The Neolithic Revolution Birth of Civilization. Essential Questions: How did early people survive?...

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Transcript of The Neolithic Revolution Birth of Civilization. Essential Questions: How did early people survive?...

The Neolithic Revolution

Birth of Civilization

Essential Questions:

How did early people survive?

What was the Neolithic Revolution?

Why was the Neolithic Revolution a turning point in history?

Humans v. All Other Animals


Humans construct: weapons, utensils, and tools Hunting -Cooking Shelter

Humans make and use: FIRE! Prepare & eat wide variety of food

Human communication Speech gene (more than gestures & sounds)

Hunters & Gatherers

Dominant in the Paleolithic Age c. 15,000 BC

Groups of 20-30 men, women, &


Hunters & Gatherers

Tools: knife blades, arrow points

Cave paintings: found in south of France, African plains (south of Sahara), Middle East

images of activities & concerns

Paleolithic Cave Painting - From France

Paleolithic Cave Painting - From France

Paleolithic Painting - From China

Paleolithic Cave Painting -From France

Cave Petroglyph

Nomads nomad = one who moves from place to

place in search of food & water Continuously migrated back and forth

from forest land to grazing land over the course of many years

Caused low population density in these regions Small groups of people living across large

areas of land Need large area of land to survive


Nomads w/ Herds

Establishing Settlements

Some groups continued to migrate Others began settling Settlements permitted by:

Natural conditions Human ingenuity (intelligence) Ability to harvest grains Domesticating plants & animals

Gender Roles

Men Hunted Fished Animal hunts,

hunting parties Knowledge of

weapons Protect group from


Women Prepare food Gathered food for

group’s basic subsistence

Crucial when hunting parties unsuccessful

Knowledge of medicinal plants

**Neolithic Revolution**

What happened? FARMING happened! Introduction of the domestication of animals &

agriculture When?

Occurred between 8500 and 3500 BC What were the important results?

Permanent settlements were established Civilizations begin to develop Population increases

Neolithic Painting:Egyptian Plow

Neolithic Revolution Facts

During this time, more and more humans began depending on cultivated crops and domesticated animals for their survival

Could support towns of more than 1000 people

Transformed human lifestyle Earliest records found in the Middle East

Earliest Civilization on Record

History of Domestication


dogs 8500-7000 BC

Sheep Goats pigs

6500 BC cattle

CULTIVATED CROPS Wheat Barley Rye Oats Flax Cotton


Subsistence farming



On a sheet of paper, draw a before and after picture based on the Neolithic Revolution (Before the Neolithic Revolution & After the Neolithic Revolution)

Use your notes only if you absolutely have to!