' o' and

    (ea#e b%$ did no$ $hin" $ha$ * had beenharboring %nforgiveness in m' hear$ $owards

    m' former h%sband)

    The words rang $hro%gh m' mind and * fel$an inner sho#") * s%ddenl' reali+ed $ha$ * had

    been sinning agains$ ,od and * as"ed for -isforgiveness) Then * said $o $he ?ord $ha$ *wo%ld sin#erel' forgive m' h%sband b%$ *

    "new $ha$ * wo%ld also need $o go and seehim and (%$ ma$$ers righ$) * a#$ed 2%i#"l'and wen$ $o see him) Bo$ onl' did he re#eivem' #onfession and e(ression offorgiveness b%$ we e#hanged m%$%alforgiveness and love and (ea#e $owards ea#h

    o$her whi#h onl' $he -ol' S(iri$ #o%ld havemade (ossible)

    * ins$an$l' fo%nd a new sense of ,od.s loveand -is o' and (ea#e)


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    * wo%ld have li"ed $o have been able $o sa' $ha$ $hismarriage was saved and res$ored b%$ $ha$ did no$

    o##%r) The se#ond bes$ $oo" (la#e and $he $wo(eo(le fo%nd a (la#e of sin#ere forgiveness of ea#ho$her al$ho%gh $he' #o%ld no$ fa#e $he (ros(e#$ of#on$in%ing wi$h $heir marriage) ,od ha$es divor#e

    b%$ some$imes ever' effor$ seems $o fail in ge$$ingdiverse (eo(le $o live in harmon' and we have $oa##e($ $he reali$' of se(ara$ion) * do no$ believe $ha$$his fail%re is d%e $o $he la#" of (ower $ha$ $he ?ord

    (rovides b%$ is d%e $o o%r h%man inabili$' $oa((ro(ria$e $he f%llness of wha$ is (rovided $hro%gh$he -ol' S(iri$)

    *n #o%nseling wi$h (eo(le who have gone $hro%ghmarriage (roblems similar $o $his * agree $ha$

    si$%a$ions #an be#ome so %gl' when one (ar$' doesno$ wan$ $o #hange $ha$ $he o$her (ar$' has noo($ion b%$ $o finall' ge$ o%$ of $he marriage for hisor her own sani$' and heal$h) There are $imes when$he s#ri($%re $ells %s $o hake the dust off your feet!"atthew #$%#&'. We m%s$ however gen%inel' $r'

    and $r' hard before we resor$ $o an a#$ion $ha$ isessen$iall' agains$ $ha$ whi#h ,od desires)

    * am no$ (re(ared $o sa' $ha$ a (roblem is ho(eless)* believe in $he (ower of ho(e and #onsider $ha$ wesho%ld hold $o o%r ho(es even in $he mos$ diffi#%l$#ir#%ms$an#es %n$il we are absol%$el' s%re $ha$ $he

    door $o a (ar$i#%lar ho(e has been finall' #losed)Then we m%s$ allow $he -ol' S(iri$ $o (%$ new ho(eba#" in$o o%r hear$s and minds and (ress forward ino%r lives and in $he f%lfillmen$ of ,od.s (lan for %s)


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    The diffi#%l$' in gen%inel' forgiving is a ver' realdilemma $ha$ is fa#ed b' man' (eo(le and $he'

    have been afraid $o s(ea" abo%$ i$) * have dis#overed$ha$ man' (eo(le go $hro%gh serio%s #rises in $heirs(iri$%al lives b%$ are afraid $o $al" abo%$ (roblemsas $he' feel $he' are $he onl' ones wi$h $he

    (ar$i#%lar (roblem) 0' sharing $heir diffi#%l$' wi$hsomeone else $he' feel inferior as Chris$ians andSa$an deligh$s in de#eiving sin#ere believers in s%#ha manner) We all fa#e $hese #hallenges and need $o%nders$and how $he' #an be #omba$ed andover#ome) To do $his we m%s$ %nders$and $he realmeaning of forgiveness and wha$ is involved whenwe forgive) ?e$ %s #onsider $hese (oin$s)

    *f o%r salva$ion is de(enden$ %(on o%r abili$' $o

    #om(le$el' forgive o$hers from $he hear$ $hen $hesalva$ion of man' born again and S(iri$>filledChris$ians wo%ld be in do%b$ be#a%se %nforgivenessis wi$ho%$ 2%es$ion a (roblem in $he #h%r#h)

    *f o%r salva$ion de(ends on o%r abili$' $o #om(le$el'forgive o$hers from $he hear$ $hen where does $he

    0ible $r%$h of %s$ifi#a$ion b' fai$h s$and:

    re we %s$ified b' o%r fai$h in Chris$ (l%s o%rabili$' $o forgive ano$her (erson or are we %s$ified

    before a hol' ,od be#a%se of $he (rovisions ofCalvar' and $he blood of es%s Chris$ alone: TheWord of ,od $ells %s $ha$ we are saved b' gra#e

    $hro%gh fai$h an a#$ of re(en$an#e and #onfession ofo%r sin no$ be#a%se of an abili$' $o forgive ano$herwho ma' have serio%sl' wronged %s)


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    $as" is $oo grea$ for $hem and $he' do no$ "now $ha$showing mer#' is $he firs$ s$e( $o forgiveness)

    Perha(s be#a%se of %nforgiveness a demoni# s(iri$has gained a hold so $ha$ $he (erson finds he is

    (owerless in $he ba$$le $o be#ome willing $o forgive)-is will $o gen%inel' forgive has be#ome so gri((ed

    b' Sa$an.s (ower $ha$ he fails $o do wha$ he "nowssho%ld be done) (erson in $his #ondi$ion ma' need

    s(e#ial (ra'er for deliveran#e)

    We are not condoning unforgiveness! 1esustaught that we must forgive one another.

    ,enerall' s(ea"ing however all %nforgiveness isd%e a$ leas$ in $he firs$ ins$an#e $o an %nwillingness

    or ignoran#e of how $o forgive) Bone of %s #an sa'$ha$ we are %nable $o forgive be#a%se $he Word of,od $ells %s $ha$ we are $o forgive) *$ wo%ld be a#on$radi#$ion in $erms $o sa' $ha$ $he 0ible $ells %s $oforgive b%$ $ha$ reall' i$ is im(ossible $o do so) *f $he0ible de#lares $ha$ we are $o forgive one ano$her

    $hen obvio%sl' $his is wha$ we sho%ld do and wha$we are able $o do if we "now $he s$e(s) Forgivenesshas $o do wi$h hear$ a$$i$%de) We have alread' said$ha$ forgiveness involves $he dismissal ofresen$men$ or dis(leas%re)

    * was given $his (ersonal $es$imon'

    ' #hildhood was mainl' %nha((' be#a%seof $he #ons$an$ arg%ing of m' fa$her andmo$her) *$ was no$ %n$il m' earl' $eens $ha$ *

    began $o reali+e $he grea$ (ress%re $ha$ m'mo$her s%ffered be#a%se of $he heav'


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    drin"ing habi$s of m' fa$her and hisinfideli$' wi$h o$her women) * loved m'

    fa$her and $here were some ha((' famil'$imes b%$ $he' were shor$>lived) *n m' mid>$eens m' fa$her lef$ home $o live wi$hano$her woman and an added finan#ial s$rainwas (la#ed %(on o%r famil')

    s * grew older and married * %s$ wan$ed $o

    (%$ m' fa$her o%$ of m' mind al$oge$her and* had no desire $o see him again) * $ho%gh$$ha$ 8forge$$ing< wo%ld solve $he (roblem of$he dee( h%r$ * had s%ffered be#a%se of a

    bro"en home) The 'ears (assed b' b%$ * didno$ reali+e $ha$ $here was reall' a dee(%nforgiveness and bi$$erness s$ill eis$ing

    wi$hin me $owards m' fa$her) ;%ring $his$ime ,od was blessing o%r lives and m'h%sband and * had #ome in$o newe(erien#es of ,od.s (rovision andem(owering)

    $ele(hone #all sha$$ered m' life '

    bro$her whom * loved dearl' had been "illedin an a##iden$) ' h%sband and * flew $helong dis$an#e ba#" $o m' home>#i$' for $hef%neral) s * s$e((ed from $he air#raf$ $hefirs$ (erson * saw was m' fa$her) 'emo$ions were in $%rmoil b%$ we embra#ed

    and some$hing ha((ened inside me) 'fa$her was a bro"en man M devas$a$ed b' $hedea$h of $he son he had mainl' negle#$ed Mand * fel$ #om(assion and forgivenesswelling %( wi$hin me)


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    Chris$ $o be se(ara$ed from -is Fa$her and s%fferand die) The h%r$s $ha$ we have s%ffered from o$hers

    are so small #om(ared $o $he enormi$' of o%r sinagains$ ,od) When we $hin" abo%$ $his obe#$ivel'we "now i$ is $r%e b%$ i$ is hard $o view o%r#ir#%ms$an#es obe#$ivel' when we are in dis$ress) *$is onl' af$er we have beg%n $o heal and ge$ hold oflife again $ha$ we reali+e $he enormi$' of o%r sinagains$ ,od o$hers and o%rselves) We sin agains$o%rselves when we revel in (ain and we sin agains$o%r Crea$or when we do no$ allow -im $o heal %sand g%ide %s in$o wholeness in s(iri$ so%l and


    We need $o #ome $o a (ra#$i#al reali+a$ion of $heeffe#$s of o%r sins $oward o$hers and $oward ,od

    be#a%se i$ will hel( %s $o forgive $he $ransgressionsof o$hers agains$ %s) *n $he (arable of $heKnmer#if%l Servan$ whi#h we have alread' referred$o and whi#h is fo%nd in a$$hew 1@ $his (rin#i(leis ver' #learl' shown) The $r%$hs #on$ained in $hiss$or' are so im(or$an$)

    The firs$ servan$ was forgiven a grea$ deb$ b%$ he in$%rn ref%sed $o show an' mer#' $o a fellow>servan$who owed him a ver' small amo%n$) When $hemas$er of bo$h of $hose servan$s dis#overed wha$had been done he revo"ed $he mer#' forgivenessand (ardon $ha$ he had shown $o $he firs$ servan$)

    There are practical ways to overcome theproblem of forgiving others.

    When we fail $o res(ond wi$h $he same "ind of%nders$anding $ha$ has been given $o %s we are in


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    S(iri$ as we $a"e s$e(s $o a#$ in obedien#e $o ,od.sWord) /%r firs$ s$e(s ma' be rel%#$an$ and feeble

    b%$ $he -ol' S(iri$ res(onds b' hel(ing %s) Thea(os$le Pa%l said we do no$ even "now how weo%gh$ $o (ra' b%$ $he -ol' S(iri$ himself in$er#edesfor %s Homans @6I)

    My e(perience in dealing with peopleconfirms that many are literally in torment

    because they will not forgive.

    Wha$ ,od e$ends $o %s -e e(e#$s %s $o e$endwi$hin $he s#o(e of o%r a%$hori$' $o o$hers) Thee$en$ of o%r a%$hori$' and $he #ommand $o %s from$he ?ord is $o be mer#if%l and forgiving a$ all $imes)

    *$ is no$ o%r righ$ or (reroga$ive $o (ardon) Thisrigh$ belongs $o ,od

    Forgiveness 6 Conditional or


    There is ano$her maor as(e#$) *$ is $ha$ ,od im(oses

    #ondi$ions before forgiveness #an be re#eived)These #ondi$ions are 2%i$e #lear) The firs$ isre(en$an#e and $he se#ond is #onfession) ,od onl'forgives on $he basis of $hese $wo #ondi$ions) *f were(en$ and #onfess $hen -e will forgive) /%r#on$in%ing fellowshi( wi$h ,od is adversel'affe#$ed b' an' sin an' falling shor$ of or missing$he mar" $ha$ ,od re2%ires for o%r lives) -olding

    bi$$erness or resen$men$ is a #lear viola$ion of ,od.sWord) *f $hese are in o%r hear$s $oward o$her (eo(le$hen o%r fellowshi( wi$h ,od is in$err%($ed) We are


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    no longer wal"ing in $he ligh$ in regard $o o%rfellowshi( wi$h ,od)

    *$ is in$eres$ing $o no$e $ha$ in $he m(lified Oersionof a$$hew 614M15 rela$ing $o forgiving oneano$her $he words 8giving %( resen$men$< are %sed)This is $he snare $ha$ believers in Chris$ #ons$an$l'fa#e) We are %nwilling $o or do no$ "now how $ogive %( resen$men$ b%$ we do no$ reali+e $ha$ we

    are (la#ing o%rselves in $he hands of $he8$ormen$ors

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    sin#ere sorrow for $he fail%re so $his s#ri($%re(res%((oses $ha$ $here has been $r%e re(en$an#e

    before $he #onfession is made) These are $he%n#hanging gro%nds for forgiveness $o be#om(le$ed) S%rel' ,od does no$ re2%ire a believer$o o(era$e on a higher s$andard $han -e does: ;o'o% $hin" $ha$ ,od wo%ld e(e#$ %s $o have a higherlevel of #ond%#$ $han -imself:

    We are unwilling to give up resentment, butwe do not reali-e that we are placing

    ourselves in the hands of the tormentors.

    *f ,od.s forgiveness of %s is no$ %n#ondi$ional $henis o%r forgiveness of one ano$her %n#ondi$ional:

    The wa' we of$en a#$ wo%ld ma"e i$ seem $ha$ $hiswas so We wan$ o$hers $o forgive and forge$ $ha$we have done wrong $o $hem b' o%r a#$ing as ifno$hing had ha((ened) This does no$ wor" and i$does no$ (rod%#e gen%ine forgiveness as far as ,odis #on#erned)

    * need $o again 2%o$e $he signifi#an$ $ea#hing b'es%s $ha$ we have #onsidered in an earlier #ha($eras $his is vi$al in %nders$anding $ha$ forgiveness

    be$ween one ano$her is no$ %n#ondi$ional

    If your brother sins against you, go and show himhis fault,

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    wi$h whom we have $he fa%l$) es%s made i$ (lain$ha$ $he righ$ #o%rse was $o go dire#$ $o $he (erson

    #on#erned and in doing $his we ma' win o%r bro$herand $he ma$$er ma' be resolved) *f having done $hishe will no$ hear %s $hen we are $o $a"e one or $woo$hers and go $o him $o #onfirm wha$ is being saidif $hen even wi$h $he wi$nesses $o $he (roblem $he

    bro$her is s$ill %nwilling $o lis$en $he iss%e is $o gobefore $he #h%r#h)

    Seldom however do we find $ha$ $he #h%r#h iswilling $o be involved in s%#h (ersonal ma$$ers b%$es%s has inves$ed a%$hori$' in $he #h%r#h and $he#h%r#h has a vi$al (ar$ $o (la' in re#on#ilia$ion

    be$ween #onfli#$ing members)

    *$ is eas' $o reason $ha$ i$ is be$$er $o le$ an iss%edro( ra$her $han bea$ a dead horse b%$ so of$en $he%nresolved (roblem remains li"e a #an#er $ha$ isslowl' ea$ing awa' $he bod') Knresolved (roblemshave a habi$ of e(loding wi$h a m%#h moredevas$a$ing res%l$ $han $he (ain #a%sed in $r'ing $odeal wi$h $hem a$ $he $ime $he' arise)

    Following $his $ea#hing wi$h $he $hree #lear s$e(s forforgiveness Pe$er #ame $o es%s and as"ed him as(e#ifi# 2%es$ion

    Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brotherwhen he sins against me= p to seven times=

    (atthew !0%* am s%re $ha$ Pe$er $ho%gh$ $ha$ he was beinges(e#iall' gra#io%s and s(iri$%al as he as"ed $ha$2%es$ion) K( $o seven $imes seemed a maor#on#ession be#a%se $he oral law of $he s#ribes and


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    Pharisees (rovided $ha$ forgiveness be given onl'$hree $imes) To forgive $hree $imes was no$ (ar$ of

    $he law of oses b%$ i$ was (ar$ of $he $radi$ion $ha$had been added $o $he law) *$ was a big s$e( forPe$er $o be willing $o forgive seven $imes -e m%s$have been ama+ed b' $he re(l' given b' es%s

    I tell you, not seven times, but seventyDseventimes. (atthew !00%

    *$ is in$eres$ing $o no$e $ha$ in $he O es%s iss$a$ed as sa'ing $o forgive seven$' $imes sevenWha$ever $ransla$ion is a##e($ed i$ seems obvio%s$ha$ es%s was $elling Pe$er $ha$ $here is no limi$ $ohow of$en one sho%ld forgive) -owever in $he ligh$of wha$ es%s had been sa'ing in $he (revio%s

    verses $he (erson a$ fa%l$ was re2%ired $oa#"nowledge his fail%re) *f $ha$ was no$ done af$er$he $hree (ro#ed%res had been followed $hen $he

    (enal$' is 2%i$e #lear

    If he refuses to listen even to the church, treat himas you would a pagan or a ta2 collector. D(atthew


    %od says that if we repent and confess, &ewill restore us to fellowship with &imself

    /n man' o##asions * have had $o deal wi$h men andwomen whose a$$i$%des and #ond%#$ have been

    wrong) Some$imes $hese (eo(le have been in(osi$ions of leadershi( and res(onsibili$') *ndivid%al#o%nseling was %ns%##essf%l) Times of dis#%ssionwi$h one or $wo o$hers or even wi$h an Gldershi(failed $o gain a righ$ res(onse) Wha$ sho%ld have


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    This is a signifi#an$ addi$ion $o wha$ we have ina$$hew.s gos(el) When (eo(le sin agains$ %s we

    don.$ %s$ be#ome a door ma$ and allow o%rselves $obe wal"ed on es%s in#l%ded $he ver' im(or$an$s$a$emen$ %s$ men$ioned 8If yor brother sins!rebe him! and if he repents! forgive him$< Thereare $wo vi$al a#$ions= reb%"e $he one who has sinnedand forgive him if he re(en$s

    *$ was as a res%l$ of $hese words of es%s $ha$ $hedis#i(les said $o $he ?ord 8in&rease or faith(leasing and sin and was s%ddenl' fa#edwi$h $he fa#$ $ha$ he wo%ld %l$ima$el' rea( $he same


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    res%l$ if his life did no$ #hange) -is s(iri$%alawa"ening and obedien#e $o $he #onvi#$ion of $he

    -ol' S(iri$ $ha$ nigh$ #hanged $he des$in' of o%rfamil' and %l$ima$el' all $he famil' members #ame$o "now $he ?ord in a (ersonal wa')

    4 man reaps what he sows.

    'egative and 0ositive

    *n all $he s#ri($%res $ha$ have been 2%o$ed $here is anega$ive and (osi$ive as(e#$) This is eviden$$hro%gho%$ $he Word of ,od) *n $he verses %s$2%o$ed $he nega$ive res%l$s are M (lo%gh evil andrea( evil) Sow $ro%ble and rea( $ro%ble) Sow $o $hewind and rea( $he whirlwind) Plan$ wi#"edness andrea( evil) ll of $hese are nega$ive res%l$s $ha$ ariseo%$ of o%r own a#$ions)

    * wan$ $o in#l%de ano$her (ersonal e(erien#e#on#erning a man whom * me$ on several o##asions)-e was (ar$ of ano$her #h%r#h #ongrega$ion b%$from $ime>$o>$ime * visi$ed $ha$ #h%r#h and also had#on$a#$ wi$h o$her members of his famil') -e wasdiffi#%l$ and rigid and seldom smiled al$ho%gh ifsome$hing (leased him he #o%ld be warm and#om(limen$ar') *$ wasn.$ a #omfor$ing sigh$ $o seehim si$$ing in $he #ongrega$ion as he lis$ened wi$h afied loo" on his fa#e) Was he a((roving or

    disa((roving: -e was even willing $o (%bli#l'2%es$ion a novi#e (rea#her in $he mids$ of a sermonif he disagreed wi$h some s$a$emen$)

    There were $imes when he #o%ld be genero%s b%$ hewas feared more $han he was li"ed) -ow m%#h


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    ha((ier life #o%ld have been for him b%$ hisnega$ive and of$en #ri$i#al a$$i$%de #a%sed him $o see

    $he wors$ ra$her $han $he bes$ in mos$ as(e#$s of life) #h%r#h f%n#$ion was (lanned and e#i$emen$ andgenerosi$' were $he order of $he da') This man grewin his garden a (ar$i#%lar vege$able $ha$ wasre2%ired and a re2%es$ was made #o%ld he s%((l'$he 2%an$i$' needed: The need was no$ large and

    his s%((l' was 2%i$e ab%ndan$ b%$ when $he bo of(rod%#e was handed over $he demand was made8Tha$ will be L1!#on$ra#$ors for his own (leas%re and for"ee(ing %( a (re$en#e $ha$ he was a weal$h'


    * #o%ld no$ #o%n$ $he ho%rs $ha$ o$hers and * s(en$wi$h him) We (ra'ed (leaded and even we($ b%$ever' a#$ of re(en$an#e b' him was followed b' ana#$ of selfishness or foolishness) The seed was smallwhen i$ was firs$ sown b%$ i$ bro%gh$ for$h a harves$

    of des(air and des$r%#$ion) * wo%ld li"e $o wri$e of aha((' ending b%$ i$ didn.$ ha((en) f$er * lef$ $hearea and $hen moved $o ano$her #o%n$r' * heard ofhis ban"r%($#' ad%l$er' and divor#e)

    The 'ears (assed wi$ho%$ hearing an'$hing abo%$him $hen no$ long ago he a$$ended a mee$ing whi#h

    * was #ond%#$ing in $he #i$' where he was living) -ehad seen m' name adver$ised and had #ome $o $hemee$ing) -e was in $he las$ s$ages of $erminal#an#er b%$ * had $he o((or$%ni$' $o (ra' wi$h himand $hen wri$e $o him before he died) * believe $ha$


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    he had made his (ea#e wi$h ,od b%$ * s$ill mo%rnwhen * $hin" of $he was$ed (ossibili$ies of his life)

    * have alread' 2%o$ed $he s#ri($%re 8ow the windand reap the whirlwind

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  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    ?e$ me now deal wi$h $he (osi$ive benefi$s ofsowing and rea(ing) We #an sow $ha$ whi#h ,od

    a((roves and blesses and in $%rn rea( $hir$' si$'and a h%ndred $imes of $he blessings of ,od) es%ssaid

    9?ell done, my good servantE+ his master replied,9*ecause you have been trustworthy in a verysmall matter, take charge of ten cities.+ (Luke

    -!$%*n $his (arable a small amo%n$ of fai$hf%lness rea(eda large reward) The good $ha$ we sow is magnifiedas is $he evil $ha$ we sow) Wha$ever we sow will begrea$er in $he rea(ing $han in $he sowing) -owfoolish $hen $ha$ we sho%ld sow $o $he nega$ive

    when we have been $old #learl' $ha$ we will rea( afar grea$er nega$ive res%l$ when we #an ins$eadsow $o $he (osi$ive and re#eive ab%ndan$ blessingsand (rovision)

    The seed that is planted seems smallbut the results which suddenly confront

    us are devastating.

    We need $o live $o (lease ,od and no$ %s$ $o (leaseo%rselves) We of$en loo" a$ even$s from a shor$ $erm

    (oin$ of view b%$ ,od is loo"ing a$ $hem in $helong>$erm) When we (lan$ seeds in a garden we do

    no$ e(e#$ $o see $he harves$ s(ring %( immedia$el')There is a $ime la(se) We ma' sow disobedien#eand evil and for a $ime see no$hing adverse b%$ $he

    (rin#i(le is in o(era$ion and an inevi$able res%l$ willfollow)


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    There is an in#iden$ in $he life of es%s when aoman #en$%rion a((ealed $o es%s $o heal a servan$

    who was si#") When es%s offered $o go $o $he#en$%rion.s ho%se $he man re(lied

    Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under myroof. *ut

  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    Q The (erson who is #onver$ed $o Chris$)

    Q The Chris$ian in his s(iri$%al life)

    The 2%es$ion we need $o answer is $his wha$ doesforgiveness (rovide for $he (erson in $hese $hreedifferen$ #a$egories and how does $he (rin#i(le ofsowing and rea(ing a((l' $o him:

    The %nbeliever

    The 0ible sa's &he wages of sin is death !1omans/%2'.*$ also sa's &he soul who sins is the one who willdie !34ekiel #+%2$I) The (erson who does no$ a##e($

    b' fai$h $he salva$ion $ha$ is offered $hro%gh es%sChris$ is %nder sen$en#e of e$ernal se(ara$ion from,od be#a%se $he 0ible also sa's )ll have sinned

    Homans 33I) Bone of %s is righ$eo%s The bes$ ofo%r a#$ions fail $o #ome %( $o $he s$andard re2%ired

    b' a hol' ,od)

    The %nbeliever ma' #on$in%e $o eno' #er$ain$em(oral benefi$s and blessings $ha$ #ome from $hegeneral mer#' of ,od) We have seen before how

    ,od gives $he benefi$s of $he differen$ seasons $obo$h $he %s$ and $he %n%s$ ali"e) ,od is no$res$ri#$ed $o a((l'ing $he law of sowing and rea(ingin $his life alone) ,od.s wa's are e$ernal so $he$r%$h of sowing and rea(ing will #on$in%e $o a((l')The %nbeliever goes on re#eiving a meas%re of $he

    mer#' and $he goodness of ,od and ma' (ros(er ina ma$erial wa') Some %nbelievers ma' #on$in%e $o(ros(er all $heir lives even $ho%gh $he' have a#$ed%n%s$l')


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    We need $o reali+e $ha$ $he e$ernal #onse2%en#es ofrea(ing wha$ we have sown are far more dras$i# and

    im(or$an$ $han $he $em(oral as(e#$) * wo%ld ra$herrea( $he blessings of ,od e$ernall' $han now if *had $o ma"e a #hoi#e) This life is des#ribed in $hes#ri($%re as 8a mist that appears for a little whileand then vanishes

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    of dishones$' and s%ddenl' $hese s(rang %( in$osigh$ and were e(osed) The same is $r%e of some

    religio%s and #h%r#h leaders) The' rea(ed wha$ $he'had sown

    We of$en read of men and women in $heen$er$ainmen$ ind%s$r' who died some a$ a 'o%ngage be#a%se of wha$ $he' had sown in $heir ownlives) The' rea(ed 2%i#"l' The' had sown $o $he

    wind and $r%l' rea(ed a whirlwind) /f$en i$ hadbeen a whirlwind of disease or men$al disorder)Some have sown seeds of #orr%($ion b' dr%g ab%seand ever' "ind of e#ess and (erversion ands%ddenl' $he whirlwind #ame)

    ,od allows some $o rea( 2%i#"l' from $heir sin and

    o$hers $o a((ear $o #on$in%e $o (ros(er b%$ $heo(ening verses of Psalm 37 are a((ro(ria$e for %s $oremember

    o not fret because of evil men or be envious ofthose who do wrong; for like the grass they willsoon wither, like green plants they will soon die

    away.&rust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the landand en

  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    /ne $hing is s%re $he %nbeliever will %l$ima$el' rea(from his sin) -e will rea( from i$ e$ernal %dgmen$

    and se(ara$ion from ,od a(ar$ from an' $em(oral%dgmen$ $ha$ his sin ma' invo"e)

    What "appens at Conversion?

    The 0erson Who is Converted to


    We #ome now $o $he se#ond #a$egor') -ow does $helaw of sowing and rea(ing a((l' in $his (erson.slife: The 0ible de#lares $ha$ $he blood of es%sChris$ ,od.s Son #leanses %s from all sin) Pa%lwri$ing $o $he Corin$hian #h%r#h said

    &herefore, if anyone is in >hrist, he is a new

    creation; the old has gone, the new has comeE (0>orinthians !$%

    &he Living *ible paraphrase of this verse says!?hen someone becomes a >hristian, he becomesa brand new person inside. /e is not the same anymore. ) new life has begun.

    This is a #lear s$a$emen$ b%$ of$en i$ does no$ seem$o ha((en Peo(le re#eive Chris$ and i$ does no$seem $ha$ $he old $hings (ass awa') There are h%r$swo%nds and disa((oin$men$s $ha$ remain allowingnega$ive a$$i$%des $o domina$e $hem)

    $ne thing is sure + the unbeliever willultimately reap from his sin.

    * wan$ $o give $he ill%s$ra$ion of a 'o%ng man *"new) -e had a grea$ s$ar$ $o his Chris$ian life) -is


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    bro$her was a fine Chris$ian 'o%ng man and we had(ra'ed for $he salva$ion of his bro$her for some $ime

    before be finall' #ame $o #h%r#h) The $wo bro$hers#ame $o o%r home for a sna#" a$ $he #lose of $ha$S%nda' nigh$ servi#e and we $al"ed abo%$ $he need$o re#eive Chris$ in a (ersonal wa')

    * e(lained $he wa' of salva$ion and as"ed if hewo%ld li"e $o re#eive Chris$ in$o his life) -e re(lied

    in $he affirma$ive and * began $o lead him in a(ra'er of re(en$an#e and a##e($an#e of es%s) Bowords #ame from his mo%$h * re(ea$ed $he sim(le

    (ra'er b%$ s$ill no words #ame) s we loo"ed a$him his mo%$h seemed $o be lo#"ed and $r' as hewo%ld no words wo%ld #ome

    We dis#erned $ha$ he was bo%nd b' some demoni#s(iri$ and we began $o s(ea" agains$ i$ in $he Bameof es%s) S%ddenl' he was free The (ra'er flowedfrom his li(s and $he o'o%s #hange in his wholea((earan#e was ama+ing) ?a$er $ha$ nigh$ he and his

    bro$her were (h'si#all' a$$a#"ed b' demoni# for#es$o $he e$en$ $ha$ $he older bro$her fell $o $he floor

    a((aren$l' %n#ons#io%s) gain we #laimed $hea%$hori$' in $he Bame of es%s and saw #om(le$edeliveran#e)

    ?e$ me ass%re 'o% $ha$ $his is no$ an ill%s$ra$ion ofsome e$reme a$$i$%de $o deliveran#e) Bever beforeor sin#e have * had a similar e(erien#e) ,od.s

    (ower was marvelo%sl' (rovided for $he release of$his 'o%ng man and for $he (ro$e#$ion of his older


    We saw $he 'o%nger bro$her (ress on in $heChris$ian life for some mon$hs b%$ $hen he began $o


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    do%b$ and allowed old nega$ive fears and a$$i$%des$ha$ had (revio%sl' (lag%ed his life $o re$%rn) -is

    Chris$ian life be#ame in#onsis$en$) moodiness $ha$had been a (roblem and whi#h had vanished wi$hhis #onversion re$%rned and his s(iri$%al life

    be#ame wea" and indifferen$) * am glad $o sa' $ha$in la$er 'ears he re#a($%red $he blessing and (ea#eof ,od and $oda' he is involved wi$h a livel'effe#$ive #h%r#h b%$ he s(en$ some 'ears ins$r%ggling $o over#ome his wea"nesses)

    Sho%ld o%r s(iri$%al e(erien#e be li"e $his or dowe of$en fail $o a((ro(ria$e all $ha$ is available$hro%gh o%r fai$h in Chris$: There #an be a big ga(in $he lives of (eo(le be$ween wha$ $he' have8(ossessionall'

  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    %(on -imself) The dea$h of es%s also (rovideda##ess $o (h'si#al healing for o%r bodies) The dea$h

    of es%s Chris$ on $he Cross was a #om(le$e defea$of Sa$an and a #om(le$e vi#$or' for es%s) 0' -isdea$h and $hen -is res%rre#$ion (rovision was madefor all o%r needs)

    We reali+e however $ha$ ,od is wor"ing asovereign (lan and we #anno$ demand $ha$ all o%r

    needs be immedia$el' me$ be#a%se -is $iming is no$o%r $iming) We are #hallenged b' $he Word of ,od$o be 8over#omers

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    no e$ernal (enal$' b%$ $he (erson ma' s$ill bea##o%n$able $o $he #ivil a%$hori$ies)

    *$ is a $raged' however $ha$ so man' Chris$ians$hro%gh %nwillingness $o a##e($ $ha$ ,od has reall'forgiven $hem and $hro%gh %nbelief fear anddo%b$ allow old a$$i$%des $o #on$in%e and so bringabo%$ a nega$ive rea(ing in $heir lives) *n doing $his$he (erson red%#es in his own life some of $he

    wonderf%l (rovisions of $he Cross) The new #onver$and also $he e(erien#ed Chris$ian m%s$ #ons$an$l'allow his mind $o be renewed his emo$ions $o be

    (%rified and his will $o be se$ free so as $o a##e($ $heforgiveness $ha$ ,od has given and $o harmoni+ewi$h ,od.s will for his life) Knfor$%na$el' we findin e(erien#e $ha$ born again Chris$ians are s$ill

    rea(ing in a s(iri$%al sense from even$s $ha$ha((ened before $he' were saved) This sho%ld no$


    When one re#eives Chris$ 8the old is gone! the newhas &ome

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    The 8new bir$h< (rovides a fresh s$ar$ from ,od.s(oin$ of view b%$ from $hen on we again be#ome

    a##o%n$able for o%r a#$ions) The law of sowing andrea(ing on#e more be#omes (ar$ of o%r life as i$ was

    before #onversion) er#' and forgiveness arealwa's available b%$ #onse2%en#es are a reali$' $o befa#ed) *n ohn.s firs$ le$$er we read

    &his is the message we have heard from him and

    declare to you! God is light; in him there is nodarkness at all.

    If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk inthe darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.

    *ut if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, wehave fellowship with one another, and the blood of

    Aesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. ( Aohn!#$%

    This is $he (romise of ,od) -e #leanses %s andres$ores %s $o fellowshi( wi$h him b%$ $he (romiseis for forgiveness and fellowshi( no$ (ardon) Thereare fail%res $ha$ have $o be deal$ wi$h) We ma' have

    $ho%gh$ $ha$ all was well) /ne migh$ sa' $o himself

    8Ees * did $rea$ $ha$ (erson badl' b%$ i$ ha((ened along $ime ago and (erha(s i$ is now forgo$$en)y his wonds we areheated

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    *f we have %ne(lainable (roblems $he firs$2%es$ion we m%s$ as" o%rselves is are we

    a((ro(ria$ing $he f%ll benefi$s of wha$ Chris$ hasalread' done for %s:

    ) re we rea(ing wha$ we have sown:

    Gver' a#$ion has a res%l$ There is no$hing $ha$ wedo $ha$ is isola$ed b%$ as we have deal$ wi$h $hiss%be#$ in de$ail i$ is no$ ne#essar' $o elabora$e) ?e$

    %s however no$e #aref%ll' $ha$ ever' a#$ion we $a"ewill have a res%l$ for good or ill so when we arefa#ed wi$h #onf%sion or diffi#%l$' we need $o ma"ean hones$ eval%a$ion as $o whe$her we are rea(ing anega$ive res%l$ from wha$ we have sown)

    3) *s ,od $hro%gh $hese diffi#%l$ #ir#%ms$an#es

    dis#i(lining %s and (r%ning o%r lives be#a%se of -islove and #are:

    The s#ri($%re sa's

    ...because the Lord disciplines those he loves, andhe punishes everyone he accepts as a son.(/ebrews 0!"%

    es%s gave $ea#hing $ha$ is similar $o $his

    9I am the true vine and my ather is the gardener./e cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit,while every branch that does bear fruit he prunesso that it will be even more fruitful.+ (Aohn !#0%

    /very action we take will have a resultfor good or ill.


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    *n $imes of diffi#%l$' %n#er$ain$' or $es$ing we arefa#ed wi$h $hese $hree al$erna$ives) Whi#h of $hese

    $hree reasons a((l': We m%s$ "now so $ha$ we #anfind (ea#e or if $here is a wrong $o be (%$ righ$ $a"ea#$ion $o bring abo%$ a sol%$ion)

    The (roblem we all have is $o be gen%inel'obe#$ive when we $r' $o eval%a$e wha$ is ha((ening$o %s) We all see $hings from o%r own (oin$ of view)

    os$ Chris$ians are sin#ere in $heir desire $o serve,od b%$ we all loo" a$ even$s from o%r own

    (ers(e#$ive) *$ is ver' na$%ral $o sa' 80e reasonabledo i$ m' wa'< We are %s%all' #onvin#ed $ha$ o%rwa' is righ$ so i$ is hard $o loo" a$ $he (roblemfrom all angles and (ar$i#%larl' $o re#ogni+e $ha$ weall have some blind s(o$s) We do no$ see i$ be#a%se

    we reall' are blind $o i$ The onl' (erson who #anhel( %s $o see a blind s(o$ is someone else) wife#an be good a$ seeing a blind s(o$ her h%sband hasand a h%sband #an do $he same wi$h his wife b%$of$en nei$her are a##%ra$e be#a%se i$ %s%all' $a"essome disasso#ia$ed (erson $o gen%inel' see wha$ $he

    (erson #on#erned #anno$ or will no$ see)We are (rone $o be s%be#$ive and $oo #lose $o o%rown (roblems $o see a #a%se) * wo%ld be deligh$ed$o give a sim(le form%la $o $his (roblem b%$ $here isno eas' answer) There are however (rin#i(les $ha$we #an learn and a((l')

    an' adverse e(erien#es in life are %n2%es$ionabl'allowed b' ,od when $here has been no (ersonalfail%re on o%r (ar$) We read in $he s#ri($%res howes%s and -is dis#i(les were wal"ing (as$ a man


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    who was blind from bir$h) The dis#i(les as"ed es%s$his 2%es$ion

    97abbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, thathe was born blind=+

    9Heither this man nor his parents sinned,+ saidAesus, 9but this happened so that the work of Godmight be displayed in his life.+ (Aohn -!0#3%

    The na$%ral $enden#' of $he dis#i(les was $o find a#a%se for $he blindness and $heir immedia$e rea#$ionwas $o $hin" $ha$ $here had been some fail%re ei$her

    b' $he man or his (aren$s) Tha$ was ver' m%#h inline wi$h $he ewish $hin"ing of $hose $imes) es%showever #om(le$el' s2%ashed s%#h a (ro(osi$ionand in fa#$ was em(ha$i# $ha$ nei$her $he man nor

    his (aren$s were a$ fa%l$ b%$ ,od had allowed $hisman $o go $hro%gh 'ears of blindness so $ha$ $hewor" of ,od migh$ be dis(la'ed in his life)

    )t is hard to be obective regardingourselves and difficult to reali-e that we

    all have some

    blind spots


    The 0oo" of ob gives %s a similar si$%a$ion) Weread in $he o(ening #ha($er of $his boo"

    &hen the Lord said to Satan, 9/ave you consideredmy servant Aob= &here is no one on earth like him;he is blameless and upright, a man who fears Godand shuns evil.+

    9oes Aob fear God for nothing=+ Satan replied.

    9/ave you not put a hedge around him and hishousehold and everything he has= Cou have


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    blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocksand herds are spread throughout the land

    9*ut stretch out your hand and strike everything hehas, and he will curse you to your face.+

    &he Lord said to Satan, 9Bery well, then,everything he has is in your hands, but on the manhimself do not lay a finger.+ (Aob !#0%

    ?a$er ,od allowed Sa$an $o a$$a#" ob.s bod' andhe was #overed wi$h (ainf%l sores b%$ in all of $hisob did no$ sin in wha$ he said) ob had doneno$hing wrong when ,od allowed $his des$r%#$ionand loss of famil' (ossessions and heal$h $o beinfli#$ed %(on him) ,od allowed a grea$ $es$ $o #omeon ob b%$ in la$er 'ears ,od res$ored $o ob do%ble

    of wha$ he had had before $hese disas$ers #ame) ,odwas allowing $hese e$reme $es$s $o (rove $he#hara#$er of his servan$ ob)

    Many adverse e(periences of life areun#uestionably allowed by %od when there

    has been no personal failure on our part.

    The Trial of Faith

    * wan$ $o remind 'o% of $he s%ffering $es$ing and$rials of $he a(os$le Pa%l) When wri$ing $o $heCorin$hian #h%r#h he re#o%n$ed wha$ he had

    end%red)re they servants of >hrist= (I am out of my mindto talk like this.% I am more. I have worked muchharder, been in prison more fre6uently, beenflogged more severely, and been e2posed to death


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    again and again, ive times I received from theAews the forty lashes minus one.

    &hree times I was beaten with rods, once I wasstoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent anight and a day in the open sea, I have beenconstantly on the move. I have been in dangerfrom rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger frommy own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in

    danger in the city, in danger in the country, indanger at sea; and in danger from false brothers.

    I have labored and toiled and have often gonewithout sleep; I have known hunger and thirst andhave often gone without food; I have been cold andnaked.

    *esides everything else, I face daily the pressureof my concern for all the churches. (0 >orinthians!03#0%

    Were $hese e(erien#es be#a%se Pa%l $he grea$a(os$le did no$ "now how $o a((ro(ria$e $he

    benefi$s of wha$ Chris$ had (rovided $hro%gh $he

    Cross: ;id $his man $o whom es%s gave $herevela$ion of $he #h%r#h M a m's$er' $ha$ had beenhidden down $hro%gh $he ages M no$ "now how $ore#eive $he f%llness of wha$ es%s hada##om(lished: S%#h a (ossibili$' is %n$hin"ableal$ho%gh some s%((osed fai$h $ea#hers $oda' wo%ld

    $r' $o have %s believe $ha$ if Pa%l "new as m%#h as$he' do $oda' or had $he fai$h $ha$ $he' #laim $ohave he wo%ld no$ have needed $o fa#e s%#hhardshi(s


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    I want to know >hrist and the power of hisresurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his

    sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so,somehow, to attain to the resurrection from thedead.

    Hot that I have already obtained all this, or havealready been made perfect, but I press on to takehold of that for which >hrist Aesus took hold of me.

    (:hilippians 3!$#0%

    %od was molding a mans life and characterfor the purpose that &e re#uired.

    *$ is #lear from $he le$$ers $ha$ Pa%l wro$e $o $hedifferen$ #h%r#hes $ha$ he had man' de$ra#$ors in his

    da') *$ wo%ld be reasonable $o ass%me $ha$ $herewere man' in $he #h%r#h a$ $ha$ $ime who wo%ldhave in$er(re$ed Pa%l.s $rials and s%fferings $o be $heres%l$ of some (ersonal disobedien#e or fail%re) Pa%lhad man' enemies wi$hin $he #h%r#h and of$enfo%nd i$ ne#essar' $o defend his a(os$leshi() Those

    who were agains$ him no do%b$ wo%ld have been(leased $o (oin$ $he finger of a##%sa$ion a$ himbe#a%se of his $rials and hardshi(s)

    s we loo" ba#" over $he re#ord of Pa%l.s life andhis effe#$iveness fr%i$f%lness s$eadfas$nessdedi#a$ion and $he revela$ions he had re#eived from

    $he ?ord we see a man who ma' no$ have been(erfe#$ in ever'$hing he did b%$ one who was $o$all'#ommi$$ed $o $he ?ord es%s Chris$ and whoseminis$r' eviden#ed signs wonders and $he (ower of,od) We see a man who be#a%se of $he $es$ings and$rials of life be#ame so s$rong $ha$ no$hing #o%ld


  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    move him) Pa%l made $hese $wo differen$affirma$ions in $wo se(ara$e le$$ers $ha$ he wro$e $o

    $he #h%r#hesor our light and momentary troubles are achievingfor us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

    So we fi2 our eyes not on what is seen, but onwhat is unseen. or what is seen is temporary, butwhat is unseen is eternal. (0 >orinthians 4!$# %

    Hot only so, but we also re

  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    al$erna$ives $ha$ #o%ld a((l' and we m%s$ be ver'hones$ as we #ome $o dis#ern $he #a%se of differen$

    (roblems)The a(os$le Pa%l was e(erien#ing an affli#$ion a$one $ime d%ring his minis$r' and he (ra'ed andas"ed $he ?ord $o remove i$) The re(l' he re#eivedwas no$ wha$ he wo%ld have e(e#$ed and he wro$eabo%$ i$ in $his wa'

    &o keep me from becoming conceited because ofthese surpassingly great revelations, there wasgiven me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger ofSatan, to torment me.

    &hree times I pleaded with the Lord to take it awayfrom me.

    *ut he said to me, 9y grace is sufficient for you,for my power is made perfect in weakness.+&herefore I will boast all the more gladly about myweaknesses, so that >hrist5s power may rest onme.

    &hat is why, for >hrist5s sake, I delight inweaknesses, in insults, in hardships, inpersecutions, in difficulties. or when I am weak,then I am strong. (0 >orinthians 0!$#8%

    We see a man who, because of the testingsand trials of life, became so strong that

    nothing could move him.

    There is no eviden#e in $he 0ible $o s%gges$ $ha$Pa%l was referring $o a (h'si#al si#"ness when hewro$e of $his 8thorn in the flesh$

  • 8/12/2019 The Power and Problem of Forgiveness


    been referring $o $he (erse#%$ion o((osi$ion andhardshi( $ha$ he #ons$an$l' fa#ed) *$ wo%ld be

    na$%ral for Pa%l $o (ra' earnes$l' for $he ?ord $odeliver him o%$ of s%#h #ir#%ms$an#es) /n $he o$herhand $here is no eviden#e $o show $ha$ he was no$s%ffering from a (h'si#al #ondi$ion $ha$ ma' havemade his missionar' wor" more diffi#%l$) n'#ommen$ as $o $he meaning of Pa%l.s thorn in the

    flesh is s(e#%la$ion) The hear$ of $he meaning of $his(assage of s#ri($%re has $o do wi$h $he res(onse $ha$Pa%l made $o $he ?ord.s re(l' $o $he (ra'er)

    Pa%l a##e($ed $ha$ $he ?ord was no$ going $o remove$he (roblem a$ $ha$ (oin$ in $ime) When Chris$ said

    ?y gra&e is sffi&ient for yo! for my power is made

    perfe&t in weaness! Pa%l a##e($ed $ha$ answer

    wi$ho%$ f%r$her 2%es$ion) Pa%l #o%ld have given %(his missionar' wor" -e #o%ld have be#omeoffended wi$h es%s be#a%se he didn.$ ge$ wha$ hewo%ld have li"ed -e #o%ld have los$ #onfiden#e in$he #all $ha$ was on his life -e did no$ do an' of$hese $hings -e (ressed on wi$h his wor" "nowing

    $ha$ $he ?ord wo%ld give him $he s$reng$h and (ower$ha$ he needed)

    This is $he a#id $es$ $o de$ermine if ,od is allowinga (ro