The Myc-dependent angiogenic switch in tumors is...

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The Myc-dependent angiogenic switchin tumors is mediated by interleukin 1�

Ksenya Shchors,1 Elena Shchors,2 Fanya Rostker,1 Elizabeth R. Lawlor,1,3 Lamorna Brown-Swigart,1

and Gerard I. Evan1,4

1Cancer Research Institute and Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, University of California at SanFrancisco Comprehensive Cancer Center, San Francisco, California 94143, USA; 2 Biotraces, Inc.,Herndon, Virginia 20171, USA

Although induction of blood vessel growth is acknowledged as a pivotal requirement for the evolution ofmacroscopic tumors, the events that trigger onset of tumor angiogenesis remain largely obscure. The pervasiveMyc oncoprotein is itself a potent inducer of angiogenesis in a wide range of tissues. We have used areversibly switchable mouse transgenic model of Myc-dependent �-cell carcinogenesis to delineate thekinetics and causal sequence of angiogenic processes following acute Myc activation. We show that onset ofendothelial cell proliferation is induced shortly after Myc-induced cell cycle entry of � cells. Endothelial cellproliferation is not indirectly induced by local tissue hypoxia but instead via a diffusible angiogenic signalproduced by Myc-expressing � cells. This signal triggers the release of pre-existing, sequestered VEGF fromthe islet extracellular matrix, that then homes to the endothelial compartment where it induces endothelialcell proliferation. Myc activation in � cells rapidly induces expression and release of the proinflammatorycytokine interleukin 1� (IL-1�). We show that IL-1� is the principal effector downstream of Myc responsiblefor triggering rapid onset of islet angiogenesis. Together, our data delineate a complete pathway in vivo bywhich the highly pleiotropic Myc oncoproteins elicits coexpansion of the vascular compartment duringtumorigenic progression.

[Keywords: Myc; angiogenesis; interleukin 1�; tumor]

Supplemental material is available at

Received June 6, 2006; revised version accepted July 26, 2006.

Induction of blood vessel growth is a pivotal requirementfor the evolution of macroscopic tumors. However, theprecise molecular mechanisms that trigger angiogenesisin tumors remains largely obscure. Some initial studiesin experimental tumor models supported the notion thatearly tumors are innately incompetent for angiogenesisand, consequently, restricted in size by hypoxia and nu-trient privation. The capacity for angiogenesis thenarises sporadically during the course of tumor evolution,presumably through the aleatory acquisition of proangio-genic mutations. Recently, however, several studieshave indicated that pervasive dominant oncogenes suchas Myc and Ras can directly instruct angiogenesis in tis-sues in which they are activated (Watnick et al. 2003;Knies-Bamforth et al. 2004). Since oncogene activation islikely to be an early and obligate event in tumorigenesis,this intimates that angiogenesis can be an inherent at-tribute of many tumors from the outset.

Deregulated expression of the basic helix–loop–helix-leucine zipper (bHLH-LZ) transcription factor Myc is fre-quent in human cancers. Myc is a pivotal coordinator ofa large number of diverse transcriptional programs thatcoordinate the cellular processes of growth, metabolism,proliferation, and intrinsic tumor suppression. In addi-tion, Myc also regulates various processes by which pro-liferating cells communicate with, and instruct, appro-priate changes in surrounding tissues and stroma, in-cluding angiogenesis, invasion, and tissue organization.In this way, Myc integrates intracellular processes re-quired for cell expansion with requisite changes in thelocal somatic environment. The potent angiogenic ac-tion of Myc has been observed in experimental tumors ofthe skin (Pelengaris et al. 1999), pancreas (Pelengaris etal. 2002), in lymphoma (Brandvold et al. 2000), neuro-blastoma (Fotsis et al. 1999), and transplanted Myc-ex-pressing fibroblasts (Ngo et al. 2000). Such studies havevariously implicated several, differing, angiogenic mech-anisms, including direct down-regulation of the an-giogenesis suppressor TSP1 (Watnick et al. 2003) andindirect promotion of local hypoxia and consequent ac-tivation of VEGF (Knies-Bamforth et al. 2004). However,such studies generally involve analysis of established tu-

3Present address: University of Southern California Keck School of Medi-cine, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Division of Hematology-Oncol-ogy, 4650 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90027-6016, USA4Corresponding author.E-MAIL; FAX (415) 514-0878.Article is online at

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 20:2527–2538 © 2006 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/06; 2527

mors, making it difficult to identify the cause-and-effectsequence by which Myc triggers the angiogenic switch.

To explore how Myc drives tumor angiogenesis invivo, we have used the pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL

mouse, a reversibly switchable orthotopic transgenicmodel of Myc oncogenesis in which the switchable formof the Myc oncoprotein, MycERTAM, has been targetedto pancreatic � cells via the proximal insulin promoter.Alone, acute activation of MycERTAM in � cells triggersprofound apoptosis. However, coexpression in � cells ofthe anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xL forestalls Myc-inducedapoptosis, exposing the transcription factor’s multifari-ous activities as an engine of cell growth, proliferation,dedifferentiation, invasion, and metastasis (Pelengariset al. 2002; Lawlor et al. 2006). Sustained activation ofMyc in � cells of pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice trig-gers progressive expansion of � cells synchronously ineach of the several hundred pancreatic islets, an expan-sion accompanied lockstep by progressive dysplasia, ana-plasia, angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis. The rapid-ity and synchrony with which these multiple attributesof tumorigenesis arise indicates that they are instructeddirectly by Myc and not the consequence of sporadicallyacquired secondary mutations. It also permits direct ex-amination of the kinetics, sequence, and mechanism bywhich Myc instructs the genesis of neoplasia in vivo.Here, we have used this type of kinetic analysis to de-lineate the pathway by which Myc triggers onset of an-giogenesis in �-cell tumors.


The onset of islet endothelial cell proliferation rapidlyfollows activation of Myc in � cells

Previously, we showed that the sustained expansion of �cells induced by persistent Myc activation in pIns-Myc-ERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice is accompanied by concurrentexpansion and elaboration of islet vasculature (Pelen-garis et al. 2002). To ascertain the kinetics of islet endo-thelial cell cycle entry following activation of Myc in �cells, Myc was acutely activated in the � cells of pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice by systemic administra-tion of 4-OHT and onset of �-cell S phase monitored bystaining pancreas sections from timed cohorts of micefor the proliferation marker Ki67. Following systemic(intraperitoneal) administration of 4-OHT, Myc is syn-chronously activated within 1–2 h in all � cells, drivingsequential activation of G1, then S, then G2-phase cyc-lins (Lawlor et al. 2006). This progression through the�-cell cycle is thenceforth maintained so long as Mycremains active (Fig. 1A; Pelengaris et al. 2002; Lawlor etal. 2006). Interestingly, analysis of all cells within isletsrevealed that the cellular proliferation induced by Myc isnot limited to the �-cell compartment. Using Meca-32expression as a marker of endothelial cells, we couldidentify proliferating Ki-67-positive endothelial cells asearly as 48 h after 4-OHT administration (Fig. 1B), eventhough such cells express no endogenous MycERTAM.

Subsequent deactivation of Myc led to rapid withdrawalof both � and endothelial islet cells from cycle (Supple-mentary Fig. 1), consistent with our previous observa-tions (Pelengaris et al. 2002) that Myc is required tomaintain islet expansion and angiogenesis. Control ani-mals treated with oil carrier instead of 4-OHT exhibitedno measurable proliferation in either �-cell or endothe-lial cell compartments (Supplementary Fig. 1). ControlRIP7-Bcl-xL mice treated for 7 d with 4-OHT exhibitedno evidence of proliferation in either �-cell or islet en-dothelial compartments (Supplementary Fig. 1).

Mitogenesis of endothelial cells in pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islets occurs without tissue hypoxia

Since MycERTAM is not expressed within the vascularcompartment, the rapid onset of endothelial cell prolif-eration we observe in 4-OHT-treated pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice must be due to some mitogenic influ-ence arising from the adjacent Myc-expressing �-cellcompartment. One potent inducer of endothelial cellproliferation and angiogenesis is hypoxia. Below a pO2 of∼40 torr (∼7%), the HIF1� component of the HIF-1 tran-scription factor is stabilized (Semenza 2001), whereuponactivated HIF-1 orchestrates a pleiotropic downstreamresponse that regulates direct and adaptive responses todepleted oxygen (Harris 2002), including induction of an-giogenic factors such as VEGF. To ascertain whether hy-poxia might be the trigger for endothelial cell prolifera-tion following Myc activation, pimonidazole hydro-chloride was systemically administered to pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice following 4-OHT treatment. Pimoni-dazole hydrochloride forms immunohistochemically de-tectable protein adducts when reductively activated andso serves as an effective marker of tissue hypoxia in vivo.As positive controls we used mice harboring extremelylarge islet tumors arising from sustained Myc activationin pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL; ARF−/−mice (Finch etal., 2006) and the proximal tubes in kidney from 6-d post-partum wild-type mice, which are known to exhibit sig-nificant tissue hypoxia (Freeburg and Abrahamson 2004).Although pimonidazole adducts were clearly visible inthe large, established pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL; ARFKO islet tumors and in kidney proximal tubules (Supple-mentary Fig. 2), no staining indicative of hypoxia wasdetectable in pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islet tissue at72 h following Myc activation in � cells (Fig. 2), which isthe time window during which proliferation in endothe-lial cell compartment is induced (Fig. 1B).

In the absence of tissue hypoxia, the most likely causeof endothelial proliferation in Myc-active pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islets is a direct mitogenic signal generatedby Myc-expressing � cells. To assess whether such atrans-active signal exists, islets were isolated from pan-creata of pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL, explanted intoculture, and MycERTAM protein was activated for 3 d bythe addition of 100 nM 4-OHT to the culture medium.The culture medium was then removed and assayed forits ability to promote proliferation and induce tubulogen-

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esis in subconfluent primary human umbilical vein en-dothelial cells (HUVEC). Addition of 4-OHT to pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islets in vitro had no discernibleeffect on islet morphology and survival over 72 h (datanot shown). Media derived from such cultures promotedmarked HUVEC streaming and assembly into extended,tubular structures, indicative of the de novo presenceof angiogenic factors (Fig. 3A). Quantitative analysisof HUVEC cells showed that nearly 80% of HUVECcells cultured in conditioned media derived from4-OHT-treated (Myc ON) islets were incorporated intotubelike structures, compared with 40% of HUVEC cellscultured in control media from islets treated with etha-nol vehicle control (Myc OFF) (Fig. 3B). Addition of4-OHT itself had no effect on HUVEC survival or dispo-sition (data not shown). Thus, activation of Myc in �

cells induces production and release of a diffusible pro-angiogenic factor from islets.

Myc regulates VEGF A accessibilityin pIns-c-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islets

Myc-induced islet angiogenesis exhibits classical hall-marks of tumor vasculature, including tortuous and im-mature vessel branching and leakiness (Fig. 4; Pelengariset al. 2002). These attributes are typically elicited by thevascular remodeling factor VEGF A, which promotesboth vascular elaboration and vessel permeability(Dvorak 2002). To test whether VEGF A is responsiblefor the Myc-induced endothelial proliferation and angio-genesis we observe, media derived from pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islets were collected 24, 48, and 72 h fol-

Figure 1. Activation of Myc in � cells ofpancreatic islets induces rapid, Myc-de-pendent onset of �-cell and islet endothe-lial cell proliferation. Cohorts of pIns-c-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL double-transgenicmice were treated with 4-OHT daily for 7d (d0–d7) and pancreata were isolated andanalyzed by IHC. (A) Total cell prolifera-tion in islets was assessed by Ki67 staining(red). Cells were counterstained withHoechst (blue). � Cells within panreaticislets initiate S-phase entry within 24 h ofMyc activation. Bars, 100 µm. (B) Prolifer-ating endothelial cells were identified bycolabeling with the endothelial markerMeca-32 (green), Ki67 (red), and Hoechst(blue). Initiation of proliferation in theMeca-32-positive endothelial cells of isletswas evident as early as 48 h after Myc ac-tivation and persisted as long as Myc wasactivated. Bars, 20 µm.

IL-1� mediates the Myc angiogenic switch


lowing MycERTAM activation in vitro and VEGF A con-tent then assayed by ELISA. Stimulation of pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islets with 4-OHT inducedmarked VEGF A accumulation in culture supernatantsat 48 h (2.5-fold) and 72 h (fourfold) when compared withethanol-treated controls (Fig. 4A). No 4-OHT-dependentinduction of VEGF A was evident in culture superna-tants derived from islets purified from MycERTAM-nega-tive RIP7-Bcl-xL mice (Fig. 4A). Thus, Myc activation in� cells induces production of VEGF A.

MycERTAM is activated very rapidly following 4-OHTaddition to cultured cells or after systemic administra-tion of 4-OHT to animals (Pelengaris et al. 2002), leadingto modulation of Myc target genes within 60–120 min(Lawlor et al. 2006). However, no measurable accumula-tion of VEGF A mRNA could be detected at 4, 8, or 24 hafter MycERTAM activation (Fig. 4B; Lawlor et al. 2006).Similarly, quantitative real-time PCR analysis of iso-lated islets in vitro showed no induction of VEGF A ex-pression following MycERTAM activation (data notshown). Affymetrix analysis indicated that expression ofother prominent candidates for Myc-dependent angio-genesis, including VEGF B, TNF-�, FGF A, PDGF A, and

TSP-1 was also unaffected (up or down) by Myc activa-tion over the initial 24-h period (Lawlor et al. 2006; datanot shown). Thus, Myc appears not to directly modulateexpression of any obvious angiogenic signaling mol-ecules.

Although Myc activation in � cells induces no mea-surable change in VEGF A expression in islets, as re-ported previously (Bergers et al. 2000) islets already ex-press significant levels of VEGF A mRNA constitutively(Fig. 4B). In the main, this constitutive VEGF A appearsto be sequestered in an inactive state by the islet extra-cellular matrix (ECM), and induction of tumor angiogen-esis in the well-characterized RIP-Tag islet tumor modelcoincides with release of this sequestered VEGF throughthe action of extracellular proteases (Bergers et al. 2000).Knowing this, we examined immunohistochemicallythe tissue distribution and disposition of VEGF beforeand after acute Myc activation in islets derived frompIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice. As predicted byVEGF A mRNA analysis, the total level of VEGF A inislets was broadly unaffected by Myc status. However,Myc activation induced a dramatic redistribution of islet

Figure 2. Myc-induced islet endothelial proliferation occurs inthe absence of tissue hypoxia. pIns-c-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL

mice were treated daily with 4-OHT for 3 d to activate Myc(Myc ON) or with oil carrier for 24 h (Myc OFF). Hypoxyprobewas then administered as described in Materials and Methodsand sections from pancreatic tissue analyzed for the presence ofhypoxia by staining with Anti-Hypoxyprobe. Islet/�-cell (I) andexocrine (E) pancreatic tissue are indicated. The figure showstwo independent and representative studies. As a positive con-trol for tissue hypoxia, pIns-c-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL;ARF−/−

mice, which rapidly develop very large, invasive, and aggressivetumors (“advanced �-cell tumor”) upon sustained Myc activa-tion, were treated with 4-OHT daily for 21 d. These animalswere then injected with Hypoxyprobe prior to sacrifice, andareas of pancreatic tissue/tumor hypoxia were identified asabove. Bars, 50 µm.

Figure 3. Myc activation in � cells in islets induces productionof diffusible angiogenic factors in vitro. Islets were isolated frompIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice and incubated in media con-taining either 4-OHT (Myc ON) or EtOH carrier (Myc OFF).Medium from these cultures was then used to treat HUVECseeded in a fibrinogen sandwich for 72 h. (A) HUVEC tubuleformation was assayed microscopically. Tubelike structures areindicated by arrows. Two independent and representative stud-ies are shown. (B) The proportion of HUVEC cells incorporatedinto tubelike structures was determined after application of me-dia conditioned by Myc ON or Myc OFF islets, as described inMaterials and Methods.

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VEGF A from a diffuse disposition throughout the isletto discrete foci within the islet mass (indicated by arrowsin Fig. 4C). This redistribution is highly reminiscent ofthat observed during the sporadic angiogenic switch inRIP-Tag �-cell tumors. Furthermore, we could identifythe discrete VEGF foci induced by Myc activation in isletsections as sites of endothelial cells by costaining withantibodies specific for VEGF A and the endothelial cellmarker Meca-32 (Fig. 4D). Staining with the GVM39 an-tibody that specifically recognizes VEGF:VEGFR2 (Flk1)-ligated conjugates indicated that VEGF A within thesefoci is associated with its cognate receptor (Fig. 4E). Theonset of this VEGF redistribution (72 h) correlated withonset of endothelial cell mitogenesis, and the redistribu-tion was maintained so long as Myc function was sus-tained. Subsequent deactivation of Myc induced rapidreversal of VEGF A relocalization, back to a diffuse dis-

tribution (Supplementary Fig. 3). Thus, Myc activity isrequired not only to induce, but also to maintain, VEGFA redistribution. No analogous changes in VEGF A dis-tribution were observed in MycERTAM-negative controlmice following 4-OHT treatment, indicating that the ef-fect is specific to Myc (Fig. 4C–E). Since VEGF A is notjust a mitogen but also a potent vascular permeabilityfactor (Abraham et al. 2002), we also assessed the leaki-ness of Myc-induced islet vasculature by systemic per-fusion of mice with Ricinus communis agglutinin I(RCA-I), which binds subendothelial basement mem-brane only when extravasated. Substantial vascularleakiness became evident by 72–96 h after Myc activa-tion in � cells (Fig. 4F). This onset of vessel leakiness isconsistent with both the known properties of VEGF Aand with the kinetics of VEGF redistribution and liga-tion to receptors on islet endothelial cells.

Figure 4. Myc drives release and relo-calization of VEGF in vitro and in vivo.(A) Islets isolated from pIns-c-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL were cultured invitro in the presence of either 4-OHT orvehicle control (EtOH), culture mediawere harvested at the time points indi-cated, and VEGF A was assayed byELISA. The graph represents VEGF A in-duction by Myc relative to that in EtOH-treated samples at the time points indi-cated. As a control, media were isolatedfrom Myc-negative RIP7-Bcl-xL isletstreated in vitro for 72 h with 4-OHT orcontrol vehicle, and VEGF A productionwas determined as described above. (B)Quantitative analysis of Myc activationon VEGF A mRNA expression islets invivo by Affymetrix GeneChip Array.4-OHT was systemically administeredto pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice for0, 4, 8, or 24 h. Islet tissue derived frompancreas sections was then laser cap-tured, RNA was extracted, and VEGF Awas expression quantitated. (C) Rapid re-distribution of VEGF A in islets by 72 hafter Myc activation in � cells. pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice weretreated with 4-OHT daily as in Figure 1.At the times indicated, animals weresacrificed and the pancreata was iso-lated, sectioned, and stained with anti-VEGF A antibody (red). Areas of focalVEGF A accumulation are indicatedwith arrows. Bars, 100 µm. (D) Redistrib-uted VEGF localizes to endothelial cells.The same sections as in C were incu-bated with antibody specific to the endo-

thelial cell marker Meca-32 (green), showing significant overlap between VEGF foci and endothelial cells. Bars, 100 µm. (E) Redis-tributed VEGF is engaged with its cognate Flk-1 receptor. Pancreata sections were incubated with both the VEGF:Flk-1 complex-specific antibody GVM39 (red) and anti-Meca-32 (green). Hoechst (blue) was used as counterstain. Instances of colocalization ofVEGF:VEGFR complex with Meca-32-positive cells are shown by the arrows. Bars, 20 µm. (F) Myc-induced mobilization of VEGFinduces leakiness of islet vasculature. pIns-c-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL animals treated with 4-OHT for the times indicated wereperfused with FITC-Lycopersicon esculentum lectin, which binds to the luminal surface of blood vessels, and Rhodamine-Ricinuscommunis agglutinin, which binds the endothelial basement membrane. Regions of vasculature leakage are indicated by arrows. Bars,20 µm.

IL-1� mediates the Myc angiogenic switch


Interleukin 1� (IL-1�) mediates Myc-induced releaseand activation of VEGF A and onsetof tumor angiogenesis

Matrix metalloproteinases have previously been impli-cated in triggering the release of ECM-sequestered VEGFduring the angiogenic switch of islet tumors in the RIP-Tag model (Bergers et al. 2000). Indeed, de novo MMPactivity was detectable in isolated islets at the time ofVEGF redistribution, suggesting a similar role for MMPsin Myc-induced angiogenesis. However, none of thegenes encoding the likely candidate metalloproteinases(MMP2, MMP3, and MMP9) was induced following Mycactivation (Lawlor et al. 2006; data not shown), indicat-ing that onset of MMP activity is an indirect conse-quence of Myc activation. In addition to gene expression,MMP activity is regulated at multiple levels, includingproteolytic activation of the inactive MMP precursor zy-mogen, interaction with endogenous inhibitors such asTIMPs, sequestration by ECM and adhesion molecules,and proteolytic inactivation (Osenkowski et al. 2004). Tosearch for any of the diverse candidate intermediariesresponsible for Myc-dependent MMP activation, we ex-amined our �-cell Myc target gene database and identi-fied the gene encoding IL-1�, a cytokine implicated inacute and chronic inflammation and a potent activator ofmetalloproteinase activity. By comparison, expression ofTGF-� and TNF-�, other well-described promoters ofMMP activity, was unaffected by Myc activation. Induc-tion of IL-1� transcription in islets was evident as earlyas 2 h after MycERTAM activation in pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL � cells in vivo. No IL-1� was induced by4-OHT treatment of MycERTAM-negative animals (Fig.5A).

The rapid induction of IL-1� mRNA expression byMyc in islets was confirmed in vitro by quantitative real-time PCR analysis of mRNA isolated from cultured is-lets (Fig. 5B). Such induction of IL-1� mRNA was accom-panied by substantial (12-fold) increase in IL-1� protein24 h after Myc activation in pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islets in vitro (Fig. 5C). In contrast, culture superna-tants from RIP7-Bcl-xL islets lacking the MycERTAM

transgene produced no measurable IL-1� following theexposure to 4-OHT. Thus, IL-1� mRNA and protein ex-pression are rapidly induced following Myc activation in� cells, and this induction precedes release of VEGF Afrom the islet ECM.

To test directly whether IL-1� has a causal role in me-diating Myc-induced angiogenesis, we used IL-1�-neu-tralizing antibodies to interfere with IL-1� activity invitro and in vivo. First, islets derived from pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice were explanted into cul-ture and Myc activated by addition of 100 nM 4-OHT tothe culture medium for 3 d, either alone or in the pres-ence of control or IL-1�-neutralizing antibody. VEGF lev-els were then assayed in culture supernatants by ELISA.Blocking anti-IL-1� antibodies significantly reduced theproduction of VEGF by these explanted islets followingMyc activation, compared with islets incubated in theabsence of antibodies or with control IgG (Fig. 6A). Fur-

thermore, addition of recombinant IL-1� for 3 d to iso-lated pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islets triggered sig-nificant release of VEGF A compared with controls (Fig.6A), indicating that VEGF A release is downstream ofIL-1� activity in vitro. To validate the angiogenic role ofIL-1� in vivo, IL-1� was blocked in pIns-MycERTAM;RIP-Bcl-xL mice in vivo by daily systemic administration ofIL-1�-neutralizing antibodies (Hwang et al. 2001). SerumELISA analysis of IL-1� indicated essentially completeabsence of immunologically detectable IL-1� in animals

Figure 5. Myc induces IL-1� expression in vivo and in vitro. (A)Myc activation in � cells rapidly induces IL-1� mRNA expres-sion in vivo. 4-OHT was systemically administered to eitherpIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL (0, 2, 8, 24 h) or to Myc-negativeRIP7-Bcl-xL (0 and 24 h) control mice. Pancreata were then har-vested, frozen, and sectioned, and islet tissue was isolated bylaser capture microdissection. IL-1� mRNA expression was ana-lyzed by Affymetrix GeneChip Arrays and is presented as fold ofinduction relative to untreated samples. (B) Myc activation in �

cells rapidly induces expression of IL-1� mRNA in isolated is-lets in vitro. Islets isolated from pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL

mice were cultured in vitro for 4 h in the presence of either4-OHT (Myc ON) or control ethanol vehicle (Myc OFF). IL-1�

mRNA expression was assayed by quantitative real-time PCR.(C) Myc activation in � cells induces release of IL-1�. Isletsisolated from pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL or control Myc-nega-tive RIP7-Bcl-xL mice were cultured for 24 h in either 100 nM4-OHT or an equivalent concentration of ethanol vehicle con-trol. IL-1� accumulation in culture supernatants was then as-sayed by ELISA. The graph represents IL-1� induction in4-OHT-treated samples relative to samples treated with etha-nol.

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treated with blocking antibody (Fig. 6B). Systemic inhi-bition of IL-1� in vivo significantly reduced the effi-ciency with which activation of Myc in the �-cell com-

partment induces endothelial cells proliferation in islets,but without any measurable inhibition of �-cell prolif-eration, at least over the 7-d time course of our study

Figure 6. IL-1� is both necessary and sufficient to mediate Myc-induced release of VEGF and onset of islet neo-angiogenesis. (A)IL-1�-neutralizing antibodies block Myc-induced release of VEGF from islets in vitro while recombinant IL-1� triggers VEGF release.Islets isolated from pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice were treated in vitro for 72 h with 100 nM 4-OHT alone (No Ab), or in thepresence of 0.1 µg/mL IL-1�-neutralizing antibodies (IL-1� Ab) or control goat IgG. Culture media were then collected and VEGF Alevels were assayed by ELISA. The solid bars show VEGF A induction by 4-OHT relative to samples treated with ethanol for 72 h. Toascertain the direct effect of IL-1� on isolated islets, recombinant IL-1� (rIL-1�) was added to isolated pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL

islets to a final concentration of 10 ng/mL, and culture medium was assayed for released VEGF 72 h later. The shaded bar indicatesfold VEGF release over that in medium isolated from control islets treated with ethanol carrier. (B) Systemic administration ofAB-401-NA anti-IL-1� antibody neutralizes circulating IL-1�. Sera were collected from control (untreated, Myc OFF) pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice, pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice systemically treated with AB-401-NA antibody (Myc ON/IL-1� Ab), and pIns-MycERTAM; RIP7-Bcl-xL mice systemically treated with control goat IgG (Myc ON/IgG) for 3 or 7 d. Sera were then assayed forimmunologically detectable IL-1� by ELISA. (C) Systemic neutralization of IL-1� significantly inhibits Myc-induced islet endothelialcell proliferation. Pancreata were harvested from pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice treated daily for 3 d with 4-OHT together witheither goat IgG (Control IgG) or AB-401-NA anti-IL-1� antibody. The percentage of Meca-32-positive cells that also stained positivefor the proliferation marker Ki67 was then determined. The combined results from three independent experiments are presented. Ineach experiment, differing tissue samples from each animal were analyzed twice and the proportions of Ki67-positive endothelial cellswere assessed in at least 10 independent islets. (D) Systemic neutralization of IL-1� significantly inhibits Myc-induced islet angio-genesis. Pancreata were harvested from pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice treated daily for either 3 or 7 d with 4-OHT plus eitherAB-401-NA antibody (anti-IL-1� Ab) or control goat IgG. As Myc-negative controls, pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice were treated withcontrol vehicle in place of 4-OHT. Pancreas sections were stained with antibody to VEGF A (red). The top two rows show two representativeexamples for each experimental cohort. VEGF A foci are indicated by arrows. The bottom row shows VEGF:Flk-1 ligated complexesin islets, identified by staining sections with GVM39 antibody (red) and counterstaining tissue with Hoechst (blue). Bars, 50 µm.

IL-1� mediates the Myc angiogenic switch


(Fig. 6C). Furthermore, systemic IL-1� inhibition sup-presses and delays the redistribution of VEGF to isletendothelial cells in vivo that Myc induces. After 3 dsustained Myc activation in control IgG-treated mice,significant islet VEGF has visibly relocated to endo-thelial foci. Staining with the GVM39 antibody indi-cates that this relocalization coincides with VEGFbinding to its cognate Flk-1 receptor. After 7 d Myc ac-tivity, relocalization of VEGF to the expanding islet vas-culature is essentially complete. In contrast, islets frommice treated with IL-1� blocking antibody retain diffuseVEGF staining after 3 d Myc activity, with no detectableVEGF receptor ligation (Fig. 6D). Although VEGF-Flk-1conjugates are detectable in IL-1�-blocked islets by day7, the extent of VEGF redistribution is still significantlyreduced relative to controls, indicating the key role playedby IL-1� in the onset of Myc-induced tumor angiogenesis.


Our previous studies showed that acute activation invivo of the switchable form of Myc, MycERTAM, in pan-creatic � cells in which Myc-induced apoptosis isblocked by coexpression of Bcl-xL induces rapid, uni-form, and progressive �-cell expansion in each of theseveral hundred islets within the pancreas. As each�-cell population expands, so it spontaneously acquiresmany of the characteristics of more advanced tumors,including angiogenesis, dedifferentiation, anaplasia, andlocal and distal invasion. The rapidity and synchronywithin each �-cell mass indicates that they are not theconsequence of sporadic secondary mutations but, in-stead, are instructed directly by Myc. This notion is con-sistent with the emerging role of Myc as a highly pleio-tropic transcriptional coordinator of cell expansion, link-ing intracellular programs for cell growth, proliferation,and checkpoint management to extracellular programsthat coordinate such proliferation with neighboring cellsand stroma.

Angiogenesis requires the extensive proliferation andremodeling of endothelial cells. The rapid onset of isletangiogenesis induced by Myc in � cells indicates thatMyc must equip � cells with the capacity to instructnecessary mitogenic and organizational changes in theaccompanying islet endothelial compartment. Using therapid, reproducible, and reversible kinetics of theMycERTAM system, we have explored both the kineticsand mechanism of this Myc-mediated angiogenicswitch. We show that islet endothelial cells enter thecell cycle rapidly following Myc activation in � cells.Indeed, a delay of only 24–48 h separates cell cycle entryof � cells and neighboring endothelial cells, even thoughthe former is directly instructed by Myc and the latteronly indirectly. Moreover, the onset of angiogenesis tem-porally coincides with release of sequestered VEGF Awithin each islet and ligation to its cognate receptor onendothelial cells. This desequestration of bound VEGFis, in turn, triggered by the direct induction by Myc ofthe inflammatory cytokine IL-1�, most probably throughactivation of proteases of the MMP class.

A number of other studies have demonstrated thepowerful innate angiogenic activity of Myc both in nor-mal development and tumorigenesis via a number ofpossible downstream effectors, including down-regula-tion of thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), an inhibitor of angio-genesis, and up-regulation of tissue hypoxia factor (HIF-1�) and VEGF A (Janz et al. 2000; Baudino et al. 2002;Knies-Bamforth et al. 2004). It may be that all, or some,of these intermediaries are involved in Myc-induced tu-mor angiogenesis in differing tissue types. For example,TSP-1 is down-regulated by activation of Myc in fibro-blasts, apparently through an increase in TSP-1 mRNAdegradation (Janz et al. 2000). Furthermore, Myc-depen-dent down-regulation of TSP-1 has recently been impli-cated in Ras-dependent angiogenesis (Watnick et al.2003). However, expression array and immunohisto-chemical analyses reveal no measurable suppres-sion of TSP-1 mRNA or protein in pancreatic islets overthe critical time scale in which Myc triggers isletangiogenesis (data not shown), indicating that TSP-1down-regulation is not the trigger of Myc-mediated an-giogenesis in pIns-c-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL model. Onthe other hand, our data do, clearly, implicate VEGF A asthe likely proximal mediator of Myc-induced an-giogenesis in pIns-c-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islets. Thekinetics of appearance of active VEGF A in islets coin-cides perfectly with onset of islet endothelial cellproliferation. Moreover, Myc-induced islet vasculatureis both leaky and tortuous, hallmarks of VEGF A actionas both endothelial mitogen and vascular remodelingfactor.

One potent trigger of angiogenesis is tissue hypoxia.Moreover, hypoxia is likely a direct outcome of the un-restrained and uncoordinated cell expansion that Myccan induce. However, for several reasons hypoxia seemsnot to be the mechanism driving Myc-induced angiogen-esis in pIns-c-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islets. First, theonset of endothelial cell cycle entry clearly precedes anyovert expansion of the �-cell compartment that would beneeded to generate hypoxic islets. Second, direct analysisof tissue hypoxia using systemic administration of thehypoxia probe pimonidazole hydrochloride in vivo failedto identify any hypoxic regions of islet tissue at the timeof endothelial cell proliferation. Third, our data clearlyindicate that activation of VEGF A arises not from in-duction of VEGF A gene or protein expression, as wouldbe expected from hypoxic activation of HIF1� transcrip-tional activity, but through the release of existing, se-questered VEGF.

The desequestration from ECM and redistribution ofVEGF that Myc activation in � cells induces in islets ishighly reminiscent of the redistribution of VEGF A thataccompanies, and is responsible for, the sporadic angio-genic switch in premalignant islets in the well-charac-terized RIP-Tag model. At least six distinct isoformsof VEGF are known to be produced via alternate splic-ing, of which four are expressed appreciably in adult tis-sues. Of these latter, isoforms VEGF145 and VEGF189

bind tightly to ECM, VEGF165 less so, and VEGF121 notat all (Robinson and Stringer 2001). In RIP-Tag tu-

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mors, release of VEGF is thought to be triggered by theaction of metalloproteinases (Bergers et al. 2000). In-deed, MMPs target not only ECM but also the large iso-forms of VEGF A itself, clipping off the heparin-bindingdomain and so releasing diffusible VEGF A (Lee et al.2005). Nonetheless, while ECM sequestration and sub-sequent release of VEGF are important in the control ofVEGF activity (Park et al. 1993), VEGF activity is alsoregulated by a wide range of mechanisms, including tran-scription, mRNA stabilization, translation, protein secre-tion, and protein–protein interactions (Forsythe et al. 1996;Levy et al. 1996; Valter et al. 1999; Mezquita et al. 2005).

Compared with sporadic models of angiogenic switch-ing such as RIP-Tag (Folkman et al. 1989), it is mucheasier to investigate the cause and effect sequence ofevents that triggers the angiogenic switch in the switch-able and synchronous pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL

mouse model. Myc is thought to exert its biological ef-fects through its action as a transcription factor. Wetherefore took advantage of the pIns-MycERTAM;RIP-Bcl-xL model to identify likely downstream Myc targetgenes that might mediate angiogenesis. However, noneof the obvious candidate genes previously implicated intumor angiogenesis, including VEGF B, TNF-�, FGF A,PDGF A, and TSP-1, was notably regulated in the rel-evant time window. In contrast, the gene encoding IL-1�was significantly and rapidly induced in � cells followingMyc activation. Given the rapidity of IL-1� mRNA in-duction by Myc, together with the presence of a nonca-nonical, potential Myc:Max-binding CACTTG E-box(Blackwell et al. 1993) at position −240 to −234 relativeto the IL-1� gene transcriptional start site, it seems plau-sible that IL-1� is, indeed, a target gene of Myc.

IL-1� is a potent immunoregulatory and proinflamma-tory cytokine secreted by a variety of activated immuneand somatic cells, including Leydig cells of testis, dermalfibroblasts, and vascular endothelial cells as well as pan-creatic � cells (Warner et al. 1987; Cudicini et al. 1997;Maedler et al. 2002; Naderi-Hachtroudi et al. 2002). Al-though more typically associated with classical inflam-mation, IL-1� has also been implicated in angiogenic ac-tivity of established mouse tumor cell lines (Voronov etal. 2003) and, very recently, in angiogenesis and invasionin human solid tumors (Elaraj et al. 2006). While IL-1�can directly affect the survival and proliferation of endo-thelial cells, it can also promote induction of other pro-angiogenic factors such as TNF�, angiopoietin-1, IL-6,and VEGF A (Voronov et al. 2003; Fan et al. 2004; Al-agappan et al. 2005; Stocks et al. 2005). It is especiallyinteresting that IL-1� is a potent inducer and activator ofmatrix metalloproteinases (Wong et al. 2001; Tasaki etal. 2003; Choi et al. 2004), given the ascribed role forMMP9 in triggering VEGF release during the angiogenicswitch in RIP-Tag mice (Bergers et al. 2000) and the dra-matic and rapid release of ECM-bound VEGF we see inislets following Myc activation. Indeed, our own studiesindicate that inhibiting MMP activity in isolated pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL islets in vitro with the MMP in-hibitor GM6001 significantly reduces release of VEGF fol-lowing Myc activation (K. Shchors and G. Evan, unpubl.).

To test our hypothesis that IL-1� is, indeed, the initi-ating trigger by which Myc engages angiogenesis in is-lets, we directly inhibited IL-1� activity in vivo by sys-temic delivery of neutralizing IL-1�-specific antibodies.This approach has been successfully employed in thetreatment of myocardial infraction (Hwang et al. 2001).Interference with IL-1� activity in patients was alsodemonstrated to limit IL-1�-dependent pathologies likerheumatoid arthritis (Bresnihan et al. 1998) and, withsome limitations, sepsis syndrome (Fisher et al. 1994).Using systemic IL-1�-blocking antibodies we were ableto show unequivocally that inhibition of IL-1� signifi-cantly inhibits and delays the capacity of Myc to activatethe islet angiogenic switch, confirming a key role forIL-1�. This requirement was further confirmed by show-ing that addition of recombinant IL-1� to isolated isletsis sufficient to trigger significant release of VEGF. Thus,IL-1� is both necessary and sufficient as a mediator ofthe Myc angiogenic switch in � cells. Of note, the inhi-bition of angiogenesis afforded by blocking IL-1� ismanifest principally as a delay, rather than as a perma-nent abrogation. This may reflect incomplete systemicinhibition of IL-1� by the blocking antibodies, a not un-usual limitation in such experiments. However, as sug-gested by many other studies of angiogenic inhibitors, itseems equally likely that Myc-induced angiogenesis,like angiogenesis in general, is mediated by multiple,functionally degenerate pathways. In this context, it isdramatic to achieve such an effect by disabling only asingle factor.

The identification of IL-1� as a key mediator of Myc-induced tumor angiogenesis further aligns and overlapsthe biological programs that instruct tumorigenesis andinflammation. Both Myc and Ras have been shown to behighly efficacious drivers of neoplasia once their intrin-sic tumor suppressor pathways have been circumvented,both efficiently and rapidly inducing tumors with all the“hallmarks” of advanced cancers, including angiogen-esis, dysplasia, suppressed apoptosis, invasion, and me-tastasis (Fisher et al. 1994; Pelengaris et al. 1999, 2002;Tang et al. 2005). As illustrated by the role recentlyshown to be played by IL-8 in Ras-induced tumorigenesis(Sparmann and Bar-Sagi 2004), it is clear that highlypleiotropic oncoproteins like Myc and Ras drive cancerso effectively because they commandeer a diverse rangeof fundamental processes that govern and integrate thedynamics of cells and tissues during development, re-modeling, and repair. In this regard, it is encouragingthat, within such diverse and diffuse programs, indi-vidual and critical effectors like IL-1� can nonetheless befound that may serve as targets for effective therapeuticintervention.

Materials and methods

Mice, tissue sample generation, manipulation,and preparation

All mice were housed, fed, and treated in accordance with pro-tocols approved by the committee for animal research at theUniversity of California, San Francisco. Transgenic mice ex-

IL-1� mediates the Myc angiogenic switch


pressing switchable MycERTAM and constitutive Bcl-xL in theirpancreatic � cells (pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice) have beenpreviously described and characterized (Pelengaris et al. 2002).MycERTAM was activated in � cells in situ by daily i.p. injectionof Tamoxifen (TAM) (1 mg per mouse per day) dissolved inpeanut oil (Sigma). TAM is metabolized in vivo to 4-OHT, andearly studies in our laboratory confirm their equivalent effectswhen administered to pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL mice. Pan-creata of treated mice were isolated, washed in ice-cold PBS,submerged in 30% sucrose for 24 h, and embedded in OCTmedia for sectioning and analysis.

To map and characterize islet and tumor vasculature, micewere anesthetized with 2.5% Avertin and 100 µL of 1:1 mixtureof FITC-conjugated Lycopersicon esculentum lectin (1 mg/mL)(FL-1171, Vector Laboratories) and Rhodamine-conjugated Rici-nus communis agglutinin I (2.5 mg/mL) (RL-1082, Vector Labo-ratories) that was diluted in PBS and administered via retro-orbital vein. Five minutes later, animals were perfused with 4%PFA and tissues were processed as described above. Tissue hy-poxia was assayed with an Hypoxyprobe-Plus Kit (HP2-100;Chemicon), according to the manufacturer’s protocol. In brief,animals were injected i.p. with 60 mg/kg Hypoxyprobe-1 (pimo-nidazole hydrochloride) and 45 min later were sacrificed andperfused with 4% PFA. Protein adducts of reductively activatedpimonidazole were then identified in tissue sections by stainingwith Hypoxyprobe-1 monoclonal antibody. To block systemicIL-1� in vivo, mice were injected with 100 µg/25 g of eitherIL-1�-neutralizing antibody (AB-401-NA, R&D Systems) or con-trol goat IgG (0109-10, Southern Biotech). Treatment was initi-ated 24 h prior to the first injection of TAM and then readmin-istered daily for the duration of each experiment. To assay cir-culating IL-1� levels, blood samples were collected before andafter antibody administration, and serum IL-1� levels were de-termined by ELISA as described below. Pancreata of antibody-treated mice were isolated and processed as described above.

Histology and immunofluorescence

Ten-micrometer OCT-embedded tissue sections were air-driedand fixed for 30 min in 1% paraformaldehyde solution. Theprimary antibodies used were as follows: rabbit polyclonal anti-murine VEGF A (RDI-mVEGFabrP1; RDI), rat monoclonal anti-Meca-32 (550563; BD Pharmingen), mouse monoclonal GVM39anti-murine VEGF:VEGFR conjugates (CD300; EastCoast Bio),and rabbit monoclonal anti-Ki67 (RM 9106; Labvision,). Allwere applied in blocking buffer (2.5% BSA, 5% goat serum) for2–16 h. Secondary antibodies (Dako and Molecular Probes) wereapplied in blocking buffer for 1 h. To identify regions of tissuehypoxia, fixed sections were incubated with FITC-Hypoxy-probe-1 MAb1 in blocking buffer for 1 h at room temperature.To identify regions of staining by fluorescent lectins, 30-µmtissue sections were air dried and fixed for 10 min in ice-coldacetone. Slides were then rinsed in PBS and mounted in DAKOfluorescent mounting medium containing 1 µg/mL Hoechst.Fluorescent images were obtained using an LSM510 confocalmicroscope (Zeiss) or an axiovert 100 inverted microscope(Zeiss) equipped with a Hamamatsu Orca digital camera, run-ning Openlab 3.5.1 software.

Endothelial cell proliferation was quantified in tissue sectionsby counting randomized fields of (Meca-32-positive) endothelialcells and calculating the percentage of Ki67-positive cells. Atleast three animals were assayed at each time point and allanalyses done in duplicate; 10 randomized fields per stainingwere considered. Statistical significance was assessed using theStudent’s t-test. The minimum level of significance was set atP � 0.001.

Isolation of pancreatic islets and quantitative real-time PCR

Pancreata from pIns-MycERTAM;RIP7-Bcl-xL and Myc-negativeRIP7-Bcl-xL mice were inflated with 4 mL of 0.7 mg/mL Colla-genase P solution (Sigma) in 1× Hanks Balanced Salt Solution(CCF, UCSF). Isolated pancreata were then cut into small (1-mm3) pieces, transferred to siliconized glass vials, and incu-bated with gentle shaking for 15–20 min at 37°C in 2 mL of thecollagenase solution. Digested pancreata were washed twice inice-cold 1× Hanks’ Balance Salt Solution and intact islets werehand-picked from surrounding exocrine tissue under a stereo-microscope. For short-term culture, isolated islets were main-tained in serum-free RPMI 1640 (supplemented with 2 mM L-glutamine and antibiotics) either in the presence of 100 nM4-OHT or 0.1% ethanol control for 4 h. Total RNA was isolatedfrom islets using an RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen). Each analysiswas conducted in triplicate. Crude RNA samples were treatedwith DNase I, and RNA quantified (Ribogreen, MolecularProbes). Total islet RNA was reverse transcribed into firststrand cDNA using the iScript Reverse Transcriptase kit as perthe manufacturer’s instructions (Bio-Rad). Levels of expressionof target genes were determined using standardized TaqManAssays-on-Demand (Applied Biosystems) analyzed using an ABIPrism 7700 PCR sequence detector (Perkin-Elmer Applied Bio-systems). Each RNA sample was amplified and analyzed in trip-licate and the level of expression determined the average of thethree relative to the level of expression of �-glucuronidase(Gus). Statistical validity was assessed using the Student’s t-test.

In vitro analysis of islet proangiogenic activity and cytokineproduction

To assay VEGF A release and angiogenic activity of isolatedislets in vitro, freshly purified islets (50 islets/well in a 48-wellplate) were resuspended in 20 µL Fibrinogen (Sigma) and anequal volume of thrombin solution (50 U/mL in 40 mM/LCaCl2; Sigma) (Beattie et al. 2002). The fibrinogen was allowedto polymerize (10–15 min) and 1 mL of culture medium wasthen added over the fibrin sandwich. For ELISA quantitation ofVEGF A, fibrin-embedded islets (50 islets/well in a 48-wellplate) were cultured in 1 mL of serum-free RPMI 1640 (supple-mented with 2 mM L-glutamine and antibiotics) in the presenceof either 100 nM 4-OHT or ethanol carrier. To block IL-1� ac-tivity in vitro, either IL-1�-neutralizing antibodies (AF-401-NA;R&D) or control anti-goat IgG (401,514; Calbiochem) wereadded to the RPMI 1640 medium in a 0.1 µg/mL concentration.To assess the direct potential of IL-1� to induce VEGF A releasein vitro, 10 ng/mL of recombinant IL-1� (401-ML; R&D) wasadded to the RPMI 1640 islet culture medium for 72 h, andVEGF was released in the conditioned medium then assayed byELISA. In vitro angiogenesis assays were performed by culturingislets (50 islets/well in a 48-well plate) for 72 h in 1 mL of EBM(CC-3156; BioWhittaker) supplemented with 1% BSA. HUVECcells were then exposed to the conditioned medium for a further72 h in a fibrin gel angiogenesis kit (ECM630, Chemicon) ac-cording to the manufacturer’s protocol. The HUVEC cells wereobtained from Cambrex (CC-2517). To quantitate angiogenesisin vitro, plates of HUVEC were washed twice in PBS and thecells were fixed in 2% PFA overnight at 4°C. The plates werethen washed in PBS and cell nuclei were stained by 1 µg/mLHoechst in 40% glycerol. Images were obtained with an axio-vert 100 inverted microscope (Zeiss) equipped with a Hama-matsu Orca digital camera, running Openlab 3.5.1 software. Thepercent of HUVEC nuclei incorporated into tubes over totalHUVEC nuclei was then determined. Each experiment was re-

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peated twice, and three independent wells were counted forevery point. Statistical analysis used the Student’s t-test. Quan-titation of mouse cytokines was performed by Super-ELISA (Bio-traces, Inc.) according to the proprietary protocol (see for more information) using commerciallyavailable antibodies (R&D Systems). Mouse VEGF (mVEGF)was detected with mVEGF-specific antibodies AF-493NA andBAF493, and IL-1� was detected with antibodies MAB401 andBAF401.

Laser-capture microdissection, Affymetrix GeneChip Arrays,data analysis, and promoter studies

Laser-capture microdissection, RNA amplification, AffymetrixArray, and data analysis were all performed as described previ-ously (Lawlor et al. 2006). Gene2Promoter and MatInspectorprograms of the Genomatix software package ( (Quandt etal. 1995) were used to identify gene promoter sequences and thepresence of E-boxes therein. E-box searches for potential Myc:Max recognition elements (Genomatix) were limited to ge-nomic sequences 1000 base pair (bp) upstream and 500 bp down-stream of the transcription start site.


We are grateful to Dr. Andrew Finch (UCSF) and Dr. LauraSoucek (UCSF) for critical reading of the manuscript, as well asto our colleagues, in particular members of the Evan, Coussens,Hanahan, and Werb laboratories at UCSF, for their invaluablecriticism and advice. This work was supported by NIH grantR01 CA98018 (NCI) to G.I.E. K.S. is a recipient of F32-CA106039.


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