The OPCC Scene

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Transcript of The OPCC Scene

The OPCC Scene · 1

Volume 17, Issue 5 May 2021

The OPCC Scene

Overland Park Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

7600 West 75th Street • Overland Park, KS 66204 • 913.677.4646

Church Office Hours Monday - Thursday, 9:30am - 4:00pm; Friday, 9:30am - 3:00pm • • @opccdoc (Twitter)

In-Person Worship — Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Nursery care available for children through 3 years old

Covenant Connections Sabbatical

Beginning June 11, Overland Park Christian Church has a unique opportunity to continue engaging in ministry, just as we have for the last 70 years. Starting on June 11, I will begin my sabbatical, returning to you, with joy, on September 6. During that time, your OPCC leadership, along with a part-time sabbatical minister, will lead you through some new opportunities for reconnecting with one another and renewing our covenant with one another as the Body of Christ. During these 12-weeks, the goal for all of us, myself and OPCC, is to discern what Jesus is saying about our future and be faithful in what we do about it. At the end of this sabbatical, I will return to OPCC in September, and together look towards OPCC’s next 70 years!

We published these questions in last month’s newsletter, but it is important to review them so that we can all, myself included, spend these 12-weeks wisely as we look ahead to the next 70 years of ministry of Overland Park Christian Church:

What is a sabbatical? A sabbatical for a minister is a time for rekindling their sense of calling, for growing in one's knowledge, and for deepening one’s spiritual life. It is a time for renewal and refreshment for those who serve others. It is also a time for a congregation to rediscover its own resources for leadership and to be renewed itself as a result of the sabbatical. Sabbaticals are scriptural, practical, and test in a way few things can, the mettle and unity of the congregation, while producing healthy results for pastors and congregation.

What is a sabbatical NOT? Sabbatical is NOT a time to for YOU to take a vacation from worship, or the church. We’ve been apart for far too long at this point – we hope to see you soon! No matter what, OPCC will be here doing some awesome things – worship, ministry, outreach, fellowship – and you certainly don’t want to miss out on that! Sabbatical is NOT a time to worry about the leadership of the church. A part-time sabbatical pastor will be hired, and Rev. Chuck will also continue to lead worship and work with our youth, children, and families. Our musicians will still enhance worship and create new spaces to experience God. Our front office and administrative staff and volunteers

(continued on next page)

2 · The OPCC Scene

will all still be here; pastoral care and small groups will still continue to love and support our members. Our elders and deacons will still provide leadership, and the church will continue to be about our entire family in faith, not just about one individual.

You may remember that when Rev. Bo took a sabbatical in 2015 there was a theme that connected his holy work with ours at the church. This same design will continue in 2021, adopting a theme of Covenant Connections.

As we have been physically separated in these last 15 months, we have done everything we can to remain connected, but we also recognize the atrophy that has occurred in some of our relationships. This being said, the month of July will have specific focus on reconnecting with one another, asking deeper questions that can produce even more fruitful relationships. The month of July will include a worship focus, along with Bible Study and educational opportunities surrounding the theme, “I’ve Been Meaning to Ask…. A Series for Curiosity, Courage & Connection.”

During the month of August, our focus will turn to what it means to be a people of Covenant. Along with the entire Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination, OPCC and its leadership with engage in a Covenant Education Initiative, spending 5-weeks looking at what it means to stay in partnership with one another through the covenant of love offered in and through Christ at the table we celebrate each week. This will not only allow us to renew our covenant to one another, but to the entire denomination with which we are in partnership in ministry and mission.

It is my deep hope that this time will be one of renewal and revitalization in ways that we have yet to imagine, trusting that God will be with each of us. I truly look forward to that which comes out of this focus of Covenant Connections and to what our next decades of ministry will bring as we trust in God!

Disciples Affirmation of Faith

As members of the Christian Church, We confess that Jesus is the Christ,

the Son of the living God, and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world.

In Christ’s name and by his grace we accept our mission of witness and service to all people.

We rejoice in God, maker of heaven and earth, and in God’s covenant of love which binds us to God and to one another.

Through baptism into Christ we enter into newness of life and are made one with the whole people of God.

In the communion of the Holy Spirit we are joined together in discipleship and in obedience to Christ.

At the Table of the Lord we celebrate with thanksgiving the saving acts and presence of Christ.

Within the universal church we receive the gift of ministry and the light of scripture.

In the bonds of Christian faith we yield ourselves to God that we may serve the One whose kingdom has no end.

Blessing, glory, and honor be to God forever. Amen.

The OPCC Scene · 3

OPCC Returning to In-Person Community

We celebrated new life on Sunday, April 4 celebrating Resurrection Sunday, and we continue celebrating new life at the beginning of this month by returning to

to NOT use the words “re-open” because we’ve never been closed. Our worship, community, fellowship, education, and growth has continued no matter what – and will continue; that is the life of a community of faith!

You should have received a letter in the mail, or by email, that outlines the specific rationale of these plans, the volunteers who’ve served on our OPCC Returning Committee, and the OPCC Covenant of Return. If you have not received that letter and covenant, you can access it on our website, as we expect everyone returning to OPCC on May 9

th to

Even as we continue with this practice of return, we WILL maintain our virtual presence for those who worship with us from afar, or for those who are still more comfortable worshiping from home. You will still be able to access our live-stream worship services on our website, and on our Facebook page, but the Sermon-by-Phone experience will necessitate a change. Due to the technology we use for this manner of worshiping, that audio worship service by phone will not be available until 2pm Sunday afternoon. You can access that service by calling (913-299-9002). Additionally, the quality of the live-stream will TEMPORARILY be less than what we are used to. Until our NEW LIVE-STREAM EQUIPMENT is in place, with the higher quality which we have become accustomed, we will return to the technology we were using in February 2020. We’ve certainly adjusted our worship liturgy to be more inclusive of those watching from home, but the technology will play catch up until our NEW LIVE-STREAM EQUIPMENT is installed at the end of this month.

For all of the worship experiences, the worship order is still available each Sunday on our Worship This Week page on our website. Please comment or send an email to let us know you are “with us.” Even if you think “oh, they know we’re watching,” we’re not 100% sure how many and specifically who watches each week – so a comment on the video, or an email to the front office each week is extremely helpful (!

No matter how we worship with one another, we are so glad you continue to join us for worship, and for the grace that we will all extend one another in these weeks of transition!

Our 2021 graduates will be honored during worship

on Sunday, May 16! In the June OPCC Scene

we will also highlight family and friends who

are graduating from high school, college, grad school, or other programs. To include

your loved one, contact Michelle in the church office with your graduate’s name, photo,


You should have received individual communion packs in your Lent-from-Home-Kit that should have lasted you through Easter. If you need more for future at-home worship experiences, please contact the church office, or fill out an order form on our website. You will be notified when communion is ready for you to pick up, for your use from home.

If you still have plenty at home, please consider bringing it with you for your use as you return to in-person worship, until it has all been used. We will continue to utilize these individual communion cups for as long as necessary, to continue welcoming all to the table, and keeping us safe while communing with God and one another.

In-Person Volunteers for Worship Leading

For many weeks now we have invited participation in worship from those who are comfortable recording on video and able to participate in our virtual worship experiences. As we return to in-person worship, we still need volunteers to participate in worship on Sunday mornings, and need to know who is comfortable both being at worship in-person,

Would you be willing to serve as a liturgist and read either scripture or a call to worship provided for you? No age requirement – anyone willing to read is welcome! Please contact Eileen in the front office if you would be interested and we will keep your name on a list. Please contact Eileen by email ( or phone (ext. 221).

4 · The OPCC Scene

Antiracism Discussion May 20, 7pm, OPCC Courtyard

Thank you for your willingness to learn and move our community toward more awareness and involved responses to help reduce systemic Anti-Racism. Our next OPCC Social Justice

conversation will be led by Judy Nickum. She will report on her reading of the book

"Raising White Kids: Bringing up Children in a Racially Unjust America." We will meet

on Thursday, May 20th at an outdoor session in the OPCC courtyard at 7:00 p.m.

If you would like a hard copy of the book ”Raising White Kids,” contact Peggy Moore.

The following meeting will be June 10th in the courtyard at OPCC at 7pm. We will discuss our

Goals and our Desired Outcomes at this meeting. We will also look at the book entitled "Racial

Healing Handbooks" for the group. This book has been used in our DOC Region with good results. Our books have been covered by a donation to the church and will be available for you then.

Mark the following dates (subject to change) for our "Next Steps" and stay tuned for information about future conversations, movies, clips, etc.

July 1, August 26, and September 23. Continue to open the conversations and invite any who are interested to join us at any time.

Questions: Call Peggy and Wayne Moore at 913-592-0179 or email

Men’s Fellowship Group

The Men’s Fellowship Group continues to meet over Zoom, on the first Saturdays at 9:00am.

Please email our church office for updates on the meeting status of the Men’s Fellowship Group.

• Join Zoom Meeting by App/Program/Web ○ Meeting ID: 349 286 369 ○ Password: 7600

What Does the Food Pantry Need This Month?

May – Macaroni and Cheese, and Bar Soap

Please place your donations in the blue barrel by the Receptionist’s Desk. Thank you!

Middlers Sunday CE Class

Please join our ‘Middlers’ Adult Bible Study on Sunday mornings from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. via Zoom

as we continue our study from the Feasting on the Word curriculum. All are welcome!

We are still meeting via Zoom, but hope to be able to meet again in person soon.

For more information, contact Peggy Moore at or 913-592-0179.

• Join Zoom Meeting by App/Program/Web ○ Meeting ID: 922 8713 2903 ○ Password: 7600

Girlfriends Unlimited

Girlfriends is a Women's Bible Study that meets virtually on Wednesdays from 7- 8pm via Zoom.

We invite you to join us in our current weekly study of the book of Psalms. We are reading through it one chapter each day. We are also reading through the two devotionals of Jesus

Calling by Sarah Young and Liberating Love by Sandhya Jha. We share our thoughts on the images and insights that these inspirational

devotionals bring to us.

All are welcome to join our virtual community! For more information, contact Peggy Moore

at or 913-592-0179.

• Join Zoom Meeting by App/Program/Web ○ Meeting ID: 946 0988 7173. ○ Passcode: 7600.

Grief Loss Support Group

If it is deemed safe, this Grief Loss Support Group will meet in person starting on Monday, June 7,

1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. in the OPCC Fireside Room. We will usually meet on the first Monday of each month starting on June 7th. We will try to meet in person as long as the CDC and our OPCC Board and COVID Returning Leadership say it is safe for us to do so. We will still mask, keep social

distance, and also come vaccinated. Our safety would still be a priority, as well as the love and support of our faith community.

At this time, we are planning to meet on June 7, July 5, August 9, September 6, October 4, November 1, and December 6. If you are

interested or have questions, contact Peggy at or 913-592-0179.

The OPCC Scene · 5

CYF Mission Trip

Our Youth Mission Trip is back! This year we're going to Connect Fort Worth

July 17-24 where we'll be working with refugees and learning about their experiences.


This mission trip is open to all high schoolers. Cost is $150 per person, but scholarships

are available if needed. We need to know if you'll be attending by June 12th.

We're also looking for an adult female to be a sponsor on this trip, so if you like spending time

with teenagers and can handle the July Texas heat, let us know!

Contact Rev. Chuck for all the details about this mission trip.

And watch for information soon about fundraisers for this mission trip! (Donations always welcome!)

Music Department

Bell & Chancel Choirs Zoom Chat:

As we continue social distancing, we invite all members of the Chalice Chancel Choir and

Reverberations Bell Choir to join us online via Zoom for some reconnection time and an opportunity to share ideas for music in our upcoming online worship videos. Topics for

discussion are planned and led by Mary Beth. If you would like to discuss something specific, please contact her before the Zoom meeting.

Watch your emails for the invitation/code to join us on Wednesdays, May 5, 19, & June 2 from 7-8pm.

Seeking Musical Talent & Ideas for Music:

If you have a musical talent to offer our congregation or know of someone we should personally invite, please contact Mary Beth

Boucher at or 913.488.7796. Likewise, maybe there is

a song that brings you closer to God and you’re wishing you could hear it in our services; please

also share those ideas with Mary Beth at the email address or phone number listed above.

Family Life Ministries

Contact Associate Pastor Rev. Chuck Pickrel at or ext. 228 for more info

about Children and Youth Ministries.

Our weekly virtual family faith formation gathering, Growing in God’s Love, is still ongoing via Zoom on Wednesdays at 5:30pm. Contact

Rev. Chuck for meeting info if needed.

Youth Group is now meeting every Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:30pm. Masks are required, and we still take and record temperatures at the beginning

of each meeting, as well as social distance. The weather should get better and better, so we will be taking full advantage of that.

Don't forget to get registered for in-person camps at Tall Oaks this summer. All of the necessary

info can be found on the regional website.


In-Person Vacation Bible School! June 6-9, 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Compassion Camp is a program where kids, families, and church communities explore what it means to have compassion for ourselves, others, and the world through music, Biblical storytelling,

crafts, active play, and more.

Join us Sunday, June 6 - Tuesday, June 8 for rotational VBS, and Wednesday, June 9 for

an Ice Cream Social for children and families!

Volunteers are needed to lead groups, outdoor activities, and help with snacks. If you would like to be a part of four fun evenings with us, let us know!

6 · The OPCC Scene

Some big things have been happening in Johnson County, and MORE

2 has played a significant role.

Come find out what this means! As part of our Outreach-Mission efforts at Overland Park

Christian Church, we are a partner organization with Metropolitan Organization for Racial and

Economic Equity (MORE2). However, we are more

than just a pastor-led partner, and invite you to join in the efforts. Please join in one of the following

events to find out how you can be involved:

• Kansas Issues to Action Night – this is where MORE

2 decides the work that is important to us,

where we discuss how we can work toward racial and economic equity in Kansas. ○ May 10, 6:00 – 7:30pm online via Zoom

(Click Here to register )

• MORE2 Board Meeting – the leaders of MORE


determine the direction of the organization and implement strategic planning to see this important work to fruition. Judy Snyder and Barb Collins serve as OPCC’s two representatives on the MORE

2 board, but the meeting is open if you

want to join us in this important work. ○ May 25, 6:00 – 7:30pm online via Zoom

(Email Rev. Laura to find out more!)

OPCC Coronavirus Re-Do

The Coronavirus Fund OPCC started last spring is reborn! With another round of stimulus checks being sent out, we have another chance to bless those around us who are less fortunate than we.

The Coronavirus Committee has two requests: First, if you can afford to share your stimulus check with others in need, you can do so by donating, either on-line or with a check payable to OPCC with Coronavirus Fund in the memo line. Second, if you know someone for whom their stimulus check will not be sufficient to meet their current needs, you can sponsor them by calling our receptionist Eileen. She will refer you to one of the Coronavirus Committee members who will take your information and complete the process. A prospective recipient can also call Eileen directly to make an application.

Thank you! The OPCC Coronavirus Committee

Disciples Virtual Gathering

Like many organizations, our denomination is still in the midst of rescheduling and re-envisioning some long-term plans upended by COVID-19. Typically, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) would meet in 2021 for its biennial gathering to conduct holy work, fellowship, and worship with Disciples churches across the United States and Canada. The General Board of the Christian Church (DOC) voted in 2020 to cancel our 2021 all-church, in-person gathering in order to be good stewards of resources and maintain safety as one of the utmost priorities, for all of our members – AND – scheduled the Disciples Virtual Gathering for August 7th, 2021!

August 7th will be an opportunity for Disciples to

connect, learn, worship, and imagine new ways of gathering as church. Through Bible study, workshops, and worship, the event will focus on the covenant we share as Disciples and the promise of Romans 8:38-39 that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Visit and sign up

information and when registration is open.

State of the Church Video

On April 10, 2021 our General Minister and President of the Christian Church (DOC) gave a State of the Church address to our General Board of the denomination. It was an inspiring delivery, challenging and hopeful. Please take time to visit our website where we have shared this video address, along with a link to the transcript. If you would like to receive a hard copy of this transcript, contact Eileen in the front office so she can mail you a hard copy. Thank you for your commitment to the wider world of Disciples with whom we worship and serve!

The OPCC Scene · 7

Prayer List

Prayers of Concern Raelene Berry Marian Bilyea Pat Brennan (Maurica Campbell’s friend) Frances Bruning Tom Bryant Scott Burton Barbara Cash (Jody Cash’s sister-in-law)

Julie Dean Lorraine Hartnett Carol Huffman (Peggy Fach’s sister-in-law) Ruth Fletcher Tom Fletcher Sr. Audrey Lavely Kourtney Leibman Kenneth McBride (Calvin McBride’s brother) Sharon McBride Eric McIntyre (Eileen McIntyre’s brother, Carla

Labunski’s and Laura Edgington’s cousin) Rhonda Phelps (Roger Claar’s sister) Randy Phillips (Laura Phillips’ father) Barbara Sheldon Earl Sheldon David Shields (Piper, Bella, & Maddie Shields’

father) JoLynn Sloan Leslie Smith (Calvin McBride’s friend) Billie Warden Joe Zacher

Continued Prayers Mary Aelmore Maurica Campbell Nancy Coffman Nancy Corbin Lawana Degraffenreid Gary Eilert (Jan & Ed Eilert’s son) Jan Eilert Laurel Elliott June Faltermeier (Nancy Coffman’s sister) Pat Gray Donna & Marshall Howard Shirley McGee Florene Miele Kaylin Moser (Sharon & Calvin McBride’s

granddaughter) Teresa Phillips Lori Rapoff (Laurel Elliott's daughter) Ann Sandler Sandy Teeple Gordon & Iline Toms Doris Watts

Coronavirus Prayer List The Bayer family Vicki Dercher (Executive Director of IHN) Garden Terrace Lakeview Community Bryan & Mandy Maleta (Kellie Bivens’ friends) Villa St. Francis Care Center

Military Prayer List

Jamie Crowe (Bo & Chris Crowe’s son) PV2 Rachael Dawson (Fran Dawson’s

granddaughter), Ft. Campbell, KY Cameron McDonough (Cathy Wilson’s son) SSG Edward Pinkelman, Jr. (Ed & Kathy

Pinkelman’s son)


to the family of Hazel Lucile Wood who passed away on May 1.


Melissa Krebs of Overland Park, KS married Ivan Salazar of Benque Viejo del Carmen, Belize on Saturday April 10th, 2021, in San Ignacio, Belize. Parents are Dennis & Theresa Krebs; brother is Jason Krebs of Helena, MT; and grandmother is Joan Kawa.

Help Wanted

I want one person, teen or older, to learn the

and the candle lighters. The job usually takes an hour or less each month, twice during months of heavier usage: Christmas especially, or when we have any special services like weddings. Those trained will be available to fill in for me on occasion or take over eventually. Calvin McBride, 913-432-9691

Thank You A special and sincere thank you to the following members of the Covid Returning Committee who worked hard to ensure a safe return to worship for all of our faith community: Barb Collins Kathy Kinder Mike McLain Mary Beth Boucher Maggie Noel Chuck Pickrel Lois Wimpey Laura Phillips Thanks! Sue Elliott

Your OPCC Staff

913-677-4646 (general church e-mail address)

Senior Pastor ............................Laura Phillips ext. 222

Associate Pastor .......................Chuck Pickrel ext. 228

Congregational Care .................Sharon McBride ext. 224

Music Director ...........................Mary Beth Boucher ext. 229

Accompanist .............................Julie Dean

Communications Coordinator/ Bookkeeper ...............................Michelle Reiter ext. 223

Receptionist ..............................Eileen McIntyre ext. 221

Building & Grounds ...................Lee Sprinkle ext. 237

The OPCC Scene is generally published the first Thursday of each month.

Copy deadline for next issue is June 7 for June 10 mailing.

Help us reduce paper and postage costs! If you would like to be removed from

this mailing list or to receive this publication by e-mail, please contact Michelle Reiter

at 913-677-4646, ext. 223, or

Your 2020-2021 OPCC Board of Directors

Theresa Krebs ..................................... Chair

David Collins ................................ Vice Chair

Terri Bookless ............................... Secretary

Pat Gilling ..................................... Treasurer

open............................. Commission Liaison

Sue Elliott ............. Leadership Development

Annual Meeting

The OPCC Board is planning a congregational meeting on Sunday, May 23rd

to vote on the future leadership of OPCC. The week of May 17

th all voting members

of Overland Park Christian Church will receive a letter in the mail along with a ballot, and we request that you bring that ballot to church with you on Sunday, May 23


The congregational meeting will be short, but it is vitally important! Our OPCC leadership has had the very tough job of leading us through these last 13 months,

and while we do not anticipate anything that 2020-2021 brought, the leadership leads our congregation through difficult and celebratory times!

If you are unable or are still uncomfortable coming to church in-person on May 23rd

, know that voting by mail is still an option. Please pay close attention to the letter you will

receive the week of May 17th

for the participation options that are most comfortable to you.

Property Commission

All givers to the Capital account should give yourselves a big “pat on the back”. Here’s why — the congregation voted to loan ourselves $87,695 (plus interest) back in July of 2018 to fund the new parking lot, with the agreement that all receipts coming into Capital would be used to pay this loan. Your loyalty made it possible to pay off this Parking Lot loan in less than 3 years…HURRAY! Now that the loan has been paid off, all receipts for Capital will go into a designated fund for any future major expenditure, so please consider to continue your giving to Capital.

Other activities in the property area are as follows; 1. Before opening the sanctuary for in person viewing of Sunday morning worship, the entire entry,

hallway, restrooms, and sanctuary had a disinfecting fogging done by Superior Floor Care. 2. Quarterly maintenance of our HVAC was completed by Temperature Maintenance. 3. The sprinkler system was turned on by The Lawn & Sprinkler Guys. This system waters the sign

area, planting in front of the sanctuary, and both sides of our front entrance. 4. Landscaping personnel have been very busy cleaning and planting the gardens so they look very

pretty as we start coming back to in person worship. Please take time to admire their hard work.

Submitted by Lee Sprinkle, Property Chair