The outsider (horror)

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The outsider (horror)

The Outsider

Genre: Horror

Director: Alexandre Aja

Location: Quiet town in the country

Setting: Dark and eery

Actors: Cillian Murphy (Josef)

Christian Bale (The Outsider)

Keira Knightley (Josef’s wife, Penelope)

The outsider is Christian who moves to a quiet town with no one knowing who he is, or what his intentions are. He stands out as he brings money to the town, and things start to noticeably change for the inhabitants of the town. Cillian plays the role of Josef, who does everything in his power to find out Christian’s secret, making him a sworn enemy of Cillian’s. Keira Knightley who plays Cillian’s wife, falls in love with Christian, making Cillian’s intentions even darker towards Christian. The film includes a murder, when Cillian discovers his wife’s secret, he kills Christian, leaving no trace it was him. I chose Cillian to play the part of the murderer as he is a brilliant actor when it comes to suspense and tension, and that’s what this film would include. I chose Keira Knightley to play Cillian’s wife, because of her good ability to play role as a lover and a wife. Christian Bale was my choice as the outsider, because I loved his work as Batman, in ‘The Dark Knight’ and I feel his acting skills are what this part would require. I decided Alexandre Aja would be a good choice as director due to him directing the films The Hills Have Eyes in 2006, and his work with Mirrors, produced in 2008. He is famously known for directing horror movies, so he was a good choice of director for this film.