The myths of autism

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The myths of autism

By Jenny Buchanan




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Photo Credit: Brendan Smialowski

Photo credit: Test for Autism

Many things you may have heard about Autism may or may not be true.

There are many myths about Autism.

It may be less than or different from the typical child, but they do look at people, smile, and express many other wonderful non-verbal communications.

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Myth #3 All individuals with Autism are alike.

Photo credit: Powerhouse Museum Collection

We are all different. Different abilities, different communication styles.

Why would you expect a person with Autism not to be different from each other as well?

“If you have met one person with Autism you have met one person with Autism” unknown.

Photo credit: helpingting

Myth # 4 Autism can be cured.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy


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Just as each person with Autism is different so is the treatment that helps them.

Photo credit: Emily CamminPhoto Credit: expertinfatry

Photo credit: Whatsername?

Myth # 6 Most people with Autism are not verbal.

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No. Dr. Kanner, the man who first identified autism as a unique condition, had the idea that cold “refrigerator” mothers caused autism. He was wrong.

Picture credit: helpinting

The cause is still not for certain. It could be environmentally based or a percentage could come from genetically makeup.

No answer as been found yet.

Photo Credit: Hora Varlin

Photo credit: Phil Frye

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She openly debunks the theory that individuals on the spectrum do not use imaginative thought. She says that she uses her imagination first when developing cattle shutes to determine how they will work.

Dr. Temple Gradin is the country’s foremost developer of humane animal science techniques, she is also autistic.

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Photo credit: Steve Jurvetson

Photo credit: Temple Grandin

Myth # 9:

Individuals with Autism can not show empathy.

One requirement of diagnosis of autism or an ASD involves difficulty in reading and interpreting emotions based on nonverbal expressions however this does not indicate an inability to feel and process them.

Photo credit: Susan Avello

Applied Behavioral Therapy is one of the many options available to help individuals with Autism learn to better deal with their emotions in turn decreasing their behavioral issues.


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“If you have met one person with Autism, you have met one person with Autism” unknown.