The MB Partnership for the Prevention of Early Childhood ... · A private practice dentist in...

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Transcript of The MB Partnership for the Prevention of Early Childhood ... · A private practice dentist in...

The MB Partnership for the Prevention of Early Childhood Tooth Decay

April-June 2015

John Buhler Research Centre 501B-715 McDermot Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P4 Tel: (204) 789-3500 Fax: (204) 977-5691

Submitted by:

Daniella DeMaré

(HSHC Coordinator)

Date Submitted:

August 13, 2015


The MB Partnership for the Prevention of Early Childhood Tooth Decay


Northern Regional Health Authority

The Public Health Dietitian in Thompson presented at a daycare in June to nineteen children aged 2-5. The importance of brushing teeth was discussed as well as the proper way of brushing using a dinosaur puppet. The Little Critter’s book “Just Going to the Dentist” was also read to the children. The children seemed very excited about the presentation. For a presentation at a Babies Best Start group in Thompson, the Public Health Dietitian combined the newly distributed newcomers resource with some of the “Healthy Smile, Happy Child” flip chart pages and the HSHC True/False dental quiz. This was presented to approximately 15 prenatal and postnatal moms. This modified presentation will be used in some of the remote communities that are serviced by the Healthy Baby Outreach Worker. Since viewing the latest Healthy Smile Happy Child telehealth presentation, the Public Health Dietitian updated the services list provided by dentists in the Northern Health Region to match the information that was shared during the telehealth presentation.

Southern Health—Santé Sud

The region continues to provide oral health information at Preschool Wellness Fairs and through Families First and Healthy Baby programs. The region also continues to advertise and encourage staff to attend the HSHC telehealth sessions. Copies of the HSHC resource, “Caring for Children’s Teeth” were distributed to public health programs and staff as well as shared with appropriate community organizations. For Oral Health month a fun quiz testing oral health knowledge was sent out to RHA staff in Public Health-Healthy Living and Primary Health Care with prizes being awarded for participation. The quiz was a fun knowledge assessment for staff on a variety of oral health topics. Dr. Schroth and Dr. Hai-Santiago, along with a Healthy Smile Happy Child STEP student and two dental students attended the Preschool Screening Fair in Carman in early June. Nearly fifty preschool children were screened and received fluoride varnish applications. Oral health information was provided to parents.


Prairie Mountain Health

The article written by HSHC to promote Oral Health Month was published in a local newspaper in the month of April. On May 31st, PMH hosted the annual Dudley’s Ambulatory Surgical Hospital (DASH) Tent where children of all ages bring their favourite stuffed animal to a hospital-like setting for treatment and care. The Health Promotion Coordinator organized a dental health promotion table and included HSHC resources. Brightside Dental provided volunteers and toothbrushes for the event. Over 1000 children attended. On June 10th, the Health Promotion Coordinator and Community Nutritionist/RD presented to a grade 7/8 class at George Fitton School. Healthy snacks, limiting added sugars, and dental health were discussed. On June 23rd, the Health Promotion Specialist and Education Specialist presented to a group of offenders at Brandon Correctional Centre. A wide variety of healthy living topics were discussed, including dental health. Vanessa Hamilton is working on a request from the PMH Primary Care Mobile Bus for dental health promotion resources. Vanessa will make a dental health promotion kit for the mobile bus. The Health Promotion Specialist is working with the Resource Nurse in Public Health (Brandon) to provide HSHC dental health resources to parents/clients. The Public Health Nurse requested copies of HSHC’s resource, “Caring for Children’s Teeth.” The Health Promotion Specialist requested feedback from HSHC regarding an activity that was being used in a Healthy Baby program to demonstrate how baby’s tongue isn’t developed to clean over the teeth. The Health Promotion Specialist requested HSHC magnets to be given to clients at Families First and Healthy Baby programs.


Interlake—Eastern Regional Health Authority

The Wellness Facilitator attended 3 preschool wellness clinics and saw a total of 137 children this spring. Dr. Robert Schroth’s article was shared by HSHC and was then published in the April Wellness e-newsletter. The Wellness e-newsletter is distributed to 2084 recipients. The newsletter was also posted on the RHA website at the following link: Plans are to run another article next April. An oral health session was held for pre & postnatal moms at Wings of Power Family Resource Centre in Pine Falls with a total of seven participants. Two oral health presentations conducted in French were held for Kindergarten students. One was presented, to nine students, in the Division Scolaire Franco-Manitobaine (Franco-Manitoban School Division) and one, to twelve students, in the immersion class in Sunrise School Division. Telehealth sessions continue to be promoted to staff and community. The new “Caring for Children’s Teeth” resource was shared with parent-child centres and Wellness Facilitators in the region.

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

In Churchill, Shawna Cowley, the Public Health Nurse continually shares HSHC resources in the community and presents at Healthy Baby groups. HSHC resources are used and displayed at various community locations. Community members can pick up pamphlets at different locations and resources are also shared in Healthy Baby sessions as well as Well Child clinics. Pamphlets are placed in the community for taking. A display was set up with HSHC resources at the health centre. The Families First home visitor with Access River East requested copies of the HSHC poster series to use with families.


Other Provinces/North America

A graphic designer from Haliburton, Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit in Ontario requested information on the photos used in the HSHC “Lift the Lip” resource. A private practice dentist in Regina, Saskatchewan requested HSHC resources that discuss taking child to dentist at 1 year of age.

Provincial HSHC Partnership Activities

HSHC started the quarter presenting to Healthy Baby groups using the “You and Your Baby: Dental Health Kit:” April 1: Families Connecting at Mayfair Recreation Centre, Winnipeg April 7: Prenatal moms at Iqaluit at the Kivalliq Inuit Centre, Winnipeg May 15: Women’s Health Clinic’s Elmwood Healthy Baby group, Winnipeg Beginning April 15th, The River East Transcona School Division, in Winnipeg, held five Preschool Growing and Learning conferences. Children registered for kindergarten for the 2015/16 school year attended the conferences with their families. Each conference site included students from five different schools in the division, with approximately 450 students and their families participating. HSHC participated by having a booth in the “Healthy Communities” area of the event. Children and their families were engaged using the “Wheel of Smiles,” the “Nutrition and Teeth” game and the toothbrushing puppets. The HSHC team discussed fluoride toothpaste recommendations with parents. Many parents did not know the amounts of fluoride toothpaste they should use on their children’s toothbrushes. The following are the dates and locations of the conferences in Winnipeg:

April 15: Bernie Wolfe School April 22: Princess Margaret School

April 29: Harold Hatcher School May 6: Sun Valley School

May 14: John de Graff School

STEP students at Preschool Growing and Learning Conference 


Provincial HSHC Partnership Activities continued

HSHC has had much contact with the Mosaic Newcomer Family Resource Network, presenting to three Mosaic newcomer classes (one at the River Heights location and two at the Carlton location in Winnipeg). Presentations were conducted using the pictorial PowerPoint presentation on oral health for newcomer children developed by HSHC. The participants had many good questions regarding oral health and their children and are interested in participating in the research exploring the oral health of newcomer children. On May 26th the students at the Bethel location brought their children to participate in the oral health screening. Fifteen children were screened as part of two summer students’ research projects. On April 18th HSHC participated in the 113th Annual Manitoba Dental Association (MDA) Meeting held in Brandon. Many dental professionals stopped by the HSHC booth and commented on the need for oral health promotion for young children. Most of the people were from rural areas and were very interested in HSHC resources. Most recognized the HSHC 4-poster series and not only took the HSHC resources available, but also signed up to receive the newcomer resource that, at the time, was not yet completed. In order to engage conference participants, HSHC had a putting contest. Everyone who participated in the putting contest was entered in a draw for a chance to win gift cards. 109 people entered the contest with four winners being drawn. The HSHC booth was featured in the MDA summer bulletin with a photo on page 23:

Dr. Khalida Hai‐San ago bravely aims to get a hole‐in‐one at the MDA mee ng 


Provincial HSHC Partnership Activities continued

On April 27th, Dr. Bob Schroth and the HSHC coordinator, Daniella DeMaré, conducted a webinar for First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba’s PEKE—Pathways Partner for Engagement and Knowledge Exchange. The session was hosted by Saint Elizabeth First Nation, Inuit, and Métis Program in Wabauskang, Ontario. The webinar was entitled “The Healthy Smile Happy Child program for the Prevention of Early Childhood Caries.” 110 individuals registered for the webinar, which is the largest participation the series has had yet. Registrants were from across Canada, including the far north. HSHC is tentatively planning to do a follow-up webinar on early childhood oral health later this year.

On May 31st, HSHC participated at the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba’s (CHRIM) tent at the Teddy Bear’s Picnic at Assiniboine Park. 1500 participants visited the CHRIM tent and took part in the HSHC activities, which included “Eggsperiment” and the “Sugar Cube Game”. Children also enjoyed helping the HSHC puppets brush their teeth.

HSHC at Teddy Bear Picnic 


Provincial HSHC Partnership Activities continued

The Manitoba Dental Association’s (MDA) “Tooth Fairy Saturday” at the Winnipeg Children’s Festival took place on June 6th. HSHC participated with the initiative’s “Wheel of Smiles”, a Facebook contest, and the HSHC tooth fairy interacting with the children. “Tooth Fairy Saturday” was featured in the MDA summer bulletin with photos of the HSHC team (see cover and page 15)


Provincial HSHC Partnership Activities continued

Through the month of June, HSHC team members participated in four oral health screenings for the research on oral health in newcomer children at Healthy Start for Mom & Me. HSHC also met with program staff and presented them with copies of the HSHC’s newcomer resource, “Caring for Children’s Teeth”. “Caring for Children’s Teeth” ( an educational pictorial resource for newcomer families – refugees and immigrants) was completed in April with 2000 copies of the resource being printed in the form of an 8.5x11 coil bound flip chart. Distribution of the resource to organizations working with newcomers (Settlement agencies, public health offices, health centres, dental offices and school divisions with settlement services) is well underway.

The MDA will be sending an announcement to all members, regarding the newcomer resource, via their listserv. As well, the MDA will be putting information into the Fall edition of the MDA Bulletin. A survey will be sent to all who request the resource in order to evaluate its use. Copies of the resource were provided to pediatric dentists in Manitoba and community dental clinics, including Access Downtown, SMILE plus, and Mount Carmel Clinic. On June 9th the HSHC coordinator presented on the Healthy Smile Happy Child project at the “All Staff” meeting for Access Nor’West. Approximately 30 staff members attended the meeting and four of them contacted us later requesting resources, indicating that they were not previously aware of them.



Provincial HSHC Partnership Activities continued

The 12th HSHC Telehealth presentation series entitled “Challenges and Strategies with Oral Health Promotion in Young Children”, took place on June 16th. The presentation was conducted by Jena Froese, a HSHC Step student, the HSHC coordinator and Dr. Robert Schroth. Thirteen sites with a total of 42 participants attended. Two First Nations communities, Opaskwayak and Sandy Bay, were also in attendance. Participants enjoyed hearing about the current toothpaste recommendation for children less than 3 years of age, information on fluoride toothpaste and water fluoridation. Attendees also liked the visuals used for bedtime bottle weaning strategies and felt they would be very useful when counselling clients On June 24th – HSHC team members participated at Teddy Bear's Picnic in

Neepawa. HSHC shared the link to Manitoba Poverty Tool with all members of the

Intersectoral Dental Health Promotion Group. A dental hygiene student requested a copy of each of the HSHC resources to

be used for a school project. A Winnipeg Health Education consultant requested resources to support

teachers with dental health education (proper brushing and maintaining good oral health).

Healthy Start for Mom & Me requested copies of HSHC’s “Think about your Baby’s Teeth” poster.

A recent graduate from dentistry requested the use of one of the HSHC puppets and games to be used in a classroom presentation at a Winnipeg school.

The program consultant for Public Health Agency of Canada, Manitoba and Saskatchewan Region requested 60 copies of “Caring for Children’s teeth” newcomer’s resource.

The regional program consultant for Public Health Agency of Canada, Manitoba and Saskatchewan Region, responsible for the management of the Prevention and Promotion Contribution Fund in Manitoba and for the Canadian Diabetes Strategy, requested 60 copies of “Caring for Children’s teeth” newcomers resource.


STEP Student Contributions

Two of the HSHC STEP students have recently graduated and moved. Alyssa Malenki was hired in early May as a new STEP student and, together with the STEP student hired last summer, will be working with HSHC.

STEP students have helped to draft a 1 page summary on Pediatric Dental Surgery stats in Manitoba. For HSHC’s booth at the MDA annual meeting, students constructed a putting game backdrop in the shape of a mouth for interested participants to putt golf balls into. The mouth was made with poster board and a cut made at the bottom to simulate the golf ball going into the mouth after putting.

Attended MDA annual meeting in Brandon. Attended three schools as part of the Preschool Growing and Learning

conference (Bernie Wolfe, Princess Margaret, and Harold Hatcher). Attended the HSHC program for the Prevention of Early Childhood Caries

webinar. Helped finish the HSHC banner on Vista Print (horizontal banner). Began to work on vertical HSHC banner on Vista Print. Endowment Fund

dollars are being used for the banners. Completed a folder with information on all HSHC games (includes pictures of

games, how to play them and how to make them). Created a PowerPoint presentation breaking down each section of the research

study consent form. This has been used, and will be used to help recruit participants where English is the second language.

Started a literature review for the next Telehealth presentation: Challenges and Strategies in Oral Health Promotion for Young Children.

Completed the newsletter insert for the upcoming Telehealth presentation: Challenges and Strategies in Oral Health Promotion for Young Children.

Delivered three Newcomer presentations introducing the dental team to classrooms at Mosaic.

Delivered a presentation to Wolseley Family Place. Attended the Preschool Growing and Learning conference at Sun Valley School

and John De Graff School. Designed more “smiles” for our “Wheel of Smiles” game done with preschool

children at events. Created new labels for our “Sugar Cube Guessing Game.” Began to create a new “Tooth Jeopardy” game to use at events Designed an advertisement to be considered for an MDA newsletter to include

information on ordering copies of the newcomer resource.


STEP Student Contributions continued

Created a distribution list of targeted facilities to send the newcomer resource out to including settlement agencies, dental and medical clinics, as well as community and public health offices.

Attended a healthy baby presentation in Elmwood. Attended Teddy Bear’s picnic at Assiniboine Park on May 31st

Attended the “Reducing ECC: Approaches in Medicaid” webinar hosted by the “Oral Health Initiative” made up of dental professionals across the USA.

Attended Tooth Fairy Saturday at the Forks on June 6th.

Alyssa attended the Carman Wellness Fair with Drs. Schroth, Hai-Santiago and 2 dental students.

Created a newsletter for the next Telehealth session in September. Began to create a report on the rates of pediatric dental surgery. Completed the Telehealth PowerPoint on Challenges and Strategies in Oral

Health Promotion for Young Children. Jena helped present the Telehealth PowerPoint to 15 sites Manitoba wide. Continued to keep Facebook and Twitter pages up to date. Sent out copies of Newcomer resource to Access Downtown, SMILE plus,

Mount Carmel Clinic, Children’s Hospital Dental Clinic, and many others. Helped recruit study participants at newcomer preschool children’s screenings

at Healthy Start for Mom and Me. Restocked HSHC resources at Access Downtown, Access River East, and

Access Transcona.

Manuscripts published or accepted for publication in this quarter: Published: Schroth RJ, Boparai G, Boparai M, Zhang L, Svitlica M, Jacob L, Stein L, Lekic C on behalf of the Manitoba Dental Association. Tracking Early Visits to the Dentist: a look at the first 3 years of the Manitoba Dental Association’s Free First Visit Program. J Can Dent Assoc. 2015;81:f8.



Southern Health—Santé Sud


Accepted for publication: Schroth RJ, Quinonez R, Yaffe AB, Bertone MF, Hardwick FK, Harrison RL. What are Canadian dental professional students taught about Infant, Toddler, and Prenatal Oral Health? J Can Dent Assoc.

Schroth RJ, Guenther K, Ndayisenga S, Marchessault G, Prowse S, Hai-Santiago K, Edwards JM, Moffatt ME, Manitoba Dental Association. Dentists’ Perspectives on the Manitoba Dental Association’s Free First Visit Program. J Can Dent Assoc. Manuscripts submitted/revised and under consideration for publication in this quarter: Schroth RJ, Edwards JM, Brothwell DJ, Yakiwchuk CA, Bertone MF, Mellon B, Ward J, Ellis M, Hai-Santiago K, Lawrence HP, Moffatt ME. Evaluating the impact of a community-developed collaborative project for the prevention of early childhood caries: the Healthy Smile Happy Child project. Rural Remote Health. Schroth RJ, Ndayisenga S, Guenther K, Marchessault G, Prowse S, Hai-Santiago K, Edwards JM, Moffatt ME, and the Manitoba Dental Association. Parents’ Perspectives on the Manitoba Dental Association’s Free First Visit Program. J Public Health Dent. Schroth RJ, Rabbani R, Loewen G, Moffatt ME. Vitamin D and dental caries in Canadian children. J Dental Research.

Schroth RJ, Quinonez C, Shwart L, Wagar B. Treating early childhood caries under general anesthesia: a national review of Canadian data. J Can Dent Assoc.

Manuscripts published or accepted for publication in this quarter: Published: Schroth RJ, Boparai G, Boparai M, Zhang L, Svitlica M, Jacob L, Stein L, Lekic C on behalf of the Manitoba Dental Association. Tracking Early Visits to the Dentist: a look at the first 3 years of the Manitoba Dental Association’s Free First Visit Program. J Can Dent Assoc. 2015;81:f8.


Feedback/Evaluation/Research continued

Accepted for publication: Schroth RJ, Quinonez R, Yaffe AB, Bertone MF, Hardwick FK, Harrison RL. What are Canadian dental professional students taught about Infant, Toddler, and Prenatal Oral Health? J Can Dent Assoc.

Schroth RJ, Guenther K, Ndayisenga S, Marchessault G, Prowse S, Hai-Santiago K, Edwards JM, Moffatt ME, Manitoba Dental Association. Dentists’ Perspectives on the Manitoba Dental Association’s Free First Visit Program. J Can Dent Assoc. Manuscripts submitted/revised and under consideration for publication in this quarter: Schroth RJ, Edwards JM, Brothwell DJ, Yakiwchuk CA, Bertone MF, Mellon B, Ward J, Ellis M, Hai-Santiago K, Lawrence HP, Moffatt ME. Evaluating the impact of a community-developed collaborative project for the prevention of early childhood caries: the Healthy Smile Happy Child project. Rural Remote Health. Schroth RJ, Ndayisenga S, Guenther K, Marchessault G, Prowse S, Hai-Santiago K, Edwards JM, Moffatt ME, and the Manitoba Dental Association. Parents’ Perspectives on the Manitoba Dental Association’s Free First Visit Program. J Public Health Dent. Schroth RJ, Rabbani R, Loewen G, Moffatt ME. Vitamin D and dental caries in Canadian children. J Dental Research.

Schroth RJ, Quinonez C, Shwart L, Wagar B. Treating early childhood caries under general anesthesia: a national review of Canadian data. J Can Dent Assoc.

Grant Received: Does early childhood nutritional status and well-being improve for children with severe Early Childhood Caries following rehabilitative dental surgery? Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba. $40,000 (2015-2017 R Schroth (Principal Investigator); C Daymont, ME Moffatt, C Rodd (Co-investigators) Newspaper articles:

Schroth RJ. Proper dental care begins before teeth arrive. Visit dentist before child's first birthday. Winnipeg Free Press, May 1, 2015, A21, Winnipeg.


Planning for Next Quarter (July, 2015—September, 2015)

Upcoming events: July 10 – Selkirk Children Fest July 11 – Canadian Diabetes Association Inner City Health Fair

August 5 – HSHC presentation Springfield Learning Centre in Anola and Dugald. August 9 – WISH Clinic Family Fun Day Picnic

August 22 – North End Community Renewal Corporation Picnic in the Park

September 12 – familiesforward Family Resource Fair

September 22 - The next telehealth presentation will be on the Fluoride Varnish Daycare Program, presented by Linda Pharand from the WHRA’s SMILE plus Program.

October 2 – presentation at Villa Rosa

Grant preparation for population health intervention grant with CIHR