The Politics of Designing a Large University Website

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Politics of Designing a Large University Website

The Politics of Designing a Large University Website

Erick BeckDirector, Web Development

Marketing & CommunicationsTexas A&M University

My New Project

Imagine you have just been asked to work on a new project.

What do you think of?

We Will Discuss

• What is politics?

• Why does it matter?

• How does it affect us?

• What should we do?

• Sample projects

Woodrow Wilson

U.S. President 1913-1921

Princeton University President 1902-1910

What Is Politics?

What Is Politics?

A framework of competition between two or more parties for the gaining of their own advantage, goals, or desires.

Why it Matters

• Even if we choose not to play politics, others will.

• The process goes on all around us. Often we in IT aren’t even aware of the conversation.

Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

IT’s Point of View

• In IT we often concentrate on the technology part of the problem. Most of us don’t see –and may not be in a position to see – the bigger picture.

• The decisions that shape the workings of a project – even an IT project – are usually not related to the technology, and are made by people whose primary area of responsibility is not IT.

The Trees

A Forest

Forest Boundaries

IT’s Point of View

• The questions that guide projects are focused on whether the underlying problem is being solved. The decision makers are not focused on the specifics of the implementation.

• This is the disconnect, because most of us are involved in the implementation and are not aware of other non-technology factors that might be driving the overall project.

Doing it Right

• Most of us are very conscientious of “doing things right” in our projects. We often are very vocal about what is the “right” way.

• But “right” can be different depending on your point of view. What is the best implementation from an IT point of view might be completely wrong from a fiscal or legal point of view.

Why it Matters

• In my experience, most of the higher level decision making that affects a project takes place at this level.

• Many times we are never even aware it is going on.

• We nevertheless see the end effects of it on our projects.

So what do we do?

Or, “tips for coping with these things.”

So what do we do?

• Understand that these things are going on, but are largely out of our control.

• Advocate for the most appropriate solution possible, understanding that we might have different opinions on how the project “should” have been shaped to begin with.

So what do we do?

• Identify early in the process any items that you suspect will be politically sensitive. Don’t just rush in and start building something.

• Consult with stakeholders to learn before implementation where the pitfalls and objections will be coming from.

• This will help avoid high profile changes after the project launches (which you will have to make!)

So what do we do?

• Pick your battles. Don’t cause problems for others by trying to argue every minor point.

• You want to be respected for your expertise and opinion, not get the reputation for being difficult to deal with.

• Reputation of a powerful commodity. If you have it your voice will be listened to when it really matters.

So what do we do?

• Be willing to stand up for what is right on important issues. Some things you are the expert on and it is necessary for that to be expressed.

• Case in point – accessibility issues on our web pages.

Politics is Local Too

• Project teams can be wide ranging, and each member can have their own agendas that affect the process.

Politics is Local Too

• Project sponsor – whether that is the president’s office, your department head, an individual faculty member, etc.

• This person will primarily be focused on the overall message of the project, but individual likes and dislikes must be taken into account.

• Choice of photos, multi page or long scroll, favorite animal.

• In the end this is the person you have to satisfy.

Politics is Local Too

• The administration – this could be at the university level or your own department.

• Deans, VPs, and department heads can often be very specific on their requests.

Politics is Local Too

• Design team – assuming you are not a one person shop doing both design and development.

• Designers often focus on the design, even to the extent of creating the design first and fitting the content and organization to the design.

• How many lorem ipsum designs have you seen

Politics is Local Too

• Development team

• Often focused on technical “correctness” without consideration for the larger needs or purpose of the site.

Politics is Local Too

• Special Interests

• No site is created in a vacuum. No matter how specific we think it may be there are lots of people across campus who have an interest.

• The administration, the corps, research, diversity, student affairs, departments within a college, …

• Many times there is political rivalry and competing interest among these groups.

Who is Missing?

• Have you identified the group that is missing in this conversation so far?

• The audience the site is supposed to be for in the first place.

• We often get so caught up in this process of pleasing these visible constituents that we don’t hear the voice of “the people”.

Our Latest Projects

• Texas A&M Today – University news site


• 12th Man

• Grand Challenges

• University Capital / Marketing Campaign