The patch - Social media updates august 2014: Facebook and Twitter Buy Button, Pinterest Rich Pins,...

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E-commerce and social media continue their convergence and integration with three great news this month in our review of updates: - Facebook testing a Buy Button to have ads directly linking to purchase on external retailers. With the large repertoire of possible ads now present on Facebook, it should be a hit! - Twitter launches an analytics for the Organic Reach of tweets. It shows accounts which tweet more can get up to 30% more followers. We usually advice a pace of a few tweets a day minimum. - Pinterest helps Shopify stores with Rich Pins, who integrate metadata about price and more

Transcript of The patch - Social media updates august 2014: Facebook and Twitter Buy Button, Pinterest Rich Pins,...

THE PATCH Social media new features/updates for marketers. August 2014.

Indonesian Elections. China-led Mobile Ad Market. FB Buy Button. Twitter Buy Button. Pinterest x Shopify. LinkedIn Connected.

There’s so much going on, but fret not we’ve got you covered. Read on, Agence Tesla willl show you the way.

Indonesian Elections

All this in a country with only 29% Internet penetration rate. Look out for Indo’s continued social media rise!

A Social Media Race to the Top: Key Stats

SBY Phenomenal twitter following of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the

outgoing President known on social media as SBY

95m Astounding number of election

tweets sent in 2014 (FYI: Indonesia makes up >15%

of Twitter users globally)

200m Facebook interactions RE elections.

SBY-contender Joko Widodo’s hashtag #KeepCalmAndVoteJokowi sprung up to

second place in the top five global trending topics on the day before the election.

China & Mobile Ad Industry New study by AppFlood shows that China accounted for 60% of global mobile ad spending on its network in Q2 2014.

Chinese mobile ad spending trumps that of the rest of

the world combined.

Keep an eye on Chinese mobile ad offerings – they’re set to become the

next trendsetters!

53% of global mobile ad spending being directed to Asia, Middle East,

Africa, and Oceania.

Facebook: Cost-Per-View Ads Go Up …But so will revenue!

Q2 reports from Facebook via Nanigans + Kenshoo released last week show that there has been:

1)  A 47% increase in click-through rates vs Q1

2)  A 57% increase on the cost-per-thousand-views 3)  A 21% increase in ad spending

But… Revenue has also risen at faster rates

= tangible profit and ROI for you!

Facebook: Mentions App New app just for public figures

Facebook launches Mentions just for influencers

Influencers have reportedly posted two times more in the

app in tests

The app is free of ads thus far. But sans ads, look out for new opportunities to work with

influencers in promoting your brand in the future!

Facebook: Buy Button And out-app purchasing ads for higher impressions

Facebook tests Buy Button keeping with the call-to-action

button trend seen on other platforms such as Twitter

Great speculation as to whether the button will be a success or a flop

Tip: Attach discount vouchers to out-app purchasing ads. Sure way to drive ROI, especially if this feature is

introduced in mobile in the next few months.

Out-app purchasing ads also now available on


Twitter: Buy Button too New Twitter card for in-app purchasing

Tip: Retail/E-commerce brands, be ready to have an in-app purchasings presence on Twitter, Facebook, messaging apps and

possibly even Instagram!

Twitter also tests their Buy Button, a step towards a stronger ecommerce strategy

Yet again, another instance of the in-app purchasing trend. As we shall also

see in WeChat this issue.

Twitter launches new analytics for organic reach

Twitter claims that consistent tweeting and

engaging content can easily get one a 30% follower reach


Note the differences between Twitter and Facebook. Tweets are a matter of immediacy and your account

competes with new tweets. But on Facebook, you have to beat other posts via a targetting algorithm.

Do not expect the same organic reach strategies will work for both platforms!

Twitter: Organic Reach Tools Analytics launched for one of its most boasted features

Twitter buys mobile retargeting startup TapCommerce

What it does:

TapCommerce tracks mobile activity (vs desktop activity tracked by cookies) to retarget

your ads across apps

What it actually does: 1)  Tracks products viewed by user

2)  Pushes ad for viewed but unpurchased products 3)  Constantly reinforcing your product makes a

purchase hard to resist 4)  Combined with the Buy Now button, you’re on

the way to higher conversion rates

Twitter: Mobile Ad Repertoire Broadened with startup buy and new tools on the horizon

This is a big move for Twitter as it races against its competitors to constantly improve

advertising options and data. Look out for enhanced mobile ad opportunities on Twitter

in the months to come!

This banner advertisement appeared on the app for some users. The link didn’t

work and disappeared shortly after.

Observers speculate Bolt is either Instagram’s Snapchat-like rival, and the banner advert was

one of Facebook’s accidents (as usual)


Bolt could be a trial for app-install ads in the Instagram app itself

Instagram: Bolt? Another of Facebook’s accidental app launches or app install ad test?

Look out for an announcement soon about such a new app/new feature. We’ll keep you updated on this


Instagram: TV Ads TNT and Showtime score on Instagram

Can’t seem to get Instagram advertising right? Find it difficult because you aren’t a retail


Check out TNT and Showtime’s successful ads for some inspiration. They are the first to

advertise their TV shows on Insta.

Some Tips: Find your own “product” to promote – these networks,

they made their shows & characters the product.

Try connecting your “product” to larger cultural trends by adding relevant hashtags.

Use video too to promote an event or happenings around your business

WeChat: In-app shops and new ads Messaging app e-commerce ready

WeChat launches stores for small businesses and ads in full-message posts from brands’ accounts.

Anyone can now create their own branded stores on the platform, ready with its in-built payment


Ads also now available to link to in-app purchasing or out-app purchasing

E-shopping has already gone mainstream for larger brands and retailers so barriers to entry for small

businesses are low.

WeChat may not be as popular in SEA but…If China’s edge in the mobile ad market is any indication, innovations in WeChat (China’s most popular social media platform) will set the bar for trends in SEA.

Keep an eye out for this social media dragon!

Pinterest launches automatic Rich Pins access to Shopify users

Rich Pins are pins that contain

information such as price and location

Tip: Retailers on Shopify take advantage of this! Rich

Pins help your customers access product information easily.

This is a simple way to open up opportunities for conversion!

Feature automatically available for Shopify brands

Pinterest: Shopify Rich Pins

Pinterest: New Follow Button A new way to put your brand’s best foot forward

New Follow Button serves as a promotional tool

Easily placed on your website, this follow button will:

1)  Open up a new window (users won’t leave your main site!)

1)  Feature your bio 2)  Feature several pins to give users a

preview of your pins

Accounts currently using the follow button will be upgraded automatically.

If not, add this button easily via the widget builder

Tip: Once again coordination across platforms is key. Make sure your message is consistent on pinterest and

your main site. But make sure your Pinterest offers followers something different from your other platforms.

Pinterest: Related InterestsIncreased brand visibility on Pinterest!

Pinterest helps take the load off advertisers and makes it easier for users to find YOU!

New Related Interests Categories will now appear under each category

A couple of months back we talked about tagging words related to your product. Here’s how that process

increases your brand visibility.

Tip: Besides just pinning and tagging relevant words, try pinning items that also fall under categories related

to these key words. For example, if your company deals with “Hiking” and

“Mountain Trails” appears as a related interest, consider pinning something to do with Mountain Trails

Foursquare: New logo, New App New everything!

Foursquare has made several huge changes in the last few months. And now, it’s about to

launch a whole new Foursquare.

What’s changed:

1)  Check-ins all shifted to Swarm, where 75% of existing Foursquare users are already active

2)  New app that focuses on the geo-Search capabilities of Foursquare.

3)  New logo

Given the new emphasis on Search in the new foursquare, expect advertising on the platform to benefit f&b and physical retail establishments

Google: Play App Update Better Interface, Better Experience = Better Business

All new Google Play has:

1)  More scrolling but is still user-friendly 2)  White background

3)  Repositioned app screenshots and changelogs

4)  Video trailers also stand out more 5)  More colourful user ratings

6)  App review page less cluttered 7)  Share buttons now under app reviews

These changes are part of Google’s larger commitment to material design. Expect similar changes to be seen in

Chrome in the coming months.

Tips: Make full use of the emphasis on the video trailer. Some say a great app trailer is the

secret to app stardom!

Snapchat: GeofiltersAnother way to have some fun but also brand your turf

Snapchat launches Geofilters in LA and NYC

As users roam around the city, their geo-data lets the app customise filters as they take their photos. These filters mark your brand’s territory in the


Potentially useful for small f&b chains with cult appeal e.g a café that sells the

latest food trend like…Cronuts! Snapchat is definitely trying to open up advertising options so stay tuned for more of their shenanigans.

LinkedIn: Connected App Welcome to social life, LinkedIn

LinkedIn launches Connected, an app it expects to greatly enhance the social

factor and freshen up its networking + worklife experience.

Cool functions such as “pre-meeting intelligence” to help you remember:

1) information on who you’re meeting i.e key interests

2) their current employment location 3) your shared connections and networks

Tips: Use updated personal information provided by Connected on your connections in conversation to establish

rapport. Conncected can help you create the personal touch.


Agence Tesla, a social media agency in Singapore and Paris

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The Patch - Social media updates for marketers from Agence Tesla Asia 20