The Party and Class Thaf Made It Possible … · MAGAZINE SUPPLEMENT . 8£cOND IEC:TIDN power when...

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Transcript of The Party and Class Thaf Made It Possible … · MAGAZINE SUPPLEMENT . 8£cOND IEC:TIDN power when...


power when it pene­

trates t he masses."

-K&rl M&rx. IHE DAILY WORICEA. Thla magulne auppl• m..-rt will appear eve'7

. s .t,nby &. TIM Dall1


NOVEMBER 1.. 1124.

The Party and Class Thaf Made It Possible · murrltloo p~au Ia Petrocrad. Food .. All together, with united forces , tblac.-botll

ly WILLI AM F. DUNNE. r lota occu~ lnTolYinc lbOQ.JilQda or wt ahall fttht for the complete ~ It aut a tetecnm lO lhe cur urc·

S.nn yur. aco the rect cock of tbe social reYolutlon b:a.IIN the da wn of a new e ra and Ylnd lcated roroYer the thaortu of Mo.r .r- the tnuter The

~~·;r:a:!,:!ela s:~:t~~~:ZC'-,r;eat~~=:~ : laJa method and thereby be trarlnK the worklnc cla11, denlf'd the .. J•Ith they bad prostituted •hen ther hurd Ita Juaty cba11 nee alrna.lllnr; the ml&h ty blow the Ruula.n workfH''I and pt'3·

aanu de. lt wor ld apl(alJJm. The ·~ dallata ol the SecoDd Intera11tlona1 be­came the blttuca t f!De mlea or t he na .. lan re•olutloo, but the lt uuiAn rc•olutton. tho Union of Soclllllal Sov· let Republica and the world re•olu· Uon Dtltl li ve, They become atron5ter each dap and under Lho lu den htp or the Communis t lnteTD&Uonol- born of the tmperha.l la t war and the Ru111lan re•olutl~- orJ;aal:te the workla& elau for the captu re of powel' It' enry eou trr.

What orc:ea msde the n!IYotutJon I.a. Ruaa la- not on lr the complete onr­thro• of capitalism aod utatocrner. but the bourceola rn•olul.lon that pro­ceded tho ftna l su rrender of tho atate power lo til e worker• and peuanta T The aoclal democraiJII balled tho pro­Y"ialonal JICOYe.rntnent that Aroae aft e r tbe abdlealloo of the cur aa the ftaal trtumph of The m:a.n mo•e meDt or the worten • ad pea· santa wu auppoa~ to atop therfl and walt for the aoc:b l democratic &a 1'"1on to make furth er tmpro•ementa.

Jlowla of from e•ery atroar;. bold ot soc l•l democracy s re-eted the rfae or the So•lets and whoa tho d:c· tatorahlp of the worken tlnd pea. tanta waR catabllshcd a nd th , Ket · eaaky ~:o•emment was thrown on the acra p plio with other sarb3Cf' ot hl l!l · \OrJ. the a n~: e r of tho ~ntwltlto .. ,.. . lora of tho wor ki~J: eb.u , uneon· troUabte. Ther renew~ thei r all~«l· a.aee to tbfl eapltalbl elan and fur· tb f! democratic srnok~ ac:: r~fln behind which OPfjtated the murderou11 forcea of wor ld Jmperl.atls rn .

t It waa not the midd le clau and

eaplta lll1t clan of Russia th At OYil r· ' th row czttrl ~tm nor wall It the libera l

, ..../ ( and aoclal·democraUe tnt eliiJ:entaiR 1.. that compnaed tbo proYit co,..c rn ·

ment. NothiDI Wtla fur ther rrom the

~ IDI\. :t!:~~~~ 0~t 0trh ~::'e etem~ata tb:. n t he


' ~


"' ,. '

Smt. The r wanted . JastR:~~:rrlm~:~~::~ COD a.IJied fi:OYetnmf!DIA W:lll!ed. a Cha.n,;c

In pc~noane1 . a ~laee re1'otutlon that would, bp &l•la' a democt:lllc color tn the Ru u t:t.n rc,; ime, p.:u;l fy t h.-, u~tl lli !l f'" aad f' nahtc lt111uda to pror~ecutfl th•• wu more cmctently.

The ltns:t!A n b011r~('O I 1' 1 ,. h:HI len rn . f.!d 'R f,.uon la 191"5. They htul no Intention or ~leu l nf: lloc ln.l fnrcea that wou ld aet In mollon thf'l krt>a. t mua of the opprf!lsed In Ruullt. but tber mlaulculated thf'l e llt en t of the dl•eontent , tbey underratlma ted l.he n•olutloauy elan of the Ruulan wotke n and after the onrthrow or t.he cur by tb\ Russla.a ·mauee, In el1bt montba, marched atral.~h t tbru tle defense~ or Rusala.n upll.a11am to t.he dletatonblp of the prnletarlat.

It 1a Juet u well to aetUe here the put plaped ID the onrtbrow of thfl esar bp the cadets ud the aodal de­JMU&ta. h tate u March 4, 1111. YUTUII:O'f had declaftd Ia tbe Duma ~&1. ConataeUaople wu Raaala'a &o&J Ud tbat .. Jt Wt e&Dnot CODqner wft.b Ot. IOYf!rameat.. we wll1 eor:aqu er Ia "tt.e of tb l• co•eramfllt. bat we wtll M • letortoua.• The Duma wu latef'o • ted onlr Ia the lmperlallatlc ll.lm. of the w~. but pao•le wen b11n · ~. The Duma dlcl notblac to coatrol tM food aupplr. It tried te wla the ....., by talkiD.C arad to alla7 lllU.i dl• eontent by tbe NJIU meUiod.

Tb11 work~ claM took ID&Uare .. u. 01m b&Ad•. OD KarP •• .... ltrlllea were deoi&Nd I.a. t:IM hWoa


wor ltera. On March 9. the workers movat of the old govemment and Inc: '"The lmmedl&te COD'fOC .. tiOD or or Pe troB"rad wero out oo the 1treeta tho convocation of a cOnstituent •• the leclllatiYe bocUe1, tbe retirement nad l'l£hla took (ll nc:o with tho Cos- aembly, chonn on the baala of un~ of the preaeDl eouDcU of mlolaten. 11ack8. Auemhi ~ICO was forbldd on by vern! , equ.l, direct 1nd aecret auf• a.nd tho eatruatla,r. to a poraoa deae"· General Chanlotr, cnmmeader or the frage." In< or the catloaa1 ooa ftdence, to pre­Cossacks. In a proctllmllltlon anaounc- What or tile 'Du1D& du.rln.r tbla att r. ae nt to you, Slre, for coaft rmalloa , la.r thAt the troopa bad been ordered rlac pertodl "Nothlac Ia plalaer thaD tho Hat of a new cabinet eapable of to ftre on the crowda. that It teared the popular :monmaat mat~.q:lar; coa.atry Ia comph1te ac­

The Pet ror;rad correapoedeDt of t'be ::aad trted bp both pc~nuaeloa and for-ce cord wltb t.bc reprtte.Dt.atl•e• of tbe Xew York T lmea wlrt"tJ hla p~J)f:r : to atop IL Oa Marc.b 11. Rodt.laako. people. Enry hour I• precfoua. F\l.r­.. A num ber of c•uau working t~ president of tbe Duma. tba fol · lher delay and beett.atloa threaten Ia·

!:tf;!.~~ h;o~::!. t=l~h:r\'':o'":o~e;! low~~e~l1:!.7i:'n lta0a:~l~u~~:heupt· u!~:la:~:a::f::o:: .. ~ order tbe ll eve there Can Be Any Serloua tal Ia In • at1te of anarchy. There Ia DU\.IIM to dl.ea.rm. Trouble Wh ile The Duma le In Se.. oovernment Ia paralyzed. Thera II Dut tho maaa~ 4.Ld aot dtaanD. On alo n. All ruterdar the un iverul . d lae.ontent. The atreeU Ma)'ch 15, tbe"'csar wu a.rretted. Jle


Le ader of tho Cerman Comm\; ;-~ Party;

streets we re full of p~oplc a ltho Petrograd Ia heavllr p111troUed by Couackl and mounte"d pol ice . Thr general atmosphe re Ia llka a bank ho liday with thunder In t he air." (Emphuia ml~e . ) '\'ome n. of lbe work l n~ clu.a we n!

actl•o to t he food rtota that became more wide t~ pr,.ad. Thep marched u~ to the sold ie rs and aalc:ed them wou ld ther ehoo t hu rr workerfll, !heir own people. T lonle ot the troope went down zero aud wh :~r~t littl e ahoo llo r took p e. ac n ed onlr to furth ~ r arou.Be the masllea.

On March 1, orde r• to nre upon the crowda were oMyM ontp i-. hlolntrd Ja ataccu. The aoldleu thcm"e: IYea were tired or wu aad oa the e n of mutiny. Almott e•ery • orkrr In the Petrocrad dbtrtet wu on trth by tbll Uma ud sold ier& ud wortr n be:can to r:r.tert~Js.a .

Tbe cry of lllie maJiea had cban~ted from "'bread'' to " reYolutlon."

c5-. Ma.rcll 1!. armed worken ftlled t.he atree&a. nchUDI •lth loyal do· tacbmuta ot tl'OOPI &nd tba pollee 'bec&me ... .-.1. J1'N ram•a• re&i· 1aeata .s.taM tbe worbn aad tbe 110-U.. wv. .............. A coa.nen or worUn ... ~ ...., t6n:Decl an4 tal'" p-ol ll&rda U, oald :

are fUied with disorderly fighting, unlta of th e :a. rm r ~re nrlng on e ac:h other. tt Ia ne-cuury to, appOint som~ona Immediately whom the country truata to form another min· lst rr. Make haste. Proerutlnatlon means death. I pray to God that the rupona lbllltr will not fall upon him who wear• the crown." The n~u dlt.J ltw'zla nko aeut on·

other toltl (l; r:am to the czar : "Atf:~ l ra are 1worae. Vou muat • ct

at once. Tomorrow will be too late. Th la Ia the lut hou r In wh lc:h to de· elde the fate- of the country and of the dy'haaty!' The Duma d id not wnat a ruatu.

tlon. lt feared a. reY"olutloo and th fl docu meata 1ho• that It itood by tbe cz.a.r to tbe luL

It wu onl1 wh~n on M:trch 1!. 1.1.rst~t bodlea of troopa npproared be/oro t ho Duma and chee red \be re•olutfoo tbat tbe Duma acted . It •Ppolnt~ :a com· mlttu to taka ch:trR:e. Rodt.l.Doto wu malle chal rm~t.n .

The pollee bp thf~t tl tno were dg· ruted. Th l't Jnll !l were opened and tbouaa nd1 ot polltlcnl p rl!on~n. mroat of tbrm 1k lllcd revolutionary :~cltAtou,

were freed . T wo bundred coYern· me.nt oflciAla were arrested.

TbJ.a Duma co:nmltt~ d id two

abdicated and named Orand Duke Mlchul AleundroYitcb aa recent. The Duma commi ttee appointed the pro­Yblona l COYernmeot wllb Prtnee LYOY u p~mle r. Mll:rutoY, mlatater of ror­efkn a11'alra. Gucbl::o•. mjnlater or war and marine. Kereaaky. mi.Jallttr ol juallee. '

Tht. proYbloulao .. nuoent did raot take the poelUoo that C1111•m b.u beeo deatroped. MllyukoY u pre .. ed the 1'1ew of the pro•leional CO,..,..._ ment whca be _pt·d Ia. ·• ape~b:

.. The old dnpot who broueht Ill.,. eft te the eel .. of lflaaatar will YOlo untarlly abdfc.ate or be de'"ed. T'he go.,.mment wUI ,._ to a reeent. the GrM\41 ou•• M lef\HI Alexa,._ drovltch. af'Mf the heir Aleda tf'M uatevlte.h (ctfH of-but that Ia tM old dynasty) . Ya.a. glrrtlamlf\. that Ia Ule old dyn ... ty, -"lc" ,.rtr....­you do not lib •nd whloh ,.rhaiJill I dlallka myaalf. We propeN • pe,.. lltrnentary connttutlonal mon· erehy." The pro•la!Ollal conrnmt~tnt eba.DC·

,.d nothJnE ID. RunLa. 11or did It alter the attltudo or lbe former KO'fernment I>')WafdJ t ht~t war. Oa M.a.C.b 11, MUJ'11• ko" aent a Dote to Ruulan repreaent•· live• Ia. other eountrln 1Jl wbkb be uld :

.. , " the doma in of fore ten policy. the c.ab lnet. In wh ich I am charged with ttle portfolio of mlnlahr of fore ign affa lra. will remain mindful of t he International agreamenta en-­ter\ct Into by the fallen Nglma 1nd will honor Ruaal•'• word. • . • The government of whlc:h I am part will devote all of Ita cnetty to prep•r• tlo n of victory.• The mau ea bad re•olled &I·&IDat the

.c":tr, but lbe proT1afonal &:onrnmeat •roDOAed to drhe them back to the 'hambl~a. By lb.Ja poller It teparated ILlicit from the maaaea &.ad It• fo.U tnuJtable.

Around thl a bsue of peaee or war •ho rovolulloD. or;:aalzod lltetr. Clon .nl., reata became tbe CUidiDI factors tud the nctlon of a ~tonrnment repra­ten tJnc tbe whole people waa ao IODC· l! t tonabltt. The proYI&Ional 1o•ern· .uen t re-worded IC. aloaa.aa of tmpe­rl•H•t wa r a Dd lmpertallaUc peace, bat maaa unrut conUnued to crow. So•· !e ta of worken. peuaata and aokUen .; prua1 up thruoutthe nation and cba._ l t> DK~ the :tuthoritr of tha pro•ls lonal ~o•crnme ac.

Whon on May 1, the pro•falonaii01'· crhmcn t aent a note to the allied 10•· t<> rnme nts In wblcb It ~tpoke or .. l.h e na. Lion'• dete rmination to brla1 lbe war to a dec laiYe Tfetory .. ~ 1ald the "'the pro,..lalonal ,;onrn eat Ia aafo­cuardlna the rt1hta uqu d for our country wnt maintain a 1 ct recard tor Ita encqementa with the altlu of Ruula" the fury of the muaea could not be reatr;Uaed. Gre:tt al.rtkea 1\Dd ma11 demoustratfoaa were ata1ed :1nd an attempt math! by aoldlen to arrest the pro•latonal (ll:: onrnmcnt.

The council or So"Jiets wn• lUI nt In t he handl'l of tho non·reYolutlonary olornf!niA :.llbo the Dohihe• lkl were ncUYe. Lcni D bad arrlnd ID . PCi lro­&rad In April •nd httd ta ken the lu.d la the r~Yolutlonary q:UotloD.

(Contlnu('d on P~o L)



Program of the Comm~t lntemation~l DRAFT A!JOPTED AT THE FIFTH WORLD CONGRESS

(Coaeluded trom Jut Saturday.)

l. The Proletarian Dldatorahlp • and UMi CIUML

The atruc.r;le tor tho e%J)roprtaUon -of the exproprtaton nqalrts the most thoro. atadr or all elements of lhls

~~ bourcool1le and tb& r ich lMidownen, u well u that part of tbe' omcen' a.nd army atntt aubjoct to tbem, uo tho mo-t coaalaLcDl CD@.mlu or worklnl c:Ja.aa, IJld a bitter atn.&cle qatust them Is· ablolutclr t.DeTit.abla. M a rule It It oo•· a1•1• to aUlb.e Of"'&ald.DI powon of ~oae clrclu alter tho dlctatorablp hu bHG" -.t.ablltbed. acd all eoo­aptra.c:JcJ of nplolt&tloa aprlalnca h&YO been detormlne417 auppreuod.

Tb.t qUMltOD of the teehalcal braiD 'worke.n playa a moet lmporla!lt role for prolotarlaa roYolaUoll. En.ry cow.ater-re .. olali<MI&t7 acdcm mt&teat.­lac bl the rub ot \be t.ea.leal br&.la worten mull be rfiOf'01UlY npprn. eel. ba.t at the ume Ume ~olo­c.a.rtat •uat l.Dto colLS.Id.era.Uoa the a..beohtto aeeeult:7 tor these skilled workon. CAretullr &Told UJ action wblcb could tojuro them OC"OllomkaJIJ. eapec:lolly tbo"e croupa wblch baTe already suD'c rcd thru t he war. Theae lntclltetua.l rorce. 1hould

~ ~:~~~~ u:udtc~oPJ~~~~~': ~:u~~: of bull r:Sibl: up soclalr. t culture.

Wltb re:card to lbe, the Comrnub!at l'artr Is con!ro~ted wltb the tas \: ol wlnnlbt; o•e r a ,J'eal p.3.r t of lhf'l pean ouy for the p.:u-ty. T bn .-lctorlouM Drot~;~tnrh:l.l mu.s t dltrerf'n · ll::a.te strictly lx.ltWC!OD Lbo n.rtou• Krnupln,;.a wtt.bln tho pcasu.ntry l lllclf. cs~alo their • pocUic hnportancu. ::&Jld ahJ the I!Uldln ... aeml·prol~..-1.arlnn e.lemeDlll of tbe peua.atr7 by onry poaslblu mt::uu. I IYe them a p:&.rt of tbe b(% 1.1ndo•aera' properlJ, belp In their atn&.g:c la :t£aJnat u.uriou.s c.Apl· t3.1. e.l.c. The prot.tarl&t Mus t ullllu the middle eleclent:t by leaTinJ: their land and the ir pc"seaslona aatouc.bed, "l.nd by con1bntlu~; c•crr attack lJY the rlcb pauantrr In comblaallon wlt.h the r ich IADdOWDf'fl.

Ia. thta atnac&le t.he proletariat ~haald baM H• ac.U•IU~ upoa \be or· ~:lAla.atlo1111 ot tb• poore.r popglaUon or ccuatry, wl:llldl ..,.. u.ader tbtt !1!2c!enblp of tbe cour:atry profcwlat lD all couatr'~ where the arstcm of -:.;rlcultun.l wa.&o labor ~ denlopcd.

• The petty boufl!:~lalo of tbe ciUea. "A'blcb llu alway• wuered betwoen eslrome ructloa and IJmpalhy for the prolctnrlat. Ia at.o to b4t aoutral· !zed u tar aa IIOI'ILble. Tbclr aeulrtt.l· lt7 U asaun~d If their proper1y Is aot touched. U they aro a.llo•ed llbe.rty ot economle In tercourse, a.Jded In their at.rGC&Io D&:&lnst usurious fotDU of credit, etc. , IA ord.d Eo ruldll Dll these tub tho

moat n.rytnK on;anlu.tlons or tbe proletariat (co-opcr .. th·u, t r ado v:aJons. and olhur ftssoel:ltlpos, and eblcdy lho p:nty u leading po"·er In the rnoluUon) muat be ac tual or~:..aa of I)TOietartan power. rr 1s only ._,h,.n lhct~o orcantz.a.Uooa teed uollmHed .apport to tbo pro\et:u-l:tn power, only wbco lbe c~a will Ia perfectly unhed. aod wben tbe p!l.rty b:uJ the luderablp. ltJ:at lho prolct:trlat C:tll tracceJI:\Cully carry out Ita pnrt u ort;:tni:M or aoclc ty u a whole In tho moat crltl· c.a.l pe riod or humo.n hhll.ory.

4. Abolition of the Bouroeola Nonopoly of EducJ.tlon.

Tbc prole lJirlll t, when cbolla t hr mor:aopoly ot tbe cnpltal l&t d 3 of tb• m~ or prod uction. almult:tn eously du troT l he mono ., of e.h: oUoa In the h:tntfa or lht~ ~url'eolsl •· thtll b . It muRt tnko oTer :tU achool:f and unher~ttllea.

Oao or thll mo~t lmMrta.nt tuk8 nf th0 Drolf'lttrltt l I• lo tr:aln ~~:killed t t-<•h from tho rtlnks of the worl:lnr. cltU! R, not only In the 11phere or pm­d uctlon fenJ;ineen. mech::.nlu. <r':ln· ltera, bookkf"f'pt•n . e te ). b~t for •dl"11· Uflc and mltll!l.fJ • ork. et.e. Thl~ I• tho or:aly wa.y poulbt• or enab lhu:: ~:roupa of qul\lln~ worke r• tu be continua lly tl•ldf'd to t t o prot•· tart:ln power, •o th:'lt lhla mny h• r~nlhy hi•come n l••:u!lnr PO'III'f'r In llu• dcTc l·mcnt or anc!cty.

To 1 11 1 ~ tr.ak mus t be :t·fd l'tl tho fur thu Usk of rat.lnc tho ,;ene r:1l cui·

tunl Je,.ol of tbo proletarian mus"Cs. euce ot the protewlan ali'UJ'IIe, baeo~ or leadlnc the manes to tbo direct the lull: ot their poUUcal euUcbteD· oa tho reToluUonarr lhoorr of Man· attack on tho bour&eola alate. Tb1111 ment. raJ•Inc the lenl of lhefr 1r.Dowl· lam. Repreeentl.a.& tbe ceDe.ral and acbleYo4 by the adYancement of more edco ud t.echnlul Qu:~IIGeaUons, their perma.nO.Dt LDt.eruta or tho clua u a marked alo12.Da a.atl tho laereulo.& praclleal lntroducUon Into scxlal wbole, tbo pa.rl.J, embocUet tn ttae lf lr:ateD.attr or ma.. moTement., to work, ond !urtber . the combatlnc or the unity or proletarla.n prlr:adple:a, of wbtch mutt b4t aubordlcated aU 'fa~Us:es ot bours:::eot ud petty bour· prole tufar:a 111111 &nd of prolotarbn br:lllch~a of party q ltallon aDd propa.. ' K~MJII preJudk~. e tc.. teYOIDUODIJ'1 a.c:UoD. CUda, lnchad iDI pa.r tlllmenta.r"1 actiTI•

Amor:apt the b of comb!l.llD~ J.kolnr: 3 militant or;anlz:Uioo wblcb ties. Tb~ao comprtaQ atrlkea, c.ombJ· bourccota preJudices Clod au~riiU· le!ldll tho prolctarl:lt to tho c.oaqu~at nalloos or atrlkes acd demoaatn.tioDI,

~~:.~:· -~~D~~~e~:;f:n.1' • ta:::, b!b~:~ of power, It woalat.a ,of acth'o ro\'olu· combination of armod do~ODilrltloaa muet bo carried on with aU r equlsllr ttonurr ftchlcta. O'lrerrooe or whom nnd strikes. ftnally, the ceoerul laet ud DJI eauUon. etpec:_lall, amoa, Culftla somo dut1 ror the puty. It atrtke 1n eotUuncUoa wllb the hlcheat. thD!e SM:Uon111 nr wr•r ; ~ . • lbua r • preaeat.a :1. r e•oluUooary p.3rty Corm of tho direct mlllta..ry ftcbt daflJ Ute TOUcloa hu bltherto bee:a Uouad by an. iron dbcJpUne aDd by acaJnst lho aute power of tbe boa.r­dettply rootN. .he s tr!cteat re•olutJoDa.ry ordt.r of ceotalo. Tbla 4&bl J.a aubJect to m.UI·

The protcta.rla.D ltate power mus: rte.mocntlc eeotnlkm, atlaJoed lhru' rules; It p~uppo.sea a mllllary di~Dl:IDUe all a1.&10 npport tO tbe \.ODacJOUI1lesJI 0( tlle proJot.artaD pi.:LD (tbe J!isln& or lime a..a.d pbee, cba:rchea. preTat •Ill' latcrterence br •~UAI'd a.nd thn& lta d.,..olloa to lbe ot.e.). I&CJ'CIIITe, opera.tlooa. and UDdl· tho c.harch 1n .tate orunlzed edae.'\· ruolulloa. tbra lta ability of main· Yh.lcd loya.lly aDd borolsm on Ute part Uoa and tur1.ber a&bt all ooun- talala~ elo .. eoatact wflb tbe prol& of tbe prolet.a.rlat. Sacb aedoDJI pr• ~oluUoD...a.ry actiYily of ebnrch tarlaa auaea &ad with tho ma .. ea la aapDOH orcaniJAUoa ot oraanbaUoaa or their lncl1Ti4aal ceaora.l and COI'T"Kl aDd JlexJble broad muata lDlo mlllt.ut bocUia. npreaeat&tiTH. polfilcal loAdenhJp. wbleh Ia COD· wbtcb br lhelr Yer'J' form ahoal4 at-­a. The Remon! of lmpcrl.all11: Pr-e• at.aally U1ed t epl l.aformod by ttad. -d aet Into mollcm tM lari:Oit

...,,.. aM tile O'lJ.anl.utlon af tho csperieacn of the bro2dett ba.m.Mr. of t.oUe.ra (eounclU of W«k· Voluntary State Auoel.atlona mauea. ' en' e.od peuuta• deputies, eo14Jen•

of the Proletariat. lr:a ardor to fulftll IU historic la.flc. cooadla. etc). A p~reqalalta tor Tho m&J.n aapporta of the C1,.:uJUc. the Communist Party malt prelhnla-. Y1ct.artoaa tacUea f1 propq-&Ddllt

lmoerl:t.llat state were a r:ad are the :\r· arlly undertake aDd c:lrry out tho ro t· work tD the army aad n&'f'7.

tldctnll¥ creAted r elations between the lowlns ltnllcglcal aim•: Tbe proceu of uaiUn& the manea

:~~::~8•1 an~ct~~~l·c~~:~l~ral~a~d ~~J lltlnK under 101 lntluenee tbo major· under the Ccmmunllt Gq muat be

~~!~nl:! :~~~~;t ~~~;::::~~ ~~: ~~~~:~~~~n ~:m~:~:~ 1~o~:C-:. cl::~ ~=~~~~~ ~r:;~ :f,~u~la ~~~tt1::Jn~i not only from tbe Tlew lot or tht" ,-our.;: worker•. the do..ncer of treab lmpertali.Jt wan. t!t"C.'lY of aplt;t.Jiat r t l;u lon..a, but :1.t.o Orlnc under Ita loOucnce the bro..,d et.e. tram the YleW"pofDt or ca t)ltallal at.ruc· rn:usu of toll~n tn c (lhe poor 0 b · t1 1 d hi

ture. ~~)!:~ t:~:e:~d 0~~el~t~~;,!:,:.~· bu~l:; :~eatb:: ~e::c~~e:0..:~ tlh: ln tbfs rupcoct the pro~ram or the tba ~lied .. ~·mea,'" L o... the atru"le uaiDil. the economic ruuJt•

~:~;::,~~~·~e~~~~':.~"~:n~o:~~e~~ ~; ~tiY·bonrgrol.s ~lembta In ~:enernl t . _pr tht: Will' end poat·WRr erfslS. (F1Khl nnd thus to achieve tho politiCAl hc~c· :a,;a lost lacroa•ed prices, ll&&JD•t ua ..

:~:~~~:o ._!~ !~c .C:~~c~~~~:Y :bour· mony of tho rrotota.rll\t, under 1 he employment, . n,;nlnat lon~er workiDI 1. The rl:bt of •~lr-datermlnatloo . !caderahlp of tho Communist Puty. hours. &ealnll hl&:b er uuaUon. etc.)

under wblc.b 11 aho to be uude,.tood It must utlllza the coaOicta fa tho The support of So1"1Ct Russia, aa a the rt.&bt ot complete K'Pa r•Uoc from rutin£ eluacs. both In Ita o~ coun· mean• tow:t.rda slren~thenln~; It and the atate. Tbla PT1•clple Ia blndla.c try aDd oa an fa te ra:.UoCAI aca.J (l to1nrda mobnlzln;; the maaaea •bout u a rec;al.retnent to be! dem~d~ or e. uUlluUon of war crisis). lbb a.nLI-caphoUat ee r:a ter poiDt.. coD­lh• boaf'leola atate. wbcn It ae"ea u 0\acr.cilt. e.spose and deatro7 t he sUtat6 tbe most pol:"erraJ Of"PAlzlnc a weapon tmperl:lllam. u:d Ia paJ.Itlcal latlt~oee or aoeb.l..cfomocracy IDSttument Ia the bAnda or tbo l.ater· Of'IUa.lly blndlDI uade.t tbe nclme or :a.nd of lho yellow t.n.da union butl!au· D3tlonlll workiDJ: prolatartan. dlctaCorlblp. where It C:tllb, wHo are tho most rollftble 111 1>' F'or the eoordlaatlon 0'r acUona, and •~"a• u a meana of o•ercomiD& the porteu of ~plt31l•m. a.nd brtn& under tor the purl)tlaoful lutlerahlp tberoor. nattoaal dlalnllt nur1urcd lbru eeD· Ita tnnuonco tho mass orc.1.Disatlona of the fateraaUoaal proletulat requtrea turtea of bauf'leoll &o•crnmcDl. the Drolet.'lrlat (trade unloaa, co-oper· o.a lbtern.allonaJ claat cUo~elpUne

J. Tbo Uberatoln ol the colonJoe:, :)CITO socle llt'l. Cactorr and workc:ra' wblcb m ust abon an be atrSeUy ad: :o~:e ~rt .::~~~l=lal ,:a;.: counc:Us, and so on). hered to Sa the ro..nh of the Com.·

~=e~f :Or::!~~= ,:~: e.~:':l: of Ia t~~ ·~Z::,'::~ thz!o~~":nZ:~~ ~~:~ ~'::~~~1:'tftrp~~· ::~:!~ aceorded the rt&ilt of wpan.Uoa. =~e';e..:S":,trc:~:ta~~~~. ~Dolldc:":rt~~: ::~= .:~ l~:C.~u~~~~'!on ,;r ~

J. UD of 8oT1ct Rcpubllcs, at Uon of clau rorees; tbe decree o t moTement to Ita nneral &nd penna.. ftr~t lD e rm or • fec! orallor:a. e:'pllallsl atr'e nKth ; tho dcCTee or pr~ nont LateraaLII, and by the nnqualU!od. rela~:t 01 ~a 11 ~r!":~;~':Oa'::l:.b:~: lfllArlon prep..aredoesa, the aitlludo of execution of alt reaolutlona pa. .. cd b7

CoiDfm t lnt attor:aal pula for· ~0 :.t~';"~~~:'•e~ai~~:J:d:U:,.o a~~ !:~::~'::al~riADI or the COmmunist ward ema.ada r tbe equality of na- the mar:aDer or Ita alnltc1e In conrorm· ~n 1 'i:!:.or tbe IIUon of all UIU· lty with theao circttmJtucea. While tJro~':.,:e ~~t~o:o~~n~n~

T e Commanlat lnten~2.UOn!l.l also a.dnac:tnc ll whole ae rte.a Of transf· Uoaal m.ak_ea It taeumb~nt UPQD all Jl.a Ocbta &&::UDat upltallat lmrnlln.llon llon:'ll IIOI(ana ud p;1rtlal demands. wecUo:~a carefully to wel~b :ill tbo ,. !~twa (tor Laataaee , tbe aati-Jap:l.lleaC which aro det.ermJDcd by the ~l•en .:ull:t:'ltlea of the altu.:t.Uon 1D thelr lmmlc-rntloD lAw In U. S. A. ). o.nd coo· c lrcum"unc('a, tho p:~.rty mu!lt aubor rc.apcctlvo enuatrloa. Obly bY' atudr­tluc t.a prop:~t;anda a1nlnat :a ll klnll" a t •llno lo thoso dem:tnd:~ aod thc•o alo· Inc lhc:aa peeullar\Uce Ia It poqlblo ChnuTIDhlm ADd natlonalllllm, ,Yen IC ,:ana lo Ita re"olutlonary t;onl of tho to conduct" real Ma nllln policy. Tbo I'UCb prejudko abould exist •moo~ l·a pturo of power llDtl OTerlhrow or diU'ercnco lJeh~·.:on tho couattfea ot tho workiDf!: c.Ja.u. Tho Communis t bourKtoOia-a(lllallat •oeloty. llenco, It blgbty dcn loped eapltatlam, whleb are lntoroatlo t:al la p!l,rlic;ularly cnefl;~:Uc Ia ln:adm\ullJlo tor the p:arty cJtber to oo \he thre.ahold o C lbe proletarian In lt.a c.arup3.J~;n a.r. hut Ch::,u ,·:~.nlam hold :aloof rrom the enT}'dar needs re •otuUoD; tbe eountrlu oa tbe eu .llmoilc lbc peopi(!A of tbo ll'Cl'l t ar:ad everyday •truc~:tea of the W'Ork· of bourceola rnoluUon. which mut powers. e ra. or 10 limit Ita :acUTILie• to theae be t~sformod Into the

In •le w or l be fact U\o"\t the power e • c ryd!I.Y nef'ds aad OTc.tJday atTUJ;· ro,.olatJoo: and daaUy. th& eo•ntr1ea :1nnot tH! act:.~ by the prolcuriM ,;lea. It Is tho t! or the p:trty, whJcb are aUll eotoalca or aem.l-eoloo­

ntmnlt.:tneoush· In a. ll. o r t!\'CD In l hP whllo u~rlng out !rom the11o need~. to. or lmpert..tlat powert, a ad whleh mnet lmportnnt cnuntrle3, nod thnt. tl'l dl rucl tho thola and action of thll mu•t aUil Ine vitably pua t.bra the lhr n •Coru. prolct:trlnn aln\1.!11 exl.ll l bl"· " 'orklng clnu beyODd tbeae llmlta, I. pbue of colonial and naUoDal ... .,..._ <~ ill {' capll:)lfllt IU\t~•. Ia r'llo or l tle o .• to loud tbe workln& c:lau to the tbla dltrorenco mu1t detennJae the ' nmlty bt"t:aua" of basic pr lnclpfe.ll b· .. rnolullonary nKbt tor power. whole acUYity or the Commim~t Par· t,.•r rn c:.a piL'llls t Prolctnrl:t.a llnteff To Dt'clnc.t tbe rormulaUba of tlu, tlea which are uade.r the 1lD.Horm

omprcr:dsaJ Ob tbe fteld or forcJ.c;:n r art laJ dem.llada tnnslUoa aloJans centralbed l~a.t!onhJp of the Com·

:!:'=;:~~~:~~e~.~~~~~t=~~'\~l ~~~:~ Is lncomDatlble wlt.h lbe tactical prtb· mttlilit JnternaUoaa.L .,.,,n nbllb3tory ().'orQf,;~ commqrcb.l r fplea or Commualam, for It uaaYold· r-------------. l::C tet!meal3. lo~ns. potlcy of coac('<~· ably lu.d1 tbe party to pau!Yity

!Ilona, p:lrtlclpt~tloa In ,;en,.r:\1 c:onfer· deatroya Ita eoanceUou w1tb the •JIW•' "· an•l othe r Corrn• o( •treement.ll, mflllc•.. Tbe tacUc:a or the u nited tuclu,llm; military -.reem~nla.) froot &Dd the alop.a or tbo workera" IV. The Road to the Dlctatonhlp and pe&M.Jtla' COTOmment torn» tbfl

of the Proletariat. meat eectJon of the tacUot 1. The Party and Ita Rotc. of tbe Commaolst Patt.r durbll' tbe

The aucc:~s.atu l tlchl for tbe prole- whole per1Dd ot eoaqa01t ot tb.c tlli rln.o dlct.aiOnb lp Pl"f'Shf)po&eS Ute m..&uea (Of CommanJam. •·J.Iate nce of a atronl'. to!ld, • tried. OluD a direct reYolutiO'D.U'7' aftna· ll"c:tpllaed. and ceatrallzl!'lol Comc::~uo· tloD,. wbeD tbe ralln.c cJ.u.M. .,.. more t•t Party. or lou dtaorca.nb.tld, wbea the mau01

The prtrt y Ia the •~tncuud or the &1'0 ' In a atate of nTolatJonllf7 es:ette­,\"or Inc c:.ons!!ltlnc-ot the be.c_ m~nt. whea Ulo btermedlate atn.ta moat ~.:::us conflclous, moat a.cUYe and a.t'f) Inclined to co OTV to tbe .sd• or .•• uruJ.;cuu~ mtnlll~"n or t ho elaaa; u tlte prolatartat--tbe pai'C7 of ~pro.


Attend celebtll;;::-of the Se~h Atutlv.,.sar7 .r the Ru .. lan Revolu-.


NOVE:MB~R etA. at 2 p.. 1n.

L..&Mr T.,.ple. ptke and Jdertoa., CANON IBURG.

NOVIUIIII!II lltll, ot 7 p.. m. .,,_Hall,


rmbodl~s tho wbolo collectJYe eJ'perJ. letartat S. coat:routed wta. 11M ~ L------------...1

'!9!'1 •..



Party Campaigns: Thru Branch or Shop Nuclei? By Martin Abern from tho e.ltc:t.lon t.&.mp&lca. wltb ltr Wales sed can eullr end to a dl~ uoloall.~. the aac.Jeua Jar out

J N Judclllc the terri torial braneb and euler, perbape beetle, tlltllll3 or arou- slon on economic condltlont:, poUtl~. work In the ~ron Ia sa ppo·rt of tbe t Lbo abop nuc.leus the quaetJoa tnc lbe worker11, bt:cause ou r orca.nln· the c:lDdlda.tu Ia tho neld. tho Com· cam paten. Tho lutrument or Lbe alwora to be anawered It : which lt Uoaal structure Ia deftchmt. bow muolu Dro&ram. The workers know abop nuc:leaa lD. thla cue woal4 be moat el'ecUn tor earryloc out tbo mach more deftc:leot 111 It t or more each other. that count. a cood deal, tho T. U. E . L., to which, ol couno, Pllttr procram! 'f'llAl and dynamic nctlona- ln altlke•. &Pfii"'aCb Ia not 10 diOlcatt: over, unloll comrade II aeUvft. Com•

Well, Jol'a take tbo recent Worhn demooatratJona, DAILY WOilK.ER So, drat. tho Jlartr nuc:leua C&D lOt speak of tho abop tracUon.a. Partr eloctJoa campaJp. Speed plaa drl • cs. and the like! Unar>eak&ble tocell!.er a lmoat lmmedlatolr. -Ther Partr committees of actfoa. and propa. emc:leacr are e.peclal.Jr needed to tho a.nd ret. It ma1t be notod that the (":LD lar ou t a prornm of work bl the I&DdD. Ia lho s.bop, dolq tbiJI work. pullamcntarr work . There must be preaeot branch form of ora:aoluUoa ls shop; bow to start dlsc:ua1IOn OD top- Thor mlsht. bot the7 doo't. The rea.-

~!c~ ::~~~fp ~:~~~~~:n d~~ :~::~~~~~::a e=t:":otr ~~~taery. It ~I~T tb;0d:~·E~l~ro:!~~::~t~r: =~:e~~~ I~== 't~:O::a!nJ Uu Ia. coaaocUoti wtth the elecUon Now, bow about tho Shoo Nodeus to lbo abop.matea. app<e&J tor fonda. Lho ahop oacleu. lbe bule Partr uolt. campa.lp : apeakerw, Uterature dLttrl· nd the Commonlat election cam Does anr comrade doubt bOw modi ls. Of C01U"H.. lhop wcuk Ia dlatcult. boUoo, eoUecUoo of l.nuce, etc. Verr p:llpf 1t beats tbe old all hollow tor moro aucceastal qur October 21-No. In wa"· bat 1- dUilcaU aad well. Row dooa our Partr function 1 peod, emcteuey, reaulta. lfow t ~ nmber I literature dlltriballor ao more 4UIIf-fOill thu Sa a tern.. thra lbe pre•ent form of orp11laatloo, 111me we ha.vo a Po.rtr of Shop Nadel, w~lt. aoeceaslul u It was. would be torla.l branch. Communlat work thru tbo ten11or1at brancbC!J1 what tlappeas! It ayatemallc&Jir dla tributed dlroctlr ahnr• ha.a Ita dansen. That pha••

Firat. tho NRlloolemco, le t ua nr. The National Omco luuea tta pro- on tho Jobf AI for propncl\nda meet· of It bu no be&rlDJ' bere esc:ept In~

~~a~e:c:.*a::t.::.~,;e~"::!l:~·ea~~a::: ~:~~~:. :,b~~~~tJ~:~e~ ~o •:::~ ~~ltc'::'sedl:~~!.~!:: d!~:·~~~b•n: ~a ubed•:f,e:.:: ~~~:·~~.~bat meettap, thft •ldett distribut io n of !'l:ul"leua Ia tbeo Pa.rtr aalt t:9n•I•Uar: do::ea ne.lchborhood meeUnis. altho And, comradrs, Jut we torcet. we literature, collection or funds And ao or tbe comr:lde1 worklnt: Ia the ume the&e could allll lnd w111 take ptaee, WI\D t a mu3 party, a ma.n Commu~ on. Tbta notice or Ins truction- ~:oes 1hop, factory, or miU. Within U hours bn t let ua hope In better tublon. Ill p,u1y, a Common.lJt Putr of a.atl to enry bra.och aeareta.ry, C. C. ;,;.:. :a fter receipt of lnltrue:UoDt trom tbe Enn from a at.andpolot of collee~ tn c.ION coutact witk the worten, D. P!. C. Our preu. to help alo~_•; ~- 0 .• the Shop Nucleus members can In• money rrom our owu ~mn.du. u ercl• lnc ldeoto1tc:al control &Dd alto c.a n-111 the WtructJoo• aad hold 4 m~tla.t :1ad br ou.t their dtd rou uer atop to th ink bow mueb trylnc phrafea!l7 .to be wltb lbem. propq;anda. work . The oucleu• members concern. <euler :'L eomratle would ,slvo u p aome This ahof) nucleoa lllU\ thop aucleul Party Bnnch Slow In Getting &tar1•d. thom.aelvu m:\lnly with propalt~Ddil· mo r.oy u·bft n he hu ju1t sbt paid otf work m.-kea It poulblo.

Ou r p&rtr brnnc:hcl ceneru.ll y mee t In,; tho othe r 't'."orkers In the ahop. :\Dd haa Ill A tow later, tL•, nery two wcoU, aomo loea orten. Shop Nucleua Cell Quick Action. 5poat for nrl011• thlng1-11lm cbaneo The MCJ"elarY recelna tho In· Tbo comrades know tbelr fellow to 'et It from him thea~ One machlne

Dol1ht vlze the PJrty Thru Shop Nuc lei.

s tructlone trom tbe national omco. worken, aomewhat at a.ay rate. They sbop oaelftus Jn Cblc:aro Uloatra.tea Wltboat elabontfac farther. U F.vca If be aenda oat lettera, wblch lr hue a mowled,;o of tho worke.ra' that b7 a• r ecular weeldr donWoo to ahoa ld be plaln that Ia election cam· ra~ rol' a 190cla.l bra.ccb me<~Uoc. needs. all of them uo dlroc:Uy the Pat:tr c.olle<tod oa the Job. AJJ po.lca acUTtt7 and more 10 In the a t two weeki elapse before the cooat.anllr up acaloat tbo prot.. accepted dutr. other J,ar17 ca.mpa.lp• and :Lcthltlca. btft h meeta to t.ate ac Uon oa the Jem, wbetber It be the boaa or shop Shop Nucl • us fa o,..anlzC'd to Wortc the abop aaclel offer ute bea t mcdi­Pa r hutruetlona ud proc·ram tor conditions, a.trllr:u. Tbere ta a bull Moat Important to aee 11 tbat the uma far Commno£at propasanda and the ele-c tion ~:unpa.lp. It ls nfe tc of approach br t.ho comndu to the Party ttmpal.:n • or:t brine• ret ult.s Orl:'ll.lllu tlon. Shop naclel will help u• · uy about one-h~U of tbe bmnch, at other •ork~,..: The dilc:uulon can bec:luut thl 'Party un it Is orgiln lzcd Jlollhe 't'l:r:e, Lenlnlze tbo part7. beat. aho wa up ot the m-eetloc. A 11la· 'ltnrt on bueba ll or tho Jlrlace ot for work on tho job. It the 1hop Ia Forward to Shop Nuclei! cuu lon take• pluo-wbcr~ to aell or -------------------~-----_:----:-:;--,.------­,~;h·o tlwar li terature. the dlmcu ll y or

collecUua monoy (a lhousond . ...... Letters fr' om Our Rea'der" s J:.l't'CD her~) how to 1ecure pellllona. It required . ud m:tor otter th in.::• wllh wblcb C't'CtJ' comrade II ac· ~ • qu:tln l~d. -- I mtoea; toll on the rathrAfs, In the who wrltH aDd bellena Ia aU tba.t

A. t ow comrades are aw:lte to k"'t· Use It On T,e Don. shop,s, mills a.nd factori~a--compo.aed wh lc.h Is aald , b ls place lllo the Worlr:-tln,; to wort In the aa lona or on lhc To the DAILY WORK .. : Il :-1 ~ad also ot moo :lnd women who 'sre an· f!' n t~art.r of Amertea. job. Out oa the whote. lito Is deau l· your cocour2.1:IDK' artJclo ut l n~~~: work· emplored. Clearly It Ia np to t.bem.'" J . MARCUS. tory, thor declalm: It will tatlo ~ N 'll to wrate aomethln~~: or tl! el r e :a:· :"'ow, wCJ rk,. ,.. rC"ad It 11pln and SL l..ouls. ~to. loD8' time before the muses are aw:ak· ~r l e nco In lhe shop. min ,. . ro~l . etc . :\~:Ilia; read It to the people who bo- Member of Y. W. ·L. l' ne11, and moro of tbe a:amc. With So 1 thoucht nnd ulc••d 111 y11e lf, 11bou1d Ucve In tho doc trine of I ba t paper; ~lltor'a Nota.-It rour •ocahulc~rr relhd nu11 roal~~:nollon mo.ny com ra11eK 1 or ahould 1 no t wrlto of u 11, eon- ~:a.d whttt It rurthu r atnt c1: " \VUhnut were u Impoverished u rou mod oatlr conti nuo to aw•l t The D!LY. Only n t.lltlon In tbe a hop I worked 1 No, w;u~ pen!onat hat t1: tl 11 , without anr mnllcc s tate. that would be an added r ca11on t~ rn a ll pA.rt ot th e bnneh mf! nlbenhlp 111 y :mswcr. I aba lr not write, because •·b:~t t:! ur. tho IO(' (a lla\JI fr!LternatiJ tor ventu ria' a description ot yuur -~·ho will deny'!'- la moblthed lor tha :ny 't'oc.abui!Lry 11 too poor to e1·pre31 s~ k. peue. juatlct>, plenty. lite. a full bo .. or the eondltlona und er which ei C<'t loaa• camp:alcn o.fter tnucb de l:a y hul t aa mueh as I f~d about lbe 0011'1 lift' for all . We k:~ ow t.bat mod · )'Oa work. n.lber than a polcml~ and e:U'rtlon. an t~ fo~m!Lll. an<l a ll the parasi tes ~rnonw~~~.h01 •. c: ;:;':t1l ~:~~:od:;: autnat tho rellow soclallsU, wh leh I•

Dr•neh Otp~nda on Ac:t lve F'ew. •uckln «: the blood of the wor kett. No. • ll:'£ a lllr:elr to ubaust even a ccn~r-Tho election camPQJrn b on! A 1 u lrt I , uatl1 I • ·Ill be abl,. to act . l'l'b L mNns of prnduetloa · It prae· ou• aupplr of En&lllb~

tew atrtcl t meeUn~a. pretty ,;ood writ~ and c ttll th e as'les to l'lchl t iCllhlQ for th011o who :tr" wlllln£ to Permit me to ur that, tho roa r crn"·•l a- a fairly e~:otlc teotln,; ::~ mon ~~: :u;:~ ln s t the cApita li t I a:a ld .. or~ to produce a bundantlr for •II ~dltorlal 1111 appreciated and I• publlAh·

o gtll J bou.:hl a a~r lch llllms who MP wllll niC to work ; :..nrt that ed pa.rtly bccau.a& of Ill merit And the corn r::adea aldlnc In atrec t meet· ~ ~ a friend of hu poo r, A n~l tt.lsft t hus • ·ant nnrt fear or want can be re· p11.rUy br war of eacouraalox r ouraclf lnr. • ·nrk. A couple, a t tho most. n o w ··n.- ht.A" for tbem. Then ll Jrui o my, mo .. ~d from th" IIYc s or a ll • ·tw aro ami othe rR: to accept our Jnvllntlon ru cmbcu brou~h t Into lbe P'rtr. A blood boiL "A'IIIInJ; to work - lp A " 'holeaomcl). ll tenlly, at tho same tlmo, lml h;ntt· few nt• l~~~:h borhood tadoor mcc tln~~:a reco nKtnu:tcd andA IIzt.•d l50C h:ty.'' tl on Alalnat ner1er, Tllllqutt, et al., Ia held "'l lh mhh!Jlnl 1ueeeu and fall · ,,An!D.r!lclllo Uko tlllalt'~~ a,""'',", whe re Who m:tda :~II thol'ta at!Ltementa~ n poo r aubstltut e tor a brief deac r lp-urell. ComrAtlca diiCOUr3r; cil 1 crnlc• l. · r. ~r o t: lte .,.,. t lf'l • oaea to AOme do~~;.: <-tl and faith ful. A bar• fri:'O t hfl At:3 er n • ·oric•· n f ro m ml"- Wlw:n do Ill~ ·)' rrprt•••·::H ~ Do they t lo n of 1101ne Incident t h:tt may hll1'0

,• rJ and our prevoot dr plur 11 1Jic 118. t:t t-:tn 1~'! l >o lh••J ::&olu :l ll )· G~ht rur occur~d at you r pl.1ce of cmplorment. h:UJdful of the comrades aided In tmt ' t"m . ="o! l mposl11 ble! I ''"'11"'11 •a::a in ~~~ l1 ' II :~ ' Su! J wllllcave It to Thu )l,\ll.Y WORK ER would prc ter tine even thcao meetinsa O't' f! r . T he :and :1$:&ln whetb f' r 1 bou,;ht the k lod Lhc r .. ·.ult:u , 10 a ll or t ho~ who boo ten word• from the Jlps of a w~o meetlnca dul wllb T Cf'Y ,; t>neral I• ,1 " p;ape r 1 wa• looklnK for Ye!l, 11 lle ':rd :lnd. -t ill olo l~ l h: "e In their on the ue.nt. or the dar th3n. •uea, phru.llr but not meatllr (.lut ; .... as t he aamt'. nut bow In th'!'l world hont-s tJ' to nrul ou t tor t~cmsdnll a atrln.: ot curses at tbc •r•tt~m Ia no rut tallr: on how to a.ld tbe workcr11 •lid ~fr. lf ilhtu lt feel whon ho relld hovl corrupt,.•! ;a nd hrt)()( ritlc:tl a~e ,;cnr r11 l from a colle,e profeuor. In tho ahops. A huce demom1tro. !lon lhBt article. Ilow could oa r ~er ('at the t~ l ll temen t a mmdc by peoplP •ho In lteatl tbo artJcle t.n the mllkDZine mccUne follows. Thouunds aue ntl. ·•snYior" Mr. Der~er all 10 con~rt"l'll'l rc:~Hty clo not h•:lh:Ye o.. word they nRa.ln. anll folio• lbe IIUC I!I t'ltlonl lncludlnc lor the nrat tim e In tho eArn· untl rc lld nn ortldo In hla p;apor where tin)'. lluw ml\ny tor th n matl e the re. We do not cmro anyth la r pal~;n, hundrt•ds of our Party member• u l:\ ya, "There l8 not work - a nd there nm:t.lgamntlon of the unions wcro Ltrot nOOut you r at)'lo, 70ur ,;rammar or !Lol! aytUpatbltorl. The rntern.-tlon~o~l ca.nnot bG work , plenty of work- for to convcn~lonM where they u1cd all you r voeahulnrr, but In Uta namo of Is IUOC, atlrrlnc IJ)C'ecbu a re made. All who uo wJlllnc to work- ander the means. dl~ctlr or lndlrcc tlr to de- '-ll•n. le t us h;aYe fac:lJI, not editorials.

;:~~~~:=~~tu;:e~ :!~· ~~e :::::~::: wa,:o a.od proftt .•ratem of lad u1try ... ~:~:u~; : ft~re :r!'e r C:~P~:t'e~;.ecee;:01; ~~t~l~b=r~·.'~C:·u~~0ry10~~1:f t;';,~:~'.!~ tclt m.a.t of them the etectlon• cam· And how could Mr. ZJ_1.mao, K~t.u f- m1bf wortena and C:\rme rs '111111 tber u.a a«alntt, but the toe hal &&aln bunt pa.1p 11 over, e:reept to read the YOtea man, Pea.rbteJn. read In thei r paper ult aad \Qftu~nce to YOle lor a labor I bra our bre.utworn u.e Commontats ,ot. ..Wa«n wiU bur the plain 'ne-cetprie:s f:s.ker &nd an old ch~ap rep11bllcan Como acaJn comrade. J..ct ua haY"e

There U bo~t~<t to bouse d!Jitrtbu· of IUe.' Dat Wa«ea "' 111 not bar c ood potltJc lan, Mr. l.d'oltett~. • ho Is the tu.cll, le t tho bou be whom be · tJoo of uterature, li1ore tbaa UIUAI f~an plentr of It : Kood clothlnr; ar;aln !l t the l:a bor pat ty. a;;:r.ln~t ch:l nK• ru:ar. llace tbo Partr Is ba.mmeriDC awar ftl ~n~. w?.t 0~01:~~::::. haon~e ~~~l:n~~ 1:C lott th o ~pltaJI 1t •r•tcm to a wort! · that. Wbo doe~ not know how dJm. t om." e raH'oawndmlnunrymowroo'rk".'r'ocr~0mrocn l0!1•rv~n• Open F'orum, Sunday Night. Lodge call It Sa to l et &D appreciable nu mbe r ~A d h I h ld ld """ .. .. m Room, Alhlttrld Auditorium.

a ow tl t • wor cou _,,,, from hunr; cr and •·ere 11u t In prtaons =r:a'~O: ~~ltfu~~r d::~bu~ecn!!~'"'~~ llllqult. Dercer, London . Abo C.aha aDd kill ed under the aQC.Jal llewocrntlc L E A R N E s p E R A N T o oolloct.ed. chJeGr from cOmrade, a.ttd all rest of their clique r c:W restr.Je of Germanyt Ttle ''"~"~~~· nat Lanou;~o• t.bemsehel. Tber make uerlftcn. ~~~=• ::P:~ll!~l~ ~~~~~m :~~~~::::ana~ de~~~ :a:~rkw~:ea':d 7~!l.,t;' h::~ Th• followl"c trc l~ t• are r~cl•~ But lbete aacrlftces ahouJd and could trol ot tho sonrnment ; and the eon· a daJ and lower wa~:ea fn Gerrn:s.or E• .. r.anto !~:~'· ~~·'"'"'" ud brine more aad better renllJI. Oar trot of lbe ro•trnment ~ aehed ll.lld and all other caplt:tll1t countries If .: 111.,.~n to .1nd It• Crtuu, preu reta n ry few !etten from tbe held by the capltallat cl~u br me:aos tbe Da wes' pla n with the he lp of tbe b,. Prot. Collintcn. workere teuta r bow ther are &trected or ~tical part.Jea- r.artlea r nmmlt· socl:s.l de mocrat1 all OYer the world br the campalc'n. ted to tbe ea.pttllllst •r•tem ol Indus- wiU be put Into atfoct!

S~ 7t h St •• RM.ttfo~ o<f . Ill. WORKERS" ESPERANTO ASSN.,

Perb.a pe a few brllbter colora eonlrt trr." Aad read n.saln (but wqrkers. No! We know rou and tho'o wbo be abowD. nut thAt cu. bo lett t4r do not laurh. It la A-D hone•t opln· doub t It will nnd out how hypoc ritica l ltts . J&3Z s . Trumbull Avo. the ctbeT comradea to 4o. What doea loa. I tappose 110) no (l detoo~;olll:lc to nct di1Tcreat Uta.n l' bono n oekwt'll soso n maJo atrlklnr;lr plait 11 tbat our •'Thu lbe work.,. cannot derend what rou ••r. The DAILY WORKER pre:aeat ortra.ttllaUoD Corm 1• eumber· themaeh .. -~r ca.aaot eaeape 'tll I tho Worken . Partr Or Amer ica. the aome, slow lD cetUnc Uae aeaabenhlp tber ba.,. a poUUeaJ pert:y ot their Communlat Party of all the world , tato a.dloa. aa4 lbn Rt a am&D part owa. a Labor party for themMI•ee. br ther are the onea wbo ncbt and work ot It, ... a~ am..aD re•lU: for tbe &M....tTa.. compoeed. of •lllJou wbo tor a 1onrament bJ and for the wort!· elforta. ~ Sf U.... &N dl.e 1&1Ju: LDO oa U. falae ...._ 4o,. Ia Ute JD« dua. And uc.h and every one


701 A11oe l•tlon Bulldi"O 1f S.. La ~~~~ Street CrUCAQO O.Ubora. 1161 euir&J Ut!HHf

China Intervention • - By G. V oitinslty m Such renill at &D)' rate are not to be lwportiLDt porta In the CbiU Strait• r-einforced Ill des<:enfa br ·u)'IJ"t'GJ of

Cbloa durioc tbe laat few weeki obtained by "peace'' coafereacct. Dut rua kla1 d irect coal.acl with tho r ich trom i O to 110 tbouu ..Dd mua aud MOt bu been tho cooter of atteoUon or these coateroouA, by detlroyln,r the province of Shantun1 and tho c:hlof ltiv t11on:. to the Chlne1e Ea1tena Ran. lho contonc.lln& forces of tbo wor~d. forme r balaDc:o of force• only rendor .,troYinco of Northe rn Cblna, of Ch\H way •t Harbin n.nd to other 1taUont

• Tbe Commualat proletarlat of Eu· tho coaftlet• between lmperl4lilts l)OISiblo. A brief clance nt a. tnap &d onc tho rt.Uwa:r. At tbo IIUill Ume ropo a nd America I• beclnnlac to un. more a~te and brlft.l" the period of of Aala will help ua to understand the 11ho 1011t torcea lato the A.mur. Trt.a• der.ttAitd the al~:alftc.:lbee of the rt. :nmcd coDGicta nea a earu. We bAvo tre rneodou11 poulbllll lu which wero u an a t (Chlta), and lr\utak. ud a m,, ot tho buce DQpul&Uoa of Chlaa, the eu.tnPIO of tho Wu blac toa opened up for J tpan u a result or mlllt.ary mlaalo n to Kolc.bak Itt Omslc4 Jadla and tho other colottlal nml· .. peace ... eonferea ce, held at t.he be- lho Ruu~Jap.a.aoac Wa r. J apan ob- J aps n potJeu ed conside ra ble In· colon ial countrlet. Tbo tmpe:r1AIItt ,-lnnl~ of U%!!. wblch, b7 det t royl.n,;: h&lncd lh6 poulbllltJ of balldlnc a na eare o• e r the Central coYernment powe.n, wbo Ia tbe preseat l:&btoricaJ the Ancl~Jap&.~:~e&e treatJ. cre2-ted r::.U•·~r line from ~lukdco, the cbtet· Ia Peklac aDd t.hna Ge:aeral Httf a c­pbue are· rut1Dc t.hru the Ubera.t boar· tUll mo~ at:Ule rela Uoaa betwec!n the to•m Ia lla.nchurla. to Port Arthur. phew or lbe thea. preatde.Dt of Cblaa .• ceola lo and the oppqrtunlat leaden of ch.let protuonlata Ia the PacU1,c- tbua exporting a&rlcultura.l produce 1-ft u-Sblb-Cba.uc, coaducted. her pollc1 tbe work1ac claaa, are belnc compel· America &Dd Japan. ODO of lbe ftral from Maacburla thru the port. of 0.1· Ia 11oncolla abo lifter (lt%0.%1) ••P­led b7 CYeaU, Jn tplle cf Ulelr reaull.l of the WubJactoa conference rea. It atao butlt the line from )fak· ported tbe b&ada or lbron. Unceru In procram &Dd declaraUoa•. to nna.l wu the armed • in Nortlleru den to Seoul, connocUac the ceDtre lhe lr IDTUioa..s Into tho recloa. of Lhelr acqulaiU•e ambltlou• Ia tbe col· Cl:&lll" betwee.a the Japaauo croup or or Korea. lbua unlli.D« Ita aphero or Ia· Trolllko-Sank ud the ProTlu~ or oalal countrlet. The ~t 1torm7 mlllt.ariata the Amertcaa a-roup. ftucnce 1a China wtth Its coiODJ, lrk•tak. denlopraeata tb ' ChJu. opou up a Tbe MCOOd J"M..ID Car Ute atlacka Kcrea. Saeh wu the poatUoD of l&J'U. t.Dd pace la that ub.e ot lmperlallam Ia ·aaa La~ ef the lmporlalittl La Holdtac the•• "a4•a.a.t.ace.'" 1a nell ,..,.. laer pla.Dt at U.e or which the, d&cl Ia lll.e toea et U.. Eutenl coeD~ 1e vowth China before tbe wor)( war, Japaa tbe V.....W.. •peaee• COD.Iernoe. Of CbrUUaa11e mocralJe.pad411D. 11 oblfc· of aoft•eat em.uclpatkm. took ..sYuLat:o of the stackeaJac ot oqaM. Uae robber poliC'7 pa......t 'D7 e4 ID thl• ,...,b to compel the .. Dtac wllidl,. to Do 11111&11 ut•t. laereatelflt the lmperlalltt pip 1a Cbtn.a. EJhe u.. 1apu to1f"&&U: ov I"''""'liMDt a.a.d m-...ea of tl:&~ East t.1 t.loot ... Ira tM ~ Mtw ... Ute 1m- IOdated berM!t with the Bt1Uab toW"U"'tI Olaa.dlct .Ot aJ.a.nB U.. other

:pl~mlt to the power of ~ ~~ rauoa '- Uae •t•cUJy =P B= ~::·u~ -:.u~..: ~m:~n;.,.":" .:•.:,.~: Almoet alnualtueoaaly with U.. &TOwiDC popalarity of the U. S.tfJ. R. caue 1be taw the pou1btl1Ue• of w- oe,..ed, tbe Iapueee &ctloll wu put

LoDdoo conter•ce ol tbe lmperl&Jbta &mODI' the mun• thnaoot the Eut. rtcbiDI benelf at the npeaae of Oer- ol tbe ceaeraf lmperiallal ptaa. Bat ot Rurope a.ud America. declare4 Ju tbe pn~~~M~at uttcle we 1haJI deal many. Sbe telud tbe ProTiJ:!.ce or nol_9'er America nor Z.Sctand. Dot' the

a.lw of which • u to I II!CUre U:ae Ions promised ··pu lacauoo" or 1-.!aroP"'. be­lltlln t he auac k of tbete same Im per ial· 1s t• In the f"ar Eas t. W hat aro tho cc nd itlon11 corupcUlac the lmperla.lla t.s lu tlt~Yclop a defeoah e moYomont n.culn•l tho co lo nia l and • eml-colo nlitl countries i&l t ho prcKent moment , QJld oa )>4:c:l&ll)· a r;aln1t Chino. ! W by hu a whole •c.rtes or e \' t'DLI occurre-d

with t-:e ft n t t"f':uon oniJ . ~tan-Tun.:: with thto e • cellent port of The ltT'I~rlallat Struggle for Ch ina Tl'lin-Tao :.n•l lb~ r:tllwa.r coaor<tlo,;:

· Ttlo·Tao wh h T111os n-f"'u.

c.rtber .. alllu" could r cc:ondle them· ~he. to the f " ct t h11.t J b ad taken :ad Y&ata.ce of t be world wa r In orde r

Sl nc.c the World Wtr. Jt w:a.s am:all l11la nd Japa.o which

tst t ho conctu.-lon ot the world war heltl lhc he~emooy In Chinn.

ltJtclf direc tly \ "t:r ) ' little cuncen w d In tho J>tru .:: ~o> lt) on ! h•• 1-:urnJ)t>an ' "nh·

tlncnt, young full·hluodcd Japanese In the a utumn of th la )"t:nr . bfoiOinnln( caplt:~li11m t urnc cl ltll a.wbllluna ~~ In S uda.n, Morocto, f'l"rl'l la :~.nd Aft: h&D· ward~> China. whlc::h po""cued the coa. bt:1n a.ocl e nd lor; with the lmperlalll t I :\Dd lruo, thue eul!ntla l raw mate ri:1l cctlons In the l::anr;e ports or Souttltoro. ur prod uction wbl<:b J a JWln so mach Ct'nlr nl an•l Xo rt be rn Chlaa.,. action• l!lckt'd . Dut It wa.a not 4't'eo r.lcbca whlqll t.h:11"'".leferbtlc ot t he Ill; · :~ lone which :Htr:u-te.l J apun to ttllna.

f{teulvc tnatlucl.l or t he l.m perlnl l•t"~ ·~ t eriJ I~:lln~h~~t:~~an;::e::P~:~~: Tht're a. re three Im portant rcaJu•r I S~ I when J~pnri recelv••d fo\Jr rnoso

In our opin ion. :tml cst:1 1J IIJ~hcd li te tn nuenc:u In Korea. l''lnl . th•• c mh-avor o f a !lt'Ctlnn of

tho vlctu rluu, coun td~~t-1-:n .:: l:m•l u•l Amerfca- tllnce the wo rld wu r to u n ll ltd M:liOD no t ocl)' ar::tdnat th(• ltn· perl:1l111t pu • ·c NI tl1:1t • ·tort' d,.f,.~t f"d

Jn the wa r. but abo ~alnat .a:no nt tb~lr former " a ltle• ." Wblle the Lon­do n conrc renco lo r~a.llt )' • lcnHI"• t b., ,;ro wth of Aado·Amerlc&n lnauea ce In f:u rope a t e xpense or t"re nch lnnucnce, the p~aen t atrunle of the Chlur 11o trnporlalls ta In tho t'"'IT' Eft• l 111 bolnl$: fought lo orde r to dcttro1 lho tn l1 u•·nco of ftnothe r "ally" or 1-.:nghw•l und Amer l l'&- Japan.

T lu• «lrua:: a: le h~ oot )"Ct endM wllh the d••flnlt•• Ytctory of one crou p of lmJ'(!rlll lho:tlll and the df' ftDI!e d t>lll t r ue­Uon o f the laftucacl! of tlle olher.

lr•c r ... ~:Hnl tho uppclltca or t hu J apan· t'I"C burt::\UCni.C)' und Jll ()3 h ~'f'C!l m on· opol)· l"llpitall l'lnt "'·hlch wern protected by t ht: r u llnJ: c lique" or lan;:e la nd · ownr N and mlliurh!tJII. Thla led to the •·u bt!W("('n c-aa r lat Huatl:l and J a p:an In J!k)5 durlnr: which. u • ·e"'·· En,;l:~nd htolped J llpa.D. T he Jtuss&-Japao~J(C W 11.r . In ap lto o f lhe lntcrveattoo o f AmNicn In lht: ()("I'"IOIT o ( ltoose,·~ l t OD t he t ide of llu.JIII3., ncTartt.alclla res ulted In J Mp."\n'• aecur· lng t renll'n,Jou• davnn!n~c:~ In the l'nclnc Ot~couL J l'\pa.n n·~tvoc.l the l.lnu.Tunr; l'l'nlniUll\ which alnco 11198 ha d been leul-d b1 Cb.Jna to c l&J'lat Jtut~~in for a per iod of :!6 Teart. At a ref'ult. thue p.."\.ue:d lo lo Japa.oe1e h:.n ll!', Port Ar1bur u ul Dalrea. two

·r ht. "llh" re ot tnn uence ho• ·e ,.er. lo t cc ure a c luJ ive in duea cc In CblaL \Jid not aall111ff J ap.. .. a . J-ler ambit loo t& f-' rom tha t momiJnt hc.:an the lm· we r o 1tlmullll~d br the enfee b le me nt po•r iBl tlra~~;~le for Chla:a, o r ra.tbe r, nf llt l' rl ll iXJJiitlon or f'hlno a n11 tlla fur tha tlcatructlo n of Jll i~anaAo laftu. J•rolraC"tecl natura or the world ~.-ar. In enco. 1915. 1111 t he rn11ult or thrc:ah•. bribery, Tho chief aot:Lgonl11t or Japaa tJ:l und prnmcn.tloa. • be l'lueeee•l t-"'11 In ChinA b the Ualted Sta tes of .Amerl­cnnrhalt nK a t t'cret trcalr with tbe ca. Tbl1 ~ e&SIIJ u..nde.ntood W'Mn ('h lllt>ac pr.-11lden t. 'ruttn·S h lh·K:d, t bo It 11 remembered t ha t Amertea aeltber erf('(' t of "'hlch would be to t r:anafor rn be tore aor alnce t he war poeae&M4 China Into a •etnl-colony ot J apan. t e rritorial spben s o f laftaeace Ill T hiA treaty. wbl(:h l.a known as t he ChlnL .!1 de m:an•l:•. conta ins polniJJ :lccordlaa: Ame rica reco.rded Cblna c:hleOT u to which thf' Cb lne11e coverum• nt u n- u nuuket tor he r prcwtucLI; It becaa tlerlf' ke"' !o e mploy J:apan~se w lllta.rr to n ine China 3..1 a aphore of lanat,.. lnrll ructMII, Japanel'lc pollee c:hJet~~:. mc nt for he r capitAl onl1 1lace the 11nd Jl\l lllnt•lle ndYIBcn to tho iiiln lstry ., or hl war. when tho accumula.Uoo or fur fore h:n n tra lns, not to l l)(•ak or the mllll:arda bcca.n to autfOC3lO American prlvll,.. f::l".!l ttr a ot.Gd to Japanue ba.alca lnllu1trr. In the coal, te.zUie , a.nd other Indo. nu t 00 J~mportant tbaz. dlrcc:t trlu. trade with Ina. no leu lmporta..nt

lo~tt~~ ::~.~c!~~:o:~:;!to~dJ:: ~ADCb~'dt~ la::::.~ o!~~ UUIIJ btottan lO think Of tbO selzure DOt on11 ol Cblaa ADd but &lao i"rom Soat.buzl. Cb.J.D,a. wbleb. .. two o f ).lona:olla aad onr S iberia u far d&J'I b'om tbe PbUipp(a• (aa u tho Urala. A.merlc:.&D coloiQ' ltD.oe 11,.). Amerte&

Under the prated or protec:Unc tho ca.a beat coatJol tbe1e PGIHUioo.l counle ,...roTolutlonu1 Csecbo-Slonk ud a1ro keep bw OJ'• on the bull of tealon"- wbo bad tofccc! ui"elr way ULna llr'tUab Ia tbe Pa.cUlo­S itlerla onrthrow1J11 th• 801' DO .. 'Hoact-c a.a.d Sblppore. F'rom. "" La. lholr ~tb. Japan orc:ulJMd .... So•tbera ChZa £znertca C&D \elt seent1 upou Vlad.IToatok.. wh&re Ia maJDt.a.l:a oomaumlcaUon w'lt~ U:ae t. conJa.aeLLon wlt.b t.b.e Cz«ha u OTaf'o laDdt ot ~ Dl.&dl. IA41tl. wbere -.. t brtw the SoYiet conrn.meat 1D. lUS.. _(eo.ttD'Md OG aut pa.ce..)



the B & . 0 .Plan at ·.Work • • .-. l7 Earl R. Browdtr • br wortiJl&' .ome onrtJme while olb.-. Olea wood thop eolldiUont ml.cbt part.nenblp w1Ua. the railroad com·

IMlD.a' ln PltUbu,..b, dON by wll.lch cunot ,.~, 1a t!aetr f'tlrltll&r .. ,bt leak nt... paalttl." U located the B:tlUmore A Oblo R.all· boon. dl~~ertataaUoas of " Why dldD't yoa fellowa who ate " 'What Ia tbere to all tJilil prop~t.~an· war. 1hope, at GlenwOod, whore the lD"' aU 10rU are KOtas I.a. to •~ SP"d· dlspaWC! wtlh coodiUon• 10 to your da about bow the bouu co-operate .. c:o-operati•o plan .. wu ant tD& ap 18 lttlli..DI worse all uie Ume. uafoa ... liD&, &Dd elect a delt&ate with roe lll the worJr, Wide tho put a.e:t"'U on the rallroad Bop U · 8eDtorttr b.u be«tme a jol:e. &Dd hu to ....._, for a dUI'uent policy!"" ahopr =-· ~ ~.~:f:!z:~ -::!:,:! "~" th': =•, :,:0r:.1~;c~l= .... u":o.~ h•:~h~u~::'~:.~ ::!Lhe~~~t!:;; "C(H)perate, lieU! Wbat U.e co-

operaUoa, ll. that we ba'f'e lO

~=~kJ~• ~e th:,;.~::=~=:.r::!: : :re•:dd .:::::!· :::.::;.~=.~-::. ~.~~-~~~0~81810~;!~b:~~:~ ~::!:; work oat labor ~~&YiDc Kbemn. write Wllb the 'Ualataaee ot a local eom· Oh, lh~ra are pleaty of crle"rUICM, otftdala. Aod anr railroad worker out oar aua:&~Uoua tor aa:.,.ln~ mODey

. rade. one o! the machlnltla work lac Ia' a.nd hundreds ot lhcm han ~n tat- who c et.a nry prcmlnent u :a n~~:hter for the bouet, a.od to. retarD tor lbem the Olo•woo4 a.bope waa GnaUr local· eo up to the union. llttl the apjott the D. A. 0 . ptao mlcbt Juat we lltl!:l our oam! Dr1Dted lD tho mac· tel. For the '"""""" of reportlac wo can' t do aaylhlac. Tbe complaJata aa wen ktu bla Job coodbye. •And ,"ztne the bou ~rtntl. Wb7, nell the wUl 0&11 b.1m. -&IIlith... are all ftted Ia committee, ud nothtr:~c we bll?eo't 1ot anybody tlr.eT"e to orcan f'COnomr union at tbo w .. uaahoUJe

8JIIltth wu ·not much luterHted 1~:~ 111 beard frcm them. We caa't atrike- lt.e our torcea ao u to beat then Etcctrlc plaoU nearby d001 more ln the nbJect oJ. pa.r qaetUon. He teem· we're co-operalln JOU know- and tbe omc:lala. nor baYe the c&tU aU a:ack· :'u_ C:O~~~~ 7a.,.~~~e!':o:-::: .. toM a Jr-pic:&J worker, 0110 ot the bo .. u lauch at u... ed: a.piaat u. ~t"l the ti..Mt we pt ... "hoaorable areotJot:t.• W o.r !:.. =: !: ~1~-;;~•= u;u ftc~: ~!!oema~·~~~~:~er for · .. "~::::. :' --= ~t th~ ~ht contrtbuUoQ to U.• et!lcluQ ot tM the ot~t..... J'Wmerb' aa n· .. Hell, Do! There . 1,400 mea ::::-~ ~ ut: ~O:aaa~C: ab.op - la ""• 'eompu7 uioe.' a.t aoa member. be COAf.....t that •• baa eUc1ble to the lat• ~ acalaat tM B. A 0 . •La.a. ·~ ralUed Wt~~UQ&b~ Eled:r1e U..J' ,.,. .... atC.de4 bwt oae uJoo ...Unc t• Uoa. of Machlalat.a t• llM OleDW"'Od a bloc.k ot ... ...,._ at Detroit -r tor •Kil tb1ap,. 801Md..._ u __.

ftnl . tb.L bopt~ A. few 7Uts a&o before lbe COG'f'tnUaaf Wb1 dW.'t 7'M1 tello'ln M "tlioo a -.tb. W~ M ""llny Z::':*t )"'a. .o &o 7~a&oa :trike~ moat of th•m we~ orcanla.ecl. lhae •• wtt.b t.bem f" ~ •compu7 1LII.Ioll" Ia • I"GUUa mMt!ll.pT"" Wb" tM B. A 0 . plaa went I.Dto fll. •y.a... ,.. bMrd aboet t&. ~e ot loU7 UU...-Mt lt t. '-'- ,,. De

"Wbat'1 u.e Hll." 111e a.oawered. teet "" h&d &boat 100. Tod-ay then u.. U.. ooa,...tJoa. It .,.... a "II; • 0 · p~u..•'" ''wttb only U tD !O member& tbere. .,.. lea• tbaa 160, aDd tber dro~ pa4 lcbL Bat u PJI !lere, wbo Tb1l U tM way oae uJoa ....... notblnc to be done, enrybod:r eore piDK out b:r the doaen• nery •oatb . .,.. ap qalaat tbe bun-ea;,. we'n the B. A 0 . J1.u att.r worklq -. aad d'-cu•ted, ud meroben droppln« Of tbeae oDIT a doNa • 10 enT »- 101'1. et lolt burL Ka:rbe we11 aet de.r It tor two Je&.n. Tbe cao4Jt._. o•t ,.,.,., month. Tbere .,.. plentr tea ualoa meeUnp. 'nul alon ta Ndt ov ft&bUoc aph1t 10me of LheM lie d .. cHMI, dlaiDtecraUoa oC Oe or &• to take up La the aD· belr:~c de1trop~." d..,... Jt .are dkt clleer •• ap to hear ukJD, tbe uremed.Jid. ,erie~ the loD, but tbe .,.Q..Dioa cu.'t do a.aythlnc .. b that the re.uoD Jotr a.ca1 414D"t a..,.t tbe l&bt lD Detrolt. Bat take mUitut &tUl..S.. ot the ltOeMI acalut now. •lt'e hoc tJed by the ·n. a. 0 . 11ead a ·deleca.te to U.. Det.rott COD'reD It from me. lMN le oaly oae way lkt ebop~aJ:~ tlaeH ULbap are Plaa' ~d ca.a do aothifl&."' tlon !'" \eeo u wltb &.D71Dteroatlon.&l A..uoc:l.a fac:t.a tbat CUAOt 1te hJd, ca.DaOt M ...

"Wbat kind ot ba.,.e :roa '"The 1apportera et JobDilOQ · wbc tloa. o! Mac:blnltU at aJL at leaat 10 nled, aDd e&ADO\ be u:-plataed away. l.n lbe Oleawoocl 1b.o~!" cor:~trol tbe ur:~ton omeea dlda't want rar &.e lbe ra.Jiroad abo~ are c:o.cerD· The:r lbe bltt.w trultl of clau col·

"'Tbe ma.aacemeat le 1petematleaUy nny dei~Plet becfaae tbey were eel, aa4 that t. lo kick oat the rea~> laboraUoa, of the deaertloa 0( lbe aowlDc dl'f'tlloa amooc tbe worken, a!rllld 110me of tbe \feal facta &boat Uoa&(T emclala who UTe formed a clue ttrucll!·

Intervention • China In (ContJnaec! trom Pace '-)

floHed by An~lc>-Datcb eapltal are to be rouad oU :lllld rubber, and whither American c.1pllal hu reeeaOr becuo to atrln . The prospect ot a •ubll· jllary mean• ot commanlcatloa wiU1 Aulllt1lllll !rom Southem Cblna wu perlulJ)S another ball to Amertea, who"o :~~mbltlon Ia tD H tbe ftnt pow· ~r In tbo Paclftc Oce&n. AlreadJ l[t'Cilt

Amer-Ican mcrcb&nt • euel• rea:ulr~.rly ply In the P&c:Ule, and c:otnmerclal connections are bela& u tabllshed wllh tho Important cente rw of m e roc\tlc. The lints bet ween Sazl Pra.bdaco, tin! J~tpaoesa porta. Sbaa,, llon~t· koal'. and the• back. h:~.Ye been t boroly orEaDill't't th is yeo1r ADd America Ia aow aeeklo1 a pueacl' to Chlae•e porta whJcb 11 aot 1u~ joel to J1pane.e do~nlltalloa.

pofl l nr: ladlrect tuaUon upon eert:U.a · articles ot &eaeral coa.tu.mpUoa.

In order to ha'f'O a trt!O hii.Od In China. In order to be ablo to ezplolt he r mOlt &dY&.Dt.a«e0utl1 u a mar· ket. a aphere tor tnnstment ot •P'· t&J aud a base from wblch to!nd her tnftaence oYer the Soat.hen. Pa.­cll'le, America after the world wa r was obll«ed arst to reduce l.b• loftaf'ne~ or J apan..

In purwaance of thla aJm America. l'lt"'t or all auempted to detut Japan Ia China b:r means ot the dolln.r .

ln tbe 1prtnc of lUO, I.Amoa• .• tbe repN)sentaliYe ot Amulcnn n.ntl DrH· leb banks, cnme to China with phm" tor the torm~t.tlon of n con1«1rtlum or baa•61"1. 1. e .. a aln~; le lnt~ rnatlonal ftD&De.lal eer:~ter tor tho eJ:plolt~•tlnn ot the weaJt.h of Chtaa anti for Ute lr:~duatrla.Jiu.tJon of the country ac­~ht« to a ceneral tmperlalh.t aebeme. Arileriea. u the rtchnt cou try, would n:~.tur.li1J play lho r.t lddle In tho couortJam. This a empt at a "penc:ctul" 1olutloa ot. tbo merl· can·J npaneao coniUct lD Chi " aut­fC'l red JJhlpW'l'eell: at the nry outaeL Thr Japaneeo co.,.orn.ment.. wblcb ap. purently at the Vena.lllea conte renc:o lt&'f'O tu consent Ia prt..oclple to U1o formation ot aoch & eo.n1ortlum Ia Cblna. wu In U!O la&blo to !all In wltb the .. public oplr:~loa"' of the 111011· opoH•ll &nd mllltar'-t.a. 1he 1t.&rtec!l a 'rioleat eamp.a.Jp ~&Jut l..a.rDoa.t &ad

:~ w':rc~e~~~ t=• t!: the aoltrd a.cttoo of lbe lmperta.llata. It appeand, tor lut&Dce. u ... curttt ror tbe \oaa wblch the eouortJ. am W"Ould adn.Dte to ChlaeM IV"· enmeut or to IA4J't'1dul mUitarlata the couortlum troa.ld J"'CCI" the rf&ht of le"t'71D' agrtcultaral oo Cbe OtaeM peaalllt.a ADd. moreonr. wo•ld a•t the mocopo.b' rt&bt cal 1m-

And elac:e the ronrament t.D China :~ l that Um& wu created ., tbe 'riC· torious JaP4JJ.ophlle .-rCN• after the atruJ;~Ie between the armJet ot 1'a..u· <.:bi.Jul. wbo wu 1upport.d bp Japa..D, and C~neraJ.s Tu.o-Kunt a.nd Wu Pel Fu. wbo defended lbe l.ntcreetl of Drlt.aln America, and U.erdore ror l l c:erl&la period lllC:te\1 01orc or leu lr:~dependeatly, the rnc bllon1 ot Jap­an compelled lht= Pekin~ J;"O\' t htu the mtftb ter or toret,.-n a.traJn. W. W. Yen, to a.dd~aa aa open Jetter to Lamont dem&adtnc the dental of the ~portl at th• ac:qa.U.tUn acheme. ... r tho ceo •m. Tbo reply wu c:oachrd I tuc a form u to le.&Ye the Chine e with ot lbe l.e-ut dou\lt u to the tnae tat UoD.Ji of the lm· perlAliate.

Artef\ e ee.heme r a oooaorUum broke f2a, Amor1c came forward detna.n !:lilt an "op.ea door" t.a CblaA and th ln&latenll.Dce of Cbtneae ltO'f'· erelplt:r.

Tbe Wuhla&too .. I'N-Ce· conference w~Jeb wu held dartnr tbe eecoad half ot n!l. wu nmmoned bJ America uDder lbe pretut of defendlnc ~hi· nese ao•erel1ntr a.Dd ot Umttlns nan! ~a.rm.:t..meaiJI. It~ real object howeYer, wu to break tho Ancto-Jap3.DCI!e treaty Ia onJer to laolato Jap3.a In lhe to•u Eait a.od weaken her laftuence Ia China. Arn~rlca u we •now. ealr pa.rtlJ

3..Chler~ her purpose. The Wublng· ton aJ;rt"emeDt of Ft:tbru&ry, lt22, did in, weaken Japane~ tr:~nueace Ia Ch lr:~a. bat by DO mealla to the extent which wu formally Jiropou d to the conferenee.

Ia order to create a eltuatJon tn Cbllla which would correepond .-Jlb the form.a.l • lctory ach l""cd by Amerl· ca at lbe Wuhln~~:ton conforence. It WM noce-sary lo tmeak the real t nre· e1 In China which wore supporletl by Jnpan, l.lld to ML ap a. Central (O.,..eru· meat to Pekin« which woald beark~n to Waabfn~ttoa and t.ondoD, &nd not Tokyo. ADd In tact. but a few montba ctt~r the V.'u blnlt.aD eonre~ce there broko oat tn ChJaa " bloodr at ruKde betweee. Wa f'el h (repre-. -.entJnc ~o-Amer1eaa Interests) a.c4 Ch&Dr·Tao-U. (repreeenttr:~&- J3.~ totere.e~. 'ne IlCht CODUnued un ttl V.'!a hi F'u •btaJne4 a .erlaln I'UJ(lrior1ty OYer CbADI·Tao-LlD; e IU· per1ority aamcleat to LDcrca1e tlle ln­ftuenco of E~L&nd aDd .America. 1n Chtn:a. but aot •ufllcloot to 4catror the ln.flauee or Japa.a. ThJa attuo.tlon reftoet.e4 lbe tne Nlt.Uon of forces ktw ... .A.merfea a.nd Japa.u a.t lhAt limo.

P~: ~h~0 ":::oe~ o~u~1~ ~== hu been takeo •P with the atrus:cle betweea the tmperfalltta. Tbe •U&bt.­eat j!!afeeblement of Japu.. ettber n.a­Uonally or lnlercatlo~ly, tmmrdlate­ly called forth u attack on tbe part ot America.

Tbe IUCCMI or OUr partJI&a forcel C\Dd oar red army ~:unat tho Japa· oe1e a1ent.a ta tho Ruula.n Fu East - Me r•uto.,., Dtederlcb. Kapeln, I.Dd otbe.n - and the final Uquld:Uion ot the wblte a.nd black co,.ernmenu Ia the )far1Ume Pro•ID« . compelled Jap. a.n to ••acuatc oar terrtlorlu. This renected on lbe Rl.atloa between Jap&A and America In CblnL Ame.r i­C.:l bee&me more &«~trenhe. aad In t9:3, drou out the Cbloeae Pf'C.IIdent. U ·YUI..D·Uun&. and placed Ia bl.t

;t:::~::.~l or American ~pltallem ,

The earthquake In JapD.D year, which conahJerably lmpo'f'~rlahe4 :md enfeebled ber. arvuaed Amerlcna atn· bltlo .. to liquidate J ap3.nese laftuer:~ce In Cblaa u raphlly aa poulbte. She 11 aow only awaltlr:~r a pretext.

Tbe e Yeau which oecun-ed In Cblna darinc tho Ju t few weeb are Ja f&ct a reel war lo Ch ii:IC\ bttweetll Aa~lc>­

Amerlcan :anti J ap.:mese lmperlallam The um~ t'hln~sQ ml111:.rls ta. Ch:an~t·

T 11o-Un and Wu·l'el·f'u. are n~11.ln the p~rtlc:lpant. tn the 1tru~a; lc. They are again ft1btlnJt nround Shnnkhnl· Kwan wh.,re the h•r-rUor la l llJ>hPr-Nt or lnftot a re or JApAn. In ~t :.nchnrla 11ntl ot Amuk:. a.nd Hrllaln In thf'! Prol'· IDee of Chill touC'h on each oth··r.

Tho pruent anta~:onlsm bet .. e-t"D the l.mperlalleu Ia Cblna Ia tar more ~tc:ute than Ia Ul!. If only ror t be r~uo• tbat one 1ld~ 11 muc::b weakei tblln lhe otber. At Lho ume tlme U1• Chlneae rnllltarl1ta themsdna are t:ar better armed and d ispose or t:~.r ltU"K'· er a.rmlca thAn formerly. Tbe prc"ent alru111e Ill thoreforo prcgna..nt oC tar r.nta&.er dnn~;ora than &a)' collla lon~t

"'' llleh hub O<:c:urrod lo China In r et­t ent Umca. •

WUf tbe lmperlallat.s Ia Chinn co aa far u to make an opeD conftlct ~ tween America aad Ja~ lD tbll pree­ent laatance tnorlt.ablef We tblak lba.t U..0 SIMIICIIoe wm DOt talr:e neb a form. Japao, wbUe dotnc her at,.. moat to prctect ht r own tatc.reata, wut uold o pen eonnlct •fth Amerlu. Tbe Ar:aeTican IOYernmeat. wblc.h Is ractac a prMidenUal e lection. will hardly caro to teat the a.tlltude of tho work· ers ud farmers on t.ho queaUon or war.

We lm11IDe thAt tho result of lbe p~srnt ''-""-'r;lo In Chlr:~a will be an arme-d truce In China wltb a eer1alD

adnnt.ace ln tuor or the Aaclo­Amertcaa. 1mpe.1!allat.s. nut a ll trucrs wUl be baaed apon a rudJuetnleDl ot the apberea ot lnflaence and wlU be made at tho e..zt>e ... ot Ute t.t..,.. eat.a of popalaUoa of CbiAa &ad partir ,Ill• u. 8. 8. R. lnut&r .. ... an coneenaed l.a Chtu.. ·

Each year lllo _.tbntty or lllo I.JD. perlallat.a onrcom~ t.befr LatMD&J coa.ftJct.a •7 mear .. ot peace coatfo.r. cncoa. armed trucea, IID4 arou~Jl.Dc• Alld balancln' the polltioll tore. la Lbe world a.nna becOme IDOl'! remota.

The enDtl Ia Cblna ~ to U.. proletariat of lhe wor~ t111.e tne ambltJona of the lmperlaUAa a.Dd tbe tremeodoua dan1er ot a aew world war I• the PacJftc Ocean.. wbi'N the Ia. Ure•t• or world lmperlallam are mO!'e eataD&led and contaeed tbaa &.07· where el1e. The 1llc11t.C. weakntac ot one or the pa.rt.te• wtdeh aow ooD­trtbute to the en!Ubrhlm l.a tile hr Ea•l will I:De?lt&bb' call fortb nell a coiiJeloD Mtweea tlle world t.perial.­bta aa tbe world llu nenr .....

The Comaumbt PTOletarta.t oC Ule weat and the toWn~ mANe~ ot U.• Eut m•1t &ealoaslr rollow lbe e.,.eat.a Ia the rar E:aat and be prep&J"ed for . A atn&Q:Ie acalns-t lmperlallam..

Learn. the i,".~e;:::.onal IDO 11.p .. o- pamphlet, gl..-lno owtUno of la,.,ewaoo. thowhtD Itt '"'''lorlty ovtr Etpora,.,tt, otc., ""'' free. The Workers ldo Federation

Room 5, lOS Jo~mn 51 .. N . 1 . I'ITT:-40t:.•.llll, I 'A.

The Walden Book Shop

307 Plymouth Court (Between State and Dearborn

Just \ South of Jackson) \ CHICACO

Furnishings LADIES' MEN'S

INFANTS' Trade Where Your Monc:r

Buya the No1t

Martin's 1551 West North Avenue

, Ea1t of Halstt'd 8L

. ,,

. -~

l. I

Workers ·pa~y Educational Department Conducted by James P. Cannon, Educational Director

" Without a Revolutionary Theory a Revolutionary Party Ia Impossible."

Program .. of C~mmunist Propaganda . Thos11 Adopted by Fofth Congress of Communist International.

(Cooclodocl trom lut Sotonlar.) .V. Progn.m and Methoda of P,..,.


Tbe moat Ul"'eDt poUUeal IIIII ot llanllt.l .... lllllt pro_.,da II to bol· aberlz.e tbo part)' b7 co~ectlq parlJ' educ:at.ioo all aJoaa U.e lt..e wlt.b th. uiaUD& poUUca1 probleaa. a.a.d tM tacUca.l and orcuia&UouJ tub: of Commwai.IL JateraaUottal aDd of tho ,..arloa1 Commuabt Par....._ 'l1lla principle mut a..aderlt tbe enUre P'9" cn.m and the methoda or Coan:a&nlat propep..ada work. rrocrama u we.U u metbocb: mast concern tbeaueh es wllb tbe practical aide of party · work. \\"bile uoldln£ Dbsfnct edueaUoaal piovama aad metboda u mueb u poulble tbo parties. bowuer. endoa• or to proTide partr ol!ldala ud ~and IHo .members wttb op. portua.l to acqulre thecwetlc:,-J lt.aowlod e which M.nlam-Leolallm ol'en t the worlllac cJau lAd wblch u tho duolopment of tho Ruaalao &Dd latematlooal revoi:~Uooa baTe abow-n. Q.:'C DIODO c;~pablo of aer-TID~ U I

.-uldo to lho ftna l co:al. Creal c:aro muat ba taken, boweYe r, not to coo· Lru t Man.lam to L~nlaiAm. or nlthor the Marsbm, of the Uf• Ume of Marx :tnd F.nttela, to Lealalam. At all Colla muat we pro.lde Lhe eooeeptlGn uta· Inc that lbrx.lam I• the theory wblle IAolnlam Ia the pracUc e of tbe n~•o­luUoaary labor mof'lmcnl.. Doth lfan.l•m &Dd Lenlnlam c:omprln tbe tbeon and pra.cUce of the worklnc c lu.a tU"'b&l1• far e rnanctpmtlon. The)' repre~ent the uottr between rnolo· tton&r}" lbeory and rnolulloaary prae> U~. In eontradlattnc:llon to t he do­e.Mont .. Marslam" of tbe 88eond Inter·

of llllelr rese&reb wort on AD lnteroa· be prOTided wids Man.·Lellla. llbrar­ aeale. lea. Tbe obJect of u. ... laboratorlea

(b) By Kroupl.o& arooad these tutJ- Ia: to eocouract·Lea.Snat r • tatlon..a tho party worker~ or all com· aearch work. to orca.nlu coUeua for munlst P&rtles who are•ted ud eomradea later .. ted tza theoretJeal actJYe lo lbeoreUeal ~earch work. t tudlu, to help In the elaborattoD of

{e) Dr lilUIJaln&: r eaearc.b work political acd propa,c&Ddln. worU, etc. of these tnaUtaUoa. •• mater ial for • Then labora.tortn al.a be tbe pertodlcal pubUaUoo Qf Marzb t Len· CODDtctlac JIDk beLWCC.b lbt Yu10Utl labst reaearc.h, or tbe pobllsbed ct.u. aeeUoDs of the Comlalanl and the leal works of, ADll a.U the ~an and Leala. Ruearc..b la.aUlutC8 acleoUftc &nd critical worka Of M&n. or the U. S. 8. R.

Encet., a.ud Letl ln. ud a.Lao a Com· -;;;:~~~~;;;;::::===:;-mu.nbt CDC:)'clopedla. RUBB

3 • . ,. ·••'""" to ce .... ~ _., ER·STAIIPS. ~:~';"~.:!":".:,".~~·~' •• ~~~~~t.e~~ AND SEALS the most lmport..a.II. t sec!lou of the Uf UGt.ISK AJID IM AU Comlctern.. Tbue aectlons must alto roJtf.IGM L.AJICUAGD




Telephoae Dl• eraer 6ttt

I Nil rADS. DATtltS. JtiJIIIti1Tn.~te.

Come Over! · .. At any t ime during tho day or ovonlna; If you have

an hour to spa re-come over and volunteer your help to enablo us to got out a heap of mailing, inaortlng and other odd jobs on tho campaign to lncroaae the circu­lation of tho OAIL Y WORKER and tho WORKERS MONTHLY. We are very busy and have loada of work -help us out-como over!

~=-~OJ:~h~:~.::!•:!;~,.:~lo~o-t~~!~ [III:WUIIIIUftiii!KnllnUIIIIUIIIIItllii:IUIII\IIIIIIIIl111RIIJUnlltlU1UIIIIIIIIIIItniiiiiiiiiiKIIRftrtllmiAIMIUUUltttnmDill]d

h-om practice; It ' rejected rn olulloo· V. Organlutlon ot Marxl~n Ruurch § I ..

::e:~~~~: ~neo~~~c:~~~~~~~~~:s ~:or:: ahd Lltenry Actlvltln . EDUCATE YOURSELF FOR THE STRUOOLE ~ l fun of the epoch of Imperialism and 34. ln l11m 111 not 0011 tbe r e•lnl THE WORK ERS PARTY ~ proletarlaa re•oluUon. To put It more or n •,•olutlonRrT )11\rsla~but ahlo :a~::· ~ coodnlr: I.ADihism Ia tho theorr and u ten11loo ot It• theorc 0 P E N F 0 R U M ~ t be tac:Uee of prolotllr lao roYOIUJ tlettl c:ontt!nt. :\lnralat {Lecture. Question• and Dlscuulon) a tloa to ceeeral. aod l bo theon and lilt theory huo not r i the tACUu of tho proleClr l:a.o dictator· permeated the Comm Evory S unday. Night at 8 o:elock. Season 1924--25 :s

sblp In particular" (Sla.Jin ). Tbls 1e llonal. Not e nur lnlt~ ___ ~ the bu ls for the pro~:ram of Comma· l~:ttlon ha.s been tllsp a = n lst educ:aUon, t he methods or )lan:· v••lo prnent of )fur .da resea rch wor k. SUNDAY, NOV. 9-0LIVER CARLSON ~ lst.l...enlol•t prop.aca.nd.&. Tbe echica· T he :.Hetupll or lhe1 t!ec:tlleot M:ln:· Mem ber of Executive Co mmittee o f the Young Contmunl1t lntern.atlonal _ Uonal proa:ram In the Commuolat pro- t.ta of tho Secoodl lntcrnatlon;~l to Will Speak on "The Youth of Russia' ' ~ p.a.&a.nda lnatr uc tlona cannot con•lst coollnue the work or tho orthodox pre-- -of Lt!nlolatn wll hout Marx.llm. ln the ,..., )f;~nltm or Atutrltan·l la.r:r.isn1 In t hlt Lodge Room I epoch or lmperlaHa t duelopmeot a.od could not but ran ror t he rusoo thn.t

1. Ashland Auditorium, Ashland Ave. nnd Va n Buren St. =

proletarian re YoluUon Ma.n:b tn ea.D• H 11 lmpoulbte eTen to pre tend thst 2 ~ot be adequately a.d Yocated e.xeept I~ aoclal dcmoc::r.atlc pr2c:t1ce, and the T!lke ~etropolluan "'L'" to ~lauht1eld Sta.., o r •or fac.e Uou on Van. Barn ~

Lb:Lfor;.;:r,,~~~~~~~ KOnOmtca are ~~~~e~s 0~~~~;t~;;s1t~1~re~~~,;~:n~~ ~ T ide ell aoo!i~::e a~~!~~o•n 12d~l .. lon .. 50o ~ the t heory or the state and must oe- dec•dence ot scleotU1c: res~:arch a.rte r ;;;umn~~~~~DKZWW=~IIIIJI1I::~m~IIIWI~ut~m~L'l11U::UII::-:::::::::-:::":-:::::~~-cupy a prominent plac-e In the •Jib.bus the wa r natura.Ur atre<:ted M2t1lst r e-of partr schools. ...: .. nta ln U!.e epoch search u well. The oolr countrr of Jmperlalltm mu•t •e" e a• tbe bula where ~laralan re1ureh and Utera· of studr or ~anomie theorr. The tuN!l ba•e recel•~ a.o lm~tus 1s to syllAbu.a muat alao lnc:Jude the ttndr SoYiet n.uula where the revolnltoo·

f:a:,::a~t;":~~~~"!:'~~ ;~le~~~ arr proletariat bu etlabllabed Ita: dle-

re Yolutlon tlDd the l..cnla lat aolutloo ~::~~~t A~a.r~:. u aretbeco.::~~ee';, :~~~:;;e :r~~':r';u:~~::e -~~~~n~!r~b:a~ lher caooot anr aeble•e-t.lon a l r e• olutloo. but not te:ut. me.Dta: 0 Ma.nlao r e-tho s rllabus mutt Inc lude tbft hfator)' tear<:h. Tbe CommuDI•t lotern.atlonlll or the bbor mo•emeft t lo tbe moAt moat Ill utmott not oalr to eocour · Important countries and a t home. u ace tt¥1 ttudr of ManJsm-IAnln.'Jm ror well 811 the bls torr of tbe p:artr of propa,a nda purpoaea, bot also to pr~ tbe ~!Yen country. a promlnl'nt plAce 'fide opportunltlea for ac:lent1t1c: re­belo~t ~~;IYcn to .oc:htl condition• II.R ll scnrc h :and • t udr on tbla fteld . the rot., or opportunlam In the t3 bor 35. Tbo ~l tln:·Eo,;ela JnAtltu te , tbe movement. Jn a,;rarhtn countrlu , I P"!· lAin In lnatltute and the Communlat c:lnl atresa mn1t .,., t:. ld on the :~rrarl· Acadcmr are the lntoroatlooal cen· a n qm•s tlon an1t tho rct:~llon !' bat ween tera for tbeoreUc work aod ac.Jentlnc th work ln.; f'l••• ttnd t ho llOUilntry rcl,.l\rch orf the net4 Of Man.h!lm·l...otn· M l.f"nln ndvoc:Hed lt. o r special lnlarn. The tuk of the Communlat tmfW)rt nnco l•~:rtenftl'fO nntl In ten· l n~rnatlonnl Is to make tbe ruolll of alvo prop.o..cllndn of t\lo theore tical a nd the re"earch work carried on Ia then t.cs rtl<":a l prohhmut of armed rls lnK: nod aclentlftc ln~ttltu tlons a«-e .. lble to the civil war. lntcrol\tlonal Communlat mo•emeDL

:t!. At no • taKe ot Communl11l Par· This c.:an bo ac:blond :

Your Photograph Free at

Chicago's Labor Bank Open a savlnPI account and reeefft u \ sounnlr your tnll length ' (5r7)•pbotoSJ'&Pil) mounted In Jaanclaomo Calender KounL

Amalgamated :rs:-.U: Bank 371 W.t,. Boalenal tr t)ducatlon m1u1t '"'Man:lllt·IA•nlnt.t (a} Thru tho AJ~:Uatlon an4 Propa.

phllattoph)' be loat al~ht or. Man , Kanda Dapartmcnt of the Comlolera.. t';n~;ol•. and l...cnla we re a ll mllltnnt ~htch thru HA connection wlt.b theM matc ,....,atl. Tbelr docttloo a.nd the ir ln11tllul01 caD mtlkt u... of Lbe r.-alta 1!-;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"'"' _____________ ...,_"'"';;;;oJ,!


·~ ,


Why Was th~ Rising • m Georgia Needed? Ez-1llah orpD. & De ... paper whJeb r&- OYerthrcnr tbo BaTie\ DOW'Ir w1th. th4ftr

By KARL RADEl<. eelYel tta llltormatloD from the IOUJ"'> OWil a.n.akltd t.orce.. The7 4edde4 to We han more""t.b.a..a oaee had the e1 of the ED.&Uah ton!P o1!1ce &Ad tal:e »ot ... lloll ol a few remote 001'­

.0DPOrltanJty ot obtemac how the ED&:Uah t~lllODaae. aen, wtt.b.oat euterta.c f.nto actu1 bourceoi.J: pretp C&D Ue, &.Dd we ba4 The Plan of the Qeoraten Menahevlkf. d&hU.... They thamael1'H ...,.. t.m.aataecS that lhero cow..ld be no ra,.., Sloce tho Ceorsl .a.n rt.alD& waa not oolther able DOT wDllaa: to lm· thor •UJ'PrlM• 1D 1tote tor ua ln thla lho outbN!~k or the dtuaWt&ct1oa. of port.ut ante.n. &lld hoped9bat the ll.a6. Bqt wheo datlr war bulloUna :1. people, but w:J..S ort:aui.J.e4 trom a Bot.herlkl would be equll7 Dnaltlo appeared tn fore(&n newapaperw dur· center, the queatJoo a.r~: ror what to resoln apoo an attack 1ilPG& them. 1Dc the two weeta eodloc September purpose did the Gears-lao Meoabntkl. Tber .had corrupondeota lZl Tra~ 17, w1th reporta oo Ule tall or Tlnll, ll1'h:IC LD Pa.r ls a.ntl seadlDc n..huceU R.llt, com.mlnloaed with the lull: of Datum, etc., and. on bloody tltUSa:les nad others to orca.nls.e the luurrec· lblormlDs the wbole world lbat there lA Baku. etc., we beaau to uk wbat tloo, need tho r l•lacT • we ro two ro.,.erumeaU lD Oeorcta. eou.14 be the mea.alnc of all thla. · Tbe wholo lntoraatJout allua.Uon. )taeDooald and Herrlot would thea In· There are fort~lpeu Ill Ttftla, there and the methods employed for Uf1"1· terftne. Tbb "''ole aoap ba~ll are foretcn coa.aalt In realdenec there, Ins on the Insurrection. riYe the a•- bu.n1t, for thl3 acUon recetTed ao Ill~ we no loacer UYI.DC In Umea of swer to Ibis queatlon. to En&tancl a port from the muaea of the people, lDte"eDUOQ and blockade, wben a~ party bclonclnJ to the Second 'later-· and tbe Bo11beT111:1 abowed no loclllLa· body .l.toad wu tn a ooaiUon to judce naUon'lt15"u arcurecl the EOYin~ent! Uon to play at necol.I.2Uou. b•t Dr• ot lllf' uteDt of their melldaclty. But Thht connament bu' been obllncf, u.a· terrecl to act. at, on September 11., the ao-eaUed der the preuure e:~en:lsod. by the ba:- How waa the Geot~len Rl.aJne Utlltud Oeorwta.D emb&My In Parle &D.DOU.Deed Uah worklu~~; ma.uN, to acbowledce ~y the Engllah lour,eMiet to lh• world Ula1 t.b• ~t of tbe SoTiet Union UDC01ld1Uonally, Allyoae wbo bu aot tuny 11"&Q41d t.he Oeorc1an people wu onr. Tbe wllhoot wa~~Unc o•o worcl on C:ecf'l'la.. tbo oltject ot the dlscncatal U. "'DaUy Telep-apb.'' Wblc.b b.a4 &.akeo In f'ranco tbe IOYernment 1.1 Ja the tpreacl b:r tllle ED&llth a.D.d a.cUYe part in ~"'Jtoattoa of aU theto Ilea u to an Ut4Dt1Yo IAittrree­Uoa. aow pubUabca &D a.rUcle eaUt~ led : -rroacbery &ad pfOYO<:alloD." wb.leh doelroyt the ttuuo Ot Uet main­tained. by tho bourceota pr .. up to thla data.. The a.rt.leht Ia however, In IUel f a tH:sh t!.tcht of t.onaUoo.. The orru of tho E.ncllsb. forol1n omee yrltU to the followln&" etrect.


A Tlu~ of Ll.... .

bec!A lo _, 1M -. Bot acal• 1M nbjeot ;p>abll1 deolt YIU. It DOt th&t of tllo t1t1o, bat 1M loaa. lhlt ~<>.....S. u..- ol t1o1o art1c1o acatut Ute au.t.&D. Sou. ,. 4D4 aa appeal t.o Kae0oul4 :

.. i::D111ah IDODIJ' mut DOt N ...-4 tor dn.u.d.D.a *tl.a1 and Woodr ca.. oa~Pero. ndl .. U...t wbx. It vow droW1lllle a_, Ullort7 1D blood. Wlthl.o a YOU ~oald bu to ll)e&k. We oaee more can •pon him to •tudy thlt Q.udJoa. t.or be ll::aoW'I more a.bodt 1t thaD. aJl.10Ue ....... Re wu la Oeorda whe.n. 1l be&AA t.D baJ14 up Ua m.aplleentb" dnaloped &ad aple'a4Jdb' ~D&.D&&e4 stUt. f'DU ol pride Ia lta newl.7.ptaed Uberty. He 'wu fllll of aad ...acs..oee 1D the tat1ll"e of" oeorcta. TtLree Jean

qo -· ~ "' II<>•Loc -acaiDit tile 'iWieud ol - -'-"'t tile nlaleetloa b7 11>1u ot anu. It Ia bJa duty 14 teD Ul WMt -17 llo la able to o«er u tllllt ov ...,..,. s. aot-loroacllllll4~ Bo matt . ten u w!aat feel!ap .,.. aow &rOIIIed ID IWa '7 tile ...,. ol ..,. ,.,..., - lllllfton ID o-sta.••

lob••• tit lmperi•II.U. It '- ...,. to tomDralaead tbe eDb

ob.Jeet.IYeb' llt"'ed by the Oeoi'C'Iaa MeatbeTlii:J. Tbe:r wanted to uUU. " tl&C.tDtt• lmperi&Utm tor attata· meat ot tllelr OW'!l aJma, but aow It be­co mea mar, t.b.a eYideOt that their blood bu eerTed lmpertalt.m with· oat 4UY pacltltt conrln«•· The ED&:· Uab caDitallaU are end.euorlD~r to d• 1tro7 the lo&D aceemcDt , ln order to. employ the ftna.DdAI blockade tor tho -

"'Tho cvoatt Ia Caueula aro typiQJ for coadlHoaa Ia SoYiet Ruul:\ , and for So•lel methods. Tbo latormallon wbleh we bnn now recehed from tTUstworthy aonreet shows that th e naw11 on tho · aucceu of tho rlalac In Oeorcla baa been na.&&:erated, and lh:~.t the Bol5bo'f1t l tbomsehOtl ha•o epromd Lhla fo.lae DOW'S (!). t.4Yer siDeo tho tndepondonee of the Gcontlau re­public wu ' A.Dnlbllat~ by tho Red Ann:r. lofoaeow bu beea uveeun: the d:~.y to como on which Oeorglo. woulft r lae to w1a IU freedom. Whoa the Bol­ehoYI'kl e s:poct a.o lnaarreetloa. they attempt-and ato ofton suceoaatul-ln proYoldnt tho monmeut tato acUTity

, before It ll ripe • .a lb&t the acher· IArJ''I forcee ho.n not Ume tor ado·

/ :,:~~· d~rn!~::~:~.::: ~~~!:;;:

Q.Uilte f

"Tbe OoOTCI&Jl patrlot.l, who De4 to Europa botore tbo reel fora.. e~tab­lllbed. t.beJr be&d.quartent 1D Pvla, maJ Dt.alned oomm•nte&t.loa 1rttll d.otr UU't'O CODDtr:r, &Dd UIJ'Ietlcally pt)).

ered tocetbet meo &.D4 IDOIMY tor the purpoae of a aenwal lnlunecUoD &l' their oppreuora. Tbe Ct&elr:a lA Tiftlt, wb1ch poueuea MC"tlou all OTer the Caaoua.a. naccu&ted tho aueceaa of lbo aucc ... of lbe.e preparatlou. tD Ol'4or to IDcreue the lmDOrta:lce or U!w work for the queaebtoc ot the lnaufT6CUou.. The p.atrfotlo orciUIJ.aatlou of Oeorl'la were lod utn.1 by tro&cbery. ProYo­eateura ha't'e eadea.Yored to craat.e coo· IPiraclot wbero there wero aooe Ia reo.lltJ. and to)ndaeo a retort to force wbero Dobocly had thought of aaeh a think. When Jt!oacow board t.ha.t" tbo pa tr!otlc monmont wu l.ncrculog In ltranatb, It wu ruoiYecl to accelcra.te tho outbrea.ll: of Cbe lun.nectloa. La

Unemployed in Cormany.

ordor. tlnt, to proYoke the Geon;l:~.ns ll:tDtl !l of the ldt bloc, and Ia depan- ~o•rench ru·eaa oo tho ri•lnll In Georc1a to a stnlscle aad to an.nlbll&to them, J~nt upon tho support oC the toel:~. l Bliould no., read the le:ul!n; orcan or aad. ae~ond, to tbow tho R.tlulaa.a tb & domoc:rata. Measrs. Jon! and ~ f!nr;llsh Imperialis m. Wo hue before .uensth or the .Red .Army the rc te lll turne<l .,.·Jth teart tn tholr ere• us lbc .. Timu'" of Scptem~r U . TWa Cboka." to 1helr patrons Mn.eDon!lld &nd Reo · contalo" nn ::trtlclc aga inst the loan.

Wo buo Quoted the wbolo of the :~.ude l : Hue >·ou rors:ottu u.a! Can One ot the artle.le de:ahl with the •J)afly Tetearavh .. arUele, tor ta addl· :rou not do somctblo&: tor ua! Wh3.t lo3.o . tho a~ocd h nlt wltll Goor.-;l:a. Uoo to a lot of robbfsb It la elud~s two could MacDoo :~Jd :t.nd n cuadel reply? Wh!ll eonncctJon ~s lstll between tbe hiKb ly n.luable adm1aa1bna. Wo netld In Ge-o~cla c\·~r,tblo' w:u quiet. thoro loa.a o.nd Geor,;ln! Tbhs Is ca.oll)· ex·

• not demooatrnte the abaurdl ty ot e was no al,so I bat tho C:eorP&n work· pl:al ned . Tbe artlde s tatea .tbJ.t Gcor­uaertJon th:t.t the SoTtet CO'f' enl ers acd pen.un~ bad &llY ldu of t1• ~;Ia wu the embodiment of the h la;h· Juclf prepllred tho tnaurre on In or. In~; to a.o Altl'tn pt to oTe.rthrow tho oat wlsbee of Mr. ~t:1~0onald, :md of cler to show bow powerful t Ia. N~ DolshoYikl. Mo u n . Sno\•den :tni:'r 116naudol .. body poueulo.& the le:u c:nJ.n of M. J orda.nla dec.lded to npply proo[JI •ell, who " • eo trucUed to Georc1a eommon aenee 'belle't'ea this. Bntltll th&l a .. ,lnlC.Kie tor tndePende.aee" In on!er to · be able to clueribe tbll of tmport.A.D~ to aot.e the a.tSm.J.aalon re&Dr wu EOioc on tD Oeorz:1L Jut urthly l>'U':a.dbe. Dut tho Sovl6l wolt tbat tbe ~ c:en ter ot the before the t.cacue ot DaUoNI coate,.._ bad deToured lho Geors;fu lamb, And Oeof"'{an luur1"0Ctlou Ll lD Parl.t, an.d • oaco. before the .. ocmd p'bue of the Mr. AiacOonald. tor;cttln1 biJ loYe tbe eecoDd adm..Lalon that the rk!Dc necotJ.aUona on lOAn. before for Oeorcl&. recocnlr.ed t..he SoYiot 'o•· hu proTed to be ....U of brief tbe ne:coUatlOZtl betweea Fra.rtce and erameat.. &Dd lhoUJht uo more or cl11tatlon.. Tbe wlllole taJe of .,.e pro. Cbe SoTiet Onton. ......, ebosen u the' Oeof"Ci,L Bu t now oez;O'llatlou bo­"YOted a.ceeleraUoa of the rtatw; b7 meet 1ult.:lble momc::L The eatcuta.-'· tD..c can1ed on re.:>trdln& t.ho lo&.n. tha Or'I'IJ\1 ot the Cbeb m...aly ttt. ,.... TU7 al.mple: Tbe Bol.slteTtkl Then b u loaarnclloo In Oe:orda. serTaa to erpltJJa wby lb. rt.:taa ,...,.. woOS Dot TRture to ac:t with theU ftcb.t.t.ll& and blooc!ehed. Wb.:t.t nowT ed 10 w.U. ID ~ ......._.,. ODe ot ecu1.oaaar7 eneru, f~ to Lntare r. tt ponJble tha.t !.ht.cDoaalcS. In the IO&dlD&" orp..DI. .t bcUab tmpe.rlal. thab !o.t.onLaCJ.otlal DOdtlob.. Tbe Mad· of the bloody .rtcU:nlu.Uoa of bla lam aekDowifld~ that tll• wla.ole t.alll: .,... of tbe Oeoqf.aD :.A:euhenki. caJ. ~ rnenda, e&.Q resoln to fur· ILbout a mt.abC7 DaUoaal rtc:t.c. &Dd: cWatta& OD. the o( t.he ther tbe ratlfteatloa ot tho l.l'f'eOmea t about • t.llJooM ....a' •CI"Q:::1.e tD 0.... 9o1ab.n1kl. bope4l to attaht thOU ob- oD tbe loaD tn p.Uuamcntt Thus the eta. wu pure to.,.uUGD.. W• mat ....r.t JeeL deq:lte th4l Dcwa we.ab!NI of ""'J'tJDeD"' laments and aneatlODA. We and tee 'W'b.a.t the or- ol U. 8ecoD4 t1s.etr 4ec::.&7tal: . »&ttl'- read the .. O&IIy Tf' tea; rapb" of Se~ Int.ana.aUonaJ U.. ID ..., to t.b1e eo. wu.t ,... eM obJec:( W'bSch Ur.ey lember %0. Tbe leadlnc arUelo f1 en· tu.Jon on the part ol aa. important. parnoeCf n..y cout Mt llope to UUod : -rbe Gcorc!an. Jeuoo." We

the abotiUoD of the toroi;'D moo· opolJ', a.Dd p8J'menl ot lbe caarfst debta. Tho petty boU~"Keole blockhead• dreun ol uUJidnl' tmocrta.Uam tor · thetr oWD encla. but · IDYarlabi.J' proye tbomaoln• bUad tooll ollmporial· -The l.mpe.rWltt aoc:laJ democ:ratSc prcu ...U.. • tremeadoaa outcry OT• tho blood. wkfek bu • been sbe4 ta OOOTTla. Bat tbJt blood 11 upon U.e hcaclo ol lm-.uot ~lud u4 l'"nllce. on the bea.d1 of the 1enU• moD o( tbe Seooad Wheo IUbataat1aUq hla re1oluUoa • CeoJ"Kla at tbe l.,.Pe ol u.tto .. coa. tennee, M. Pul BollCOar. member Ott the Becn4, made the 'f..,~ •tateaMGt: Oeorai& haa l"ll•, aad we, thl le&l'le of na. Uon1, .,.. ~ to nPlJ. lt .oal.7 by • ruture. T-.. tor 1M Oeorctu M•4

&llo.W. foolo4 b7 IMir r-.,. s...s. en. Ute lea&1M of utlo.DI wOJ euret,. ftad a ceatare. Bat lhlt peture w111 . ban to brl.Da tn moae:r for the E:nc4

Jlab aDd WHnc.b bt.Jstcrw ud lllda• trlaUata, tor the wbole ot the!r oatery onr Georcta baa but one ai.Dile ucl In Tlew: Tbe Enl'lllh wort61"11 aro u;. MclaiDI PrO-Ullre OD lbe En&Uth I'OT· crnmeat. aad demedfilc e loan . for SoTiet Ru.uiL. The EDllJah preu therefore n.Lau 1t.1 ODlc.f'1 oYer SoYiet brut&UUea lD 0001'&'1a Ia order to aow confaak)a lD the raab of t.he ED&· lllb workere, and t.o weaken the.Jr pre111uro on M4CDon&Jd.

Thlt It lbe raply to the quetUon why tho r lat.oc In Georcta wu a eee•· llll r)'. Dut tbe centlemen mu&&!,pl the En,;IIAh fmperJ:~.II• t proea baTe Ude lime WOYon a mlatake Into ltlolr U• aue ot untruths. They aro to"nowledlo l h3 t bu boon no rl.!Sint In Gcor;:l:~., bat a fiDtlc.b or­&l'.DI~cd In Pari•. a.nd lho:r ban 1howo. their hands re.mnknbtr aooo, and. d• mooatr:~.ted with rom:srkahle eaodor . that tho bloodshed In Ceorcia wu tor them n neceulty, a.s a meant tor frua­tr:atln;;: tho Ruasfan lolUl. The tTUth abou~e:or;:Ia ll DOt a blnw aptnat tho Tfot Uoloo.. but a•atnat the bloody an4JU ot Ea,Hah lmperi,ll•m.. wbo a.r now •boddtn, croeodlle'e ie:~.n OYer tho Geora;: han YletJm.e 'W'ho hue •~ted u their toola.


A"Y Book t.. Prlnt at Once.

Jimmie Higgins Book Shop 127 Unlvereh,. Pl ,u e NEW VOAK CITY

A W•rlu rt Part,. • ook lhep



The Party· and Class That Made It Possible Ia Ru.ala 11 COltVLET£0.



Rally around your Sovlcb. Strt:ngthen thrm. Take hold you,.. stlvee of thla task, from below, and wage ,..lentlua warfaN on all at· ternph at anarchy on the part of dnmkarda. hooligans. counter-revo­lutlonleh, Junkere, Kornllovltea.

lntroduu atrlct control over- pro­duction and an Inventory of prod· ucta. Arnet and brln1 Mfo,.. the

;~;.o!~,u;:~,.·:~:",~'ju,.~' .~:·ru:; of the people, whether thla Injury

:~~·:~:·~~~;;';u~'t?o~~:,a;r!:::!~~:, or that of hoarding auppll .. of gralne or product&, or that of holcf. lno up carloads of grain, or dlao,.. ganlalng the activity 'of the rail· roact,. telegraph, polt om~. and In oeneral, any form of ' opposition to the grtat common cauee of pe.te.e. of INUring to the worker control over the production and distribution of goodl.

Comndu: worken. sofdlera. pe• 11nta, all who tol11 Puf all the power •n your a•atrtc:ta Into u.e ~ hands of your Soviet-. Pruerve and gu-ard aa tha apple of your eya, the land, grain, tha fac:torln, tool.., pf'Od.. uc:ts. transportation- all theM •"' hanc:dorth your common po .. a• alon. Gradu1lly, In agreement with the majority of the peasantry, aftd w ith thtlf' approv1l, aa we team the lusonS of thelf' prattlul u:perlence and that of the ....drtrers. we ati1ll advanu at11dfutly 1nd unwaver­Ingly to the Nallutlon of aoclall1m, In which we ah1ll be a ided by the advanced worlcera of the moat c:lvU· b.ed countrl .. and whlt-h will elva to u.e n1t1ona ,.rmanent .. ace -and dellvtf')' from all 'Op,reulon and from all uplolt.atlon. Whoa Communlatt are aeet1:aed: of

'i>eiDC 1'1alonary, or DeCictCIIDI' tbe " pnetleal" tblac•. of aadr reaUmat.­lnc tba lmportaaee of the peltt ~ forma of which the libe rals aDd ~ elallata and otber .. prac tical .. J)flraoaa md:e maJor obJocthu, and It thl• crlllclltra welchs upon them, It Would be well to read It fiUCb tlmu the prO:. clamatlon or the tarat wor lr.era• J'OYflf'D· ment In the world- a document 10

practical and at the umo time ao roTolutloaary thllt capitalism will ae­•er l't!conr rrom the etrect It ~ro­tlueod.

So waa the Ruaaln re•olutloD bom.. ft haA wrltt~Jn many briUiaDt PAleS ot workiDK clan blatory sface but aoae ot t hem llrt! •o tilled wltb Jeuooa Cor the world'• worken 1U the record ot tbe t~hcht montha from Ah.rc..h to N~ .ember. n n .

Dullt on the solid Coandatloa of Commun lat;e aad the work· lnlt elu a will to power. the Union of SMiallat So rltl t RepubHea rorces re­co~;n ltloa rrom Its enemies lbe world o"e~nemles wh~e s treac tb de­ella ,.. Ia propor tion to tbo speed wttb which t he worltln,; eta .. J~raa the leuona or tbe n uu lan n e•olutlon.

I Yoan1 Workers League Memhers Take Notice I Malll"' ....., ..__. ..,... .... meeti"' wUI be held 8t 1112 Dovel• 111ft.

t. rn.ake .,.,..,...r~M"Me fer J1te ......... at .....,.._ ...._.. & c.. An mem-bere of .,... .,_....._ H-. 1, 4. I _. t .,.. I.......Wd tit be ,..,ent at thta ~ It wut -.. ,..... ~ N..,. t. at t ~ "'- v .. will get JOW Ln.a~ u tit wt11111t tt... and ,._. )Wa .,.. .. ....,. J. the c.ampallft.. Maka the n ... •lttft a ---. a. • tt.e __..,.. " u ... ·

Ne,.._. fll ~,._,,_.I_. -....tat 7ZI .._ ,.._,.. en lUA-

U.. ............... - .--•• _ .. tw-- .. """',.._,...

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