The Perfect Confirmation...

Post on 29-Jun-2020

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Transcript of The Perfect Confirmation...

Upon Receipt:

The Perfect Confirmation

Sequence For Building Engagement With Your

List From The Very First Email

Brought to you by MNIB Consulting Inc.

The Perfect Confirmation Sequence

For Building Engagement With Your List From the Very First Email

© Copyright 2016

MNIB Consulting Inc. All Rights Reserved.

May by shared with copyright and credits left intact.

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AboutThe Perfect Confirmation Sequence

Hey - my name is Breanne.

I’m the founder of MNIB Consulting, and I

created The Perfect Confirmation Sequence

to solve a problem in my own business:

I was tired of losing confirmations to spam

folders … but the idea of not confirming email

subscribers was also no good.

That’s when I encountered the concept of a

Single-Double Opt-In. By blending this

method with the email techniques I had

learned from Andre Chaperon, Ryan Deiss,

Tara Gentile, Ramit Sethi and more, I was able to create a system that consistently

gets the right people not only on our list … but engaged with us, too.

The system and emails you’ll find on the following pages are the exact ones we use.

I hope they’ll serve you well as inspiration for how you can make connecting with

your readers easier.

Breanne Dyck

Founder, MNIB Consulting Inc.

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WARNING: READ THIS FIRST. Sometimes, we get responses from people

saying our emails are the best they’ve ever read.

They read every word, and it was going straight

into their swipe file.

Please don’t do that.

See, there’s only one reason to share these emails with you: they work.

Rather, it work for our business.

This doesn’t mean they’re going to work for your business.

Using examples, templates and scripts to write your emails never really

works. Instead, you need to go deeper; to go behind the words, and master

the underlying techniques that make copy powerful. The underlying

techniques are what will make your emails successful.

So follow along, study, and do your own analysis.

Just don’t add the emails to your swipe file, or try to use it as-is. They won’t

work for you.

The underlying techniques, though? Those will ...


The System

When someone submits the form for the 10X Email, we immediately note their


Then, if they are already on the list, then get the “Here’s your download” email and

exit the workflow.

Otherwise, they are sent the “New Subscriber Campaign”. If they complete that

campaign, they are flagged as not reachable and (eventually) cleaned.

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As soon as someone clicks a link in the welcome emails or are flagged as reachable

from another similar sequence, they are considered confirmed and removed from

the confirmation sequence.

After a few minutes (so it doesn’t feel like you’re spamming them with emails), the

new visitor gets added to our onboarding sequence, which includes most of what

you typically see in such a sequence, such as whitelisting information and content

that introduces the business.

Because we know what they opted in for, this sequence may lead to a segmented,

targeted pitch.

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Emails in the Sequence

Below, you can find a list of all the emails we send in the confirmation sequence,

including their subject lines, relative open rates and timings.

Screenshots of the emails themselves follow; but remember:

Do NOT use them as is.

Rewrite them so that they are in your voice, not mine, and so that they speak to your

customers, not ours!

PS. All the screenshots in this document — yes, including the flow charts — are from

inside our email management software, Drip. Check out Drip, here.

PPS. That’s an affiliate link, which we use to see who’s clicking through. If you click

that link and decide to give Drip a go for yourself, we get a small commission. If

you’d rather not do that, here’s an affiliate-free link:

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Email #1: Short and to the point. Give them what they asked for; don’t interfere

with their ability to receive value from you!

Email #2: Don’t blame the reader for not acting; just remind them about their

interest and encourage them to let you know about any problems they may have


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Email #3: Again, take the blame rather than putting it on the user. But since it’s

now been a while, remind them what it’s about and why they should want it. Focus

on content and education, rather than just pushing the download.

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Email #4: The lead is getting cold. You need to re-warm them up by reminding them

about what’s in it for them. Consider also addressing any objections they may have

to downloading it (for example, “I won’t use it”)

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Email #5: After a couple long emails, it’s good to go short: remind them what the

download is about and why they should want it.

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Email #6: One last try. This is authentic scarcity: if they don’t click, they’re going to

get removed. Warn them of this, and then follow-through.

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About the Author

Breanne Dyck is a business strategist,

consultant, learning designer, and the author

of Beyond Satisfaction: A Guide to Retaining

Clients, Maximizing Satisfaction and Measuring

Success in Your Online Course.

As the lead consultant and founder of MNIB

Consulting, Breanne helps online training

businesses scale their impact, their team and

their revenue.

Her results-driven strategies blend

operations management, learning and

product strategy, and business model development to create transformational

learning experiences that customers can't stop talking about.

Breanne regularly consults on flagship products and programs, CreativeLive

courses, live events, and workshops for thought-leaders and influencers such as

bestselling authors Chris Guillebeau, Tara Gentile and Natalie Sisson.

You can read more from Breanne, or connect with her and her team, at

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