The national student achievement initiative

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of The national student achievement initiative


The National Student Achievement


Arizona’s Problem

According to the AZ Department of Education, last year 24% of Arizona students didn’t graduate high

school on time. Of the ones who did graduate, only 47% were eligible for admission into a state

university. These statistics are virtually unchanged since 2009.


A National Problem

According to a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Education (NCES)

“one out of every four public school teachers cited lack of parent involvement as

a serious problem in their schools”

…leading to lower high school graduation rates, less postsecondary education and an unqualified workforce


A National Solution

The National Student Achievement Initiative (NSAI) is a collaboration of the nation’s most influential leaders and organizations. NSAI’s core focus is to ensure parents and relatives are actively involved in their students’ development of key attributes like accountability, motivation and consistency.

As these skills are cultivated the program guides students down a personalized action plan for improving grades and increasing motivation for postsecondary education.


The NSAI’s Primary Objectives

Supporter Networks: Get each student’s parents, relatives and approved family friends intimately engaged in their child’s development.

Accountability: Create a culture of accountability around each student. Establish periodic check-in systems where detailed progress updates will be distributed to classmates, teachers, counselors, principals, parents, relatives and family friends.

Motivation: Increase each student’s motivation. Through surveys of students, parents and principals we found that students lacked interest in school mainly because they could not visualize its relevance to their lives as adults. NSAI gives hands on experience in the necessary attributes for potential career paths.

Higher Education: Increase the student’s likelihood of receiving some sort of financial aid for postsecondary education. High school graduates with full (or even partial) financial aid are more likely to continue learning.

Metrics: Accumulate large amounts of meaningful data that will help us measure the impact of this initiative and display it in easy to understand formats.



1. TwoWks has developed a mobile app that changes students’ behaviors and attitudes through assessment activities that take just five minutes per week.

2. Superintendents and Principals adopt The National Student Achievement Initiative by having students download the app (or signup via the website).

3. Students earn gift cards and prizes for getting their parents, relatives and approved family friends to become their mobile app Accountability Partners.

4. The mobile app has a proprietary algorithm that analyzes the students progress and sends the results to all their Accountability Partners each month.

5. School districts and corporate sponsors receive real time data on The NSAI’s progress and success stories.



The NSAI is funded by Arizona State University and is housed within the university’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department.

ASU SkySong – TwoWks HQ - NSAI HQ

1475 North Scottsdale Road

Suite 200 - Scottsdale, AZ 85257

Executive Director: Sam Shammah


Direct Line: 480-382-5023


How the TwoWks Mobile App Works

The Goal Progression Log (GPL for short) is a tool within the TwoWks mobile app – created to help people break their goals down into actionable steps. The Goal Progression Log breaks

the students goals down into the following four parts: Tasks: Behaviors they’re trying to accomplish on a daily or

weekly basis that will help them reach their goals UnProductives: Habits they’re trying to avoid - usually

things that will hinder their progress Ratings: Things they can rate themselves on – on a scale

from 1 to 10. Basically, this is a self-evaluation. Questions: Open-ended questions that they can ask

themselves – and also answer on a weekly basis.The GPL is the heart and soul of The NSAI.

Everything revolves around temporarily adding new Tasks, UnProductives, Ratings and Questions.

Learn more at


How the TwoWks Mobile App Works (pt.2)

The app revolves around a three step process that happens every week:

1. Update GPL: Students will get an alarm notification to remind them to input answers for their Tasks, UnProductives, Ratings and Questions

2. Send Joy: They will view someone else’s progress to say something positive or motivational. We call this process, “Sending Joy”

3. Receive Joy: Someone else, will view their progress and do the same. This is called, “Receiving Joy”

This 3 step cycle will continue every week to allow the students to build solid habits.

Learn more at


This entire process takes less than five

minutes per week


Algo 3.0

Over the last four years, our team has utilized decades of research to develop a proprietary algorithm that converts these minimal inputs into over 1,500 individual data points. We use this information to summarize each student’s behaviors, attitudes and habit formation. Our algorithm is affectionately nicknamed “Algo” and is currently on version 3.0


Scores and Sub-Scores

The Perseverance Sub-Score (PV-SS) is based around GPL Tasks and what the user accomplished in relation to what they said they would get accomplished.

The Willpower Sub-Score (WP-SS) is based around GPL UnProductives and how well users avoided participating in activities they identified as being detrimental to their objectives.

The Introspection Sub-Score (IP-SS) is based around GPL Ratings and how well the user evaluated personal traits that have an impact on their advancement toward success.

The Transparency Sub-Score (TP-SS) is based around GPL Questions and the detail given in response to open ended questions that pertained to their progress.

The Accountability Sub-Score (AC-SS) is based around the user holding themselves responsible for their progress as well as how well they held others accountable.

The Endurance Sub-Score (ED-SS) is based around the user’s consistency, and how punctual they were when submitting status updates and progress reports.

The Utilization Sub-Score (UZ-SS) is based around how much effort was put into using functions of the software that were developed to maximize productivity.

The Tenacity Sub-Score (TN-SS) is based around the effort put into unique activities that increase their chances of accomplishing goals and objectives - activities like referring friends and reading our articles.

Algo 3.0 outputs the following sub-scores on a weekly basis


Big Data is Invaluable

In addition to the sub-scores, each TwoWks user will be able to generate a 20 page summary document called a “Portfolio”. These Portfolios are filled with colorful infographic-style charts and graphs that make it easy to visually see the student’s progress. Algo 3.0 updates Portfolios every single week to give detailed reasoning for the Scores and Sub-Scores a student has received.This will allow counselors and teachers to provide more personalized coaching. It gives them a deep understanding of the root causes behind the student’s outcomes. Portfolios can even be an invaluable asset when applying for college scholarships or preparing for a job interview.Superintendents and Principals will be able to compile the statistics from students’ individual Portfolios into a school-wide Data Dashboard. This will allow them to see how well the whole school is progressing and what areas might need the most attention. There are a lot of ways stats can be ranked so there are multiple leaderboards which allows students to compete and see who is the most productive.


Algo 3.0 Portfolio ExampleHere are the pages that will be included in each student’s individual Portfolio

Contact for access to a PDF example


Template Example

A set of Tasks, UnProductives, Ratings and Questions is called a Template. We have professionally vetted Templates for certain goals and grade levels. For example; if a student wants to have a Productive 11th Grade Year, they can use a Template that will suggest they track the following:

For Tasks, they could track: How many hours did I study at home this week? How many times did I go to tutoring this week? How many times did I go over my homework with my parent this week? How many college admissions applications did I submit?

*Each high school student will be matched to 100 – 200 scholarships they qualify for based on 8 different parameters like race, location and GPA.


Template Example (pt. 2)

UnProductives they could track: How many times did I neglect doing my homework on time? How many times was I late to class this week?

Ratings they could track: On a scale from 1 to 10, how focused was I during class time this week? On a scale from 1 to 10, how much effort did I put into my at home study time? On a scale from 1 to 10, how well did I keep my desk, backpack and locker organized?

Questions they could track: What were my biggest accomplishments this week? What area of my development can I improve on for next week?

Updating this Template and Sending Joy would take less than 5 minutes each week


Parental Accountability

For a student to be successful, they need to have structure outside the classroom. Homework, projects, studying, reviewing progress, getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising are all activities that have to be done at home. It is the parent’s responsibility to manage these tasks. With TwoWks, all these items can now be tracked. The fact these things are now being measured will motivate parents to stay on top of their duties.

A Supporter Network means that everyone (siblings, grandparents, longtime family friends, people from church, the family dentist, etc.) have access to the student’s goals, action steps and progress. This increases the level of transparency when it comes to the quality of parenting that’s going on. No parent wants to look negligent, so there will be a social responsibility to ensure their child is submitting their TwoWks reports as well as putting in the necessary effort.


Measuring Impact

As explained in the Algo 3.0 and Portfolio sections, our software collects a massive amount of data from minimal inputs. Previously, we explained the initiative’s five main objectives; Supporter Networks, Accountability, Motivation, Higher Education and Metrics. The descriptions on the next five slides are what we’ll use to track the effectiveness of our endeavors.


Measuring Impact (Supporter Networks) The average number of adult supporters (parents, relatives and

approved family friends) each student adds to their supporter network. 12 Month Goal: 4 supporters per student

The average Utilization Sub-Scores (UZ-SS) of each students’ adult accountability partners. 12 Month Goal: supporters average a 70% UZ-SS

The average Accountability Sub-Scores (AC-SS) of each students’ adult accountability partners. 12 Month Goal: supporters average a 70% AC-SS

Get each student’s family and role-models engaged in their child’s development.


Measuring Impact (Accountability)

The average number of times adult accountability partners checked-in with each student. 12 Month Goal: 52 check-ins – each student will collaborate with at least one adult each

week The average number of times classmates checked-in with each other.

12 Month Goal: 104 check-ins - each student will collaborate with at least two peers each week

The average Accountability Sub-Score (AC-SS) of each student. 12 Month Goal: students average a 80% AC-SS

The average Endurance Sub-Score (ED-SS) of each student. 12 Month Goal: students average a 80% ED-SS

The average Utilization Sub-Score (UZ-SS) of each student. 12 Month Goal: students average a 80% UZ-SS

Create a culture of accountability around each student


Measuring Impact (Motivation)

The average number of times students used ASU’s career pathways application. (learn more at 12 Month Goal: students utilize ASU’s application 15 times

The average number of motivation Content Pieces were opened by each student. 12 Month Goal: students read 20 motivation Content Pieces

The average number of supporter Content Pieces were opened by each student’s parents. 12 Month Goal: parents read 12 supporter Content Pieces

The average Tenacity Sub-Score (TN-SS) of each student. 12 Month Goal: students average a 80% TN-SS

Increase each student’s motivation


Measuring Impact (Higher Education) The schools percentage increase of

postsecondary enrollment the year after graduation.

48 Month Goal: a 20% increase in college enrollment

The average number of higher education related Content Pieces opened by each student.

12 Month Goal: students read 20 Content Pieces

The average number of financial aid related Content Pieces opened by each student.

12 Month Goal: students read 20 Content Pieces

The average number of higher ed related Content Pieces opened by each student’s parents.

12 Month Goal: parents read 12 Content Pieces

The average number of financial aid related Content Pieces opened by each student’s parents.

12 Month Goal: parents read 12 Content Pieces

Increase the number of students who attend postsecondary education

The average number of college admissions applications submitted by each student. 12 Month Goal: students submit 10 applications

The average number of grant, scholarship or campus job applications submitted by students.

12 Month Goal: students submit 30 applications

The average amount of scholarship dollars earned by each student. 48 Month Goal: students average $2,400

The average amount of grant dollars earned by each student.

48 Month Goal: students average $800


Measuring Impact (Metrics)

The percentage of students who got major benefits by taking advantage of their Portfolio. 12 Month Goal: 70% of students report major benefits

The average Perseverance Sub-Score (PV-SS) of each student. 12 Month Goal: students average a 80% PV-SS

The average Willpower Sub-Score (WP-SS) of each student. 12 Month Goal: students average a 80% WP-SS

The average Introspection Sub-Score (IP-SS) of each student. 12 Month Goal: students average a 80% IP-SS

The average Transparency Sub-Score (TP-SS) of each student. 12 Month Goal: students average a 80% TP-SS

Accumulate large amounts of meaningful data that will help us measure impact


NSAI is looking for a National Sponsor


Sponsorship Overview

The 501c3 tax deductible contribution is $90,000 for a 30 month sponsorship By August 2018 the app will have over 1,300,000 users across 1,000 schools

850,000+ adults 450,000+ students

High Volume: 1.3 million app users is our absolute worst-case scenario. We expect well over 15 million app users.

Emotional Connection: NSAI cultivates a new and unique relationship between students and the adults in their lives. It will be hard for participants to forget the sponsor who was at the center of the connection.

Repeated Engagement: Most sponsored initiatives will have just one or two interactions with the audience. The apps three step process will ensure students and adults are regularly exposed to the sponsors message.


Emotional Connection Repeated



High Volume

Our staff will reach out to 3,800 schools each month

To remain conservative, we project that we’ll enroll only 1% of the principals That suggests that 99 out of 100 principals will oppose participating in NSAI for free

Enrolling 1% of the schools we contact means we’ll enroll 38 schools per month Nationally, schools average 589 students each

Students earn gift cards and prizes for getting adult accountability partners Parents, relatives, family friends, etc. (the same people they hit up for fundraisers)

To remain conservative, we project students will bring an average of just 2 adults This is obviously an undershot since 61% of students live with married parents

Based on these conservative projections, there will be 1,297,798 users in August 2018


Emotional Connection Repeated



Emotional Connection

This is the process in which adult supporters will become app users: Students are able to earn gift cards from Amazon, Wal-Mart and other

retailers based on the number of points they earn. These points are earned by completing “Strive Challenges” that reward them for high Sub-Scores within certain Tasks, UnProductives, Ratings and Questions. Strive Challenges are given to the students from their adult supporters. The more supporters the student has, the more Strive Challenges they can receive.

To make it easier for students to sign up a lot of adult supporters, we’ve created a fun interview activity they can use to introduce NSAI to potential supporters. Students and their parents will conduct these interview activities with all the adults they know. At the end of each interview, the supporter will download the mobile app and start getting updates on the students progress.


Emotional Connection Repeated



Repeated Engagement

Here is an example of how a sponsors logo or ad will be seen within the app.

Students will use the app at least once per week or else they will receive negative scores. You can expect them to see your message weekly.

Supporters will receive a monthly push notification that will prompt them to view their students progress. Each time they do this they will see your message.

The TwoWks mobile app is a goal management tool made to help anyone increase their productivity. Many supporters will begin to use the app for their own goals rather than only checking-in on their student.


Emotional Connection Repeated



Join Our Mission

Supporter Networks: The average number of adult supporters (parents, relatives and approved family friends) each student adds to their supporter network.

12 Month Goal: 4 supporters per student

Accountability: The average number of times adult accountability partners checked-in with each student. 12 Month Goal: 52 check-ins – each student will collaborate with at least one adult each week

Motivation: The average number of times students used ASU’s career pathways application. (learn more at

12 Month Goal: students utilize ASU’s application 15 times

Higher Education: The schools percentage increase of postsecondary enrollment the year after graduation.

48 Month Goal: a 20% increase in college enrollment

Metrics: The percentage of students who got major benefits by taking advantage of their Portfolio.

12 Month Goal: 70% of students report major benefits


Emotional Connection Repeated



Let’s Chat

NSAI Executive Director: Sam Shammah

Direct Line: 480-382-5023

Office Line: 480-884-1886


Address: 1475 N. Scottsdale Rd. Suite 200

NSAI Website:

TwoWks Website: