The new-trading-empire

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The new-trading-empire


By Solange Nelle


Elizabeth´s First Policie

She encouraged

J. Hawkins & F. Drake

To continue attacking and destroying Spanish shipsbringing Gold

Silver Other treasures back (species, corn, tobacco,etc ) from the newly discovered continent of America.

Elizabeth´s Second Policie

She encouraged English traders to settle abroad and to create colonies.

The first English colonist, Sir Walter Raleigh sailed to America towards the end of the century.

• He brought tobacco back to England.

•Tried to start profitable colonies in Virginia (the “virgin” or unmarried queen) without success.

England also began selling West Africans slaves to work for the Spanish in America.

Jhon Hawkins carried his first slave cargo in 1562.

By 1650 slavery had become an important trade, bringing wealth particularly to Bristol in southwest England.

During Elizabeth´s reign more “Chartered” companies were established .

• A CHARTER gave a company the right to all the business in its particular trade or region. In return for this important advantage the chartered company gave some of its profits to the Crown.

Charter Companies Established During Elizabeth´s Reign

The Eastland Company, founded in 1579 for trade with Baltic countries.

The Levant Company, founded in 1581 for trade with Turkey, Siria.

The Africa Company founded in 1588 to trade in slaves.

“The East India Company” founded in 1600 for trade with East Indies and India.

Established mainly because the Dutch controlled the entire spice trade with E.Indies.

Spices were extremely important for making the meat to be tastier.

England wanted to share this trade but it failed. Trading competition with the Dutch had led to three wars.

Natives looking for gold.

Natives cultivating rice

Native harvesting corn


A Slave Auction in Virginia

The Separation of The Mother and Child.