the most beautiful man in the world notes.rtf

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of the most beautiful man in the world notes.rtf

  • 8/14/2019 the most beautiful man in the world notes.rtf


    The Most Beautiful Man In The World Notes

    The most beautiful man in the world was made in 2002, with the running time of just 5 minutes long. This short film written and also directed by Alicia Duffy and was roduced by !ugh "elchmal and Alan Dewhurst. The most beautiful man in theworld won significant rewards such as# The $hicago international film festi%al andalso the !amburg film festi%al.

    The issues in this short film are re%ol%ing around the rotagonist which is a young girlroughly around & to ' years of age. The audience (now that she is the rotagonist asthe camera is mainly on her and she ada ts most of the %iewing time.

    The micro element of costume is used on the young girl to ma(e her loo( a lot olderthan she is. This ma(es her loo( scummy and not loo(ed after as well as she should

    be. )he is not dressed a ro riate for her age grou . The camera is suggesting

    ina ro riateness as the way we are %isualising her, with the slow camera mo%ementof a tilt and an. The camera is also in an unusual osition as it is slowly going u byon a diagonal slant. The use of ma(e*u and costume wor(s well together with theyoung girls mouth o en with bright red li s, earrings and a shiny face are all used tocreate a se+ualised image. This brings in the issue of bad arenting and neglect. )he isli%ing in a bad family en%ironment# we can see this by the use of ma(e*u that has

    been used on her face. !er face loo(s oily and glistening. )he also has bags under hereyes which con%ey lac( of slee . !er hair is %ery messy and un*brushed, gi%ing theaudience a sense that she has just wo(en u .

    The following camera shot introduces a new character, which is a dog. n this shot the

    camera is on the same le%el as the girl and shown in a medium shot. This scene stillcarry-s on as se+ual imagery as the dog is cut out on mid waist, only showing the

    bottom half of it. !owe%er, in this shot another character is introduced as you can seea women-s leg in the bac(ground. "e gather that the third character that wasintroduced is the young girl-s arent or guardian. "hat hel s us understand this moreis that she is on the hone grunting about her financial crisis This suggests that shehasn-t got a lot of money and isn-t in a good lace at the moment. !er %oice is %eryhumble and low, she sounds %ery de ressed and run down, this con%eys a wea(

    arent. The untidy room and the financial roblems that she is going through connotea low/middle class and status.

    The micro element of the colour allet re resents negati%ity and de ression by usingcoo(, dar( colours. These colours also connote mustiness and social decay. The setdesign re resents child neglect as there is only one single seated sofa laced in theli%ing room and the young girl is lying on the floor. $onnoting that the sofa is onlyused by her mother and she isn-t allowed to sit on it. The furniture is %ery old this alsoshows class and status con%eying the struggle in o%erty. n the ne+t shot the girl isunder the curtain in the li%ing room, loo(ing out of the window. This re resents

    urity, beyond a certain boundary.

    As the location changes to outside the girl-s house, she is riding a bi(e. !owe%er, shedoesn-t ride the bi(e u and down the road, but instead she goes round in a circlere eating the same trac(s o%er again. This re resents that her life is one big circle thatre eats itself. Also, shows her being li(e a oo animal that wal(s around in circles

  • 8/14/2019 the most beautiful man in the world notes.rtf


    because they ha%e no way out, they are tra ed inside a cage and li%ing one life. Thewide shot shows the isolation and loneliness that the girl is li%ing in. Also, you can seethe bare en%ironment of fields and uncut grass. The girl-s dog stays by the girls sidewhilst she rids her bi(e. The dog is white which could re resent being her guardianangel and ma(ing sure that she is safe. The camera slightly changes to a ull focus to

    chec( if her arent is watching what she is doing, does she ha%e something in mindThe sound sca e suddenly changes as the scenery starts to change to more unctualwith wildlife.

    The fences around the rotagonist con%ey that she is tra ed and im risoned.!owe%er, that girl lea%es the whole shot and then suddenly re*a ears connoting shehas left her cage and ste ed into the 1real- world as another erson and isn-t trea edany longer. As the shot changes to a medium close u of the rotagonist, but focusingon her arms being s read out connotes the girl ha%ing fun and laying, she finally hasthe chance to e+ ress herself. The rotagonist is retending to be a lane connotingshe is getting away and that she is now free. )he catches eye on the wild flowers,where she then e+ eriments and admires them by showing the fi%e senses of# sound,sight, touch and smell stimulation.

    The micro elements of editing wor(s well by adding in short ta(es and jum cutswhich ma(es us loose the sense of time. This is em loyed when the rotagonist istouching the grass with her fingerti s and s(i s by. There is a different sense ofemotion as the girl is more engaged and ha y when she is outside. "hereas, all here+citement is wasted inside the house as she is bored and neglected.

    The micro element of sound re resents a sense of reality. "hen the rotagonist lacesthe wooden stic( in the ond the sound ulls the audience in and ma(es us feel li(ewe are in the water with the stic( and can hear e+actly what the rotagonist can.