THE MAGICIAN - Barberton Public Library · b .::.-berton High School THE MAGICIAN Page 5 Trudell...

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Transcript of THE MAGICIAN - Barberton Public Library · b .::.-berton High School THE MAGICIAN Page 5 Trudell...




. --.,

Senior A Edition

Class of June 1930

Barberton Central High School

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Ralph Steese To win the fight Uphold the name Of B. H. S. Has been our aim.

In foul or !air Tru thick ·and thin Each victory We've helped to win.

Square shooter&-1111 E ach hour, each day The game of li!e We t ry to play.

We play it straight We play it fair F or we're the gang

Oh. here's to the cla~s of thirty With its rigor and vigor and vim Here's to all classe:. of Central

To do and dare. May the·ir glories never grow dim.

Let's sing a song Of seniors bold May memories Never grow old.

Let 's r end the air With happy cheer For a ll of those W e love so dear.

We drink to you Life's happiness A cup brimfilled With good su,cce55.

And now it's time To . sa y adieu, And so we say Fa1·ewell to you .

' ·.,,), ."'· · ···· · . . ..... ,.. .. , .. ~·.; J..i. ··~·:· - .... ~

;arberton Hig-h Schoo0

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... 0 berton Hi~h School THE MAGICIAN Page a

Senior A Class of 1930

Class Advisers



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Page 4

SENIOR A CLASS NICK N AME Jona Acker Mal'garet Antles Peg ?4arfon Apley Marion David A tkinson Dave Rich&rd Atkinson Dick

Hannah Axner Diuy E lton Baughman Dadcl7 Gob Wanda. Berry Berries Trudell Brouse ..,.t'\1

E stelle Brown S~l ------- -- --- -~--

L ucile Butzer But'z..e r J oseph Capan AI Capone Ma rgaritt Cars.on Betty Hilda Cas ner Hildie J ohn ChaykQ$ki Johnnie -~----·--

Edn& Cheadle Eddie Mary Chirich Mari John Cleary Johnny Dorothy Critchfield Dot Richard Cummings Dick

--~ -------Regis Delasrrange Ren Edith Fa rber Ed Sarah Fink Sara Mike Fis h er Mtke Georgia Fletcher Georgie

Ma rgery Frevold Ma:tge Bertha F ry Bert Dorothy George Ernest Hackney Ernie J oaephinc Haines Jo

Robert Hamer Bob Orpha Harbarger Orpha Laura Hartma n Meddo Eva Henley u E ve" Jeann• Hic kox 1ean - -------·- ·- -Louis e Hits Hissie Gladys Hook• Hooke Charles H umbert Chuck Jaml'!s Jam!eson Jim J oseph Kaehet- Joe



wa&hin~ <dishes hair Dlaylna i th teachers llirtii>E' talk ini: boys holdings -ands love being Iatie women

ea tin~ eating his hair those gold•n locka ma.rcell ing George t1' Jking sports the Giants dancing her w~ia:h t

makinig !aces M a r io n Apley fia-htin' fightin' drJ,,. jng the .. Bie- Chief .. Darby chewinz s:um Boy Scout

her hips Boy Scout

talking Mr. Hutchlng11 fixin' Ji1>s thol!!e coil& "Ev" "Ev" fixin' up E. L. H. ta lking with girls W anda

keeping Quiet gir ls ta lking studies b1Qwing a ouip same as Trudell S•me as T rud@ll ~la-gling the pjano

makinc eyes c:afeteria studyin i' noi se chewin ii?: e-utn Ernie acting t oua-h Dorot hy . HotsiQC' music

explainini' thinlll!. 1rirls looking nicf' everyone els e laug-hinl:' &Ports ta lking about everyone M r hair teHin g Paul

s leepini: Mr. Mollenberg a &kin i: questions ftshiDK' lookin2 dumb .-irl.s thinking hard problems talkin~ a irplanes rltders

.. Barberton High Sch0:'

AMBITION to be. a. cock t.o g et married to be &mart to wri t e to be a Bob Johe1

to be a bhr eater to be a halr·dr esser to be a movie e.tar to he a ball i;.layer to get thin

most anything to be a box•r to g et m arried to be an a ctress be an Eaale Scout

t.o be an orator to be h eraelf to be a re!ormer s3rne a.a Trudell to be an organiii;t

to be an Inventor to be a model to be a Mood swimmer to be somebody n othing

to be a. nurse to be a t eacher to be a saltaman to be a Pr of. to be a n aviator - - - - - - -------------------- - - --- - - ---- -----·-- -----------

Mat-Y Katanich William Kimball Paul Kliment Edrnund Kuhn John Kurish

Ar1ene L eib Fae L iewis Joseph Lelbertb Hynian Litwa.k Kenneth Lowu

Clarence Macbeth Ca therine Mackovic Julia Malo Joseph Mandell Lohman Marsha11 ... .--~-------·

Eliubeth Matthewa Donald ~elntire T resa .Merda H elen Miiie r Jay Miller

Roy Moore John Mon [...eah M yer Howard Otto Patricia Paridon

Monford Parker Pauline Parkier H a rold ~roebl Martha Raplen ovic Glad ys Raub

Rose Recht Rebecea Riehardson Evelyn Romain Glenna Rummel Paul Sellers

Michael Smith Evelyn Snodgrass John Sannludter M &rY Sonnhalter Hermit Squires

Ralph Steese George Ston r r Michael Struharik Mary SW8.rts Ruth Swigart

J oseph Tholt Rooe Tholt J Qs eph Thom1.s W'il1iam Thomas Su aan Tripp

Anna Mary Valentine B~rnice Winkelman Paul Yocum

Marie Bill Klimb Ed John

A rne Toots Joe Abie Kenny

Bud Kate Juey

""" Mar!'lhall

Pat "on Tre Aggie-"Snit:i:''

Roy Jack ' 'Sho'tty" Auto Pat

Monnie Shorty Harold M arts Gla dy

To Beeb Fun.y p.,.gy Sellers

Mille ,.£v" JobTJscn Sonny Hermie

Bo F.uclid Mike Mi~ Boot&

Jo• RQaje J oe P.tu Sue

Annie Barness Yocie

using l ipstick jtetting d ates wash in g behind his ear!i walkin i: the halls asking questions

~hewinc- a-um simrin E" taJkin.£" w ise er.a.eking h urdli-n 1r


tnu"fe ma.k ing 1>rtnting mistakeB!'

most anything , tudyin1r playitlc Sax r oller skating drawing

t eading driving painting uo arguing fl irting

eating che win g cum .tttudyinll! a th letics T'lo\Vderinx-

buy ing clothes men talki ng-tyoing w iping his g lasses

atudies dancing !IQUawkin&' a Sophomore ins inuatinr

making eyes Chemistry explosion Fuzsy Hannah Axner his Q.u ietness

bluahinii boys eyes Popping off those eye1

smashins: cars rhpm is try t alkin g s ports tho!ie Bps

1lHping women short dresses hai r Francis KJaae

Lucille ttlling jokn atudyi ni;r B lir Chief he r red hair

t o be a m ovie star to know sotnethine to be p:res ident to have Bee S. t o be a Frent"hman

to !ll'OW UJ') a s ong1ter athletic coach Rabbi to be a coach

movie star b fg butte:r •n egg man teacher nothin&' to b~- a meatme.n

to be a nurse be a doctor be Woolworth's wife

" !?"reat arti1t

be a pool !ihar k be a doctor f1n d a. man to win a ' 'B" hard to tell

own Hamburg Shov get big atudyin 1i be a n urse to get th in

------··----~~--·-·· ·-- --''Saue-Aky'" Byesville Joe LeibeTth


to be civics teacher to be a model to marry Joe be a tap dancer t o be a COP

-~- -··- --- - --------- ----------- --- - --- - - --actin~ touch John Cl1;>ary fix ing his hair ,.,..11 rii n2 ,llood booke studying

J)Oetl"Y i;. howinJ?" wisdom music falling ftxin' UI>

cat t a lk .Tohn CleaTy ,Tean chewine- nm •tudyine

;ov~ poet r y !'mi le Jnu 11:.,ueaky Kussey

- - - --- ·--- - --- -------- --- ·-·- ---ll'O) f tnaking fa ces t,.11.rin!l' s low ?'PotP.arch work talking

studying ~vfn" li'PS nothjng

s hooting 80 -~ttiniz recogn iH·ci dMe Ht>s thAt Rreasy h•ir talkinQ'

,Tf'bn~on Mr. Mollenbe1'1t <': hurch

to be an editor to eet him to be a belcher lo be like E. L. !".'~1rivina

t n be a ooet to teach a-eometr)' ,..,.,.h estra ll!ader tft be a t echnician to ~et mar-ried

'R.,hbv J on e. 'I to get a. job preachinJ' to be a scientist to be a talker

to get married to 2e t a ma.n to be a oreacher

. · -----· ·:·~

b .::.-berton High School THE MAGICIAN Page 5

Trudell Brouse and Hyman Lit-1 E velyn Romain, He1en Miller wak pr omise to secretly tell Jean and Laura Hartman will their rol­

W e, the senior class of June, Uhl what method of hair wav:ng !er skates t o .Moray Hille. 1930, of the Barberton High they use. . : . / J ack Moss, Monford Parker, and · · ool, of the city of Barber t on, .Kenne~h Low•·y and .Bill Kimball 1 George Stoner leave their cave

.ty of Summit , state of insan i- w1ll the1r ti·ack ability t o John man instinct to Bob Carson, HugJ

CLASS WILL Mary Sonnhalter wills her pose to Dorothy Wallace.

John Kurish and Robert Hamer will their dramatic talent to Mr. Hutchings.

.. , United States of America, be- Koska. Linder a nd Mark R aiden. ing disputab1y sound in mind and Fae Lewis, Arlene Leib, and r ealizing that we a re soon to pas·' Georgia Fletcher will their gold­from this institution, do hereby digg ing abil ity to Pauline Adam>. ordain and establish this as our Bernice Winkelman leaves a r ec­last will and testament, hereby re- ord of A's and B's to be cherishe.i voking all wills made heretofore. by Harry Gertensbger ..

Ruth Swigart l eaves to all her feminine cohorts in the lower classes, Jack, subject t o their advancQs.

Article 1 I. The class, as a whole, leaves Lucille Bu.tzer leaves her quiet

to the student body their sense o, manner to Virginia Finley. humor to be used when a teachei H i'da Casner, Bertha Fry and tells a joke. Edna Cheadle all leave their blase

2. From the class treasury. we manners to E telka Tawney. leave 35 cents to the faculty fo: E stelle Brown and Mary Katan· the purchase of a book entit'.ed ;ch will their ora torical abilit~· tc "Appreciation of a Senior." J ohn Berkheimer.

Article 2 Louise Hiss and Joe Kacher wiE 1. Iona Acker, Margery F1·e- h d

'·old and Eva Henley bequeath tG ·cheir perfe: tly mate e manne;·" tc

Johnny Smith an:l Paul'ne Stm·g 11 Agnes J olly and Mary Alexancle1 the book, "Why Gentlemen P refer Her mit Squires wi'ls his gift of Blondes." ga b to anyone who would take or.

2. Marian Apley leaves that psr- ouch a burden. ody of her name and the fru it , Mary Swarts leaves to the next "Apleysauce" to any disguste:l in G. R. pres'dent her iron hand. dividual. Glenna Rummel a nd J ulia Male

3. J osephine Haines and Doro· leave their typing awa1·ds to b thy George will to H elen Matthewc given to unruly pupils· :for good be the patience they p1·acticed in leav- ~avior. ing their hair grow. In three yea:~ E dith F arber anrl Anna )1ar0· Helen wi!! be rewarded by a smal Va!entine l cRve their abiUy to taL knot. ). leg off of a nycne to Mis8 Va:'.

Ernie Hackney and J oe Leiberth ;-Iyning. · leave to J tick Kusse and A.t Wei-

. h Jay Miller wills his length;: !er their success in winnrng .t e ap·· ctrides to Marjorie Chisnell. proval of thefr certain "Malls ."

~1argaret Antles, Dot Ci-itch - Lohman Marshall and Paul g,,_ field and Wanda Berry will thei~ lers leave their brJken heart.s tc h ypnotic powers over certa in two s tony freshmen giri s. sorl"P.!1cdies to Antonette Hanzel. Re!;ecca Richardson and Rose

Dick Cummings, Mike Stniharik Recht leave their falling-b-lovi ~nd Charles Humbert will t :i Mr. ~bility to Kath'een O'Brien.

1wan their instruments along Dick At kinson and Jam­ith the Test cf the wrecks. 1 ·e ~·on w ill t he:r singing an:! danc Elton Baughman leaves to Mr. ing faculties to P aul Shank.

; •qu er cherished tit:e, "Daddy 1

'Io Rhea Scoarse, Paul Klimen·: '-&ob " · l d b tt' f J~hn Chayko~ki, J oe Mandel, and . leave~ a shght Y use o .e o

Regis Delagrange, by . specia.l l'e- peroxide. , • queot leave, their ability to mess Paulme Parker and Ma:t~:}hP,-up type to Kenny Hou3 ec. l en~v1c leave. records of p-;<-:~ l>--

Di2zy Axner an:l J ohn Cleary hav1or to guide the Sen.a •. B -: will their ch eer-leading ability to Elizabeth Matthews will s her Wayne Marker and Rhudarb pet make to Mr. for th~ Dooley. advancement of sc:ence.

Joe Thomas gives his alacrity to Henry Stoner.

Bill Thomas wills his dignity t o Eugene Kesler.

Joe Capan leaves a half finished keg of beer to F rancis Klase.

Leah M.eyer and Tresa Merda will their hair cuts to Sadie Dulian.

Edmund Kuhn leaves the p ic­ture of himself to Bie Swarts.


Sar ah Fink leaves her pugilist ic talents to Helen Sherman. The Senior A class is proud of

her athletes and their a ccomplish-John Sonnhalter leaves his knack ments during the past four ye·ars.

for notoriety to Mr. Mollenberg, Nineteen members of the class and the art of speech making to have been g :ven athletic awards by Mr. P ieffer. the school.

Howard Otto, Harold Proehl, and Pe1·haps the most outstanding Donald Mcintire lea".e a m~mo'.·y athlete is Ernie H.nckney who has . f ~our years of mtE-behavior w J earned varsity letters in football, t he .iamtors. bnsketba' l and track. Joe Lieber th

Joe Tholt and Mike Smith leave ha s also earned lette1·s in all major their act:ng-up qualities to Mis : spvrts. J oe Thomas, dusky athlete, Williams. is n ext in line with letters in foot-

David Atkinson 1eave3 a score of ball and . basketball. Kenneth censored manuscripts to the nex, Lowry, lea~mg B .. H. S. trackste~·· journalism class. Hern11t Squn·es have eacn

Clarence Macbeth and Paul Yo- earned two t rack letters. cum will their skill in dancing t: . Boy;; who have earned . one var-Vic Weigand Jtty letter are th e followmg: John

· , · · H' k So:mhalter (basketba.I); Monford Orpna Har harger, Jea nne ic . - Parker (football); Bill Kimball

ox, and Betty Carson leave th<:JI ( t rack ), and Clarence Macbeth high voltage to all the la zy teacn (t rack ).

em. Dick Atkinson and Joe Tholt Mary Chirich and Catherine have eamed letters in golf and

Mackovic leave their curls to be Trndell Bi'.>use in baseball. J.ay hung am:dst the du Jt an:! the t iO Miller and Mike Smith have been pn:es in your cJrridors. awarded managers' letters fo r

Rov Moore and Mike Fisher their services. !eave- theh· internst in studies tc Hannah Axner and Laura Hart-R.alph Bernard. man have won cheer ~eader l etteTs.

Ralph Steese leaves to Le Roy In girls' athletics Evelyn Ro-Smith his ability to portray na- main nas beea outstanding and ture in p oetry. won her letter in 3'h y ens. Martha

Evelyn Snodgrass, Sue Tripp Raplenovic Laurn Hartman a nd and Patricia Paridon leave thei. Hannah Axner are other girl s who estabJ:shed set of wiles- to Pauline have won lettern. Wagner and Rita Meehen. Helen Miller, Rose Recht and

Rose Tholt, Gladys Hooke, 211.:: Glenna Rummel also wer a out­Gladys Raub leave their spirit of standing in class sports during t:ar.'.ng to Martha Carey and F!or- their high school clays, but d.d not en: e Atkinson. gain enough p oints for a "B."


Page 6 T H E MAGICIA.N Barberton High Schoo'..


It was the year of our Lord, 1940, and the place wa s the busy news writing department of that thriving newspaper, The Barber ­ton Herald. Everything was bustle and confusion, and then suddenly the boss came into sight, and made his way s traight to yours t ruly. . i;i'\id he: "Do you realize what day Es~s is 7°

the new middleweight, Joe Lie- Mary Sonnhalter, Elizabeth Mat -I t ion, a s Sophomore B's. We chose berth. He says, "The r eason J took thews, Anna Mary Valen tine and a & our class. office rs J ohnn Sonn· un boxing was because I had to. I Mike Str uharick are workinir in a halter, p res ident, who with the sec­married Fuzzy Romain who packs night club; Mike leads a jazz or- reta ry, J oe Li'.eberth, have held a mean wallop." chestra and the rest are cigarette these posit ions fo r the r emaining

Kenneth Lowry had a lso broken girl:;. years of school; Evelyn Romain, the world r ecord for the hurdles. vice president , and George F !etch-Great s t u.ff, Kenn y! J osephine Haines, Orpha Har- er, treasurer .

barger, Arlene Leib and Fae Lewis The class officers remained un-The funny pages were featured are lectur ing in various colle21!S on changed during the las t part of our

by the w ork of Jay Miller whose "The Art of Jug Making in North Sophomor e year. Nothing of im­comic strip "Suffering Sue" was Carolina." Alas! that the .. should portance really happened in our undoubtedly patterned a fter the sink so low! Sophomore year .

- "Christmas ?" I said hope.fully. " No, you numbskull, today is t he

tenth a nnive rsary of t he gradua­tion of that most wonderful June class of 1930, and I want you to go nut and get the dope on what each member of the cla&s is doing."

I went. No sooner was I outside the door thian I saw a t remendous crowd cong regat ing about two peo­ple. They were Marion Apley and Bob Hamer, who had just br oken the world's record for fla2"pole sit­ting and were receiving their hard earned r ewar ds.

antics o£ our old friend , Sue Tripp.

I could find nothing mor e a bout the kids from our clas.s, so I de­cided t o see the new principal of the high school, Jim J amieson, who would have some records of them; by the way, Harold Proehl was now superintendent of Barberton schools.

J im was quit e glad to see me and we went to his bachel~r a part· ment t o t alk over old t imes. Oh yes, Jim was still a woman b ater.

During our convers·ation, Jim told me the fo'lowing:

J oe Thomas and Paul Yocum are A block fur ther on I was accost- now in charge of their fathers'

ed by two newsboys simultaneously congregations. Mike Smith has alsc shouting their wares ; they were taken up reli.2"ion, as a missionary· J ohnn;: C~eary and Edmund Ku~n. he is pounding it into South Af· Not w13,hmg to show any f avor1t- ricans. ism, I bought a paper from each and began to r ead them. The ~ead- Dor othy George and E rnie Hack­lines were Communist U_pris ing eny were, of course, married and Put Down. 'Ihi; article said tha.t as a side line are teaching ph ysical

The hard luck story of them all, howeve r, g oe& to Hyman Litwak; poor Abie was driven out of the tailorini: business when the ch ain s tores br ought in a sbestos clothing that simply would not wear out.

Tresa Merda, Rebecca Richar d son, Pat Paridon 11nj Pauline Parker are designing clothes for st arving Bulgarians.

Elton Baughman and Dick Cum­mings ar e running a beauty par !or wherein t hey experiment on each other. They a dverti t-e "You . Face Is Your Fortune," a nd ye .. believe it or not they are deac broke.

Martha Raplenovic an:I Laura Hart ma n have tuilt up a huire cliente'.e as chiropract or s. One da;, in a fit of absentmindedness, ·one,. experimented on Mary .Swar ts and Jeanne Hickox and now the la tter are prof essional contor tionists.

Hannah Axner is an 1nterior

Whoooee We were upper class· men now! Junior B's! We felt as thoug'.i we had been lifted to H eaven. The a£·3is tants for "John­ny" Sonnhalter, president, were Mar i:aret Antles, vise president ; J oe Lieber th, secretary, and Hy­man Lit wa k, t reasurer.

Miss J effries was our cla ss ad­viw r unt il our Junior year, and then Miss Bell, assisted by Mr . Easterling, have since headed . our class.

Soon our class of Junior A's be­gan t o feel t~e thrill of being in nigh s: hool; we chose our clas3 . ings and p'n£·. Our class rings were much d:fferent from those of : ny other class. Our offi cers r e­mained the Eame a s t hose of our J unior B year.

t hree BolsheVlk1, J obn chaykosk•, r It · Paul Kliment and John Kurish had cu ure. planned a demonstrat io:n whic~ wa s Louise Hiss end Gla dy:& Hooke only put down by the mgen01ty_ o'f are nurses, working for the well Roy Moore, the famous detective. known plast ic surgeons, Don Mc-Fine stuff, Roy! Intire and J ack Moss.

At last! The big fight! Class ~ol­orn! Blazers! Dues! Part:es ! Ban­quets! Our faithful "Johnny" Sonnha lter was aided this semester by Jack Moss, vice president ; J oe Lieber th, secretary; J ohn Cleary,

decorat or , a nd, as J im told me pri- treasurer, and his a ssistant t reas­vately, so was Joe Capan, but of urer, George Stoner. After several a different k ind. I alwa ys knew meetings of mouth fight~. our class Joe was a firm exponent of ,h~ fina lly selected our class colors, Eighteenth Amendment . scarlet and gray, which was the

Jim knew abEolutely nothing I color of cur ~lazers. James J amie­about J ohnny Sonnhalter and Eve - son v:is cha1~man of th2 blazer lyn Snodgrass, the remainmg tw~ commit tee w hich ch_ose the s tyle of our class and I was in a quan- f the bl_azers. Our c as~ ba nqueti;d dary un til I suddenly had a n in- t he Senior A class· with an A ir

Another headiine informed me that Joe Kacher and J oe Mandel were still "Air minded" ; they had just made a non-stop fl ig ht acr oss Lake Anna.

The paper aloo said that a fter Jong years of experiment, the two rising scientists, Hermit Squires and George St oner, had discovered which came firs t, the chicken or the egi:. The resuits of their ex­periments ar e being kept a secret.

I turned to the movie section; a screaming advertisement ad­monished me not to mis~ the great talking, singing and dancing pro­duction, " The Hot Tamale," fea­t ured by Monford Parker a nd Georgia F letcher, the idols of mil­lions, dir ected by Paul Sel!ers, songs by Ralph Steese. The cas t also featured a super chorus of startling beauty: Lucille Butzer, Hilda Casner, Edna Cheadle, Mar ­gery Frevold and Bertha Fry.

f};'here was also an announce­' _'1t on the pag e that three girl& were desperately striving for the lead in the revival of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." They were Jona Acker, Eva Henley and Bernice Winkelman.

I next turned to the sport pages. What 's th is? "Mike Fisher and Trudell Brouse star as Giants Win." I knew the boys would g et the1·e. They'r e the two best ball players in the major leagues. "At kinson Shoots, Record Breaking Score to Cop Open," was next. Yep, Dick was the test irolfer s ince Bobby J ones quit . Likewise, on t he sport pages wa s an interview of

Estelle Brown, Sarah F ink and Gladys Raub have been unt;l re ­cently demonstrating a redu~;n<r apparatus. Ala s! the companv is now bankrupt and they ar e out of jobs.

Margaret Antles, \Vanda Berry. Dot Critchfield and Bet ty Carson are doing settlement work in S '!v­dertown. They a re Lady Bountifulr personified.

JuUa Malo, Glenna R ummel 11nc Helen Mill er are touring the coun­try and giving typing exhibit~ons. Helen gives a h orrible example o' what one should not do w : t'1 r typewr iter .

Mary Chirich , Mary Katanicl< and Catherine Mackovic have eacl­mar ried their respect lve bossel a·· the Diamond Match C o.

Ruth Swigar t has been runnin<> a boardinir house until she poisoned Lohman Mar s·'1a'l, Howard Ot te and William Thomas with a few of her doughnuts. But cheer up they're a live and kicl:in'!.

Regis Del-egrange, Chuck Hllm bert, Clarence Macbeth and Bill Kimball a re success.fol busine ss men, manufacturing a fur-Un~d bathtub.

Edith F arber, Rose Recht and Leah Myer have wen the t itle of champion washer women in a na­tion-wide c·ontest. AU ha il to t he:n !

Rose Tholt has decided to mid­dle-aisle it with Joe 1'holt so she would not have to learn to E·pel! another name. The he'.l':ht of lazi­ness, what ?

spiration. Eureka, I have :founu Festival, J anuary 21, 1980. · ihem ! The caf et eria was decor ated as

The two were right wher e t hey they should have neen ten year , oefore; in the Massillon Ins an _ Asylum. When I went t here to m oerview t hem, each said: ·'A 1 l am .)r ever hope not t o be, I owe <c. my darling tea chers."

Goodby e, everyb,,dy ! - David Atkinson.

a hangar , wit:~ scarlet and gray, and alsJ with a irplanes and dirig­ble3. The gym wa3 decorated simi­ar ly.

Our first a nd grand picnic was :tt R~x Lake, J une 4 .

The gre~te;t moment in a Sen­·cr 's life b t ha t of c~mmen=e­ment when we say farewell to our o!d high. J une 5 is our b:.g diy.

Out of a clas6 of about tii.ree SENIOR CLASS HISTORY hundred Freshmen students, o:l!y

ninety-three are awaitin r< that day .

On September 8, 1926, about .bree hundred Freshies entere:I tile doors o.f B. H. S. as green a s gru s, but were as blue as the sk y after the maneuvers of the first da y. 'Ihe S eniors tried, and they did, to make us get the real thrill of being a Freshie by various methods which all students soon learn.

In January we were no longer the despis-ed Freshies, but we were Freshmen A's. We organized our class that semester, givln<i: the honor of first president to David Atkinson ; vice pr e,ident, Mary Sonnhalter; secretary, H_yman Lit­wak; treasurer, J osephine !fa'.nes. Miss Jeffr iee was our facu ·ty ad­viser. Dur:ng that semester we had our first party.

During the last part of our Freshman and Sophomore years, many of the students withdrew from school.

In t he f 0 I of 1927 W ' e·!•~·ed



Barberton, 0., May 29. - Weather reports from the Snydertown Tech. Ag­ricultural Bureau are a s follows:

June 1 to 3: Clear , warm weather for Bar ­ber ton and surrounding country.

J une 4: Cloudy around noon, w ith heavy precipi­t ation in afternoon deve'­oping into a storm · in the late afternoon.

( Editor's N ote: The Senior A Class picnic i s June 4.)

school, r.fter a wo::d"fJ) v .ca- ·!..-------------....i.

.. ~ . ~~· ..... ..:~ · .. ·-. .:.. ... . - - ··- · ..;11


~~~_;!ierton High School TH E M A G I C I A N Page 7

INCIDENTS IN OUR PAST \ Juniors with his lion roars"! I your eyes, Cherie. · 1

Ralph Steese--An obstacle in the H yman Litwak t r ied to cut t he ' Dorothy George - Find out for way of knowledge.

ticket seller down on his price to I yourself. George Ston er- Go west, young Do you r em em be~ when : the class play in 1926? Ernest Hackney-Her cave man. guy!

J effr ies, our cla3• .10visor , .,sea James J amieson t r i< J to make Josephine Haines-Those maid- Mike Struharick _ Anybody's to i=take the boys when they h P.f. t he track team? enly ch~rms. sweetheart. dates? The Senior boys tied Hyman I Robert Hamer-Good, in a big •

Evelyn Romain was not called Litwak's· hands up until he ~ouldn't way. Mai·y Swartz-Innocence person-"Fuzzy"? talk? Or pha Harbarger-Just an other ified .

J ohnny Sonnhalter was abso- David Atk inson wasn 't conceit - g ift of natur e. R uth Swigarf - The way to a Jutely too good t o be tru~? , ed? I Laura Hartman - Money back man's heart.

We went almost hystenca. wh•m John Sonnhalter and J oe Lieb- guarantee. Joe Thol~He use~ a r azor !! our class nearly won_ th.• . inte1:· erth rode Jo Haines' brother's tri-1 Eva Henley- All t he world loves Rose Tholt - Still wa ter r uns class basketball champ1onoi:np dur - cycle and broke his popgun? a dreamer. deep. ing our sophomore year? T he larg- Miss 'Nest fe ll down and 1\fr. J eanne H ick ox-If service counts Joe Thomas-- One in man y. est crowd ever to see an inter-cl?ss Hutchings rushed to her assis- 1 I win. William Thomas- Such popular -game oow us lose in an overtnne tance? I Louise Hiss-A new model. ity must be deser ved. contest. h 't' Mr. Mollenberg fir st made his Glaclys Hooke - Talk of the Sue Tripp- Bored of education.

Geor g ia. ~.letche~ was ~ e u. 1· a 1mean.nce in B. H. S.? town. . Ann Mary Valentine-IO day&' mate in girnsh naiveness. . . Georg-e Stoner wore lrnec pants? I Charles Humbert-Sealed tight- free tdal.

Je'.!ries, faculty a.dv~sor , g,a' :11: j Dorothy George had play prac- Iy fo1· protection. Bernice \V'inkieman- Incom pa r-blow-by-blow description to. }; • tice for a chapel play? I J ame& Jamieson- Women- And able! Dempsey-Tunney fight 0 .er Mary Sonnhalter w outd cry how h e loves t h em. Paul Yocum- Our collegia te boy! classes the day af ter? when her twin would get into a J oe Kacher- Egotist ical- Is it? Yours truly, - " Doc" Spangler used t o e;ccuse fight? T imes have changed. Mary Katanich - Seen but not ~SENiOR B CLASS.

D' ·k Atkinson and Ott Coifm!in Mary Swartz was recit inr;· poet ry heard . • .

1c their sixth period classe.,. to and bur-st out with, "'Nher; Tom W illiam Kimball-Fast and fur -

~~011~0 t he golf links and colle ct comes frozen home in pail '"! i ous. balls fox him? . · d John Sonnhal ter had a Cl'Ush on Paul Kliment- No talent needed.

·with our t eam five pomts behm Dot George? Edmund Kuhn- Gypped. in an inter-class basketball ":;.me "Jo' Haines as a Freshie had a John Kurish _ Does he know ·n our SophoP1ore year a.r-d b-.• 8 Senior beau ? (She always cl id like French! :11inute to pl~y, Joe Lieb:rthf ~~- big t hings.) Alene Leib - Impossible! F e-dear ed himself to the hein·,s_.~k; 1~ Hannah Axner was thin? male ! cla~smates forever ~y, 01'! )'~ ~:i8s J effries taught. B~b Ha mei· Fae Lewis-Slay it with music. three shot& :from th e nmlale

0 .ne how t o dance ? Joe L iebe1·th- Fepsodent smile. floor to win the game? Fat Paridon was a shapele";. li t- Hym"n Litwak- Our bigge!t sel·

r.riss Thutt used t o re~1ons~~ate tle wor m ? !er. ... 1·th har dboiled stud. ents .vYg si~hien.,gr J a" Mil 'er had his first. date ? " d d m • ' 1 Kenneth Lowry-What's it all with them a n 1scuss . d • Ernie H ackney first enter•" cur a bout ? sins and then one r ed le tter · h) midst? A tig farmer boy I Clarence Macbeth-Turn on the sh e 'missed the seat and sat en L e floor ? ., SENIOR SLAMS I H ecat. · · M k · B tt J te Dick Atkinson u sed to get a h -atnen ne ac ov1c- e er a

? 1 t never. A's · d a• no• th0 Iona,, Acker - "Boarding House/ Ju. lia Malo- Oh, sweet mystery Evelyn Sno grass w - · ' ; la~t. \v<wrl in winnin;l;' boys~ .?~9.r~sd. Blues. of bf·e . . -Our lost sheep, J _ack \\} ;; ~an ' Margaret Antles - Algebraic! Soe Mandel- W hen frish eyes was hailed e.s t he Apollo o. Joot- C ; mp'ex. I a re smilin' ·vat? 'Jail players? Sh . Mar ion A pley-I love me. j Lohman ' M8L·shall - I do not

Doc Sp angler threw ?Joe et · Dav;d Atkins.on-Smile and the i choose t o. run. . man out of the wmdow "· _ , • \\"orld s:mles wlth you. . • Elizabeth Matthews - If she , Evervbody thought ~110 ~ ·•Je.1k• R i~hard Atkinson-A great b1gl could on'y cook.

.,. ~as "S-queeky" Ha1·ter s ":,'.rkl;, man from t he South. I Donald Mcintire-Incomp1·ehen-Mr. R eed din't like to t .. 1 • •• Hannah Axner- Three Cbee1·s, s ible. Hannah Axne1· gave her fil s , ex- Hi)._. Ha, Ha. • , Tresa Me1·da- Sax a ppea l.

hit.ition as cheer leader ? Elt~m Baughman - A W oman ~ . Helen Miller - W hat a racque t · Miss Thutt was the belle of the Man. she ~wings-and makes.

school ? , t • 1yanda Berry- A er! r.r.y man Ja y M ti er- H ide and Sheik. George Stoner wasn t snmr • cou!d love. . Roy Moo:·e - Up in the world . All t he g uy s used to wee.r knee- Trudell B rouse - Perman,,nts -- Jack l\Ioss- You just know h t

pants ? ·. ? S2.50. • has "It." J ohn Sonnhalte1· was s-enous ~ Es telle B!·own-Come an'; play Leah Myers-Time to att ire. Edn a Ch eadle had short ha:r' "wif" me. Howard Otto-His mother loYes " Abie" Litwak aiways g ot gcod Lucine Butzer - Love's Labor 1'im!

grades? Lost. P a tricia Paridon- Ask the man Jo= Lieberth was bashf ul-and J oe Capa n- Kot afra id of "an:; who owns one.

how? ·:le teacher ." l\fonfo1d P arke;· - The J\Iellins Jay Miller was n ot a hear t Betty Ca1·son - Derh~es - hei F ood Baby.

breaker? stv'e. Pauline Parker- Savoir fa ire! Bernice Winkleman was NO'l' a ·Hilda Casner- Here. but not r e- Harold Proehl - ·suga1· Plum

blonde ? . • spcnsible. . Papa . Dec Spangler h ad an a :'oiden, John Chaykoski - Our Big Boy Ma rtha Raplenovic-To be h ad

coming home from a basketball Scout. for a free t rial. game and bursted Evelyn 's head·~ Edna Cheadle- Oh! !! That g !.ft Gladys Raub-The Golden Calf .

T he good o'.d days in Miss Thom- of gab. Rose Recht--Ho...,'d she get tha l as' Latin classes.? Mary Chirico- L ook me over. wa~• ?

We. as Freshies, used to look up Joh~ Cleal'y- Fast Male. Rebecca Richardson-Comfort to with awe at t he Senio1·s? Dorothy Critchfield - Ter,chers fat men.

All the jokes we1·e cente1·ec'. a nd How Evelyn Romain-A pretty little m·ound Mr. Reed and not Mr. Moi- Richard CtJmmings - Sense and miss-hap. lenb~rg? Nonsenz~. Glenna Rumme l- Magnetic P ow-

Jay was very bashful and self- Re;;is IJelagrange - Tall, dark er. conscious ? and-hirndsome? Paul Sellers- Molding a might y

Dave had a "crush" on G<!Grgia? Edith Farber - How'd she get ·:he&t. Mr. Wyman was principal of B. that Wa\'? Mike Smith-Don't get personal.

H. S. · Sarah. Fink- S e1·iou s Sarah. Evelyn Snodgrass- A myth is as Joe Kacher, Joe Tholt and John- IvrikE Fis·her-Not meant to b<. good as a mile.

ny Cleary were the smallest k ids that Wa!'· J ohn Sonnhalter-A n ew t ype of in high school? Georgia Fletcher P erfectly entertainment.

Elton Baughman was thinking packaged. l\1arv Sonnhalter - What 's worth seriously of joining the Navy? Marg 2ry F re \·old-For ycur ap- wooing's worth wooing well. I

Joe Kacher went a ir-minded ? proval. Hermit Squires- Such men are Wiihe Yuung used to scare the , B er tha Fry-There's dang·er in DANGEROUS!

. .. !.:...


Most hours of sleep in cha,.,~I: John Cleary, 14 hours.

l\Iost t imes o.f throwing t he bull : J oe Mandel, 173 times (official es­t Jmate.)

Smothest gypper: Mary Sonn­halter.

Mo;;·t consistent g abber : E velyn Roniain.

Keenest sasser: Joe Lie berth. Raddest bru~her: Joe Kasher. .Mos t accomplished day-dreame1·:

Georgia F letcher.


M1-. Bauer- The seniors' delight ~Grrr.

Mi~·3 Baughman- T he oowerful Katrinka. -

Miss Bell-Wee, Wee, Mademoi­sel!e.

Ni: is.q BI:ler-Worry W art. ivl~ss Brillhart-E1.1en the crooks

wou:dn't t ake her. t.1r. Bo,vn1an-Bugs are ha1·n1~

less. Miss Canright-Who said she

.:·ouid? M·:. Carpenter-H e couldn't even

d•·ive a nail. I;~r. E!iSterling- Horses, horses. Mr. Har ter - Be nonchalant -

l'ght a ma tch. iYir. Hm1t - A tough propns ition. Mr . Hutching·s - School girl

complexion. M!sB Heueer--We're a ll made up. Miss J acot-Apple Cteek specia l. Mi£s Kisling - Those phoney

jokes. Miss Mf-'lke - H er bus-iness is

sew1 sew. Mr. Measell- Now there's a Ma-

Jan1 r,_easeil. ~ Mr. McAnlis-The faculty sheik . Mr. llfollenberg- Anothel' Ind;an

upri~ing.'""., Miss inc.mas - Caesar's gir l

friend. M:r . Reed - What a descriptive

na me. Mis& Van Hyning- Red,. yellow ,

orhich . Miss Wiriams - Is this your

chiid, Ma'am ? Mr. Wisehart-A perfect 360° Mr . E verett-A mixture of acids . Mr. F;·ench-A Greek duffer . Miss H ewetson- Beam again ! Miss B oyd-Flapper F anny.

~- --

Page 8 THE MAG IC I AN Barberton High Schc~· ~=-~~~~~~~--~~""""'.'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~-


SENIOR DISHONOR ROLL PROTOTYPES Glady Rau~The Lost Zeppe1in. / Joe Capan going .to church every Rose Recht--Abie's Irish Rose. Sunday? I

Iona Acker - Gentlemen Prefer Rebecca Richardson - South Sea , John Cleary entering a tall men's

Iona Shaker Marg-aret Handles Marion Apleysauce David Accident Richard Accident Handan Axnear Elton Softman Wanda Boozy Trudell Louse E stelle Yellow Lucille Kibitzer Joe "Scarface" Capone Betty Wagon·son Hilda Cashier John Playgolf!tkY Edna Beetle Mary Nireitch John Smeary Dorothy Crutchfield Richard Goings Regw Fullachange Edith N earbeer Sarah Clink Georgia Stretcher Margery Freegold Bertha Boil Dorothy Gorge Ernest Smackme Josephine Pains Robert Tamer Orpha Hardbarker Laura Hardwoman Eva Cantlay Jeanne Hiccups Gladys Swipe Charles Hambu.rg James Gymnasium Joke Catcher Mary's Gotanitch Edmund Darky Paul Klimaline John Doggish Arlene Lied Fae Slewus Joseph Lowerber th Hyman Hitsback Kenneth Bowery Clarence Hamlet Catherine .Macktruck Julia's Waylow Joe Candle Lohman Farcial Elizabeth Mattress Treasa Murder Helen Killer Jay Walker Roy's Sore Jack Frost Leavem Hyer Howard Machine Patricia Pairoguns Monford Sparker Harold Pole Martha Wraplentwics Gladys Gob Rose Wrecked Rebecca Dicksdaughter Eminent Domain Glenna Rumbleseat Salt Seller M~chael Blacksmith Evelyn Hardgrass Johnny Junkhauler Evelyn J1:mkhauler Hermit Squash Ralph Cease George Rocker Michael Twohairsitch lllary Quart& Ruths Eyeshurt Joseph Jolt Rose Jolt Joseph Commas William Commas Susan Tripe And A Merry Christmas Bareknees Wrinklemen Paul Soakern

-D. A.

B'ondes. Islands. I contest? Margaret Antles-F ree and Easy. Evelyn Romain-Untamed. j Seeing Dorthy Critchfield with-Marion Apley-Condemned. Glenna Rummel - The Awful out Margaret Antles near by! David Atkinson-Sunny Side Up. Truth. Regis Lelagrange in a loud Richard Atkinson - Cock of the Paul Sellers-The Narrow Escape. speaking contest?

Walk. Michael Smith-The llunchback of Dorothy George having t. date Hannah Axner-Born Reekie!!$. Notre Dame. with someone besides Ernest'Hack-Elton Baughman-Lummox. Evelyn Snodgrass- Honey. ney? ' . Wanda Berry-Burning Up. John Sonnhalter-Coconuts. Jeanne Hickox doing so!thing Trudell Brouse--Mi'ssissippi Garn- Mary Sonnhlllter-Pollyanna. serious? ·

bier. Hermit Squires-Speakeasy. James Jamieson running t e one Estelle Brown-Dangerous Curves. Ralph Stees&-The Sheik. hundred yard dash ? Lucille Butzer.....,Live a nd Learn. George Stoner - Taming of the Joseph Kacher refusing a fide in Joe Capan- Phantom of the Opera. • Shrew. an airplane? Betty Carson-J.Ier One Affair. Michael Struharik - Last of the John Kurish .failing to remem-Hilda Casner-Applesauce. Mahicans. ber all the numbers in a less.:in? · John Chaykoski - La ugh, Clown, Mary Swarts-High Society Blues. Joe Lieberth-a preacher?

Laugh. Ruth Swigert-What Men Want. Hyman Litwak having his Latin Edna Cheadle - Embarrassing J oseph Tholt - Women Love lesson three days in succession? ]\foments. Brutes. Donald McIntire forgetting

Mary Chirich-Loose Ankles. Rose Tholt-A Practical Joke. "Blow Me Down"? John Cleary-Caught Short. Joseph Thomas-Hallelujah! John Sonnhalter leaving ·some-Dorothy Critchfield-The Campu; William ThGmas-Top Speed. thing unsaid that would produce a

Flirt. Sue Tripp-Modern Maidens. laugh? Richard Cummings - Devil May Anna Mary Valentine-Lady of All the windows clean, once?

Care. Le~sure. Anyone eating as many apples Regis Delangrange - Anybody's Bernice Winkelman-Sweetie. as John Cleary did in the class

War. Paul Yocmm---Redemption. play? Edith Farber-Oh, Yeah? H. E. A. Hermit Squires being as quiet Sarah Fink-Behind the Front. - ----- as a '.-;oman? Mike Fisher-Slide, Kelly, Slide! THINGS WE'VE A " hool without Sr. A's? Georgia Fletcher - He1· Own De- LEARNED IN A Senior with pencil and paper?

sire. James Jamieson at a night <elub? Marirery Frevold-Chasing Rain- HIGH SCHOOL Bill Thomas on a dance floor?

bows. Julia Malo flirting with George Bertha Fry- It's a Great Life. l. That some of the teachers Stoner? I Dorothy George - Sh >w Girl in should go back to school. How sorry some of the tea:chers

Hollywood. 2. That Detention Room should will be to see several of the Senior Ernest Hackney-Cockeyed World be abolished. A 's leave? Josephine Haines-The Kiss. 3. That Jay Miller can yodel. Robert Hamer - Patent Leathei 4. "What a whale of a difference

Kid. a few grades make." Orpha Harbarger _ The Tres- 5. That four years of high school

passer. did some of the kids absolutely Laura Hartman-College Love. no good. Eva Henley- True to the Navy. 6. That you can't flunk if you've Jeanne Hickox - Golddiggera. of eot "It".

Broadway. 7. That the teacher is alway~ Louise Hiss-The Golden Calf. right (at least when you are G!adys Hook-Simple Sis. in his or her presence). Charles Humbert--General Crack. 8. That hieh school seniors neve1 James Jamieson - Men Without cheat.

Women. 9. That character is what one ,Joseph Kacher--Wings. takes awny when he leave~ Mary Katnich- Old Man Type. · town. (T,;Jitor's note: This Will>am Kimball-Red Skin. means a "uitcase). Paul Kliment--Tin Pan Alley. 10. That it is practically impossible Edmund Kuhn-Cat's Whiskers. to go twenty-four hours with-J ohn Kurish-The Cuckoo. out sleeJI. Arlene Leib- Careless Age. 11. That no other class has been Fae Lewis-Over the Hill to the or will be quite as clever a

Poor House. our own. J'oseph Lieberth _ The Vagabond 12. That there is no more for u~

Lover. to learn. Hyman Litwak~The K!.bitzer. 13. To love teachers. Kenneth Lowry- Lucky Star. 14. To write our own absence ex-Clarence Macbeth-Tarzan of the cuses.

Apes. 15. To make masterpieces on walle·, Catherine Mackovic-Vaniiy. desks and anything available. Julia Malo- Street Girl. 16. To behave in debates. (Als~ Joe Mandel- Kelly's in Scotl.and. chapels.) Lohman Ma.r9hal-Love, Live, and 17. Give good, Bound advice_

Laueh. 18, To become professional gum Elizabeth Matthews-Battle of the chewers.

Sexes. 19. 'to always be on t ime. Donald Mcintire--Sonny Boy. 20. To produce real plays for chap . Tresa Merda- Happy Days. el. Helen Miller-No Brakes. 21. To bluff :for all w.e're worth. Jay Miller- Campus Hero. -D. A. and J. H. Roy Moore--Arizona Kid. Jack Moss-The Barker. Lea Myer-Short Skirts. Howard Otto-Blind Bargain. Patricia Parid o n - Red Hot

Rhythm. Monford Parker-'\Vh oopee. Pauline Parker-No! No! Nanette. Harold Proehl-He Knew Women. Martha Replenovic-'l'en Nights in

1 a Barroom.


Clarence Macbeth making whoopee?

Iona Acker as a brunette ? Richard Atkinson making an A? Hannah Axner talking without

her hands? Estelle Brown weighing one hun­

dred and ten pounds ?


' It isn't our intention to r ecord the old bunk about four short years finally ending and our happy1high school days coming t o a sad end. This article, we tru~·t, will do just one thing: keep fresh in our mem­ories the events of our .•ast and happiest year in B. H. S.

Beginning last Septembet', our whole year has been a series of ac­t ivities which have meant work but which we view with pride, now that our year is endin.!(' and we prepare to clear away and !eave the halls forever.

Blazers, the banquet, graduation, came one after another to engage our attention, and faithful com­mittees proved their clas:; sp irit and loyalty by carrying out their different activities efficiently and economically. .

We still look back with pride on the banquet we tendered the grad­uates of January, 1930. Never. be­fore was a banquet &~ well pre­pared, so delectable, and the dec­oration scheme so weU carried out.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the various committees who have conducted our Senior affairs and t he other class officers; and as president of the lareest class ever to graduate from Barberton Cen­tral High, I wish to thank them and our adviser&, Miss Bell and Mr. Easterling, and faithful play director and Magician adviser Miss Kislinr. ' . It hllS bee!l a privilege to .Pre­

s•de ovel' this · class, and I more than appreciate this honor given me by my class. May they all be great successes and enjoy contin­ual happiness. ·


·"'--- ·~--.-.!>--_,. .if!~

The Morning After

alnk.r!i Maty Sonnhalter: Well, Dad, I'm

engaged. Mr. Sonnhalter: You don't mean

'ti 1 'Of course not, but it's lots of

fun. -President.

• * • James Jamieson: Did you hear

about a:od old Capan ? He's going to graduate at last after five years.

George Stoner: What did his fathe r say?

James: Oh, his father told Mr. Pieffer to r e-check J oe's record, for he felt sure there was som. mJsta~e.

• • Miss Menke : What kind of food

will produce the most heat? Mary Tomcik: Hot food; !

• • • 1''~s Thomas: Tomorrow we wil

n ~bout a monster that had fa. eads.

"1. 1ie" Litwak: Gee, and did 'e ha•e to clean his· teeth every


Mr. Leib: I'll teach you to kiss ,;·my d-aughter.

· "Monie" Parker: You're too late, I've learned already.

• * ~

Mr. Bowen: Now we will play "The Stars and Tripes Fo~eve~."

Paul Yocum: Bosh, I .iust p'ayej that.

Miss Jacot: Sue, how many days are there in Octa ber?

Sue Tr'pp: Thirtv days has Sep­tember, all the re~t I Ol n't remem­ber. There's a calendar on the wall why bother me at all.


Mr. Everett: Name three well kn •Wn gases.

Jack Moss: Sabio, Shell and Kendall Pennyte,,;t.

Catherine McGuhe : You rem'n~ me of the ocean.

Bernard McCoy: Wild, restless romantic?

Catherine: No, you just make me s-ick.

• • No news is good news, but no.

for The Magician. . . Miss Bau~hman: Andy, be quiet. Andy Hlas: Yes, sir.

• * • Miss Baughman : What would

you do if something got in your eye !

Miss Kisling: Get it out. • • •

Mr. Harter: Were you sent up :e :for misconduct?

Jack Moss: No, for Miss Boyd.

Mr. Easterling ( discus~ing light s-pectra): What happens when you look at a green light too long?

"Jo" Haines: You get a ticket . •

The girls' glee club sang at the Citizen's Hospital and after the concert they were given pamphlets on tonsil and adenoid disease3.

* • It was quiet in the study hall. It

was silent as a t omb; not a whis­per was heard, not a nois-e or a rustle disturbed the pupils. - It was midnight.

* If you think Barberton Hi isn't

airminded, just watch the c':asses when an airplane or blimp passe. over.

* B!ll Thomas: Did you find a roll

containing fifty dollars under my pillow?

Joe Thomas (porter) : Yes, sub. Tia:ik you., suh!

* * •

J ohn S.: Egad, dearest, it is cold without. I

Jean U.: Without what? John S.: Without my undeNhirt.

• • • James Jamieson said he was go­

ne- to send a letter by air mail, but they ran out of flypaper.


Page 9


"HIS MISFORTUNE" Mr. Alfonse:- "Oh, SI) you got an average of A on vour grade

card in geography, did you Horace? Well, see if you can ACT I answer this: Wheh you stand in Europe facing north

Scene; A thetUer fn Barherton. Time , Beglnnlnir of aprin .. ••ft\<Ster •• you have on your right hand the great continent of Asia

e. R . s. What have you on your left hand?'' Sen;or A: Hi Bill! Why go borne Horace:-"A wart, Mr. Alfonse, but I can't help it."

~o early? The evening has only -----------------------------s·~arted. THE PERFECT SENIOR

Junior B: Oh, tb~se t eachers · SOLILOQUY They assign lessons that wou 'd keep Edison busy for a month.

Senior A: Don't worry about a little thing like that. I haven't had my lesson .for two weeks. It's a gift that come3 with experience All you have to do is bluff th( teacher.

ACT JI Seen~: Office ht B. B. 8.

zr~;:~rd':.ed1ueila7 eT~nlnsr. the day 0,.

Mr. l-'ieffer: John, you can't g-·1aduate with grades like that You will have to d·) better the nex six week~·.

Sall"e Senior A: Oh, I go gypped! Why I never worked so hard for a grade in mv life. He can't fl unk me, I'm a Senior!

Mr. Pieffer: You can't graduate on trad tion. You will have to de some work.

Senior A: Oh, all r ight. I 'll quit school.

ACT III Sce"t: Hallway. Time: Next day. Mik~ : I don't see why J ohn qui

schoo.1. Harry: Oh, he had an argument

with Pieffer. • Junior B: Yeh! He's the guy

that said he had a system tc get by the work.


Girl Boy

Georgia Fletcher Regis Delagrange Hair

M.arga1·et An:Jes Ernie Hackney Teeth

Bernice Winkleman John Cleary

Julia Malo Complexion

Clarence Macbeth Smile

Evelyn Romain George Stoner Voice

Fae Lewis Hyman Litwak

Seniors, for some unaccountable reason, strike a chord of wonder and admiration in the heart of the average underela&sman . r know, because for 5 years I was either a freshman or a sophomore. I always looked forward to the day when I would be a senior-but when that day came- phooie! I had a head. each.

So my senior year was spoiled, and I had run the halls day after day looking like a bum and waitin~ for the thrill that I ha.d so fondly Dimples

Marion Apley Paul Yocum hoped would be mine. It never Face came, and instead of proudly st rut.

Dorothy Geori:e Jay Miller ting around, I really looked with Hands vain eyes on the sophomore and

Evelyn Snoderass Don Mcintyre junior cla&11es. Ah, but I wasn' t Shape looking for a chance to go back,

Dorothy Critchfield Joe Lieberth no, I was looking over the girls. Dancing AM ity . .

Patricia Paridon Dick Atkinson Girls are great people. I hke p lit them. So do you other fellows. The

. ~rsona Y I man says "N obody knows them, J osephme Haines J ohn Sonnhalter d I! t h h.

S h' t• t• I an no co ege eac es anyt ing op is ica ion . about them."

Betty Carson Dave -Atkmson

Page 10 Ba1·bt>rto11 High S-:l-ioo ( .


r · -~

----a-~---'·----~~----~-~- ,::;:c s:a&Pt;,.,,J_,_.,.,..)~,-\; . - W•., .,. ~·• _ ,-&:; _ L

.• 1 · ·~rton High School THE M AGICIA N Page 11

GREDJUASHUN 2:00 A. M. AT B. H. S. I' . . Vonce upon de time dere was a

The sound of k1ssm!? reoounds lad named Semmy. Semmy, as it ~hrough t~e e~pty corridor as two was der kos tum, was gradjuating

'!'.Per mice hid fond farewells to from bees respactive hi school, !Ir Romeos and creep under_ the after twalve years of hard woik

,or o~ Room 4. Very quiet!Y ( 7 ). Semmy was r iching de suprim they shiJ?lmY over to the h~le m moment. "No more pancils, no ti 'or takmg care not. to wa e the more books no more t ichers' oassy o!d folks. The fol_lowmg conversa- looks" was' de song of de day and ~10ns goes o:i while they are tak- heppiness rained t ruout. mg off their g"lad-rago. ( P~ease But pride comes before de fall ccncentrate on t he conv~rsation;) (Editor's note' not a season of the

1st Mouse: Say deane, how s year, th• other fall). Eggzamina­ you call your palooka H er- t ions had to be passed and oi, what m1t ? axams-! He had a Spanish axam,

2nd Mouse: Oh, that! Why, I call but dis was easy, because a fami ly him Hermit because he likes to ar- of Mexicans lived in his naibor­g ue. , .. That isn't his real name, hood, and dey t alked nlenty Span though. When he was a little i sh. Next was de Chemistry tast. mouse he was sort of cheesey so Dis was likewise easy becuz s~m ­his mother called him John Soon- my sat in back of de smotest boy ha lter f or shor t . His fu ll name is in de cla~-3-draw your own kon­John Sonnhalte1·-Cleary-Lieberth. klushons. Ancient History was Sem-

l st Mouse: That fellow of mine my's terror L ecuz it told a bout sure knows how to give swooning ~rusades, n'ghts, _and odder Tc 'ig­kisses, just like Ernie gives "Dot" ious heestorv :Wh t~h he .had lieen George. Did you ever see him in tot not to behef m. C1v.cs was a ct ion ? Semmy's fevorite. He knew he had

2nd Mouse: Who, Ernie? No, but a chence to be .Prasi~ent, so _he I have seen Abie Lit wak kiss her. was prep3:r,ng fa1 d~t time. $ei;i .ny ... But talking about sloppy was aim mterasted m M.ONE'r , so kisses you ought to see George he knew de finanshul prrnc1pals . of Stoner. I saw him at Recrea t ion de ~overnment from A t o z, m­one night. He was inexperiencea cludmg M. and made a fizzle out of it. This is In. deiy course d ewents de egg­how he went about· it .... Drunk- z.am1~at10ns passed and S<!mmy en with love, he did the John Gil- likewise passed de axams. bert act. Looking dreamily into her F ma!ly _can;ie CJ,mm;ncement eyes, he tilted her face u pward. kmi.h t (Ed.tor s note th.s means After ascertaining the posit ion of the commencement . of pleasure). her mouth, he s lowly closed his !1--fter l<;>ng praparat1on and \~ash­eyes and bent his head downward mg behmd de nack and earn,, ~em. f or a swooning kiss, but instead of my was r~ady. Den he todd1ed up kissing her on the lips, he mts·sec. to. de audrtoryum a nd . t ook a seat and got her on the nose . . .. Talk wid de ra_st of d~ gradJuates. After about a mess! a wery. mte1 est mg :.ektm e,

, . , by a big man from de Sout , ae "'d. Mouse. Enough s enough of plomas we1·e handed out . Since it thmg, sez I. . was free, Semmy tiook hi~ and

~st Mouse: Y ?u got t~e _br ains, Jived happily ever after. . .. . Theres one kid m this -HYMAN LITWAK.

'""h school that doesn't know when to quit, though.

2·nd Mouse: Who's that ? 1st Mouse: Goober Moss. That

guy is atrocious when it comes to necking. But he's better than he used to be.

2nd Mouse: How come? 1st Mouse : The other night he

came home musclebound. 2nd Mouse; Check! ht Mouse : And double -check! 2nd Mouse: Talking about pain

do you remember the time Ja~i . Kusse caught me a nd gave me i;, Ruth Swigert?


I ups and walks into our nearlv dilapidated chicken coop one day A nice little quiet man:te7ed he. ups to me and purrs sl;ghtly in Clll

deaf ear. Of course I couldn' t hc:i.: her but I ce;uld tell by the lo .k ir her e:, e tl:at <h~ was· t ickled pin], a lthough she was a white h :.n.

I t r:pped lightly from one enc of the coop tJ the other, and thE


Mary was given her daily as­signment of work which included dusting of the furnit ure in the liv­ing room. Being in a hurry she was much annoyed by the clingine of dust to the furn iture and floors.

"Dust is of no use," "I don't see why we have it, l wonder if there ·is no way o.f elim­inating it?"

The dust, upon hearing this. in­dignantly responded. " If yo~ only knew what I do for this world you wou'd not want to get rid of me. Why, I make the sky blue, I make the world brigl)t, I cause the gen­tle rains to fall upon the lands and make vegetation possible and a lot of other things th at are important to the world."

" I wi ll not believe you," she said, " until you explain folly your points."

So Mr. Dust proceeded to ex­p'ain. "The sky is · blue, for when I float h:gh on the air, the sun strikes me and reflects off the num­erous edges making a blue tint. The thickness of the dust cha nges th£ color to darker or lighter t int&. H it were not for dust floating around, the world would be dark and shadowy and lighted only where the sun struck it. But dust float ing Hound reflects the · Jight and makes it bright all over."

"And how do you make it rain?" she asked.

" While I am f!!lating around in ihe form of clouds, I absorb m )is t ure and hold it. When I a ruorb a ll I can hold, I let it fa ·1 l!'ently to th;: earth. l .f it were not for me, the air currents would carry this mois­tur e and depo3it it on the sile 01 h igh mountains causing floods ·zach j t ime, while the lower and; re­ceive no mois ture at all."


covered with Japanese tissue, The Werry, werry, bed an' werry,

werry crewel wuz det werry, wer­ry, bleck-hotted skownder el, Hann­ry Magrew. He wuz soch a bed buoy wen he wuz smull wot heez mottaire hed a werry hod timee breengeng heem oop. Wen Hannry wuz aboud faftin ah geepsey sad to heem,-"Hannry, I can profesy ah werry werry bride· fugure fer yah. I'll iven betting yah a smack from da juh wot you' ll gonna be wun from de 1tratest buttleggahs in dis leetle Yew Say."

Off cowerse Hannry wuz ovaire joied at wot da geepsey bad told­ing heem sow bee roshed hum ta heez mottaire an' tuld her da must joi.fulling nooz wot he bed beerd.

Heez mottaire haow evah toug ht da ideah nut sow hut an ' shee ob­jacted. Dis resowelt was narly braking Hannry's hot. He wapt an' w:apt, soch a wapping was naver sin' bifower. Heez mottaire'a hot rnn bicem sow suf t wot eet wuz malting, en f eet eet wuz spowiling owl da bast ruges, cowshins, tepes­tries, shandeliers, da da s illing wu\l pepah, an all adder tings wot wer cuddeleled un da flower. Heez mot­taire foinalley consanted, an' tew day Hannry wood be wun from de grates-t buttlegge in dis leetle Yew Say as de geepsey sayed hed hee nut doid frum dreenking heez owen poisin licker boi mistuk.

Wall, wall, soch is da anding, hear tew-day an' nut tew-marrah!!

Signed­Hannry Magr ews Uncal.

Ah-men! ! ! !


"Well, I am conv:noed," she T~ere is in our town, said, " and after this I will not His name ts Mo~lenberg, . complain when I have to take you He ha~ accomplished many thmg;, , fl' tile iu. Hiture, but w ill think OJ. Of which you MUST have heard. all the goJd you do for the w;>rld.'· 1 H h . .

1 _ _ e teac es our c1v1cs c asses,


Sclence Experiment Novation Interest Organization Reason in!<°


And t eaches som e history, t oo, He takes no Senior's sasses, And occasionally smacks a few.

Now and then he came to Rec., With the Senior girls to dance, He doesn't chew, he doesn't drink, But oh how he can prance.

He has t raveled far and w!de. And knows his U . S. A.,

1st Mouse: Sure, what about it? 2nd Mouse : Well, Ruth tried to

kiss me when nobody was lcioking but Jack got jealous and made her let me iro.

e"i ?hted Ltt e hen coyly tr,p,,ec 2fter me. Ever ything was goin~ .:ne untn I tripped entirely t ot lightly and fell over a grain oi

He "has rcde' ' the Pacific tide, And shJt pool at Hudson Bay.

;and. The little hen immediately Concentration knelt by my side and began flap - Loyalty Take h eed and w atch that guy,

1s t Mouse (yawning ): 0 . K .... Turn off the heat and saw logs awhile.

2nd Mouse: Ditto. RALPH W. STEESE.


So here's to all my teachei·s and pals,

To a\l my friends and all my gals. Here s to F rench and chemistry A~d detention room ·and faculty. File on, you low er classmen 1 "Y this 'cause I'm through.


ping my feverish brow, I knew im- Action He'll pop you soon enough, mediately from this sudden burs~ Service When attending his civics clas .>, cf attention that she had kinda Sagacity You'd better know your stuff. taken a liking to me. -Jav Miller

After I had been sufficiently re- --- ------ -------------- ...;.;;;..:........:..:....;,;=­vived, I bashfully, yet dete1 m ' ned­ly, asked her what she was d oing that evening as I had two ticket~ to Loew's. She eeemed delig;hte. but regretted that she had t o g~ to roost shor t'y, as it w as n~arl] sundown. I surely regretted t he fact that £he could not a~compan· rr e. She assured me th:it it was all r ight if I took someJne else. She al~o a.dded that ~·he would Le contented if I merely brought h er a g~od large s'zed sack of scratch hed and pebbleJ for her early b. e l:fast.


The Rutledge Drug Co.




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18!1 Second St.