The Meaning of Christmas Thought Questions Thought Questions A Children’s Picture Book A...

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Transcript of The Meaning of Christmas Thought Questions Thought Questions A Children’s Picture Book A...

The Meaning of Christmas

Thought QuestionsA Children’s Picture BookA Christmas storyA Poem for SantaChristmas KarakokeChristmas at St. Paul’sSending Your e-pals Xmas Cards Key words References

Thought Questions

What does it mean by Christmas? What is the date of Christmas every day? What do Christians usually do at Christmas? What do you do at Christmas?

Children’s Picture Book Numbers by Thumper & Haley--1Numbers by Thumper & Haley--1

There is a [1] named Thumper. Thumper and Haley are learning to count. Will you help them count the pictures?

How many Santa's [2] do you see?

Numbers by Thumper & Haley--2

How many candy canes do you see?

Do you see two or three gingerbread men?

Numbers by Thumper & Haley--3

Can you count the deer?

What is this?

Numbers by Thumper & Haley--4

How many snowflakes are there?

What is this? How many do you have in your house?

Key Words

Dog Santa Candy cane Gingerbread man Deer Snowman Snowflake Christmas tree

A Christmas Story Christmas Angels (1)

by P.Z. Mann

The Whittles lived in Humbleburg as poor as poor can be. But all their neighbors loved them, for their generosity.

For though the Whittles' shelves were bare, their cottage tumbledown,When Christmas came they made a toy, for every child in town.

Christmas Angels (2)

One Christmas Eve they climbed in bed after all the toys were made; and while they dreamed of better times,The Whittles were repaid.

That night three Christmas angels came, to give them a reward --For heaven won't let any act of kindness be ignored.

Christmas Angels (3)

One angel searched the cupboard and found just a crust of bread; "Now, this won't do", she whispered, "Let's prepare a feast instead!"

The angels flapped their magic wings, as only they are able, and in a flash a flood of foodFilled all the shelves and table!

Christmas Angels (4)

And as the angels waved their wings, Christmas tree appeared!

Two angels trimmed the pretty tree. The third flew to and fro. Hanging bells and holly boughs,and sprigs of mistletoe.

Christmas Angels (5)

Outside, the angels dressed the house with icicles and snow. And on the door they placed a wreath, complete with a bright red bow!

They finished all they came to do, before the break of day. And as the Whittles roused from sleep, the angels flew away.

Christmas Angels (6)

Now, when the Whittles saw the food and all the decoration,They pinched themselves and wept for joy. Then danced in celebration!As word spread through the village of their heaven-sent surprise. Every Humbleburger came to see with their own two eyes!

Christmas Angels (7)

The Whittles shared their Christmas feast. They emptied all the shelves. Their kindness wouldn't let them keep good fortune to themselves.

When everyone had cleaned their plate, they all joined in a song and up above-though no one heard--The angels sang along!

Christmas Karakoke

We Wish You a Merry Christmas Silent Night Joy To The World Jingle Bells Up on the Housetop Winter Wonderland

A Poem for Santa (1)

Santa, dear Santa, you worry (擔心 ) us so.I feel I must tell you some things you should know.That belly (肚子 ) of yours just gets bigger each year.We think it reveals too much holiday cheer (乾杯 ).

We‘ve started a fan club (俱樂部 ), there’s three of us here.There‘s me and an elf (小精靈 ) and a faithful reindeer(麋鹿 ).You are our hero ( 英雄 ), you’ve touched (感動 ) us somehow.You‘re all that we have to believe ( 相信 ) in right now.

A Poem for Santa (2)

You check us all out to see if we‘re naughty(頑皮 ).Is that glows on your nose from an extra hot toddy 甜酒 ?While we love to hear all your ho ho ho ho-ing,The list of fat stories they tell just keeps growing.

Is it true that last Christmas you suffered from gout 痛風 ,And those snazzy red trousers you wear were let out?One strange vicious rumor, it‘s a false one we hope:Has you dropping gifts down the chimneys 煙囪 by rope.

While all of your ho hos we know very well,Your ding dongs, we fear, don‘t come from a bell.They say, as your reindeer streak 飛跑 through the sky,You drink cherry cokes with your raspberry pie.

A Poem for Santa (3)

The aerobics instructors 有氧舞蹈 are all sure to say,“You ought to work out, maybe jog with the sleigh.”Perhaps strong exertion費力 is too much for you.But you really should try just a sit up 伏地挺胸 or two.

So shed 減掉 a few pounds, Santa, what do you say?We all want you back to enjoy Christmas day.Season's greetings from me, one reindeer, one elf.Merry Christmas to you, please take care of yourself.

Grandpa Tucker

Activities--Christmas at St. Paul’s High School

As St. Paul’s is a Catholic High School, students and their teachers all help to decorate it green and red each year. Now shortly describe how we celebrate for this religious holiday at school with pictures. Think for a moment for the following questions before writing your article.– How do you feel about Christmas?– When do we start to celebrate for Christmas?– What is the weather like in Kaohsiung at Christmas?– What do we always do for Christmas?

Christmas at St. Paul’s High School

sing Christmas carols have a mass for Christmas Christmas carol contest

It’s time to sending your e-pals Xmas Cards

Design your e-cards Send the personalized e-cards to classmates,

teachers, family, and friends Right Now!!

Key Words Christmas carol (聖誕曲 ) Christmas tree Christmas cards Christmas stories Christmas carol contest Catholic (天主教 ) Cardinal bishop (樞機主教 )

Jesus Christ (耶穌基督 ) Santa (聖誕老人 ) Gift (禮物 )

gather together 團圓 decorate~with~裝飾 go to church 作禮拜 celebrate 慶祝 go window shopping 逛街 take care of yourself 保重 wait for 等待 have a party 開派對 be born 出生 wish you all the best 祝福 Merry Christmas 聖誕快樂

References Heartwarming Christmas Stories and Poems :

offering traditional and not as well know poems. Xmas Karakoke:

Grandpa Tucker's Christmas Stories, Poems and Songs