THE POINTERTHE POINTER Series III Vol. VI No. 7 Stevens Point, Wis., October 29·, 1931 Price 7...

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Transcript of THE POINTERTHE POINTER Series III Vol. VI No. 7 Stevens Point, Wis., October 29·, 1931 Price 7...

THE POINTER Series III Vol. VI No. 7 Stevens Point, Wis., October 29·, 1931 Price 7 cents



PLATTEVILLE Huge Send-off Planned For Team

At Team 's Departure Tomorrow

oa<:h "Eddie " Kotal and his footba ll team will leave by bus for P lattevi lle tornorrow noon where the locu I gridders will at­tempt to break their two-point defeat record on $.a..turday.

WhitewatW'N ext Platteville remained .idle last

week and has received plenty of rest in preparation fo'r this week's ti lt with the Pointers. Stevens Point will entertain Whitewater at the fair grounds field on Satur­day, November 7. _

Bend-off The student body will meet at

the east entrance immediately upon. d ismissa l of the eleven o'clock classes . Friday for an or­ga1frzed send-off. ·The squa,d ,viii eat during the eleven o'clock pe­riod and will be all set to leave for the south at 12 :15.

BOHUMIR KRYL Famous Band Conductor.


There will be no issue of the Pointer next week be­cause of the St&te Teachers ' Convention which Vi'.fil be held in Milwaukee Nov. 5-6-7.

No classes will be held in the college on Thursday or Friday. School will be re­sumed on Monday, Novem­ber 9.


SILVER CUP 'l'he Omega Mu Chi sorority,

winner of the homecoming parade with one of the most beautiful floats seen here in years, has had its name engraved upon the silver loving cup awarded for the .event.

The Teachers College auditor- The Sigma Zeta science fraternity ium, as has ·been heralded over previously held this honor. The the local presses and radio, will be award wR's granted at assembly a host to hundt·eds next Monday w eek a.go along with the prizes evening when Kt-yl and his fa- for the winners of the contest. mous thir.ty-five piece band will W. A. A. Repeats present one of their famous con- The Womens Athletic Associa-cer ts. tion, for the second time in as


Third Terms For Rightsell and Neale As Official

Represe.nt&tives ~ School will be dismissed the lat­

ter half .of next week to enable members of the faculty to attend the State Teachers ' Convention in l\'I ilwaukec. Social tribute will be paid this year at the convention to evei·al noted Wisconsin educators

and. among them, Mrs. Mary D. Bradford, for whom the local training school is named.

. Steiner Chairma.n Several members of the faculty

have special assignments at the convention. H. R. Steiner is chair­men of t he meeting for the civics department; Raymond M. ~ight­sell is the representative at the de­legate assembly; and 0. W .Neale, president of the Normal Associa­tion of this district, will be a re­presentative at the joint meeting. Both Mr. Rightsell and Mr. Neale are serving their third terms as special delegates.

Alumni ~quet

Tickets wi ll be sold for one many years captured second hon-" Hell Week" dollar, approximately one-third a ors, and as a result retained the · reasonable ~bar ge for a Kry! per- banner a.ward in their permanent

On Thursday at 5 :30 o 'clock the annual alumni dinner will be served at. the Hotel Schroeder. Many alumni of C. S. T. C. are ex­pected to be there.

Now Underway formance. . possession. The Chi Delta Rho First Meeting 'C' p,1 d Admits are for sale at Hirzy's fraiternity, champions of the third ror Le ges J ewelry store. division, received a three-pound Of Greek Body

" Hell Week" will be observed box of candy. . Held Tuesdav . by the '30-some pledges of the lo- Bulletin Boards Give Donkey Wins .., Cal Sororities an·d fraternities dur- Tl most humorous entry ,vas A t ' f th b f Interest rr0 Stu Jents 1e mee mg o e mem ers o ing the next few weeks. · · I. 1 a, Miss Eva Seen, garbed in cow the recently organized Greek

. . . So if you run across some Fraternity and sorority bulletin puncher clothes, astride a little ,Council was held in the Pointer unfortunate pledge wrapped in a boards are keeping the main hall burro lead by Thyrza Iverson. office last Tuesday evening. fur coat trying his luck at the a colorful and educational place. The latter was dressed in the Matters of mutual .inter est to fish game on the postoffice Humor, with plenty of spice and heavy paraphernelia of a foot- the local s0rorities and fratern i-

v (Continued on pngo 6, col. 2

) variety, and news interesting to ball player. The three rept·esent- ties were discussed by the new the s<lhooi are on the boards fo r ed the r iding clllllS and also re- Council. The new group is com-

ontinucd-on- png , ol.--S: ci.><ed .. a...boX-OLs_,11.e.e.ts llJ · ch or-• • • ganization ·being r epresented by


29 Whitewater. Editorial Brings ~!mf::~ident and one elective

Rural Life Club p • '/IA . h ·£ b f Representatives Chosen Friday, October30 oint lY.l.UC m arrassmen The fo llowing studen'ts are

Purple and Gold Hour members with the President's Saturday, October 31 Considerable comment has de- mailed to the remaining State name appearing first in each

Chi Delta Rho Dance veloped over a misrepresentation 'feachers Colleges: group: Platteville-there of the usage of the men's lounging 'fhe Misses Murilla Robert.a and

Monday, November 2 room here. For the benefit of those Editor of the Royal Purple C1·ystal Joseph of Omega Mu Chi, Kryl Band who may have been misinformed, Whitewater State Teachers and Georgiana Atwell and P earl

Wednesday, November 4 Uie following two letters which " hitewater, Wis. Merrill of Tau Gamma Beta soro-W. A. A. have been mailed to the Editor of Dear Sir: rities; Me rs. Weldon Leahy and

Thursday, November 5 the Whitewater State Teacliers An editorial in the Royal Purple Douglas Robertson of Chi D 1 --St-a-te-'l'eachers-'-Gonventio Col ege sell o- lf!m"--;--fil'lf"lffinrg- 1Ircmrtl1fteof- 0c~-19tl:i as jus o, an urton H?.tv_edt and

Saturday, November 7 published. The letter signed by come to the attention of our stud- George Maurer of Phi Sigma Ep-r.,_ ___ .__..:.W:...h:::1:.:'t.:.ew= a.::te:.:r_- ...;h::.e:.:rc.:e ____ 1 __ 1 .Roh stein chairman of ent body. In it you state: "Stev- silon . fraternity. ID.OIL _Rot.

the Men's Committee as e eimttn;ncd-on-page-i,co . · ·


Vol. VI. THE POINTER 'o. 7.

Published , vcckly nt t<?,·cns Poi nt by the studonh of the Central \Visconsin Stntc 'fc•aehC'r:o Collc~c. Subscription Prieo $2.00 per year.

Entered as sceo nd -cJnss matter Mny 2G, 192i\ at the post office nt Stevens Point, Wiscon; i1;, under the Aet of March 3, 1879.


·Edi tor ......... . . .... . ...... Burton E . Hotvedt, Tel. 548J or 47; Office 1584 Nows· Editor . . ............ . .... . .. . ... . .. ...... .. . ... . . .. George R. Mnurcr Society Editor ...... . . ................... .. .... .. . . .. . Frances E. Vnu H_ccko Sports Editor ............. . ... .•..•... .. . . .... ..... .. ..... Snmuel l:I. Blutho Humor Editor ......... ...• ..•.......... . .. ... .. .. ....... .. .. . Cletus Collins Women's Athletics . ... . .. • . . . ....... •. .................. Georgiana J. Atwell Hcnd\\·ritcr ......... .. . ..... . .. . ............... . .. ... ... .. Elmer J. Larson Proof Render. . . .................... .. ..... NntnHe Gorski, Dorothy McLaiu Ucportcrs ............... Oscar Christ.iunson, Plorcnec \\7ol,oril, \Veldon Leahy Typists ................... . ......... .. .... EstelJe Buhl, Frances E. Johnson Business Manager ........ ..... .. . .. . . . . . .. . ... . ...... Cedric Vig, 'fel. 810-J Circulation ... .... . ......... , ... ...... . .......... .. . .......... Frank Tuszka Ass't Circulation '.Mgr .. ... . ... . ..• . ... . .. .. . .. .•...... Magdalene Knapstein Ass 't. Ci.rcul:_llion ~lgr ....... .. · . ............ . . .... . .. . , . .. . .. Virginia Thiel~ Fncul ty Adviser ....... ..... ... ... ... .. . . ....... . ... . Roymond M. Rightsell

Jim - " Ha.s your wife learned t o drive the ca.r yet?' 1

Bill - " Yes in a.n advisory ''

Mother - " 'iVhut arc the ?Oung 1111111 ·s intentions Jane!"

Jane - " \\'~II , he's been keep­ing me pretty much in the dark. ·•

" Your lips arc twin ro ·cs" Ile told sweet Miss Bowers. " Come bid me good ni"'ht ~nd 'say it with flowers '."

Whitewater Editorial ·Brings Embarrassment

I do not wish .to intcrfore with your ituabiou or infer that you should drop your plan ·, a I know nothing of the Whitewntei· concli­tions. I do wont a correction how­e,·e1·. nncl I would appreciate its forthcom ing.

'!'hanking you, Burton Hot,·cclt-­


Knutzen Elected Fraternity Adviser

Pro[essor 'o rman E. ' Knutzen lrns been selected us the Cnculty member to take lhc place ol' Mr. Gc•org-c Alic?,. librnrian, on n

(Continued from pngo 1, col. 3) \'Cllr's leu,·e of absence, as an ens Point 'l'eacher - ollege has adYiser to the 'hi U>clto Rho such a room ; in it the men may frntl'l'll ity. ~tr. Knutzen was "'lither, tliey may li st e-11 to formerly a m e m b e. r of the tile radio, play cards or games . 'l'. C. faculty fffim 1924 to KRYL 'SB~ • and s mok e to their !Jearls 1926. ~'rom 1926 to 19::)1 he was

We regard the coming of Kryl ru1d his band as the outstanding content without fee ling that they a professot· at Lfl\l' t·ence. Be-feature of this year's p1·esentation of talent. We fee l confident that are damaging t.he reputation of a ,,id es ser\'ing 11 • 11·11 aclYi er to t11ere will be no other "'l'Ollp of arti:ts presented to the community 'l'eachers College." Very evident- the 'hi Delta Rho fraternity, :i\fr. for some time to come that may compare with the Kry! 's organiza- ly an erroneous conception of the Ki1u1",en is an adviser to the Ha.r­hon. functions and privileges of our lcquin Club and n member of the

It i not necessary to ,poin t to the loyalty ancl support dne Pre . Hyer, ap't. Hn•q and Rev. C:h~,Jin ki for their financial uudertak­iiig. We aJ>preciate their spirit in making Kryl's appearance possi­ble, out do not fee l that this alone hould be justification for attend-

. nuce.

This type of educational entertainment shonld be of highest value to pro pective teachers. Anyone with the slightest conception of music appreciation will not be reluctant to attend for one third a logical admission.

There will be an opportunity for the young people, and their cham'J)ion, Professoi· Spincllcr, to prove that youth of today is not jazz crnzed ancl doomed, but that youth posse es as fine an apprecia­tion of the rendition of the great sta.ndards of music as any previous generation . .. The aittendance of collegians Monday evening will be a barometer of this premi e.

MARTYRDOM We are iu a quandary over this Eau Claire tie. We ta:ke it with

all the seriousness of a defeat. We are earnestly praying that the wolves will not come out until the team ma.y ,turn in a win over I'Ja,tteville next Saturday. We, like all other humans, delight in say­ing "We told yon so." Yet we, recall our counsel in the second issue of the Pointer of oYer optimism and the consequences of an unex­pected string of defeats. W r know that · the feared results are being held in cheek.

The press reports of Saturday's tie-up leaves us wondering. The penalties were abnormal and without questiol! deprived the Point of a ,·oriference win. We are s till qnestioning the possibilities of a ref­e1·ee being able to call the alle{!'ed clipping of a man on the line of scrimmage, when his eyes hould have been following the ru!llner on !I fifty yar<l gallop ; a procedure which called for a total loss of about seventy-five yards. ·

No alibis, - but it should make us feel like martyrs. And friends, their i nothing like martyrdom to foster and advance a principle, a state, or a religion. Why not a football team 1 -


re t room has been gathered by )la1·:rnret AshmUn club. Profc -your informant. Perhaps a state- sor Knutzen i also II member of mcnt of fact will ena ble you to Sigma Tau Delta , honorary na­correct this impression given by tional . English frate rnity ; Tau your paper. Kwppu Alpha, honorary national

Tbru the efforts of President foren . ic fraternity; Pi Epsilon Hyer the men at C. S. T. C. were Delta, honorary national dramatic given a reading and recreatio,i Ernternity ; and igma Phi Epsi­room. I t is not in . any sense a Ion, national social fraternity. smoking room nor is it used as a Profes ·or Raymond M:. Right­place . for carcl playing. These ell , head o( the physics clepart­practices have been deleted by the ment is the other faculty adviser men themselves and therjl is no to Ch i Delto Rho. ;, desire to include them in our ac-tivities.

WiI! ~OU ki:1dly publish this Breitenstein' s letter m its entir ety and thus par, . • l J tiauy at 1east make amends for the . Aides Se ecte effects of your adverse publicity.

Very trnly yours, Robert Breitenstein, Pres.

Pointer Reply

The meeting of the men of the school with Dean Steiner last Tuesday was sub-divided into class g1,oups and elections held

Editor of The Royal Purple for representatives upon the Var-Whitewater State Teachers sity Room committee. Robert Whitewater, Wis. Breitenstein, Sophomore has al-

Dear Sir: ready been selected as chairman A serious error was committed o( the group.

in your last week's editorial on The Seniors balloted for Albert the possibilities of instituting a Neuberger the Juniors for 'Burton smoking room in your college Hotvcdt. The Sophomores elect­building. The statement in ques- eel Loyal Christian while Anton tion is the one referring to Steveus Scribner was chosen by the Frosh. Point as having a smoking room .---------------: in the main buHding.

This is a fallacy, and due to the reflection upon the policy of Pre-


sident Hyer and the school, I wish Since many of the students to correct tho impression imme- will be absent on · vacation diately. I feel confident that you when Whitewater plays Stev-will correct the illllpression to vens Point here Nov. 7, de- , aid us .in this embarrassment. finite organization must be

We clo have a men 's room here de l!u111d....Jo · the_cheerin" -~---ll,.....,...., __ .,..,..,,.,..,,.....,...,..,....,..,._----~~~~~~~~~~~lioo~wiie;'ivico~r:_--, iiaicnict;;wi'ieirfeeiee1ttliiaiit~yooiiu1tt<oicoilt-;s;e;ctition. Volunteers will be

Mr. Rogers "Have any of your childhood hopes been r ea-lized Y" ·

~{r. Evans - "Yes, when mo­ther used to pull my hair I wished I didn't have any.

Men learn to strut only when women are present

- Admiral Byrd.

Sign a.t ·1oca1 boarding House EAT and SLEEP ,

with Mrs. Loganberry,

Kotal - "Why are you washing your spoon in your· finger bowl 1''

St. Mitchell - "Do you think I want to get egg all over my pocket!"

should l,ave one. In our room we called for from the•men who have the liberty of rounging about will be remaining in the city liesurely ancl in an informal man- to form a planned cheering ner, to listen to the radio, play section on the Point •bleach-checkers, study, converse, ancl ers. '!'hey will be given the hold our evening fraternal meet- responsibili ty of making the

Fellow : " Wha.t do women ings. However, tradition, ap- organized Stevens P o int talk a.bout when they to- pearance, and the fire hazard pre- noise for the afternoon. gether?" vent us from making it a smoking The men who are so in-

Dormitory Co-ed : " Just room. clined may add their names wha.t you men talk a.bout." The men of this school are r e- to n placard in the main hall

Fellow · " Ain't th~ .... o:.- - ~=.,,,..,i;-_....x.ex3c-possible....attentio xLu,eek X.his-w-il!-be-don rrible. '• from your former president and in to enable the setting aside of

He - "What do you drink!' She - "I sometimes wonder."

turn cooperate by not smoki'ng up- reserved seats for the loyal on the campus at- all. Men 's or­gan41ltions enforce the tradition.

- ones.


s 0 C I· E T y Las, Thursday the W. A. A.

I EXCHANGES. I was p~nted with 8: banner won fo plamng second m the Home-

------------- 90ming Paratle. The pennant be­longs to the club permanently be-

FORMAL DINNER PARTY Miss Margaret Richards and

Therese Lepinske, students in the home econ<lmics department en­tertained ix guests at formal din. ner Saturday evening at the north home economics cottage on North Fremont street. Table decorations were in yellow and white, with a yellow bowl of white baby chry­santhemums as centerpiece and

According to the Marquette cause it has been won for two Cowan read articles on current University Tribune, four coeds consecutive events of particular interest to Ca- ar~ enrolled i_n th_e Dental ;50hool Remember, girls, there is some­tholic student , and a short talk th1S year which i~ an. evidence thing for you· on the hoekey field was made by Peter Giovannini of that. w?men a~·e mvading many every Tuesday and Thursday!! the college faculty. It was decided profession~ which heretofore Also don't forget archery to have discussions of current be,. restricted to men. . every 'Wednesday at the Fair . events at all following meetings Grounds I of the club. The evening conclud- The social calendar of Ri-ed with an hour of dancing in the pon College a " quilt " old gymnasium. exhibit to be held soon. It

yellow glassware, place cards and GRAMMARS HAVE PARTY

nut cups. The Grammar Round Table held

must be tha.t the girls are go. ing back to grandmother 's da.ys.

The guests were Mr. and Mrs. . . . Charles C. Evans, Misses Bessie its fll'~t party m the old gym, Mon. . . May Allen, Mildred Novotny and clay mght, October 26. Games were . Aotion _upon the ordmanc.e fo r Mildred Davis and.Lester Yankee. played and _roll call.ed, each mem- !light pa~king _about the Umvers-

ber answerrng with two state- ity of Wisconsm campus bas been FRATERNITY DANCE ments about himself. Margaret delayed for three more weeks.

Frohrib gave a Hula Hula dance, Fellows, yqu have three more

D Alt daRlncc fwillt be ~tyiven bSy ttheclCbi Ruth Macmillen read "The Worn. weeks of freedom and no gaTage

e. a 1.0 ra erm . on a ur ay, an Driver'', and Janet Alban and rent. Oct. 31, i~ the ne_w gym. A good Betty Otto san two sele ti a . orchestra 1s prom ised for the occa- . g c ons C sion and the floor is guaranteed C?mpamed by Fred _Kuhl at the More than 1,000 s t u d e n t s to be slippery. Admission will be b1~f0 · After the dancm~, popcorn marched to the train to see the fifty cents for gentlemen and 8 s were served. A frne crowd squa'Cl. off for the big game at twenty-five cents for ladies. atte_nded. Mr. Watson the faculty Pennsylvania last Saturday. How

adviser, was the chaperone. abouit a little spirit like that for

Y. Y{, C. A. our gang!

We have just returned from an­other of those glorious week-end trips to Lake Emily. We saw such a peppy gang there: Miss Seen, Miss Brown, Ardyce Bag-11J1U, Pat Cowan, Olga Leonard­son, Thyrza Iverson, Frances Johnson, Lila Kenyon, and Alice Sorenson.

After the nine of us suooeeded in getting ourselves and luggage (blankets and toothbrushes!) to the cottage, the fun began.

The most fun was the hiking a,rounci _the lake, the rowing, the treasure hunt and games, and the star gazing. · I won't forget "eats" either: roasted peanuts, and baked apples, date muffins, kn•bobs twists, French toast, baked beans, fried chicken, and FRATERNITY RECEIVES

GAVEL. The Zeta. Chapter of Sigma Zeta Miss Alice Brown, national Stu- Th ,u , L f th candied sweet potatoes. e n oman .s eague o e ,

Teachers College at Kalama:zoo Last year s mystery was that of fraternity he ld a regular meeting, dent Secretary of the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday, October 21, 1931. The was~ Stevens Point from Friday meeting was opened by a report in mormng :to Saturday noon. Fri­which l\Ir. Rogers told the history day afternoon Miss Brown talked and ori"in of the ""avel which is to the girls. Saturday morning display;'d in the Cary E. Culver the Misses _Hussey and Meston Memorial Library on the west side and the cabmet members of the of the library. The gavel is com- _local Y. W. C. _A. enjoyed break­posed of seven pieces of wood each f~st at Red Bridge followed by a of which was contribut~d by one h1ke to the golf c?urse . . of the seven chapters which form !', re~ar meetmg will be held the national organization. Each this evenmg. . . . piece bas a history and is of spe- A :very unusual and mtcrestmg cia l sig11ifjcance as far as science meetmg of ithe Y: W. C. A. ~as work of the various chapters is held last week m tjle r_ec:eatl?u concerned. The oldest piece dated room of Nelson Hall. Histories back to 1821. At the Konclave of songs and hymns were given by which was held here last April the individuals and ~hen the song was Zeta chapter was given custody of sung by · the entire group of wo­thc ga,·el for one year. After his ~e~, and f.a?u lty pres~nt. ·"Amer­very interesting report Mr. Ro- ica was given by Viola Rasmus­gers, who .is the Grand Master _s~n; ',/eisus J.,ove Me," Jean Mo~; Scientist presented the gavel to rill; Nearer My God to Thee, . Miss M~ry Van Hecke, Master Amanda Mar~gi,; "Battle H):'mn Scientist of the local chapter. ?,f the Replllbhc, _Vent_ura ~lan-d,i

After a short business meeting a Bless b_e ~he Tie that Brnds, most interestina program ·was pre- Kalte W1ggms; Thyrza Iverson sented. " acted as chairman. All women

Michigan, is planning a party, the turtle, .. this year's was "the " The Spirits Spree." Just what lost pajama." Fun Y Try it kind of "spir its" will be on the next spring and see. spree that night i'S going to be h8'l·d to tell - you know there a-re spirits 'and spirits and "spirits. "

The following phrase was taken from an editorial writt­en in the Whitewa~ College . paper, " Stevens Point Teach­ers College has a men 's room; in it the men m&y gath­. er, they may listen to the ra­dio, pla.y ca.rds or games, and· smoke to their hea.rt.a .con­tent, without feeling that they are damaging the repu-

. tation of a Teachers College. " Since When " ?!

An. editorial in the paper of Milwaukee State Teachers Col­lege ·portray a heated ugument over the subject of the publica­tion of a school anriual. We sin­cerely wish ,they had wasted their energy and pep sooner on a school annual instead of on the footba ll field.

An essay entered by Miss Esther stud~nts ~nd_ faculty members are Hawkes, an alumna of the fra- cor~i~lly rnv1ted to atten~ a much ternity, in the contest conducted ~nt1cipatE:<1 tal~ on In~ian pr?· by the American Chemical Society Jects. wh~ch Wlll be given this was read by l\Iiss Alta Stauffer. even1;11g at 7 :30 b! Mr. _Knutzen. Make ankles This- essay was- one of th six to Mam!e 1\'lal~eg WJll be m charge The trouble with the oil receive second prize. Reports of of thlil meetmg. and gasoline business during daintier.

the times of depression is that in~ere~ting arti~les in the ~urrent SIGMA TAU DE~TA INITIATES there aren 't enough corners Li both chilon ond



.sc1e1:1t1fic magazmes were given by . - and-vaeant-lots-to-go--fld'ound-. - i--.-- .,.""r--mu·ce weight the new - Sadie-Storzbac •. ATtimrT. . ho-mp- President F . S. Hyer addressed O -.rrd-Dul..,..'l'one-t,...._ -+------=-

d K th W fa,hioned ho1iery elln11 son, an a eri?e 1gg~s. the Sigma '!'au Delta last evening lovinsly 10 your ankle, ond Th~ mem?ers_lup committee ?as on the subject of "The Origin qnd I[ hu • distinct elenderidng

been i~vestig~ti;11g the credentials Development of the United State A A ellecL The ru:h dull finuh of. vari?~s. eligible st.ndents who Supreme Court". The professional W • ha life 10 it · · · 0 0 11•1

will be rnitiated as active members Engtish fraternity met at a ban- • • :;:,,;, · · and aurpualns at the November meeti1;1g. T~e quet at Nelson Hall at 5 :30 P. l\f. . " . And how theoe atocldnp names of these people will be dis. to initiate five new members into Miss Roach - Do you believe do wear! Ju111ry one pair closed in a later issue. its order. The newly elected de- w~me~, should be in public af- ::..'1.i!~to~ ~°ill;o~

livered two minute toasts at the fairs T price. LOYOLA CLUB MEETS occasion. Alex Peterson - "Yes, it's all

After a short business meeting The five to receive the formal right if you want the -affairs made MOLL-GJ.EN·kON of the Loyola club, held Thursday ritual last night w~re: Professor public.

-wenilig"irrtlre-rurahssembl , orm . Kn-utaen,-Hilda- Lu-- . Sa;Y ot F-~eshman--..--DOll-'.t.,-,,----,COMP-A-11-11----t-------1-program was given under the di- kas, Ma .. garet Morris, Tom Smith, star t up a blind alley. Go where rection of Patricia Cowan. Miss and Burton Hotvedt. you can see something ahead.




Varsity~Alumni Game May RECORD CROWD Be Played At Season's End JAMS ARMORY

If sanetione<l by students and "Eddie" Kotal, "Gib" 'St. Miteh-townspeople, a Varsity-Alumni ell, Coaeh Zorn of Eau Claire, TO SEE FIGHTS

Cashman Returns Punt To game will be played at the elose "Bud" Lan-bs, Weronke, Chvala, Visitor 's Chalk Line, of the regular season. This game and "Tiny" Bannach. In looking

Play Recalled is to be played for the benefit of over the list of old fav-0rites one Russell Atwood a.nd " Duke" . . . the Athletic Association. As ean see that the game will be

For three sueeess1ve _weeks 1t Coach Kotal said: "We should Ka.aimer Appear In has ib~_en t~e sad and pa1~ul du_ty play a charity game, but charity more than a spectacle. It will be Bouts of this scribe to ch!oniele grim begins at home.,, a real football game - one that A very interesting n'l.ld often tales of d~feat - to ~1ve the grue- Among the ranks of the alumni the student body should back amusing card o-f fi.,.hts was nm some details, and whisper comfort- who will face the re!?Ulars are whole-heartedly if plans material- off at the local ar111-0ry a week

~~~~d '.'.:_ ;r:~:~, tl::~:t, ti:~ f:U~ (?a·pt. Hirzy, Greg Ch;rle worth, ize. :f;a!~d!e~~yat~:~~l;d, !'cJ°~~:~ at least we could sing our song of ====;================;:========== ing seems to have become. fi rmly triumph, and drag out our victory the entire line cannot be neglect- laid down on us, but you can al- fixed in the list of Stevens Point

.. s tory. The really discouraging ed. .Blocking was better, and ways depend on the Badgers to sporting events. •rwo Point stu­thing is that we deserved victory, cleaner, hardet' ta'ckles were being do t he unexpected. Next Satur- dents, Russell ' .Atwood ai1d the boys played well enough to made. · Plays wei:e · functioning :Jay's ·games seem to stuelt up as "Duke" Kasimer were on the win, yet, well, "next time". smoothly, and the quarterbacks follows: . program, and put up good fights.

wPre calling them with better c. s. T. c. will defeat Plattville. In the first bout Russ Atwood Penalties a. Plenty judgment. There is no question . . . met Gene· O'Brien of Wisconsin

Due to eertaiu eagle eyed offi- but what the team has made greut St~~ Pomt . High will defeat Ra,pids. ·The boy'S were both eials who eould -discern "elipp- .,trides since their early games. . tig~. . young ai~d e8:8'cr, and ~vhat they iug " 50 yards away, the Pointers And with this message of hope WJSConsm should defeat Minne- laeked m. rm_g t~chmque_ t~ey were ro~be~ o~ at least one ~ouch- and cheer, together with the pray- sota.. . . ~ade ,~P m fight.lug s p i r I t. down. '!he mc1dent oeeured m the er that officials eease to be so far Purd'!le will take Chica.go. Russ ~eemed t_o have the best la t _half of ~he _gam~. _Cashman · ·ighted and become broader mind- Northwestern will run away with of t he fight, _be~ng tl~e superjor r eee1ved _a k1ck m midfield and eel, we end this melancholy task. Illinois. · boxer, but h,e !1re<l . m the last fought his way t_o the three yard The Lineup : River Fa.Us will beat Stout. ::oun<l a~1d O Bnen picked u•p to line. It looked like a_ sure touch- C. S. T. C. Ea.u Claire White t will d f t O hkosh .,et a drnw. . down, but the head linesman, os- Schwalm L.E . Eggleston wa er . e ea._ 8

• • Duke Ka.suner tensibly watching the kiek, in Green L.T. Haight La Crosse will beat ,Ea.u OlaU'e. The ne~t struggle, featuring· some miraculous manner saw Han- Van Roo L.G. H. Thiede Duke Kas1mer and "_Chief" Mi ll : son "clipping" a man half way Clausen c. Jenson er, was eondueted m tme bar-clown the field. '!'he ball )Vas eall- Scribner R.G. Dickerson :Wo~ld it be amil,!; to su_ggest, at room tempo .. 'l'he "Chief" see~-ed back, and instead of 11-fifty yard Riemer R.T. Bollinger this time, an all-school pmg•pong ~cl to have slightly the best of 1t gain the Joeals, being penalized Peterson R.E. Ha.nsen ~ournamentY Following our pol- m the early ~·oun_ds, b_ut "Duke'' twenty-five yards, "had a seventy- Gregory Q. Shea. icy of publicizing school athletics, must h~ve hit him with a water five yard loss. Andrae L.H.B. Derouin we mu~t call attention to the !rneket 1~ t he last round. Ile had

v b 1 0

t Olson R.H.B. Walker popularity of ·the sport. The the Indmn groggy, and _won a ro e u . : . . J. Atwood F.B. Sieg question, "Is a ping-pong player draw on the strength of this

One bad break ltke this 1s · an athleteY" we will leave to attack. enough to make any team lose spi- Coaeh Kotal.' · The following brawl was one of rit, yet the · Kotalmen, badgered the funniest your seribe has ever with penalties all through the iP QR T seen. Fredd ie King tackled Nate game, displayed more fight than Remember, Varsity out to Tillman, and did as artistic a loeal followers have seen t his sea- • give the team a. sendoff Fri- (Continuod on page .6, col. 1) son. It must be remembered that da.y morning. Coach Kota.1 the team is a green squad, but for · will quarter his men near

r~:.~~:~:t:~:~~i~~~;:t{a~r~; 'i)Vi ,,,,. ~~~L~~r ~~~:~ OFF~~Ac~ :.ET~~~-ER no ." 'wolves" at C. S. T. C. when attended a. Green Bay Packer h:ue f.aets are considered.. ff ORTS · Home;coming celebration last $-

1Pardon us for lapsing into the Bungay. Fifteen f"o rm er ecj. itorial fi eld , but we get enthn: gTea.t.s attended, a.nd brief saistie about our football team. To Coach Kota.l tells US that exercises were held between .g~t back to our story. The Pur- his invalids will be back in ha.Ives. gold consistently outgained Coaeh shape for the Whitewater Zbrn 's aggrcga tiou, and the line game, if not in trim for the was practically impervious except Platteville fra.y. Vroble, E.

vin the third quarter, when Eau Baker, Treb&toWBki, a. n d Claire made their only threat. Clausen on the ailing list,

noffieial figures give the Point a.nd Gregory is still a. little nine first downs to Eau Claire's dizzy from that first half

----t,,,0:------------1-...1,IJUllp, Platteville, p l New


Bulletin Boards Give Interest To Students

(Continued from page 1, eol. .2) ·

Journal Courtesy The Stevens Point Daily Journ­

al presents the Phi Si!,'llla Epsilon fraternity with bulletins and over­night news every morning. They are clipped directly from the As-


VOGUE BEAUTY SHOPPE -Expert Finger Waving

areelli~---• Pennanent Waving

Open Tues. and Fri. Evening By Appointment

439~ Main Street, Over A. and P: Store. Shoppe Phone 753

oeia te Press machine as are re-leased by wire fr'om Milwaukee . ._ ____________ -'

Two new men clashed for the lo- h Prospects for a successful bask­c·als in this tilt. Coach Kotal, start- etball team are more favorable inA' his seeond s~ringers, ' plaeed since Ray Golla, AU Valley center Oi·eene and Reimer at tackles, and outstanding track man, is en­where they showed up surprisingly rolled at Stevens Point. Ray, al­well. Cashman played his usua l thou gh experienced on the grid­consistent game Russ Atwood iron, is not ouJt for football be­jQining him in pr~vicling the loeals' ~ausc of scholastic duties. Golla main offensive threa t. Hansen was 1s s ix foot one, and, as Burt would ~TH~~P~~s~~i 0f ~'.:~ TG~L~'EPTUR~~ a ,bulwark of strength in backing say, "things are looking up." GREAT FOX PHOTOPLAY " BAD. omL" -00.MING SOON.

----,,11-the-lin ei:-. ~-----.------;:---J, v:.'.:='.,"~~~~~::::=:-tJIJf-- -=-1;;1::==f"tr=.--'•-&--eo-=t-l'=•=-eJ..1...-P~--- IIII=== Tea.mlmproved We 're all elated over our · pre- lYlrC'-'V.L.l:i'-'

' dictions for last Saturday's games. TH& STU01tHT09 STOR&

- ~While passing out the laurels \ Yisconsin is the only team. thaU!E;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~



Alber ts - Was it a big wed- r------------.. f!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I

N inc Rahs:- · I· or the new girls who "'ave t he

old girl a r oyal entecta inment Wednesday of last week. ha­dow pictures played an important part u1 presenting the stunts, '-' F at Lady from llouolulu, " and '"rhc Shadow Murdc1· in China­town." The " Horse Ra ce " creat­ed much excitement and the Ita­lian wi th his monkey and organ and th e rending " Nicoletta"

di n"' ' ' ~i1roecler - I got in line twice

to k.i the bride and nobody no-ticed it. ·


Maytag Washers

Silent Automatic Oil Burners

Phone 297 431 Clark St.


"HELLMANS" Thousand Island Dressing

Mayonnaise Dressing

Sandwich Spread


Better Than The Rest

lent a Med iterranean air to the n-,aa;;;;;a;;;;;;;;;;;;a;;;;;;;;;;;;....,....,a;;;;;a;;;;;a;;;;;;;;;;;;;il r------------:; evening. "

Big Show

J,a tent circu talent was ev­idenced by the cl owns the snake chamlCl' and the tumblers. The fami ly showed much intere t in the · " fi stic" sports by s taging a box i1w match in the " rec" room at this party. It was too bacl that th r 1·eferce was also involved . All the guests and Hostesses each' r e­

· THE POWDER PUFF Beauty S hop Se1·vjce you

w ill like


PHONE 6 25

ceived a party favor in the novel \!Ea;;;;;;;;;;;;a;;;;;a;;;;;a;;;;;a;;;;;a;;;;;a;;;;;a;;;;;a;;;;;a;;;;;~

fish pond after they were in turn frightened by the skeleton ancl Ir.=====================~ calmed clown by viewing the city at night. Refreshments consist­ing of d elicious lemonade and carmel pop corn balls were serv­ed, and the pa1 ty was ended with fort une tellfog and dancing.


Headquarters For

Mens' Clothing

Miss Alice Brown, 1 ational Stucleut Y. W. C. A. secretary spent a very profitable twenty four hours with the college ~rls. The Association cabinet girls en­tertaiued at a. special table for Miss Brown Friday evening. Sat- ~=======================:!! urday morning fourteen of the . family including Miss Brown and • • I I • • • • 11 I I I I I • • • •. u I I•••

Miss Hussey cooked their break-1 I fast at Robertson 's Park. A GOOD saver doesn 't

Miss Carol Hartsough enter-tained Miss Mildred Osinga at think of the dollars he Vesper this week-end. Miss Alta l · St auffer spent the week-end with t h · b k h b t

Cottrill at New London. of the dollars to come ·in.



E Accessible Expense Relatively Low

Location Unsurpassed For H ea.lthfulness

An Influence As Well As a School Credits Accepted At AU Universities

Degree Courses For AU Teachers Special Tia.lning For Home Economics and

Rural Education

Bend For Literature

FISCHER'S Specialt)

Shop for


"Where Smart Style Meets Moderate Price"



For All Occasions

Hotel Whiting Block Ruby Curtis of Wausau; Miss I as lll an . ere - u Amy Boeyink with Miss J essie I

Miss Alice Paulson visited her· i l!=============ll mother at the Green Bay hospital FIRST NATIONAL BANK Sunday. .~-----------~

The :Misses Magdalen Kna.p-111,111111•1•11,11,11 11,t DRUGS AND SODAS ste.i n, Dorothy McLain, and Ro- SEXTON-DEMGEN DRUG CO. berta Lindow attended the foot- -------------. ball game at New London Sun- THE R BXALL S TORE

day NO R M I N G TO N s Opposite Post Office Mr. Wilbur Elwell, one of the five engigeers of the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. who a re working he1·e in StevellS Point dined Sunday at Nelson Hall with Mi. s Hussey who is a fri end of his fam.ily.

ca Iat'feviUc.



Tbat,s what you get when you buy a t

The Unity Store

NOAHS' ARK The Place That Makes


MEANS' CAFETERIA T ry lt· ··lt's Different 116 STRON GS A V E .

COOK STUDIO Mgr. Edw~rd P Block

452 Main St. Phone 407W

FORD STEVENS POINT MOTOR CO. 309 Stronis Ave. Phone 82


CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits and Vegetables

Phone 51 457 Main St.



OLSON'S A Collegiate Barber Shop

112 Strongs Ave.

Dry Cleaning

Made-To-Measure Suits $22.50 lo $45.00

40 Years Quality Foot Wear

417 Main St.

Phone 380

No Extra Charges for Co-llecti-orrand


W eyenberg Shoe~--Milwaukee Made Nunn-Bush Shoes For Snappy Dressers.

___ _ :r...0.0--...$5 O.tla~l scyles ___ 1•


[ Tl he tc nf he Fi IV·

YE sa YE. nt

M l\f

D 0 01

si tc fi t ,

f1 V JI

'"' a a l', 0 p 0 o · ti p C:



b \I



I! ~




Central State . F u·rnishes Pros

Steven Point _graduates and ineligible figured prominently in a North Ea tern '1'1 isconsin cham­pionship football game played at New London last S1111clay •between that city and Shawano.

, vith " 'l'iny" Bannach, "Ben: nie" ,veronke, "Greg" Charles­worU1 and "Bud " Laabs doing their bit for New London, and "Bob" ICe1111 edy, "l\Iike" mith , "Cliff" Alberts and "Christy" Chri ten on performing for Sha­wamo, a royal battle ensued, which, after an hou1· of rushing up and down the fie ld, found New London on the long end of a 20 to O core.

New London 's G&Jne Al though the tackling was

somewhat loo e at times, spurts of superb ·football kept the crowd's interest up to the final gun. The superiority of the heavy New London team was evident in every play. ,vith "Swede" John­son of Appleton, and the capa.ble generalship of "Bud" Laabs, the New London squad .ripped Sha­wano's light line from one end to the other, while Shawano offered their re istance on offense largely through passes.



As long as we have fights like il""-----------'""':il-.-------------, thi ·, boxing i · a fixture at Ste­Yens Point .

"Hell Week" Now Underway .

For Pl~clges (Continued from pngo 1, col. 2)

steps. . . or some coed delivering eggs with a market basket on the pu,blic square. . . or some charac­ter promenading ,the balls with queet· clothes or misplaced gar­ments ... don't be disturbed but extend them your 'sympathy.


WIS~ONSIN STATE BANK Stevena Point, Wis.

A Growing Institution


ovl:lb11ATS $1.00 L•dics Dreue. SJ.00 und up

GEORGE BROS. Free Call and Delivery

112 S1ronp Ave. Phone 420


Now At Moderate Prices



I f

'--~~~~~~~~~_, + Professor pindler was awarded -1-


Taylor's Drug Stores

Job Printers Publishers

Book Binders

202-2 lO No. Second Street a silver loving cup from P eter J. :~ Michelsen in recognition of the Manual' Training Luniber ·,· Phone 267 Psycl1ology prof 's ability as as- :f , sembly singer. The cup was re- VETTER MFG. GO. **-1-+++l 1 • t • 1 1 1 1 1 ++++++++~~ ceived with a rather romantic hug before the student 'body. "Spin" was quite dazed by the honor and Phone 88 more dazed later when he re- ._ ___________ _

marked " I was wondering what .-------------. Mr. Michelsen was fussing around me for while be was getting this thing r eady. Now I know how­ever, as I find my pocket book missing."

STEVENS POINT BEVERAGE CO. Orange Crush -- Cocoa Cola

Chocolate Baby and other high grade soft drinks.


For a limited time only . $2.98 Famous morning glory

wave. Shampoo .and finger wave included.

The casualties were quite ob- if/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

n,ae 61 tl06 Water St. All branches of beauty work at 'I., cost of the regulu price.

Watch for our ad each Mond•y in the d•lly psper for complete beautY

lnform.iioo. vious in that Albe1-ts and Smith . have broken noses, Laabs' already broken arm had to be lanced, and Bannach bas two beautiful "shin­ers." Slight limps may be de­tected · in the strides of some of the other players which may or may not indfoate a well placed kick by some opposing player.

Record Crowd Jams Armory

COLLEGE EAT SHOP Tasty Lunches Our Specially



"The Bank That Service Built"


422 Main St.


Manhattan Shirts Schoble Hats

Holeproof Hosiery Munsing Underwear

Hansen Gloves

KELLY'S Men's Wear



Over 5 t nd IO ctnlJIIOre PHONE 118W


(Continued from page 4, col. 4)

fain t as "Phalling Phil" Scott ever pulled. As a rosin sniffer King i11 unsurpassed. H e didn't need much encouragement to dive the first time, and Tillman didn't J!lia;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_....,..., ______ ;;;;;;;!11 I!:!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ -------------' need to -hit him at all the last time. pa;;;;;;;;;;.;,;;;;;.;,;;;;;.;,;'9i,;;;;.;,;;;;;.;,;...,.a;;;;;;;~ r.===================~ p::.:=..:.:===:::.1m11111-.

Ernie Evans of Waukesha en­gaged "K. 0." Mingo in the sec­ond of the comical set-tos.. Evans was a good and eager fighter, but Mingo had' a defensive pose ev­idently copied from a kangaroo at bay. He covered up so well that all Evans could hit was the back of his ears. Every once in a while he 'd throw a punch at

HANNA'S Home Made Cakes and Pies NELSON HALL Meals and Lunches Al All Hours

For Women's Wear GINGHAM TEA ROOM , The comfortable and homelike

dormitory for women or Central

·- State Teachers College


._ ___ .., .. ·-- •nd-then-crawl- baek in-his­sbell. Evans won the decis ion, but Mingo won everlasting fame. This was one case where the tor­

'l'he Store For Everybody

- ~OTEL WfflTING CORNER LThe-Spot-Restauran!

414 Malo St. Phone 95 for both men and women


Varied, abundant, dellcio~ and

Inexpensive toise clidn 't win.

'Plenty Of Fight The ma in go, a bout featuring

"Iri h" Kennedy and Frankie McElwaine, was as neat and sat- I

Home Made Candy AT


El.izubeth Arden Venetian Toilet Preparations HANNON--BACH Phy., Inc.

413 Main St.

MAY A. ROWE, Director

(Graduate Dietitian) i fying a fight as these old eyes have gazed on in many years. Kennedy gave a ·plendid exhibi- 1/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I IJFiiiiiiliiiiii:ii=i:i!iii!iiii======Ei=iim===i==iiiiESi=iiliil••••;,;; impressecJ most was the indom- WIS. SHOE ~HOP Itch. dandruff, poison Ivy and skin allecllon. itable courage and stamina of EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING A pleasant skin tonic and healing lollon,


.. »


tion of skill and power, lbut what a)Dresslng for skin poisons, dry itching eczema, Insect biles, berber

.-----·his -i\feElwaine--boy,-- Tak:ing-aw~ · - !2J Strongs Aven"'ucce----ll l-1-11!1-·~ --!II - se_afteLslu1.vJoi-Jo keep the-1kln-clean-11nd-porerreduced:- -

fulp1111~~he=~~~~~~~~;P~h~=~e~11~6~~~~~~~i~~ , ~~ ~~~~~~M~ E~ Y~ E= R=~n= R: T~~: -= r~ n:;;;Jr~~ .---------1 +h•eatening: th laat-bel-1. - ...

' --