The Maturation of Multimedia News Release

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of The Maturation of Multimedia News Release

  1. 1. The Maturation of Multimedia News Release A Presentation of ISEBOX The Leading Multimedia News Release Platform
  2. 2. What are the responsibilities of a communications expert?
  3. 3. Create a great story
  4. 4. and get others to tell your story.
  5. 5. A picture is worth a thousand words, right?
  6. 6. Thats why, expert believe, that one of the best way to tell a story is imagery.
  7. 7. And having a video is adding an extra touch of WOW!
  8. 8. But when we talk of images, and videos, thats where the problem begin.
  9. 9. Emails don t support large files.
  10. 10. Of course you can use Dropbox, YouSendit, Drive, etc.
  11. 11. But no sending multiple large files no analytics or tracking
  12. 12. Ever heard of
  13. 13. MultiVu is considered a leading solution for delivering multimedia content for 50 years. But, are they really the best solution? Take a look at 5 considerations whether choose
  14. 14. Technology
  15. 15. Labor Intensive Not Technology Driven (custom builds landing pages) Paid Revisions Scalable Technology (quick & easy to create) 24/7 Content Updates (no additional cost) Add as much content as you want
  16. 16. Content Restrictions
  17. 17. Limited Number of Images & Videos Single Download Format More Distribution = More Cost Unlimited Number of Images & Videos Download in 3 Formats Embedded Videos, Images, Audios, Documents
  18. 18. Analytics
  19. 19. Track Social Shares Track Downloads Track Views Track Embeds
  20. 20. Budget
  21. 21. $1,800 25GM of Storage 5 Users Unlimited Campaigns $4,000 Single User Additional Cost (for revisions) Limited Storage
  22. 22. Service
  23. 23. Dedicated Support Executive General Support Available 24/7 9 5 Only
  24. 24. LIKED IT? Read the complete post on Multimedia News Release Maturation on ISEBOX.