The Night Legacy: Chapter 8

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Transcript of The Night Legacy: Chapter 8

Welcome back to the Night Legacy! In the last chapter, the third and last child of generation 3

Marceline was born, Drusilla and Lestat grew up into children, and Celestia found out that Louis

and Bruges have gone missing! Why? No one knows! Except me and Barcelona and we’re not

telling. So there.

Anyway, here’s an adorable picture of post-makeover Marcy. As cute as she looks, I wish her

hair wouldn’t impale her cheek.

Hey, Cel. Any sign of Journalism?



Well, look on the bright side. Sims have a much easier time finding a job than anyone in real life.

“Who’s a good girl? Marcy is!”


Lila, be careful! Her head will go through the chair! We do not need another social worker visit!

Sure, smashing your toddler’s head through their high-chair is fine, but a kid gets too hot from

jumping on the bed? Inexcusable!

Max got this from being in the Military career. It’s helpful for building up body skill points. How

ya doin’ there, Max?

“*huffing and puffing*”

I’m sure he’s fine.

But enough of that. It’s time for Drusilla’s birthday!

Lila seems excited.

“Blow out the candles, sweetie!”

Jess does not.

“*grumbles* Luna should have been heir.”

She twirls and sparkles and...

She’s gorgeous! Definitely a good mix of Cel and Bruges! But that jumpsuit has got to go.

Much better! I’m second-guessing the makeup, but she’s definitely beautiful. I love her eyes and

I think that hair suits her.

“You know, as relieved as I was to be done with having kids, Drusilla growing up kind of makes

me want another one. What do you think, Max?”

“I think three is enough.”

“Take that, Grandma!”

“I’ll get you back, young lady!”

I love Dru’s faces. It kind of makes me wish Cel and Bruges could have had more kids.

Oh, crap, Max is in the background. I hope he didn’t hear that.

“I like this painting. I wish I looked better in it.”

Oh, good, he’s distracted. Don’t want to bring up that touchy subject again.

Now, this is a rare sight. The whole family is having breakfast together.

“Enjoy your first day of high school, Drusilla.”

“Thanks, Grandma. I will.”


“Celestia, dear, you need to set a good example for your children.”

“*chew* Sorry—mm—Mama! *chomp*”


And here is Drusilla in the light. Still gorgeous.

I think Cel’s eating habits have scarred Lestat, though.

“Hey, readers! See you later!”

Dru, stop breaking the fourth wall!

“Hey, Lila, didn’t someone leave a magic lamp on our doorstep?”



“I forgot all about this thing!”

Me too. Rub it.

“Why have you summoned me?”

“I can’t find my chosen career in the paper and I need it for my lifetime want. So, I ask for



“Oh, thank you!”

He grants wishes with style!

Hey, Dru! How was school?

“Great! I even brought home a friend!”

Oh, hey, Isadora!

“Hi, disembodied voice that kind of sounds like my mom!”

Isadora is one of my simself’s daughters. She’s also Romi’s niece.

...Yeah, there’s a history there. Blame ACR.

“Drusilla, you should totally come over to my house next time!”

“Yeah, that sounds fun.”

A legacy kid in my simself’s house? ...Yes. Yes, good....good...

“Celestia, it’s time for Marceline’s party.”

“Right. I’ll be right there.”

“Why is your hair pink?”


“Your hair. It’s pink.”

“That’s...odd. I’ll have to ask Clemencia if it’s some sort of magic.”

“Sounds like a good plan.”

“This painting...Is this him?”


“I see. He still means a lot to you, doesn’t he?”

“Yes, he does.”

“I’m sorry you had to settle for me.”

“Please, Max, don’t think like that. Yes, I miss Bruges, but our life together is wonderful. I love

our children and you have been so wonderful to me. I could never give that up, not for anything.”


Orion invited himself in again. He does that. And he’s also apparently an awesome drummer.

This family would make an awesome band. They could be called the Nightmares!


We’ll work on a name.

Lestat is a fan.

“Awesome! Go, Uncle Orion!”

“Better invite some more guests.”

Going to invited Reg?


You two are gonna have to talk eventually.

“I know. But not tonight.”


Hey, Meadow! Good to see you!

“I was told there’d be cake.”

“Remember, Meadow, this is my niece’s birthday. Be nice, especially to my sister.”

“Right. I remember.”

“Uh, do I know them?”

I think this is the first time you’ve met, Lestat.

“Luna, great to see you!”

“Cel! Your hair is pink!”

“Yep! Not sure why, but it is!”


“Celestia! It’s been too long!”

“Clemencia! It’s wonderful to see you!”

“My...your hair is pink.”

“I was meaning to ask you about that. It just suddenly learned pink while I was studying. Do you

know why that is?”

“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about. It’s just a sign that your magical power is growing.”


“Usually, magic leaves some kind of mark, but it manifests itself in different ways. When my

magic got more powerful, it was like a growing pattern tattooed on my back. In your case, it’s

your hair.”

“’ll always be this way?”

“Well, it might develop into more colors, but that’s how it will always grow, yes. If you don’t

like it, I’m sure you can dye it whatever color you wish, but I would leave it as it is. It’s a sign of


“Well, I suppose I’ve always liked pink...”

“That’s the spirit!”

“This is exciting! Soon, you might have powers I could only dream of! You are my star pupil,

Celestia! Now, why don’t we have some cake?”

“Everyone, hurry up! We’re blowing out the candles!”

“We’re coming!”

“Ready, Author?”

Ready, Cel.

This is the first real birthday party I’ve had for any of the kids. Everyone looks so riveted.

Oh, now they show interest! Better late than never I guess!

Time for Marcy to grow into a child!

Marcy grows up to inspect her hand and Cel and Amanda are swooning over...someone. Max,

maybe? Better not be Orion. *shudders*

Oh, my god. Marceline may be the cutest kid I’ve ever had. She’s just so adorable!

And, you know, I never noticed what this outfit’s logo actually is. Don’t worry, I realized it later

and changed it.

“So, you’re a witch, right? Does that mean you grant wishes?”

“No, dear, that’s a genie.”


“Do you use a crystal ball?”



“So, is this the part where you tell me I’m a wizard?”

“No, dear.”

“Okay, you’re boring. Bye, now.”

Dru’s following Orion’s lead and taking up the drums. We need more insturments. The

Nightmares are happening!

I changed Marceline’s outfit to what I hope is a better one. I think this one at least brings out her

green eyes more.

She’s so cute when she smiles.

“Oh, hey, doggie. Never met a dog with glowing eyes.”

Uh, Dru, that’s not a dog. That’s a wolf. I’ve never actually had a werewolf before and this is a

night-themed legacy. Maybe next generation.

“Morning, Author!”

Good morning, Lestat! What are you up to this morning?”

“I’m gonna go outside and play!”

That sounds fun! Be careful!

“I will!”

“Wow, there’s nothing to do out here.”

“Huh? Who’s that?”

“Uh, hi. I’m Lestat.”


“Tag! You’re it!”

“Wait, what?”

“Hey! Come back! What’s your name?”

“Huh? She’s gone.”

“Who was that?”


“Author, why do I have to mop the bathroom?”

Because you took the last shower.

“Aw, come on!”

Less whining, more mopping.

Later still...

Where ya goin’, Dru?


Out where?

“Just out.”


“Sweet, a cellphone!”

I wish they were that easy to get in real life.

Whoa, Arc? Is that you? What are you doing out of the dungeon?!

“When you’re not playing that lot, I’m free.”


Wait, is that Drusilla at the bar?

“I hope the bartender doesn’t realize my ID is fake...”

“Wait, did I see Uncle Orion?”

“Hey, Uncle Orion!”

“Drusilla! Fancy meeting you here!”

“What are you doing here, sweetie?”

“Oh, you know, just grabbing some dinner.”

“Really? I don’t see a plate over there...”

“Were you drinking?!”

“Uh, hi! I’m Drusilla!”

“Arctos White.”

“Your last name wouldn’t be ‘Night,’ would it?”

“How’d you know?”

“Lucky guess.”

“Oh, I am putting a stop to this.”

Ichigo, thank God. Someone needs to stop this before it begins.

“Hi, are you Drusilla?”

“Yeah, I am. Who are you?”

“I’m Ichigo McCoy, Isadora’s mom.”

“Oh, hey, cool! I met her just yesterday! It’s nice to meet you, ma’am!”

“Nice to meet you too!”

“Hey, you want to hang out somewhere else?”

“Sure. Just give me a moment.”



“Arc, get back here this instant!”

“You’re not my mother. I’m not even one of your Sims.”

“This is coming back to bite you later. You know that, right?”

“Worth it.”

“Drusilla Night, I’m coming along. Someone needs to keep an eye on you!”

“Uh, sure thing, Uncle Orion! Heh heh...”

“Orion, right? I’m Ichigo, the mother of Drusilla’s friend.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“You know, you are really very attractive.”

“Why, thank you. You’re not bad yourself.”

“Oh, stop.”

“Ew! This is just gross!”

My thoughts exactly, Dru. Ichigo, he’s a legacy spare!


I watched him grow up! Stop it!

“*sigh* Fine. Later, handsome. *wink*”


I’m glad it’s you and Dru in there and not you and Orion.

“Nothing’s going to happen between us!”

I sure hope not.

“Thank you for inviting me, Drusilla. I’m having a wonderful time.”

“Sure thing, Ms. McCoy!”

“Now, let’s dance!”

“So, either me or Marceline is going to be heir, but I don’t know if I’d even want it, you know?”

“It’s a lot to ask, but someone has to carry on the legacy. You might find that it’s not so bad.”

“Maybe. I don’t know.”

“Well, it’s not something you need to worry about yet, so just enjoy being a teenager while you

have the chance.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Thanks, Ms. McCoy.”

“Any time, dear.”

“Drusilla, that drink better be non-alcoholic.”

“It is, Uncle Orion.”


“Well, that was fun, but I’m ready to go home and pass out.”

You better get some sleep. You have school.

“Do I really have to?”


“No fair.”

“Hey, Dru, it snowed! Do you wanna build a snowman?”

“Actually, Marcy, I need to get some sleep. You go have fun, though, okay?”

“Aw, okay! But you’re gonna miss out! It’s gonna be the most creative snowman ever!”

“I bet! Have fun!”

“I will!”

“Do you wanna build a snowman? C’mon, let’s go and play! I never see you anymore! Come out

the door! It’s like you’ve gone awaaaaaaay...”

“Ha! Best snowman ever! I’m gonna name him Dante!”

“Something something snowman...”

“Well, that was fun. I wonder what happened to that girl.”

And that is where I leave you! Who was that girl? Will Dru ever build a snowman with Marcy?

Who’ll be heir? Why pink hair? These questions might be answered in the next chapter! So, tune

in next time for the next chapter of the Night Legacy! See ya then!

Song credit for “Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?” goes to Frozen.