The nervous system, Its Types, The Human Brain, Functions And fun facts

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The nervous system, Its Types, The Human Brain, Functions And fun facts


• Human brain is the organ of the body in the head that controls functions like :movements , sensations and thoughts etc .

• It has the ability to think and reason .

HUMAN BRAIN PARTS • Human brain is divided into

three main parts on the basis of their function and placements .

• The three main parts of the human brain are as mentioned in the given diagram.

FORE BRAIN POSITION :• It is the anterior part of the

brain .

PARTS : • It has three parts .

1) CEREBRUM STRUCTURE :• It is greatly folded and is divided

into two halves Called cerebral hemispheres.

1. RIGHT HEMISPHERE : FUNCTIONS : • Responsible for control of the

left side of the body, and is the more artistic and creative side of the brain .

2. LEFT HEMISPHERE : FUNCTIONS :• Responsible for control of the

right side of the body, and is the more academic and logical side of the brain.


• Controls sight ,hearing ,speech etc .• Controls most of the voluntary muscles .• Responsible for reasoning .• Responsible for intelligence .• Responsible for thinking and decision making .

2) THALAMUS LOCATION :• It is located above the

brain stem and between the mid-brain .

FUNCTIONS : • Recieves the impulses

from the eyes, ear ,skin and other internal organs and send these impulses to the cerebrum .

3) HYPOTHALAMUS LOCATION :• Lies under the thalamus

FUNCTIONS :• Hypothalamus controls metabolism .• Regulates body temperature • Regulates water balance and sleep etc .

PITUTARY GLAND STRUCTURE : • It is a pea shaped structure .

FUNCTIONS : • Hormones secreted by this gland are

helpful in growth and reproduction.

MID BRAIN LOCATION : • It is present under the

cerebral hemisphere and above the hind brain .

• It is reduced in humans .• It connects the forebrain

with hind brain.

FUNCTIONS :• It controls reflex movements

of eyes and hearing reflexes .

HIND BRAIN LOCATION :• it is present at the backside of the


Parts :• It also has three parts which are as

mentioned in the given diagram .

1) CEREBELLUM LOCATION : • It is located at the back side of

the head .• It makes 10% of the brain b y

weight .

FUNCTIONS :• controls the body

balance .• corrects the voluntary

movements of the body .• Involved in learning and

memory storage and for showing different behaviors .

2) PONS MEANING :• Latin word ,means {bridge }.


• It is located above the medulla.

FUNCTIONS : • It controls sleep .• Controls wakefullness. • Controls rate of breathing.

3) MEDULLA OBLANGATA LOCATION : • It is the posterior [lower-

back]part of the brain . FUNCTIONS :• It controls automatic functions

like :• Breathing • Blood pressure • Blood circulation • Heart rate • Vomiting


1)The Brain Feels No Pain

• There are no pain receptors in the brain. That's why surgeons can perform brain surgery on a patient while they are still awake.

2) 100,000 Miles of Blood Vessels in the Brain

• There are hundred billion neurons that comprise the brain, the brain produces between 10-23 watts of power when awake -- enough to light a bulb

3) There Are Differences Between the Right and Left Brain

• The brain is split up into two symmetrical hemispheres.

4) Sorry Ladies, Men's Brains are 10% Bigger

• So there you go – concrete proof that men are smarter than women although women's brains are smaller, they have more nerve cells and connectors and work more efficiently than men's.

5) Your Brain is More Active When You Sleep

• Night-time is the right time for your brain to process all the activity that has occurred during the day – that's why scientists think we dream (no one is really sure why).

6) Does Size Matter?

• Research has been mixed on the subject of brain size and intelligence – Albert Einstein's brain was only 1,230 grams, while the average adult male brain weighs 1,400.

• Another study shows that the bigger the person's head, the smarter they are, while those with pointier heads show less intelligence .