The most ridiculous crime situations

Post on 23-Dec-2014

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Transcript of The most ridiculous crime situations

The Most Ridiculous Crime Situations

T. Oglezneva 741

Fell victim to the illiteracy

9 mistakes in 5 words!Just a lout!

The God is the defendant…

Was sued for fraud and abusing power!

Age of consent

“Robbery is one deal but whiskey is a different kettle of fish!”

Your documents, please!

Pride is one of 7 deadly sins

Switzerland, Benedict Frank

A very tired young robber…

As drunk as a pig fell asleep in the puff for documents!

The last love

The mugger dragged his wife along the street for 1.5 miles

Fashion in the criminal worldSimon Kent, England

Couldn’t get the cashier out of the wardrobe)

At the baker’s

Buns and pies thrown at the robber saved the situation

“Chameleons didn’t pretend((“

• The smuggler hoped to get $120.000 but animals protested

The case on the road

• Cost the inspector his fingers

The theft from the toilet

Priceless urinal was stolen!

Keep fit or…

Only firemen will be able to lift you!

Thank you for attention!