The Most Effective Quit Smoking Programs

Post on 07-May-2015

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It’s hard to quit smoking, but you can do it. You will reduce the urge to smoke and avoid cravings entirely. The cravings don't last long, so if you're tempted to light up, remember that the craving will pass and try to wait it out. You must also have a plan in advance because having a plan to cope with cravings will help keep you from giving in.

Transcript of The Most Effective Quit Smoking Programs


Quitting smoking can be very tough, but there are many people

who have not had hard time quitting from it permanently. It all

depends whether you are prepared to quit or your are prepared

to learn more. But it is possible to break this addiction, manage

your cravings and join the millions of people who have already

quit for good.

This presentation focuses on the most effective quit smoking

programs you can use to kick the habit for good. They are:

Motivation and assistance




CALL THE DOCTOR – it is said that the best way to quit is under a

doctor’s care and using his/her counseling because cigarette

addiction is a chronic disease (according to Michael C. Fiorce,


EXERCISE – exercise reduces both urges to smoke and withdrawal

symptoms. You can do exercise 30 minutes, every 5 days a

week to assist quit smoking program. You can also drink a lot of

water and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

GET SOCIAL – have contact with non-smokers. This will help you a

great deal and double your chance of success.

PERSONAL QUIT SMOKING PLAN – most people do it with a plan.

After choosing your quit date, lets say two or three weeks, you will stay

mentally and emotionally focused on this date as you cut back slowly as

you approach a time for new beginnings and better health. You can also

keep reading more about smoking cessation, smoking related conditions,

and the benefits of quitting such as better breathing, more money,

boosted immune system, reduced stress levels, younger looking skin,

better sense of smell and taste, protected loved ones, more energy and

longer life expectancy.

After a quitting date, you must courageously resists having a cigarette and

enjoy a new life after quitting smoking.

Now, counseling is a pretty nebulous term,

but it is one of the most effective quit smoking

programs. A counselor can give you coaching

one-on-one-personally to help you quit.

A US surgeon general once said that it is hard to quit smoking,

but someone can do it and stay to be a non smoker by knowing

what you are up against, what your options are and where you go

for help to kill this habit.

Therefore you do not have to quit alone because counseling

Has a lot to help you to quit smoking for good.

The program teaches the skills and techniques that have been

proven to help smokers quit.

Just 10% of smokers are able to quit smoking with

Medication but counseling increases the success rate

Because medication is only effective in curbing withdrawal

Symptoms, but it steal takes a great deal of effort and behavior

modification to kill this addiction.

What happens during counseling session?

It is hard to tell what happens because every program is different

and there is no fixed approach for all, But:

There is a discussion of a quit date

How to prepare for it

How important it is to get rid of cigarette stashes

How important it is to inform your friends, relatives about your

decision to stop, as well as enlisting their support.

At the quit date, the smokers focus on their behaviors and

stressors that force them to smoke. One way to do this is to

have smokers visually walk through their day and discuss when

and where they get the urge to smoke.

For those who have busy schedules or are unable to secure

transportation to get support with quitting telephone counseling can also be a convenient way with a quit method

that fits each person's unique smoking pattern.

There are other online resources such as

where one can learn and get assisted to kill the cigarette addiction. Thousands of books have also on the subject of quit smoking session

with different but effective approaches. For instance you can get,

“Read This Book And Stop Smoking” By Charles Wetherall.

There are several prescription medications that can be of help to quit smoking and most of them work by blocking the brain chemicals that cause cigarette cravings.

It is important to talk to a doctor about the risks and benefits of medication because each of medicines have some people for whom they’re not appropriate, and some of them have side effects such as heart attacks and serious heart problems. But for the most part the medicines can be used for most smokers.

Because addiction is veryClever, you must use nicotine Replacement therapy to helpWith your smoking cessation.Over-the-counter nicotinereplacement comes in formof gums, sprays, lozenges andpatches.

Your doctor will help you in Prescribing the medicationsDesigned to help smokers quit.

Hypnosis is fast becoming one of the most popular forms of treatment to

help quit smoking. If you are considering hypnosis, quit smoking

Brisbane can help you become a permanent nonsmoker in 60 minutes.

It is the most effective method if only you really want to quit.

It works by putting your mind in a deep and relaxed state, an

hypnotherapist will then change your thought patterns by making new


You are asked to imagine unpleasant outcomes from smoking, such as a

cigarette smoke smells like truck exhaust, it will leave the your mouth

feeling extremely parched, smoking poisons the body, smoking is

expensive, you need to be healthy etc.

Hypnosis can strengthen your resolve to quit smoking and increase your

negative feelings toward cigarettes and

it is a solid tool to help you quit smoking.

You will be given a wealth of information and support, along with several

hours of quality hypnosis sessions that can be replayed frequently.

You can are use self hypnosis to quit smoking. However,

you need to get creative and create a simple goal of your

own using the hypnosis, smoking, cessation award idea.

Your goal is to quit smoking and you must have a hypnosis

firm grip before you begin hypnotizing yourself.

You will relax your body, close your eyes and imagine

waves of relaxation running through your body, washing

out stress. Let them run in time with your breathing.

Next, wash down over your head,

then your neck, then your torso,

then arms, and finally your legs.

Feel the muscles in your body

relaxing as the waves of relaxation

wash over them.

Self hypnosis can be very helpful

for people who are looking forward

to successfully quit smoking.

Becoming a permanent non smoker is not just what you do to stop

smoking, it is what you are.

Quitting smoking is a big decision.

Some people find hypnosis alone very effective while others prefer to

combine it with medication to tackle both the physical and mental

addiction together. By exploring all these programs you should find a

suitable treatment that will help you quit smoking for good.

You must first make a commitment to quit smoking and find some


If you fall and smoke a cigarette again, it doesn't mean you can't make

it. You can use this as a lesson to learn from the failure and let it

motivate your progress instead of using it as an excuse to go back to

your smoking habit. Failure doesn't have to turn into a full-blown
