The New Order · BOOK PROMOTION. This promotion accomplishes many things: First, it encourages...

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Transcript of The New Order · BOOK PROMOTION. This promotion accomplishes many things: First, it encourages...

Number 133/211 Founded 1975 3 / 2018 (129)

The New Order

Patriot Charity Project


newest still experimental weapon in the fight

against the mental illness known as “political


Free flags are provided as an incentive to en-

courage donations to local charities and pro-

mote patriotism at the same time.

Additional objectives include:

1) Creation of a good working relationship

with grass roots activists around the nation,

regardless of minor ideological, organizational

or tactical differences.

2) Generation of good will and community ac-

ceptance of the local coordinator. (NOT overt

“anti-PC political agitation.” That can come

later, if and when desired). The local coordina-

tor can even take credit for getting the town

accepted for participation in this project.

3) Popularization of the Betsy Ross Flag. We

hope this flag will become the symbol of a

grassroots “patriot protest against political cor-


The initial pilot project targets towns that

have these characteristics:

1) are very heavily White,

2) are small in population,

3) are conservative/Trump supporters,

4) have a competent local coordinator who

helps promote the project,

5) preferably are in state legislature districts

with these same characteristics,

When the local newspaper rejected this ad

and refused to explain why, the local coordi-

nator simply posted fliers around town and

mailed some directly to presumably good

prospects. (His address and city/state are

blacked out here). Their local newspaper’s

lack of patriotism stunned everybody in

town. Isn’t the newspaper supposed to serve

the community? What is the editor’s real

agenda? Mere curiosity is now evolving into

concern. This is a step in the right direction! continued on page 2

Vera Oreddson

Still Defiant at 90!

Gerhard Lauck Interviews

Gerhard Lauck was the guest on STORM-

FRONT ACTION RADIO twice in February,

namely on the 8th and again on the 20th.

The first interview concentrated on the 100

new REVOLUTION web-sites and the second


See the archives at

6) preferably are in congressional districts with

these same characteristics.

Why small towns? Word of mouth + com-

munity spirit = greater cost effectiveness.

Why rural (state and federal) congressional

districts? Sparse population = greater impact

and influence.


Patriot Charity Project

Vera Oredsson was born in the German city of Steglitz near Berlin on February 21, 1928. In

her youth she became a member of the Bund Deutscher Mädel, the female equivalent of Hitler-

jugend. At the end of World War II in 1945, Vera, then 17 years old, came to Sweden with the

“white buses.” In 1950 Oredsson married Sven-Olov Lindholm, who was the leader of the Swe-

dish Socialist League, also known as the Lindholmarna. In 1962 Vera and Sven-Olov divorced

and she then married Göran Assar Oredsson, founder and leader of the Nordic Reichs Party

(NRP). In 1975 Vera took over as a party leader for NRP and became Sweden’s first female

party leader. In 1978 she left the post and Göran took over again. Vera has been engaged in the

National Socialist struggle for almost all of her life. She has been a member of the Nordic Re-

sistance Movement (NRM) for several years and she has participated in all demonstrations since

2016. During the Almedal Week on Gotland 2017, she also participated in the Resistance

Movement. Please send greetings to Vera Oredsson via this contact: NRPT, Box 2149, 10314

Stockholm, Sweden. We salue you Vera Oredsson!

Justice for Dan On January 24th, 2018, my good friend and

outspoken Nebraska Alt-Right activist Dan

Kleve sent me a panicked note with a link to a

lengthy MP3 file. It was a voice recording of

his first meeting with the Title IX coordinator

at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He had

been called into the office to hear a list of over

20 accusations against him of harassment and

intimidation of a former biology lab partner,

Alyssa Eller. The coordinator noted that Alys-

sa claimed a number of acts of intimidation and

harassment over a period of three weeks that

had occurred over a year prior to the complaint

being filed.

Alyssa claimed that he was vocally advocat-

ing genocide against Arabs, but also advocat-

ing for the Islamic practice of Taharrush, where

groups of men will attack and harass one or a

few women. She further claimed that he tried

to force her to watch a video of this. She

claimed that he was calling for a return to black

slavery and segregation in the middle of class,

and calling Hitler a great leader. She claimed

he had publicly mocked an Asian man’s race

for asking a stupid question. Dan had allegedly

joked about rape, made physical contact, forced

her to wash lab instruments because she was a

woman while refusing to allow her to partici-

pate in actual lab experiments, repeatedly ad-

vocated for the withdrawal of police from inner

cities so that minorities could eradicate each

other, and said that “the world would be de-

stroyed by menstruating women.”

In total a listing of the series of claims started

11 minutes into their conversation and contin-

ued uninterrupted for a full seven minutes. But

the accuser had fundamentally miscalculated.

If Dan had been doing these things in class,

there would be dozens of witnesses as well as a

teacher or assistant responsible for preventing

its continuance. Dan denied the merit of the

allegations before leaving the meeting.

Even so, in a time of stress when many of our

comrades understandably lay low and fall by

the wayside, Dan Kleve continued his advoca-

cy unabated.

On Saturday, January 27th, three days after

meeting with the university, Dan and crew

went to the state capitol building in Lincoln to

drop a banner provided by Gerhard Lauck with

the simple message “It’s okay to be white,” in

support of Gerhard’s Revolution Series web-

sites. Dan was the only activist not to cover his


The following Saturday, February 3rd, found

Dan in Omaha leading a planned memorial for

accident victim Sarah Root of Omaha, Nebras-

ka. Two years earlier, she had been hit by an

illegal immigrant racing his truck while drunk.

Her spine had been snapped and her skull frac-

tured in two places. She was identifiable to her

father only by a tattoo near her ribs. President

Donald Trump remarked that Sarah had been

“sacrificed on the altar of open borders.”


continued on page 4


Eswin G. Mejia, the perpetrator, was released

by Judge Jeffrey Marcuzzo on a $50,000 bond.

And so, for $5000, Mr. Mejia disappeared and

is a fugitive to this day. A video of the memo-

rial can be seen on his YouTube channel

“Nebraska Alt Right.”

On February 7th, a group convened on the

University of Nebraska-Lincoln to protest his

presence there, including basketball coach Tim

Miles. Afterwards, the basketball team wore

shirts saying “Hate will never win” to draw

attention to Dan’s presence on campus. The

Nebraska Antifa had made an out-of-context

video clip making it look as though Dan was

calling for violence, when in fact he was en-

couraging others not to be violent. University

security advised Dan to stay off campus that

day, and some professors elected to cancel


On February 8th the university announced

that it was not going to expel Dan from campus

and that he was exercising free speech rather

than making specific threats against people. It

further closed the Title IX investigation after

following up with the teaching assistant at the

biology lab and confirming that Dan had not

been behaving in the way described. Despite

the mildness of the message “It’s okay to be

white” and the kindness of the Sarah Root me-

morial, the same day the basketball coach an-

nounced that the team would be wearing shirts

saying “Hate will never win” to protest Dan

Kleve at the next basketball game.

On the same day Alyssa chose to open her

accusations to the public on Facebook. In re-

sponse, Dan released a series of 21 screenshots

of texts exchanged between himself and Alyssa

between September 15 and November 9, 2016:

the period in which they interacted. These texts

showed that, not only was the interaction

friendly for the entire period, but Dan had at-

tempted to help her understand the content ra-

ther than keeping it away from her.

Since then, Dan’s mailbox has filled up with

numerous threats of specific violence. Thanks

to the participation of a major sport’s head

coach, Dan has filed a grievance with the uni-

versity, but still intends to take classes on cam-


At only 23 years of age, Dan’s energy, cour-

age, and resilience in the face of anti-white at-

tacks and harassment is an inspiration to us all.

I’ve seen many good people scatter to the

winds with far less than Dan has already en-


Please send letters of support or donations to

Dan at


Last summer Amazon shut down our book division’s account af-

ter many years despite excellent customer satisfaction.

A few months later Stripe cancelled our credit card processing.

Then multiple payment gateway underwriters rejected our book

division for “Nazi connections.”

For a few months Paypal worked, but now it has killed our ac-

count as well.

In other words, any help would be greatly appreciated!


Justice for Dan


Shown above are only a few of the growing number of web-sites now participating in the FREE

BOOK PROMOTION. This promotion accomplishes many things:

First, it encourages donations to worthy efforts.

Second, it rewards donors with a free book.

Third, it promotes distribution of these excellent books.

Fourth, it fosters a constructive working relationship.

Fifth, it provides an excellent example of SOLIDARITY OF THE DEED as opposed to

“solidarity of the mouth”.

Sixth, it expands our global network.

YOU can help! As individual or as local group or as national organization. Minor ideological,

organizational or tactical differences are not a problem!


Alfred Schaefer Declines Interrogation Demand

Letter from Alfred Schaefer

Dear Friends,

Recently I was attacked in my home again,

for the third time now, and all of my computer

and communication equipment was stolen.

They did this because of my efforts to get my

courageous sister Monika out of the gulag.

They kidnapped her recently and wanted her to

disappear. I am writing this from GERMANY,

not from one of those "bad" countries like

North Korea, or Russia, or Iran.

Then they ordered me to appear in one of

their interrogation centers. I have declined this

and have sent this nine minute video. Please

take the time to view this, as our success is de-

pendent on understanding the reality unfolding

around us and engaging them. This is not a



Alfred Schaefer

Monika Schaefer

An overview and discussion of Monika’s

case can be accessed through Red Ice TV.



Updates on the case can be found here:

Letters of support may be sent to:

Monika Schaefer

Schwarzenbergstr. 14

81549 München



Monika and Alfred Schaefer

All too often we hear about yet another political prisoner, but we do not have any contact information.

We need volunteers to track down this information. This is not “fun” work. It can be tedious and frus-

trating. But it is important!

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. Persecution will increase. More and more

people will suffer. Even go to prison. They deserve our help!

When I was enjoying my second state paid vacation (1995-1999), the HILFSGEMEINSCHAFT NA-

TIONALER GEFANGENEN (HNG) did excellent work supporting political prisoners. Unfortunately,

this organization was later banned by the “democratic” regime in occupied Germany. Particularities of

German law have prevented its resurrection. Our current effort is hence a new start. It is different. And

it is based in the USA.



These are only a few of our many web-sites in many languages!


Subscription Form

( ) NS NEWS BULLETIN subscription for the next twelve issues. 30,00 Euro or US$30.00. [Please

specify which language edition you want!]

( ) Donation – YOUR support makes our work possible!

Name ______________________________________________________________________________________

Street ______________________________________________________________________________________

City _______________________ State or Province _____________ Zip or Postal Code ____________________

Country ____________________________________________________________________________________

(Optional) Email Address / Telephone ____________________________________________________________

Make checks payable to: NSDAP/AO

Mail to: NSDAP/AO – PO Box 6414 – Lincoln NE 68506 – USA (Or leave off “NSDAP/AO”.)

The NSDAP/AO is the world’s largest

National Socialist propaganda supplier!

Printed and online periodicals in many languages

Hundreds of books in over a dozen languages

Over 100 web-sites in dozens of languages