The Microbiome Activates CD4 T-cell-mediated Immunity to...

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The Microbiome Activates CD4 T-cell–mediated Immunityto Compensate for Increased Intestinal Permeability

Karen L. Edelblum,1,2 Gil Sharon,3 Gurminder Singh,2,4 Matthew A. Odenwald,2

Anne Sailer,2 Severine Cao,2 Sarina Ravens,5 Irene Thomsen,5 Kamal El Bissati,6,7

Rima McLeod,6,7 Chen Dong,8 Sandeep Gurbuxani,2 Immo Prinz,5

Sarkis K. Mazmanian,3 and Jerrold R. Turner2,4

1Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey;2Departments of Pathology, 6Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, and 7Pediatrics, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois;3Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California; 5Institute ofImmunology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany; 8Institute for Immunology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China;and 4Departments of Pathology and Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School,Boston, Massachusetts


Despite common perceptions, studies of human subjects andexperimental animals show that intestinal barrier loss isinsufficient to induce disease in healthy individuals. Here wedefine a compensatory immune response that preventspathogen invasion in mice with chronic barrier loss.

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Despite a prominent association,chronic intestinal barrier loss is insufficient to induce disease inhuman subjects or experimental animals. We hypothesized thatcompensatory mucosal immune activation might protectindividuals with increased intestinal permeability from disease.We used a model in which intestinal barrier loss is triggered byintestinal epithelial-specific expression of constitutively activemyosin light chain kinase (CA-MLCK). Here we asked whetherconstitutive tight junction barrier loss impacts susceptibility toenteric pathogens.

METHODS: Acute or chronic Toxoplasma gondii or Salmonellatyphimurium infection was assessed in CA-MLCK transgenic or

wild-type mice. Germ-free mice or those lacking specific im-mune cell populations were used to investigate the effect ofmicrobial-activated immunity on pathogen translocation in thecontext of increased intestinal permeability.

RESULTS: Acute T gondii and S typhimurium translocationacross the epithelial barrier was reduced in CA-MLCK mice.This protection was due to enhanced mucosal immuneactivation that required CD4þ T cells and interleukin 17Abut not immunoglobulin A. The protective mucosal immuneactivation in CA-MLCK mice depended on segmented fila-mentous bacteria (SFB), because protection against earlyS typhimurium invasion was lost in germ-free CA-MLCK micebut could be restored by conventionalization with SFB-containing, not SFB-deficient, microbiota. In contrast,chronic S typhimurium infection was more severe inCA-MLCK mice, suggesting that despite activation of pro-tective mucosal immunity, barrier defects ultimately resultin enhanced disease progression.

CONCLUSIONS: Increased epithelial tight junction permeabilitysynergizes with commensal bacteria to promote intestinal CD4þ

T-cell expansion and interleukin 17A production that limits

286 Edelblum et al Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 4, No. 2

enteric pathogen invasion. (Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol2017;4:285–297;

Keywords: Barrier Function; Tight Junction; Microbiota; CD4 TCell; Mucosal Immunity; Salmonella.

See editorial on page 326.

he intestinal epithelium supports nutrient absorp-

Abbreviations used in this paper: CA-MLCK, constitutively activemyosin light chain kinase; CFU, colony-forming unit; GF, germ-free; Ig,immunoglobulin; IL, interleukin; LP, lamina propria; SEM, standarderror of the mean; SFB, segmented filamentous bacteria; SPF, specificpathogen–free; WT, wild-type.

Most current article

© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the AGAInstitute. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND

license (

Ttion and secretion but also serves as a selectivelypermeable barrier that separates the mucosal immunesystem from the intestinal lumen.1–3 The association ofmany inflammatory bowel disease risk alleles with mucosalimmunity and bacterial recognition4 suggests that intactepithelial barrier, which limits microbial contact with theimmune system, may prevent a severe inflammatoryresponse in susceptible individuals. Consistent with thisidea, intestinal barrier function is compromised in Crohn’sdisease and has been identified as a marker of impendingdisease reactivation.5,6 Nevertheless, modest barrier loss ispresent in a subset of healthy first-degree relatives ofCrohn’s disease patients and has been associated withspecific polymorphisms of the muramyl dipeptide receptorNOD2.7,8 These human data correlate with results from ro-dent models showing that epithelial barrier dysfunctionalone is not sufficient to initiate disease.9–11

The mechanisms that prevent disease in individuals withincreased intestinal permeability are poorly understood.Although mouse models can be useful in dissecting theseprocesses, most display far greater intestinal permeabilityincreases than those seen in healthy individuals with modestbarrier loss7,12,13 and use mechanisms that may not be rele-vant to human disease. We have focused on myosin lightchain kinase, which is well-recognized as a physiologicallyand pathophysiologically relevant regulator of tight junctionsand the intestinal barrier.3,14 Transgenic mice that expressconstitutively active myosin light chain kinase(CA-MLCK)14–16 within the intestinal epithelium exhibit tar-geted increases in intestinal tight junction permeability,9 but,unlikemost other rodentmodels, they do not display evidenceof epithelial damage such as increased epithelial proliferationand migration.9–11 Therefore, CA-MLCK mice provide anexquisitely targeted model of increased intestinal tight junc-tion permeability that is not associatedwith epithelial damagebut is quantitatively and qualitatively similar to barrierdefects observed in healthy Crohn’s disease relatives.

It is now widely recognized that the intestinal microbiotashape mucosal immunity through mechanisms includingstimulation of innate immune cells by commensal-derivedproducts and induction of T-cell polarization.17,18 Thesedata indicate the presence of a continuous feedback loop inwhich commensal bacteria “instruct” host immunity toinduce tolerance to the local microenvironment or, alter-natively, serve as a rheostat to modulate pathogen clearanceor autoimmunity. In addition to the epithelial barrier,several mechanisms have evolved to limit pathogen inva-sion,19 including the synthesis of antimicrobial immuno-globulin (Ig) A and IgG by plasma cells in the lamina propria

(LP) that is in turn transported across the epithelium intothe intestinal lumen.20

Increased intestinal permeability is not sufficient topromote spontaneous disease.9–11,21,22 However, constitu-tive barrier loss in CA-MLCK mice does induce subclinicalimmune activation and increased susceptibility to experi-mental immune-mediated colitis.9 Notably, the barrier lossin these mice is due to selective effects on tight junctionpermeability and is insufficient to trigger epithelial dam-age.9,23 We hypothesized that the barrier defects resultingfrom CA-MLCK expression would render these mice moresusceptible to enteric infection.

Surprisingly, our data show that CA-MLCK mice are pro-tected against early pathogen invasion. This protectiondepended on adaptive immunity via LP CD4þ T-cell expan-sion, interleukin 17A (IL17A) production, and enhancedneutrophil recruitment in infected CA-MLCK mice relative toinfected wild-type (WT) mice. Protection was abrogated ingerm-free CA-MLCK mice, indicating that commensal mi-crobes promote a mild Th17 response that limits earlypathogen translocation. Although increased tight junctionpermeability protected against acute bacterial invasion, CA-MLCK mice did develop more severe intestinal and sys-temic disease during chronic infection. These data providenew insight into the mechanisms that mucosal immunityadapts to physiological-range epithelial barrier defects andhow this compensation eventually fails in the context ofchronic inflammatory disease.

Materials and MethodsAnimals

Mice were 8–12 weeks of age, maintained on a C57BL/6background, and housed under specific pathogen–free (SPF)conditions. WT, Rag1 KO, and Tcrd KO mice were obtainedfrom the Jackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, ME. In our colony,all mice were colonized with segmented filamentous bacteria(SFB). CA-MLCK mice9 were crossed to TcrdH2BeGFP(TcrdEGFP),24 IL17A KO,25 or IghA KO26 mice (provided byDennis Metzger, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY).

Germ-free (GF) transgenic CA-MLCK mice were pro-duced by rederivation of SPF C57BL/6J females mated withSPF CA-MLCK males. Briefly, uteri from donor mothers wereremoved on E19.5 by cesarean section and transferred intoa GF isolator in aseptic Virkon solution (DuPont, Parlin, NJ).Offspring were then extracted from the uterus and rearedby a GF foster Swiss-Webster mother. Healthy offspringwere genotyped, and males harboring the transgene weresubsequently used for breeding with GF C57BL/6J females.

September 2017 Immune Compensation for Barrier Loss 287

For colonization experiments, littermate WT andCA-MLCK mice were removed from the GF isolator at 3–4weeks of age and gavaged with 100 mL cecal contents fromC57BL/6NTac (Taconic Farms, Hudson, NY) or C57BL/6Jmice (Jackson Laboratories). Cecal contents were resus-pended in sodium bicarbonate solution under anaerobicconditions (1:2 v/v). Salmonella typhimurium exposure andtissue sampling were performed 4 weeks after colonizationon age-matched GF and conventionalized mice. All studieswere conducted in an Association of the Assessment andAccreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AALAC)–accredited facility according to protocols approved byRutgers New Jersey Medical School, the University ofChicago, and the California Institute of Technology Institu-tional Animal Care and Use Committees.

Pathogen InfectionDsRed-labeled S typhimurium strain SL3201 were pro-

vided by Andrew Neish, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Micewere anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine/xylazine, a 3- to 4-cm loop of jejunum or ileum was exposed,and the luminal surface of the intestine was exposed asdescribed previously.27 For 30 minutes 108 colony-formingunits (CFUs) DsRed-SL3201 were applied directly to theexposed luminal surface, after which mice were killed, andthe loop of intestine was fixed for analysis by fluorescencemicroscopy as previously described.28

Systemic infection of S typhimurium was assessed by oralgavage with 108 CFUs DsRed-SL3201 after 24 hours ofpretreatment with 100 mg/mL streptomycin. Mice werekilled 9 days after infection on the basis of the severity ofclinical scores or if an individual mouse lost more than 20%of its initial body weight. Organs were harvested and eitherfixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin or embedded inoptimal cutting temperature (OCT; Sakura, Torrance, CA)medium for further immunohistochemical analysis. Clinicalscores were determined on the basis of fur texture, posture,and activity on a scale of 0–2 each, with a potential com-bined score of 6. Histologic scores of colitis were deter-mined on a scale of 0–2 on the basis of the following criteria:crypt dilation and elongation, presence of crypt abscesses,extent of epithelial erosion, and regeneration as well as thenumber of apoptotic cells and goblet cells, with a potentialcombined score of 14. Histologic scores of the spleen weredetermined on a scale of 0–3 on the basis of the immune cellinfiltrate and the presence of neutrophils.

The ME49 strain of Toxoplasma gondii was maintainedas tachyzoites by serial passage in human foreskin fibro-blasts as previously described.29 The 10- to 12-week-oldfemale HLA-B*0702 transgenic mice29 were infected intra-peritoneally with 1 � 104 ME49 type II tachyzoites. Tissuecysts were isolated from the brains of these mice 22 daysafter infection and quantified.30 Mice were gavaged with 10cysts in 100 mL sterile phosphate-buffered saline and killedafter 1 hour to assess parasite translocation.

Immunofluorescence and Image AnalysisMouse intestine was fixed in 1% paraformaldehyde for

2 hours, washed with 50 mmol/L NH4Cl, and cryoprotected

in 30% sucrose (w/v) at 4�C overnight. Tissue was thenembedded in OCT medium, snap-frozen, and stored at–80�C. Alternatively, cryosections of tissue that was snap-frozen without prior fixation were fixed in 1:1 meth-anol:acetone for 10 minutes at –20�C. Frozen sections wereimmunostained as previously described31 by using primaryantibodies, rabbit anti-myeloperoxidase, rabbit anti-CD3(Abcam, Cambridge, MA), rabbit anti-LDH1 antiserum,32

rat anti-CD4, rat anti-IgA (BD Pharmingen, San Jose, CA),followed by AlexaFluor-conjugated phalloidin or secondaryantibodies and Hoechst 33342 dye (Invitrogen, Carlsbad,CA). Slides were mounted with Prolong Gold (Invitrogen)and visualized on a DMI6000 inverted epifluorescence mi-croscope equipped with a Rolera EMC2 CCD camera(QImaging, Surrey, BC, Canada), �20/0.50 PH2, �40/0.60CORR/PH, or �63/0.70CORR objectives, and Meta-morph 7 acquisition software (Molecular Devices, Sunny-vale, CA). Four mm Z-stacks were acquired with 0.2 mmspacing, and images were deconvolved for 10 iterations byusing Autodeblur (Media Cybernetics, Rockville, MD).

Morphometric analysis of S typhimurium and T gondiiwasquantified as previously described.28 Briefly, invasion wasquantified as the number of organisms that had invaded intoan epithelial cell or crossed into the LP. Epithelial invasionrequired the organism to be localized basal to the perijunc-tional actomyosin ring, as defined by phalloidin staining.Unprocessed images were used for quantitative analyses toavoid potential deconvolution artifact. For each mouse, 6–8fields, each containing approximately 0.1 mm2 of epithelial-covered villus mucosa, were analyzed by a blinded observer.

Intestinal PermeabilityMice were fasted for 3 hours and then gavaged with 1

mg/mL fluorescein and 20 mg/mL 70 kDa rhodaminedextran in water. Blood was collected 3 hours later via theretro-orbital sinus. Fluorescence intensity was determinedby using a plate reader at 495 nm excitation/525 nmemission and 555 nm excitation/585 nm emission. Intesti-nal permeability was reported as serum fluorescein recov-ery normalized to that of 70 kDa rhodamine dextran, whichcannot cross tight junctions.

CD4 Depletion and Adoptive TransferCD4þ T cells were depleted by injecting mice intraperi-

toneally with 0.2 mg GK1.5 (University of Chicago Mono-clonal Antibody Core). Injection of 0.2 mg IgG isotypecontrol (F156-6B9.7) was used as a control. CD4þ T-celldepletion was confirmed after 48 hours by either flowcytometric analysis of retro-orbital blood (before infection)or splenocytes (on death).

Eight-week-old Rag1 KO or Rag1 KO CA-MLCK micewere injected with 2 � 106 CD4þ splenocytes from sex-matched 10-week-old C57BL/6 donor mice. CD4þ T cellswere enriched by negative selection (Miltenyi Biotech, SanDiego, CA), sorted to 98% purity by flow cytometry, andinjected retro-orbitally. Infections were performed 2 weeksafter adoptive transfer. Age-matched mice not receivingadoptive transfer were used as controls.

Figure 1. Constitutive epithelial expression of CA-MLCKincreases intestinal permeability. (A) MLC phosphoryla-tion (green) at the epithelial perijunctional actomyosin ring(f-actin, red) in WT and CA-MLCK mice. Nuclei are shown inblue. Scale bar, 20 mm. (B) Small intestinal permeability isshown as ratio of paracellular flux of fluorescein and 70 kDarhodamine dextran in WT and CA-MLCK mice. n ¼ 8–9 miceper genotype; data from 2 independent experiments areshown. *P < .05.

288 Edelblum et al Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 4, No. 2

Immunoglobulin A Enzyme-linkedImmunosorbent Assay

Fecal samples were homogenized in 0.01% NaN3 inphosphate-buffered saline and centrifuged, and the super-natant was used for analysis. Plates were coated with2 mg/mL goat anti-mouse IgA (Southern Biotech, Birming-ham, AL) in phosphate-buffered saline, and samples werediluted in 1% bovine serum albumin and incubated over-night at 4�C. Mouse IgA (clone M18-254; BD Pharmingen,San Diego, CA) was used to generate a standard curve. Afterwashes in phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.05%Tween, anti-IgA-avidin phosphatase (Southern Biotech) wasadded, and p-nitrophenyl phosphate was used to developthe reaction. Samples were read by plate reader at 405 nm.

Immunoglobulin A Repertoire Analysis454 sequencing. After RNA extraction from fecal pellets,cDNA synthesis was performed with SuperScript III (Invi-trogen) by using random hexamer primer. Templatelibraries of rearranged IgA sequences were generated bypolymerase chain reaction using a primer specific for theconstant Ca (IgA) region (50CGTATCGCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAG(MID)GAGCTCGTGGAGTGTCAGTG-30) and a primerbinding at all Vh genes (50-CTATGCGCCTTGCCAGCCCGCTCAGGAGGTGCAGCTGCAGGAGTCTGG-30).33,34 MIDs of4-nucleotides at constant Ca/Cm primers allowed to poolsamples within sequencing lanes. Following polymerasechain reaction conditions were used: 95�C, 4 minutes; �25(94�C, 30 seconds; 62�C, 30 seconds; 72�C, 35 seconds); and72�C for 10 minutes. Amplicons were purified by QiaquickGel Extraction kit (Qiagen, Germantown, MD) and preparedfor 454 sequencing using the GS FLX Titanium SV emPCRLib-A kit and Genome Sequencer FLX system asrecommended by the manufacturer.Sequence analysis. Sequences were annotated andcompared with reference sequences of the ImMunoGeneTics(IMGT) HighV-QUEST database.35,36 IMGT results weresorted for productive sequences and further analyzed withExcel and VBA (Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA).33 Tocompare between samples we randomly analyzed 5000CDR3 sequences per sample. The Shannon index is used tomeasure IgA repertoire diversity and was calculated withR studio (version 0.94.110;, and the library “vegan” (command:diversity). For quantification of VDJ segment usage onlymajor chains were taken into consideration.

Statistical AnalysisAll data are presented as either the mean ± standard

error of the mean (SEM) or with a 95% confidence interval.P values of direct comparisons between 2 independentsamples were determined by a two-tailed Student t test andconsidered to be significant if P � .05. Mann-Whitney ranksum tests were performed in cases in which the data werenot normally distributed. Comparisons between multipleindependent variables were determined by one-way anal-ysis of variance, and Holm-Sidak method was used forpairwise comparisons. In instances in which the data were

not normally distributed, Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysisof variance on ranks was performed, and the Dunn methodwas used for multiple pairwise comparisons.

ResultsEpithelial Constitutively Active Myosin LightChain Kinase Expression Results in IncreasedIntestinal Permeability

The epithelial tight junction is intimately associated witha perijunctional actomyosin ring that modulates paracellularpermeability via MLCK. CA-MLCK expression9,14 within theintestinal epithelium markedly increased perijunctionalmyosin II regulatory light chain phosphorylation (Figure 1A)and also enhanced small intestinal paracellular, ie, tightjunction, permeability in a size-selective manner(Figure 1B). Despite this barrier defect, CA-MLCK mice didnot develop spontaneous colitis. On the basis of these dataand the potential link between enteric infection and sub-sequent development of inflammatory bowel disease,37,38

we hypothesized that constitutive barrier dysfunction maypredispose these animals to enteric infection.

Increased Intestinal Epithelial PermeabilityActivates Processes That Limit EarlyPathogen Translocation

Intestinal permeability, the converse of barrier function,is regulated through paracellular flux. Paracellular transportvia the tight junction is size-selective and precisely regu-lated. In contrast, unrestricted flux, which represents fluxacross damaged epithelia,3,39,40 allows passage of largemolecules and whole bacteria. CA-MLCK mice exhibitincreases in paracellular permeability that are similar tothose seen in Crohn’s disease patients during remission aswell as in a subset of their healthy relatives.9 Therefore, we

September 2017 Immune Compensation for Barrier Loss 289

chose this model to investigate the impact of physiologicallyrelevant tight junction barrier defects on host defense.

As previously reported in the colon,9 LP CD4þ T-cellnumbers were increased in the small intestine of CA-MLCK,relative to WT, mice (Figure 2A and B). To investigate howtight junction barrier loss and the associated LP immuneexpansion affect susceptibility to enteric pathogens,CA-MLCK and WT mice were infected orally with theintracellular protozoan parasite T gondii (Figure 2C). Within1 hour, the number of parasites that had transmigratedacross the epithelium and into the LP was reduced by 50%± 8% in CA-MLCK mice relative to WT (Figure 2D). Para-doxically, this indicates that increased intestinal perme-ability limits parasite invasion. To determine whether thisbarrier defect also conferred protection against other

Figure 2. Increased intestinal permeability limits early enteriCD4þ LP T cells in WT and CA-MLCK mice. CD3, red; CD4, greebar, 20 mm. (B) Morphometric analysis of LP CD4þ T cells. n ¼administered T gondii cysts and killed after 1 hour (SAC). Alteaddition of 108 CFUs directly to the mucosal surface for 30 minuafter infection. n ¼ 5–6 mice from 2 independent experiments. *arrows)–infected WT and CA-MLCK mice crossed to Rag1- orgreen. White arrowheads indicate translocation of S typhimuriumbar, 20 mm. (F) Morphometric analysis of S typhimurium invasApproximately 200 villi were counted for each condition. *P < .0CA-MLCK mice. n ¼ 4 mice. Mean ± SEM are shown.

pathogens, mice were exposed to S typhimurium. As with theprotozoan, bacterial translocation was reduced by76% ± 6% in CA-MLCK relative to WTmice (Figure 2E and F).

To determine whether the increased LP infiltration ofadaptive immune cells was required for CA-MLCK–mediatedprotection against bacterial invasion, Rag1 knockout (KO);CA-MLCK mice lacking both B and T cells were challengedwith S typhimurium. Bacterial translocation in Rag1 KO;CA-MLCK mice was similar to that in Rag1 KO mice alone(Figure 2E and F), indicating that adaptive immunity isrequired for the protective effect of CA-MLCK T cells also contribute significantly to protection fromearly pathogen invasion.28,41 This was confirmed in ourexperiments, which showed greater S typhimurium invasionin Tcrd KO mice, which lack gd T cells (Figure 2E and F).

c pathogen invasion. (A) Fluorescence micrographs of CD3þ

n; nuclei, blue.White arrowheads indicate CD4þ T cells. Scale4–5 mice. **P < .01. (C) WT and CA-MLCK mice were orallyrnatively, mice were exposed to S typhimurium through thetes. (D) Morphometric analysis of parasite translocation 1 hourP < .05. (E) Fluorescence micrographs of S typhimurium (red,gd T-cell (Tcrd)–deficient backgrounds. Nuclei, blue; f-actin,, whereas yellow arrowheads are bacteria not counted. Scaleion. n ¼ 5–7 mice from at least 2 independent experiments.5, **P < .01. (G) Morphometric analysis of gd T cells in WT and

290 Edelblum et al Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 4, No. 2

However, CA-MLCK expression within Tcrd KO micemarkedly reduced bacterial invasion, indicating that althoughimportant to overall host defense, gd T cells did not accountfor the observed effects of CA-MLCK expression (Figure 2Eand F). Consistentwith this,gdT-cell numberswere similar inCA-MLCK and WT mice (Figure 2G). Taken together, thesedata demonstrate that increased epithelial permeabilitypromotes immune activation to markedly reduce earlyinvasion of parasites and bacterial pathogens during theinitial stages of infection. This protection requires adaptiveimmunity but is gd T-cell–independent.

CD4þ T Cells Are Required for ConstitutivelyActive Myosin Light Chain Kinase–inducedProtection Against Bacterial Invasion

To better elucidate the immune cell populationscontributing to the invasion-resistant phenotype ofCA-MLCK mice, we depleted CD4þ T cells and challengedmice with luminal S typhimurium (Figure 3A and B). CD4þ

T-cell depletion had no effect on early bacterial trans-location in WT mice but increased bacterial invasion morethan 5-fold in CA-MLCK mice, relative to mice receiving

Figure 3. CD4D T cells are required to confer protectionadministration of anti-CD4 (GK1.5) or control IgG intraperitoneathrough direct application of bacteria to small intestinal mucosalCD3þ CD4þ T splenocytes 48 hours after anti-CD4 administrainvasion after administration of anti-CD4 or control IgG. n ¼ 6–(D) Rag1 KO mice and those also expressing the CA-MLCK Tengraftment, mice were exposed to S typhimurium for 30 minutand Rag1 KO CA-MLCK mice after CD4þ T-cell adoptive trans(F) Analysis of S typhimurium translocation in Rag1 KO and Rag1n ¼ 7–11 mice from 2 independent experiments. *P < .05.

control IgG (Figure 3C). The disparity between CA-MLCKand WT mice suggests that our initial hypothesis thatincreased tight junction permeability would enhance path-ogen invasion was correct. However, the data also indicatethat constitutive barrier dysfunction also elicits a CD4þ

T-cell response that confers protection against acute path-ogen invasion.

The data above indicate that CD4þ T cells are necessaryfor the protection observed in CA-MLCK mice. To determinewhether these cells were sufficient to confer protection, WTCD4þ T cells were adoptively transferred into Rag1 KO orRag1 KO; CA-MLCK recipients (Figure 3D). Within 2 weeks,CD4þ T cells were effectively reconstituted in the LP of bothCA-MLCK and WT mice (Figure 3E). Notably, 73% more LPCD4þ T cells were present in the LP of Rag1 KO; CA-MLCK,relative to Rag1 KO, recipients (Figure 3E). Whereas CD4þ

T-cell transfer into Rag1 KO mice had no effect on bacterialinvasion, CD4þ T-cell transfer into Rag1 KO; CA-MLCKmice reduced invasion by 43% (Figure 3F). These datademonstrate that CD4þ T cells are sufficient to limitearly S typhimurium invasion. Because CD4þ T cells fromWT mice were protective in Rag1 KO; CA-MLCK mice,the data indicate that changes in the local mucosal

against bacterial invasion in CA-MLCK mice. (A) Afterlly, WT and CA-MLCK mice were exposed to S typhimuriumsurface for 30 minutes and then killed (SAC). (B) Percentage oftion. #P < .001. (C) Morphometric analysis of S typhimurium9 mice from 2 independent experiments. *P < .05, #P < .001.g received CD4þ T-cell adoptive transfer. After 2 weeks ofes. (E) Morphometric analysis of CD4þ LP T cells in Rag1 KOfer. n ¼ 7–8 mice from 2 independent experiments. *P < .05.KO; CA-MLCK mice receiving CD4þ T-cell adoptive transfer.

September 2017 Immune Compensation for Barrier Loss 291

microenvironment resulting from constitutive barrier lossare sufficient to impart this phenotype. This may reflectexpansion or enhanced recruitment of CD4þ T cells to theLP of Rag1 KO; CA-MLCK mice. In either case, it is clear thatthe compensatory response to epithelial barrier lossincludes promotion of a new CD4þ T-cell function that is nototherwise present, as indicated by the failure of CD4þ T cellsto reduce bacterial invasion in Rag1 KO mice.

We also asked whether other components of adaptiveimmunity might contribute to the protective phenotypeobserved in CA-MLCK mice. Plasma cell production ofcommensal-specific IgA interferes with commensal antigenexpression and promotes immune exclusion by limitingbacterial association with the mucosal surface, and this hasbeen implicated in the mucosal immune response to loss ofJAM-A expression.22 Morphometric analysis showed thatCA-MLCK mice exhibited an increase in IgAþ plasma cellswithin the LP compared with WT (Figure 4A). However,there were no differences in mucosal transforming growthfactor beta transcripts, expression or localization of thepolymeric Ig receptor (pIgR), or the amount of secreted

Figure 4. IgAD plasma cell number is increased, yet not requtranslocation. (A) Morphometric analysis of IgAþ plasma cellslinked immunosorbent assay for fecal IgA. n ¼ 7–10 mice. Msequence pools of given samples. The mean is shown. (D) Mutatthe average number of SHM within the Vh region. Frequenciesnumber of nucleotides within the given FR or CDR regions.S typhimurium invasion in WT and CA-MLCK mice on an IghA KOMean is shown, *P ¼ .05. (F) Morphometric analysis of LP IgAcontrol IgG. Mean ± SEM, **P < .01. IghA, immunoglobulin A;

(luminal) IgA between CA-MLCK and WT mice(Figure 4B).9

Despite the lack of quantitative increases in luminal IgA,we hypothesized that increased exposure to bacterial prod-ucts as a result of enhanced paracellular permeability couldpromote expansion of plasma cells expressing microbe-specific IgA. To test this, complementary determining re-gion 3 region sequences were analyzed from productive IgAVDJ rearrangements. Although the values indicate a highlydiverse IgA repertoire in all samples (Figure 4C), no differ-ences were observed between WT and CA-MLCK mice.Furthermore, analysis of the frequency of somatic hyper-mutations within IgA-producing plasma cells during affinitymaturation also failed to identify significant differences be-tween the CA-MLCK and WT mice (Figure 4D). Therefore,barrier loss does not affect the quality of mucosal IgA.

Previous studies have linked barrier loss to IgA pro-duction. Therefore, we asked whether, despite the negativedata above, increases in LP IgA-producing plasma cellscould contribute to protection against early pathogen inva-sion. CA-MLCK mice were bred onto an IgA-deficient

ired for CA-MLCK–mediated protection against bacterialin the LP. n ¼ 4–6 mice. Mean ± SEM, *P ¼ .05. (B) Enzyme-ean ± SEM. (C) Shannon Index was calculated from CDR3ion frequencies in CDR1/2 and FR sequences calculated fromwere calculated through division of mutation numbers by theMean ± standard deviation. (E) Morphometric analysis ofbackground. n ¼ 5–7 mice from 2 independent experiments.

þ plasma cells 48 hours after administration of anti-CD4 orSHM, somatic hypermutations.

292 Edelblum et al Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 4, No. 2

background (IghA KO). Bacterial invasion was similar toCA-MLCK mice regardless of IgA expression (Figure 4E),indicating that IgA was not required for the CA-MLCK–me-diated protective effect. Because IgA is generated throughboth T-cell–dependent and –independent mechanisms,42 weassessed the role of CD4þ T cells in generating increasednumbers of LP IgAþ plasma cells in CA-MLCK mice. CD4þ

T-cell depletion did not affect IgA-producing plasma cellnumber in the LP of CA-MLCK or WT mice (Figure 4F).Because of the requirement for CD4þ T cells in the enhancedimmunity of CA-MLCK mice, these data lend further supportto the conclusion that IgA is not required for the protectionobserved in CA-MLCK mice.

Interleukin 17A Expression PromotesNeutrophil Recruitment to Prevent Early BacterialInvasion in Constitutively Active Myosin LightChain Kinase Mice

Certain strains of commensal bacteria modulate specificimmune responses. For example, SFB are known to promoteTh17 differentiation in the small intestine,18,43 and activationof these Th17 cells is critical to pathogen clearance andmaintenance of host defense.44,45 To determine the role ofIL17 in CD4þ T-cell–mediated protection against bacterialinvasion, CA-MLCK mice were generated on an IL17A-deficient background. IL17A deficiency significantlyincreased acute S typhimurium invasion in CA-MLCK trans-genic mice (Figure 5A). More strikingly, IL17A knockouteliminated CD4þ T-cell expansion within the LP of CA-MLCKmice (Figure 5B). These data show that IL17A is required togenerate the increased numbers of LP CD4þT cells seen in CA-MLCK mice and that both IL17A and CD4þ T cells are neces-sary for early protection against S typhimurium translocation.

One mechanism by which Th17 cells contribute to hostdefense is induction of granulopoiesis and neutrophilrecruitment via CXCL1 and CXCL2 to promote bacterial

Figure 5. IL17A is required to limit bacterial translocation throanalysis of S typhimurium invasion in WT and CA-MLCK micindependent experiments. *P < .05, **P < .01. (B) Morphomecrossed to IL17A-deficient mice. **P < .01. (C) Morphometric anand infected (30 minutes) WT, CA-MLCK, IL17A KO or IL17A K

clearance.46,47 S typhimurium exposure induced rapidneutrophil recruitment into the LP of CA-MLCK but not WTmice (Figure 5C). This acute recruitment was eliminated inIL17A KO mice, indicating that IL17A may prime innate im-munity for immediate response to initial pathogen exposure.

Commensal Bacteria Are Essential forActivation of Host Defense in Response toIntestinal Epithelial Barrier Dysfunction

Themucosal immune system andmicrobiota regulate oneanother during differentiation of the immune response.2 Totest the hypothesis that commensal bacteria drive themucosal CD4þ T-cell expansion that limits early pathogeninvasion, CA-MLCKmicewere rederived under GF conditions.Consistent with previous reports, GF mice exhibited signifi-cantly diminished numbers of LP lymphocytes. Furthermore,LP CD4þ T-cell and IgAþ plasma cell numbers were similar inGF CA-MLCK and GF WT mice, indicating that the differencesinduced by CA-MLCK expression in conventional mice aredependent on the microbiota (Figure 6A and B). When chal-lenged with S typhimurium, invasion was similar in GFCA-MLCK and GF WT mice (Figure 6C).

SFB are commensal bacteria known to promote Th17differentiation in the small intestine and, although abundantin C57BL/6NTac mice from Taconic Farms, are undetectablein C57BL/6J from Jackson Laboratories.48 Previous studieshave shown that in addition to driving Th17 differentiation,SFB colonization of C57BL/6J from Jackson Laboratoriespromotes Th17-dependent neutrophil recruitment47 similarto that observed here (Figure 5C). To compare the effects ofSFB-containing and SFB-deficient microbiota, GF CA-MLCKand WT mice were conventionalized with cecal contentsfrom Taconic Farms (TAC) and Jackson Laboratories(JAX) mice. The enhanced resistance to acute bacterialtranslocation observed in CA-MLCK mice was restored bySFB-containing (TAC) microbiota, but not by SFB-deficient

ugh promotion of neutrophil recruitment. (A) Morphometrice on an IL17A-deficient background. n ¼ 6–7 mice from 2tric analysis of CD4þ LP T cells in WT and CA-MLCK micealysis of neutrophils within the small intestinal LP in uninfectedO; CA-MLCK mice. n ¼ 3–5 mice. #P < .001.

Figure 6. Commensal bacteria are essential for promotingmucosal immune responses to early Salmonella invasionin response to increased intestinal permeability. (A) Fluo-rescence micrographs of CD3þ CD4þ LP T cells in WT andCA-MLCK mice raised under either SPF or GF conditions.Scale bar, 20 mm. Morphometric analysis of CD4þ LP T cellsin GF WT and CA-MLCK mice are shown. n ¼ 6–8 mice from2 independent experiments. (B) Fluorescence micrographs ofIgAþ plasma cells in the LP in WT and CA-MLCK mice raisedunder either SPF or GF conditions. Scale bar, 20 mm.Morphometric analysis of IgAþ plasma cells in GF WT andCA-MLCK mice is shown. n ¼ 5–8 mice from 2 independentexperiments. (C) Morphometric analysis of S typhimuriuminvasion (30 minutes) in WT and CA-MLCK mice maintainedunder GF conditions or conventionalized with Taconic (TAC)or Jackson (JAX) microbiota. n ¼ 5–8 mice from 2 indepen-dent experiments. **P < .01.

September 2017 Immune Compensation for Barrier Loss 293

(JAX) microbiota (Figure 6C). Together with the aforemen-tioned results, these data suggest that SFB-induced Th17differentiation is central to the protection against acuteS typhimurium invasion in CA-MLCK mice.

Constitutive Barrier Dysfunction IncreasesSusceptibility to Chronic Salmonella Infection

The data above demonstrate that tight junction barrierloss results in markedly enhanced pathogen invasion in CD4T-cell–depleted mice. In immunocompetent mice, tightjunction barrier loss also activates mucosal immuneresponses that limit acute S typhimurium invasion. We askedwhether these compensatory immune responses were suf-ficient to prevent chronic infection and systemic salmonel-losis. Nine days after infection, CA-MLCK mice exhibitedmore severe disease, as assessed clinically by reducedactivity and hunched posture (Figure 7A and B), as well asgreater mucosal damage and LP lymphoplasmacyticinfiltrates (Figure 7C and D). Differences between CA-MLCKand WT mice were also apparent within the spleen.CA-MLCK mice had sinus thrombi and dense lymphohistio-cytic infiltrates that were reminiscent of, but more diffusethan, typhoid nodules, whereas WT mice displayedneutrophil-rich intrasplenic abscesses (Figure 7E and F).Thus, although increased intestinal epithelial tight junctionpermeability activates protective immune activation thatlimits early invasion, this is ultimately insufficient tocompensate for barrier loss in the context of chronicdisease.

DiscussionTargeted increases in paracellular flux through the

epithelial tight junction enhance susceptibility to experi-mental, immune-mediated colitis.9 Although tight junction–specific barrier loss is insufficient to allow translocation ofintact microbes, we hypothesized that it would increasesusceptibility to enteric infection. Our data support thishypothesis in the absence of adaptive immunity but alsodemonstrate that chronic tight junction barrier lossstimulates a subclinical immune response that limits acuteinvasion of enteric pathogens. This early protection requiresCD4þ T cells and IL17A, but not IgA.

Consistent with previous studies by us and others,9,21,22

we found that CD4þ LP T-cell number is increased inresponse to constitutive barrier loss. Notably, the physio-logically relevant, tight junction–specific barrier loss studiedhere is not associated with chronic epithelial damage orhomeostatic increases in epithelial proliferation. Further-more, unlike transient, damage-associated barrier loss,21

regulatory T-cell populations are not expanded inCA-MLCK mice.9,21 The increased paracellular permeabilityresulting from MLCK activation induced an immuneresponse that limited not only early bacterial invasion butalso the transmigration of T gondii. We found that CD4þ Tcells, and in particular Th17 cells, were necessary to limitacute S typhimurium invasion in CA-MLCK mice. The datafurther suggest that IL17A-induced neutrophil recruitmentcontributes to this enhanced immunity. Studies in GFCA-MLCK mice showed that commensal bacteria arerequired for both CD4þ LP T-cell expansion and early pro-tection against bacterial invasion. Finally, after adoptivetransfer to T and B cell–deficient (Rag1 KO) CA-MLCK mice,increased numbers of CD4þ T cells from WT mice were

Figure 7. Constitutivebarrier dysfunction en-hances susceptibility toSalmonella-induced coli-tis. (A) WT and CA-MLCKgavaged with strepto-mycin 24 hours before oralinfection with 108 CFU Styphimurium. (B) Clinicalscores are shown. n ¼ 17–18 mice from at least 3independent experiments,*P < .05. Hematoxylin-eosin micrographs andhistologic scores of colon(C and D) and spleen (E andF) for infected mice areshown. n ¼ 8–10 mice fromat least 3 independentexperiments are shown.#P < .001. SAC, sacrifice;SL, S. typhimurium, strainSL3201.

294 Edelblum et al Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 4, No. 2

recruited to the LP of CA-MLCK mice where they contrib-uted to enhanced protection against early bacterial trans-location. Taken together, these findings demonstrate thatthe continuous low-level exposure of LP cells to commensalproducts as a result of physiologically relevant tight junctionbarrier loss drives a subclinical immune response thatfunctions as a compensatory mechanism that limits invasionof bacterial and protozoan pathogens.

Careful consideration must be given to models of barrierdysfunction to better understand the effect of permeabilityin disease states because of the broad definition of “barrierdefect” in the current literature.1 For example, althoughintrarectal ethanol administration has been used to tran-siently disrupt barrier function,21 the mechanism involvesepithelial damage that likely enhances flux across the un-restricted pathway. Similarly, although JAM-A–deficientmice exhibit markedly increased intestinal permeability inaddition to mucosal immune activation and inflammatorycell recruitment,10,11 the cause of the barrier loss is likelymultifactorial. Although claudins-10 and -15 are upregu-lated in JAM-A KO mice,11 these claudins function as para-cellular channels with diameters of 5–6 Å3,39,40 and,therefore, cannot be responsible for the marked increases inlarge molecule flux reported in these mice. Furthermore,in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that loss ofJAM-A increases intestinal epithelial apoptosis and results incompensatory increases in epithelial proliferationin vivo.10,11 Neither of these changes are present inCA-MLCK transgenic mice.

As expected for tight junction–specific barrier loss, theincreased permeability induced by intestinal epithelialCA-MLCK expression is substantially lower than thatobserved in JAM-A knockout mice. However, the degree ofbarrier loss in CA-MLCK mice is quantitatively and qualita-tively similar to the barrier defects reported in healthyfirst-degree relatives of Crohn’s disease patients.7,8 Thesubclinical immune activation exhibited in CA-MLCK miceconfers a protective phenotype in response to acute expo-sure to S typhimurium or T gondii. It will be interesting todetermine whether similar mucosal immune activation ispresent in the subset of healthy first-degree relatives ofCrohn’s disease patients who manifest barrier loss andwhether this confers increased risk of developing disease.

The studies in GF mice indicate that mucosal immunepriming in CA-MLCK mice is driven by the microbiota, whichis supported by studies showing that SFB colonizationinduces IL17A production by CD4þ T cells to promoteneutrophil recruitment.47 Consistent with this, colonizationof GF CA-MLCK mice with SFB-deficient microbiota failed torestore the protective phenotype. In contrast, colonizationwith microbiota containing SFB was able to reduceSalmonella invasion in GF mice. Thus, although GF mice failto develop a mature mucosal immune compartment andexhibit reduced mucus thickness,49 it is not the absence ofall microbes that abrogates the protection. Rather, it is thedifference between TAC and JAX microbiota, most likelySFB, that explains CA-MLCK–induced microbial resistance. Itis tempting to speculate that loss of these beneficial

September 2017 Immune Compensation for Barrier Loss 295

commensals may also, in part, explain the association be-tween acute enteritis-driven dysbiosis and the onset ofchronic inflammatory bowel disease in a subset ofpatients.37,38

Similar to our initial observations demonstratingincreased susceptibility of CA-MLCK mice to immune-mediated colitis,9 we found that CA-MLCK expression inthe intestinal epithelium resulted in more severeSalmonella-induced colitis after prolonged bacterial infec-tion. This contrasts sharply with the protective phenotypeexhibited in response to acute exposure to S typhimurium orT gondii. Due to the critical roles for IL17-dependentneutrophil recruitment in early protection against microbi-al invasion, it would be reasonable to hypothesize thatalthough this early neutrophil influx clears bacteria toconfer acute protection, sustained neutrophil recruitmentleads to tissue destruction and more severe chronic disease.In the context of systemic infection, these data support thepotential link between enteric infection and subsequentdevelopment of inflammatory bowel disease.37,38

Overall, these data indicate that increased intestinalepithelial tight junction permeability results in a shift in thesymbiotic relationship between mucosal immunity andcommensal microbes by increasing the frequency of sam-pling or the diversity of luminal antigens available to primemucosal surveillance. This increased sampling may allow forconstant modulation of tolerance to commensal bacteria andprovide immediate protection to limit early pathogen inva-sion. Finally, the mechanisms identified here may explainboth the absence of disease in relatives of Crohn’s diseasepatients, despite barrier loss, as well as the increased dis-ease susceptibility induced by barrier dysfunction.

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Received February 22, 2017. Accepted June 5, 2017.

CorrespondenceAddress correspondence to:KarenL.Edelblum,PhD,RutgersNewJerseyMedicalSchool, 205 South Orange Avenue, Cancer Center G1228, Newark, New Jersey07103. e-mail:; or Jerrold R. Turner, MD, PhD, Brighamand Women’s Hospital, 20 Shattuck Street, Thorn 1428, Boston, Massachusetts02115. e-mail:

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Sara McBride for help with mouse rederivation, Taren Thornand Kimberly Ly for animal care, and the Frank W. Fitch Monoclonal AntibodyCore Facility at the University of Chicago for monoclonal antibody production.

Author contributionsConceptualization, K.L.E and J.R.T.; methodology, K.L.E., G. Sharon, andS.K.M.; formal analysis, S.R. and I.T.; investigation, K.L.E., G. Sharon, G.Singh, A.S., S.C., S.G., S.R., K.E.B., and J.R.T.; resources, S.K.M., R.M.,C.D., I.P., and J.R.T.; writing-original draft, K.L.E.; writing-review and editing,K.L.E., G. Sharon, S.K.M., R.M., K.E.B., I.P., S.R., and J.R.T.; visualization,K.L.E., S.R, and I.P.; supervision, K.L.E., S.K.M., and J.R.T.; funding, K.L.E.,S.K.M., and J.R.T.

Conflicts of interestThe authors disclose no conflicts.

One author (J.R.T.) is a member of the CMGH Board of Editors (BOE). Inaccordance with journal policy, the review process for this manuscript wasmanaged by a Guest Associate Editor, and the author BOE member wasblinded to the entire process.

FundingSupported by National Institute of Health grants K01DK093627 andF32DK084859 (K.L.E.), R01DK078938, R01GM099535 (S.K.M.), R01DK61931and R01DK68271 (J.R.T.); Department of Defense W81XWH-09-1-0341(J.R.T.); Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America (S.K.M. and J.R.T.) andBroad Medical Research Foundation (J.R.T.); The Human Frontiers ScienceProgram - Long Term Fellowship (G. Sharon); and the Heritage MedicalResearch Institute (S.K.M.)