The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. (Plattsmouth) 1883-10-16 [p ]. · most pleasant visit tins morning....

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Transcript of The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. (Plattsmouth) 1883-10-16 [p ]. · most pleasant visit tins morning....


A1 uiKlrr till lirad, tlire cfutliuj rcii itivrllon.

1IONKY r LKN-OnVeal7- M:tt by" A. N,nuMvuu.

,Vu Sai.k fo kixmI liillk i'vw. liwjutrn (K. U. liutl mii. ltt

IOiC AI.K IIoiim's, luti ami wood land byA .l'liu i:mi & null.I'HC .s I.IC-- A uo.mI Mu.ii A. Hamlin cabinet,

14 Iiuik.iIii lT cash iurc!iai-r- . lietllf IICIII..U ll&tlUUK H I.K-T- lie Wooili property near Hlier-- A

i:I lli-r- . J. W. II Aieail all.Aent.iroi! prop rty. one of tho

( IIK-l-- it lix'HlloiiH III tli rlty. or IIItiinli- - for ilix k. Iuure ol J. W. Mar I lilt. UMt

I.Mt MAI.K -- lloiito and lot, price tavt. loonul.tiic-a- - in iiKiiitlily pHyiiiKiiit.

It. 11. WlNUIIAM,

FOK.SAI.K;l reMldenrei, cheap.II. II. Wheeler Si Co.

1,'OIJ SAl.K-Mcrat- oli Tablet-- i In all le. atoilier. VI tf

1,'oic HAI.K a lot tn K'xl till ollictt J7H

1,'Mi: .SAI.K An ordt r fr a nw American.Machine. luiilre at tliUoIllce.

(.'OK S vl.K -- I.OMcordH of wood. Imjulre of-. W Iw. tr

r'oit SAl.K- -i Id pap I'm foraale at thla ollloeat to ct'liti .11 liuudred or ft ctrut ptr doz- -

t(L'OK MAI.K -- I our lot toKt tT In Kod Ioca- -

limi lu ihl elly. Inquire at till ofllcn I f

I,')!; KK.N r 1 lie liOrtu more room lu Nev- -I ! lM'ka and h rooms up t;ilm. iood

lix'Atlou f.r re,nuruiil or bonrdlii house, reutsrheap. Apply to t in. ISevllle. IHJtf

fl'i I KKNT A house, corner 7th and lxcuft1 ol 1 lii!. I'ollock.

I,'OK IISNT One office room and dwellingI'oiiiifi'it il, (3 room-- ) u.i ktiiirx ever lloll-hlnn-i- .li

r bakery. Kmiulre at Mii. Iloltnehuelurri. lit t(

Foi: KKN T lloii'P, Rnveiiient to Miops.. It. K. It. DoVKViHo.V,

liii: KKNT S..uth -- tore room of the Union1 I lock. i:i..iiiie ol II. Hlack. It. Spur-In- ,

.1V.1 lln M , liu.iiue.ts ciiiiliilttee. I&ltf

iK I.K 'l -- tiMelling llou-e- s. Inquire ofk 1 Mill W. II. bHAKKIt.

I ; - pass hook coiilaluliiu papers v:ilu-(j- -t

in mi Under please leave lit tnio.:.i . mi A .old tool hpiek. Owner proving1

I r - ' I i au-- i payluK (or this notice c.iuII. ivn i tnr .vin.r, liMtI,' ll'NIl A ladies pocketbook coutalnini;

Mime n.ine The owner can have thesame ly e.iliii.u m . Itreckenlleld, proviiiKpropel ly ami pay Iiijj for tills notice. 1MI(


Musical Instruction.To .My Friends:

1 havb reorganized my classesof lniirtietiou upon the l'iauo, and should bepleased to have such a may desire instructionto address or call upon me. My terms are rea-sonable, and my instruction after the ruoht Im-

proved method. Pupils, beginning wrong, cannever expect to become nianters. I Invite atrial and examination.




TUESDAY, SEPT. 11,1883,with an i.mile corps ol Instructors.

On application to the Chancellor cataloguescan be obtained by those dexiring information,and eeililb-.tte- s for half fare oil the railroadsby tliose cxpecliui; to attend.

Kind T. rm lee,ini Tuesday. Kept. 11 18M3.

I - " Tniirxday. Jan. 3.1881.Uiiid " - Tuenday. April 1. lr&l.Ar.Mial f'iirii!nen''eii?eiit Wednesday, June 11

THE COLLESE OF MEDICINEwill npeu October 2. 13. and continue 6 ino's.


and al! kinds of


done to or"er on hort notice, by

BOYD & LARSE2T.lav orders at the Lumber Yard or at

I- - st Oiriee. 183'2


CITY HOTEL.This 1 cartifiil three story brick structure, on

Jr werJ aid stir( t.lai just been finished andfitted lip fur tlijiccouiniedatioD of



EVERY THIKR NEW AND CLEANri lu couneftlon with theAtttcU f Bl

FHED GOOS. rropr









An party defirinic to Ion moojr ou Fannpnrerl i ran be accoTimodted at low nle.Irom thre to ten ear' tlm. and the Interestnot payable until It fca accrued inquire of



BT -

The Plattsmoiitu Herald Co.

OIFUTAL I'AI'KK OK TIIK 1TVl or CUy and t'ountv Directory. IUllwy Time

Tables. Telephonn Eichauic Iluinens o'.

loudness Cards &c, iee fourth pae.

Notice to Advertisers.Copy for illsplay ad vertlsemeotx or changes

In ail vertlsemi-iit- s must tut handed In to Hiebusiness olllce not later than 10 a. lit . of theday In whlcn they are to be Inserted. Copyfor pay local and special notices miirt lehande- - In before 3 p. m. each day to Insure in-sertion. II M. Ill HIIKI.I.,

liil-lue.i- .Manager.

4. .Salisbury, Deiitlnt.

it. r i.Met it oviry Tuesday evening at theirCa.stle Hall, in Uuckwuod Bick. Vis-itiu- g

Kuilita are iiivilol t attend..1. W.jensino.i, V. C.

V. It. Dykkh, K. of Ii. ami h?.

Mrd. W. I). Junes lia been very illlor a low days with that must gainfulmalaily neuralgia.

Labradurc llvrrin; at Bennett &

Iis. l73tThe celi-rale- d Aunuuser Ueer will

be on tap at Joe McVeyfl pulatiatquarters tonight.

The Oioud Jury wan duly empaneledtoday, and then adjourned over untiltomorrow morning.

Frcsli Ruck heat Hour and MuuleSyrup at, BeunetL & Jewis. lUJto

In our notioe el' Mr. Iatliam, lastevening, instead of Coburg. Kansas,being liis destination, it is Coburg,Canada.

The following marriage licenseshave been granted since our iast reportJell'erson IX Miles to Ellen A. Smith andWm. J. McAllister to Ellen J. Wall.

The finest pumkin, of the season wasraised by Uncle l'eter Ueavers folks upat Joncord aud now graces the office ofW. S. Wise it weighed 180 pounds.

C. R. & Q- - Bpccial, No. 50, passedthrough the city this morning, havingon board President Love joy, of theDenver & Rio Orande railway, on hiswy t his home in Denver.

Judge l'ound the republican nonpartisan judge of thi judici A districtcame in today aud will set aud dis-pen- s

jusi ice to anxious litigants during the next two weeks.

IIood Hosiery, Collars, Gloves, Mit-teu- s,

Kuc!ies &c .te at coat aud belowat the closing out sale of the goo Is ofthe late Mm. A. I'. Smut. lU74t

Mr. J. C. Eikenbary received a dispatch today notifying hira of thedeath of Fanuie llaniei. formerly Fan-

nie Stanforth, niece of Wm. Eiseuba-ry'- .s

lirst wife, who raised her.

The only trial in the District Courttoday, is that of Walter Adams vs.Johshu Murray. The full proceedingsin regard to motions and days set fortrial, of certain causes, will be giventomorrow.

Bargains Bargains only a few daysremain to secure bargains iu Millin-ery aud notions at closing out sale ofthe goods of the late Mrs. A. P. Stout.


The celebrated bone case occupiedthe attention of the county court Saturday wherein Jacob Levy was plain-

tiff and Ambrose Patterson defcudent.The result was a judgemeut iu favor ofLevy for $2G.5.

The tram for the west this morningwas the heaviest one we have seen formany a day, and among the rest of thesmoking car passengers we noticedabout SO s.lid lookiug workiugmen on

their way to B & M headquarters inthe field.

A Rare Opportunity- -

An elegant house in a pretty andconvenient location, will be sold cheap.Address 1. O. Box 659.

Oakland in Burt County is all tornup over the voting of precinct bonds tothe amount of $20,000 in aid of theLincoln and Decatut Rtilroad Company, the debates pro and con alreadywax warm though the electiond C3 not tak pla e until next month ;

several rival towns sre working earnestly to defeat them.

A small party of duck hunters cross-th- e

river today to reeonnoiter thsmarshes in and about McPaul Percivaland Bartlet. The force consisted of ItR. Livingston, Capt. L. D. Bennett, Col

F. E. White and Manager II. M. Bush-nel- l

of the Herald. ThPse cautiousgentlemen innocently informed ua theywere not eo'ing to m ike a butimpl; to reeonnoiter the marches; to e

if he diit-- are there yet and ascertainwhether or not they roost high.

Mention was made h few days ago tthe fact that the P. M. here would haveto pay his own reut. since the new pos-

tal law came into ff'-c- t, and that theotEce might be removed from the pres-e- u

education. Today we learn that cuts

have been cotnpleti-- sothat Mr. Marshall can occupy his pres-ent room. Waterman's lumbt-- r officewill be removed to their old local ion.the partitions will be taken out of theback end of the P.O., and the officemoved back. Phi. Young will then takeposesoion of the front part for hisstationery and news depot.

Henry Boeck is selling furniture atprices below auy house of trie samettvlo in Nebraska. If vou doubt thisfact call oobim auU know Una UutU. tf


Harry Baceone of Wcpiug Water'heft iLtTclrtntH is attending court today.

X. W. KauefT. of South Bend, is inthe city looking afier court mutters.

(ieo. Laveity of Louisville is in thecount v seat today.

Capt. II. L Palmer went to Ha-tiug- s

on (LA. It. business.llermau Heroid, of Louisville h iu

the city today,

T. X. Bobbttt, of Tipton, is iu thecity and made the Hkualp a pleasantcall this afternoon.

J. M. Schiiellbacher i iu Oinaha to-


W. It. Jones ami Henry Boris are do-

ing Omaha today.

Mr. (J. Ilagorshtk w a passengerto Omaha this mornin".

Frank Wlieeler camo down fromLi.icolu last evening returning to hisschool duties thjs morning.

Joe Fairfield went to Greenwood today.

Mr. W. T.Jacoby, of Linoln, Geu'lagent of the Centennial mutual life in-

surance company, paid the Heiiald amost pleasant visit tins morning. Hereports the Centennial, which is one ofthe best life insurance companies extant, as being in a most flourishing con-

dition.Mrs. Matt. Schlegel returned home

Sunday morning after three monthsabsence in the cast, and we are glad tonote that her health has been muchimproved by her trip.

Conell, of Nob. City, Daweese.of Lincoln, Ogdeu of Omaha and Marshall ofLincoln are in attendance at court today.

A. F.Blundell,the late manager of thetelephone exchange at Lincolu, whohad many frieuds in this city, is announced in this mornings State Journalas a defaulter mid a fugitiv e from jus-tice.

Mr. Blundell was the secret try of theY. M. C. A. and appeared to be a devotit Christian, his conduct has alwaysbeen above reproach, while with thebusiness men of the city ho was respected as a straight forward honestman, having the complete confidenceof his employers

It seems he collected all tho September and a part of the October accountsamounting in all to over a thousanddollars, one week ago last Saturday,and Hi tt he left che otYia o:i that d ivsaying he was going to Cu icil Bluffswhere he expected to meet his folkswho reside at Ft. Madison, Iowa.

The fure i art of last week was thefir t news Mr. Drake, the manager ofthe Nebraska telephone company, hadthat Mr. Blundell wa? away from hispost of duty ; and not until the latterpart of the week did it dawn uponhim that there could possibly beanything wrong at the Lincoln office.Thereafter as soon as possible Mana-ger Drake made an examination of thebooks and wa-- i no longer in doubt aboutthe fraudulent departure of his for-

mer trusted elerk; yet can give no rea-

son in the world for his actions, as healways seemed a very careful, prudentman.

The Herald however learns a fewfacts from Mr. Diehl of the telephoneexchange here that may throw somelight upon the subject. Mr. Diehl saysthat he worked with Mr, Blundell forover a year and knew him intimatelyand that he was a very peculiar man,one in fact that most people woulddesignate as "cranky." He pays henever thought but what Mr. B. wasperfectly honest but that a great manylittle things occurred that led him tothink his mind was not just what itought to be, and that ever sines he be-

came well acquainted with Mr. B. hewas of the opinion that so.iner or laterhe would become insane.

And we must confess ihat the losingof a good job and the dishonor attachedto his methods, for the paltry sum of$1,000 looRs as though Mr. DiehPs ex-

planation of the transaction wa3 cor-

rect one.

Peterson's Magazine We havebefore us the November number of thebtdies' monthlies. It is a splendid num-ber, with a perfect gal ax v of steel-en-gravj.n- gs,

colored fashion platee, coloredpatterns for the work tnb'e, tales, po-

etry, ect. "Undoubtedly, isnot only the best,but the cheapest mag-azine of its kind, being hut two dollarsa year to single subscribers. To clubsit is cheaper still, with groat inducements to those getting up eiubs. Sub-scribe to no magazine until you havemii a copy of "Peterson." Specimensare sent gratis, if writ! en for, to per-sons who wish to get up cl'ibs Ad-dress Charles J. Peterson, 300 ChasnutStieet. Philadelphia.

We learn that on Friday last, thelilt e eleven year old daughter of Mr.Babb, living ne ir BHiuoir. met withquite a serius accident. Ii seems shestuck her head through v. hole in thestable where a viciouj horse stood.The horse caught her with hi.; teeth bythe forehead, laying the- - scalp bareabout twelve inches. Dr. Xorris wascalled, who sewed the wound up and atlast accounts the little sulT-rv- r was --

ins as well as could be expected.Green wood Eagle.

The grains of corn thit grow on theends of stalks with ihctassei will prodace new varieties if pltnted by them-selves It is in this way that manycurious and sometimes valuable nov-elties are secured Varieties producedIrom seed grown this vear ought to beadapted to unfavorable seasons if thecoudition of the eed ffect the futureplat u ia geomUy bl?vij.

Supreme Court wf Nebraska-Friday- ,

Oct. 1?. issa.Court met pursuant to adjournmentPolin v. Srale. Lrror 1'iom Cass

counv. Affirmed. Order fixing dayof execution changed to December 21,llWJ. Opinion by Jjake. C. J.

1. Grand Jurv Selection of Whereno wuut of good faith in the Heleotloiiof persons from whom grand jurorsur drawn is showu.the mere fact thatone of them did not reside in the pro-cin- ct

where he was supposed to, audfrom which he was drawn, will not in-validate an indictment found by them.

U. The lUt ol electors voting at thonext preceding general election in thecounty furnihlns a suitable and fair ba-

sis for thw selection.3. Continuance Affidavit for Au af

fidavit for a wontiuuauce ou nccoint ofabsent witnesses which fails to showthat either their personal attendance ortestimony will probably be obtained iftime be granted is sufficient.

4. District Attorney Assistance toThe district attorney in a criminal trialmay have the assistance of counsel employed on private account.

oJ-viden- ce Ihe court did not errin refusing to order the sherilT to firethe revolver with which prisoner killeddeceased, the view of ascertaining itsliability to goctl at half cock.

o. In a trial for murder, evidence ofcriminal intimacy between the prison-er's wife and the deceased not broughtto Ins knowledge betore the killing isinadmissib.'e.

7. Oo questions of iusauiy. Oatthcjquestiou of prisoner's ulleged iiiaau- -

ty, uon expei t testimony is admissible.

8. Thanksgiving day Adjournmentof court to The formal adjournmentof court to aud opening of it on Thanksgiving day, no step in the case beingtaken that day, is not cais6 for a newtrial.

9. Instruction Reasonable doubtsAn instruction in which it 13 said

that "The proof is deemed to be bevoudi doubt when the evidence is suxiciuutto impress tho judgement and under-standing of ordinarily prudent menwiin a conviction ou which they wouldact in their most important concerns orallairs in. lite. Sustained

10. Practice Statements in presence of jury. It is not error for coun-sel in arguing in the presence ot thejury the competency of a witness.based on testimony given of her admissions, to make a fair referencethereto, to say it is "false," and that thewitness will deny it.

11. Separation of jurv. A separation of the jury before the taking oftestimony is closed, in a criminal trial,known to the prisoner or hia counsel atthe tune it occurred, but not disclosedto the judge until after verdict, is notcause lor a new trial.

12. In such case a party is not permitted, without objection, to take thechances of a favorable result.and then,f disappointed, for the first time com

plain.13. Judgement authentication of.A transcript of a judgement of the

iistrict court brought to the supremecourt for review' certilied bv the clerkof the court under his official seal, issufficiently authenticated.

The foregoing Syllabttx of the opinion of the Supreme court in thu ease ofhe State vs. John Polin states clearly

the position of that tribunal upon thequestions raided, presented, and reliedupon by Polins counsel for a reversal ofthe verdict and judgement of the court

elow. As we stated a few evenings sincethere not being thirty days intervening

etween the time of the tiling of thisopinion Oct. 12 and the date fixedby the supreme court for the carryinginto effect of the death sentence, viz,Nov. 9th, upon the filing of the opin-

ion on Friday last, the court set asideits former order and fixed the date forhis execution on Friday, December 21

which will give his counsel ample timeto prepare and file their application fora rehearing in the case.

Louisville Locals.Ed. Herald: As we do not sec

anything more from Skedunk, it mustbe that he has let the "Rabbit" getaway witb him. or perhaps he has somuch business to attend to that hedoes not have time to write; so we willdrop you a few lines.

J. V. Glover, R. B. Howell and M.P. Brosius, returned from their West-ern trip last week. They made a tripof eight hundred (800) miles in thirty-days- ;

took homesteads near Valentine,Brown county, and you can see samplesef Brown county producis at J. V.Glover's store.

B. G Hoover, is in Ohio, visiting.Since leaving home he has had an at-

tack of rheumatism of the heart, andfor a short time his life was despairedof but he is now improving. B. G.sgenial clerk, F. S. Echols, is putting ingood time collecting of late.

Lou. LivingstOT run his engine offthe turn-tab- le one evening last week;no damage was done.

The democrats held their, conventionhere Saturday, which of course madethings lively

The M. E.s are holding their firstquarterly meeting at this place Pre-siding Eider Smith, attending.

We understand Mr. Bushuell, of theHerald, is going west to take a tim-

ber claim; how is it, Bush?C. F. Came and wife are again living

amicg us; we are glad to see thembacK.

Our school is progressing liaely, withAlex Mcintosh as Principal.

I think this will do forthe first dos-- ,

nd perhaps will all you wili want.Tiik 'Dor.E.

Farmers have generally found thitbuckwheat is a pojr crop to precedeeither com or wheat. For the lattt-- r itis apt to make the soil loo light audporous. The reason why corn doespoorly afti-- buck wheat is net appireitbut t'je fact is continued by enoughexperience, to make prudent farmerscautious about adopting t lis rotation.

Ex.:6Collection otice

Parties knowing themselves indebtedto. the firm of Streight & Co., willplease call and settle, as we must havemoney to run our business. Hopingyou will govern yourselves accordingly,we are Respectfully Yours.

0&W$9tf 6"SJWM A Co.

OBITUARY.IJit.n At I ho residence ot William

Coon, nt Grand Prairie, Centre precinct,near Weeping Water, on the 8th day ofOctober, ISt, Mr. Halsey C. Babcoek.aged 01 years and 11 mouths -- ofBright' disease.

Mr. Babcoek came to Xebrnnku somenine years Kgo, settling in Cass county,first in the neighborhood of CedarCreek, and shortly afterwards at GrandPrairie, in ('enter Precinct, where hehas since resided.

Since Augubt 1st, lunt, Mr. liaU-oc-

has iieen a greut Rutlerer, confined tothe house and his bed, most of thetime. Ho vu3 a brother of Mn. Sage,an uncTc of Mr. James find "Bert"Sage, her sous, all of this city.

Mr. H.tbcockwan born in Oneidacounty. State of New York, residedsome years in the State of Illinois, re-

moving from that State to Ntbraf-ko- .

Mr. Babcoek was universally respected and loved by his neighbors aud atlwho kuew him, although a great sufferer during his fatal he bore hissulferiugs uncomplainingly and withgreat resignation ; he leaves three (married) daughters icsiding in the neigh-borhood of Grand Pruirie; his son,Chailes II. Babcoek, who used to residein the same neighborhood, is now aciti.en of California.

The funeral took place from the M.E. Church, in Weeping Water, Tuesdayafternoon.

Go to McKccver Sc Herrmann's for arood dish of oters at reasonable'

rate-- . 183in8

M O Connor keeps on hand the ce-lebrated Anheuser Burch St L01113 Bot-tled Beer and always ready to pay pae-ticul- ar

attention to hu customers'.JSotfv

When your blood is impoverished,or corrupted, the iemedy is nt hand.Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla.

Two dollars per day, from this dute.The Cozzen's Cor. Uii,and Harneys'reet Omaha Neb. Strictly first classin every particular

P. Hamsey & Co.of the Palace Hotel Santa Fe Xew Mex-ico. Oct. 1 lc93 i89t0

100 styles" of Birthday cards at War-rick- s.

193 If

Hand printed birthday cards atWarricka. . 192tf

Bed uock . I have on handa large and very superior stock of fur-niture, much of which I propose to Belloff at cost. My goods are for sale andceforo purchasing I wish everybodywho needs furniture to call and lookthem over. All I ask ol the public isto examine my goads and my prices.

dAwtt Henry. Bokck.

Try the new baiber under Carruthf,187tf

Having opened and refitted the roomsunder F. Carruths Jewelry Store MJ. P. Iteese is ready to wait upon hiscustomers with - every conveniencewhich should In-lon- g to a first classbarber shop Hot and Cold Baths al-ways ready. l5tf

Hot and cold baths at the Barbershop under Carruths I97tf

For shave at any hour call at theshep under Carruths. l.STtf

Hay.200 Tons of first class hay for sale

leave orders with W. S. W'se.178J28wtf J. T. Wise.

Important to Travelers.Special inducements are offered you

by the Burlington route. It will payyou to read their advertisement to befound elsewhere in this issue. 47tf

For Sale.Two well improved farms, between

Louisville and Weeping "Water. Ap-ply toThaddeus Adams, on farm.



Another Thousand Bottles of Marsh's(ioldeu Balsam to be Given


Every person in laPttsmouth, who issuffering Irom Scrofula, Chronic Rheu-matism, Jaundice, Billiousness, Dys-pepsia, Indigestion, Constipation orCostiveness, Headache, Loss of appe-tite. Chills or Fever, Malaria, BackacheFemale Weakness, Xervous derange-ment, General Debility, or any Blood,Liver, Kidney, Stomach or bowel dis-order can obtain a trial bottle ofMarsh's Golden Blood & Liver Tonic,free of charge, by calling ot Smith &Black Bros drug store, Plattsmouth.

Persons who have already tried thisvaluable medicine can procure thelarge bottle? at 50 cents and SI.

For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis audConsumption, use Marsh's Golden Bal-sam, the famous Throat and Lungmedicine. I'wo doses wil benefit. Sam-ple bottle fiee.

Imported ale and porter at Joe MoVeys. lS7tf

13II! 1

--3 UUXAiiEJ


Election Proclamation.Notice U nlvn tliiU n Tuendny, the

kUlli lay of Nuvrmix-- r in xt Inprerlnrt In ( im county. Nrtruk, tlirr will

n an Heel Ion I1H1I for the iurxM nl rlrcllliKHid folio Ihk uHli'rr lo-w- ll :

due lu'iic ol I hp iiirfine eourt.Ooi? utic of Hi Ui-l- ili t ,oiut for Hie 2nd I ill-trl- rt.

'J o ri'Ki-u-t of tli unlvrrlty of Nebraska,for full i in.

One of llin unlvrrvliy of toOil uuvx plied trnu of I.ii.w I'oorM, lr!i;iird.

On r'K'Ut of tli limit-Mi- l y of niltlin uuexilri'il term of I.. It. llflHl,ie-nlHilf- d

nun County Clerk.Ou County Trjanirer.I Mm County J uke.One Sheriff.One Coroner.One Clerk ol l)l-lil- .-t Court.One riiioeriiileadenlof I'uhllc Inilruetlou.One County Huiveyor.One County Coiniiii.nloiier for Third li-tru- rt.

one AnHeioJur, (in eaeli precinct.)Two Juftleen ol the 1'eaee in eaee irt-cl- l.'1 wo Countable in vaeli urecllii'l.T luce Judges ol Election In ac-l-i precinct.

wnClerkn of ! leetluii In eHCll oreclut't.One Overseer of l uhlie lllxliwuyn lu c li

Itoaddlntrlet.A b lch electlou hall ! opened at r'ldit

o. clock lu the moruliiK. and w ill continue openuntil U o'clock In the afternoon ol the rainnday.

Uated thlx loth day of October. A. I. IHa.J, w. Jknninoh.

County v lerk.Can County,

An elegant liun of wedding and invi-

tation stationery just icceived; alsicalliug cards, in latest style1.

To tho old customers of the barberstaud under Mr. F. Carruth's jewelrystore, I have re I'tted and opened thisshop at:d am ready to guarantee youevery convenience, comfort and pleas-ure to be found ii. a lirst clas barberbhop.

Hot and old baths always ready.lHStf . J. P.

For winter bloom and out door plant-ing, Ti:lips, Hyacinths, Narcissns, Hol-land bulbs, Siles, anl a lure iissoit-mv- nt

of hardy bulbs and herbaceousplants all are best planted in ihe fallif you have tiein us they will do 110

goial otherwise. Call and examine mystock. It. .1. .MOO III"..


Dr Schildknocht's OfficeAt the present and until further no-

tice, I will have my oliice with Dr, Salisbury in tho Uock wood block overJohnson Bro-- . ntore, where I may bofound during otlice hours.


Troy City Laundry.Kemoved to the first door north of

Stadlemans on sixths St. opposite Nev-ill- sBlock. The Troy City Laundry

will hereafter be located here and oldcustomers and new ones will find usready to give satisfaction in air kind?of Laundrv work. W. B. Bkown Prop.


A Square MealCan bo had at the City Hotel for only23 cents and lodging at same reasonablerated. Farmers and Commercial Menwill please liear this in mind. d&wtf

Dissolution Aoiice,Xotice is hereby given that the part-

nership heretofore existing under thefirm name of Gl ace & Thierolf, in thisday dissolved by mutual consent. Mr.Thierolf will conduct the business attheir former location being authorizedto pay all debts and collect and receiptfor all bills due the old firm.

James (Skace,l8Ctr II. TllIKltOI.K.

Platteuiouth, Neb. Oct 2d 1$.Notice.

Xotice is hereby given that GeorgeW. Sexton will apply to the Board ofCounty Commissioners of Cass County,Nebraska at its stated meeting in October 1883 for a license to sell maltSpiritus and Vinous liquors in AvocaCass County, Nebraska, one year fromdate of allowance.

For Sale at a Bargain.The furniture and fixtures, and all,

or a part of the slock of the Milli-nery store, of the late Mrs. A. P. Stout.Call at the store. 191Ctwl

Mr. J. P. Reese the accomplishedbarber is in charge ot the barber shopunder Frank Carruths Jewelry Storeand the customers of that old standwill find every comfort aud conven:enceready and waitiug for them. I9tl

CJ. A. Marshall, DentKt, huc-cess- or

to Clutter & Marwliall.Teetli extracted without pain,by use ofMtrous Oxide Cias.

FOR SALE. Lots 2 and 3 InDlock. 41, Improved.


Leave orders for grapes from Lees-ly'- s

nursery at A. Clarks grocery.163dtf

ForSaleor Rent for 1884.300 Acres of pasture lands all under

fence Yx mile south of Weeping Watei.Jno. It. Claek Weeping Water. Xeb.

Fresh oysters and celery just receivedat Bennett & Lewis'. I83tf


r 8a ;--

0 jj5;Qi s


2 CS m 3Z E att

S--i B- C .OE

. b fs CO -Iioo SO S3

M oo at

Pi oJ?

O s i2 s 03ss C 00 s atm 00 a04 x:as !5- eS.


ffl S 23S

A Great Discovery.That i3 daily bringing joy to the

homes of thou.-a-n Is by saving nianyftheir dear ones from an early grave.Truly is Dr. King's Xew Discovery forConsumption, Coughs, Odds, Asthma,Bronchhitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice.Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Sideand Chest, or any disease of the Throatand Lungs, a positive cure. Guarante-ed. Trial Bottles fee t .1. M. lioOeris.Drug fcStoro. Large eie 1.00.


STREIGHT & CO.iHnfMur i Mlrrlclit Jk. .Hlllrr.



Saddles Bridles Collars Whips &C- -

alwav) in utork.

Repairing of all . i.tulli ttti.i aKrt notice.

Main Slrert. Iietv ci-l- i Komtli KUlli,


Old ReliableLUMBERYARDB. A. WATliliffliNES SON

Wliiilt-a- !). unit l.'H.iii; iM'uicr In , 1



Fi. in ih Mm 1 1. Hi 11 ar I t ji ia Hout.. TTSV1"I H. 'FI'PAKA



Will BU V and M:LLfc:ill kinds of





FURS1Will advance 'money on all

SALABLE GOODS,on lower Main street.

One di or wesl of Peek's Furniture pore

I'latthUiouth. Fib. 1st. 1K83 4Clf.

Just' Receivedmm-- mm; ok


A Challenge 5c Cigar,S laliy mail; for ll.e rct;ill mA- - ily. .

Pepperberg's Cto&r Factory.

EBNSTWAGNKRPnicti?sil .Vrehif eH.



SPCCIALTY.PUus ai'l S;f;i;i;ic.iLl'iiM will h carefullysarrled.out, and full attf ntlon Mill b given ft

to safety and durability.

I.ESSO.8 ON IAITI.J.JWater Colors. Ciayou and I'ein il.

Hr,fttT Vpf un'm tn,f, M:il ft

NEWFurniture StoreJ. I. TJ2T'IRjTJ-E3- L


and all kindi of good usually kept In a

torHBP.FIBMT CL.AHH ITt'MK HTOMKAlso, a very complete tocx of Futeral Good.

Metaliic&WooaenComns Castets Holies1


Our Nw asd e!Kant hearse I fc!wy In Jreadiness.

ItemetntKr the place, in UNIONBLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO

Doors sonth of Cass Coun-ty Bank.

Wliwx we may be fouud nlpht or day.

J. I UNRUH,iiVTtt t Iff I. .NKB


BLJlCKSJIiTHiw.:y.r. snoEivo ft wagon kkpairimAll urn of Faria'lffipicEeats Mssfiel will

Nr-atn- and Dinpatcn.

Horse, Mtilc& Ox Shoeingn short, well shoe anything that ha?four fe-t- , from a ZAhrsi, to a Girafff.

Corap and 8e ua.

HEW" SHOPQKlltbSr betwee'n Main an4 Vfu trsoat across woorucr from tba ntv IJKUAIv