The Magazine for the Parish Church of St. Peter ... 2020 final.pdfGrowing Disciples Officer Palm...

Post on 06-Apr-2020

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Transcript of The Magazine for the Parish Church of St. Peter ... 2020 final.pdfGrowing Disciples Officer Palm...

The Magazine for the

Parish Church


St. Peter, Cleethorpes



Clergy Rev. Paul Hunter 01472 291156 Rector Email

Rev. Derek H Webster 01472 693786 Honorary Assistant Priest

Church Wardens Andrew Longbottom 01472 560230 Email

Kate Esmond 07880 555344

Parish Office Parish Administrator - Tina Dixon 01472 231198 Email

Mothers’ Union Heather Hammond 01472 695341

Church Flowers Jenny Horsfall 01472 691722

Safeguarding Co-ordinator Kate Esmond 07880 555344

Mission Statement

St Peter’s: a beacon to the local community of Cleethorpes, reflecting the light of Christ as a place of welcome, prayer and healing.

The PCC, after much thought, has agreed this revised Mission Statement for St Peter’s Church.


SPIRITUAL FOOD FOR THE LENTEN JOURNEY Dear All, As I write I have just received an email for African bishops urging a day of prayer and fasting for the situation with swarms of locusts and famine in the Middle East and Africa. It brought everything into a different focus and perspective. Meanwhile, daily life is rapidly changing for each one of us. It is a journey into the unknown and we are so unsure when “normal” life will be resumed. It appears very strange to speak about Easter, when daily life in the middle of Lent has been invaded by anxiety, panic and fear. Conversations, which begin with a “normal” subject, quickly turn to the empty shelves and lack of ordinary items, which we take for granted. Suddenly like an earthquake or tornado the ground appears to be disappearing into a sinkhole beneath our feet. At present the now is full of fear and the immediate future appears daunting for many. We are encouraged to return to the blitz mentality of the war. Let us use seek to use the time given to us wisely and profitably for our spirits, as well as our minds. The fruit of this prayer time will be beneficial for us and more importantly for others. There are many ancient ways and approaches to prayer.


The next Parish Magazine is the May 2020 issue. We hope to publish. If you have any articles or news please submit these to the editors either by email or via the Parish Office by 15 April We always welcome contributions from our readers! Thank you.

These are now available in books such as Approaches to Prayer, published by SPCK and online on sites such as annunciation trust.

I began Lent on Ash Wednesday with a well-worn favourite spiritual gem “OH GOD WHY?” “A journey through Lent for bruised pilgrims” written by Gerald W Hughes. At that time coronavirus and its impact was a few thousand miles away. The author Gerard W Hughes begins the book with the Israelites’ journey, as they grumbled their way through the wilderness into the Promised Land. They turned their back on Moses and even rejected God himself. As we all face great challenges both globally and personally the call is to turn to Him, continue to learn to know, love and serve God. Within this global situation we can seek God and pray for HIS PEACE, which passes all understanding. Jesus, now the Risen Christ in heaven, asks us to keep our eyes daily on Him. He said to all who seek Him: “I am the Resurrection and the life”. Love, Shalom and Prayers,

Reverend Paul





The message from the Archbishops has been widely publicised and can be found

on the C of E website. Please see the back page for the

opportunities for prayer and virtual worship available at this time.


There is a Green Hill Far Away

The hymn most associated with Good Friday is probably “There is a Green Hill Far Away”. The words are by Mrs Cecil Frances Alexander and the most popular tune is by William Horsley. The hymn was written to give a musical version of the words from the Creed. Where did Mrs Alexander draw her inspiration for the “Green Hill”? Here are three possibilities. The first is Grabbist Hill on Exmoor, near where she spent some time in Dunster, Somerset. The other two possibilities are close to Govilon, in Monmouthshire, another place where she spent some time. The two possible hills are Sugar Loaf Mountain and Blorenge. Grabbist Hill and Blorenge are also considered to be

possibilities for the “purple headed mountain” in

Alexander’s best known hymn “All things bright and


Ted Johnson


Archbishop of Canterbury pays tribute to the Archbishop of York

The Archbishop of Canterbury has paid tribute to the Archbishop of York in General Synod earlier today at what would have been his final Synod. Archbishop Justin Welby praised the Archbishop of York who is currently travelling in the Pacific. He said: “He (John Sentamu) has gone to visit parts of the world which are suffering the effects of climate change right now. He has gone typically to be alongside those who are suffering: a pattern of his life throughout his ministry.” The Archbishop continued: “Speaking about Sentamu when he’s not here … means we can show our gratitude, thanks and love for him without him being able to stop us.” Recalling the Archbishop of York’s work on the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, Archbishop Justin added that “he has said that he himself was stopped at least eight times by the police”. Reflecting on the Archbishop of York’s impact nationally, the Archbishop of Canterbury said: “The Church of England will miss you Sentamu and the wider country will miss you. There aren’t a lot of bishops who are so well known outside the church.”


‘We believe in the resurrection…’

When Christians gather together each week and proclaim their belief in the resurrection of the body, what exactly do we mean? In the Bible, St Paul devotes a whole chapter to questions like this, and he includes this incredible statement:

If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised; and if Christ has not been

raised, then our proclamation has been in vain and your faith has been in vain. We are even found to be

misrepresenting God, because we testified of God that he raised Christ — whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised. If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also who have died in

Christ have perished. If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all people most to be

pitied. (1 Corinthians 15.13–19; NRSV)

He goes on to make it extremely clear that what he is talking about is indeed a physical, bodily resurrection – we will be given new bodies, similar to but different from our earthly bodies. It is not, as the mistaken vestry prayer says, the ‘souls of the faithful departed’ which will ‘rise in glory’. It is their bodies! But the resurrection is a spiritual reality as well as a physical one. The idea of resurrection tells us that whatever the circumstances, however low things might get, there is nothing that God is unable to change. Even death itself could not hold Jesus, and there are no circumstances in our lives which are beyond his reach and beyond his redemption. So, for what resurrection are you hoping and praying this Easter-time? Where in your life and circumstances are you


looking for God’s new life? Paul ends his chapter with this triumphant cry:

“Death has been swallowed up in victory.” “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15.54–57; NRSV)

John Leach Growing Disciples Officer

Palm waving It was Palm Sunday, but five-year-old Jamie stayed at home with mum because of a bad cold. When his father and sisters returned, they were carrying several palm fronds. His sister explained: “People held them over Jesus' head as He walked by.” “That’s not fair!” Jamie protested. “The one Sunday I don't go, and He shows up!”


Angie & Joan

Songs from the 50s and 60s Afternoon or Evening

Not too loud Grimsby 340697


St Peter’s Church can be hired for meetings or small wakes - please contact the Parish Office for details.

Andrew Longbottom &

Kate Esmond


Did you know that it costs £210 per day to run St Peter’s Church,

Cleethorpes? This includes our Parish

Share. However, last year we should have

paid £39,283 to Lincoln Diocese but we only managed to

send £5,000.

Church 2020

January - February 2020


Planned Giving 2,593.60

Gift Aid Tax Received 0.00

Collections 640.72

Donations 1,210.57

PCC Fees 922.61

Concert Income 0.00

Copier Income 693.00

Sundry Income 26.00

AMEND A/c 200.00

Legacy 0.00

Total 6,286.50


Clergy Expenses 139.01

Salaries & Organist Fees 2,680.22

Utilities 1,954.55

Insurance 640.94

Repairs & Maint 169.00

Security 245.26

Upkeep of Services 0.00

Print, Stationery & Office 142.73

Diocese Share 0.00

Charitable Donations 400.00

Sundry Expenses 290.61

Governance 0.00

Fixture & Fittings 35.00

Concert expenses 0.00

Total 6,697.32 Net Surplus/Deficit -410.82

Hall 2020

January - February 2020


Rents 2,784.89

Donations 255.31

Total 3,040.20


Salaries 1,396.16

Utilities 1,607.81

Insurance 342.72

Repairs 127.20

Consumables 316.37

Security 609.33

Fixtures & Fittings 0.00

Total 4,399.59

Net Surplus/Deficit -1,359.39


Church minister was inspiration behind ‘Great Escape’

A Church of Scotland minister nicknamed ‘Padre Mac’ has been named as the inspiration behind the Great Escape. The Revd Professor Murdo Ewen Macdonald’s “fiery sermons” motivated the famous breakout of a German Prisoner of War camp in March 1944, according to an author. Dr Linda Parker said the Great Escape is often heralded as a plan masterminded by English officers, and the theme tune to the 1963 film of the same name is sung by England football fans. The theologian has been given credit for a minor role in hiding tunnel sand in the famous break-out over the course of a year. However, the historian claims his influence was possibly far more significant, as he had previously made his own escape while in transit to a PoW camp. He was a chaplain for the men of Stalag Luft III, including RAF Squadron Leader Roger Bushell, who has always been known as the mastermind of the Great Escape. Dr Parker is the author of “Nearer My God to Thee: Airborne Chaplains in the Second World War,” which examines the full story of padres who accompanied the airborne forces to all theatres of war between 1942-1945. “Murdo Ewen Macdonald, known as Padre Mac, may have been the ‘inspiration that led to many great escapes’ during the Second World War,” she said. “He was moved to Stalag Luft III, where the Great Escape would take place in March 1944. Here, he befriended Roger Bushell, and Harry ‘Wings’ Day, both instigators and organisers of the Great Escape. As a chaplain, he would have had access to all the troops and would have been able to speak with them, in confidence, to


motivate them with the story of his own escape attempt.”

Passionflower Why is the passionflower called the passionflower? This beautiful climbing plant that grows in many of our gardens, was discovered in South America by Spanish missionaries centuries ago. Drawings were sent back to Europe and in 1609 an Italian priest interpreted the flower to represent the crucifixion, otherwise known as the Passion. The five petals and five sepals represent the 10 disciples who remained steadfast (Judas and Peter both abandoned Jesus). The corona is the crown of thorns. The stigma is the cross or nails, and the five stamens are the number of wounds Jesus received.



Who moved the stone? ‘When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away.’ Mark 16:4 Frank Morrison was an investigative journalist who was a sceptic when it came to religion. He decided to write a book to disprove the claims of Christ, specifically focussed on the last week of His life. However, when he came to consider the evidence for himself, he was drawn reluctantly to a different outcome than he had imagined. He found that the evidence proved the story to be true, including the fact that Jesus not only died but rose again. In the end he wrote a different kind of book called ‘Who Moved the Stone?’ with the first chapter entitled, ‘The book that refused to be written.’ The veracity of the Christian faith is grounded on historical fact. Not only was Jesus a real person, a figure of history, but His death was real, and so was His resurrection. Examine the evidence for yourself. Read the gospel accounts openly and honestly and see what happens. The truth is there for anyone willing to consider the facts. Easter reminds us that our faith rests on solid ground. It is why we celebrate Easter Sunday with such gusto. The Resurrection proves that Jesus was who He said He was (the Son of God) and that He did what He set out to do (save us from our sin). But more than that, it reminds us that He can deliver what He promised and help us today because He is alive for evermore. Jesus is not a figure of history, locked away in the past. No, He is a risen Saviour who is alive today and who invites each of us to receive the gift of salvation, and to live a new life in fellowship with Him. Revd Tony Horsfall of Charis Training. More details at: www.



We had a lovely meeting last month, when we listened to a lady who had been invited to attend as a guest at ITV's Dancing on Ice. She told us about the journey there and then finally being escorted to her seat. She thoroughly enjoyed the occasion and said that after seeing all the organising that it takes to produce a programme like that she will always look at these reality shows with a different outlook. The amount of work it takes is unbelievable she said. It was a wonderful bit of escapism for us all as we knew that our lives were going to change very quickly. And, they certainly have done, haven't they? With great sadness we have had to suspend our Friday Coffee Mornings for the foreseeable future and also all our Mothers' Union Meetings and Services. We wish you all a Very Happy Eastertide, which will of course be quite a bit different this year, but it is still Easter and as such we will all still remember what it means to us, that our Lord was crucified on Good Friday and was risen again on Easter Day. It still is a very special time of the Year. My Easter Prayer will be for you all. We wish you all well during these difficult times and look forward to seeing you all again as soon as we can open again on a Friday Morning. Stay safe everyone and take care of yourselves. Happy Easter and Best Wishes

Heather Hammond



Family First

1st Sunday of the month at 10:45am

Family Service with short Holy Communion at the end.

2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th SUNDAYS

11:00am Informal Worship and Children’s Church

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook for all the latest St Peter’s news and updates

Don’t break’em

There was a very gracious lady who was mailing an old family Bible to her brother in another part of the country. "Is there anything breakable in here?" asked the postal clerk. The lady paused for a moment. "Only the Ten Commandments," she said politely.


Friday Coffee Morning

in association with St Peter’s Church

Every Friday in the Church Hall 9.30 am—11.45 am


Homemade cakes, sausage rolls, scones


Annual Church Parochial Meeting

on 26 April is postponed until further notice.

Family A mother and son were washing dishes while the father and daughter were watching TV in the family room. Suddenly, there was an almighty crash of breaking dishes, then complete silence. The girl looked at her dad and said, "It was Mum." "How do you know?" asked her father in amazement. "She didn't say anything."




Holy Baptism

23rd February 2020 Reuben Redgraves-Groves Florence Redgraves-Groves Charlie Redgraves-Groves

Funerals in Church

13 February 2020 Malcolm Stockdale 24th February 2020 George Ives

St Peter’s Church Parish Office Hours:

Monday, Tuesday and Friday 9.30am -12.00noon

Tel: (01472) 231198 (messages may be left on this number)


You can also find us on our website: And on Facebook


Please help support St Peter’s Church, Cleethorpes by shopping online. Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,300 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S. You’ll raise a free donation for St Peters Church, Cleethorpes every time you shop. It’s that easy! Find out more:


Saint Peter’s Church Cleethorpes

Public Worship is Suspended for the foreseeable


However, at the time of printing the church will be

open as follows for private prayer

It may be that this will not be possible as things


Please follow distancing guidelines

5 April 10:00 to 11:00 am

10 April 10:00 to 11:00 am and

2.00 to 3.00 pm

12 April 10:00 to 11:00 am

Sunday 19 April 10:00 to 11:00 am

sunday 26 April 10:00 to 11:00 am

sunday 3 May 10:00 to 11:00 am

Wednesdays 9:00 to 10:30 am

Please also check on our website

and facebook page to keep in touch.

the bbc says it will be

Launching a virtual church service on Sunday mornings across local radio in England, led initially by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The bbc also says

Subject to outside broadcast capacity and our partners, we will aim to broadcast a weekly Sunday morning church service on BBC One, and explore how to support other religions and denominations, including in the run-up to Ramadan.