The PCP II and the PREFERENTIAL OPTION for the YOUTH ( The Role of the Clergy)

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The PCP II and the PREFERENTIAL OPTION for the YOUTH ( The Role of the Clergy)

The PCP II and The PCP II and the the


YOUTH ( The Role YOUTH ( The Role of the Clergy)of the Clergy)

The Maze Runner Game

Directions• There should be two representatives

in the game. The representation consists of a priest and a youth member.• Point A represents the youth member

being blindfolded. Point B represents the priest.

• Between them is a maze made of strings, masking tapes and other props that may be necessary in the maze runner game. The more risky the design, the better.

• The priest will guide his youth member through the maze to figure out how to get through all the challenges.

• The group/ representatives to make it to Point B (Exit Way) with the fewest casualties win the game.

• N.B. Tip: Strategize well the game plan before the execution. Safety first. The blindfolded representative will be assisted for his/her safety.

Synthesis of the Game

• Even if time is not demanded in the game, the agility or velocity are to be taken into consideration. Questions: Why is it that one is faster to get out of the maze? Why did someone step on the landmine or dangerous spots? Why so many stickers on them?


We learn so much about the symbolism and representation from

the Maze Runner Game:

• The priest guides, coaches, mentors, leads and counsels the youth towards holiness. The voice of the priest is very important, more so his presence for the ones he is to direct and lead in his ministry.

• The youth follows, trusts, listens and obeys the voice of the one leading them towards holiness.

• The dangerous spots in the maze represent the challenges in life that shape the toughness, strength and growth of the youth. Challenges, though risky and not easy, could eventually become a source of blessing for the youth.

• The youth being blindfolded could mean that the young generations are faced with so many uncertainties in life that they need to courageously encounter. Listening is important unless otherwise the youth member may be exposed to dangerous spots that someone may lead them go


• The noise in the game from the audience may also mean something as distractions.

The Good Shepherd

He flees because he is a hired hand and is not concerned about the sheep. 14"I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me, 15even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.… But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep. 27

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.… (John 10: 13-14,; 27-28)


• For Priests and Religious:

What can you contribute to the empowerment of the Young People in ministering to their fellow youth Leaders?

• For the Youth Leaders:

In what ways can you help yourselves and your fellow youth in living a truly Christian Lifestyle?