The Path to Proactive Application Security

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Path to Proactive Application Security

The Path to ProactiveApplication Security

6 Reasons Why Managed Services Holds the Key

What’s holding companies back from investing in application security?

When a company hesitates to implement or expand its application security program, the conversation usually starts something like this…

But the conversation cannot end there.

With 92% of reported security vulnerabilities lurking in applications, not in networks,*

you have to address application security if you want to lower your risk. *NIST

The question in front of you is

How will you lower application-related security risk while prioritizing productivity and keeping costs in line?


47% of businesses are now using managed services to help address cyber security needs.*


What do those companies know about the path to proactive application security?

Let’s find out.

6 Reasons WhyManaged Services

Holds the Key to Proactive Application Security

Reason #1

Hiring and retaining experts is difficult and costly.

Each FTE can cost $100k-150k/year with a finite skill set and only ~50 weeks of productive time.

Why Managed Services Is the Key

You get a pool of experts in all types of applications and testing strategies.

They come with their own office and security tools and can work on multiple things at once.

Testing gaps in your portfolio invites security risk.

Hackers look for the easiest way in, which may not be the applications you prioritize for limited, internal testing.

Reason #2

Close the gaps: test existing applications and those under development, Web, mobile, and client-server applications developed by your team or licensed from third parties.

Why Managed Services Is the Key

Lumpy demand requires elastic capacity.

Your testing schedule can’t control your application release schedule.

Reason #3

You can instantly add skilled capacity when you need it without having expensive experts sitting around when you don’t.

Why Managed Services Is the Key

When demand spikes you must respond with agility.

Otherwise, you delay release schedules and stress an already overburdened team.

Reason #4

You can hit the ground running when you face:

• Accelerated development pipelines• Mergers or acquisitions• More demanding SLAs• New markets or industries• Changing regulations • New threats that must be investigated

Why Managed Services Is the Key

Tools alone are not enough to keep you safe.

You may miss critical issues or spend countless hours chasing false positives.

Reason #5

The same tool your team uses may yield more accurate results when applied by an expert.

Because they follow a consistent process, results are more reproducible.

With multiple testing strategies external partners can combine and compare results.

Why Managed Services Is the Key

Application security changes constantly.

New threats and attack vectors emerge and new regulations ramp up compliance requirements.

Reason #6

They can execute manual tests for multi-step penetration scenarios and targeted explorations.

They work with your team to prioritize and remediate vulnerabilities.

Experts know the latest threats, compliance requirements, and remediation tactics.

Why Managed Services Is the Key

What would you do if you weren’t reacting to the latest crisis?

Once a managed services partner removes the obstacles, you can reclaim your staff and reinvest your time.

Let your partner handle all testing, while you focus on building awareness and managing your


Leave run-of-the-mill testing to a

partner and focus your team on more

specialized, in-depth security tests.

Still not sure if Managed Services

is the right solution for you?

Read our eBook

Top 6 Application Security Hurdles and the Secret to Overcoming Them

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