The new Concerto Classics series “The Magic of Live”: the ... · extraordinary voice of Anna...

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Transcript of The new Concerto Classics series “The Magic of Live”: the ... · extraordinary voice of Anna... -


Lagrime mieaccademia degli astrusi Federico Ferri

anna Caterina antonaCCi


DUE OUT: SEPTEMBER 20151 CD Concerto 2094

new release

R E C O R D I N G P R O G R A M :title: Lagrime mie

Artists:Accademia degli Astrusi, orchestraFederico Ferri, conductorAnna Caterina Antonacci, soprano

reCOrDiNG:December 21st, 2010 - Teatro Comunale, Bologna.

CAteGOry: Vocal and instrumental Baroque music.

iN COOperAtiON with: Kaleidos, Fondazione Mariele Ventre.

MAjOr hiGhliGhts: Vocal and instrumental Baroque arias sung by the extraordinary voice of Anna Caterina Antonacci.

COver Andrea Sacchi Staropoli photographer.


The new Concerto Classics series “The Magic of Live”: the best live recordings from classical music festivals

The Magic O

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Lagrime miearcangeLo coreLLiConcerto grosso Op. VI no. 8

BarBara StrozziLagrime mie

FranceSco geminianiConcerto grosso La Follia cLaudio monteverdiVi ricorda o boschi ombrosi Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda

Henry PurceLLChaconne giamBattiSta martiniConcerto a quattro pieno no. 10

georg FriedricH HändeLLascia ch’io pianga

accademia degli astrusi Federico Ferri

anna caterina antonacci

Manufactured and printed in

2015 cOncerTO cLassics P

G ArcAngelo corelli concerto grosso in g minor, op. Vi no. 8 “christmas concerto” (Amsterdam 1714) 1 Vivace, grave 1:172 Allegro 2:153 Adagio, Allegro, Adagio 6:194 Vivace 0:585 Allegro 1:546 Pastorale 3:25

G BArBArA Strozzi7 «lagrime mie, a che vi trattenete?» from Diporti di euterpe, op. Vii (Venice 1659) 8:07

G FrAnceSco geminiAni8 Follia from concerti grossi (london 1727) 10:51

G clAuDio monteVerDi9 «Vi ricorda o boschi ombrosi» from l’orfeo (mantua 1607) 1:57

G Henry Purcell10 chaconne from the Fairy Queen (london 1692) 2:5311 «thy hand, Belinda ... When i am laid in earth» (Dido’s lament) from Dido and Aeneas (approx. 1688) 3:51

G giAmBAttiStA mArtini concerto a quattro pieno in re maggiore (1754) 12 Allegro 2:2813 Andante 2:4414 Allegro 3:06

G clAuDio monteVerDi15 combattimento di tancredi e clorinda (Venice 1624) from madrigali guerrieri et amorosi (Venice 1638) 18:53

G georg FrieDricH HänDel16 «lascia ch’io pianga» from rinaldo (london 1711) 4:41

total time: 1:12:19

An extraordinary musical journey leads us from Montiverdi’s Mantova to Strozzi’s Venice, from Corelli’s Roma to Martini’s Bologna. From Italy we are then transported to England, the home of Purcell and Händel (who both took influence from the Italian and French

models), exploring the very different styles of madrigals, cantatas and opera alongside the concerto grosso, symphonies and dance music. The common theme is the sublime human expression: crying for love.In the 1600s the ‘lament’, developed into its

very own genre just as Dido’s Lament in Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell. This tormented adventure is accompanied by exceptional performers: the Accademia degli Astrusi, directed by Federico Ferri, and the extraordinary voice of Anna Caterina Antonacci.

G ArCANGelO COrelli Concerto grosso in G minor, Op. VI no. 8 “Christmas Concerto” (Amsterdam 1714) 1 Vivace, Grave 1:172 Allegro 2:153 Adagio, Allegro, Adagio 6:194 Vivace 0:585 Allegro 1:546 Pastorale 3:25

G BArBArA strOzzi7 «Lagrime mie, a che vi trattenete?» from Diporti di Euterpe, Op. VII (Venice 1659) 8:07

G FrANCesCO GeMiNiANi8 Follia from Concerti grossi (London 1727) 10:51

G ClAuDiO MONteverDi9 «Vi ricorda o boschi ombrosi» from L’Orfeo (Mantua 1607) 1:57

G heNry purCell10 Chaconne from The Fairy Queen (London 1692) 2:5311 «Thy hand, Belinda... When I am laid in earth» (Dido’s Lament) from Dido and Aeneas (ca. 1688) 3:51

G GiAMBAttistA MArtiNi Concerto a quattro pieno in D major (1754) 12 Allegro 2:2813 Andante 2:4414 Allegro 3:06

G ClAuDiO MONteverDi15 Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda (Venice 1624) from Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi (Venice 1638) 18:53

G GeOrG FrieDriCh häNDel16 «Lascia ch’io pianga» from Rinaldo (London 1711) 4:41

total time: 1:12:19