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    Maggie C.M. Li

    A Project Submitted

    in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

    Master of Arts in Communication

    Supervisor: Dr. Kara Chan

    School of Communication Hong Kong Baptist University

    Hong Kong June 2005

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    I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Kara Chan for her advice and

    support throughout the process of doing this project. It is really my honor and

    pleasure to have Dr. Chan to be my supervisor. I cannot imagine what would it be

    without the patience, guidance and love of her. During the preparation of this project,

    Dr. Chan has given me so many constructive ideas on how to design the questionnaire,

    how to analysis data collected from the survey, and how to develop the whole

    campaign, etc. I enjoy every single moment with her during consultation in the past

    few precious months.

    On the other hand, I am also very grateful to Ms. Cathy Yu, my dearest classmate and

    friend, for her continuous support, encouragement and sharing. I will never forget

    those nights we online together, worked overnight till sunrise for the project! I would

    also like to thank all my friends, especially my high-school classmate Veronica, for

    distributing and filling the questionnaires, for supporting and encouraging me to be

    tough in facing all big challenges of this project.

    All research described in this project was my own original work and was carried out

    by myself under the supervision of Dr. Kara Chan.

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    (Maggie Li Ching Man)

    M. A. in Communication

    School of Communication

    Hong Kong Baptist University

    Date: 10 June 2005

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    Table of Contents

    Executive summary 1

    I. Situation analysis 3

    Company analysis 3

    Consumer analysis 6

    Market analysis 15

    Product analysis 19

    Competitive analysis 22

    II. Problems and opportunities summary 29

    III. Target market profile 34

    IV. Objectives 36

    Marketing objectives 36

    Advertising objectives 36

    V. Marketing communication strategy overview 37

    Advertising strategy 37

    Sales promotion strategy 44

    Public relations strategy 44

    Direct marketing strategy 45

    VI. Campaign evaluation 46

    Conclusion 48

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    Appendices Appendix I Survey on healthcare products consumption behavior (Chinese version) 50 Survey on healthcare products consumption behavior (English version) 54

    Survey on healthcare products consumption behavior (Result) 59 Appendix II Table 1* Company history and development 4 Table 2* Respondents attitude and consideration when buying instant

    birds nest 8

    Table 3* Importance of respondents consideration when buying instant birds nest in terms of the mean 9

    Table 4* Respondents perception of Imperial Birds Nest 11 Table 5* Respondents value and attitude towards health and life 12 Table 6* Importance of value and attitude towards health and life of

    respondents in terms of the mean 12

    Table 7* Respondents perceived image of the product Daily Birds Nest 20

    Table 8 Birds Nest & Aloe Top 10 Advertisers (HK$ in thousands) in 2004 65

    Table 9 Comparison of Imperial Birds Nest and three direct competitors 66

    Table 10 Monthly trend of placing advertisements in the market of Birds Nest & Aloe (HK$ in thousands), 2003-2004 68

    Table 11 Highest spend of media advertising expenditure by Imperial Birds Nest and three competitors in 2003 and 2004 69

    Table 12a Competitive media advertising expenditure analysis by media, 2003 70

    Table 12b Competitive media advertising expenditure analysis by media, 2004 71

    Table 13a Competitive media advertising expenditure analysis by month, 2003 72

    Table 13b Competitive media advertising expenditure analysis by month, 2004 73

    Table 14 Advertisements of Imperial Birds Nest and three competitors 74 Table 15 Advertising expenditure by media of Imperial Birds Nest,

    2003 2004 76

    Table 16 Advertising expenditure by month of Imperial Birds Nest, 2003 -2004 77

    Appendix III Storyboard A: TVC Storyboard of Women of new generation I 79 Storyboard B: TVC Storyboard of Women of new generation II 82 * Table 1 7: Please refer to the content.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 1


    Executive summary

    Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd. is one of the most competitive birds nest

    wholesaler and retailer in the market nowadays. A turnover of approximately HK$ 20

    million is recorded each month. In order to build up a more vivid and clear image in

    the public towards the company and products provided, a marketing communication

    campaign would be carried out for Imperial Birds Nest especially focusing on its

    instant birds nest best seller Daily Birds Nest. The one-year campaign would be

    carried out throughout 2006, aiming at increasing sales and establishing top-of-mind

    awareness of the product promoted.

    As female consumers are still believed to be the most heavy users of instant birds

    nest and are the motivating force of the consumer market, the female target audiences

    aged 25-34, who are mainly engaged in clerical and professional industry, with

    personal income of HK$10,000 20,000 are being targeted as the primary market

    concerning the result of survey conducted, while career women of 35-44 would be

    targeted as the secondary market.

    A series of advertising strategy especially designed for addressing the target market

    including TVC and print ad are created. With the advertisements, it is hoped that the

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 2

    key message of women of the new generation to pursue beauty and health at the

    same time () would be built in

    audiences mind, who would also have the feeling of self-esteem, identity, beauty and

    health of being women of the new generation. Other marketing communication tools

    like sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing would also be used

    throughout the campaign.

    In order to measure the effectiveness of the whole campaign, campaign evaluation

    would be carried out at the end of 2006 using the method of posttesting. By measuring

    the effects, awareness and recognition of consumers towards the product, it also

    provides benchmarks for future campaign to develop.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 3

    I. The Situation Analysis

    Company Analysis

    Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd. (IBNI) has been developing local birds

    nest trading and wholesaling business in Indonesia since 1964 and entered the Hong

    Kong wholesale market in 1998. IBNI is one of Hong Kongs leading birds nest

    importers, and operates wholesale and retailing services in both Hong Kong and

    Canada. As IBNI has its own birds nest farming houses and large-scale plants in

    Indonesia, it ensures a reliable source for its birds nest, including boat-shape, meshes,

    loose pieces, cake and ball-shape birds nest. In 2003, IBNI started the business of

    selling ready-to-serve birds nest in bottle, which leads the latest trend of the market

    of instant birds nest.

    Recently, Imperial Birds Nest has operated 11 retail shops in Hong Kong and 1 in

    Canada, and has successfully introduced its products to the mass market. IBNI locates

    its outlets in office buildings rather than ground floor shops. As a result, the company

    succeeds to minimize costs and is able to sell its products at very competitive prices.

    Its future plans are to develop the business in other international markets, build up a

    distribution network in China, Taiwan, America and Canada, and launch different new

    series of products to customers from different age groups and different social levels.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 4

    According to the Sales and Marketing Director of IBNI, IBNI recorded a turnover of

    approximately HK$ 20 million each month 1 . In addition, IBNI has spent

    approximately HK$ 11,000 thousands2 for advertising and promotion expenditures in


    Table 1 Company history and development

    Year History and development 1964 Developed local birds nest trading and wholesaling business in Indonesia1998 Entered the wholesale market in Hong Kong 2001 Received the Quality Tourism Services Award from the Hong Kong

    Tourism Board Cooperated and launched the Birds Nest Cake on Mothers Day with Maxim


    Received the SUPERBRANDS status Launched ready-to-serve birds nest in bottle Cooperated and launched the Birds Nest and Mango Cake on Mothers Day with Saint Honore Cake Shop Ltd. The first birds nest retailer to receive the Hong Kong Q-Mark quality certificate


    Received the SUPERBRANS status Won the 2004 Hong Kong Top Brand Award 2004

    Received the SUPERBRANDS status in 3 consecutive years since 2002

    1 Sing Pao. (January 25, 2005). A07 2

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 5


    Imperial Birds Nests mission is ensures the supply of pure, natural and superior

    quality products as IBNI aims at caring their customers health. In order to achieve

    this goal, IBNI has set up its own birds nest farming houses in Indonesia to ensure a

    natural production process with the strict quality control. Moreover, by locating its

    outlets in office buildings rather than ground floor shops, IBNI sells its products at

    very competitive prices, succeeds to minimize cost of rent which can be transferred to

    the advertisements, so as to educate customers with the advantages of taking birds

    nest and enables IBNI to have a good reputation in the market.

    IBNI also guarantees of refund for customers. Customers who are not satisfied can

    change or return the product within 15 days of purchase. This makes IBNI stand out

    from other competitors and build strong confidence in customers.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 6

    Consumer analysis

    Buying instant birds nest has become a trend for Hong Kong people recently,

    especially for those women who want to take birds nest for the purpose of skincare

    and healthcare but can hardly spare time to cook birds nest for themselves due to the

    heavy workload and pressure. In the past, taking birds nest was being treated as rich

    person and people of older age. But nowadays this perception has been changed in

    many peoples mind.

    According to the population census, there are about 596,000 women aged 25-34

    (about 17% of the total female population)3. And concerning the survey conducted by

    the Democratic Alliance for betterment of Hong Kong in 2003, about 45% of citizens

    have bought healthcare products mainly for building up resistance (37.1%), fitness

    (20.6%)4, etc. They obtained information about healthcare products mainly through

    advertisements and leaflets.

    The survey

    A survey was conducted by the author in April 2005. A questionnaire was delivered to

    a convenient sample of 50 female respondents recruited through personal contacts.

    Sixty-two percent of them aged 25 34, most of them worked in professional and

    clerical jobs. About 78% were married, and 74% of the respondents were tertiary

    3 Mid-year Population by age Group and Sex, Hong Kong Government (2004), Population Census. 4 (October 3, 2003)

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    educated or above.

    The questionnaire consisted of three parts. The first part collected information about

    respondents general consuming habit of healthcare products and instant birds nest,

    and their attitude and consideration when consuming instant birds nest. Then, they

    were asked to express their impression and perception towards Imperial Birds Nest

    and other competitors, and one of its products Daily Birds Nest. The final part

    contained psychographic information of the respondents, such as their lifestyle and

    value towards health, and also the demographic information. The Chinese and English

    version of the survey questionnaire and results are shown in Appendix I. Table 2 and

    table 3 below show respondents attitude and consideration when buying instant birds

    nest by expressing their opinions from strongly agree to strongly disagree and in

    terms of the mean. Table 4 summarizes respondents perception of Imperial Birds

    Nest, while table 5 and table 6 show respondents value and attitude towards health

    and life by expressing their opinion from strongly agree to strongly disagree and in

    terms of the mean.

    Consumers buying habit

    In order to get a closer look of the heavy users of instant birds nest, only women are

    chosen as respondents of the survey. From the survey conducted, it showed that 88%

    of respondents have bought healthcare products in the past one year mainly for the

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    purpose of healthcare (40%) and skincare (30%). They bought healthcare products

    when they needed (54%) or when there was special promotion and discount (38%).

    There were 66% of the respondents who have bought instant birds nest in the past

    one year mainly for the purpose of beauty (70%) and healthcare (20%). Most of them

    bought instant birds nest for their own use (58%), and would normally spend less

    than $200 per month (54%) on buying instant birds nest.

    Table 2 Respondents attitude and consideration when buying instant birds nest














    variety of products 2 24 44 30 0

    quality of products 74 24 2 0 0

    goodwill of the brand of products 52 46 2 0 0

    package of products (outlook, size,


    0 44 30 24 2

    ingredients of products 56 38 6 0 0

    the originate of birds nest 18 60 20 2 0

    price 38 62 0 0 0

    advertisements 4 44 38 14 0

    recommendation from relatives and


    18 72 8 2 0

    the shops are nearby 0 38 38 20 4

    the shops are located on the street or

    in a building

    0 24 50 24 2

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 9

    Table 3 Importance of respondents consideration when buying instant birds nest in

    terms of the mean Importance Consideration Mean* 1 Quality of products 1.28

    Goodwill of the brand of products 2 Ingredients of products


    3 Price 1.62 4 Recommendation from relatives and friends 1.94 5 The originate of birds nest 2.60 6 Advertisements 2.62 7 Package of products (outlook, size, delicacy) 2.84 8 The shops are nearby 2.90 9 Variety of products 3.02 10 The shops are located on the street or in a building 3.40

    * 5-point scale (1=very important; 5 very unimportant)

    Cross-tabulation analysis indicated that:

    1. By comparing the mean, it was found that women considered quality of the

    product as the most important factor when buying instant birds nest, followed by

    goodwill of the brand, ingredients of product, price and recommendation from

    relatives and friends.

    2. Women aged 25-34, had tertiary education or above, and engaged in clerical and

    professional jobs, were more likely to agree that quality of product was very


    3. Women engaged in occupations other than clerical and professional jobs (like

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 10

    housewives, service industry, etc.) with lower personal income (HK$10,000

    20,000), were more likely to agree that goodwill of the brand of instant birds

    nest were important.

    4. Women who engaged in clerical jobs with lower income, were more likely to

    think that recommendation from relatives and friends was much more important

    than advertisements when making consumption decision, and even on one who

    aged 35 or above thought that advertisement was very important to them.

    5. Women aged 25-34 with lower income were more likely to think that price was

    an important factor affecting their buying intention of instant birds nest.

    Perceived image of Imperial Birds Nest

    The questionnaire asked respondents to rate their perceived image of Imperial Birds

    Nest on seven-point scale of appropriateness of different adjectives and description.

    Respondents generally considered Imperial Birds Nest professional (4.90),

    fashionable (4.70), and credible (4.68). However, respondents also considered the

    brand costly (3.88) and with less advertisement (3.88). Perceived image of

    Imperial Birds Nest to the customers was not distinctive, as most of the grading lean

    towards 4, which was only a neutral degree.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 11

    Table 4 Respondents perception of Imperial Birds Nest

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Traditional Fashionable

    Image is blur Image is clear

    Less product


    Many product





    Not Credible Credible

    Costly Inexpensive

    Bad service Superior service






    Cross-tabulation analysis indicated that:

    1. Concerning age, income, career and education, all the respondents actually had

    similar perception towards Imperial Bird Nest. Only very slightly differences

    concerning age, income and education could be found as most of them weighted

    neutral for different adjectives and descriptions.

    2. Women with tertiary education or above and aged 25-34, were more likely to

    perceive Imperial Birds Nest fashionable, professional and credible.

    3. Women with lower personal income (HK$10,000 20,000) were more likely to

    perceive products of Imperial Birds Nest costly.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Consumers value and lifestyle

    Table 5 Respondents value and attitude towards health and life













    Health is very important to me. 54 46 0 0 0

    I worry about aging of my body very soon. 20 58 18 4 0

    Extrinsic beauty is much more important than

    intrinsic beauty.

    6 20 48 26 0

    I do mind people criticize my appearance. 8 46 34 12 0

    I can accept new things easily. 6 52 32 8 2

    Fitness is essential for carrying out job duties


    34 48 16 2 0

    Table 6 Importance of value and attitude towards health and life of respondents in terms of the mean Importance Statement Means* 1 Health is very important to me. 1.46 2 Fitness is essential for carrying out job duties

    efficiently. 1.86

    3 I worry about aging of my body very soon. 2.06 4 I can accept new things easily. 2.48 5 I do mind people criticize my appearance. 2.50 6 Extrinsic beauty is much more important than

    intrinsic beauty. 2.94

    * 5-point scale (1=very important; 5 very unimportant)

    Cross-tabulation analysis indicated that:

    1. Women agreed most to the statement health is very important to me, followed

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    by fitness is essential for carrying out job duties efficiently. It seemed that

    health was much more important than extrinsic beauty and appearance in their


    2. Women aged 25-34, had tertiary education or above and with lower income were

    more likely to agree that health was very important to them and fitness was

    essential for carrying out job duties efficiently. It might be due to the reason that

    they were mainly the group of manpower and labor, who needed extremely good

    condition of health in carrying out job duties.

    3. Concerning other statements like I worry about aging or extrinsic beauty is

    much more important than intrinsic beauty, respondents had similar view no

    matter they were of which group of age, career, income and education. They

    mostly agreed that they worried about aging and disagreed that extrinsic beauty

    is much more important than intrinsic beauty.

    The survey indicated that respondents normally get information of healthcare products

    before consumption from relatives and friends recommendation (48%) and

    advertisements (26%). They bought healthcare products whenever it was needed

    (54%) or when there was special promotion and discount (38%). Most of them spent

    less than $300 (60%) on healthcare products each month. Respondents got update

    information about healthcare products mainly from magazine (62%) which belonged

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    to entertainment and gossip type (60%) among all other categories. Respondents spent

    mainly on shopping (46%) and dining (46%) and nearly half of the respondents

    possessed four credit cards or more (48%). More than 74% of respondents had visited

    overseas in the past one year.

    From the demographic perspective, current users of instant birds nest were women

    aged 25-34 (70%), with tertiary education or above (67%), mainly engaged in

    profession and clerical jobs (50%) with personal income of HK$ 10,000 to 14,999

    (40%). Most of them were single (76%) and lived at self-owned property (55%).

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 15

    Market analysis

    With the gradually recovery economy after SARS in 2003 and the rise of health

    consciousness, it is obvious that the industry of birds nest of Hong Kong is

    developing rapidly and has more room to go further in the coming years.

    Overall situation

    By comparing private consumption expenditure of personal care of Hong Kong

    people in 2002 and 2003, the amount increased by HK$ 9.8 million and grew by

    9.3%5. For the total advertising expenditure in birds nest and aloe market, there was

    an increase from HK$ 159,874,740 in 2003 to HK$ 164,471,820 in 2004, representing

    an increase of 3%6.

    It is not surprising that the market of instant birds nest has developed at a rapid rate

    starting from 1998 with the first instant birds nest developer Lo Hong Ka, due to

    the rise of health-consciousness of Hong Kong people especially after SARS.

    Estimated by the experts in the industry of birds nest, the total sales of birds nest in

    2004 was over HK$ 30 billion, in which 5% of HK$ 150 million was the total sales of

    instant birds nest7. With the rise of health-awareness and under the Individual Visit

    Scheme of Mainland Chinese visitors, it is believed that the prospect of instant birds

    5 Private Consumption Expenditure by Component, Hong Kong Government (2004), Population

    Census. 6 7 Singpao. (October 23, 2004) A06

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 16

    nest industry would look bright in the foreseeable future.

    Recent development

    In order to minimize costs and thus able to sell the products at very competitive prices

    with good quality, more and more instant birds nest niche shops are chosen to be

    located in office buildings rather than ground floor shops, which even ensure

    consumers to receive one-to-one service from salesman to customer comfortably in

    the niche shops. Moreover, in order to explore more possibilities in attracting younger

    customers who mainly fall in the group of female, aged 25 or above, with occupation

    and increasing spending power and do concern about their own appearance and health

    condition, a lot of brands producing instant birds nest also provide customers with

    online shopping and re-design outlets with brighter color and younger look, in order

    to change the traditional perception of customers about birds nest.

    According to the survey conducted, customers who purchase instant birds nest

    nowadays are mainly young lady who aged 25-34. They purchase instant birds nest

    rather than cooking by themselves because it is convenient and can avoid the problem

    of time-consuming due to the long and harsh working hours. As it is obvious that

    instant birds nest industry still has its growing and developing opportunities, many

    brands and companies also enter the market. The first developer of instant birds nest

    entering the market was Lo Hong Ka. Other brands selling different kinds of products

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    including Brands, Eu Yan Sang, Tung Fong Hung, Wai Yuen Tong, etc, also followed

    suit, while Imperial Birds Nest also entered the retail market of instant birds nest

    industry in May of 2003.

    Concerning the survey, respondents were asked to name those brands they knew

    producing instant birds nest in the market. It was found that brands that immediately

    came to their mind were Lo Hong Ka (38%), followed by Brands (18%), Imperial

    Birds Nest (14%) and Wai Yuen Tong (10%). It showed that customers still have deep

    and clear impression about Lo Hong Ka which is the first provider of instant birds

    nest in the market.

    Market potential

    With the CEPA, Individual Visit Scheme, advanced technology and customers

    awareness of improving health condition and tackle against aging, it is believed that

    the market of instant birds nest would still have more room for growing, not only for

    Hong Kong market but also for the global market with the increasing demand of

    birds nest from customers.

    Threats to future development

    Although the demand of birds nest from customers is huge in the future, there is still

    threat existing in the market of birds nest. For environmentalists, they aware of the

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    use of endangered species like barn swallows as food. TRAFFIC North America and

    World Wildlife Fund U.S. have done a survey about this phenomenon in Hong Kong

    and awareness of using endangered species as food was highest among those who

    take the food more frequently8. This may have some threats to the sale of instant

    birds nest in the market as people afraid that barn swallows will become extinct


    On the other hand, fake instant birds nest would also affect the business in the whole

    market of birds nest. In October 2004, it was the first time to record suspected case of

    fake instant birds nest according to the spokesmen of Customs and Excise

    Departments Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau and the Consumer Council9.

    Consumers are hard to differentiate and identify the real and fake instant birds nest. It

    will greatly threaten the operation of the market as the production cost of the fake one

    is only less than $20 with sold out price for nearly $400.

    8 9 South China Morning Post. (October 23, 2004). EDT3, The Standard. (October 23, 204). A06.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Product analysis

    When we look into the market of instant birds nest, it is easy to find instant birds

    nest in different packages, sizes, bottles, or in different flavor with rock-sugar, sugar

    free, with ginseng, etc, fulfilling different needs of customers. In order to attract

    female customers who are heavy users of instant birds nest, most of the instant birds

    nest appear in the market nowadays are packed in small bottles, emphasize no sugar

    and no preservatives to enhance health value, The packages are usually of feminine

    style with pastel color. It is expected that more flavor would be invented and packages

    would be of mini-size enabling easy-carry.

    The product: Daily Birds Nest

    One of the products Daily Birds Nest () produced by Imperial Birds Nest is

    especially chosen for promotion in this market communication campaign, as it is

    believed that Daily Birds Nest is of high quality which is specially produced with

    the finest Indonesian Royal Birds Nest. The most crucial attribute is that, Daily

    Birds Nest is vacuum-packed in seven small bottles separately for one week dosage,

    for which there was no similar package prior to its launch in May of 2003. It is easy to

    carry and consumers can consume once a day which is really convenient. In addition,

    it helps restoring a fine and fair complexion of ones youthfulness, strengthens our

    body and gives the face a healthy glow with radiance.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    According to the survey conducted, it was found that customers would consider

    quality, ingredients of products, goodwill of brand and price as crucial factors when

    buying instant birds nest. It is strongly believed that Daily Birds Nest fulfill what

    customers really need as first phase bird nest is used for production in which quality

    and source of birds nest are guaranteed. Besides, customers buy instant birds nest

    mainly due to its convenience. As Daily Birds Nest is packed in small bottles with

    no stabilizer and preservatives, customers can simply take one bottle for one day

    dosage which is not needed to be refrigerated before consuming. For the factor of

    price, a pack of Daily Birds Nest with seven small bottles costs HK$308 and is

    intended to be consumed for one week dosage. Some customers may be hindered by

    the price as most of them spend less than HK$200 (54%) or HK$200-500 (36%) per

    month on buying instant birds nest.

    Table 7 Respondents perceived image of the product Daily Birds Nest


    agree (%)










    Daily Birds Nest leads

    the trend of instant birds


    0 34 48 16 2

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 21

    Daily Birds Nest which

    is vacuum-packed in

    seven small bottles serve

    what the consumers need

    2 46 42 8 2

    Daily Birds Nest is the

    best and credible choice

    for healthcare

    0 16 70 12 2

    On the other hand, respondents were asked to express their feeling of the product

    Daily Birds Nest. Although most of the respondents remained neutral towards the

    statement of Daily Birds Nest leads the trend of instant birds nest and Daily

    Birds Nest is the best and credible choice for healthcare, nearly half of the

    respondents did agree that Daily Birds Nest which is vacuum-packed in seven

    small bottles serve what the consumers need. It implied that consumers did think that

    this attribute of Daily Birds Nest was different from other brands and became

    important characteristic and unique asset of this product.

    With all characteristics of convenient, healthy, nutritious, with supreme quality and

    easy-to-carry, it is believed that Daily Birds Nest (sugar free or with rock sugar)

    would be trustworthy and tailored-made for customers who are health-conscious but


  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Competitive analysis

    Comparison with three direct competitors

    Followed by the rise of awareness towards health conscious, there are more and more

    companies selling instant birds nest products. Recently, there are over 30 competitors

    selling instant birds nest in the market, which fall into two main categories:

    traditional Chinese medicine pharmaceuticals at the same time selling Chinese

    medicinal materials, like Wai Yuen Tong, Eu Yan Sang, etc.; and new brand selling

    instant birds nest not more than 10 years, like Lo Hong Ka, Imperial Birds Nest

    (IBN), etc. Table 8 (Appendix II) shows the top 10 advertisers of the market of Birds

    Nest and Aloe in 2004.

    In the market of instant birds nest, most of the competitors of Imperial Birds Nest at

    the same time are selling different kinds of products related to health while IBN only

    focus on the business of instant birds nest. Lo Hong Ka, Wai Yuen Tong and Eu Yan

    Sang are the most direct competitors to IBN in the market recently. Comparison of

    different features including products offered, location and distribution, etc. of IBN

    and these three competitors are summarized in the table 9 (Appendix II).

    Obviously, Wai Yuen Tong and Eu Yan Sang are the remarkable leaders in the industry

    over the century, in which confidence and belief is already built in consumers mind.

    However, Lo Hong Ka is the first one in the market which started the business of

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    instant birds nest in 1998, while Imperial Birds Nest followed suit in May of 2003.

    For the distribution network, Imperial Birds Nest has a quite even distribution in

    Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories, with 2, 4 and 4 outlets respectively.

    Consumers can also purchase instant birds nest of IBN in Mannings as it is the

    exclusive shop selling products of IBN. However, Wai Yuen Tong and Eu Yan Sang

    have 45 and 29 retail shops respectively, and products can be purchased through

    numerous channels, like Mannings, Watsons, department stores, etc. This may hinder

    the intention of purchase of IBNs consumers.

    For the product category, unlike other competitors, IBN focuses only on products of

    instant birds nest. The most outstanding product of IBN is Daily Birds Nest

    , which is vacuum-packed in seven small bottles separately for one week

    dosage. Other competitors like Wai Yuen Tong and Eu Yan Sang also offer other

    health supplements like Pak Fung Pill, pearl power, chicken essence, etc, and Lo

    Hong Ka also has instant aloe vera, which meets the needs of different people.

    Imperial Birds Nest is the first one in the market that invented the 7 days package

    of birds nest. Later on, Wai Yuen Tong also followed suit, with 6 little bottled instant

    birds nest in one package. When we look at the price per gram, Imperial Birds Nest

    is the most expensive ($2.2 / g) among Lo Hong Ka ($1.39 / g), Wai Yuen Tong

    ($1.74 /g) and Eu Yan Sang ($0.71 /g).

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Competitive media advertising analysis

    Advertising expenditures by media

    Imperial Birds Nest and its three direct competitors are heavy spenders of

    advertisements in the market of Birds Nest and Aloe. During the period of 2003 and

    2004, the total expenditure of media and advertising of the four brands were HK$

    41,060,000 and HK$ 42,109,000 respectively, represented 25.68% and 25.6% of the

    total ad spend of the birds nest and aloe market. The total ad spend and monthly trend

    of placing advertisements in the market of birds nest and aloe is shown in table 10

    (Appendix II).

    Among four, Lo Hong Ka was the highest spender of advertising throughout 2003 to

    2004, while Imperial Birds Nest took the third place in 2003 and came up as the

    second highest spender in 2004. The highest spender, Lo Hong Ka, spent mostly on

    newspaper (print ad) as the influential promotion and marketing tool. (Table 11 and

    12a, Appendix II)

    Both Lo Hong Ka and Eu Yan Sang tended to place print ad on newspaper, which

    were 62.04% and 43.94% respectively of the total ad spend of each brand in 2004,

    while Imperial Birds Nest was more likely to choose magazine (52.69%) as the

    promotion channel. On the other hand, Wai Yuen Tong tended to place TVCs on Jade

    (TVB) (46.69%). Other channels such as TVCs on ATV Home and First vision were

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    also being used as promotional tools in 2004. (Table 12b, Appendix II)

    Advertising expenditures by month

    Due to the Golden Week in October 2003, most of the brands placed heaviest

    amount on advertising in September that year, including Wai Yuen Tong and Imperial

    Birds Nest which spent HK$ $5,593,000 (41.89%) and HK$ 2,172,000 (25.09%)

    respectively. (Table 13a, Appendix II)

    However, in 2004, there was a great change. For Lo Hong Ka (14.08%) and Eu Yan

    Sang (32.6%), the peak purchasing month was May, while Imperial Birds Nest

    placed the heaviest amount on advertisements in December (22.04%), and Wai Yuen

    Tong on January (23.92%). This might due to the spending pattern of placing

    advertisements during festivals of Christmas and Chinese New Year of the two

    advertisers. (Table 13b, Appendix II)

    Advertising execution of Imperial Birds Nest and three direct competitors

    By looking at the advertisements of Imperial Bird Nest and three direct competitors,

    we can see different advertising execution style are being used by different advertisers

    in order to spread different key message to their target audiences.

    For Imperial Bird Nest, other than straight-sell and factual message telling

    audiences the advantage of taking instant birds nest, mood and image are also

    being used for advertising appeals. The promotional strategy of Daily Birds Nest is

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Birds Nest for women of new generation . In different print ad used

    mostly as the key advertising medium of Imperial Birds Nest, a beautiful, fashionable

    woman with self-esteem is shown as image girl, promoting key message of women

    of new generation; new style; new birds nest which aims at grasping the attention of

    career women of younger age. (Table 14, Appendix II)

    For Lo Hong Ka, celebrity is used as the key advertising appeal since its development

    in 1998. Ms. Esther Kwan () as a celebrity endorser before 2004, described her

    own life of being a busy artist and how she maintained her beauty and strength for

    work by taking the product everyday in the TVC. The advertisement adopts the

    advertising execution of testimonial and slice of life, which targets people of

    different age and enhances the professional image of the brand with Ms. Kwans

    sharing of her own experience.

    For both Wai Yuen Tong and Eu Yan Sang, factual message is mostly being used as

    the advertising execution, as the traditional and professional images are already built

    in customers mind. The advertisements mainly concern on disseminating the message

    of providing customers with products of good quality and heart.

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    Marketing communication of Imperial Birds Nest

    Advertising expenditures by media

    By looking at the advertising expenditures spent on media by Imperial Birds Nest, a

    rapid change in spending pattern could be noticed during the year of 2003 and 2004.

    In 2003, it spent HK$ 6,588,000 on newspaper, which was the heaviest part of the

    total ad spend that year (81%). On the other hand, it only spent $1,252,000 (15%) on

    magazines and $278,000 (3%) on MTR. (Table 15, Appendix II)

    In 2004, it only spent HK$ 4,234,000 (40%) on newspaper and switched to use

    magazines as the main tool of advertising that year. The advertising expenditure on

    magazines was HK$ 5,559,000, which was 53% of the total expenditure that year. It

    spent HK$ 757,000 (7%) on TVB Jade. Although there was such a change on the ad

    spend pattern, Imperial Birds Nest still used print ad as its main stream of placing

    advertisements instead of TVC, and the total amount of advertising expenditure had a

    rise of HK$ 2,433,000 (30%) from 2003 to 2004.

    Advertising expenditures by month

    The advertising expenditures of Imperial Birds Nest (Instant Birds Nest) in 2003 and

    2004 were HK$ 8,656,000 and HK$ 10,824,000 respectively. In 2003, the peak

    season of placing advertisements was September (25%), followed by June (20%) and

    May (18%). In 2004, December was the peak season (22%), followed by September

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    (17%) and January (14%). For the ad spend pattern, Imperial Birds Nest used a

    pulsed media schedule in both 2003 and 2004. (Table 16, Appendix II)

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    II. Problems and Opportunities

    From the situation analysis, problems and opportunities were uncovered. As Imperial

    Birds Nest started its business for selling instant birds nest in 2003, image of the

    company actually is not distinctive. It will hinder the sales of products. However, it

    may also be a good opportunity for its positioning in the market with various

    competitors and get new users for the brand and products.

    Deriving problems from the situation analysis

    Company Analysis

    Although Imperial Birds Nest started the business of selling birds nest since 1997, it

    has started to sell instant birds nest since May of 2003. Throughout these years,

    image of the company still not distinctive and advertisements are still insufficient in

    promoting the company and products to most of the customers.


    Imperial Birds Nests image is not distinctive enough while promotion and

    advertisements are still not sufficient.

    Consumer Analysis

    Customers do think that the product Daily Birds Nest of Imperial Birds Nest

    serves what the customers need. However, most of the customers are not brand loyal

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    as they do not really think that the product is the best and credible choice for them.


    Consumers are not brand loyal and can easily find other substitutes in the market.

    Market Analysis

    Both the company and product are new and not clear enough to the customers. They

    prefer brands that have been historically identified in the market of instant birds nest,

    thinking other brands as more trustworthy.


    Consumers are greatly influenced by brands that have been historically identified and

    have to take time for accepting new brands and products.

    Product Analysis

    Consumers concern most about the quality of products but could hardly tell

    differences between various products. When they come to the brand Imperial Birds

    Nest and the product Daily Birds Nest, they may not be able to distinguish from

    other competitors brands.


    Consumers could hardly identify valuable attributes of the product Daily Birds

    Nest and perceive the brand similar to other competitors brands, which may hinder

    their intention to purchase the product.

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    Competitive Analysis

    In 2003, Imperial Birds Nest was the first developer in the market for inventing

    Daily Birds Nest, which is vacuum-packed in seven small bottles for one week

    dosage. However, it has not made use of this privilege and later on competitors which

    are historically identified also followed suit. Consumers may change their preferences

    and even think that it is a new invention of those competitors.


    Imperial Birds Nest has not make use of the new invented product for its positioning

    in the market, which makes new competition becomes more severe.

    Deriving opportunities from the situation analysis

    Company Analysis

    With its own birds nest farming houses in Indonesia, Imperial Birds Nest ensures

    products are made with the best quality. Also, locating its outlets in office building

    rather than ground floor shops helps in minimizing cost of rent for further

    development of the company.


    Imperial Birds Nest sells its products with the best quality and very competitive

    prices due to its own property for production and location.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Combined Consumer and Product Analysis

    Consumers pursue high quality when buying instant birds nest. However, they do not

    aware of the distinctive attribute of Daily Birds Nest that, it is produced with the

    finest first-phase birds nest. Credibility and perception of professionalism can be

    enhanced by focusing on this attribute.


    The product Daily Birds Nest contains a highly desired attribute that consumers are

    unaware of.

    Market Analysis

    There is still room for the development of instant birds nest market due to the rise of

    health-consciousness of consumers, who look for instant birds nest with good quality

    and handy. The package design of Daily Birds Nest would be able to develop

    further with the trend.


    The package design of the products serves as privilege together with the further

    development of the market of instant birds nest.

    Competitive Analysis

    Direct competitors of Imperial Birds Nest mostly focus on building their brands with

    the image of professionalism. However, Imperial Birds Nest also associate its image

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    with women of new generation and self identity, which differs itself from others and

    builds up its brand equity with new image.


    The company differs itself from other competitors which are historically identified

    with promoting image of women of new generation.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    III. Target Market Profile

    According to the data of Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department, there are

    about 596,000 women aged 25-34, representing 17% of female population. Women

    who are in the mentioned group are usually the heavy buyers of instant birds nest,

    who normally spend less than HK$ 500 per month (58%) on buying instant birds


    Demographic characteristics

    With the consideration of survey conducted, the primary and secondary target markets

    are defined. The primary market of female consumers aged 25-34, who are mainly

    engaged in clerical and professional jobs, with personal income of HK$ 10,000

    20,000 are being targeted. Most of them are single, tertiary educated or above, who

    lived at self-owned property. For the secondary market, female aged 35 to 44 who are

    mainly career women with great spending power are targeted, aiming at grasping

    most of the potential consumers for instant birds nest in the market.

    Psychographic characteristics

    The target audiences, according to the survey conducted, place most of their concern

    on the quality of instant birds nest, followed by goodwill of brand, ingredients of

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    products and price. They usually buy the product for their own use and quite rely on

    recommendation from relatives and friends in making consumption decision. They

    treasure health very much and agree that health and fitness are essential for carrying

    job duties efficiently. Although at the same time they care about their appearance, they

    do think that health is much important and intrinsic beauty is far more important than

    extrinsic beauty. The target audiences usually get the most update information about

    healthcare products from magazine, usually those entertainment and gossip one. They

    usually spend on shopping and dining, travel quite often and most of them are credit

    card holders with more than four cards.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    IV. Objectives

    Marketing objectives

    The marketing objective of this campaign is to increase sales of Daily Birds Nest

    of Imperial Birds Nest 20% compared to the previous year by the end of the one-year

    campaign in 2006.

    Advertising objectives

    The advertising objective of this campaign is to increase top-of-mind awareness of the

    product from 14% (Appendix I, survey result, Question 10) to 30% of the target

    audiences (career women aged 25-34, with personal income of HK$ 10,000 20,000),

    by the end of the one-year campaign in 2006.

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    V. Marketing Communication strategy overview

    After the analysis of the situation and delineation of the problems and opportunities, a

    series of marketing communication strategy would be carried out, including

    advertising, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing. The whole

    campaign would be focused on advertising as it is believed to reach our target market

    most. Supporting with other communication tools, the message would be able to

    deliver to more efficiently and help in building brand and credibility of the product.

    Advertising strategy

    In order to establish awareness of the product Daily Birds Nest to our target

    audiences, TVC, as a means of the creative strategy, would be focused in promoting

    the product for our primary target market, while print ad would be used as an assisting

    tool for addressing mainly primary market together with secondary target market. The

    following advertising series, which contain two TVC: Women of new generation I

    ( I), and Women of new generation II ( II), are used

    for promotion during the year of 2006 while print ad would also be used.

    Key message of TVC

    The series of two TVC are used to show that Daily Birds Nest, which is convenient

    for consuming, helps women of the new generation to pursue beauty and health at one

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    single time easily. It is hoped that audiences would have consonance and build

    awareness of the product.

    Storyline of the first TVC Women of new generation I

    Two characters having similar age, appearance, background, Ms. A and Ms. B, would

    be shown to illustrate the effect of having or not having the product. Ms. A still laying

    on bed till 8:00 a.m. while Ms. B looking in the mirror with beauty and confidence;

    Ms. A had cake after lunch as dessert while Ms. B took instant birds nest as dessert;

    Ms. A working at office who lose energy and work only got half done, while Ms. B

    worked very efficiently with full energy. Finally, both Ms. A and Ms. B finished work

    that day, Ms A looked really tired while Ms. B still looking bright and full of strength.

    The secret of Ms. B to keep healthy and beautiful was the instant birds nest Daily

    Birds Nest she kept with her at her bag, which was produced with first-phase finest

    birds nest. At the end, the message of taking one bottle of Daily Birds Nest

    everyday can attain health and beauty at the same time was shown (Storyboard A,

    Appendix III)


    Various elements like main character, combination of different execution styles,

    slogans and taglines, etc, are used in the creative strategy. This interaction among

    various elements is believed to be able to enhance persuasive power and become

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    cohesive selling message.


    The two female characters aged around 28 are selected to address the target audiences

    of 25-34 years old in order to increase the persuasive power. Ms. B looks young,

    healthy, beautiful, energetic with strength, and is a career women who has to maintain

    her fitness and health condition for supporting heavy workload, which is a common

    situation faced by women in new generation nowadays. The supreme effect of taking

    the product is shown with the big contrast with Ms. A, who looks exactly the same

    with Ms. B but is actually bad at health condition.

    Advertising appeal

    Emotional appeal rather than informational appeal is being used in the TVC to raise

    consumers physical and psychological needs for purchasing the product in order to

    attain and satisfy the need of maintaining good condition in health and beauty.

    Execution styles

    A combination of execution styles is used for advertising, including slice of life and

    comparison, etc. Slice of life can provide consumers with real situation, build up the

    consonance and increase purchase intention. Comparison of the similar characters for

    taking and not taking instant birds nest demonstrates the effect of the product. Of

    course, humor is slightly used in the advertisements. Mood and image are also used to

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    serve great effect in building consumers emotional mood of the product.

    Logo and slogan

    The repetition of logo and product in four different scenes helps in building memory

    and enhancing importance in audiences mind. The slogan ,

    points out the main attribute, and both the position and identity

    of the product, which helps consumers to keep in mind that women in new generation

    can attain health and beauty at the same time with the product easily.

    Storyline of the second TVC - Women of new generation II

    Two ladies Celia and May who aged 28 something are jogging on the running

    machines in a gym room. Celia was full of energy while May was sweating and

    breathless. Later, Celia danced in the dancing room in fast pace and happily while

    May was resting on the floor with deep breath. May was so surprised about Celias

    condition of health and the reason why she always looks beautiful even without

    make-up. Celia shared her experience for being a beautiful and healthy woman of new

    generation that she took a bottle of Daily Birds Nest everyday. She shared the

    product with Celia. At the end, the message of taking one bottle of Daily Birds Nest

    everyday can attain health and beauty at the same time was shown (Storyboard B,

    Appendix III).

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    The second TVC actually is an extension of the first one. The theme is just similar

    focusing on two ladies aged around 28, who are both career women and care about

    healthy and appearance, aiming at our primary target market again. Once again,

    combination of various execution styles can be seen in this TVC, including slice of

    life, dramatization, mind and image, etc.


    Two female characters Celia and May, who aged around 28 are selected. They are

    both career women but one is more healthier than the other as she takes the product

    everyday. Two different characters make the contrast of taking or not taking the

    product much more explicit. It would be a great attempt to increase the persuasive

    power and address the target audiences of 25-34.

    Advertising appeal

    Once again, emotional appeal is used rather than informational appeal, as such piece

    of incident do happen in our daily life very common. In this way, audiences can easily

    put themselves into the situation shown in TVC and raise their psychological needs

    for purchasing the product in order to maintain good condition of health and beauty as

    Celia in the TVC.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Execution styles

    A combination of execution styles including slice of life, factual message, mood and

    image, are used for advertising. Similar execution styles are used as TVC I as to

    maintain consistency of the whole advertising campaign. First of all, slice of life and

    dramatization are used to provide audiences with the real situation. The whole TVC II

    was taken place at gym room, which is a common place for females to have exercise

    and gathering. By comparing two characters for taking or not taking the products, it

    demonstrates the effect of the product and thus builds up audiences consonance and

    increase buying intention. Mood and image are also used in order to raises awareness

    and emotional mood of audiences by persuading them the need of buying the


    Logo and slogan

    As TVC II is the extension of the first one, slogan is kept to be exactly the same as

    TVC I, to maintain the consistency with the first one and also enhance the clear image

    of both the company and product. It is hoped that the slogan shown lastly at the

    billboard , would keep audiences in

    mind of the key message that, the product is easily consumed which is the best choice

    for women in new generation to maintain good condition of health and beauty.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Key message and storyline of Print ad

    Besides the TVC, print ad would also be used as one of the advertising strategies,

    mainly for addressing female audiences of primary together with secondary market

    who aged 35 to 44 with career. The key message would be just similar to TVC,

    focusing on the attribute of the product which is convenient for consuming, and

    enabling consumers to pursue health and beauty at the same time.

    For the print ad, it would be designed for a double page spread issued on magazine.

    Two female characters, one aged around 28 and one around 36. They stand in the way

    of back to back, smile happily with great self-esteem, energy and confidence. They

    are both upholding the little bottle of the product in their hands. Information in words

    like the originate of birds nest used, the description of ingredients, the nutrition and

    effect of the product would be appeared on the print ad which do not appear on the

    TVC in detail. The logo of Imperial Birds Nest and the slogan

    , , would still be used on print ad to maintain the consistency

    of the whole set of advertising strategy. The whole tone and color would keep as

    feminine as the package of Daily Birds Nest, which mainly used pastel color like

    light pink, light yellow, etc.

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    Sales promotion strategy

    In order to induce new customers to buy the product and retain current users and

    encourage them for more frequent use, consumer-oriented promotions including

    couponing, premiums, etc, would be used. Coupons would be posted on various kinds

    of newspapers and magazines after the month that advertisements have been launched.

    Price reduction for 20% of the selling price would be offered to consumers for

    purchasing the second pack of product to encourage them for purchasing more.

    Premiums like small shopping handbag or jewellery box with the brands logo, would

    be given to consumers who spend over certain amount for money to increase their

    buying intention at the promotion period, which lasts for one to two weeks each time.

    These may boost sales of the products in a very short period of time.

    Public relations strategy

    Public relations activities would be carried out at non-peak season for advertisements

    to remind consumers of the product. Other than press release, exclusive interviews

    with artists would be arranged for press every two months, to share their own tips for

    keeping good condition in both health and appearance and own experience and

    advantage of taking instant birds nest. Moreover, press conference like inviting

    famous chef of five-star hotel to demonstrate light and healthy dessert using the

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    product around summer, sponsoring charity activities, holding joint functions with

    different companies, like dessert shops, cake shops, etc, to invent some new cuisine

    with the product, etc. All these would help in building clearer image of the company

    and product with the lowest cost.

    Direct marketing strategy

    With the strength of accountability over advertising, direct marketing would also be

    used as communication tools. Loyalty program would be carried out as usual, to hold

    the loyal consumers. They are asked to join the VIP membership, direct email and

    newsletters would be distributed regularly to inform them with the latest information

    of the company and products. Moreover, catalog selling like small brochure of health

    tips, catalogues of recipes making use of the product, etc, would be distributed at

    niche shops, counters selling the products, etc.

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    VI. Campaign evaluation

    In order to measure the effectiveness of the campaign, evaluations would be carried

    out at the end of the campaign, for measuring the effects, awareness and recognition

    of consumers, and also providing benchmarks for future campaigns to develop.

    Posttesting of TVC and Print Ad

    Posttesting is believed to be most effective way for evaluation. Field tests would be

    used as the means of posttesting. Mall intercept interviews would be used rather than

    focus group concerning the budget, which would be carried out randomly at Mongkok,

    Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay, of which minimum 200 female consumers who

    indicated that they have seen or read TV and print advertisements would be


    As the advertising objective is to establish awareness among target audiences who are

    career women aged 25-34, recognition test would be the essential part for testing

    consumers memory and recognition about the product. Questions concerning whether

    they can remember what is the key message, logo, product, concept and layout of the

    print ad and TVC would be asked. Also, which part of the ad consumers like most and

    which media they can recall for seeing the ad would also be asked, for adjusting later

    on of the media strategy and whole campaign.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Other evaluation methods

    Other evaluation methods like distributing coupons at counters selling the product,

    counting the number of inquiries would also be used, as it is very important for

    evaluating other marketing communications tools like measuring the effects of sales

    promotions, public relations and behavioral effects of consumers.

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    With the analysis of situation, delineation of the problems and opportunities, target

    market profile and objectives, a whole set of marketing communication strategy are

    especially designed for addressing the target markets of the product Daily Birds

    Nest produced by Imperial Birds Nest. It is hoped that after the launching of

    campaign and with the campaign evaluation, the marketing and advertising objectives

    are found to be obtained successfully, with the raise of awareness of both the product

    and the company, and also the key message women of the new generation to pursue

    beauty and health at the same time is built in all consumers mind.

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    Appendix I

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    1. ? 2. : ()

    3. ?

    4. : ()

    5. :

    $200 $200 500 $500 800 $800 1,000 1,000 6. ? ()

    7. : ()

    ( ) 8. ? ()

    9. ,

    9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 10. :

    ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

    11. ? 4 , 1 , 1 4

    __________ __________ __________ __________

    12. ? 4 , 1 , 1 4

    __________ __________ __________ __________

    13. 1 7, 1

    ; 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    14. ,:

    14.1 14.2 14.3 15. ?

    15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 16. ,?


  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 53

    17. ? ()

    18. : ()

    19. ? ()


    20. , ? 1 2 3 4 21. : 22. : 0 1 2 3 4 23. :

    24. :

    $10,000 $10,000 14,999 $15,000 19,999 $20,000 24,999 $25,000 29, 999 $30,000

    25. :

    $300 $300 1,000 $1,000 - 2,000 $2,000 - 3,000 $3,000 26. : 27. : 28. :

    29. : 18 24 25 34 35 44 45 54

    55 64 65

    ~ ~


  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Survey on healthcare products consumption behavior (Blank sheet) Hello! I am a master student of School of Communication in the Hong Kong Baptist University. I am now conducting a survey concerning instant birds nest. The information you provided would only be used for academic purpose and kept confidential. Thank you. (Please tick your answer at appropriate place.) 1. Have you ever bought healthcare products in the past one year? Yes No 2. You buy healthcare products for: (Only pick up the most suitable one)

    beauty and skincare slimming healthcare build up resistance others

    3. Have you ever bought and taken instant birds nest in the past one year?

    Yes No 4. The reason you buy instant birds nest is: (Only pick up the most suitable one)

    convenient much cheaper easy to carry saving time and labor 5. The amount you spend on buying instant birds nest per month on average:

    less than $200 $200 500 $500 800 $800 1,000 1,000 or above

    6. Where do you buy instant birds nest usually? (Only pick up the most suitable one)

    birds nest niche shops supermarket pharmacy counter others 7. You usually buy instant birds nest for: (Only pick up the most suitable one)

    yourself parents gifts ( child pregnant women elderly) 8. What effect would you expect from taking instant birds nest? (Only pick up the most

    suitable one) healthcare build up resistance beauty slimming others

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    9. Do you think the following are essential when buying instant birds nest? (Please tick your answer in the following)

    Very important

    important neutral Not important

    Very unimport

    ant 9.1 variety of products 9.2 quality of products 9.3 goodwill of the brand of products

    9.4 package of products (outlook, size, delicacy)

    9.5 ingredients of products 9.6 the originate of birds nest 9.7 price 9.8 advertisements 9.9 recommendation from

    relatives and friends

    9.10 the shops are nearby 9.11 the shops are located on the

    street or in a building

    10. Please list the brands that you know in selling instant birds nest:

    ______________________________any other? ______________________________any other? ______________________________any other? ______________________________any other? ______________________________any other?

    11. Which of the following brand of instant birds nest you think is the most worthy for

    consumption? 4 is the most worthy for consumption, 1 is the most unworthy for consumption, 1 4 can only be used for once. __________ Imperial Birds Nest __________ Lo Hong Ka __________ Eu Yan Sang __________ Wai Yuen Tong

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    12. Which of the following brand of instant birds nest you think the price is the most reasonable for consumption? 4 is the most reasonable for consumption, 1 is the most unreasonable for consumption, 1 4 can only be used for once.

    __________ Imperial Birds Nest __________ Lo Hong Ka __________ Eu Yan Sang __________ Wai Yuen Tong

    13. Please use 1 to 7 to express your perception and impression towards the niche shop in

    office buildings Imperial Birds Nest. 1 represents your impression towards description on the left; 7 represents your impression towards description on the right. (Please tick your answer in the following)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Traditional Fashionable Image is blur

    Image is clear

    Less product variety

    Many product variety



    Not credible Credible Costly Inexpensive Bad service Superior

    service Less advertise- ment

    Many advertisement

    14. What do you think about one of the product line Daily Birds Nest of Imperial

    Birds Nest:

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Strongly agree

    Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

    14.1 Daily Birds Nest leads the trend of instant birds nest

    14.2 Daily Birds Nest which is vacuum-packed in seven small bottles serve what the consumers need

    14.3 Daily Birds Nest is the best and credible choice for healthcare

    15. Do you agree with the following statements? Strongly

    agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

    disagree15.1 Health is very important to me. 15.2 I worry about aging of my body

    very soon.

    15.3 Extrinsic beauty is much more important than intrinsic beauty.

    15.4 I do mind people criticize my appearance.

    15.5 I can accept new things easily. 15.6 Fitness is essential for carrying

    out job duties efficiently.

    16. Where do you get information of healthcare products before consumption usually?

    (Only pick up the most suitable one) advertisements recommended by relatives and friends media recommended by doctors, nutritionist website others

    17. When would you consume healthcare products usually? (Only pick up the most suitable one)

    once it is needed with special promotion and discount launch of new product with free gift

    18. Where do you get the most update information about healthcare products: (Only pick

    up the most suitable one) TV radio magazine website

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 58

    19. Which type of magazine you usually read? (Only pick up the most suitable one)

    fashion gossip lifestyle (such as gardening, interior design, etc.) finance and news do not read any magazine

    20. Have you ever been to travel in the past one year? No Yes once twice three times four times or above

    21. You usually spend money on: entertainment shopping dining 22. Number of credit card on hand: 0 1 2 3 4 or above 23. Occupation:

    housewife service industry clerical executive profession student unemployed others

    24. Personal income per month:

    No income less than $10,000 $10,000 14,999 $15,000 19,999 $20,000 24,999 $25,000 29, 999 $30,000 or above

    25. How much do you usually spend on healthy products per month:

    less than $300 $300 1,000 $1,000 - 2,000 $2,000 - 3,000 $3,000 or above

    26. Education:

    primary or below F.3 graduated F.5 graduated tertiary or above 27. Marital status: single married 28. Your house is: self-own rent public estate hostel

    29. Age: 18 24 25 34 35 44 45 54 55 64 65 or above

    ~ The End~

    Thank you!

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 59

    Survey on healthcare products consumption behavior (Result) Hello! I am a master student of School of Communication in the Hong Kong Baptist University. I am now conducting a survey concerning instant birds nest. The information you provided would only be used for academic purpose and kept confidential. Thank you. (Please tick your answer at appropriate place.) 1. Have you ever bought healthcare products in the past one year? Yes (88%) No (12%) 2. You buy healthcare products for: (Only pick up the most suitable one)

    beauty and skincare (30%) slimming (12%) healthcare (40%) build up resistance (14%) others (4%)

    3. Have you ever bought and taken instant birds nest in the past one year?

    Yes (66%) No (34%) 4. The reason you buy instant birds nest is: (Only pick up the most suitable one)

    convenient (48%) much cheaper (6%) easy to carry (2%) saving time and labor (44%)

    5. The amount you spend on buying instant birds nest per month on average:

    less than $200 (54%) $200 500 (36%) $500 800 (6%) $800 1,000 (0%) 1,000 or above (4%)

    6. Where do you buy instant birds nest usually? (Only pick up the most suitable one)

    birds nest niche shops (60%) supermarket (12%) pharmacy (10%) counter (14%) others (4%)

    7. You usually buy instant birds nest for: (Only pick up the most suitable one)

    yourself (68%) parents (20%) gifts (22%) 8. What effect would you expect from taking instant birds nest? (Only pick up the most

    suitable one) healthcare (20%) build up resistance (8%) beauty (70%) slimming (0%) others (2%)

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 60

    9. Do you think the following are essential when buying instant birds nest? (Please tick your answer in the following)

    Very important




    Not important


    Very unimpor-tant(%)

    9.1 variety of products 2 24 44 30 09.2 quality of products 74 24 2 0 09.3 goodwill of the brand of products

    52 46 2 0 0

    9.4 package of products (outlook, size, delicacy)

    0 44 30 24 2

    9.5 ingredients of products 56 38 6 0 09.6 the originate of birds nest 18 60 20 2 09.7 price 38 62 0 0 09.8 advertisements 4 44 38 14 09.9 recommendation from

    relatives and friends 18 72 8 2 0

    9.10 the shops are nearby 0 38 38 20 49.11 the shops are located on the

    street or in a building 0 24 50 24 2

    10. Please list the brands that you know in selling instant birds nest:

    Lo Hong Ka (38%) Brands (18%) Imperial Birds Nest (14%) Wai Yuen Tong (10%) Home of Swallows (8%)

    11. Which of the following brand of instant birds nest you think is the most worthy for

    consumption? 4 is the most worthy for consumption, 1 is the most unworthy for consumption, 1 4 can only be used for once. Wai Yuen Tong (60%) Imperial Birds Nest (52%) Eu Yan Sang (48%) Lo Hong Ka (40%)

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 61

    12. Which of the following brand of instant birds nest you think the price is the most

    reasonable for consumption? 4 is the most reasonable for consumption, 1 is the most unreasonable for consumption, 1 4 can only be used for once. Wai Yuen Tong (58%) Imperial Birds Nest (56%) Lo Hong Ka (44%) Eu Yan Sang (42%)

    13. Please use 1 to 7 to express your perception and impression towards the niche shop in

    office buildings Imperial Birds Nest. 1 represents your impression towards description on the left; 7 represents your impression towards description on the right. (Please tick your answer in the following) (Presented in %)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Traditional 2 8 10 20 26 26 8 Fashionable Image is blur

    0 12 14 44 16 8 6 Image is clear

    Less product variety

    0 0 18 60 20 0 2 Many product variety


    0 0 0 32 48 18 2 Professional

    Not credible 0 0 4 42 38 14 2 Credible Costly 2 14 18 36 22 6 2 Inexpensive Bad service 0 0 2 54 38 4 2 Superior

    service Less advertise- ment

    6 6 20 42 18 4 4 Many advertisement

    14. What do you think about one of the product line Daily Birds Nest of Imperial

    Birds Nest: (Presented in %)

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 62

    Strongly agree

    Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

    14.1 Daily Birds Nest leads the trend of instant birds nest

    0 34 48 16 2

    14.2 Daily Birds Nest which is vacuum-packed in seven small bottles serve what the consumers need

    2 46 42 8 2

    14.3 Daily Birds Nest is the best and credible choice for healthcare

    0 16 70 12 2

    15. Do you agree with the following statements? (Presented in %) Strongly

    agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

    disagree15.1 Health is very important to me. 54 46 0 0 015.2 I worry about aging of my body

    very soon. 20 58 18 4 0

    15.3 Extrinsic beauty is much more important than intrinsic beauty.

    6 20 48 26 0

    15.4 I do mind people criticize my appearance.

    8 46 34 12 0

    15.5 I can accept new things easily. 6 52 32 8 215.6 Fitness is essential for carrying

    out job duties efficiently. 34 48 16 2 0

    16. Where do you get information of healthcare products before consumption usually?

    (Only pick up the most suitable one) advertisements (26%) recommended by relatives and friends (48%) media (8%) recommended by doctors, nutritionist (14%) website (0%) others (4%)

    17. When would you consume healthcare products usually? (Only pick up the most suitable one)

    once it is needed (54%) with special promotion and discount (38%) launch of new product (0%) with free gift (8%)

    18. Where do you get the most update information about healthcare products: (Only pick

    up the most suitable one) TV (30%) radio (4%) magazine (62%) website (4%)

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 63

    19. Which type of magazine you usually read? (Only pick up the most suitable one) fashion (18%) gossip (60%) finance and news (4%) lifestyle (14%) do not read any magazine (4%)

    20. Have you ever been to travel in the past one year? No (26%) Yesonce (42%) twice (4%) three times (18%) four times or above (10%)

    21. You usually spend money on: entertainment (8%) shopping (46%) dining (46%) 22. Number of credit card on hand: 0 (10%) 1 (8%) 2 (20%)

    3 (14%) 4 or above (48%) 23. Occupation:

    housewife (6%) service industry (10%) clerical (34%) executive (2%) profession (8%) student (8%) unemployed (0%) others (8%)

    24. Personal income per month:

    No income (6%) less than $10,000 (32%) $10,000 14,999 (40%) $15,000 19,999 (12%) $20,000 24,999 ( 2%) $25,000 29, 999 (2%) $30,000 or above (6%)

    25. How much do you usually spend on healthy products per month:

    less than $300 (60%) $300 1,000 (34%) $1,000 - 2,000 (4%) $2,000 - 3,000 (2%) $3,000 or above (0%)

    26. Education:

    primary or below (6%) F.3 graduated (0%) F.5 graduated (20%) tertiary or above (74%)

    27. Marital status: Single (78%) married (22%) 28. Your house is: self-own (56%) rent (12%) public estate (30%) hostel (2%)

    29. Age: 18 24 (18%) 25 34 (62%) 35 44 (12%)

    45 54 (4%) 55 64 (4%) 65 or above (0%)

    ~ The End~

    Thank you!

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 64

    Appendix II

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 65

    Table 8 Birds Nest & Aloe Top 10 Advertisers (HK$ in thousands) in 2004 No. Advertisers Total

    HK$ (000) 1 Imperial Birds Nest 33,763 2 Eu Yan Sang 18,814 3 Hing Kee Java Edible Birds Nest 18,753 4 Lo Hong Ka 17,412 5 Wang On Group () 14,206 6 Brands 10,312 7 Hon Fu Loi 10,065 8 Tsan Kee Swallow Dessert Shop 8,894 9 Ming In Birds Nest 5,589 10 4,462 Source: admango

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 66

    Table 9 Comparison of Imperial Birds Nest and three direct competitors Imperial Birds

    Nest ()

    Lo Hong Ka


    Wai Yuen Tong

    Eu Yan Sang

    Establishment 1964 1998 1897 1879

    No. of retail shop Total: 10 shops

    HK (2), Kln.(4),

    N.T. (4)

    Total: 32 shops

    HK (7), Kln. (16),

    N.T. (9)

    Total: 45 shops

    HK (11), Kln. (16),

    N.T. (18)

    Total: 29 shops

    HK (7), Kln (14),

    N.T. (8)

    Mission / Promise Aim at caring

    customers health

    / Change and

    return product

    within 15 days of




    Natural, Care

    and Trust /

    Promise: Enhance

    your vitality.

    Living motto:


    medicine with


    Growing strong

    with reputation.

    Motto: Care for


    Services provided Importers

    wholesale and

    retailing services

    Wholesale, retailing

    services and


    Retailing services,

    wholesale and


    Retailing services,

    wholesale and


    Product category First Phase

    Golden Silky

    Birds Nest /

    Daily Birds


    Instant Birds Nest /

    Aloe Vera / Pearl

    Anew Pearl Powder

    / 7 Leaf Ginseng

    Instant Birds Nest /

    Young Yum Pill,

    Pak Fung Pill,


    Lucidum Spores,

    Pearl powder and

    pearl pills, Tibetan

    Wild Cordyceps,


    Bottled Birds Nest

    / Bak Foong Pills/

    Bo Ying Compound

    / Chicken Essence /

    Herbal jellies /

    Ginseng wines, etc.

    Special promotion Club Simple Perfect Card

    Classic & Platinum


    VIP membership

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 67

    Awards Superbrands

    status in 3

    consecutive years

    since 2002 /

    Quality Tourism

    Services Award /

    Hong Kong Top

    Brand 2004 / the

    first birds nest

    retailer to receive

    the Hong Kong

    Q-Mark quality


    2002 Hong Kong

    Top Ten

    Brandnames / 2002

    Enterprise 50

    Award in Malaysia

    2001 Hong Kong

    Top Ten

    Brandnames /


    status in 2002

    Price Daily Birds Nest

    20g x 7

    () $308

    Instant Birds Nest

    (350g) $485

    30g Supreme Little

    Swallow Birds

    Nest (30g x 6)



    Birds Nest with

    Rock Suger

    (70g x 6)


    Other distribution


    Mannings Wing On

    Department Stores

    Mannings /

    Watsons / Parkn

    Shop / CR Care

    Mannings /

    Watsons /

    Wellcome /

    Parkn Shop /

    Jusco / drug store

    chains / medical

    halls / provision


  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

    Marketing Communication Campaign 68

    Table 10 Monthly trend of placing advertisements in the market of Bird's Nest & Aloe (HK$ in thousands), 2003 - 2004

    2003 2004 Jan 27,368.76 26,458.18Feb 8,589.49 5,853.78Mar 11,770.84 6,746.56Apr 15,159.67 13,038.75May 21,400.58 18,771.81Jun 6,872.36 11,974.73Jul 9,989.01 11,851.50Aug 7,675.02 12,103.40Sep 18,907.87 17,277.09Oct 9,283.70 10,642.94Nov 8,588.24 12,234.12Dec 14,269.20 17,516.96Total 159,874.74 164,471.82









    $ ('0


    Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov


    Bird's Nest & Aloe - Monthly trend



    Source: admango

  • Imperial Birds Nest International Co. Ltd.

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    Table 11 Highest spend of media advertising expenditure by Imperial Birds Nest and three competitors in 2003 and 2004 2003

    Imperial Birds
