The Messenger - July/August 2015

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The monthly newsletter of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, San Antonio.

Transcript of The Messenger - July/August 2015

IN THIS ISSUE: Finance Report

Page 2

Adult Formation

Page 3

Parish News

Page 4

Ministry News

Page 5-6

Diocesan News

Page 7

Youth Ministries

Page 8-9

Children & Family

Page 10

Music News

Page 11

Save the Date

Page 12



San Antonio, Texas 78205

(210) 226-2426

Office hours: Monday thru

Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.

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Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

themessenger July/August 2015 VOLUME 104 ISSUE 7

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is

to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”

Matthew 19:14

As I write these words I am thinking with gratitude on a wonderful week of

young children’s voices raised in praise, song, and learning at Camp Discovery, our Vacation

Bible School offering this year. I am so grateful for the many adult and teen volunteers who

worked to make it such a success. I had hoped early in my tenure that we might have a Vacation

Bible School offering here at the parish, and it was wonderful to see it come into being.

It has been a year of transition as we have begun to know one another; the ten One Body, Many

Menu gatherings we have had in the past year have been a wonderful way to hear from you. We

have another ten scheduled this fall, and I know we will continue to discern as a community

where God might be calling us.

One area that has been consistently raised in our gatherings is ensuring the future of our children

and youth ministries. Having vibrant children, youth, and family programming is essential for

our long term health and growth as a community. As you likely know by now, our Director of

Children and Family Ministry, Gail Jackins, has taken another position at St. Cuthbert’s church in

Houston. We wish her well and thank her for her presence with us during this time of transition.

I want to make sure that I am transparent with the community as we move forward. This

transition gives us an important and exciting opportunity to really assess what our needs are in

the area of children and youth ministry. Prior to knowing of Gail’s departure, I had already asked

Robert Pollom and Elizabeth Raney from the Vestry and Angela Torres-Lopez and Bill Smith

from the Commission on Ministry to form and organize a committee to discern what is working

well and where we might have opportunities for growth in this ministry. They have invited, and

the following people have agreed to also serve with them: Courtney Beauchamp, Josie Dorris,

Renee Faulk, Graham Matthews, Greg Merritt, Patrice Oliver, and Mary Carolyn Watson. Thank

you for your willingness to serve!

This group will convene in July to discuss our next steps. In the meantime I will look for an

Interim Director of Children and Family Ministry to make sure our programs are covered as we

engage in this discernment. I will not be hiring a permanent person for the position until we do

the important work of really discerning what our needs are now and for the future. The work of

the committee will be supported by a consulting firm that specializes in assisting churches in

developing a strategic plan for children’s and youth ministry. The firm is called Ministry

Architects and comes highly recommend by the diocese and clergy who have used them in the

past. There will be listening sessions as part of their work which will ensure we hear from a

broad representation of the parish to make sure we have a ministry that best meets the needs of

our members. I also hope to have them look at our youth programming to make sure our

programming is coordinated. I have spoken to Joseph Causby and Todd Allison, and they are

supportive of this approach.

I am excited by the possibilities that are ahead of us. We have a wonderful community and one

that can form children and youth to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

Peace, Beth+

A Place of Welcome F R O M T H E R E C T O R


2015 Giving Update

Emmet Faulk, | Parish Business Administrator |

Below is an update on giving as of Wednesday, June 25, 2015. At this point, we are below our projections for 2015. If you have not pledged, please consider pledging today. Thank you!


If you have not already pledged, please visit our website at

The Messenger is published

monthly and is available in

magazine format online at

Parish Clergy

The Rev. Beth Knowlton Rector

The Rev. Carol Morehead Associate Rector

Making a Gift of Their Service

The Rev. C. Douglas Earle

Assisting Priest

The Rev. Mary Earle

Assisting Priest

The Rev. Dr. John Lewis

Co-Director, The Work+Shop

The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson

Co-Director, The Work+Shop

The Rev. Linda Ricketts

Assisting Priest


Dina Aboul Saad

Director of Communications,

Stewardship, & Gift Planning

Todd Allison Youth Director

Priscilla Briones

Finance Manager

Janet Carrizales Nursery Director

Joseph Causby, PhD

Organist & Choirmaster

Emmet Faulk

Parish Business Administrator

Erin Hughes

Youth Ministry Assistant Director

Marsha Kimura

Music Department Administrator

Jesse “Chuy” Mendoza

Kitchen Manager/Chef

Ruby Merrill

Facilities Supervisor &


Pat Hutchison Noble

Community of Care

Amanda Quisenberry

Youth Ministry Assistant

Dr. Edwin A. Rieke

Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus

Callie Sanchez

Children & Family Ministry Intern

Derek Shively

Head Sexton

Leah Thomas

Special Events Coordinator

St. Mark’s Episcopal

315 E. Pecan St.

San Antonio, TX 78205

Below is the budgeted financial report for May 2015.


May Financial Report

As of: 6/25/15 2015 Pledge Up Down New NoCH

TOTALS $1,656,148 $183,808 ($31,235) $80,482

# Pledges 352 177 33 37 105

AVERAGE $4,733 $1,038 ($947) $2,175

Median Pledge $2,400 $338 ($500) $1,800


Actual for Period

Budgeted for Period

Pledge Revenue $113,407 $151,667

Non Pledged Giving $23,062 $13,375

Open Plate Giving/Seasonal Giving $2,393 $2,064

Other Revenue (e.g., parking lot) $50,725 $46,123

TOTAL REVENUE: $189,587 $213,229

TOTAL EXPENSES: $185,486 $221,178

REVENUE OVER EXPENSES: $4,101 ($7,949)


O ur summer series continues as we welcome members of the parish who will share with us their favorite

bible stories. Join us on Sundays at 9:00am in Bethlehem Chapel to hear how God has worked through the

written word to lead those with whom we share this community of faith. For more details, see the website or

email Carol at

Sunday Offerings

Bible Stories: How the Word Shapes and Transforms Us

July 19 Gillian Cook - God Intended It for Good': The Story of Joseph - and Us

July 26 Carl Leafstedt - Psalm 95: Let us Make a Joyful Noise. Or, What Goes Through the Mind of a College Music Professor When Singing Hymns at St. Mark's August 2 Don Lucas - Gender, Sex, Marriage, and Power—One Psychologist’s Perspective on Adam and Eve August 9 Jane Patterson - Jacob's Ladder: Meeting God in the Middle of Nowhere August 16 Sylvia Maddox - John 14:2-3: Prayer as Pilgrimage Home August 23 James Dennis - John 21: Three Questions and a Charcoal Fire August 30 Go to Fall Schedule; Ministry Faire at 10:10am

Midweek Offerings will resume in September

Adult Christian Formation The Rev. Carol Morehead | Associate Rector |

St. Mark’s Treasurer—New Appointment

Thank you to Len Briley! Welcome to John McClung!

I am pleased to announce that John McClung has accepted the

invitation to serve as St. Mark’s Treasurer for the coming three

years. John brings to these duties a wealth of skill and commitment

to the people of St. Mark’s. As we prepared to welcome him, we

offer our deepest thanks to Len Briley. Len has faithfully served as

our treasurer for over four years. His grace and commitment have

been exemplary, especially as we have gone through such profound

transitions in recent years. He has left us in a strong position for the

transition and graciously agreed to continue to serve on the finance

committee for the coming year.




Comings & Goings

New Director of Communications, Stewardship, and Gift Planning

We are delighted to announce that we have hired a new staff member at St. Mark’s.

Ms. Dina Aboul-Saad will be joining us part-time as of July 1st and then full time after the first

of the year. Dina comes to us with many gifts and talents that will serve the people of St.

Mark’s in the coming years. She has a degree in journalism and is a certified fundraising

executive. She has a strong background non-profit work including communications, financial

development of endowments, and annual giving campaigns. She comes to us from her work at

the American Research Center in Egypt, where she has been since 2007.

Dina, is well known to us at St. Mark’s. She and her husband Chuck Harvey have been long time members and

their daughter Hannah is a familiar face in our youth choir. Dina has served in many leadership capacities

through the years here. She has been on the vestry, served as senior warden, facilitated the St. Mark’s Science

Initiative, and was a co-chair of the Rector Search Committee. She brings with her a deep love of St. Mark’s and

our core vocation. Her vision and energy will bless us for many years to come.

New Organ Scholar

Robert Stubbs (Bobby), comes to us following a year as the music intern of West End United

Methodist Church, in Nashville, TN. Originally from the Washington, DC area, Bobby studied

at Westminster Choir College as an undergraduate and received a Masters degree in organ

performance from Indiana University in 2014.

Bobby is very excited to join the staff of St. Mark’s, and looks forward to working with all of

our choirs in the coming year. His first day is August 1st.

Farewell to our Director of Children & Families Ministry

It is with mixed emotions we announce the departure of Gail Jackins, who has accepted a new

position at St. Cuthbert’s in Houston. Her last Sunday with us was July 12. Gail has served as

the Director of Children & Family Ministries for nearly two years. We are grateful for all Gail

has done during this time of transition. We wish her well and God’s blessing on her new job.

New Altar Guild Leadership

The St. Mark’s Altar Guild welcomed a new slate of leaders at

their annual luncheon in May. The leaders for 2015-16 are:

Megan McPheron, Chair; Agatha Wade, Co-Chair; Ann Leafstedt,

Treasurer; Sissy Tietz, Baptisms; Dean Glass, Funerals; Jody

Kelly, Weddings; Susan Wilson, Linens; Ann Coiner, Flowers;

Patrice Oliver, Chapel; Deems Smith, EV Kits; and Pat Donegan,

Clergy Vestments. The past leaders were thanked for their

faithful service, especially during the time of transition.



By Pat Bridwell

For those of you unfamiliar with Haven for Hope, it’s a downtown campus located about one mile from

St. Mark’s doorsteps. It provides programs and resources on the cutting edge of nationwide efforts to help

individuals experiencing homelessness recover and reach their full potential to live self-directed lives.

Covering over 22 acres and initially costing $101 million dollars, the campus has the capacity to provide safe

shelter and transformational services to roughly 1500 individuals – the largest transformational campus in the

United States. And it’s done this and more in only five years of operation.

Members of St. Mark’s have supported Haven for Hope since the beginning. This includes projects

coordinated by St. Mark’s and others that were not. Our initial involvement centered on food ministries. We

have teams who prepare delicious, filling main courses in St. Mark’s kitchen for transport to Haven for their

food partners, the San Antonio Food Bank and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, to serve to hundreds of

hungry people. We have teams who help prepare and serve full meals on the Haven main campus and in the

Courtyard on a regular monthly basis. Our Youth and adults prepare the annual Christmas to the Street BBQ

dinner and it is served at Haven by St. Mark’s members on the Saturday before Christmas each year.

St. Mark’s members have led worship services at the Chapel at Haven. We have sponsored Java &

Jams programs to provide music, conversation and refreshments for residents in the Courtyard. Families

moving into permanent housing got a helping hand from St. Mark’s members when we participated in the 70 in

7 project to move seventy families in seven months from Haven into independent housing. And, this doesn’t

include other activities individual members of St. Mark’s are involved in at Haven. We have been living our

core vocation in this setting.

Now, we are expanding the information network to let St. Mark’s members know about lots of other

volunteer opportunities available at Haven. And, perhaps you have an idea about what you’d like to offer to

Haven and want to share it with others. We’re calling it THE ST. MARK’S HAVEN FOR HOPE

VOLUNTEER NETWORK. Our hope is to provide a means for St. Mark’s members and others in our

community to connect with other people and to access information, with the goal of efficiently offering

diverse, satisfying volunteer opportunities that fit with our mission statement and core vocation.

We’re just getting started. We’ll

keep you informed as we move forward and

solicit your ideas and participation. Over the

summer we will be conducting a book

collection drive to provide books to residents

at the main campus and the Courtyard at

Haven. Information will be available in the

E-news and Sunday bulletin about how you

can contribute to the drive. A book fair is

being planned for the Fall at Haven. We

will take the books donated and personally

distribute them on campus. If that is

something you are interested in, please join


For more information:

Please contact Patsy Jordt at (210)827-1949

or; or

Pat Bridwell at; 210 621-8288.



Vestry Discernment Committee Update

The Vestry Discernment Committee has begun its work for the next Vestry election in the fall. Its members have

developed a list of the Vestry Goals & Challenges for 2016, issues that will most likely shape the vestry's agenda

in the coming year. Following the list of challenges is a list of qualities, characteristics, and experiences that are

desirable to see embodied by the new vestry members. These can be found on the St. Mark’s website.

Members of the congregation are invited to contribute names to the list of people that the Discernment Committee

is considering. The Discernment Committee will then take all of the names that have been suggested, and match

them with the qualities and characteristics desired for the incoming vestry class, together with other

considerations such as balancing ages, gender, and areas of parish involvement.

Please keep in mind that any vestry nominee must be:

• At least 18 years old

• A communicant in good standing in the Episcopal Church (baptized,

confirmed, received)

• A pledging member of the parish, working towards tithing

• Regular in attendance and participation

Names may be submitted to any member of the committee: Carl Leafstedt, Suzy Tackett, Tina Kuykeydall,

Don Lucas, Nancy Reed, Anne Connor, The Rev. Carol Morehead, or emailed to


Update on the St. Mark’s Lenten Offerings Task Force The St. Mark’s Lenten Offerings Task Force was charged by the Vestry to “discern a new direction for a Lenten

Offering that builds on the traditions of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and is in keeping with our Mission

Statement and Core Vocation.” Under the guidance of Rev. Mary Earle, Lewis Fisher, and Rev. Dr. John Lewis,

we have had study sessions on What Is Lent?, a brief church history, examining St. Mark’s role and perception in

the community, and discernment and consensus. We have studied our Parish Profile carefully. Using our Mission

Statement and Core Vocation as guideposts, we identified and are focusing on the ways St. Mark’s embodies

Christ’s presence in our community.

Over the summer, we have been in “investigative mode”. Working in teams, the Task Force members are

contacting Episcopal churches within our Diocese and across the United States as well as churches of other

denomination in our city to learn what others are offering. This information will be reviewed as our group meets

again at the end of August.

While we are not working with a definite deadline, we are hoping to come to some recommendations beginning

this fall and will make an up-to-date report at the Parish Meeting in November. If you have any questions or

suggestions, please contact one of us. The members of the Task Force include: John Beauchamp, Dawna

Boudreaux, Stephen Cavender, Laurin Cothren, Darin Digby, Mike Kuykendall, Katie McDonough Brandon

Raney, David Ribble, Anne Rochelle, Suzy Tackett, Robin Voight, Susan Waltrip, the Rev. Mary Earle, who

serves as Chaplain, and Pat Bridwell and Martha Steves, who serve as Co-Facilitators. We ask that you keep the

work of this group in your prayers.


Report on Marriage Resolutions from General Convention

Among the many resolutions and items for consideration at last month’s General convention, there were two resolutions

that passed related to marriage in the Episcopal Church. The two resolutions dealing with marriage are entitled A054 and

A036. A fuller description of the resolutions and the trial liturgies can be found on our website which includes a letter

from Bishop Lillibridge. As a result of the actions of General Convention, liturgies for marriage of same gendered

couples have been approved for trial use as of Advent of 2015 in the Episcopal Church. How this is to be enacted in

individual diocese is still to be developed.

There are interpretive questions to be determined as to how this resolution is carried out, what discretion each Bishop has

in the process in each diocese, and what the full ramifications will be. Our delegation from West Texas and our Bishops

voted as they felt called to do so, and they were not of a single mind on the issue. I suspect they very much reflect the

spectrum of opinion that exists in the diocese and in our parish.

In terms of next steps for St. Mark’s I expect the passage of these resolutions will change the current process that was

laid out by the Bishop in April. That process granted permission to three parishes and only three parishes to use the trial

rites in the diocese in the coming year. None of us know the next steps in our diocese, and I am grateful for the Bishop’s

leadership and clarity. I have no doubt that he will be in contact in the coming weeks about what the Diocese of West

Texas can expect.

There will be a desire by some in our parish to explore usage of these liturgies that have received approval and I have

already had conversations with people expressing that desire. There are also those who are not exactly sure how they feel

and what might be the impact on our common life. There are those who are concerned about moving forward. Wherever

you may find yourself, please know that I am available and willing to hear from you. I am happy to answer questions

and hear your thoughts. We will also engage in an intentional community process once we hear from the Bishop.

I will in the coming weeks discern with the leadership of our vestry, clergy, and all of you how to best commence a

conversation at St. Mark's. We have yet to do this in an intentional way, and it will be a vital step as we move forward.

As faithful Christians, I am asking you to do what you already do so well, which is to be a presence of calm steady love

that is only possible through the love we have received from Jesus Christ. We are in a strong and positive place as a

parish, and we have a tradition of respecting and supporting one another in Christ-like love. Patience will be important

as we await guidance and have a chance to discern how to best proceed in our community. It will be important for us to

do this with care and deliberation. I have every confidence that we will do this with faith and grace. As always, I am

grateful for this calling to be amongst you as priest and companion as we answer God's calling.




The 78th General convention of the Episcopal Church was held in Salt Lake City, Utah on June 25 -

July 3. The General Convention, which meets every three years and is the governing body of The

Episcopal Church, is a bicameral legislature that includes the House of Bishops, with approximately

200 members; and the House of Deputies, with more than 800 lay and clergy members from 109

dioceses and missionary jurisdictions. During its triennial meeting, deputies and bishops consider a

wide range of important matters facing the Church. Actions of the 2015 General Convention

included the election and confirmation of the 27th Presiding Bishop; the report of The Episcopal

Church Task Force on the Study of Marriage which was commissioned by

the 2012 General Convention; consideration of proposed changes in the

Episcopal Church's structure; and the review and approval of the church’s triennial budget.

The Rt. Rev. Michael Bruce Curry was elected and confirmed as the 27th Presiding Bishop. The

House of Bishops elected Curry, presently Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, from a slate of

four candidates on the first ballot. The House of Deputies then confirmed the election by a vote of

800 to 12. Curry will be installed Nov. 1 at the Washington National Cathedral, the day The Most

Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, the current Presiding Bishop, completes her nine-year term.




Todd Allison, Youth Director | Erin Hughes, Assistant Youth Director | AmandaQuisenberry, Ministry Assist. |

HAPPENING 131 August 7-9, 2015,

St. Mark’s, San Antonio

Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high school

students in grades 10 through 12. The diocese sponsors three

weekends each year in various locations. For more

information, contact Todd Allison or Erin Hughes, or visit

‘My Faith, My Life’ - 8th Grade Formation Offering

‘My Faith, My Life’ will be a study for all 8th grade youth

beginning in September running through April and will also

serve as our Youth Confirmation class. Participants will meet

on Sunday mornings during the formation hour as well as

participate in a number of offsite outreach activities during

the class. Full schedule and class details are still being put

together but if you have any questions or want to be on the

email list for the class please contact Todd Allison at

Youth Ministry Program News!!!

Beginning this fall all rising 6th graders will join the youth

program on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. If you

are not already on our email list please contact Todd, Erin

and Amanda at so we can include you

in news and schedules as the fall approaches.

Youth Night Out! August 19th

Save the date for a Youth Night Out, August 19th. Details to


Acolyte Meeting/Training – August 23rd

All current acolytes and anyone wishing to begin to acolyte

(those entering 6th grade) at St. Mark’s are asked to attend a

meeting/training on Sunday, August 23rd at 8:30am. To be

included in the acolyte communications please email Todd

Allison at and include your child’s

name, grade, parent and child email, and a phone number.

More information on the meeting will be sent in August.

Leadership Weekend 2015 - September 11-13, Camp Eagle

High School Juniors and Seniors mark your calendars for the

Leadership Weekend September 11-13 at Camp Eagle. We

will spend the weekend working on team building, small

group discussions, and preparing you with tools necessary to

serve in a leadership role in the youth program, parish, and

community. Details on the weekend will be available I the

coming weeks.

Called to Serve: Summer Outreach Weekend 2015

Each year, the youth of St. Mark’s welcome the end of the school

year by giving back to our local community as part of the annual

Summer Outreach Weekend.

Friday youth met at St. Mark’s for a quick orientation before

loading up for the first project of the weekend. Originally scheduled to

assist at the Good Samaritan Center, the devastating floods in the hill

country shifted our focus and we headed to Wimberley to assist with

relief. The group spent the day sorting and organizing donations, and

handing them out to people who came in needing assistance or looking

to replace even the most basic of needs. We returned to San Antonio

and the next outreach opportunity. Thanks to the help of the St. Mark’s

kitchen staff, youth loaded up pasta, salad, and bread to serve dinner to

those in need in partnership with the Taking it to the Streets Ministry.

In an empty lot near 9th Street, youth and other volunteers set up

tables, made sandwiches, plated food, poured drinks, picked up trash,

and served over 250 of our neighbors in need. After a long day of

service, the youth returned to the church building where everyone

shared their service experiences. Conversations were about what the

youth saw, experienced, and helped with throughout the day.

Saturday morning we went to work with San Antonio Pets Alive near

the San Antonio Zoo. Youth were given a tour of the facility before it

opened and educated on the roll of San Antonio Pets Alive. Under the

close eye of staff, 30 dogs enjoyed their mile and a half stroll in

Brackenridge Park before returning to the center. These walks are part

of the process of socialization, getting dogs ready for their adoptive

families. As is the tradition of Summer Outreach Weekend, hard work

comes with a fun reward as the group headed for an afternoon at Six

Flags before returning to St. Mark’s.

It isn’t often that a young person is willing to spend the first day of

their summer vacation volunteering. But at St. Mark’s, we had 30 of

these amazing young people. They gave their time and energy to

complete three service projects in our community. These youth enjoy

the opportunity to serve and to allow God to work through them to

serve others. It is fitting that the diocesan theme for the year is Called

to Serve; and the St. Mark’s Youth Group answered that call!


Called to Serve:

Loving God and Our Neighbors


2015 VBS at St. Mark’s

The Bible theme for our wonderful

week at Camp Discovery was “We love

because God first loved us.” We are

grateful for a GREAT week at

VBS! We want to thank everyone who

gave of their time, talents, faith, and

love to make this week a

success. We’ve listed all the adults and

teens who helped out at VBS (we

apologize if we’ve forgotten anyone)

and also appreciate everyone who

prayed for our week. Special thanks to

the staff at St. Mark’s, especially the

sextons and kitchen staff.

Linda Addington Micaela Mangan

Taylor Allison Katie McDonough

Jonathan Check Liam Morehead

Guy Chipman Elizabeth Raney

Lilly Chipman Kristin Roach

Denise Dahm Callie Sanchez

Derrick Dodge Jacob Schenk

Craig Donegan Neel Scott

Pat Donegan Sara Sherwood

Rachel Doyle Martha Steves

Renee Faulk Julie Van Zandt

Mary Lew Finster Caroline Vassar

Magda Hamza Dell Villa

Kathy Kelly Robin Voight

Matthew Knowlton Bailey Voight

Kathy Lawrence Mary Carolyn

Hannah Mangan Watson


Mrs. Shea Pollom

Photos by Liam Morehead


| Children & Family Ministry |

Summer Sunday mornings

Once again this summer, we will combine all Sunday School classes from 1st to 6th grade on the 2nd floor. Our regular

children’s formation ministers will be on summer break. Miss Callie and adult volunteers will keep the program going for the

summer, but they will need an occasional substitute. Please email if you’re available to occasionally

be a substitute – we always have two adults in any room with children. This summer’s class will coordinate with the Bible

lessons that we hear in church on that Sunday. We will continue Children’s Chapel during the 10:00 service during the summer.


Joseph Causby, PhD | Organist & Choirmaster |


On June 29, seven girls (grades 5-12) from our choirs, arrived in Houston, Texas for the week-long Gulf Coast Royal School of

Church Music Camp. The Gulf Coast course is one of several summer camps, located all over the country, that offer intensive

musical experiences for children and youth.

The Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) was founded on December 6, 1927 (the Feast of St. Nicolas), by Sir Sydney

Nicholson, Organist and Master of the Choristers of Westminster Abbey. Over the decades, the RSCM has fostered a sense of

excellence and tradition within the Anglican Communion, and we at St. Mark’s enjoy membership in this well-respected


Our choristers joined with other young singers from all over the world to prepare services of Choral Evensong and a sung

Eucharist- presented in different churches and venues around Houston. In addition to the treble voices, a group of professional

adult altos, tenors, and basses joined the ranks to create a full English cathedral choir ensemble.

Beth and I enjoyed hearing our girls sing at the Wednesday Evensong, offered in the organ recital hall of the Shepherd School of

Music (Rice University). Additionally, Kathy Kelly, from our music staff, spent the week observing and assisting the course

manager, Anna Teagarden. Here are a few thoughts, shared by our Choristers:

Catherine Diel: RSCM was very fun. I made lots of new friends and learned a lot about the music. It's a really good program.

Natalie Dorn: After my week at RSCM, I not only came back with a better understanding of music but with several amazing

new friendships. I hope to return next year to see my friends again and continue to make more beautiful music with them.

Samira Maus: It was really fun and it inspired me to sing even more!

Olivia Briley: RSCM challenged me as a singer as well as a leader. It was a great experience to be able to sing in beautiful

churches with new friends who love music as much as I do. After a week of hard work, I feel that I've grown as a musician.


The Messenger (USPS 514-020)

Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH

315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426

Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to

THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205

Rector/Editor-in-Chief: The Rev. Beth Knowlton Layout & Graphic Design: Emmet Faulk e-mail articles

Article deadline is 3rd Friday of each month

Save the Date

August 23 Celebration for Joseph Causby, PhD

Following the 10:00am service

August 26 Café Kairos Returns

August 30 Return to Fall Service Schedule