The Most IMPORTANT · 2019. 12. 9. · men and women? Do they have two different ones for young...

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Transcript of The Most IMPORTANT · 2019. 12. 9. · men and women? Do they have two different ones for young...


The Most IMPORTANT Person in the World By Eric Worre

Guest Article:

Where Duplication Lives By Randy Gage

Book of the Week:Making the First Circle Work by Randy Gage

Video of the Week:Say Goodbye To Your Upline

In This Issue:

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© MMXI Eric Worre & Go Pro Academy. All Rights Reserved.

I’m proud of the people who join the Network Marketing Profession,

but I ADMIRE the people who decide to become Professionals.

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There are three main elements to every direct selling or network-

ing opportunity. The first is the company’s product or service. And, here’s a question… do you have the same product or service that everyone else in your company has?

It’s the same, right? If that’s true then if one person or group is having huge success selling the product and you’re not, we’d have to agree it’s not the product, right? In other words, the product is a constant. It can’t be the product’s fault.

The second element is the financial opportunity. Same question… do you have the same financial op-portunity as other people in your company? Do they have two different financial opportunities for men and women? Do they have two different ones for young people vs. old people? Two different ones for people with different skin color? For people with different educational backgrounds? For people of dif-ferent ages? In many traditional

corporations, you can’t really say the playing field is level, but in this industry… in direct sales or network marketing, it’s all about production.

That said, if you have the same com-pensation plan as everyone else in

your company and some people are enjoying tremendous success and you’re not, you’d have to agree that the compensation plan isn’t the reason. The compensa-tion plan is another constant.

So, that leaves us with the third and final element and, quite simply, that’s YOU. You are the only variable. So that means you have to work harder on you, than you do on the product or financial op-portunity. You have to work harder on you than you do on the people in your organization. Harder on you than on anything else. In the end, you only get to earn what you ARE. If you want to make more, you’re going to have to become more and that means taking responsibility for develop-ing yourself.

For many people, taking responsi-bility is a foreign concept. When things aren’t going the way they’d

like them to go, their natural ten-dency is to blame.

Facing personal shortcomings is against most people’s nature. Particularly in America, we’ve been conditioned to believe that someone owes us something. If you insist on holding onto that mindset, you’ll never be more than a bit player in the game. The sooner you get over it and learn to take responsibility, the quicker you’ll get the success you deserve.

I had 18 jobs before I was 22 years old. Now, what do you think was a common denominator in every one of those 18 jobs? It was me.

One way to look at it was that I had a virus in my mental software. Several of them actually. You

probably guessed one of the biggest. I was a professional blamer. Noth-ing was ever my fault. It was the company. It was the product. It was the training. It was my upline who never did anything for me. It was

Be the change you want to see in the world.

— Mahatma Gandhi

Responsibility is the price of greatness.

— Winston Churchill

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my stupid downline who never sold anything. It was the economy. It was my upbringing. It was my age. It was any number of things.

One of the things I eventually learned was that, as soon as you go down the blame road, you take yourself out of power and give your life over to things you cannot

control. In my blame mentality, I could only succeed if the company, product, training, upline, downline, economy, upbringing and age were in perfect harmony with my goals. If they weren’t, I literally couldn’t succeed. But at least I felt justified in my failure.

Once I turned that around and began to take responsibility not just for what happened to me, but for how I responded to what happened to me, then I was finally able to take control of my life and begin to turn things around. It wasn’t easy. Bad habits like that are very hard to break. In my opinion, you can look at the areas of your life that are having trouble and they’re usually the areas where you blame the most.

The second virus I had in my men-tal software was… I would rather get away with things than earn them. The problem with that philosophy is you have to hope to get lucky for the rest of your life. You better be in the right place at the right time forever.

Our industry feeds on this “get lucky” philosophy. I can’t tell you how many people join, cross their fingers and hope to hit it big. Very

few join with the hope of actually earning what they can in this indus-try. But, in the end, that’s the only real way of getting there. One of the greatest benefits of being involved in this industry is that it won’t limit how valuable you can become and, because of that value, how much money you can make. Different from other industries, you won’t

see a cap placed on your income. Companies will always come up with ways for you to make more if you bring more value.

Once I decided I would rather earn something than get away with some-thing, everything began to change for me. If you adopt that mindset, things can quickly begin to change for you as well.

The third virus in my mental soft-ware was, I wanted to get results first and then I’d work harder. I’m not sure when this virus started, but it was with me through my first 18 jobs for sure. Pay me more and I’ll work harder. Give me a promotion and I’ll get a better attitude.

To give you an example… one of my early jobs was working as a dock boy at a boat rental business. At that job, there were some people making more money than me so one day I

asked the boss “What do I need to do to make more money here?” (That’s a good question for anyone, by the way). He said, “Well, that’s simple. You just do this and this and this.” I said “no problem. Thanks.”

The next day I showed up early and went to work on the things he sug-gested. All day I was a ball of fire. No one could believe all the things I was doing. I worked hard because I knew the payoff was coming soon. At the end of the day, I went to the boss and said “Well, I did what you asked. Can I get my raise now?” He laughed and said, “Eric, it was a good day. No question about it. Everyone was very impressed. But it was just one day. We’re going to have to see if you can maintain that kind of effort and then we’ll see.”

I’ve got to tell you that I didn’t take that very well. In fact, I thought he was trying to get me to do things without paying for them. I thought he was trying to take advantage of me.

I took that same philosophy into other jobs doing the absolute minimum with a bad attitude. “It’s not my job” was a big part of my vocabulary. And my early career results speak for themselves. How else could you possibly have 18 different jobs before you turn 22 years old?

In the marketplace, to get ahead, you have to do more than you get paid for and, this is important, you have to do it for quite a while before

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.

— Jim Rohn

Simply put, you believe that things or people make you unhappy, but this is not accurate. You make yourself unhappy.

— Wayne Dyer

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you even begin to expect results. In order to move ahead, you have to get past the feeling that someone is taking advantage of your hard work and move on to the mentality that those extra things you do are an investment in your own develop-ment. Think of it as an investment

in yourself. Even if no one notices, you’ll still be increasing your value in the marketplace. If you do more, you’ll become more. If you become more, you can earn more.

Success in this industry is hard work, but it’s worth it. You’re going to have to do more than you get paid for, especially in the early years, in order to achieve big levels of suc-cess. This is not an industry that will pay you in exact relation to the hours you put in. If you want that, go find a job in a corporation somewhere.

At the beginning, you’re going to have to put in more time for not much money. But, as your career develops, you can get to the point where you can put in less time and make much more money.

Entrepreneurs are used to this mindset but it’s different than your traditional corporate job where they pay you market value for market skills. This is more of an entrepre-neurial environment where things like risk and reward come into play.

So, how does all of this translate into Network Marketing success?

It’s simple really. All of us have some form of virus in our mental

software. It may be the “Blame Virus”… the “Get Lucky Virus”…or the “Pay me first virus” like I had. Or, it could be some that I didn’t have like the “Avoid Risk at all costs Virus”… or the “I’m too cool virus”. There are a lot of them out there.

What liberated me from a lifetime of future frustration was to identify some of the big things that were holding me back and then to go to work on changing my thinking about them. It sounds easy to say, “from now on I’m going to take responsi-bility, I’m going to earn everything

I get and I’m going to work long and hard before I even start to look for results”. The reality is, it wasn’t easy. I had many setbacks along the way, but the important thing is, I did it and so can you.

I’m talking about adopting a win-ner’s mindset. You’re in charge of your life. No one else is responsible for your success or failure. That’s completely up to you. And, as the person in charge, you need to evalu-ate the things that have held you back up until today and then go to work to change them.

Remember, you’re in charge of your business and you’re in charge of your life. When it comes to your Network Marketing business, you’re the most important person in the world.

Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.

— Anthony Robbins

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I remember complaining to my sponsor about my team one day. Most of my people seemed to be lazy,

never brought guests to the meetings, and just wanted to wait around for their own group to make them rich. I wondered why they couldn’t be more like me.

Unfortunately, that was the problem. They were.

And that is the fascinating thing about this wonderful and amazing, yet crazy and frustrating business we call Network Marketing. Because everything we do goes back to the first circle – the one that says “You” in it.

Now that’s not a popular viewpoint to be sharing in the business today. The Matrix, Binary, and Quadra-plan compensation plans have certainly created some entitlement culture in the business. Many people demand spillover and see it as their birthright. So if their sponsor hasn’t built out a good portion of their structure for them, they’re quick to place the blame on that sponsor for the less-than-successful results they are experiencing.

Yet others place the blame on their team. It’s very easy to fault our people and insist that they haven’t done enough to make us rich. But, of course, there are no employees in our business, and we lead all-volunteer armies.

The bonus check you receive every month has your name on it, no one else’s. Once you accept that, you’re ready to create success. And to do that, you must operate in accord with the Law of the First Circle.

We are responsible for going first, testing the way, finding what works, and then sharing that information with those we bring into the business. We are a unique combination of mentor, coach, teacher, commanding officer, and partner.

[ E X P E R T I N S I G H T S ]

Where Duplication Lives The Law of

the First Circle

By Randy Gage

People don’t work for us, they work for themselves. But, of course, what they do impacts our own results and income.

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People don’t work for us, they work for themselves. But, of course, what they do impacts our own results and income.

The best training I ever got for Network Marketing came from outside of the business. What helped me more than anything else was the work I did heading up the Board of Trustees at my church and some other nonprofit organizations, because in each case I was working with an all-volunteer army. And when you can’t hire and fire people, you’re forced to learn how to inspire, lead, and partner for a common goal.

So that’s where we begin, because you can do all those things by the way you run the first circle. And the first circle is the only thing you can really control…

You can say you’re going to sponsor ten people this month, but you can’t control that, because each prospect makes his own decision on whether or not he will ultimately sign the application. You can set a goal to reach a certain rank by a certain time, but, again, that’s not in your control either.

Making the First Circle Work is about the things you can control. And the paradox is that when you control your own circle, that influences all of the other circles in your organization. You cause certain behavior to happen, but you do it by modeling the behavior yourself and being the example people decide to duplicate.

What you will learn along the way is that you don’t grow your network. You grow your people, and they grow the network. But that all starts with you, and the principles, behavior, and culture you lead with. So if you’re up for it, let’s get on with it…

Excerpt taken from Randy Gage’s “Making the First Circle Work”

About Randy Gage: If you want to reach success in Network Marketing, there is probably no one on earth better qualified to help you

than Randy Gage. He has helped introduce Network Marketing in many developing countries, and trained the top income earners in dozens of companies. He has arguably trained more MLM millionaires than anyone alive today. Most importantly, Randy teaches from real-world experience, earning millions of dollars as a distributor. Randy knows what is working in the marketplace right now, and he’ll teach your team exactly how to reach the top levels of success. Learn more about Randy Gage at: and subscribe to his YouTube Channel, Prosperity TV at:

The Law of the First Circle don’t grow your network. You grow your people, and they grow the network.

Remember:Success is Duplicatable. Be sure to share the Go Pro Mentoring resources with your friends and organization!

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Q: How do I succeed if I live in a small town?A: My experience shows that everyone wants something they don’t have. If they live in a small town, they don’t have anyone to talk to. If they live in a big city, people are moving too fast. Here’s the reality… everyone can succeed from wherever they are. It’s a matter of taking responsibility, learning the skills, creating a game plan and acting on that game plan while constantly improving it based on their results.

Q: I’ve tried so many MLM opportunities before, I don’t have any friends who trust me anymore. What should I do?A: If people don’t trust you anymore, that has more to do with you acting like a predator than anything else. Slow down for a minute and just be friends with people. Pay more attention to building the relationships in your life. Friends will find out what you do, you don’t have to puke all over them or make them feel like they’re being hunted. When people ask, you can tell them with excitement and urgency, but you don’t have to talk to everyone like you’re a recruiting assassin. People work with people they like. Be likable.

Q: My upline is absolutely no help to me whatsoever. Is there any way I can change that?A: Yes, thank your upline for introducing you to your opportunity and then just say goodbye. Take charge. Get answers on your own. It’s your life. It’s your business. It’s your future. Make it happen.

Q: I don’t have the money to invest in building my business right now. How can I overcome this problem?A: Change it. Anytime you HAD to get money in your life, you’ve done it. This is no different. Instead of using this limiting belief to justify your choices, make the decision to earn the money to invest in your business. You can do it.

Q: I’ve been working hard for over 2 years and don’t have the financial results to show for it. Everyone says I will if I just don’t quit, but I’m getting discouraged. What should I do?A: Change! Get better! Just hanging around isn’t going to guarantee you anything. You have to get better. You have to get stronger. You have to examine your results and figure out how you can improve. Plan – Make your plan. Do – Executive on it. Review – What worked and what didn’t. Then make a better plan and keep repeating that process until you get the results you’re looking for.

Randy Gage’s Making the First Circle Work

This powerful little book from Randy Gage is exactly what you need to get duplication really happening all the way through your organization.

Randy shows you the difference between what you really control and what you can only influence. Then you’ll learn how to create the culture that causes true duplication.

It all starts with the first circle - the one that says “you” in it. Discover how to get the right mindset, create ethical culture, increase your volume, “taproot” growth from the bottom up, build with live events, counsel properly and provide strong leadership for your group.

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Say Goodbye To Your UplineSome time ago I recorded a Network Marketing show on the importance of your Upline. Even if you’ve watched it before, please do so again by going to the link below. It will help to reinforce this week’s message.

Watch Say Goodbye To Your UplineVisit





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Watch this week’s Archived Video of the WeekIn addition to your exclusive content and training you get, below is the video that I have hand selected and that I feel corresponds best with this week’s lesson.

Guest Article

The Truth About Believing

By Richard Bliss Brooke

Lesson 2

Reprogramming Your Mind For

Success in Network Marketing

Book of the Week

The Magic of Thinking BigBy David Schwartz