The Newsletter of the Northern California Aerobatic Club, IAC … · 2010-07-01 · The Newsletter...

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Transcript of The Newsletter of the Northern California Aerobatic Club, IAC … · 2010-07-01 · The Newsletter...

- 1 - June 2009

The Newsletter of the Northern California Aerobatic Club, IAC Chapter 38

Volume 10 - Number 6 The ACronauThe ACronautt

In This Issue President’s Post .................................... 2 Post Paso Ponderings ........................... 3 Apple Valley Contest ........................... 3 Paso Contest Pictures ........................... 4 Apple Valley Contest Pictures ............. 5 Apple Valley Contest Results .............. 5 Paso Contest Results ............................ 5


Cory Lovell President

Andrew Connolly Vice-President

Don Guthridge Secretary

Howard Kirker Treasurer


Dave Watson

Mike Eggen

Peter Jensen

Darren Pleasance

Martin Price

Che Barnes


Dr. Richard Rihn Jeanette Goodman Tom Myers WEBMASTER Brett Goldsmith YOUNG EAGLES Graham Bird NEWSLETTER EDITOR

Che Barnes

Peter Jensen

Edges (Vicki Cruse and Norm DeWitt) From Paso Robles Contest—June 5, 2009

Photo: Courtesy Kate DeBaun (

- 2 - June 2009

The Newsletter of the Northern California Aerobatic Club, IAC Chapter 38

Prez’ Post Cory Lovell

Another Amazing Contest!!! Despite the tough economic times and a bleak weather fore-cast, we managed to pull together 60+ pilots for another amazing contest in Paso Robles. All week, the weather was forecasted to be Scattered Thunderstorms. Tom arrived to beautiful clear sky’s on Tuesday and clear weather prevailed for the next 2 days. On Friday, we woke up to overcast skies and wet pavement at 6am, but the Sun gods prevailed and the clouds cleared by the time the briefing ended. We got through all the categories before a few scattered puffy clouds made their way through the box. Thanks to Tom Myers and Jim Ward, we worked around the weather with very few delays, while maintaining the IAC rules for weather. As everyone knows, a contest this size (or any contest for that matter), would not be possible without all our volunteers, pi-lots and non-pilots. However, there are a few people I would like to recognize, because without them, we would never have had a contest in the first place. 1. Tom Myers - For several years in a row now, Tom has

graciously volunteered to be the Contest Director and has and has handled most of the details of the contest, includ-ing getting the waiver, coordinating with the City, order-ing the trophies, coordinating the banquet and Friday night event, setting up and taking down the box, and helping to make sure the contest runs smoothly through-out. Tom is a true example of the kind of people the IAC needs to keep our sport alive. For those of you who were at the banquet, you probably heard Tom’s speech. He’s decided to hang up his hat as CD, and sit backseat (as a coach) to a new leader. To keep the contest growing with new ideas, Tom decided it would be best to start groom-ing somebody to takeover for the next few years. Once again, I would like to thank Tom for his hard work and dedication, without him, a contest of this magnitude

would not be possible. 2. Team Evil Empire (The Watson Family) - Once again,

Dave, Ryan, and Lori showed up in force to make our contest great. Dave and Lori managed the registration process, which went smoother than any contest I have been to. Part of it was the work Peter and Tom did for pre-registration, but most of the success is due to Dave and Lori’s experience and flexibility to get pilots checked in and flying as quickly as possible. I’m sure everyone was just as surprised as I was when the scores were posted in less than an hour after the flight. None of this would have been possible without Ryan Watson. Ryan was scorekeeper, and despite the computer continually crashing, Ryan managed to have the scores posted in re-cord time. Thanks again Evil Empire!!

3. Sponsors and non-flying volunteers: I would also like to thank the many folks who contributed over the week-end. Layne Lisser didn’t have a plane ready for the con-test, so he was ready to help wherever needed. Between cooking burgers, starting grease fires, delivering judges to the line, or just helping move planes around, Layne always seemed to be there. Thanks to John Haag, we were able to have our always fun Friday night Pizza Party, without tapping into the chapter budget. This was John’s first contest, and I’m sure he’ll be back for more. Lastly, we would never be able to get through the amount of flights without Volunteer Coordinators. We owe a big Thank You to Robyn Lawson and Kate DeBaun for chas-ing everyone to their correct positions.

I know there were many other people running around and contributing to the success of the contest, but I would run out of space if I go on any longer. Contest are a vital part of our sport, and it one of the reasons we spend countless hours practicing and getting coached. It’s important to bring new pilots or non-pilots to the contest and make them feel wel-come. People are always willing to volunteer, and with a little help, we might have a permanent volunteer for future contest. Please send any pictures you have to Peter Jensen so he can post them to the website. This is a great marketing vehicle for our club. Next Chapter Meeting: We’re going to have the Post Paso Annual BBQ on Sunday July 19th (please note it’s the 3rd Sun-day of the month) at Attitude Aviation. Hopefully we can get all the pictures complied and put a slideshow together. Please email Martin Price if you would like to volunteer and help us set-up and BBQ. -Cory

- 3 - June 2009

The Newsletter of the Northern California Aerobatic Club, IAC Chapter 38

Post Paso Ponderings Tom Myers

As I discussed at the Paso contest awards banquet, it is very bad for an organiza-tion to have too much of its institutional knowledge resting with too few of its members. The more the knowledge is shared and experienced first hand, the more likely the organiza-tion is to be healthy and successful over the long term. Stagnation and the relearning of hard lessons result from lost and com-partmentalized knowledge. The above holds true for both the flying of aerobat-ics, as well as the art of putting on a safe contest. You can read all about both as much as you like. There is no substitute how-ever for actually going out and doing them.

I would be doing the IAC and the chapter and its members a disservice if I were to just keep running the contest over and over again. The chapter needs to have a cadre of members that are capable of producing a safe contest in order to assure that it will always be capable of producing a safe contest. Thus, the onus is on all of you to step forward and contribute to the sport with the contest production hat on. The more peo-ple that are involved, the lighter the load will be on each. I will, of course, be around to help and to share the knowledge and information that I have assembled over the years. I can see myself being CD again at some point out in the future, so I will not be abandoning the chapter. The baton just needs to be passed for a while. So, if you have any interest at all in running the Paso Robles contest, please let Cory and I know as soon as possible so we can get you started before you change your mund. Thank you very much, Tom Myers

The Apple Valley Contest Howard Kirker

The normal contest name is "The LA Gold Cup", and it's hosted by IAC's Los Angeles Chapter 49 each year in May at the Apple Valley airport outside of Victorville, CA. It was billed this year as "The Duel in the Desert". For the 43 com-petitors who participated, a more representative name might have been "The High Desert Hurricane Fest" !! It was a GREAT contest, don't get me wrong -- the first con-test of the year for most of us is always a welcome event. And the organization, logistics, conduct, and all other facets of the contest were ably handled by Chapter 49 and their volunteers. It's just that most of us are not used to flying in the box with little or no headwind -- but a consistent cross-box gale! Really, a Y-axis wind reaching into the 20's (and many would say that's being conservative) prevailed through most of the day, both days. Yes, it was the perfect opportunity to develop your wind-correction skills -- hiding that crab from the Judges and using your cross-box correctors to the max; you did have multiple cross-box figures in your Free Program, didn;t you?! On Fri-day, we stopped early -- because the Judge's couldn't see due to the blowing dust. On Saturday, we called off the third Ad-vanced flight (the Unknown) because the wind was -- well, let's just say "because it was a good idea". Fortunately for all, the prevailing wind for the weekend was right down the cen-terline of KAPV's smaller secondary runway, so takeoff's & landings were not the challenge they might have been other-wise. About a dozen 38'rs ventured South to participate (a good turn-out for us), and if you missed out, you'll no doubt be lis-tening to tall tales and other stories and experiences from the "2009 Hurricane Fest" for years to come. Ben Hodges (Intermediate) and Todd Whitmer (Unlimited) took home 2nd Place trophies, Howard Kirker (Advanced) got 3rd Place wood, and Dave Watson (Advanced) did the unthinkable; de-spite the hurricane, Dave won the "No out's, no zeroes" tro-phy. Way to go Dave!

- 4 - June 2009

The Newsletter of the Northern California Aerobatic Club, IAC Chapter 38

Northern California Gleaming Of The Box Pictures Kate DeBaun (

All Pictures by: Kate DeBaun

She has more than 450 photos available from the contest, and will

send you a CD for the bargain price of $15

- 5 - June 2009

The Newsletter of the Northern California Aerobatic Club, IAC Chapter 38

Northern California Gleaming Of The Box Pictures Kate DeBaun (

All Pictures by: Kate DeBaun

She has more than 450 photos available from the contest, and will

send you a CD for the bargain price of $15

- 6 - June 2009

The Newsletter of the Northern California Aerobatic Club, IAC Chapter 38

Los Angeles Gold Cup May 1, 2009

Apple Valley Airport, CA Contest Director: Patrick Dugan

Rank/Pilot Ch Known Free Unknown Total % PP. 1 John Howell 26 1,137.45 1,146.20 1,144.20 3,427.85 87.22% 2 Jason McDermott 26 1,140.58 1,125.60 1,122.00 3,388.18 86.21% 3 Daniel Wisehart 36 1,116.30 1,115.00 1,100.05 3,331.35 84.77% 4 Casey Erickson 36 1,113.20 1,062.30 1,112.45 3,287.95 83.66% 5 Dan Franscioni 38 1,066.58 1,126.60 1,075.90 3,269.08 83.18% 6 Kevin Eldredge 49 1,084.15 1,067.30 1,101.60 3,253.05 82.77% 7 Rod Fehlman 1,049.70 1,087.50 1,072.55 3,209.75 81.67% 8 Kathleen Howell 26 1,020.30 1,109.65 1,028.20 3,158.15 80.36% 9 Roger Miller 38 1,036.58 1,034.75 1,014.13 3,085.45 78.51% 10 Julius Timbol 38 1,020.65 934.43 955.85 2,910.93 74.07% 11 Edward Doerr 38 899.35 896.60 1,038.20 2,834.15 72.12% 12 Martin Price 38 0.00 1,087.70 1,138.45 2,226.15 56.65% 13 Barrett Hines 49 0.00 1,044.70 951.70 1,996.40 50.80% 14 Matthew Brill 118 966.75 0.00 1,019.90 1,986.65 50.55% 15 Michael Hsing 38 0.00 924.40 916.50 1,840.90 46.84% 16 Timothy Brill 118 395.23 776.80 0.00 1,172.03 29.82%


Rank/Pilot Ch Known Free Unknown Total % PP. 1 Michael Hartenstine 36 1,693.70 1,665.13 1,480.00 4,838.83 82.86% 2 Ben Hodges 1,692.65 1,642.18 1,482.50 4,817.33 82.49% 3 Hiroyasu Endo 36 1,645.05 1,712.10 1,341.25 4,698.40 80.45% 4 Jason Wondolleck 49 1,638.90 1,656.35 1,380.00 4,675.25 80.06% 5 Matthew Tanner 5 1,449.60 1,674.30 1,457.00 4,580.90 78.44% 6 Norman Manary 1,620.70 1,617.65 1,341.20 4,579.55 78.42% 7 Steve Packer 38 1,668.90 1,347.53 1,404.30 4,420.73 75.70% 8 Chris Olmsted 49 1,494.15 1,541.60 1,309.10 4,344.85 74.40% 9 Margo Chase 26 1,609.28 1,484.23 1,231.00 4,324.50 74.05% 10 Michael Walker 49 1,378.28 1,507.20 1,274.30 4,159.78 71.23% 11 Mike Eggen 38 1,377.95 1,081.75 1,458.65 3,918.35 67.10%


Contest Results Peter Jensen

Rank/Pilot Ch Known Free Unknown Total % PP. 1 Cory Woodsum 36 535.30 529.00 0.00 1,064.30 84.47% 2 Ron Johnson 49 520.20 511.70 0.00 1,031.90 81.90% 3 Van Snow 526.70 503.50 0.00 1,030.20 81.76% 4 Richard McWilliams 49 501.70 498.90 0.00 1,000.60 79.41%


Rank/Pilot Ch Known Free Unknown Total % PP. 1 Malcolm Pond 36 2,116.60 2,579.90 0.00 4,696.50 82.83% 2 Randy Owens 36 2,100.60 2,528.50 0.00 4,629.10 81.64% 3 Howard Kirker 38 2,056.60 2,537.03 0.00 4,593.63 81.02% 4 Dave Watson 38 2,034.90 2,511.00 0.00 4,545.90 80.17% 5 Tom Myers 38 2,047.10 2,497.40 0.00 4,544.50 80.15% 6 Patrick Dugan 26 1,906.80 2,529.00 0.00 4,435.80 78.23% 7 Gray Brandt 36 2,130.00 2,189.10 0.00 4,319.10 76.17% 8 Thomas Franscioni 38 2,102.80 1,425.00 0.00 3,527.80 62.22% 9 Steve Madorsky 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%


Rank/Pilot Ch Known Free Unknown Total % PP. 1 Tim Just 26 2,596.10 2,947.75 3,019.58 8,563.43 71.36% 2 Todd Whitmer 38 2,181.20 2,861.58 2,773.90 7,816.68 65.14% 3 Martin Kennedy 38 2,362.40 2,127.23 1,948.62 6,438.25 53.65%


LA Gold Cup Pictures Howard Kirker

Mike Eggen and Howard Kirker

Mike Eggen’s Super Decathlon

Steve Packer

Martin Price

- 7 - June 2009

The Newsletter of the Northern California Aerobatic Club, IAC Chapter 38

Northern California Gleaming Of The Box June 5-6, 2009

Paso Robles Airport, CA Contest Director: Tom Myers

Rank/Pilot Ch Known Free Unknown Total % PP. 1 John Howell 26 1,144.25 1,155.30 0.00 2,299.55 87.77% 2 Brian Stout 38 1,127.05 1,142.20 0.00 2,269.25 86.61% 3 Dan Franscioni 26 1,128.63 1,125.15 0.00 2,253.78 86.02% 4 Martin Price 38 1,144.00 1,103.70 0.00 2,247.70 85.79% 5 Kathleen Howell 26 1,097.23 1,144.00 0.00 2,241.23 85.54% 6 Jim Nahom 49 1,129.05 1,107.70 0.00 2,236.75 85.37% 7 Kevin Eldredge 49 1,102.10 1,130.85 0.00 2,232.95 85.23% 8 Michael Hsing 38 1,092.50 1,134.85 0.00 2,227.35 85.01% 9 Christopher Combs 38 1,113.90 1,107.23 0.00 2,221.13 84.78% 10 Michael Lloyd 38 1,076.40 1,119.60 0.00 2,196.00 83.82% 11 Shigeto Obata 1,097.20 1,092.55 0.00 2,189.75 83.58% 12 Barrett Hines 49 1,105.00 1,082.80 0.00 2,187.80 83.50% 13 Scott Malherbe 49 1,080.07 1,106.50 0.00 2,186.57 83.46% 14 Yuichi Takagi 38 1,065.80 1,109.30 0.00 2,175.10 83.02% 15 Rimas Viselga 38 1,037.50 1,113.23 0.00 2,150.73 82.09% 16 Kluenker John 38 1,058.03 1,092.20 0.00 2,150.23 82.07% 17 Bruno Martin 38 1,031.70 1,076.30 0.00 2,108.00 80.46% 18 George Johnson 49 1,058.93 1,040.20 0.00 2,099.13 80.12% 19 John Haag 38 1,043.08 1,055.18 0.00 2,098.25 80.09% 20 Dave Williams 38 1,013.30 1,078.70 0.00 2,092.00 79.85% 21 Dean Hickman-Smith 38 1,033.50 1,058.30 0.00 2,091.80 79.84% 22 Roger Miller 38 1,000.10 1,076.40 0.00 2,076.50 79.26% 23 Nobuki Igarashi 49 912.20 1,086.80 0.00 1,999.00 76.30% 24 Greg Savidge 38 1,069.30 917.75 0.00 1,987.05 75.84% 25 Julius Timbol 38 992.20 983.15 0.00 1,975.35 75.40% 26 Brian Branscomb 38 942.10 996.75 0.00 1,938.85 74.00% 27 Jason McDermott 26 733.15 1,153.00 0.00 1,886.15 71.99% 28 Perry Barlow 49 856.75 898.10 0.00 1,754.85 66.98% 29 Long Claudio 49 880.95 807.30 0.00 1,688.25 64.44%


Rank/Pilot Ch Known Free Unknown Total % PP. 1 Ben Hodges 38 1,675.70 1,704.05 1,555.20 4,934.95 84.36% 2 Hiroyasu Endo 36 1,660.90 1,695.96 1,549.70 4,906.56 83.87% 3 Ben Hochman 38 1,674.00 1,677.53 1,511.60 4,863.13 83.13% 4 Steve Packer 38 1,570.10 1,708.80 1,528.18 4,807.08 82.17% 5 Norman Manary 36 1,650.90 1,703.45 1,437.10 4,791.45 81.91% 6 Michael Hartenstine 36 1,557.45 1,676.70 1,436.00 4,670.15 79.83% 7 Eric Lentz-Gauthier 1,444.35 1,649.20 1,496.70 4,590.25 78.47% 8 Mike Eggen 38 1,600.30 1,564.68 1,401.40 4,566.38 78.06% 9 Margo Chase 26 1,397.50 1,619.07 1,481.90 4,498.47 76.90% 10 Chris Olmsted 49 1,401.40 1,578.55 1,419.40 4,399.35 75.20% 11 Michael Walker 49 1,468.93 1,520.70 1,380.78 4,370.41 74.71%


Rank/Pilot Ch Known Free Unknown Total % PP. 1 Reinaldo Beyer 36 2,168.30 2,746.78 2,309.60 7,224.68 84.60% 2 Patrick Dugan 26 2,020.60 2,548.10 2,254.70 6,823.40 79.90% 3 Gray Brandt 36 2,012.30 2,559.55 2,105.30 6,677.15 78.19% 4 Douglas Sowder 38 1,905.60 2,516.78 2,224.03 6,646.41 77.83% 5 Russ Piggott 38 1,912.88 2,331.60 2,095.83 6,340.30 74.24% 6 Victoria Benzing 38 1,949.60 2,200.92 2,104.70 6,255.22 73.25% 7 Thomas Franscioni 38 1,944.20 2,275.53 2,004.85 6,224.58 72.89% 8 Howard Kirker 38 1,932.50 2,494.05 1,768.13 6,194.68 72.54% 9 Tom Myers 38 1,769.00 2,373.30 1,996.48 6,138.78 71.88% 10 Benjamin Freelove 38 2,104.60 1,839.30 2,190.20 6,134.10 71.83% 11 Dave Watson 38 1,894.05 2,337.94 1,817.10 6,049.09 70.83% 12 Thomas Applegate 38 1,886.60 2,224.70 1,663.90 5,775.20 67.63% 13 Michael Montgomery 49/36 1,795.90 2,464.70 1,476.65 5,737.25 67.18% 14 Steve Madorsky 49/36 1,823.80 1,764.45 1,056.33 4,644.58 54.39% 15 Cory Lovell 38 2,005.05 2,319.60 0.00 4,324.65 50.64%


Rank/Pilot Ch Known Free Unknown Total % PP. 1 Vicki Cruse 49 2,727.83 3,759.80 3,168.00 9,655.63 80.46% 2 Todd Whitmer 38 2,523.20 3,688.73 3,311.90 9,523.83 79.37% 3 Norman DeWitt 38 2,580.28 3,586.50 3,088.30 9,255.08 77.13% 4 Tim Just 26 2,297.20 3,198.40 3,097.53 8,593.13 71.61% 5 Rory Moore 36 2,328.43 2,610.98 2,413.72 7,353.12 61.28%


Contest Results Peter Jensen

Rank/Pilot Ch Known Free Unknown Total % PP. 1 Gunther Hagleitner 517.70 536.70 530.40 1,584.80 83.85% 2 Cory Woodsum 36 551.50 512.80 517.75 1,582.05 83.71% 3 Richard McWilliams 49 519.60 502.90 520.00 1,542.50 81.61% 4 David Shapiro 505.58 493.80 518.30 1,517.68 80.30% 5 Bob Mercer 38 408.10 387.25 485.60 1,280.95 67.78%


Awards Grassroots: Martin Price First Time Sportsman: Christopher Combs Chapter Trophy: Chapter 26 Team Trophy: Evil Empire

- 8 - June 2009

The Newsletter of the Northern California Aerobatic Club, IAC Chapter 38

IAC Chapter 38 Membership Application/Renewal Form

Send with check, made payable to “International Aerobatic Club Chapter 38”, to: Howard Kirker, IAC38 Treasurer - 2279 Ocaso Camino - Fremont, CA 94539

Name: Spouse:


City: State: Zip:

Home Phone: Work Phone:

E-mail 1: E-mail 2:

IAC #: EAA #:

Certificate #:

Judge: Regional National

Competition: None Basic Sportsman Intermediate Advanced Unlimited

Aircraft: N #:

Referred By:

Dues: Single Membership ($25/year) Family Membership ($30/year)

EAA Expiration Date:

Peter Jensen Editor, IAC 38

Chapter Meeting: No Meeting in June