THE POINTERTHE POINTER Series III Vol. I No. 21 Stevens Point, Wis., May 26, 1927 Price 5 Cents HIGH...

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Transcript of THE POINTERTHE POINTER Series III Vol. I No. 21 Stevens Point, Wis., May 26, 1927 Price 5 Cents HIGH...

  • THE POINTER Series III Vol. I No. 21 Stevens Point, Wis., May 26, 1927 Price 5 Cents



    CLASS EXERCISES President 's Reception At Nelson

    Hall, Monday, June Sixth The Senior dass commit tee has

    dra \\"11 up a ll' ntati,·e s,·h cdnl c of Class Da v exerc ises to be he ld June 7th: 10 ,:JO until 12 :UO. Th e Sen ior s \\"ill hold a ~ t-to:,:cth er hrea k l'ast on the mornin:.r of L'lass Dav .

    'rh e .\ nditorium pro:.rrn m \\"ill - l'Onsist of int el'pret iYe dan(:in~,

    mnsical numbe rs. speec hes nntl th l' class mot to. ,111d ;1 talk by Pres id ent l{ald\\"ill. Fina lly the ;;cniors ,1" ill present a 1Hl\"Cl stunt " ·hi ch the\" hope to establi sh as a !;;cnio1· cl,;ss trnd ition. Af t er the ,-omplct ion or th,• ;\ ndi to rium pro;.rram the iri s w ill be plant ed on th e vampus. 'l'hc exe rc ises w ill be conclud ed hy th e " walk around " th e campus. 1' hc mem-hc rs ot' the cla ss committee arc: Henri £-l


    Vol. I . THE POINTER Series III. Published \ -Veck ly ·by the students of the Stevens P oint, Wisconsin Statr

    Normal School.


    ;Emii,i!b · _: _: _: _: _: _: _: _: _: .: _: _: _: _: _: _: .: _: _: _: _: _: _: .: _: _: .:.: _: _: _: _: _: .:.: _: _: .· ~-r~-~Id t:;~~111i;· ~oc;r:t)~d~~l~~o~. : : : >:: :::: .°: : : ~::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .: .: : : : . B!:~~~1: ~i~~: Reporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helen Weber

    H igh School .. · . .... , . , . . . .. . ..... . ... .. . . ... . , . . . . Margaret Tarns Home E conomics .. .... . ..... . •.... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Henrietta Timme Grammar .... . . . .... . .. .. • .. . . . . . . . .... . . . . ......... rl' hehna K roll ttural . . .. . ....... . .•.•. . . ..... . ...• . . . . .•... . .... F raneis Roman P rima ries . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . Sylvia L ibnk ken

    Busin ess Manager ....... .. . •. • . •.. .. . ... . . •.•.•.... . . .. . . .. .. Allen :Mc Vey Adver t ising Manager . . . . , . . . . .. . .. . ...... . ... . .. .... ...... Wa lter Was rnd Circulation :Manager . . . . . : ... . . •.•. • ..... ... . . . ·. ..... ... Edna \ Vns rud Faculty Advisor . . ..... . ...... . ... .. . . . . . . ,-,;.J .. .. . .. . .. ... . .. J . J. Rellah an


    .\\.ith thi,; issue publicat ion of the POINTER. cease · fo r t he year. T he YCa1· llils 1,een 11 momentous one. 'l' he u-·ua l n m of unexpectecl

    1thi11i, happr ned . Some of them \\'ere extraordinary and o found t he ir ll'a,,; in lo wi n t in the sc hoo l 01·ga 11 . :c\Ia ny things happened \\'hich might lrn1·e been g iY e11 space; s?me , of the t l1in gs p r in ted shou ld 1101 ha Ye been eYa luated t ha t lu 00 hl)' ; some of t he t h mgs pr inted s hould ha Ye been given more space. 'l'he one an swer to all i:: lim itation .

    Limit at ion is adamant'. 'l'herc i$ no compromisin g \\'ith it. So much is poss ib le ancl not an iota more. Genera lly t hat . t ruth is much ma ligned h~, the unu1Hlersta11d i11 g st udent. not fo1· an y diabo lic,11 pe ,.-. version 011 h is pa r t bnt simpl~· bec,iusc he docs not app rec iate t he prob lem· of prndu ·ing a sc hoo l pa per. Ile has. qu ite consistently, some bit of cop~· ll'h ich he eYaluates to be- \\'Or t hy of t he stell ar p lace in thr paper. ) fa n.,·, al l 11 t the same t ime, ha ,·c t he sa me idea a bout the bit oE cop~· "· hid1 concerns them . An d \\' hen these a·udacious and entc1·prisi11g in d iYidua ls a rc turn ed cold ly do \\'n by t he ed itor t hr .,· assn mc t hat t he on l.,· justifiable thing left to do is to focus the wrath of t he ages on th e ed itor ia l orga n izat ion . ·w h ich is subse-quentl y do ne.

    Duri1w t h is 1·ea1· t hr POil\'l'ER has gr aduate' ] from t he tl,·ice-month h- to


    a 11·e~k h' basis. A \\'ee k ly paper , coming ou t wit h unfa il-ing p rec is ion on CYery T hursday , is an inno vation. In keeping with t he week lv pla n the paper deve loped a cha ra cter of its own. It be-ca me somet hing nea r th e t hing t he a verage student likes to t h ink ~he school pa.per should bC' . There is st ill a long \\'ay to go. Only an im-poten t sta r t has been made.

    In t he eomi no- vea r, 1927-28, a ne" · sta ff will ed it th.e pa per. It is an a bl e o-roup and it has had enough practical experience 11·i t h edi tor-ia l p robl ems to p rod uce a good pa per. S tar t in g wh ere t hi s paper leaves off t hr nell' staff should be ab.le to r ai se t he standa r d · of t he -publication nn t il it holds the highest place among the Normal Schools of the sta te. 'l'his can only be aehie ,·ed w ith the su ppor t o! t he stude n t bod ,· and the faculty. T o t hat end le t everyon e work. It 1s the hope of t he ·re ti1·in g staff t ha t next yea1· will see a mo_re comple te and sat is fy ing- pu blication of t he P OL'\ITER.

    OPINION D ear E d itor-

    He ,1"110 s igns hi mself '"l'he P hilosopher " has the righ t: slan t _on ou r p resen t-day peclantr.v. IE \\' e must cra m . our . offs pr1~1g w1t)1 k nowledn-e \\'hy mak e them ass imi late u seless h1stor1cal detalis, an ti-quated gc~grap16cal facts, ha lf. hea r ted physiology ? Why not ~ive t hem a surYey of history \\'ith a l' ie 11· to p resen t and future applica-t ion ? Why not teach the s igni fica nce of geography instead of q ueer customs a nd immateria l q u irks of fo reign peoples ? W hy not teach t he complete range of physiology and IJ iology from the beginning of life to death Y

    Y et we o-o on, seem ing ly the same, from genera t ion to generat ion with the sa~ e old taboos, t he same old pur itan ica l " because" for our onlv excuse. " 'e arc li v ing in a fast age. I am n ot an edu cational autl1or ity, yet it seems to me that we ough t to prepai:Jl our children for the l ife t hey must liYe and n ot t he l ife that t heir g randfa ther h ved. W e are in an era of cha nge, as our most noted th ink ers expound . Must " ·e ed ucate fo r the past a nd then th row our pupil to the mercy of a rush in " wo rld which cares littl e fo r what clothes t he ancient Greek woreY


    Rel igion . Ar t, Li terature, the beaut ies of the past - yes, bu t Je t these t h ings be secondary to a comprehensive study of modern con-dit ion and their deman d of Socrety and t bc individual.

    A Studen t.

    With this ceaseless · r ound of pa r t ies, cl nb meetings, and social affairs how is a young fe ller t o know tha t it is all go ing to end suddenly and that he will be going back to th e cows and chick ens.


    by "Rusty"

    Social methods have surely reversed th emselves. The other da y we saw a

    . fellow t rying to save his front steps by walking back wa rds.

    But thL' only thing- iu th e.• w:1,· of suc·t'('SS was f ni lm·c. l l t· wa::; 1indcr sen.•11ty-fi ,·c.

    Which isn ' t saying much, though it holds-thanks to supposition- a wea jth of suggestion.

    Bu t this sor t of t hing, as the c:011-cltH•tor sn id to th

  • Ill


    SOCIETY -~I Literary Club Dinner

    Featured By Program I



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    t(•1·111 ·of thl' )[al'garct Ashmun ______ _ Club \\'as the ba11quet at ~ elson !:;;;.-------------------------""""1 Hall last Thur

  • 4

    Summer Session Will I =1

    Offer New Features , I

    The summ er sess ion >1t St c \'en,. I I P oint ~ ornrnl 'chool this y a r \\"ill ha\'e sc \"Cral spec ia l features. 1 Spec ial com scs will enable the I Runil 'd1ool teacher . to take ce rti ficate subjects. High School tcachc1·s may bene fit al so by tak-ing coul'scs in Tcclmiqnc in High Schoo l Inst ruct ion: 'ourses in :Method. and r ganization · ; P1·incipl es of Physical Educat ion; I and High chool Aclmini trative problem... H ome E e t each ers. t •ac hers of J . H. '. g1•ades, Rural


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    451 )l ai n ~ t. 4 55 MAIN ST. . 'npen-iso1·s and County Superin -tendents \\"i ll fincl courses to th eir liking. A Rural Setting-up Con-ferc11ce bas been a rl'angccl for spe,·ia l g1·oup ... P ro f. J ames Boyl e of Corn ell l'ni ,·e1·s ity, Ithaca, N. Y. " ·ill teach Rul'a l Economic . .

    I' I J OH :-; cs. l'EICKl-:RT. P rop .

    ii:...-~~ ............................ ~ ~~~~~~~1 =1 ~~~~~~~;-=

    1 What Good is Money? I HELEN FI EREK I

    Girls Mingle In Fast Ball Tourney Tilts

    ' r wo frnm es of t he girls' base-ha ll toul"llam nt have a lready been played . The games played \\"Cl'C : :\Tay 17 - 1-2 (3 sc rnb ) in \\"hi ch team l\\"O under t he leacler-sliip of :\larjorie. K eith beat t eam one under Elizabeth Kell y. :\Iay 19 - 1-3 (2 sc rnb ) . Team th ree undcl' Crystal Ho I cl c r eg g e r t l'iumph ecl 01:e1· t eam one at a SCO l"C of 27 to 33.

    More Graduates Sign Teaching Contracts

    Since the last Pointer went to press three more contracts have been s ign ed by future· t eachers. 'rhey are as folio\\'. : Primary -H elen :\Iitche ll - :\Ierton, Wis.; In termed ia te - Elizabeth Frnnk-lancl - Lugcrville, "\\is.; H ome Economics - Ione Norton (Alum-na ) - Laona , Wis.

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